AP U.S. History Unit 2: Causes of the American Revolution

AP U.S. History Unit 2: Causes of the American Revolution Organizing Principles: • Prior to 1763, the British subordinated American capital to British capital. • The British success in the French and Indian War transformed the relationship between Britain and the American colonies. • British policies after 1763 were designed to raise revenue to pay for the cost of the empire. • The American colonists were divided over what course of action to take in response to British policies. • The Americans created a government, the Continental Congress, to address the deteriorating relationship between Britain and the colonies. Topics: • Chapter 4: life and labor in the Chesapeake tobacco region; indentured servants and Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia, 1676; the spread of slavery; African American culture; southern society; families in New England; declining Puritan piety; the Salem witchcraft trials • Chapter 5: immigration and population growth; colonial social structure; the Atlantic economy; the role of religion; the Great Awakening of the 1730s; education and culture; politics and the press • Chapter 6: New France; fur-­‐traders and Indians; Anglo-­‐French colonial rivalries; Europe, America, and the first world wars; the Seven Years’ War; Pontiac’s Uprising and the Proclamation of 1763 Date Topic Assignment 8/24 quiz 4.1; life and labor in the Chesapeake tobacco region; indentured servants Pageant 75-­‐83; Spirit 70-­‐71,75-­‐77; and Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia, 1676; the spread of slavery; African American Plantation handout due 8/28; quiz 4.2 culture; southern society; distribute Our Plantation is Very Weak: The over assigned readings 8/27 Experience of an Indentured Servant, 1623* handout 8/27 quiz 4.2; families in New England; declining Puritan piety; the Salem witchcraft Spirit 77-­‐79,80-­‐81; chapter 5 worksheet trials; distribute Salem Witch Trial Hands-­‐On-­‐History Activity** annotation due 8/30; Salem annotation packet and packet and discussion sheet; distribute chapter 5 worksheet discussion sheet due 8/28 8/28 chapter 4 worksheet due; Paideia Seminar over the Salem Witch Trial Hands-­‐
Pageant 84-­‐94; Spirit 88-­‐90; quiz 5.1 over On-­‐History Activity annotation packet and discussion sheet assigned readings 8/29 8/29 quiz 5.1; immigration and population growth; colonial social structure; the Pageant 94-­‐105; Spirit 100-­‐103; quiz 5.2 Atlantic economy over assigned readings 8/30 8/30 quiz 5.2; the role of religion; the Great Awakening of the 1730s; education and chapter 6 worksheet due 9/6; Sinners in culture; politics and the press; distribute Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God the Hands of an Angry God annotation annotation worksheet; distribute chapter 6 worksheet worksheet due 8/31 8/31 chapter 5 worksheet due; Paideia Seminar over the Sinners in the Hands of an Pageant 106-­‐115; Spirit 107-­‐112; quiz 6.1 Angry God annotation worksheet over assigned readings 9/4 9/4 quiz 6.1; New France; fur-­‐traders and Indians; Anglo-­‐French colonial rivalries Pageant 115-­‐121; Spirit 114-­‐120; quiz 6.2 over assigned readings 9/5 9/5 quiz 6.2; Europe, America, and the first world wars; the Seven Years’ War; study for Unit 1 multiple choice test Pontiac’s Uprising and the Proclamation of 1763 9/6 chapter 6 worksheet due; Unit 2 multiple choice exam; 80 questions in 55 prepare webbing/outline for Unit 2 in minutes to model AP U.S. History National Exam class FRQ essay 9/7 Unit 2 in-­‐class FRQ essay (Cliff’s AP Preparation Guide, p.338); 1 question in 55 Pageant 122-­‐130; Spirit 127-­‐128,131-­‐132; minutes to model AP U.S. History National Exam; distribute chapter 7 quiz 7.1 over assigned reading 9/10; worksheet; “Two Views of the Boston Massacre” assignment chapter 7 worksheet due 9/12; “Two Views of the Boston Massacre” (Pageant 129) essay due 9/10 *For online version of Our Plantation is Very Weak: The Experience of an Indentured Servant, 1623, go to: http://historyteacher.net/AHAP/Readings/reading-­‐Frethorne-­‐indentured_servant_letter.pdf ** For online version of Salem Witch Trial Hands-­‐On-­‐History Activity packet, go to: http://historyteacher.net/AHAP/Research_Links/HOH-­‐SalemWitchTrials.pdf 