SUBJECTIVE NATURE OF LOWER LIMB RADICULAR PAIN Geoffrey M. Bove, DC, PhD, Asia Zaheen, MD, and Zahid H. Bajwa, MD ABSTRACT Background: Lumbar pathologies may cause the perception of leg pain, but the character of this pain has not been described. Diagnosis is often based on dermatomal charts, but observations reveal that the pain is not typically perceived on the skin. Objective: To document the incidence of superficial versus deep pain localization among patients with lumbar radicular pain. Methods: Twenty-five patients with lower limb radicular pain were questioned to determine the specific localization of their pain. The investigator categorized the pain location into general areas (eg, posterior thigh or anterior leg). Patients were asked if their pain was perceived as being on the skin or deep, as a forced choice question. These data were gathered in 2 conditions: at rest (spontaneous pain) and during a straight leg raise test (mechanically evoked pain). Data were recorded using a standardized form for later analysis. Results: In all cases, symptoms were reported to be in deep structures. Pain was typically reported at sites correlated with multiple spinal levels. Conclusion: Because radicular pain symptoms are perceived in deep structures rather than on the skin, the diagnostic value of dermatomal charts is questioned. Clinicians are advised to be specific when questioning patients with radicular pain symptoms and to refer to myotomal and sclerotomal charts when making diagnoses. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2005;28:12-14) Key Indexing Terms: Pain; Sciatic Neuropathy; Straight Leg Raise A fundamental characteristic of radiating pain is that it is perceived in a different location than the causative lesion. The best-known example of radiating pain is the lower extremity pain associated with lumbar disk disease and known as bsciatica,Q which affects up to 40% of the adult population.1 Despite the prevalence of such painful conditions, the localization of pain has rarely been described, especially in terms of bdeepQ versus bsuperficial.Q Because the myotomal and sclerotomal (deep) and dermatomal (superficial) innervation patterns are dissimilar, the clinical interpretation of symptoms may be dependent on this sort of localization. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether lower limb radicular pain is perceived by patients to be deep or superficial. To this end, we questioned patients presenting to our pain clinic with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Submit requests for reprints to: Dr. Geoffrey M. Bove, DC, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, 330 Brookline Avenue, Dana 721, Boston, MA 02215 (e-mail: Paper submitted June 16, 2003; in revised form October 10, 2003. 0161-4754/$30.00 Copyright D 2005 by National University of Health Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2004.12.011 12 diagnoses of lumbar radiculopathy about the localization of their spontaneous and mechanically evoked leg pain. METHODS The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Committee on Clinical Investigation approved this protocol. All data collection was performed by one of the authors (AZ), who was unaware of the main hypothesis of the study. The records of scheduled patients aged 25 to 65 years were checked for diagnoses of lumbar radiculopathy. Before their scheduled examination, such patients were invited and gave verbal consent to participate. While lying supine on the examination table, the investigator asked the patients about the pain they were currently perceiving (spontaneous pain), using a standardized script. Patients were not asked to provide pain descriptors, nor were such descriptors recorded. They were asked to localize their symptoms as specifically as possible. The investigator categorized the location of symptoms as anterior, posterior, medial, and/or lateral for the buttocks, thigh, knee, leg, and/or foot. For each region where pain was reported, patients were also asked if the pain was perceived bon the skinQ or bdeep,Q using these standard terms. All data were recorded on a standardized form. A straight leg raise (SLR) test was then performed, and the approximate angle at which symptoms appeared was Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 28, Number 1 Bove et al Lower Limb Radicular Pain Table 1. Reports of spontaneous and evoked pain from all legs and correlating root levels Spontaneous pain Evoked pain Spinal level Case Glut Thigh Knee Leg Foot Glut Thigh Knee Leg Foot L2 L3 L4 L5 S1 S2 6 3 5 4 23 24 20 29 8 11 27 10 2 7 22 16 25 28 1 9 26 17 18 12 13 14 15 19 21 p pl pl pl pl pl p l pl pl p pl p p p p p p p pl pl apml pl pl pl p p p l apml apml apml pl al pl p pl p p l pl apml pl pl pl p p p l apml apml apml pl al pl p pl p p l apml pl pl pl p p p l apml apml apml pl al pl p apml l p a p p p al pl pl apml pl pl apml p p apml apml se se se se se se e e e se se s se s s se se se s se se se s se s s se s s e s e s se se s se se se s se s s se se e s s se se s se s s s se se se se se se s se s se s s se se se se se s s s se s s s apml apml a a a a apml apml a a a a apml apml a a a a pl p pl p ap p pl a p ap p a p a p p p pl a a a l pl pl p p pl pl pl al apml p p apml l pl al pl al e e p p a a a a s s s se se se se s s s se se se se a l p p a a a a p a a a pm p a s s se se se se e s s s s se se se se s s se se se se se Cases were arranged by the relative extent of the spontaneous pain symptoms. Glut, Gluteal; a, anterior; p, posterior; m, medial; l, lateral. s, Spontaneous; e, evoked symptom in location consistent with listed nerve root, from myotomal chart.2 recorded. The subjective reports of the patients to the same questions about pain localization during this test were recorded. Ankle dorsiflexion was then performed, and patients were asked if this worsened their pain. The responses were summarized in chart format. RESULTS Subjective pain perceptions from 19 right and 10 left legs of 25 patients were recorded (Table 1) from the 25 sequential patients who were asked to participate. All 29 legs were reported to generate spontaneous pain. In all cases, the pain was reported to be deep, not superficial. Straight leg raising evoked pain in 24 (83%) legs, at a mean level of 588 (SD 16.7). Evoked pain was also reported to be deep in all cases. Ankle dorsiflexion aggravated the symptoms in 20 (83%) of these legs. The 95% exact binomial confidence interval for both spontaneous and evoked superficial pain being reported in 0 of 29 cases is 0 to 0.12; in other words, the prevalence of superficial pain probably lies, in either case, between 0% and 12%. The regions of spontaneous pain were compared with myotomal charts of the lower limb, 2 and the corresponding root levels were recorded. In all but 1 case, multiple roots seemed affected. In only 1 case did symptoms in the distribution of multiple roots bskipQ any level. In the majority of cases, the regions and spinal levels of evoked pain were either the same or were a subset of the areas of spontaneous pain (Table 1). In 2 cases, the evoked symptoms were more widespread than the spontaneous symptoms. Eleven patients reported spontaneous anterior thigh and/or knee pain, and in 2 different cases, evoked pain was reported in these areas, indicating L2 and/or L3 involvement. DISCUSSION The most striking finding in this study was that in all cases, the spontaneous and evoked pains were reported as deep rather than superficial. This contrasts to previous reports that 22% of patients with radicular symptoms had superficially perceived spontaneous leg pain.3,4 The principal difference may be that the cited reports examined cases 13 14 Bove et al Lower Limb Radicular Pain in which surgery had been or would be performed, whereas our patients were mainly referred to the pain clinic as nonsurgical candidates. In addition, the cited authors attributed superficial symptoms to more severe nerve involvement, which is a distinct possibility. The difference between deep versus superficial pain has clinical and biologic implications. Clinically, spontaneous pain and the SLR test are used to help diagnose which nerve roots are involved in a radiculopathy. The symptoms are often compared with dermatomal charts. However, in the absence of reports of spontaneous or SLR-evoked cutaneous pain, dermatomal charts are clearly not the ideal diagnostic reference. These data suggest that myotomal and sclerotomal charts2 have more diagnostic potential. On the other hand, the data may indicate that pain symptoms have limited diagnostic utility, especially considering that pain was reported correlating to multiple levels in almost all cases. Biologically, these data imply fundamental differences within primary afferent nociceptive neurons. The neurons innervating musculoskeletal structures may respond differently to pathologic lesions that cause radicular symptoms from the neurons innervating cutaneous structures. These ideas are consistent with recent reports that intact afferent neurons innervating muscle develop spontaneous activity after nerve injury, 5 whereas cutaneous neurons do not. This could explain deep spontaneous pain after nerve injury. Also, the axons of deep but not cutaneous afferent neurons develop spontaneous activity and more importantly mechanical sensitivity during neuritis.6 This provides a potential mechanism for both spontaneous and mechanically evoked pain perceived as bdeep.Q There was a distinct difference between the number of spinal levels involved in spontaneous pain compared with evoked pain. We hypothesize that this reflects different mechanisms for spontaneous versus evoked pain and that both could be explained by changes affecting primary afferent nociceptors. Although little data exist to support such hypotheses, our previous report showed that when axons are inflamed, some nociceptive neurons spontaneously generate action potentials (could lead to spontaneous pain), whereas others become mechanically sensitive (could lead to evoked pain).6 The present observations could be caused by such basic neurophysiological differences. The apparently multiple spinal level involvement of the symptoms and the different distributions of spontaneous and evoked pain are not consistent with commonly held Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics January 2005 concepts of focal pathologies (eg, discal herniation). However, autologous nucleus pulposus from a compromised intervertebral disk is known to cause intrathecal inflammation7,8 that would not be expected to be restricted by nerve root levels, but rather by the spread of the intradiscal material. The extent of radicular symptoms, assessed by the number of spinal levels involved, may be related to the extent of inflammation and may be a measure of severity. However, there is a confounder in the concept of nonspecific extension of inflammation to other spinal levels as a cause of the symptoms reported: there were no reports of contralateral symptoms. We have no hypothesis to offer as explanation for this. CONCLUSION This project indicates that questions regarding bvolume,Q in addition to area of pain, give qualitatively different diagnostic information. Future comparisons of symptoms, physical findings, and imaging will be necessary to clarify the significance of such symptoms and whether they impact clinical decision making. REFERENCES 1. Frymoyer JW. Lumbar disk disease: epidemiology. Instr Course Lect 1992;41:217 - 23. 2. Inman VT, Saunders JB. Referred pain from skeletal structures. J Nerv Ment Dis 1944;99:660 - 7. 3. Ljunggren AE. Descriptions of pain and other sensory modalities in patients with lumbago-sciatica and herniated intervertebral discs. Interview administration of an adapted McGill Pain Questionnaire. Pain 1983;16:265 - 76. 4. Ljunggren AE, Jacobsen T, Osvik A. Pain descriptions and surgical findings in patients with herniated lumbar intervertebral disks. Pain 1988;35:39 - 46. 5. Michaelis M, Liu XG, Janig W. 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