WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES July 23, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT; Jim Christ, Roberta Eckman, Candice Hickey, John Kabli, Kevin Kilgallen, Jonathan Martin, Gail McCahon (arrived at 7:26), and Brad Roeder TOWNSHIP STAFF: John Weller, Planning Director Phil Yocum, Township Consultants Mimi Gleason, Township Manager Work Session Trolley tour progress was discussed. A tour narrative was distributed. Members felt the narrative was helpful. Bobbie Eckman will complete the narrative and send Members the word document form._ Chairman Kevin Kilgallen called the Meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Business Meeting I. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. II. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Applicant: Historic Site: Site Address: Request: The Wolfson Group Site 102, Indian Run Farm, Class 1 103 Woodcutter Street Consideration of reuse for the barn. Mr. Weller introduced the applicant, detailed the recent history of the barn's use and explained the purpose of the request. Mr. Bill Dion, Director of Development for the Group, explained the progress in tenancy for the barn and changes being considered for accommodating the World of Beers restaurant. He used drawings to detail suggested changes. Mr. Ronald Viola, architect for the tenant, presented and explained the plans. Discussion followed. In response to a Member question, Mr. Wolfson said that historic markers had been considered for the site and he said he was amenable to further consideration of installation. Members expressed agreement that the proposed project was not altering the historic fabric of the barn. Historical Commission July 23, 2015 B. Applicant: Historic Site: Site Address: Request: The Wolfson Group Site 102, Indian Run Farm, Class 1. Area bordered by Commerce Drive, Indian Run Street, Main Street and Woodcutter Street Consideration of preliminary plans for a conditional use application which will include the construction of multiple rental units. Mr. Weller described the progress to date on the plans, and said that Mr. Wolfson was present in order to give a general overview. He said the Commission would have a chance to review the plans at the three different stages of the approval process. Mr. Bill Dion detailed the history of the Main Street development and presented an overview of the group's pending conditional use application. Plans and pictures of the proposed project were presented. Mr. Steve Wolfson elaborated on the plan and explained his vision for the project as presented. He explained that he welcomed input from Members during the various stages of development. Member discussion followed. IV. HISTORICAL COMMISSION CONCERNS A. Trolley Tour Jon Martin reported on his inquiries regarding Rita's Water Ice as a vendor for the Trolley Tour. He said he would work with the vendor on a set price. Kevin Kilgallen reported on the soft pretzel vendor. Gail Mc Cahon and Bobbie Eckman volunteered to explore donations with local grocery stores. Final decisions would be made through email communications. Jim Christ, Kevin Kilgallen and Brad Roeder volunteered to be trolley tour narrators. Janice Earley will provide information at the Pennypacker House, Jon Martin at the Ship Inn, and school staff at the Church Farm School. Kevin Kilgallen said he was working on a brochure and map for the tour. Jim Christ and Kevin Kilgallen were working on a slide presentation. Members agreed to meet Thursday, August 13, at 7 PM at the Township Building to review final plans. Jon Martin excused himself from the meeting at 9:10 PM. B. Township Update— John Weller Report Mr. Weller described the visit of Township staff to the Cheng Crowns rehabilitation project at Fox Chase on Swedesford Road. Mr. Weller provided updates on the former Waterloo property development and phase one expansion plans for Exton Square. V. REVIEW OF MEETING MINUTES Motion: To approve the minutes of June 25, 2015. (Kabli/McCahon) Vote: Approved 5-0-2, with Mr. Roeder and Mrs. Hickey abstaining as they were not in attendance at the meeting. 2 Historical Commission July 23, 2015 VI. TREASURER'S REPORT VII. Motion: To approve the Treasurer's Reports of May and June 2105. Vote: Approved 7-0 (Eckman/Kabli) ADJOURNMENT: Motion: To adjourn at 9:30 P.M. (Christ/Hickey) Vote: Approved 7-0 Recording Secretary, 1-0()4/ gtfixto/ 3