75 REVIEW BIOLOGICALLY-ACTIVE CELL WALL MATERIALS 1 2 EUNICE MELOTTO and JOHN M. LABAVITCH Pomology Department, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA. ABSTRACT- Cell wall-derived oligosaccharides have been identified as active inducers of a variety of physiological responses in many different plant tissues. At first, they were shown to be involved in phytoalexin accumulation, an important process by which plants protect themselves against attack of microorganisms. Subsequently, a number of other mechanisms of plant resistance to pathogens were reported as being regulated by wall fragments, including synthesis of inhibitors of insect proteinases, and deposition of extracellular molecular barriers to invading organisms such as lignin and hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins. The discovery that oligosaccharides can influence plant growth and differentiation has brought new insight into the initial work of plant pathologists on carbohydrates with biological functions, conjunctively denoted as oligosaccharins. Relatively recent results have yielded some information which suggests that fruits can ripen in response to oligosaccharides derived from the digestion of their own cell wall. Wall fragments have been shown to hasten not only the climacteric peak of ethylene of ripening tissues but also other ripening-associated changes such as appearance of red color and climacteric CO2. Additional index terms: Oligosaccharins, plant defense, growth, differentiation, ripening, second messengers. MATERIAIS DA PAREDE CELULAR COM ATIVIDADE BIOLÓGICA RESUMO- Oligossacarídeos originados da parede celular têm sido identificados como sendo indutores de diversas respostas fisiológicas em muitos tecidos vegetais. Primeiramente, foi demonstrado que estavam envolvidos no acúmulo de fitoalexinas, um processo importante pelo qual plantas se protegem contra o ataque de microrganismos. Subsequentemente, vários outros mecanismos de defesa contra patógenos mediados por fragmentos da parede celular foram descritos. Esses incluem síntese de inibidores de proteinases de insetos, e deposição de barreiras extracelulares como lignina e glicoproteinas ricas em hidroxiprolina. A descoberta de que oligossacarídeos podiam influenciar crescimento e diferenciação em plantas proporcionou novo rumo ao trabalho inicial de fitopatologistas em carboidratos com funções biológicas, coletivamente denominados oligossacarinas. Resultados relativamente 1Received on 18/01/1994 and accepted on 03/02/1994. 2Departamento de Botânica, ESALQ-USP, CP 09, Piracicaba, SP, 13418-900, Brazil. recentes têm originado informações que sugerem o controle do amadurecimento de frutos por oligossacarídeos derivados de suas próprias paredes celulares. Fragmentos da parede aceleram não somente o aparecimento do pico climatérico de produção de etileno como também outras mudanças associadas ao amadurecimento, como o desenvolvimento da cor vermelha em certos frutos e o pico climatérico de CO2. Termos adicionais para indexação: Oligossacarinas, defesa de plantas, crescimento, diferenciação, amadurecimento, mensageiros secundários. INTRODUCTION For many years, the cell wall was considered a rigid, static portion of the plant cell whose only function was to provide physical support and protection for the plasma membrane and cell contents. However, relatively recent areas of research have provided novel evidence for the dynamics of the cell wall structure, although its complexity is still beyond our understanding. Particularly striking are the studies which led to the conclusion that fragments of plant cell wall polymers have regulatory effects within plant tissues. The several biological functions that can be controlled by such molecules described thus far include host defense responses to pathogens, cell growth, and morphogenesis ( reviewed in Darvill & Albersheim, 1984; McNeil et al., 1984; Aldington et al., 1991; Ryan & Farmer, 1991). More recently, it has been suggested that fruit ripening could also be controlled by the action of cell wall-derived materials (Campbell & Labavitch, 1989; Melotto et al., 1992, 1993, 1994). THE ROLE OF CELL WALL-DERIVED MATERIALS ON PLANT DEFENSE MECHANISMS The specific and potent biological effects of cell wall derived oligosaccharides on living plant cells was first demonstrated in the 1970’s by plant pathologists. Studies on interaction between pathogenic fungi and their host plants indicated that oligosaccharides derived from fungal cell wall could elicit the synthesis of antimicrobial compounds, so-called phytoalexins, by the plant cells (Ayers et al., 1976a,b; Ebel et al., 1976; Sharp et al., 1984). It has further been shown that low molecular weight fragments derived from the walls of R. Bras. Fisiol. Veg., 6(1):75-82, 1994. 76 higher plants are active as well. Pectic polysaccharide-degrading enzymes secreted by either fungi or bacteria were able to trigger plant defense responses by releasing active pectic fragments from the plant cell wall. West and colleagues (Lee & West, 1981a,b; Bruce & West, 1982) have shown that an endopolygalacturonase (endo-PG) isolated from the fungus Rhizopus stolonifer was able to release a pectic fragment from seedlings of castor beans (Ricinus communis L.), which in turn elicited the synthesis of an antifungal agent, casbene. At approximately the same time, Albersheim and co-workers (Davis et al., 1982, 1984) demonstrated that a bacterial pathogen, Erwinia carotovora, produced a pectic-degrading enzyme, endopolygalacturonic acid (PGA) lyase, which elicited phytoalexin production in soybeans. It was concluded that an oligogalacturonide released from the plant cell wall by the bacterial enzyme was a required intermediate in the process of phytoalexin elicitation. Additional experiments have shown that partial acid hydrolysis of soybean cell walls as well as citrus pectin yields fragments composed of galacturonosyl residues which are also active in inducing phytoalexin production (Nothnagel et al., 1983). Cell wall-derived fragments are now known to be potentially involved in a number of other processes by which plants protect themselves from pathogenic microbes and insects. Pectin fragments have been shown to induce the synthesis of inhibitors of insect proteinases, which may protect the plant by decreasing the insect’s ability to digest leaf protein (Bishop et al., 1981, 1984; Walker-Simmons & Ryan, 1986; Ryan, 1992). Oligosaccharides have also been reported to play a role in plant resistance to pathogens by activating the deposition of extracellular molecular barriers to invading organisms. There are reports of elicitation of lignin biosynthesis in cucumber hypocotyls (Robertsen, 1986; Robertsen & Svalheim, 1990) and suspension cultures of castor bean cells (Bruce & West, 1989) after their treatment with pectic fragments, which mimics, in part, infection by an invasive organism. It has been shown that endo-PG from the scab fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum is able to elicit lignification in cucumber hypocotyls, presumably by releasing an oligogalacturonide elicitor from the plant cell wall (Robertsen, 1987). In fact, secretion of pectin-degrading enzymes is a widespread, important factor for pathogen penetration into plant tissues (Darvill & Albersheim, 1984). Therefore, treatment of plant cells with pectic fragments would most likely simulate one aspect of microbial digestion of plant cell wall pectin during infection. The deposition of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGP’s), an important structural component of plant cell walls, also increases in response to infection. The accumulation of HRGP’s has been reported to be triggered by both fungal and plant cell wall elicitors (Roby et al., 1985; Showalter et al., 1985). In melon (Cucumis melo L. cv Cantaloupe), ethylene seems to mediate this response since it increases early in elicitor-treated plant material, and an inhibitor of its synthesis, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), prevents the elicitation of HRGP’s (Roby et al., 1985). Ethylene production in response to elicitor treatment has been observed in other systems as well. VanderMolen et al. (1983) have shown that castor bean explants synthesized ethylene when treated with wall-degrading enzymes, produced by a vascular wilt pathogenic fungus, Fusarium oxysporum. The plant’s defense mechanism observed in response to the enzymes and/or infection, plugging of the xylem vessels, did not occur if ethylene synthesis was inhibited. More recently, ethylene has been documented to be induced in ripening fruits by wall-derived elicitors, in the absence of pathogens. This will be discussed in greater detail in a later section of this review. Another well known defense mechanism triggered by oligosaccharides is the hypersensitive necrosis response, i.e., a rapid induction of cell death in the vicinity of the infection site. Phytotoxic plant cell wall fragments have been detected in maize (Brucheli et al., 1990) and cowpea pods (Cervone et al., 1987) when inoculated with pectin-degrading enzymes from the rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea) and from Aspergillus niger, respectively. It has been hypothesized that invading parasites enzymically solubilize fragments from the plant cell wall, which the plant can recognize as danger signals. As a consequence, a small number of cells at the site of attack quickly die, which results in the arrest of further growth of the pathogen (McNeil et al., 1984). THE ROLE OF CELL WALL-DERIVED MATERIALS ON GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION One of the most exciting discoveries that followed the initial work of plant pathologists on naturally occurring carbohydrates with biological functions, conjunctively denoted as oligosaccharins, was their possible role on the control of growth and differentiation. In their studies, York and colleagues (1984) provided interesting data which suggested the involvement of xyloglucan oligosaccharides in the plant development. An endo-β 1,4-glucanase-digested xyloglucan isolated from suspension-cultured sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) cells inhibited auxin-stimulated elongation of etiolated pea stem segments. The active component was a nonasaccharide which contained glucose, xylose, galactose, fucose and arabinose in the ratio of 4.0:3.0:1.4:1.0:0.1. It was then speculated that the release of xyloglucan fragments during auxin-promoted cell wall loosening (Labavitch & Ray, 1974) would act in a feedback control loop, preventing excessive growth. This idea was strengthened by subsequent findings in another laboratory. Fry (1986) demonstrated the in vivo formation of a xyloglucan nonasaccharide (XG9) in R. Bras. Fisiol. Veg., 6(1):75-82, 1994. 77 cell-suspension cultures of spinach which was identical to the xyloglucan-derived nonasaccharide associated with anti-auxin activity (York et al., 1984). Two years later, McDougall & Fry (1988) confirmed the high specificity of the XG9 in inhibiting the auxin-promoted growth of etiolated pea segments. Since an heptasaccharide (XG7) did not interfere with the inhibitor action of XG9, and it was known to be present in vivo (Fry, 1986), the authors suggested that the auxin antagonism was controlled at the level of a highly discriminating receptor. Additional experiments have shown that octa- and deca-saccharides (XG8 and XG10) neither have anti-auxin activity nor interfere with the XG9 action (1989). For a comprehensive review on structure-activity relationships of xyloglucan fragments as well as a number of other biologically active oligosaccharides refer to Aldington et al. (1991). Surprising results have recently provided evidence for a second role of XG9. McDougall & Fry (1990) have demonstrated that XG9 can mimic auxin activity by activating an enzyme, cellulase, thereby promoting cell growth during elongation. Such an effect was also exhibited by other oligosaccharides produced by fungal digestion of xyloglucans. The optimal concentration of XG9 for the growth-promoting effect was 1 µM whereas the concentration for the anti-auxin effect was only 1 nM. This peculiar dose-response curve suggests a rather complex mechanism for xyloglucan regulation of auxin activity. Fry and co-workers (1992) have later reported the occurrence of a novel enzyme activity in several plant extracts, xyloglucan endotransglycosylase - XET, which may play an important role on the mechanism of plant growth. This enzyme is able to catalyze the transfer of a high MW portion from a xyloglucan to a xyloglucan-derived oligosaccharide such as XG9. In view of these findings, the authors have suggested that xyloglucan oligosaccharides enhance growth due to their ability to keep the wall ’loose’ during the action of XET rather than their ability to activate cellulase, as initially thought (McDougall & Fry, 1990). Oligomers derived from fungal endo-PG digestion of pectin have also been shown to interfere with the auxin-induced elongation of pea stems (Branca et al., 1988). In this case, the concentration required for inhibition was much greater than that for XG9. The authors have suggested that the ability of pectin oligomers to interfere with the auxin action might be relevant when defense mechanisms are triggered in higher plants. In support of their hypothesis, there are observations of an increase in auxin levels in several host-parasite systems. Moreover, as discussed earlier in this review, there is significant secretion of fungal pectin-degrading enzymes which digest the plant cell wall, potentially releasing oligomers that are capable of triggering a variety of defense responses. Additionally, those oligomers could interact with auxin produced upon infection. A very recent report which corroborates the work by McDougall & Fry (1988, 1989), has indicated that XG9 exhibits in vivo anti-auxin activity in a system other than the pea stem segments. XG9 derived from cell walls of suspension-cultured cells of carrots (Daucus carota L.) affected the regeneration of carrot protoplasts (Emmerling & Seitz, 1990), when applied to the medium in nanomolar concentrations. The effects were similar to those achieved by auxin depletion of the regeneration medium. Either the absence of auxin or the addition of XG9 in a medium containing auxin resulted in reduced viability of the protoplasts. The authors have suggested that protoplasts would provide an excellent system for elucidating the mechanisms of action of XG9. The effects of oligosaccharins in plant development have also been shown by the ability of pectic fragments to control both the morphological characteristics of tobacco thin-layer (TLC) cultured cells (Tran Thanh Van et al., 1985; Eberhard et al., 1989) and flowering of Lemna gibba (McNeil et al.,1984). The exposure to fragments caused the TLC’s to form vegetative shoots rather than flowers or callus, and flowers rather than vegetative shoots, depending upon the composition of the medium (Tran Than Van et al., 1985). At different auxin and kinetin concentrations, pectic fragments either inhibited root formation or induced tissue enlargement and the formation of flowers (Eberhard et al., 1989). The effects of pectic fragments could not be explained by their interference with the availability of auxin or cytokinin to the TLC’s. Their mechanism of action remains undefined, as are those of others well known plant hormones. In the case of Lemna gibba (duckweed), it has been shown that pectic fragments from suspension-cultured sycamore cells are able to inhibit the development of flowers and promote vegetative growth (McNeil et al., 1984). Cell Wall Oligosaccharides as Elicitors of Ripening In the past few years, there has been some work showing that low molecular weight wall fragments are capable of promoting ethylene production of fruits (Brecht & Huber, 1988; Tong & Gross, 1988, 1990; Campbell & Labavitch, 1991a; Melotto, 1992, Melotto et al., 1992, 1993, 1994), and fruit cells (Tong et al., 1986; Campbell & Labavitch, 1991b). The substantial amount of research on the catabolic metabolism of the cell wall has already clearly shown that wall hydrolases may play an important role on affecting wall structure and tissue firmness during fruit ripening. The additional information that cell wall breakdown products can trigger ethylene biogenesis, an authentic regulator of the ripening process (Tucker & Grierson, 1987), suggests that cell wall hydrolases may have functions beyond that of determining textural changes in the fruit. Tong et al. (1986) have reported one of the earliest studies of the effect of hydrolases and their products on R. Bras. Fisiol. Veg., 6(1):75-82, 1994. 78 ethylene production of fruit cells. From their results, it was suggested that oligouronides solubilized during ripening of fruits may play a role in the climacteric rise of ethylene. The system used in their studies was suspension-cultured pear cells, which have been documented to exhibit senescence or “ripening” phenomena in vitro, by manipulation of the culture medium (Pech & Romani, 1979; Romani, 1987). Nevertheless, it was pointed out that there are limitations for the use of suspension cultures as an assay system. The same hypothesis was tested in whole tomato fruits by Brecht and Huber (1988) and Baldwin and Pressey (1988). Preclimacteric fruits were vacuum-infiltrated with either pectic fragments enzymically released from ripe tomato fruit cell wall (Brecht & Huber, 1988) or tomato pectin-lysing enzymes (Baldwin & Pressey, 1988). Infiltration of pectin fragments into the fruits not only hastened the climacteric peak of ethylene but also accelerated other ripening-associated changes such as appearance of red color, and climacteric carbon dioxide. Oligouronides excluded from Bio-Gel P-2 (degree of polymerization DP - higher than 8) exhibited greater ripening-promotive activity, compared to the mixtures with a DP from 1 to 3, and from 4 to 6. The studies with pectin-lysing enzymes have shown that both PG1 and PG2 induced ethylene production in green “cherry” tomato fruit as well as in the mutants rin, nor, and Cornell 111 (Baldwin & Pressey, 1988). The effects of PG2 was more pronounced than that exhibited by PG1. Pectinmethylesterase (PME) alone did not elicit ethylene synthesis but it was observed to enhance PG2’s effect when added to PG treatments. Although there is evidence for an increase in ethylene synthesis prior to the appearance of PG (Brady et al., 1982; Grierson & Tucker, 1983; Su et al., 1984), it was suggested that trace amounts of PG, undetectable by the currently used methodology, might be present in green fruit. Very low quantities of PG would be sufficient to raise ethylene levels to a certain internal threshold, which in its turn, would promote increased synthesis of PG and ethylene (autocatalysis). The reciprocal promotion of PG and ethylene synthesis would account for the extremely high levels of these two compounds observed during the climacteric. Embodied in this hypothesis is the observation that ethylene induces PG biosynthesis (Grierson & Tucker, 1983) as well as its own synthesis. exocarp cells, whereas ripening of exocarp tissues may be the result of ethylene biosynthesis. The first attempt to purify and characterize an endogenous trigger of ethylene production and ripening has been made by Tong & Gross (1990). Vacuum-infiltration of carbonate-soluble, covalently-bound pectin (CBP) into both normal and rin mutant whole, mature green tomato fruit induced an increase in ethylene production. Rin tomatoes developed an attenuated red pigmentation in addition to increased ethylene production. Fractionation of CBP, extracted from mature green fruit, by DEAE-Sephadex and Bio-Gel P-100 chromatography led to the recovery of a partially purified active material which contained mostly non-cellulosic neutral sugars (95%), and low contents of uronic acid (less than 5%) and amino acids (less than 1%). The moiety responsible for the activity was not identified. Two possibilities were proposed to explain the mechanism of action of the elicitor. The least probable was the degradation of the elicitor and consequent release of free galactose, which would stimulate ethylene production. Galactose itself has been reported to induce ethylene biosynthesis (Gross, 1985; Kim et al., 1987). However, the amounts of galactose required for elicitation were too high to account for the polymeric elicitor’s activity. The second hypothesis was that the elicitor would promote de novo synthesis of PG, which would release oligouronides with ethylene-inducing activity. This hypothesis was more attractive since, as mentioned before, this class of molecules has already been shown to stimulate ethylene production in fruit tissues. The putative regulatory function of pectin oligomers on the ripening phenomenon was further addressed in the work by Melotto (1992) and Melotto et al. (1992, 1993, 1994). These authors have found that active pectin oligomers naturally occur at the onset of ripening of tomato fruit. Ethylene-inducing pectic oligomers were isolated from tomato fruits by both low speed centrifugation of pericarp discs and homogenization of pericarp sections, at three progressive stages of maturity (mature green, breaker, and red). Active oligomers varied in their amount and composition of neutral sugar substitutions. It was suggested that the structural requirements for the biological activity were not stringent since a range of molecular sizes was capable of promoting ethylene, the most effective being oligouronides of DP > 8. A subsequent study on their probable metabolic origin has revealed that active oligomers can be generated in vitro by PG treatment of tomato pectins (Melotto et al., 1993). CDTA-soluble pectin from cell wall of mature green tomato was not digested by the enzyme, whereas PG treatment of the Na2CO3-soluble fraction produced active oligomeric material of the same size classes as those extracted from the fruit (Melotto et al., 1992). It is presently known that the Na2CO3-soluble pectic materials are the pectin class which changes the most during ripening of tomato fruit (Carrington et al., 1993). This suggests that the Campbell and Labavitch have also shown that pectic oligomers elicit ethylene biosynthesis in both suspension- cultured pear cells (1989, 1991b), and tomato pericarp discs (1989, 1991a). In their work with tomato, acid-hydrolysis generated pectic oligomers (DP = 5-13 and 6-19) induced an advance in ripening processes as indicated by an increased reddening and a long-term, persistent increase in climacteric ethylene of mature green fruit pericarp discs. Endocarp tissues responded differently to oligouronides as compared to exocarp tissues. This observation led to the suggestion that ripening of the endocarp region may be directly regulated by pectic oligomers released from adjoining R. Bras. Fisiol. Veg., 6(1):75-82, 1994. 79 Na2CO3-soluble fraction is the main pectic component accessible to PG in vivo. Therefore, it is possible that active oligouronides are generated by PG digestion of this particular group of pectins at the time of ripening. Their probable role in the ripening process is yet to be demonstrated. THE SEARCH FOR ACTION MECHANISMS OF OLIGOSACCHARINS It has been suggested that oligosaccharins can act as long-distance hormones. This idea evolved from the fact that pectic oligosaccharides released in an injured leaf could induce a defense response in neighboring uninjured leaves (Bishop et al., 1981). However, studies with radiolabeled fragments (degrees of polymerization as low as 6) have shown that pectic substances are not exported from a treated leaf (Baydoun & Fry, 1985). Therefore, it was concluded that either poly- or oligosaccharides cannot be long-distance hormones themselves. An obvious suggestion that followed was that low molecular weight wall fragments are primary signaling molecules which induce the release , or synthesis and release, of a second (long-distance) messenger. Thus far, the best known candidate for a second messenger in the transduction of extracellular signals in plants is the calcium messenger system. Calcium is known to regulate many enzymic and physiological processes either directly or in concert with a calcium-binding protein such as calmodulin (Marme, 1982). It is now generally accepted that changes in cytosolic free calcium, in response to external stimuli, can be perceived by the cells which translate them into physiological responses (Poovaiah et al., 1987). Furthermore, calcium has been recognized to participate in the regulation of important transduction mechanisms in plants such as protein phosphorylation and accelerated turnover of inositol phospholipids (Poovaiah et al., 1987; Morse et al., 1989). In view of these facts, there has been an increasing attempt to associate the calcium messenger system with the mechanism of action of oligosaccharins. A number of investigations has recently dealt with the possible role of plasma membrane protein kinases in the signaling of plant defensive genes by oligogalacturonides (Farmer et al., 1989, 1990, 1991). Both fungal and plant oligosaccharides have been shown to activate a large spectrum of genes encoding proteins which are involved in plant defense responses (Lawton & Lamb, 1987; Ryan, 1988; Ryan & An, 1988). There are indications that protein phosphorylation may be a mechanism of signal processing leading to gene activation. Dietritch and co-workers (1990) have shown that cytoplasmic, microsomal and nuclear proteins undergo rapid and transient phosphorylation following treatment of suspension-cultured parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cells with fungal elicitor. The changes in protein phosphorylation, observed as early as 1 minute after treatment, were dependent on the presence of calcium in the medium. Fragments of polygalacturonic acid were also able to trigger the phosphorylation of a plasma membrane-associated protein from tomato and potato (Farmer et al., 1991). Active fragments were of the same length as the uronides that are able to elicit a variety of defensive and developmental responses in plants. Based on the ability of such fragments to complex with calcium in solution, it was suggested that uronide-calcium complexes interact with the plasma membrane to signal transduction events leading to the expression of specific genes. The primary interaction of an elicitor with a plasma membrane-located target site has already been demonstrated in soybean tissues (Schmidt & Ebel, 1987; Cosio et al., 1990; Cheong & Hahn, 1991). A glucan elicitor derived from a fungal pathogen of soybean, Phytophthora megasperma, exhibited a high-affinity, saturable and reversible binding to membrane fractions of soybean roots (Schmidt & Ebel, 1987). A specific binding site for an heptaglucoside was also identified in soybean microsomal membranes (Cheong & Hahn, 1991). The binding was competitively inhibited by elicitor-active oligoglucosides ranging in size from hexa- to deca-glucoside. The identification of a putative receptor for an oligosaccharin provides evidence for a role of the plasma membrane as the site of the initiation of signal transduction events. However, its mode of coupling to intracellular processes remains to be determined. REFERENCES ALDINGTON, S.; McDOUGALL, G.J. & FRY, S.C. Structure-acitivity relationship of biologically active oligosaccharides. Plant, Cell and Environment, 14:625-636, 1991. AYERS, A.R.; EBEL, J.; VALENT, B.S. & ALBERSHEIM, P. Host-pathogen interactions X. 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