What Are Natural Colloidal Micelles Cleaners?

What Are Natural Colloidal Micelles Cleaners?
Natural colloidal micelles cleaners are environmentally safe and revolutionary in concept and work on a molecular level. They
break the attraction of molecules to each other and to a surface. Once this attraction is broken, residue is easily and safely
rinsed away. Natural colloidal micelles cleaners are especially effective against organic dirt and soil such as blood and fruit
stains. Thomas Graham (1805-1869) was a physical chemist credited as the founder of colloidal chemistry.
First we'll define the individual terms found in the phrase natural "colloidal micelles cleaner".
Natural means anything found existing in nature and not created by man.
A colloid is a type of mixture (solution) in which one substance is dispersed (suspended) evenly throughout another.
A micelle is a spherical mass (aggregate) of molecules created during the process of making a colloid. Its full name is a
"colloidal micelle". Micelles are also known as "associated colloids".
A cleaner is anything that removes dirt, including dust, grease, stains, bad smells, garbage and more.
Colloidal science is the study of systems involving small particles of one substance suspended in another. These can be in the
form of suspensions in solids, suspensions in gases, and suspensions in liquids. Suspensions in liquids form the basis of a
wide variety of products, including paints, ceramics, cosmetics, agricultural sprays, soaps and even food preparations.
Natural liquid cleaners are suspensions in liquids and can be considered as soaps (not detergents) that are made from
completely natural ingredients and contain no chemical additives or manmade products. A truly natural soap does not even
contain fragrance. Every formula has specific ingredients but the more common ingredients are animal or vegetable oils
(fatty acids), vegetable and plant-based enzymes and minerals (surfactants), organic alcohol, coconut oil, and purified water.
The nanotechnology of colloidal micelles cleaners causes electrical charges to be instilled in the solution. The electromagnetic
strength of the colloidal cleaner is greater than the electromagnetic forces holding the dirt and grime to the dirty surface.
This results in the dirt being magnetically attracted to the cleaner solution and pulled away from the dirty surface. The
surface is not affected, only the dirt. The dirt breaks up into tiny molecular droplets and each droplet is surrounded by the
cleaner. This keeps it from being redeposited on the clean surface and the solution can be rinsed down any drain.
The following are important factors to be considered in order to get the most from a colloidal cleaner:
Water: All colloidal cleaners must have water added in order to activate the cleaning action.
Solution Strength: While some cleaning operations require that the colloidal cleaner be applied undiluted prior to adding
water, in order for the solution to break the surface tension of the dirt being removed most solutions work well at dilution
ratios of 120:1 to 10:1 when diluted with water.
Time: A colloidal cleaner needs time to fragment and take into solution the dirt to be removed. This can range from a few
seconds for mild cleaning to 2-3 hours for heavy duty degreasing.
Temperature: An increase or decrease in temperature dramatically affects a colloidal cleaner's effectiveness. Standard room
temperature is normal but higher temperatures (to 105 degrees F) will allow faster action.
Mechanics: Agitation (scrubbing) of a colloidal cleaning solution while in contact with the dirt to be removed will increase its
effectiveness and speed of action.
Cost competitive with toxic products
Replace most hazardous cleaners
Biodegradable – No expensive disposal required.
No protective clothing required.
Can safely be poured on the ground or down sewers.
Non-Corrosive – Non- flammable
Non-carcinogenic - Non-mutagenic
Safe for all skin conditions including MIS and allergenic
No known hazardous fumes
No known EPA or OSHA regulatory requirements.
Because natural colloidal micelle cleaners are organic and made to be oil emulsifiers, they are very effective in killing and
repelling bugs by quickly dissolving the outer skin layers of most insects.
Natural soaps can also be utilized to soften skin, eliminate warts, heal cold sores, and even get rid of acne due to the
naturally medicinal ingredients used in their manufacture.
Many university tests have shown that natural soaps meet or even exceed the cleaning power of their chemical cousins that
contain toxic ingredients such as solvents, abrasives, corrosives, caustics, combustibles, and a host of other pollutants that
degrade our water and air. In the years to come these natural soaps will gradually replace a large variety of other cleaners
as their technology and environmental improvement becomes better known and understood by the general population.