Golden Key Council of Advisors Application Region 1, 2013

Golden Key Council of Advisors Application
Region 1, 2013-2016 Term
Candidate: Professor Christopher Walther
College/University: Pace University, Pleasantville
Title: Academic Services Coordinator, College of Health Professions and Adjunct Assistant
Professor of Psychology
All GK Council of Advisors candidates confirmed the following statements.
I am willing and able to serve a full three-year term.
I am a chapter advisor at a chapter in good standing or better with at least one full
year of service as an advisor.
I acknowledge that in order to serve in this position, I am to remain a Golden Key
chapter advisor at a chapter in good standing throughout my term of office.
I will be easily accessible and very responsive via email and/or telephone to
Headquarters staff, Golden Key members and others during my term of office.
I understand that I am expected to be an active participant during Golden Key
conferences and may be asked to assist with meetings, general sessions and/or
I understand my time commitment for this position may entail approximately 8-10
hours per month; several teleconferences per year (at least 4); and my attendance
at one or more Golden Key conferences per year.
I understand that official lists from Golden Key can NOT be used for campaigning
purposes and that doing so could disqualify me from this election.
I understand that I may not serve concurrently as an elected officer of the ILC and
the CoA.
Please write a short bio outlining your professional history and describe any
leadership positions you have held in nonprofit organizations or institutions of
higher education. This may include committees, boards, advisory roles or other
relevant positions.
I am Prof. Christopher Walther Academic Services Coordinator for the College of Health
Professions at Pace University, Pleasantville and Adjunct Professor in their Psychology
Department. I have been advising our chapter of Golden Key International Honor Society for
the past 8 years. Being born and raised in Manhattan, I am an Honors College graduate
having taken my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and my Master’s degree in Counseling. I
recently was promoted to Academic Services Coordinator for the College of Health
professions from my 11 year role as Senior Academic Advisor for the Pforzheimer Honors
College. My positions provide me with valuable experience and an extensive knowledge of
the academic advisement process as well as the multifunctions of higher education. I
developed and implemented programs within the community, including on/off campus
events, an extensive website, an award winning publication, and strategic marketing
campaigns. Through my daily activities I interact with many academic departments,
programs within student academic affairs, and various other offices on each campus to
ensure the smooth operations of the College of Health Professions. I am responsible for
advising over 300 students on the Pleasantville campus with their academic curriculum,
research projects, and scholarship opportunities. I help design and develop courses that
meet the needs of students in various fields of study, by working with a multitude of faculty
and staff in our community. In addition, I enjoy teaching and have been an Adjunct
Assistant Professor in the Psychology department. I possess excellent interpersonal and
communication skills, am well organized, and have true passion and commitment to student
success. I have taught classes in Social Psychology, Psychology of Civic Engagement,
Psychology of Personal Adjustment, Psychology of Cultural Diversity, and Psychopathology
Golden Key Council of Advisors Application
Region 1, 2013-2016 Term
for the Psychology Department. A few awards I have recently received are the Golden Key
International Honor Society Regional Advisor of the Year, 2011, Professor of the Year,
Pacescars Pace University, Pleasantville, 2011, Nobel Prize Jefferson Bronze Service Award,
2010, and Outstanding Pace University Staff Member Awards, 2010. I take part in a
multitude of University committees including Comprehensive First Year Advising Program
(CFAP), Partnership for Advising Excellence (PAX), Graduation, Senior Awards, Academic
Alerts, Sophomore Experience, University Leadership, and Homecoming Committees.
Why do you want to serve on the Golden Key Council of Advisors and what specific
skill set, experiences, knowledge and/or strengths would you bring to the
I want to contribute more to the Golden Key community. By taking on this position I will be
able to act as a liaison between Chapter Advisors and Golden Key Headquarters, sharing
valuable information that can benefit everyone. I am well organized, patient, and a forward
thinker. My motivation derives from my thirst for knowledge and my desire to excel in
everything I do. I possess a keen ear for listening and superb communications skills, which
are needed when working with a wide range of personalities.