Westchester Community College Fall 2013 course title course number DRAWING I ART 101 Instructor’s name Laurie Steinhorst contact lsteinhorst2@gmail.com meeting day/time Thursday 8:00-11:50pm location AAB 402 Drawing I course description An introduction to the foundations of drawing. Students learn to draw from direct observation and work with a range of media. Techniques such as sighting for proportional relationships, contour line, and shading are explored, with emphasis on the elements of line, shape, value, texture, space, and principles of strong composition. Drawing from the human figure is also explored. No previous art experience is necessary. (3 humanities credits) course learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to: 1. demonstrate basic drawing skills using a variety of traditional drawing materials. 2. Render a range of subjects (still-life, portraits, the nude figure) from direct observation. 3. demonstrate an understanding of composition and design. 4. use drawing vocabulary to analyze and discuss drawings on the basis of technique, composition, creative process, and meaning. course requirements 1. Attendance is absolutely necessary for successful completion of this course. 2. Homework assignments are given daily, the assignments will be due at the beginning of the following class. Failure to submit work on time subtracts points from the score and makes the work ineligible for resubmission. You are expected to work two hours outside of class for every hour in class, in order to complete the required coursework for your drawing class. 3. Class critiques take place daily. Class critiques start at the beginning of each class period. If your work is not up at the beginning of a critique, you are not considered a participant and the assignment is considered late. 4. You must purchase all required supplies and come to every class/studio session prepared and with needed art supplies. 5. You are required to attend the final exam period for your drawing class. Failure to attend will not only forfeit exam points but will also jeopardize your semester grade. 6. There is one class and homework assignment where an outside trip to a museum/gallery will be required. on-line supplement: blackboard This course includes the use of Blackboard as an on-line supplement to the weekly meeting of your drawing class. You are required to visit Blackboard on a regular/daily basis to receive and respond to e-mails, download course materials, assignments and evaluation sheets, discuss course-work, complete assignments, and view drawing examples for each of your assignments. 1 Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I Assessment__________________________________________________________________________ Your Drawing grade will be based on a 100 point scale. Each of the assignments listed below will be allotted the points possible as indicated. You will receive points according to a specific list of required criteria given to you with the assignment. The Attendance/Participation portion of your score will be based on promptness, attendance, your participation in discussions and critiques, ability to take correction, and general cooperation. One point is deducted from the attendance/participation score for each absence. Lateness is not acceptable. Each three times you arrive to class or leave early equals an absence. You will be expected to turn in all assignments on their due dates. Assignments turned in late will accrue point losses for each class session they are not submitted. Late assignments are NOT ELIGIBLE for resubmission. All assignments turned in on time may be improved or redone and resubmitted up until the last day for resubmissions. (SEE YOUR COURSE CALENDAR FOR THIS DATE) NO RESUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. Due to time constraints, the last assignments will not be open for resubmission. ASSIGNMENTS BLIND CONTOUR #1 SEMI-BLIND CONTOUR #2 NEGATIVE SPACE #3 ANGLING/MEASURING #4 PLANAR #5 VOLUMES SHADING #6 BLOWUP #7 MARKMAKING #8 SELF PORTRAITS #9 MUSEUM TRIP #10 FIGURE STUDIES #11 CONCEPTUAL SELF PORTRAIT #12 FINAL EXAM ASSIGNMENT SKETCHBOOK ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION POINTS 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 5 7 12 10 8 10 100 attendance and make-up policy • Attendance in your drawing class is absolutely necessary for successful completion of this course. No cuts are allowed! This is largely an experiential, studio class. When you miss a class you miss experience, information, instruction, and clarification, for which there is no possible makeup! • Attendance is taken at the very beginning of class. Drawing classes meet for 3 hours and 50 minutes each session, classes start on time and meet for the full time allotted (with a short break mid-class). If you arrive late, you will be expected to sign-in on the “I Came in Late” sheet! Late arrival/early departure is noted for the record and affects your attendance/participation score. Three late arrivals and/or early departures equal one absence. • You are allowed two absences (this policy assumes medical necessity is the cause of the absence). Additional absences will reduce the final course grade by one letter grade for each occurrence. The grade reduction (gauged by attendance), even to the point of failing the course, is based on the missed work or lack of participation in the course. Only prolonged infirmity or an approved university required function would be reason for altering this policy. If you cannot attend class please notify the instructor ahead of time. • Arriving to class without required supplies will indicate that you are not prepared to work and will be designated as a late arrival. 2 Westchester Community College • Fall 2013 Drawing I Late work is accepted but will receive a lower grade. Homework that has been submitted on time may be resubmitted for a higher grade. *During the winter months, for information on closings and delays, check your local radio/TV station for news of school closings or check for messages on the home page of the WCC web site www.sunywcc.edu topic outline DATE DAY ACTIVITY 9/5 TH 9/12 . 9/19 TH NOTE: Bring to this and all future classes all marking media, drawing papers, textbook, course materials downloaded from Blackboard, and your sketchbook. This holds true for all subsequent classes. Blind Contour Line Assignment 1 – Due. Class critique Reading discussion groups Introduction Semi-blind contour line technique and discussion of line quality. Compositions to Avoid is discussed with introduction of compositional principles and use of thumbnail sketches. Show examples and demonstrate. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Semi-blind Contour Line Assignment 2 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 4 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) TH 9/26 TH 3 INTRODUCTIONS – Discuss syllabus, course objectives, studio rules, attendance policies, evaluation procedures, etc. Introduction of blind contour line drawing technique and use of viewfinder. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Blind Contour Line Assignment 1 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) Semi-Blind Contour Line Assignment 2 - Due. Class critique Reading discussion groups Introduction of positive and negative space. Demonstration of charcoal, chamois and use of a ground. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Negative Space Assignment 3 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 5 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) Negative Space Assignment 3 – Due Class critique Reading discussion groups Demonstration of measuring and angling (sighting perspective). In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Angling and Measuring Assignment 4 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 6 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I 10/3 TH Angling and Measuring Assignment 4 – Due Class critique Reading discussion groups Introduction of value and defining an edge through the change of value, without line. Show examples and demonstrate. Further discussion of composition. Introduction and discussion of local value. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Planar Assignment 5 & Sketchbook (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) 10/10 TH Dark/Light Planar Assignment 5 – Due Class critique Introduction of gradation of value to create illusion of rounded volume. Show examples of value gradation and demonstrate. Continue to demonstrate point to point technique and attention to negative space. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Volumes Shading Assignment 6 & Sketchbook (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) 10/17 TH to 10/24 TH Volumes Shading Assignment 6 – Due Class critique Review use of value to create an edge and the use of gradation of value reveal rounded forms - reference value charts. Introduce concept of ‘blowing up’ (magnifying) an object or a small portion of the still life. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. Museum trip Sign-up (All forms for Art Department sponsored museum trips must be filled out and returned to your instructor by Oct. 30) H.W. - Blow-up Assignment 7 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 7 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) SKETCHBOOKS DUE FOR MID-SEMESTER EVALUATION LAST DAY FOR SUBMITTING LATE ASSIGNMENTS #1-6 NO EXCEPTIONS MADE!! Blow-up Assignment 7 – Due Class critique Reading discussion group Introduction of mark making to describe form and value (without blending, smearing or contour lines). Demonstration of variety of mark making systems and tools. Show examples. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. Mid-term Progress Reports H.W. - Mark Making Assignment 8 & Sketchbook (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) NOTE: All forms for Art Department sponsored museum trips must be filled out and returned to your instructor by Oct. 30 10/31 TH 4 Mark Making Assignment 8 – Due Class critique General review of drawing principles. In class drawing with individual Westchester Community College . Fall 2013 Drawing I assistance from instructor. H.W. - Museum Trip Assignment 10 Read: Chapter 8 Reading Discussion #6 questions to be completed as homework (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) NOTE: Friday, Nov 4, 2013 is the last day to withdraw from any course. See your professors if you have questions about your progress in this or any other course. 11/7 TH Reading discussion #6 questions – Due Discussion of portraiture and proportion. Show examples. Discuss the application of point to point measuring technique as it relates to portraiture. Review rules for working with model. In class drawing with individual instruction from instructor. H.W. - Self Portrait Assignment 9 & Sketchbook (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) TRIP WEEK – You must attend an Art Department sponsored trip(s) or attend an art museum on your own in order to complete Assignment #10. This is a course requirement!!!! Trip schedule: Tues. 11/5, Wed. 11/6, Friday or Sat Nov 9. All forms for Art Department sponsored trips must be filled out and returned to your instructor by Oct 30. 11/14 TH Self Portrait Assignment 9 – Due Class critique Drawing from the model. Introduction of gesture drawing. Discussion of proportion and shading as it relates to the figure. Demonstrations as needed. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Figure Studies Assignment 11 & Sketchbook Read: Chapter 9 (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) 11/21 TH Museum Trip Assignment 10 - Due Figure Studies Assignment 11 – Due Class critique Drawing from the model continued. Emphasis on proportion, shading and composition. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. H.W. - Conceptual Self Portrait Assignment 12 (Due 12/12) & Sketchbook 11/28 TH Thanksgiving break – no class 12/5 Conceptual Self Portrait (in progress) Assignment 12– (finished pieces due 12/12). Progress critique Drawing from the model continued…emphasis on proportion, shading & composition. In class drawing with individual assistance from instructor. Final Exam discussed. H.W. - Finish Conceptual Self Portrait Assignment 12 & Sketchbook (Assignment to be completed outside of class time) Conceptual Self Portrait Assignment 12 - Due / TH 12/12TH 5 Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I Final class critique SKETCHBOOKS DUE FOR FINAL GRADING LAST DAY FOR SUBMITTING LATE ASSIGNMENTS #7-12 NO EXCEPTION MADE!! Student presentation of final projects. Begin final exam drawing assignment. FINAL TH 12/19 ***FINAL EXAM PERIOD*** 8:00-10:00 Final Exam – In class drawing assignment and written assessment NOTE: YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE FINAL EXAM PERIOD NO EXCEPTIONS!!! required/recommended textbooks “Draw!!” by Carla Rae Johnson and Laurie Steinhorst The text can be purchased from the WCC bookstore or directly from the publisher: http://www.kendallhunt.com/store-product.aspx?id=51826 Or to purchase the E Book: http://www.kendallhunt.com/store-product.aspx?id=55213 required/materials & supplies Quantity Item 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Optional: 1 1 1 1 Textbook: Draw!, by Carla Rae Johnson and Laurie Steinhorst Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pad – 50 sheets – 18 X 24” Newsprint Pad – 50 sheets - 18X24” Spiral-bound Sketchbook - 9X12” Ebony pencils Paper Blending Stumps Compressed Charcoal Sticks (Char-Kole made by Alphacolor is good) Box of Vine Charcoal Sticks (medium or soft) Sharpie Marker or Micron pen – Ultra Fine Point – Black Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pen “B” – Brush Nib - Black Spectra Fix – Pastel Fixative Plastic/Vinyl eraser “Click-Eraser” “Pink Pearl” Eraser Art Gum Eraser (large) Natural or Genuine Chamois (4”X5” approx.) Roll of White Artist Tape (Acid Free) 1” width Break-off blade Utility knife (large) Piece of soft cloth (from old tee-shirt or sweatshirt) approx 5X7” Clip light Presentation Portfolio - 26X20X2” Masonite drawing board - 18X24” Tote or Art Bin PLEASE NOTE: All supplies plus sketchbook should be brought to every class session and studio session. (To save on weight: bring only 2 or 3 sheets of each kind of paper to each class rather than the entire pad.) The supplies listed above will cost approx. $90 (plus text book). This is a good investment! You will be able to use the supplies for other art classes and/or for your own creative drawing efforts well beyond this class. 6 Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I students with disabilities Westchester Community College provides services for students with documented learning disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, physical disabilities, visual, hearing, and other health impairments. To learn more about what support services are available visit: http://www.sunywcc.edu/programs/distance_learning/prospectives/disabilities.htm academic integrity This class will be conducted in accordance with the college's Student Code of Conduct and basic standards of academic honesty. Cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. It is understood that all work you submit in your portfolio and for your drawing assignments is your own with the exception of collaborative projects. Severe penalties will result for anyone who submits work other than his/her own. For more information about Westchester Community College's Academic Honesty Policy, please visit: http://www.sunywcc.edu/dep/english/plag/honesty.htm Visit Westchester Community College's plagiarism homepage for an excellent overview of plagiarism, and tips on how to avoid it: http://www.sunywcc.edu/dep/english/plag/plagindex1.htm Westchester Community College Classroom Conduct Policy For the college’s policies on Student Conduct, Classroom Conduct, and other related topics, please visit the college website: http://www.sunywcc.edu/student_services/student_affairs/policies_proceedures.htm#co nduct Drawing studio conduct policy: 1. The drawing studio is yours to care for; it will be as functional an environment as you allow it to be. 2. Observe the condition of the studio and leave the space in better shape than you found it. Follow the clean up protocols established by your teacher. Clean everything that you use, including the easels and the floor. Note the locations of common drawing equipment and store all equipment used in the proper places. 3. All conversations IN the drawing studio are about drawing and the current assignments. Other conversations are taken to the hallway during breaks. All talking in the drawing studio is accomplished quietly while drawing is in progress and ESPECIALLY while the model is posing. 4. Moving in and out of the studio is disruptive to the other students and should be avoided. That said, students, being adults, may come and go from the studio as needed to handle their lives. However, there is a strong recommendation to limit comings and goings to your teacher’s protocol; to stay in class at all times during teacher led discussion and critiques and while the model is posing. 5. Your teacher establishes the protocol for student breaks during the class: either scheduled or informal (as needed by each student) or a combination. Your total break time should not exceed 20 minutes per class. 7 Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I 6. Students stand at easels that are adjusted vertically so that the vertical center of their drawing paper is at their eye level. The easel is positioned such that the student’s drawing arm is closer to the still life (to accomplish sighting and angling and measuring) and such that the student sees the still life AND the drawing paper without much head movement. (The student should not be ducking behind a drawing board to draw and emerging from behind it in order to see the still life.) 7. No listening devices are allowed in the ears during the class. No cell phones or cell communications, including texting, should occur during class (take these to the hallway if necessary). 8. No visitors are allowed in the classroom without the teacher's permission. Friends or family of students are not allowed in the classroom. If student currently enrolled in a Drawing class wishes to attend another teacher's class, that student must arrive at the start of the class and ask the teacher's permission to join the class. No children are allowed in the classroom. 9. All persons are treated and addressed with respect and care at all times. 10. Drawing in Drawing I classes is accomplished FROM LIFE, not photographs or illustrations or other 2D representations. Students draw from real objects that they may reach out and touch, usually set up with careful lighting specifications. Drawing from cell phone or other photographs, especially to finish a drawing, is not appropriate. 11. When the model is posing: o o o o o o o o o 8 The room is quiet. Students are respectful and focused on drawing. Prepare your drawing surface (ground) PRIOR to the beginning of the model-session. Check that the studio door is closed and an appropriate visual barrier (cabinet door or easel) is in place to obstruct the view from the hallways. No one touches the model for positioning at any time. Your instructor will verbally assist the model to return to a previous position. Use of cell phones is prohibited in the studio and must be turned off during model sessions. The opportunity to draw from a model is a privilege for any artist and should always be treated as such. Our models are professionals of diverse body types, ages, genders, and races. They are here to help you learn to draw the human figure (The human figure is one of the most challenging subjects any artist confronts in a drawing context.) It is essential that our drawing classes respect and maintain the dignity of the work, the models, and the dignity of the creative/learning process before, during, and after figure drawing sessions. In the short term, I, as your professor, will not hesitate to ask you to leave the class immediately any time you behave and/or speak in a manner that is not respectful. Comments about the model (his/her age, ethnicity, body, gender, or any other quality) are absolutely unacceptable in the studio, in the hallways, or anywhere on our campus. Such comments are an infringement upon their dignity and rights and are, thus, considered to be a verbal assault or abuse. Like any act of bias or harassment, such comments are a serious breach of the student code of conduct and will be dealt with according to those policies. Disciplinary actions for such breaches may include: suspension, or dismissal/expulsion from school. Please see “Student Code of Conduct” in the WCC Student Handbook. (http://www.sunywcc.edu/dep/pub_archive/index.htm) Westchester Community College Fall 2013 Drawing I o It is the responsibility of anyone who witnesses or hears disrespectful comments to immediately report the incident to the drawing professor who will take appropriate action. Safety Use caution when using the paper cutter. Only one person should be using the paper cutter at a time. Live Model Exemption If you are unable to work from a live, nude model (because of your religion, parental, or cultural prohibitions) your instructor will provide you with an alternative assignment. You must inform the instructor of your exemption within the first two weeks of class. 9