Prof. Dr. Fritz Helmedag Technische Universität Chemnitz Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Lehrstuhl Volkswirtschaftslehre II (Mikroökonomie) D-09107 Chemnitz Phone: Fax: E-Mail: +49/(0)371/531-4185 +49/(0)371/531-4352 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Abstract Macroeconomic analysis often employs a uniform saving rate. Yet, this approach is only consistent with two special cases: either all households spend the same fraction of earnings or the shares in national income are held constant by assumption. Both premises appear misleading. It is shown that fluctuations in investments (as a synonym for autonomous demand) generally affect distribution. In addition, the impacts of changing wages on the social product (‘purchasing power argument’) or rather profits (‘wage-profit-tradeoff’) are revealed. Keywords: Wages, Profits, Income, Saving rates, Profit sharing JEL-classification: E12, E25 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 1. Effective demand in short supply Popular textbooks on macroeconomics create the impression that the study of multiplier effects and the theory of income determination in the tradition of John M. Keynes, Michal Kalecki, Nicholas Kaldor and others are nowadays doomed to a shadow existence.1 However, considerations in this vein should be acknowledged as indispensable since convincing explanations for the volume of social product and its distribution must fulfil the flow-balance conditions. It is a salient feature of exchange economies that all expenditures turn into income, whereas the converse does not hold: non-spending defined as saving brings about the accumulation of wealth. Opinions differ whether or not the formation of reserves jeopardizes the level of employment. Even in this issue mainstream economists stress the strength of the laws of supply and demand, but show disregard for the mutual dependencies and interactions between macroeconomic aggregates. 1 Cf. e.g. Blanchard (2003), Burda / Wyplosz (1997), Heijdra / van der Ploeg (2002), Minford / Peel (2002), Mankiw (2000), Romer (1996). 2 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages The aim of the present paper is to provide a clear-cut and general account of how spending decisions and the wage bill influence the value of net output and profits. Moreover, the ‘purchasing power argument’, quite often put forth by trade unions’ representatives, is scrutinized. They claim that an increase in total wages raises expenditures and thus the demand for labour. In contrast, employers resort to a ‘wage-profit trade-off’. A higher pay and, therefore, an allegedly lower profit entails a decline in investments and soaring prices. As a consequence, inflation and dismissals would occur. Again, such widespread doctrines deserve to be examined meticulously. To keep the analysis as simple as possible, the economy under investigation is assumed to be closed and the government does not perform any economic activity. The society consists of workers and employers (or capitalists) who carry out the entrepreneurial function. Saving habits are class-specific and do not refer to the sources of income, i.e. workers follow a uniform propensity to consume even if they earn a part of profits. Finally, only two types of spending are distinguished: on the one hand the households’ purchases as a fraction of income and on the other hand autonomous demand alternatively called ‘investment’. These exogenous expenditures can be financed either by cash, the liquidation of assets, or outside means. Price and quantity reactions are not separated; in principle both adjustments are possible. How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 3 Within this framework, three models are presented. In the first setting, the society’s consumption hinges on a uniform saving rate. Next, specific spending habits for workers and capitalists are postulated. In the third variant, profits are divided between the two groups according to their respective savings. For each of the three alternative set-ups, the equations for the national income and the profits are established. Subsequently, the consequences of changing investments and wages are ascertained. 2. A single class society: model 1 Usually s denotes the saving rate. Yet, the standard literature fails to inform the reader whether this symbol indicates the saving rate of identical households or the weighted average of class-specific ones. In the latter case s inevitably varies with the distribution of income. Since textbooks do not offer such an interpretation, their world seems to be populated by households which share a common propensity to save with 0 < s ≤ 1. Then, total consumption C in money terms amounts to C1 = (1 − s )Y1 where Y1 stands for the nominal national income.2 Because the government and the rest of the world are not involved here, only investments (I ) representing autonomous demand have to be considered. Equating the value of net output and total 2 The index refers to the corresponding model. 4 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages expenditure gives Y1 = C1 + I . Inserting in this expression the households’ consumption yields: Y1 = I s (1) Independent of wages, a rise in investments will entail a higher equilibrium social product. The ‘simple’ multiplier relation reads: dY1 1 = dI s (2) As long as price and quantity adaptations are not isolated, it remains unclear to what extent employment is correlated with changes in autonomous demand. If the supply of goods and services is inelastic, prices will more or less rise. It is possible to establish a link between the money values of the wage bill (W) and profits (P). By definition, the latter consists of the difference between national income and the remuneration for the labour power: P1 = Y1 − W (3) From an economic perspective, however, the two income components are not on equal footing. Under capitalistic conditions, aggregate wages generally do not suffice to purchase the social product. Expenditures stemming from other sources must appear so that profits arise: “However great the margin of profit on a unit of output, the capitalists cannot make more in total profits than they How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 5 consume and invest (inclusive of accumulation of unsold goods)” (Kalecki, 1942, p. 260). Combining equations (1) and (3) leads to: P1 = I − sW s (4) Obviously, profits are positive if and only if: I > I1 : = sW (5) As a consequence, for profits to exist at all autonomous demand has to exceed the savings out of wages. Whenever the wage bill increases, profits decrease by the same amount in the present scenario. Equation (3) verifies this statement. The derivative of profits with respect to total wages expresses the widespread idea of an existing one-to-one trade-off between the income categories: dP1 = −1 dW (6) Since the social product is determined by s and I alone, wages do not affect the value of net output. Hence, an augmented pay causes an equal reduction in profits. Thus, the fight for income shares tends to be extremely fierce. Equation (4) provides information on how an investment variation alters profits: 6 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages dP1 = dI dW dI s 1− s (7) Dividing profits (4) by social product (1) gives the share of income accruing to the capitalists: P1 sW = 1− Y1 I (8) To keep the share of the profits in income constant, a very special condition P d 1 − s dW I − W Y dI = 0 immediately follows: is required. From 1 = 2 dI I dW W = dI I (9) National income and its components change with the same percentage if and only if total wages and autonomous demand have identical growth rates. This situation arises exclusively by pure chance. In a capitalist society, the righthand side of (9) is necessarily positive. Rising investments, however, have no predetermined effect on the wage bill. Frequently, an increase in autonomous demand raises the remuneration of the working class. In contrast, it is also possible that labour saving investments reduce their income, i.e. dW < 0. dI Indeed, cost minimization drives the choice of technique. Finally a variation of investments may even be without impact on total wages. This is conceivable in cases of excess capacity, when more or less output is produced How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 7 with the same staff. In such situations, fluctuations in autonomous demand are completely reflected in profits which change social product by the same amount. At any rate, condition (9) either cannot be fulfilled or only by some amazing fluke. Most likely, the share of profits in social product changes with investments, though it is uncertain in which direction. The preceding analysis rests on the simplifying assumption of a uniform saving rate. In this regard a more realistic approach is necessary. 3. Class-specific saving behaviour: model 2 According to the ‘fundamental psychological law’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 96) the propensity to consume falls with income. If capitalists receive a relatively high per-capita income, their saving rate (sP) will be larger than the workers’ one (sW): 0 ≤ sW < sP ≤ 1 (10) Aggregate consumption is determined by C2 = (1 − sW )W + (1 − sP ) P2 , and the social product becomes Y2 = (1 − sW )W + (1 − sP )(Y2 − W ) + I . Solving this equation for Y2 yields: Y2 = I + ( sP − sW )W sP (11) 8 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Contrary to model 1, the national income now depends on the wage bill. An increment in pay implies a higher social product: (10) sP − sW (11) dY2 ≤1 = 0 < sP (12) dW Under such circumstances, the purchasing power argument applies in principle. Clearly, total income forms an upper limit on the wage bill. Profits amount to P2 = Y2 − W = I + ( sP − sW )W − W ≥ 0 . Rewriting sP creates more clarity: P2 = I − sW W sP (13) Equation (13) states that profits can be increased by a higher autonomous demand and less savings. Kaldor put it in a nutshell: “[…] Keynes regards entrepreneurial incomes as being the resultant of their expenditure decisions, rather than the other way round – which is perhaps the most important difference between ‘Keynesian’ and ‘pre-Keynesian’ habits of thought” (Kaldor 1955/56, p. 94, note). In this scenario profits are positive whenever investments overcompensate workers’ savings: I > I 2 : = sW W (14) How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 9 The profit function (13) describes the relation between wages and profits. Forming the derivative of profits with respect to the wage bill yields dP2 s = − W . Due to condition (10), the range of the ‘reaction coefficient’ is: dW sP −1 < s dP2 =− W ≤0 dW sP (15) This economy seems to be a more harmonic place than the one of model 1. Apparently, increasing wages do not require equally decreasing profits as before. For sP > 2 sW , higher wages cause the social product to rise by an amount larger than the corresponding decline in profits. Therefore, the struggle over distribution of income may be moderated. Next on the agenda is multiplier analysis. Differentiating equation (11) with respect to autonomous demand ensues in: dY2 = dI 1 + ( sP − sW ) dW dI sP (16) Surprisingly, social product does not always grow with investments. In case labour is substituted by machinery, Y2 falls as long as ( sP − sW ) 3 dW < −1. 3 dI Strictly speaking, dW represents the present value of the original and all (discounted) subsequent reductions in wages. 10 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Equation (13) makes information about the profit reaction available: dP2 = dI 1 − sW dW dI sP (17) Unexpectedly again, an additional autonomous demand compresses profits in situations where sW dW > 1. dI It is interesting to find out how the independence between the average rate of savings and investments is established. From s2 = sW W P + sP 2 , we get Y2 Y2 after some obvious manipulations: s2 = sP I I + ( sP − sW )W (18) Regularly, the level of investments affects the average saving rate. The exception requires: dW ( sP − sW ) sP W ( sP − sW ) − I ds2 dI =0 = 2 dI ( I + W ( sP − sW ) ) (19) Investments exert no influence on the average saving rate provided that dW W = . Amazingly enough, condition (9) must hold strictly even in this dI I model to ensure that income shares and thereupon the average saving rate do How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages 11 not vary with investments.4 Apart from such a pure coincidence, it is unclear at the outset whether the share of profits will move in the same or in the opposite direction as autonomous demand. Yet, owing to labour costs curbing process innovations, i.e. for dW < 0 in equations (16) and (17), profits rise dI particularly strong, whereas social product may even shrink. 4. Profit sharing: model 3 It is plausible that employees who save have an unearned income as well. Pasinetti (1962) postulated a division of profits between workers (PW) and capitalists (PP) equal to the ratio of their respective savings.5 Once this premise is accepted, from 4 PP sP PP = follows: PW sW (W + PW ) In his often cited survey, Kaldor assumes full employment. Therefore “[…] a rise in investment […] will raise prices and profit margins […]” (1955/56, p. 95). At the same time, however, income is held constant. Thus, according to Kaldor, an increase in investment seems to raise the share of profits in social product. 5 Pasinetti’s analysis has been intensively debated; the discussion is reviewed by Ahmad (1991, ch. 13). 12 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages PW = sW W sP − sW (20) A higher workers’ saving rate raises their profits relative to the remuneration for labour services as long as sW < sP (see Bortis, 1993, p. 109). In total, they get: sW sPW W + PW = W 1 + = sP − sW sP − sW (21) Given the income of workers and capitalists, national consumption reads s W s PW C3 = (1 − sW ) P + (1 − s P ) Y3 − = s PW + (1 − s P )Y3 = Y3 − s P P3 . s P − sW s P − sW Adding investments yields the entire expenditure: Y3 = C3 + I = Y3 − sP P3 + I . Solving this expression for aggregate profits results in: P3 = I sP (22) Apparently, profits arise when investments are positive independent of the workers’ saving rate. Although the employees obtain unearned income, the sum of profits in this economy hinges exclusively on the capitalists’ decisions. Accordingly, no wage-profit-trade-off exists in this setting. Profits remain unchanged by wage bill variations: dP3 =0 dW National income is calculated with recourse to the profit function (22): (23) How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Y3 = P3 + W = I + sPW sP 13 (24) It can directly be seen that: dY3 =1 dW (25) If both classes of the society receive profits, the purchasing power argument applies in the strictest sense. Profits accruing to capitalists come to: PP = P3 − PW = s W I − W sP sP − sW (26) This equation portrays the two-stage process in which the profits are generated and allocated. In the first step, the entrepreneurs alone determine the level of entire profits via I and sP. Subsequently, the workers participate by performing a specific saving behaviour. For 0 < sW < sP , positive capitalists’ profits require a higher autonomous demand than before: I3 > sP sW W (14) sP I2 > I2 = sP − sW sP − sW (27) From social product (24) the effect of an investment variation on the net output is derived: dY3 = dI 1 + sP sP dW dI (28) 14 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages As experienced in the previous model, an expanding autonomous demand will not necessarily raise social product: whenever dW 1 <− the nominator dI sP of (28) becomes negative. Yet, according to equation (22) aggregate profits always increase: dP3 1 = dI sP (29) Again the question arises, how to isolate the average rate of savings from fluctuations in investments. Substituting equations (21), (24) and (26) in s3 = sW W + PW P + sP P leads to: Y3 Y3 s3 = sP I I + sPW (30) Remarkably, the saving behaviour of the workers does not contribute to the average saving rate here. The condition for its constancy requires: dW s p 2 W − I ds3 dI = =0 dI ( I + sPW )2 Once more, the proviso (31) dW W = must hold true, which hardly ever happens. dI I Otherwise, income shares and the average saving rate are connected to investments and cannot be considered as given. Moreover, in this model a possible ‘contraction setting’ should be noted. Inspecting (26) reveals: How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages sW dW dPP 1 = − dI sP sP − sW dI 15 (32) The second term on the right-hand side of equation (32) reflects the alteration of the workers’ profit (20) due to a changing investment. Thus, if dW sP − sW , the repercussion on the capitalists’ profit is negative. > dI sP sW Paradoxically, augmenting autonomous demand diminishes their income. The efforts to offset such losses intensify the entrepreneurs’ urge to control costs. If, by means of labour saving technical progress, the capitalists succeed to reduce the wage bill, their profits soar whereas social product possibly declines. This, in return, aggravates the battle over distribution. 5. A concluding assessment The table below appears useful to summarize and annotate the findings of this enquiry. The first four rows display the equations for national income and profits together with the respective multiplier formulae. For differing consumption patterns, the average saving rates presented in row five depend both on the wage bill and on investments. A uniform saving rate excludes these interrelations. The sixth row demonstrates that the purchasing power argument gains ground when considering model 1 through 3. In the third scenario, a rising wage bill increases the national product by 100 %. At the same time, there 16 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages exists no trade-off between the income categories: varying wages do not affect the level of profits. In model 3, only the capitalists decide on this part of the social product. Thus, a profit sharing system seems to be more receptive to an increment in wages. Yet, the third arrangement bears conflict because profits have to be split between the parties. Differentiating equations (20) and (26) with respect to wages results in dPW sW dP = = − P . Obviously, rising wages divert dW sP − sW dW capitalists’ income to the workers’ profits. So the labour force enjoys higher earnings from both sources. Furthermore, provided that 0 < sW < sP , the comparison with equation (15) shows that the capitalists will suffer a more severe cutback in profits as opposed to a situation without profit sharing. Generally, fluctuations in autonomous demand alter the distribution. Then, the average saving rate varies too. This correspondence is invalidated only under two special premises. Firstly, either a uniform propensity to consume is simply supposed for all levels of income or, secondly, equation (9) is taken for granted, i.e. dW W = ensures constant income shares. dI I However, theories concerning the determination of social product and its development are wide of the mark as long as they are based on such counterfactual prerequisites. 17 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Table: A survey of results profit sharing no yes class-specific saving rates 0 ≤ sW < s P < 1 uniform saving rate s model 1 national income Y I s income multiplier dY dI 1 s profits P (1) (2) model 2 I + ( sP − sW )W sP 1 + ( sP − sW ) dW dI sP I − sW (4) s I − sW W sP model 3 (11) (16) (13) I + s PW (24) sP 1 + sP sP dW dI (28) I sP (22) dW profit multiplier dW 1 1 − sW 1− s (29) dI dP dI (7) (17) sP sP s dI sP I sP I average (18) s3 = (30) s2 = s I + ( sP − sW )W I + sPW saving rate purchasing power s −s argument 0 < P W ≤ 1 (12) 0 (1) 1 (25) sP dY dW wage-profittrade-off dP dW −1 (6) −1< − sW ≤0 sP (15) 0 (23) 18 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Arguably, in most instances the assumptions of model 2 come closest to reality. In case workers spend what they get, a higher pay raises national product by the same amount, while profits remain the same. When employees save, an augmented remuneration is transmitted into an increasing social product. The rest has to be covered by profits. Of course, entrepreneurs steadily try to improve their income position by realizing labour saving process innovations. If these efforts cause total wages to fall, social product may even decrease although profits rise. Therefore, economic policy should attach great significance to those components of autonomous demand which are most likely to promote the growth of national income. References Ahmad, S. (1991) Capital in Economic Theory, Neo-classical, Cambridge and Chaos. Edward Elgar. Blanchard, O. (2003) Macroeconomics. 3rd edition, Prentice Hall. Burda, M. and Wyplosz, Ch. (1997) Macroeconomics. 2nd edition, Oxford University Press. Bortis, H. (1993) ‘Notes on the Cambridge equation’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 16, pp. 105-126. Heijdra, B. J. and van der Ploeg, F. (2002) Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics. Oxford University Press. Kaldor, N. (1955/56) ‘Alternative Theories of Distribution’, Review of Economic Studies 23, pp. 83-100. Kalecki, M. (1942) ‘A Theory of Profits’, Economic Journal 52, pp. 258-266. 19 How national income and profits depend on expenditures and total wages Keynes, J. M. (1936) The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. In: The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol. VII, Macmillan / Cambridge University Press 1978 Mankiw, N. G. (2000) Makroökonomik. 4. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel. Minford, P. and Peel, D. (2002) Advanced Macroeconomics. Edward Elgar. Romer, D. (1996) Advanced Macroeconomics. Mc-Graw-Hill. Pasinetti, L. (1962) ‘Rate of profit and income distribution in relation to the rate of economic growth’, Review of Economic Studies 29, pp. 267-279.