AIChE Jeopardy Rules - Chemical Engineering

AIChE Jeopardy Rules
Jeopardy at the AIChE Regional Conference will be run a little differently this year to encourage
more participation. Our format is similar to what you would find at Trivia Night in a local bar or
pub. We believe that this format will allow for greater participation by more teams and people
while encouraging healthy competition. The winning team is still eligible to play at the national
conference finals. The rules are listed below and a sample answer sheet is provided on our
Teams: Teams can have a maximum of 4 players. Feel free to play with less or even solo if you
are so inclined. Schools are encouraged to field more than one team.
Team Names: The team with the wittiest (punny-est, most clever, etc.) name as decided by the
Trivia Master will win a prize.
Answer Sheets: Teams will receive slips of paper to turn answers in on. A scoring sheet will be
provided to track your answers and act as a guide through the process. Examples of each can be
found on our website.
Rounds: Trivia is split into ten rounds, each worth 20 points and each around ten minutes long.
The first nine rounds are divided into three periods with the tenth round being “Final Jeopardy”.
Breakdown of the Rounds: Reference the scoring sheet for clarification.
The first round in each period (Rounds 1, 4, 7) will have 10 questions each surrounding a certain
theme. Each correct answer is 2 points. For instance, ten states might be listed and teams would
be asked to name their capitals.
The second round in each period (Rounds 2, 5, 8) is slightly different. At the end of the previous
round, the Trivia Master will hand out a sheet of paper with pictures on it. A variety of different
questions can be asked about these pictures. Consult for several examples of
questions of this kind (and good trivia practice!).
The third round in each period (Rounds 3, 6, 9) will have 3 questions. The categories of each
question are announced beforehand. Teams will assign a point value (3, 6, or 9) to each question
and turn in an answer. Each point value can only be used once per round. Incorrect answers do
not result in lost points. If all three questions are answered correctly, the team gets a 2 point
The “Final Jeopardy” round will feature one, difficult question. Teams can wager up to 20 points
and, unlike in previous rounds, will lose points for incorrect answers.
Winners: The team with the most points after the Final Jeopardy question will win fame, glory,
and the trivia competition. The winning team will also move on to the prestigious and coveted
AIChE National Conference Jeopardy competition.
Disclaimer: The subject matter of this trivia is NOT focused on chemical engineering, but rather
general knowledge. There may be a couple Chem-E related questions.