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Academic Advisement Center..........................878-5223
Academic Skills Center...................................878-4041
Academic Standards Office.............................878-5222
Academic and Student Affairs Office............878-5550
Admissions Office.............................................878-4017
Career Development Center. .........................878-5811
Counseling Center..........................................878-4436
Dean of Students Office.................................878-4618
Disability Services Office................................878-4500
Education Opportunity Program (EOP).......878-4225
Financial Aid Office. .......................................878-4902
International Student Affairs.......................878-5331
Judicial Affairs Office.....................................878-4618
Residence Life Office.......................................878-3000
School of Arts and Humanities.....................878-6326
School of Education. .....................................878-4214
School of Natural and Social Sciences. ......878-6434
School of Professions. ...................................878-4698
University College..........................................878-5906
University Police.............................................878-6333
Volunteer and Service Learning Center. .....878-5811
Weigel Health Center. ...................................878-6711
Writing Center. ...............................................878-5451
Welcome to Buffalo State
Campus Map.......................................... back cover
Important Phone Numbers..................................1
Table of Contents..................................................2
Campus Safety Tips...............................................3
Compact for a Caring and Civil Community . ....4
School of Arts & Humanities................................5
School of Natural & Social Sciences....................6
School of Education..............................................6
School of the Professions......................................7
University College.................................................7
Top 10 Ways to Conquer College Classes............7
Academic Support Services
Academic Standards..............................................8
Academic Skills Center.........................................9
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)..........9
Information Commons.......................................10
Library Services Help Guide...............................11
Computing Help Desk........................................12
Student Support Services & Student Affairs
Dining Services . .................................................13
One Card Office..................................................13
Undergraduate Admissions................................14
Counseling Center..............................................14
University Police..................................................15
Parking & Transportation ..................................15
International Student Affairs..............................16
Student Life ........................................................17
United Students Government (USG) ...............18
Residence Life ....................................................19
Financial Aid Office............................................20
Career Development Center..............................21
Student Accounts ...............................................22
Weigel Health Center.........................................22
Equity & Campus Diversity.................................24
Barnes & Noble Buffalo State Bookstore...........26
Registrar’s Office.................................................27
Disability Services for Students...........................27
Athletics & Intramurals.......................................28
Student Handbook
Policies Related to Student Life.........................29
Personal Safety
• Always let someone know where you are going.
Residence Halls
• Never walk alone at night; always walk with a
• Report unusual or suspicious activities to the
University Police immediately at extension 6333
or (716) 878-6333.
• Don't leave a party or bar with a casual
• Don't admit anyone but your own visitors to the
residence halls.
• Never leave drinks of any type unattended when at
a social gathering.
• Don't leave the residence hall doors ajar.
• Report any rape or sexual assault, even if you
know the assailant. It's still a crime.
• Have a phone ready with either 911 or 878-6333
entered into speed dial.
• Familiarize yourself with the locations of the Blue
Light phones on campus, as these are an instant
means of contacting University Police.
• Use the escort shuttle vans on campus when they
are running.
• Report unusual or suspicious activities to the
University Police immediately at extension 6333
or (716) 878-6333.
• Keep room doors and suite doors locked, even if
you are just going down the hall for a few minutes.
• Lock your room door when you leave and take
your keys with you. Don't leave valuable items in
the common suite area unless the suite is kept
• Keep small valuable items (jewelry, cash, wallets,
purses, etc.) out of sight, in a closed or locked
drawer or another area that no one knows about.
• Small electronics such as iPods, mp3 players, cell
phones, thumb drives, and laptops are easily taken
by thieves and must be secured.
Parking Lots
In General
• Be aware of your surroundings.
• Keep your door locked at all times.
• Don't walk alone late at night-call (716) 878-6333
for an escort.
• Keep your valuables locked up in a safe place.
• Don't leave your laptop computer unattended.
• Do not walk alone to your car.
• Use the escort service to walk or ride to your car,
especially at night.
• Lock your car at all times.
• Take your valuables with you or lock them in the
• Use anti-theft and safety devices, including remote
key access for lighting, car alarms, and steering
wheel locks.
• Use the nearest blue-light phone to call 6333 for
the Motorist Assistance Program van for help with
minor, on-campus car problems (dead battery, flat
tire, no gas, locked out).
• Note and remember the locations of Blue Light
In Your Car
• Don't signal breakdowns or request help from
strangers. On campus, call the University Police at
6333 using a blue-light phone. Off campus, call a
friend, relative, or garage.
• Check the back seat before entering your car.
• Don't open your window more than an inch if you
respond to strangers who approach your car.
Compact for a Civil
and Caring Community
Buffalo State College is committed to the intellectual, personal, and professional growth of its students,
faculty, and staff. We strive to be known as a caring academic environment where lives are transformed
through education and each individual is valued. We, the members of the Buffalo State community, are
committed to supportive and collegial relationships, respect for diversity and individual differences and
opportunities for individuals to realize their full potential.
This Compact for a Civil and Caring Community is intended to help you understand how you – as a Buffalo State
student – contribute to fulfilling these elements of Buffalo State’s mission, vision and core values. College is not only
about learning what you will DO for you career but also how you will BE and BEHAVE as you engage with others as
classmates, roommates, acquaintances, friends and partners.
College will be a time of discovery, joy and fulfillment. It may also become a time of anxiety, stress and emotional difficulty. Learning to BE and BEHAVE appropriately whatever your experience is as important as anything you will learn
while attending college.
We, the faculty and staff at Buffalo State, will do our part. We are committed to helping you be and behave successfully.
•We will SUPPORT you when you need guidance,
•We will ENCOURAGE you to resolve conflicts,
•We will ASSIST you in times of difficulty and
•We will PROTECT you from those who violate our Code of Conduct or otherwise threaten the health, safety and
security of our community.
But we need YOU to do your part. We need YOU to commit to making Buffalo State a civil and caring community.
Buffalo State College Pledge
for a Civil and Caring Community
As a student at Buffalo State College I want our campus
community to be a safe, secure and healthy place for me to
learn and grow. To this end I hereby pledge:
• To respect others whose views are different from my
• To settle my conflicts with words;
• To care enough to call for help if my friends,
companions or other students are in danger or
distress, whatever the cause;
• To treat my partners – casual or continuing – with
dignity and respect;
• To partner with University Police to keep our
campus safe and
• To be thoughtful, kind and caring toward friends
and strangers alike.
This I pledge to my fellow students and will expect of myself throughout my college career.
School of Arts
and Humanities
Rockwell 222
(716) 878-6326
The 11 departments that make up the School of Arts and
Humanities represent far more than a means of obtaining a
degree. They represent an opportunity for a complete learning
experience on an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level.
The vast majority of students who graduate from one of Buffalo
State's Arts and Humanities undergraduate and graduate
programs are successful at finding employment in their field
within one year of completing their degree.
Department Info:
Art Conservation....................................Rockwell 230 • 878-5025
Art Education............................................ Bishop 103 • 878-4106
Communication. ......................................... Bishop 210 • 878-6008
Design...........................................................Upton 212 • 878-6032
English.................................................... Ketchum 326 • 878-5416
Fine Arts. .....................................................Upton 502 • 878-6014
Interior Design...........................................Upton 212 • 878-5252
Modern & Classical Languages. ............... Bishop 124 • 878-5414
Music........................................................Rockwell 203 • 878-6401
Philosophy ................................................. Bishop 207 • 878-5136
Theater....................................................... Savage 222 • 878-6416
School of Natural
and Social Sciences
School of
Classroom A113
(716) 878-4600
The School of Natural and Social Sciences houses
2 research centers and 12 academic departments
offering 32 major programs, 6 secondary education
programs, 23 minor programs, 12 graduate programs
and 10 postbaccalaureate teacher certification
Department Info:
Anthropology.....................Classroom B107 • 878-6110
Biology. ...................................... Science 314 • 878-5203
Center for Health & Social Research
Classroom A203 • 878-6137
Caudell 114
(716) 878-4214
Department Info:
Educational Foundations........... Bacon 306 • 878-4303
The Educational Foundations department prepares
graduates for professional and academic careers in
a wide variety of fields—from counseling and adult
education to administration and human resource
Elementary Education & Reading
Bacon 302 • 878-5916
Chemistry.................................... Science 313 • 878-5204
The Elementary Education department prepares
graduates to teach in elementary schools through
a broad-based content education, in-depth study of
a given discipline, and a professional sequence of
courses on how to teach (pedagogy).
Earth Sciences & Science Education
Science 271 • 878-6731
Exceptional Education.......... Ketchum 204 • 878-5317
Economics & Finance..........Classroom B207 • 878-4606
Geography & Planning.......Classroom A213 • 878-6216
Great Lakes Center. .................. Science 261 • 878-4329
History & Social Studies Education
Classroom C205 • 878-5412
Mathematics................................ Bishop 317 • 878-5621
Physics......................................... Science 262 • 878-6726
Political Science. ...............Classroom B218 • 878-6116
Psychology. .........................Classroom C318 • 878-6215
Sociology.....................Classroom B307 • 878-5411
The Exceptional Education department prepares
graduates to educate students who have special
instructional needs including students who have
disabilities traditionally associated with physical and
neurological impairments, mental retardation, and
learning and behavioral problems.
School of the
Cleveland 214
(716) 878-4698
Top 10 Ways to
Conquer College
The School of the Professions is home to a diverse
family of departments and centers dedicated to
academic excellence, community outreach, and
cutting-edge research.
#10: Get a planner! …and record all due dates right
away. Don’t count on friendly reminders from the
professors…not in college!
Department Info:
#9: Take notes! …unless you’re the “Mentalist,” you’ll
be forgetting 80% within 24 hours if you don’t write
key points down.
Business.......................................... Chase 302 • 878-4239
P.S. Also keeps you from zzz. If you need to learn how
to take notes, see #5 below.
Computer Information Systems... Chase 202 • 878-5528
#8: Buy the book! …and by all means, DEFACE IT!
Always have a pen in your hand when reading & don’t
worry about the resale value.
Creative Studies............................ Chase 244 • 878-6223
P.S. The worst way to study for a test? Re-reading your
book. Instead, study the notes you wrote in your text.
Criminal Justice. ................. Classroom C114 • 878-4517
P.S. Worst way to mark up your book? Highlighting the
whole page. Learn how to decide what the key points
are. See #5 below.
Dietetics & Nutrition............... Caudell 207 • 878-5913
Health & Wellness.................... Caudell 107 • 878-5913
Hospitality & Tourism............... Caudell 207 • 878-5913
Small Business Development Center
Cleveland 206 • 878-4030
Social Work. ....................... Classroom C115 • 878-5705
Speech-Language Pathology.. Ketchum 209 • 878-4412
Technology..................................Upton 315 • 878-6017
University College
PHONE: Twin Rise 100
(716) 878- 5906
University College is the home for first-year and
undeclared students, offering programs and services
designed to help students transition to college life,
improve study and research skills needed for collegelevel curriculum, and build a sense of community.
Through unique programs including First-Year
Seminars, the College Writing Program, and Learning
Communities, University College provides a strong
foundation for academic achievement and success.
#7: Break up learning …Do you know why you can’t
study for 10 hours straight? YOU’RE HUMAN! Here’s
the rule: 2 -3 hours outside of class for every hour in
class. Daily: Review notes for 15 min. Weekly: Review
notes for an hour.
#6: Design a pre-test …it’s the #1 way to prepare for
a test. Guess what the professor will ask, and answer
your questions. See how well you guess!
#5: Use tutors …OMG...They are cost free and pain
free, not to mention that your GPA will go up, up up!
Just call 878-5303 or 878-4041 to set an appointment,
or just stop by Twin Rise, South Wing #330.
#4: Do homework! …and hand it in ON TIME!
Results, not excuses!
#3: Participate …True or False: You need to be
speaking in order to be participating….FALSE. Just
keep your head in the game.
#2: Be on time!!! …Yes, you’ve missed something if
you’re late, and you’ve distracted everyone (especially
the teacher). Don’t be that guy.
#1: SHOW UP!!!! …Yep. Every class. Best thing you can
possibly do.
Bottom Line: Have the mind-set that school is your job!
If you’re doing something that would get your fired, well…
you’re fired. If you’re doing something that would get you
promoted, well… “HELLO A+!”
Academic Standards
Twin Rise 100
(716) 878-5222
Monday 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am-4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
Closed on college holidays
PLEASE NOTE: The office can be reached at
(716) 878-5222 to schedule a phone
consultation or appointment.
DESCRIPTION: Students can get assistance related
to their academic progress and
financial aid eligibility from the
Academic Standards Office.
Students should be aware that while
the office is attempting to help
them, we are also upholding the
academic integrity of the college
by assuring that the degree and
financial aid requirements of the
college are maintained.
Please note, students must have a
completed FERPA release form on
file with the Dean of Students Office
to allow the Academic Standards
Office to discuss their academic
record with anyone other than the
Guidance on how to succeed
academically when you are having a
difficult semester, either personally
or academically.
Appeals of college regulations
and policies for registration and
Waivers of financial aid (TAP and
Title IV) ineligibility status.
Assistance working through the
probation appeals and academic
dismissal processes (for undeclared
Academic Intervention for
undeclared students with cumulative
Grade Point Averages of 2.2 or less.
Academic Skills Center
South Wing 330
(716) 878-4041
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
DESCRIPTION: The Academic Skills Center provides
free tutoring and workshops for
all Buffalo State students seeking
supplemental instruction in their
courses. Our team of professional
tutors meets with students one-onone or in small groups, handling
an array of subjects that include
business, humanities, languages,
math, science, statistics, and writing.
Tutoring Services:
The ASC will tutor you to help
assure your sucess and excellence in
your coursework.
Computer Lab:
The ASC offers workshops and oneon-one assistance in study skills, time
management skills and computer
Opportunity Program
South Wing 610 and 710
(716) 878-4225
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: EOP is an alternative means of
acceptance to BSC for students
who show ability and motivation
despite the effects of economic and
academic struggles. Students who
do not meet the college's regular
academic admissions standards
may instead qualify for admission
through EOP. Academic and
financial guidelines must be met for
Each student in EOP is assigned a
professional Counselor/Academic
Advisor who assists with a full range
of support services and monitors
overall progress. This one-onone assistance promotes positive
adjustment to college while teaching
the skills necessary for success in
higher education and beyond.
Numerous services are offered
through EOP, free of charge, to
every accepted student. These
• Extended summer orientation
• Academic and career advisement
• Counseling/Personal Support
• Financial Aid Advisement and
• Access to EOP's Glover Memorial
Computer Lab
• Free Tutorial services in our
Academic Resource Center
• Honor society membership for
high-achieving students
Information Commons
E. H. Butler Library
(716) 878-6300 - Reference Services
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00am-11:00pm
StudyQuad: open 24/7 during the
regular semester
Hours vary during holidays and
intersessions. For correct hours check:
DESCRIPTION: The Information Commons (IC)
brings together in one location the
technology and expertise necessary
to support the information
needs of the college community.
The IC incorporates essential
campus services, library research
materials and assistance, computer
technology and assistance, and
media production services, allowing
students to pursue the entire
research process from beginning to
end in one supportive environment.
Reference Desk:
Librarians are available at the Reference Desk
in the IC in the lower lobby during regular
library hours. Librarians are specially trained
to assist students in finding books, journal
articles, and other research materials needed
for homework assignments and papers. 24/7
online reference assistance is one of several
special patron services listed on this page:
Application Support Desk:
The Application Support Desk is a central
point of service for software-related assistance
and for all printing, copying, and scanning
equipment in the library. Assistance is also
provided for Banner, Degree Navigator,
ANGEL, wireless access, personal share
drives, and Web shares.
Equipment Loan:
Equipment Loan is a service of the
Application Support Desk. Equipment
available for loan includes PC and MAC
laptops, projectors, mini DV camcorders, DVD
camcorders, audio recorders, digital cameras,
and Victor Book Readers. Equipment is
available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Reservations for equipment are necessary and
may be made in person or online through the
reservation form available at:
Computing Help Desk:
The Computing Help Desk (CHD) is
located in the carpeted area of the IC,
adjacent to the Application Support Desk.
The CHD provides front-line support and
documentation for all computing issues and
problems including username and password
Bengal ID Card/Metro
Bus Pass Window:
Buffalo State Bengal ID card is the
multipurpose photo ID issued to students,
faculty, and staff at Buffalo State. Each card
has a unique identification number assigned
to the cardholder. It is the official ID for the
use of college services and facilities and also
serves as a library card and add-value pay-forprint card. A valid photo ID (drivers license,
passport, etc.) must be shown to obtain your
card. All undergraduates are eligible to
receive an NFTA Metro Bus Pass and may do
so at this window as well.
Library Services
How do I locate books??
Search the online catalog to identify
books owned by E.H. Butler Library,
making sure to note the location
and call number. Refer to a E.H.
Butler Library map, available at
the IC, to determine the exact area
of the library in which the book is
located. Books can be checked out
with your Buffalo State ID card at
the Circulation Desk.
Where is the library??
E. H. Butler Library is conveniently
located across from the Campbell
Student Union. The library is part
of the Information Commons which
brings together in one location the
technology and expertise necessary
to support the information needs
of the Buffalo State academic
community. In addition to
traditional library services and
resources, Butler Library houses the
Writing Help Center, Computing
Help Desk, Application Support
Desk, Equipment Loan, and other
important campus services. Many
library resources are also accessible
through the library’s Web site.
How do I begin my research project??
Whether you are writing a five-page
paper or getting ready to take part
in a classroom debate, the library’s
Web site is an important starting
point for gathering information.
Online subject guides, available on
the library’s home page, will assist
you in choosing relevant resources
for your topic. Librarians are
available at the Reference Desk in
the lower lobby to assist you with
your research.
How do I access online articles??
Periodical databases are the gateway
to finding full-text journal, magazine,
and newspaper articles. Butler
Library subscribes to dozens of
high quality databases on all topics,
available from any computer. A
Buffalo State username and password
is required to access databases.
How do I pay for prints and copies??
You must use your Buffalo State
ID card to pay for prints or copies;
printers and copiers do not accept
money. Add-value machines, located
in Information Commons and
StudyQuad, will allow you to add
value to your Buffalo State ID card.
What if I need help??
If you need research help, stop
at the Reference Desk and ask a
librarian. The library Web site lists
other ways to contact a librarian,
such as by e-mail, telephone,
and 24/7 online chat. You can
also set up an appointment for
individualized research assistance.
If you need help with a computer
program or application or want
to borrow a laptop or other
equipment, ask at the Application
Support Desk. If they can’t help,
they will refer you to the Computing
Help Desk. If you need help writing
your paper, visit the Writing Help
Center on the second floor in Media
Services. If you need advisement
assistance, stop in StudyQuad room
110G for help.
If you have questions about
borrowing books, overdue fines,
or reserve materials, ask at the
Circulation Desk.
For more information on library
services for new students, please visit
our New Students Web page:
Welcome to Buffalo State!
We look forward to assisting you
with all of your scholarly endeavors!
Computing Help Desk
Butler 157
(716) 878-4357
Monday 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am-4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am-6:30pm
Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
Fall/Spring Hours:
Monday 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am-7:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am-7:00pm
Thursday 8:30am-7:00pm
Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
DESCRIPTION: The Computing Help Desk is the
first line of support for all users
on campus. Located in E.H. Butler
Library's Information Commons
Lab (157), we have a kind and
courteous staff on hand to help you
with your login and account-related
problems. For more information
about computing at Buffalo State
visit the Information Commons
Web site at
The staff at the Computing Help Desk can
assist with most login and account-related
issues. If you’re having trouble with your
accounts, visit us in the library or call us at
(716) 878-4357.
Wireless access is available in a number
of buildings on campus, including Butler
Library and the Student Union. If you’re
having trouble connecting to the wireless
network, bring your laptop to the library and
our staff will be happy to help.
You can visit
to lookup your Buffalo State username and
Banner ID. Your Buffalo State username
is used to access e-mail, ANGEL, Degree
Navigator, and logging into campus
computers; your Banner ID is used to access
Before accessing e-mail or ANGEL, visit
to change your password. Your default
password (“Old Password”) will be the first 6
digits of your SSN.
Buffalo State has partnered with UBMicro,
Dell and Apple to offer students substantial
educational discounts on computers and
software. For more information, visit
Dining Services
Campbell Student Union Room 223
(716) 878-5214
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Administrative Office is located in
Campbell Student Union room 223. For
contact information please visit\contactus
Please see the One Card Office description
Employment Opportunities.
Management Personnel On-site.
One Card Office
Butler Library room 108
(716) 878-5214
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The new One Card Office administers meal
plan selections, and assists students with
managing their meal plans and bengal buck
accounts. Meal plan information can be
found at
• Adding additional Flex dollars to meal plans
• Selection of commuter meal plan or
voluntary dollar amounts
• Issuing temporary meal cards for lost or
stolen Id's
Bengal Bucks
All resident meal plans include a Bengal
Buck component. This new program will
allow students to utilize these funds for
printing and copying in Butler Library as
well as use in the vending machines on
campus and Dining services. Additional
services to be announced as the program
expands. To add additional funds to this
account visit the One Card Office.
Moot Hall 110
(716) 878-4017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Undergraduate Admissions Office will
actively recruit and selectively admits the
student best fit for Buffalo State College.
Counseling Center
Weigel 219
(716) 878-4436
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Counseling Center offers
mental health programs and services
through licensed and certified
professionals (i.e., Psychologists,
Social Workers, Psychiatrists) and
supervised trainees. The Center
strives to be a safe and friendly
environment for students who are
experiencing personal and academic
challenges. The Center has a special
concern for the academic success
and timely graduation of Buffalo
State students.
Individual & Group Counseling
Individual counseling promotes
the exploration and resolution
of personal problems and issues
affecting student’s academic and/or
personal goals.
Group therapy gives students an
opportunity to meet other students
like themselves and share their
problems and concerns as well as to
learn alternative behaviors to resolve
Consultation Services
Family members and students are encouraged
to call and consult with a counselor when
they are concerned about a student’s
behavior (e.g. poor school performance,
depressions, eating issues). Together, they
can problem solve what to do including the
counselor reaching out to the student of
Workshops and Outreach
We offer various workshops and outreach
sessions to students, staff and faculty in
academic classes, campus organizations,
and residence halls. Recent workshop
topics include: Grief and Loss, Alcohol and
Substance Abuse, Anger Management, Stress
and Time Management, Sleep and Suicide
Prevention (QPR).
Students requesting medication must be
actively in treatment with a staff counselor.
If the counselor determines a psychiatric
consultation is appropriate, the student
may be referred to our campus psychiatrist.
Students already on medication are
encouraged to remain patients of their
prescribing physician for refills throughout
the semester.
Advocacy and Referral
To help promote academic, social, physical,
and psychological success while at Buffalo
State College, the Counseling Center is
available to advocate for students within the
college as well as refer and link students with
alternate supports on campus and in the
University Police
Chase Hall 100
(716) 878-6333
DESCRIPTION: The State University Police
Department at Buffalo State is the
law-enforcement agency responsible
for crime prevention and control,
criminal investigations, traffic and
parking supervision, physical plant
security, disaster coordination,
community policing, and the
maintenance of public order.
The department offers many special
services, including personal-safety
awareness education, a motoristassistance program, a safety escort
service, a property-identification
system, and a found-property
A copy of the Buffalo State College
campus crime statistics, as reported
annually to the U.S. Department of
Education, will be provided upon
request. Please direct requests
to the Chief of University Police,
Chase Hall, Buffalo State College,
1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY
14222; (716) 878-6332. Information
also can be obtained from our
Buffalo State web site
The rules governing motor vehicles
on campus are intended to ensure
maximum pedestrian and vehicular
safety and to establish the most
convenient arrangements possible
for students, staff, and visitors.
Motor vehicles may park in any of
the designated areas shown on the
campus map. Only vehicles with
special permits authorizing them
to park in spaces designated for
persons with disabilities are allowed
to park in such spaces. All vehicles
parked on the grounds of Buffalo
State must display valid college
parking permits.
Parking &
Chase Hall 126
(716) 878-3041
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: Parking & Transportation assists
students, faculty, and staff with
Parking and ticket concerns. This
office distributes temporary permits
to those coming to campus without
a permit on their car. We accept
payment for tickets paid with
CR 201
(716) 878-6835
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00am-4:30pm
DESCRIPTION: Evergreen is the environmental group
for Buffalo State. Buffalo State College
is committed to operating in an
environmentally responsible manner, both as
an institution of higher education and as a
community leader. To fulfill its mission, the
College shall continually strive to improve its
environmental relationships by employing
and promoting energy efficiency, recycling,
and other low-impact environmental
practices, thus enhancing our quality of life.
It is Buffalo State College's environmental
volition to balance its present interests with
its responsibility to future generations.
Student Affairs
Campbell Student Union 400
(716) 878-5331
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-4:30pm
DESCRIPTION: The Office of International Student
Affairs handles academic, social,
immigration, financial, health and
judicial concerns of international
students/scholars at Buffalo State.
International Orientation
This program covers a three-day
comprehensive program to address
the unique needs of international
students and scholars, many of
whom are in the United States for
the first time. Academic, social,
immigration, financial, health and
judicial concerns are addressed by
academic deans, administrators
and college professors as well as
immigration officials.
The American Host Family Program
Does not include home-stays, but involves
more than 100 families from the community
participating in this program, which allows
the international students/scholars to be
invited for a meal, for a drive or to spend the
day with an American family.
English Conversations
Partners Program
Through a credit-bearing program, the
English Conversations Partners Program
allows both American students and
International Students/Scholars to engage in
cross-cultural educational exchanges.
The Global Perspectives Program
This program enables Buffalo State's
International students / scholars to be
guest speakers and/or presenters in area
high schools. It gives American students the
opportunity to learn more about the world
through our internationals as well as provide
the internationals a chance to share their
native beliefs and traditions.
The International Student Advisory
Council (ISAC)
The ISAC is composed of faculty, staff,
international students and American
students. This body makes recommendations
to the Office of International Student
Affairs for programs and activities to better
serve the internationals at the college. It
sponsors monthly coffee hours and an annual
Student Life
Campbell Student Union
(716) 878-4631
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Student Life Office encourages
student involvement in a variety
of extracurricular experiences,
contributes to building the campus
community, and help students
develop skills. The office serves
as the administrative liaison to
the United Student Government
(USG) and registers student clubs
and organizations. The Student
Life area includes Leadership
Education, Greek Affairs, Commuter
Affairs, Minority Student Services
and Campbell Student Union
operations. For more information,
visit our website at
Student Activities & Programs
Student Life designs activities and
Programs to enhance the academic,
social and cultural experience
beyond the classroom such as the
Weeks of Welcome, Union Bash,
Homecoming and the Midnight
Breakfast. Also, they coordinate the
Emerging Student Leaders Program,
an interactive and educational
leadership program targeting
incoming freshmen and transfer
Greek Life
Dedicated to enhancing the
development of Buffalo State
students, Student Life provides
programs and services for our Greek
community. We welcome you to
explore the possibilities of being a
part of Greek Life here on campus.
There are over twenty-seven
organizations to choose from.
CAP (Commuter Assistance Program)
The Commuter Assistance Program (CAP)
is a support network of upperclassmen who
serve as Commuter Assistants. Your CA will
provide resources for new undergraduate
commuting students by planning activities,
offering encouragement, providing
information and aid in your successful
transition to Buffalo State.
NIA (Nurturing, Initiative, Achievement)
Mentor Program
The NIA Mentor Program provides new
incoming students with many opportunities
to network with students and professionals,
gain valuable career knowledge and
experience, and familiarize you with the
campus community. You will also benefit
from various workshops that the program
offers to aid in your transition to Buffalo
Campbell Student Union
The Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Game
Room and Information Center are located
in the Student Union, as are the offices
of student organizations, student support
offices, student government and the campus
radio station, WBNY 91.3 FM. The facility
also offers a variety of programming spaces,
dining venues, lounge areas and ATM
United Students
Government (USG)
Campbell 402
(716) 878-6701
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-4:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The United Students Government
(the USG) of the State University
College at Buffalo (Buffalo State
College) represents the interests
of the students of the college and
encourages their active participation
in the campus community. The
USG sponsors activities funded by
the mandatory student activity fee.
USG Dental Clinic
This professionally staffed dental
clinic offers examinations, X-rays,
diagnosis by dentists, cleaning, and
preventivite dental hygiene. These
services are offered to Buffalo State
students at a very low cost in the
Weigel Health Center 878-6716.
USG Press Services
This professionally staffed Press
Services office handles the design
and printing of posters, flyers,and
brochures for all USG-funded
organizations and maintains the
USG web site. Press Services also facilitates the
production of student publications such as the Record
newspaper. In addition, students can have short runs
of copies made for a nominal price at Press Services in
Student Union Room 404.
The Game Room
Funded by USG and provides students with
opportunities to engage in recreation and relaxation
activites. Activities include billiards, DDR, foosball, air
hockey, darts, ping pong, board games and TV. Students
can also compete in organized tournaments. The Game
Room is open when classes are in session with specific
days and hours posted at the Game Room entrance in
the basement of the Student Union.
Student Voucher Program
USG funds the Student Voucher Program with the
Performing Arts Center (PAC) in Rockwell Hall. The
program takes $5.00 off the advertised student ticket
price for campus sponsored PAC events not already
funded by USG. Any student wishing to use the USG
Voucher Program must present a valid Buffalo State
College student ID card at the Rockwell Box Office at
least one day prior to the performance. The Voucher
program is limited to one ticket per ID per event and
is not valid on the day of the show.
There are countless opportunities for students at
Buffalo State to take advantage of activities, events and
memberships that their activity fee provides. Students can
join Academic Clubs connected with their majors. They
can join Social Activity groups that sponsor events for the
campus community - or just attend those events. Media
groups offer the chance to gain valuable experience
in print journalism or broadcasting and are news
sources for less involved students. Sports, social activism,
entertainment, health... all these and more are
available at Buffalo State through USG's
groups and services.
Residence Life
Porter Hall
(716) 878-3000
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Residence Life Office directs all
programs and selected operations
of residence hall living including
staffing, housing assignments,
student governance and leadership,
and maintenance and custodial
services. Faculty, staff, and students
join with Residence Life staff in
developing programs to promote
self-awareness and an appreciation
for the diversity among people and
perspectives within the college and
Residence Hall Staffing:
Among the people you should get
to know during your stay on campus
is your Complex Director (CD)
or Residence Hall Director (RD),
your Resident Assistant (Towers 1-4,
NorthWing, and Cassety), First Year
Mentor (Porter, Perry Neumann,)
or your Apartment Assistant (Moore
Computer Access:
ResNet provides broadband internet
service to each resident student and
manages the computer labs in the
residence halls. Each room contains
two Ethernet ports. Students
must supply their own Ethernet
cable (25’ is recommended) and
computer.Documentation including
instructions for use of our network,
minimum computer requirements,
and our Acceptable Use Policy
is available at the Residence Life
Buffalo State On-Campus Housing
Residency Requirement:
All full-time freshmen and
sophomore students whose
permanent residency is beyond a
35 mile radius of Buffalo State are
required to reside on campus FOR
OR 57 CREDITS, whichever
comes first. Those exempt from
this requirement include married
students, single parents, transfer
students, veterans, and students over
the age of 21, students residing with
relatives (i.e. aunts, uncles, brothers,
sisters, etc.). Documentation will be
needed to achieve exemption status
under any of these circumstances.
Students who feel that they have
legitimate reasons for requesting offcampus residency can apply for an
exemption through the Residence
Life Office located in Porter Hall.
Residence Hall Association (RHA):
This student governance
organization plans and runs
programs in the residence halls.
In addition to planning events for
residential students, members of
the RHA serve on college-wide
committees and are a student voice
in campus planning. The RHA
office is located in the basement
of Neumann Hall and their phone
number is 878-3457, and their web
page is
Financial Aid Office
Moot Hall 230
(716) 878-4902; fax (716) 878-4903
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Financial Aid Office administers
the federal financial aid programs at
Buffalo State College. We also assist
students with acquiring state aid and
aid from private organizations. Our
staff is available year round to assist
families with the application process
and questions related to the receipt
of their aid.
Financial Aid counselors are
available by appointment to
assist with completing The Free
Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). The form must be filed
each academic year and is available
January 1st and should be filed by
March 1st for on-time consideration.
Apply online at
Scholarship resources are available
through our website. We offer
an extensive scholarship section
with a searchable database of
external scholarships and various
opportunities as they arise
throughout the year. Appointments
can also be made to discuss
scholarship options.
Bookstore deferments are available to students who
have aid in excess of their charges during the fall and
spring. It is considered a line of credit that allows you
to buy books prior to aid being disbursed. Only one
book voucher will be issued per semester and may be
obtained two weeks prior to the start of the semester
through the end of the drop/add period in person at
the Financial Aid or Student Account offices. Prior to
requesting a deferment, you should price your books
by visiting the campus bookstore or online at the
college’s Barnes and Noble site.
Withdrawing from classes, repeating courses and
taking courses not required for your degree program
can make a student ineligible for federal and state aid
both in the current and future semesters. The catalog
and website have details but if you are unsure of the
effect, come and talk to our office prior to registering
for classes or making changes in your enrollment.
The financial aid website has downloadable forms,
links to other aid sites, general aid information and
the work-study job postings among other things. We
officially correspond with students using the assigned
email address from the college. So, check it regularly
for important messages from our office. Frequently
check your Banner account for financial aid
requirements and important messages as well.
Cleveland Hall 306
(716) 878-5811
Monday 8:30am-5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am-5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am-5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am-6:00pm
Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
*Check for semester break and
summer hours.
DESCRIPTION: The Career Development Center
(CDC) provides comprehensive
career and job search counseling
to help students choose a major,
plan a career, find internship and
employment opportunities and
prepare for graduate school. The
CDC also houses the Volunteer and
Service-Learning Center, where
students can find one-time and
long-term community volunteer
opportunities and can identify
service-learning coursework options.
Choosing a Career or Major
• Career counseling to choose a major or career
• Career assessment, featuring DISCOVER
• Information on what jobs you can get with a Buffalo
State™ major
• Alumni mentors to talk to about your career
Gaining Valuable Experience
• Listings of part-time and summer jobs, internships,
and volunteer opportunities
• Service-learning courses: Engage in community
service while doing coursework and get practical
experience. Check out our website for a list of these
• One-time and long-term community service activities
sponsored by Buffalo State
Job Search Preparation
• Workshops: Resumes, Cover Letters, Job Search,
• Resume and Cover Letter review
• Practice interview sessions with a counselor
Finding a Job or Internship
• Job listings on ORCA (the Online Resource for
Career Advancement), featuring local, national,
and international full-time, part-time, and summer
job listings along with volunteer and internship
• Job Fairs
• Employer presentations and on-campus interviews
• Job search counseling
• “Career Search,” a database of over 1.7 million
potential employers
• Reference files, for recommendation letters from
professors and supervisors
Selecting a Graduate School
• Graduate and Law School Fairs
• Information on applications, admissions tests, and
ways to pay
• Counseling for graduate school decisions
Student Accounts
FAX: Moot Hall 260
(716) 878-4121
(716) 878-4063
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Student Accounts Office
is responsible for billing and
collection of tuition, fees, room and
meal plan charges each semester.
The office is also responsible for
the receipt and disbursement of
all student financial aid including
processing refunds from financial
aid awards.
Undergraduate student tuition
and fees are assessed each semester
based upon enrolled credit hours.
Tuition and fee information for
Undergraduate Students can
be found our our website at:
then click on 'Tuition and Fees' link.
Campus housing and meal plan
charges are assessed per semester.
Campus housing and meal plan
rates are available on the Residence
Life website at:
Billing Procedures: Semester
invoices are usually processed
six weeks prior to the start of the
semester. Accepted and authorized
financial aid is considered a
deferment against the amount due
for students enrolled full-time.
Additional billing information
is available on our website at:
then click on 'Billing' link.
Payment Plan: The college has established a time
payment plan to assist in meeting the cost of tuition,
fees, room and meal plan charges not covered by
financial aid. The Time Payment Plan application is
downloadable from our website at:
studentaccounts click on 'Billing' link, then click 'How
to Pay', then 'Time Payment'
Direct deposit your financial refunds. With direct
deposit your financial aid and other college refunds
will be automatically deposited into a checking or
savings account at a U.S. bank or credit union of your
choice. Direct deposit applications are available at the
Student Accounts Office and should be submitted at
least one week prior to anticipated refunds.
Weigel Health Center
FAX: (716) 878-6711
(716) 878-6727
HEALTH PROMOTION: 878-6725 or 878-6711
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-8:00pm
Break Hours:
Monday 8:30am-5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am-5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am-5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am-6:00pm
Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
*Office hours may vary when classes
are not in session. Call for hours.
• Evaluations and Prescriptions of Birth Control
• Emergency Contraception
• Pregnancy Testing
Weigel Health Center has been granted accreditation
through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory
Health Care.
Weigel Health Center is a health care facility staffed
by physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and health
promotions staff. Medical services, diagnosis and treatment
of illnesses and injuries, well visits for men and women,
immunizations, and educational resources are offered to all
registered BSC students.
Health Promotions
Health promotion is an integral part to college life.
Educating students how to make healthy decisions about
their health contributes to the overall success of their
academic experience. Weigel Health Center offers up-todate health promotion programming that teaches students
about nutrition, sexual health, alcohol, drugs, violence,
stress, tobacco, and leadership.
Medical Services
• Medical Visits
• General Physicals
• MMR Immunizations
• TB Tests
• Women’s Health Visits
• Sports Physicals
• Management of New York State mandated MMR and
Meningitis Requirements
• HIV Testing
• Nutrition Education Services are available on an
appointment and walk-in basis. (Please call ahead for
an appointment)
Women’s Health Services
Weigel Health Center offers women’s health services. The
caring, skilled women’s health clinicians have a unique
sensitivity to women’s health needs.
Young adult women need to take a proactive approach to their
health care. We’re here to support you and provide quality
care during your academic career at Buffalo State College.
We encourage all women, 18 – 21 years of age, to have an
annual routine woman’s health exams.
Women's Health Services Offered
• We encourage Routine Women’s Health Exam
• Education classes on Women’s Health
• Breast Health & Mammography Referrals
• Annual Pap Smear testing and evaluation of
abnormal pap smears by colposcopy
• Evaluation of problems or infections
• Evaluation and Treatment for STD’s
Programs Offered
• Educational Workshops
• Health Promotion Events
• Educational Materials
• Women’s Health Client Education Sessions
Prescribing Services
A prescription may be submitted at any time during the
hours that the Health Center is open. If a prescription is
submitted before 10 am you may pick up your medication
the same day. If the prescription is submitted after 10 am,
your prescription will not be available until the following
day. Call the Health Center for pharmacy hours.
Student Health Insurance
Buffalo State College has a compulsory student health
insurance plan for full–time undergraduate and graduate
students (12 or more credit hours). Part-time students are
eligible to apply for the Buffalo State College plan.
Students with existing health insurance are required
to complete an on-line waiver, providing proof of
insurance. Information on the waiver process is available
at under “Information for New
Students”. The fall deadline to waive the Buffalo State
College Health Insurance is September 30, 2009. Spring
deadline is February 24, 2010. Students who do not
complete the online waiver will be charged & enrolled into
the Buffalo State College Health Insurance Plan.
Information on the Health Insurance Plan is available at
Weigel Health Center Web site or by contacting Weigel
Health Center. Students interested in information on other
options for Health Insurance may contact Weigel Health
Center for assistance.
Come Join Us - See What We’re All About!
Equity &
Campus Diversity
Cleveland Hall 415
(716) 878-6210
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
Mission Statement
The primary goal of the Equity
and Campus Diversity Office is to
assist the college in the creation
of a nurturing and intellectually
vital environment for a diverse
population of students, faculty, and
staff. To achieve this goal, the office
has three major responsibilities:
compliance, equity of services, and
The office addresses issues of
affirmative action and equal
opportunity in employment. The
office seeks to ensure that the
campus complies with all federal
and state laws and SUNY policies
and procedures and does not
discriminate on the basis of race,
color, sex, ethnicity, national origin,
gender, sexual orientation, religion,
age, disability, marital or veteran
The office addresses issues of
inequities and discrimination by
ensuring that the college provides
necessary services and programs
to enhance access, retention,
and success of faculty, staff,
administrators, and students in a
collegial environment.
The office addresses issues of
campus climate and how diverse
groups can learn and live in a
pluralistic and multicultural
General Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment:
It is the policy of Buffalo State to provide an employment and
educational environment free from invidious discrimination on
the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, marital or veteran's status. It shall
be a violation of this policy for any agent, student or employee of
Buffalo State to discriminate, on the basis of race, color, national
origin, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital
or veteran's status against any individual with respect to the terms
of employment, education or benefits of any program or activity
at Buffalo State.
Buffalo State is committed to the need for proper and respectful
treatment of all members of the college community. Every
member of the college community shares the responsibility
for addressing incidents of disrespect for the dignity of others,
acts of discrimination, racism, bigotry, harassment, exclusion,
abusive language or mistreatment of individuals or groups. If
you experience discrimination or harassment, please report the
incident to any administrator, manager, or supervisor. You may
also contact:
Dolores E. Battle, PhD
Senior Advisor to the President for Equity
and Campus Diversity
Equity and Campus Diversity Office
Cleveland Hall, Room 415
(716) 878-6210
Individuals with Disabilities Policy:
It is the policy of Buffalo State College that no otherwise
qualified person with a disability shall, solely by reason of the
disability, be excluded from participation in employment or
access to programs of the college.
In carrying out this policy, the college shall make a good
faith effort to reasonably accommodate the physical and/or
mental limitations of an employee, applicant for employment
or student unless such accommodations would impose undue
hardship on the operation of the college.
For questions about students with disabilities, contact:
Disability Services Offices
South Wing 120, (716) 878-4500
Sexual Harassment Policy:
It is the policy of Buffalo State College to provide an
employment and educational environment free of unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal
or physical conduct or communication constituting sexual
harassment as defined and other wise prohibited by state and
federal statutes. Sexual harassment is particularly serious when
it threatens the relationship between faculty and students or
supervisor and subordinate.
Sexual harassment may include; verbal harassment
or abuse; subtle pressure for sexual activity; persistent
remarks about another person's clothing; body or
sexual activities; unnecessary touching; patting or
pinching; constant brushing against another person's
body; demanding sexual favors accompanied by
implied or overt threats concerning one's job, letters of
recommendation or physical assault.
SUNY defines sexual harassment as: Unwelcome
conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can
include sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a
sexual nature. Sexual harassment of a student denies
or limits, on the basis of sex, the student's ability
to participate in or to receive benefits, services, or
opportunities in the educational institution's program.
Sexual Orientation Policy:
It is the policy of Buffalo State College and the
Board of Trustees of the State of New York that no
discrimination against or harassment of individuals will
occur on any of the campuses or in the programs or
activities of the university.
The Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act reads
as follows:
1. The opportunity to obtain
employment without discrimination
because of age, race, creed, color,
national origin, sexual orientation,
sex, or marital status is hereby
recognized as and declared to be a
civil right.
2. The opportunity to obtain an
education, the use of places of public
accommodation and the ownership,
use and occupancy of housing
accommodations and commercial
space without discrimination because
of age, race, creed, color, national
origin, sexual orientation, sex, or
marital status is hereby recognized as
and declared to be a civil right.
Consensual Sexual and Amorous Relations Policy:
It is the policy of Buffalo State College that
commencement, upon either person's initiative, of
a sexual or amorous relationship between a Buffalo
State College faculty or staff member and a student
with respect to whom such faculty or staff member has
current professional responsibility shall be prohibited.
Sexual or amorous relationships between a faculty or
staff member and a student to whom the faculty or
staff member does not have a current professional
responsibility are strongly discouraged.
Sexual or amorous relationships between a supervisor
and a non-student professional responsibility are
strongly discouraged.
Students Unable to Attend Classes On Certain Days
Because of Religious Beliefs:
According to SUNY policy, no person shall be expelled
from or be refused admission as a student to an
institution of higher education for the reason that
he or she is unable, because of his or her religious
beliefs, to register for or attend classes or to participate
in any examination, study, or work requirement
on a particular day or days. At Buffalo State, the
administering of evaluative examinations is not
permitted on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur or Good
Complaint Procedure for Review of Allegations of
Unlawful Discrimination/Harassment:
All formal charges of discrimination are handled in
accordance with the College Policy on Complaint
Procedure for the Review of Allegations of Unlawful
• A formal complaint must be submitted
in writing on forms provided by the
State University of New York. Forms
are available in the Equity and Campus
Diversity Office.
• Formal Complaints should be filed
within 90 calendar days following the
alleged discriminatory act or the date
which the complainant first knew or
reasonably should have known of such
an act if that date is later.
• If enrolled in a class, students should
file a formal complaint within 90
calendar days following the alleged
discriminatory act or 90 calendar days
after a final grade is received, if that
date is later.
• Complaints must be filed with
Equity and Campus Diversity Office,
Cleveland Hall # 415; 716-878-6210.
Barnes & Noble
Buffalo State
Campbell Student Union
(716) 878-5509
Bookstore Deferment Program
By applying for a Bookstore Deferment at Student
Accounts or Financial Aid, you can purchase your
textbooks and course materials in the Bookstore against
your forthcoming financial aid and student loans. The
College will reimburse the store when your financial aid
comes in. You won't have to wait for your refund check
to buy your books. You'll have what you need, so you
can succeed!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Barnes & Noble Gift Cards
Students can use gift cards to buy anything at the
campus bookstore. You can purchase cards at the
campus bookstore or any Barnes & Noble location. No
hidden fess - and they never expire! We also accept
cash, credit cards, personal checks and bookstore
8:30am - noon
DESCRIPTION: Your campus Bookstore carries
all your required course books, as
determined by your instructors.
That means we have the correct
edition or package that your
professor has requested. When you
stop in to get your textbooks, check
out our dorm accessories, school
supplies, emblematic clothing and
gifts, and our Java-U cafe. We have
a great selection of reference books,
study aids and best sellers, for some
light reading.
Buying Textbooks
Visit your campus bookstore as soon
as you know your class schedule - our
booksellers will help you find all the
books you need for this term. Or
visit and
purchase all of your books onlinewe'll deliver them directly to you, or
you can pick them up at your campus
bookstore. It's that easy!
If you drop a class, return your
textbooks ASAP! You'll get a full
refund if you have the original
receipt, and the textbook is in its
original purchase condition - This
offer is valid through the first week
of classes.
Used Texbooks
Buy Early and Get USED! - Buying
USED saves you 25%! We have the
largest selection of used textbooksbut buy early, because quantities are
limited. Order online so you get
first dibs on used textbooks. When
ordering your books online, be sure
to register to receive emails about
discount offers from your campus
Selling Textbooks
We buy back textbooks every day - no matter where you
bought them. The best time to sell is right after finals,
when you will get 50% back if we are using the book
again in the upcoming term. Bring your books and
student ID to the campus bookstore, and we'll give you
cash. It's that easy! Visit to find out
if your textbook is being used next term-if so you could
get 50% of the price you paid! Simply type in your
textbooks ISBN, author or title. Check back often for
the latest updates-and register to recieve emails that will
let you know when the textbooks you purchased online
have the greatest resale value!
Moot Hall 210
(716) 878-4811
(716) 878-3419
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Registrar’s Office handles
basic course information, Degree
Navigator, course registration
preparation, academic calendar
information, and transcript request
forms. All this information is
available on their website
Disability Services
for Students
South Wing 120
(716) 878-4500
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm
DESCRIPTION: The Disability Services office
supports students with documented
disabilities in academic settings,
student life, residence halls,
and in other areas as needed.
Documentation of disability must be
within the past three years for most
cases, with a diagnosis, limitations
and strengths, and a history of
services provided.
lists resources and procedures
Each determined on a case-by-case
Exam Support:
Time extensions, scribes, readers/
software (voice input and output),
specialized equipment and separate
locations are given as needed.
Classroom Accommodations:
Location requests, note-takers,
special seating, interpreters
Internships/Field Placements/
Practicum Support:
Academic advisement for University
College students and transfers until
they are accepted into a major.
Students' strengths and learning
styles as well as class times and
locations are considered in planning
their schedules.
If, due to the impact of the disability,
a reduced load is needed, we
advocate for funding and work with
funding agencies.
9/26 vs. West Conn Noon
10/3 vs. Cortland Noon
10/17 vs. Montclair State Noon
10/31 vs. William Paterson Noon
11/14 vs. Brockport Noon
** All games on Coyer Field
Men’s Soccer
9/1 vs. D’Youville 4 p.m.
9/9 vs. Nazareth 4 p.m.
9/15 vs. Roberts Wesleyan 4 p.m.
9/19 vs. Fredonia 1 p.m.
9/25 vs. New Paltz 4 p.m.
9/26 vs. Oneonta 4 p.m.
10/9 vs. Oswego 4 p.m.
10/10 vs. Cortland 1 p.m.
** All games on Coyer Field
Women’s Soccer
9/16 vs. Pitt-Bradford 4 p.m.
9/30 vs. Medaille 4 p.m.
10/6 vs. St. John Fisher 4 p.m.
10/16 vs. Plattsburgh 3 p.m.
10/17 vs. Potsdam 3:30 p.m.
10/23 vs. Geneseo 3 p.m.
10/24 vs. Brockport 1 p.m.
10/27 vs. Elmira 3 p.m.
** All games on Coyer Field
Men’s Hockey
10/23 vs. Hobart 7 p.m.
10/30 vs. Oswego 7 p.m.
10/31 vs. Cortland 7 p.m.
11/6 vs. Fredonia 7 p.m.
11/20 vs. Plattsburgh 7 p.m.
11/21 vs. Potsdam 7 p.m.
1/8 vs. Franklin Pierce 7 p.m.
1/9 vs. Franklin Pierce 3 p.m.
2/5 vs. Brockport 7 p.m.
2/6 vs. Geneseo 7 p.m.
2/19 vs. Morrisville 7 p.m.
** All games in Ice Arena
Women’s Hockey
10/24 vs. Salve Regina TBA
11/13 vs. Cortland 7 p.m.
11/14 vs. Cortland 4 p.m.
1/23 vs. Utica 4 p.m.
1/24 vs. Utica 2 p.m.
1/29 vs. Plattsburgh 7 p.m.
1/30 vs. Plattsburgh 4 p.m.
2/20 vs. RIT 4 p.m.
2/21 vs. RIT 2 p.m.
** All games in Ice Arena
Swimming & Diving
10/30 vs. Cortland 6 p.m.
11/6 vs. Penn State Behrend 5 p.m.
11/7 vs. William Smith 1 p.m.
1/30 vs. Brockport 1 p.m.
** All meets in Kissinger Pool
4/10 vs. Potsdam 1 p.m.
4/11 vs. Plattsburgh 1 p.m.
4/13 vs. Allegheny 3:30 p.m.
4/17 vs. Cortland 1 p.m.
4/18 vs. Oswego 1 p.m.
4/22 vs. Nazareth 3 p.m.
5/1 vs. Fredonia 1 p.m.
** All games at Bengal Field
Women’s Lacrosse
4/16 vs. Cortland 4 p.m.
4/20 vs. Fredonia 4 p.m.
4/23 vs. Oswego 4 p.m.
4/24 vs. Potsdam 1 p.m.
5/1 vs. Geneseo 1 p.m.
** All games at Bengal Field
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Women’s Volleyball
10/1 vs. D’Youville 7 p.m.
10/10 vs. Keuka & U of Rochester 11 a.m.
10/15 vs. Medaille 7 p.m.
10/27 vs. Pitt-Bradford 7 p.m.
** All matches in Sports Arena
Compendium Of Buffalo State
College Policies
Related To Student Life
The section below directs you to the location on the College website where you will find information about important
College policies related to student life. The College reserves
the right to change any policies, rules or regulations affecting students and any dates reported herein. Each student is
expected to have knowledge of the information contained in
this handbook, in other college publications and on the College
website. Questions about College policies can be addressed
to the dean of students, Campbell Student Union, room 306,
telephone 878-4618.
1. Affirmation of the Code of Conduct
Buffalo State requires all students to receive
and positively affirm the College’s code of
student conduct. This section describes
the procedures required to complete the
affirmation process.
2. Buffalo State College Code of Student Rights, Freedoms,
and Responsibilities
The Code defines student rights, freedoms and responsibilities
as a member of the Buffalo State campus community and
identifies conduct that is not permitted. The intent of the
Code is to provide students with a due process review of
allegations that the Code has been violated and delineates
sanctions when guilt has been determined.
3. Academic Grievance Procedures for Students
Students must follow the procedures described in this policy
for resolving academic grievances, including alleged violations
of college and/or course policies or unfair treatment in
violation of established academic policy or practice.
4. Academic Misconduct Policy
All students are expected to display honesty and integrity in
completing course requirements and following academic
regulations. The Academic Misconduct Policy defines the
procedures and processes to be used when allegations of
plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct arise.
5. Alcoholic Beverages Policy
These guidelines describe how the College carries out its
responsibility to enforce New York State laws regarding sale,
use and distribution of alcohol on campus.
6. Annual Security Report
Information about campus safety and security
is available from the office of University Police,
including tips for keeping safe on campus and in the
7. Bias Crime Prevention
The office of University Police is mandated to protect
all members of the campus community by preventing
and prosecuting bias or hate crimes that occur within
the College’s jurisdiction. This section describes
procedures to follow if you are the victim of or
witness to alleged hate or bias-related crimes.
8. Campus Safety Forum
The Campus Safety Forum is the College’s advisory
committee on campus security and reviews current
security policies and procedures and makes
recommendations for their improvement, especially
with regard to preventing and responding to sexual
9. Class Attendance
The College does not have a uniform attendance
policy. Individual faculty members define the
attendance requirements for their courses. This
section describes the procedures for students to
follow when they wish to provide faculty with notice
of absence for legitimate reasons.
10. Controlled Substance Policy
The unlawful use, possession, manufacture or
distribution of controlled substances and alcohol on
College property or at a College-sponsored activity is
prohibited. Information about this policy, the health
risks of using alcohol and other drugs and where to
get help can be obtained at this website.
11. Crime Statistics Availability
This section describes how to obtain information
from the annual report of campus crime statistics,
as provided to the U.S. Department of Education,
through the office of University Police.
12. Criminal Activity at Off-Campus Student
University Police and the College Community
Relations Advisory Council work with area law
enforcement to help provide a safe environment for
students, both on- and off-campus.
13. Criminal Incidents and Other Emergencies Reporting Procedures
This section details procedures to follow when
reporting a crime or serious incident to University
Police by calling the main University Police number
at 878-6333.
14. Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Buffalo State is committed to the need for proper
treatment of all members of the College community.
This section describes the College’s discrimination
and harassment policy and the procedures to be
followed for its implementation.
15. Emergency Closing Policy and Procedures
Emergency closing information can be obtained at
this site.
16. Emergency Communication
Visit this website to learn about and sign up for NYAlert, a service that sends emergency messages via
text, voice, or e-mail.
17. Greek Organizations Recognition and
Governance Policies
Recognition is the process by which the College agrees
that a social fraternity or sorority may function on
campus, enroll members and identify with the College.
This section defines the policies and procedures to be
adhered to by all Greek organizations on campus.
18. Hazing Policy
Hazing is illegal in New York State and the College
strictly enforces the State’s anti-hazing law. The law
is described at this website, along with examples of
behavior that constitutes hazing activity.
19. Investigation of Violent Felony Offenses/Missing
The office of University Police is responsible for the
investigation of any violent felony occurring at or on
the grounds of the College and for the investigation of
any missing student. Information about the plan for
conducting such investigations is available at this website.
20. Maintenance of Public Order
This policy outlines the rules for the maintenance
of public order (including prohibited conduct),
freedom of speech, assembly, picketing and
demonstrations on campus, along with penalties for
violation of the rules.
21. Parental Notification Policy
Buffalo State reserves the right to notify parents
or guardians of students under the legal drinking
age who have violated campus alcohol and other
drug prevention policies. This section describes the
parental notification policy.
22. Persons with Disabilities Policy
It is the policy of Buffalo State that no otherwise
qualified person with a disability shall, solely
by reason of the disability, be excluded from
participation in employment or access to programs
of the College. This section describes the policy and
identifies resources available to support and assist
persons with disabilities.
23. Public Information/Directory Information Policy
This policy defines the student information that may
be disclosed by the College for any purpose, at its
discretion, and describes procedures to follow to request
withholding disclosure of any category of information.
24. Religious Observance Policy
Under New York State Education Law, no person
shall be expelled from, refused admission to, or
denied registration for or the right to attend classes
or to participate in any examination, study, or work
requirements on a particular day or days because
of his/her religious beliefs. The complete religious
observance policy is available at this website.
25. Residence Life Policies and Services
This website contains the policies and procedures
governing residential life at Buffalo State. Each
residential student and visitor to the residence halls
is expected to have knowledge of and abide by the
information contained in these policies.
26. Sexual Assault Policy and Prevention
Sexual assault can happen anywhere, at any time, to
anyone, male or female. This website describes the
College’s commitment to prosecuting allegations of
sexual assault through the student judicial process,
defines the legal provisions of New York State law
related to crimes of sexual assault and provides
guidance on what to do if you are sexually assaulted.
27. Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual harassment is an affront to human dignity
and will not be tolerated at Buffalo State College.
This website describes the policy and procedure to
be followed in responding to allegations of sexual
harassment involving students, faculty and staff.
28. Sexual Orientation Policy
Buffalo State will take affirmative action to
protect persons from judgments related to sexual
orientation. This website describes the College’s
policy and assistance available to persons who allege
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
29. Sexual and Amorous Relations Policy
This website describes the College’s
policy and procedure with regard to
relationships that arise between students
and faculty or staff members where
one party is in a position of power and
authority and appears to abuse that
30. Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited in all College buildings and
vehicles, under the policy described at this website.
31. Student E-Mail Policy
This website details the guidelines and requirements
students must follow when using campus email.
32. Student Health Insurance
All full-time domestic undergraduate and graduate
students who attend Buffalo State are eligible and
automatically enrolled in the College’s student
health insurance plan unless an on-line waiver
form with proof of health insurance coverage is
completed by the applicable deadline. This website
explains the health insurance program and provides
information about the costs and benefits of student
health insurance.
33. Voter Registration Procedure
Voter registration information is available at this
34. Federal Trafficking Penalties
This website provides students with information
about the Federal trafficking penalties applicable to
persons found guilty of various drug offenses.