Policies of the University of North Texas Health Science Center Chapter 5 Human Resources 05.903 Employee Grievance Policy Statement. The UNT Health Science Center is committed to treating all employees fairly and equitably, and to maintaining a formal process to resolve work-related grievances in a fair and prompt manner. No employee shall be disciplined or otherwise adversely affected in his or her employment in any way for exercising rights under this policy. The UNT Health Science Center provides a formal, internal process for the good faith resolution of work-related grievances and responds to employee grievances fairly in accordance with this policy. Application of Policy. All non-faculty employees. Definitions. 1. Grievance. An employee’s formal expression of disagreement or dissatisfaction with employment-related concerns, such as working conditions, hours of work, compensation, environment, or relationships with supervisors or other employees. Review of an involuntary termination action will follow the procedure set forth in UNT Health Science Center HR Policy 05.901, Performance Counseling and Discipline. 2. President’s Designee. The president may choose a designee to consider a grievance, or appeal instead of the president. The president’s designee must be a vice president or executive vice president. 3. Witness Statement. A written statement from an individual having first-hand knowledge of the action or condition giving rise to the grievance. 4. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Use of an informal, non-adversarial process to resolve concerns among individuals in the workplace generally using a neutral thirdparty to promote understanding and reconciliation. Procedures and Responsibilities. 1. Initial Discussion/Problem Solving. In most cases, an employee should first discuss the concern with his or her immediate supervisor. Supervisors will make every effort to respond to the employee’s concern as soon as possible. Responsible Party: Employee and Supervisor 2. Filing a Grievance. A grievance may be submitted when a work-related concern cannot be resolved informally between the employee and his or her supervisor. An employee must submit a grievance to Human Resources Services within ten (10) business days from the date the action or condition the employee is grieving occurred. Grievances must be in writing on an official grievance form, and include the following information: (1) nature of the grievance; (2) attempts made to resolve the grievance and degree of success; (3) Health Science Center policy that employee believes were violated; and (4) resolution the employee seeks. Responsible Party: Employee and Human Resources Services 3. Consideration of a Grievance. Grievances will be reviewed by Human Resources Services for compliance with this policy and forwarded to the immediate supervisor of the individual who took the action that is being grieved or who can address the condition that is the subject of the grievance. The individual reviewing the grievance has ten (10) business days to respond. If the president is responsible for reviewing a grievance, the president’s or the president’s designee’s decision on the grievance is final. Responsible Party: Supervisor and Human Resources Services 4. Appealing a Decision. If a grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, the employee can appeal the decision by submitting a written request to Human Resources Services within five (5) business days of receiving the response. Failure to submit an appeal within five (5) business days concludes the grievance. Appeals will be reviewed by Human Resources Services to ensure compliance with this policy, and forwarded to the supervisor of the individual who responded to the grievance. The individual considering the appeal must respond within five (5) business days, except that the president, the president’s designee or a vice president may respond within ten (10) business days. The decision on the appeal is final. Responsible Party: Employee and Human Resources Services 5. Extensions of Time. Any participant in the grievance process may request an extension from Human Resources Services if additional time is required for any step in the process. A maximum of one (1) extension may be granted in each step of the process. Responsible Party: Employee and Human Resources Services 6. Witness Statements. Witness statements may be submitted by any participant in the grievance process at any step in the process. Responsible Party: Employee and Human Resources Services 7. ADR Process. The ADR process may be initiated at any time, in which case the grievance is suspended pending completion of the alternative dispute resolution process. Either party may request ADR and either may decline to participate in the ADR process. The employee can resume the grievance by notifying Human Resources Services, in writing, within three (3) business days of an unsuccessful alternative dispute session. If ADR is successful, the grievance process terminates. Responsible Party: Employee and Human Resources Services 8. In the event a terminated employee makes an allegation of a nature that requires investigation during the grievance process (such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation or a violation of other policies), the allegation will be referred to the appropriate office to determine whether an investigation is warranted and the grievance process will be suspended until a determination is made by that office. Responsible Party: Human Resources Services 9. The Executive Director of Human Capital Management or his or her designee, acting as a neutral party, may advise the employee and management regarding procedural matters and interpretation of applicable policies. References and Cross-references. UNTHSC Policy 05.201 Nondiscrimination/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action UNTHSC Policy 05.205 Sexual Harassment UNTHSC Policy 05.210 Grievance Procedure for Alleged Discrimination in Employment UNTHSC Policy 05.410 Reduction in Force UNTHSC Policy 05.902 Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution Information and Procedural Guidelines for Pursuing and Resolving a Complaint of Discrimination, including Sexual Harassment Texas Government Code § 617.005 Forms and Tools. Grievance Form ADR Form Discrimination Form Approved: September 2006 Effective: September 2006 Revised: June 2012