t e e e h ! e S 2 S e e g g d Pa le P on & proudly present our 3rd annual M I D N I G HT M OV I E M A R AT H O N – HELP SEND KIDS TO CAMP– S AT U R D AY F E B R U A RY 2 5 , 2 0 0 6 MOVIES! REFRESHMENTS! DOOR PRIZES! GAMES! Pick up you pledge forms now! First 100 participants to register receive a free Movie Marathon t-shirt. Participating Rainbow Cinemas: All proceeds will be donated to The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund. More details on official pledge form. WOODBINE CENTRE & FANTASY FAIR Market Square St. Lawrence Market 24-HR INFO: 416.494.9371 www.rainbowcinemas.ca A charity event to help underprivileged children: You must be 16 years of age or older and submit a completed pledge form, with a minimum pledge of $20. People with pledges of $200 and above will be eligible to win prizes that include 1 of 4 Rainbow Cinema VIP passes (free movies for a year) and much more!! Top fund-raisers win best prizes! Register by Friday, February 17, 2006. Seating will be limited to the first 1,000 participants. Final registration is on Saturday, February 25, 2006 from 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm to the Rainbow Cinema of your choice. Ask your friends, family and neighbours to support your effort. Enjoy great movies and help underprivileged children at the same time. Start canvassing for sponsors now! First 100 participants to register at each Rainbow Cinema will receive a free Midnight Movie Marathon t-shirt. All proceeds will be donated to the Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund. Movie titles will vary at each location and will be announced 2 weeks prior to event. And, there will be one surprise movie saved for last! FIRST NAME LAST NAME 3rd Annual RAINBOW CINEMAS MIDNIGHT MOVIE MARATHON SATURDAY, F EBRUARY 25, 2006 Media Sponsor PLEASE COMPLETE IN FULL: PLEDGE FORM First Name: Last Name: Home Address: City: Prov: ❑Home ❑ Bus Phone: ( Postal Code: ) E-mail: HOME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY 1. AMOUNT COLLECTED TAX RECEIPT REQUESTED 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Please make all cheques payable to Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund. Tax receipts (minimum $20) will only be issued if full name and complete mailing address including postal code, are provided for each sponsor. Tax receipt will be issued by June 2006 Pledge forms available at: All GTA Rainbow Cinemas You can also download Pledge forms at: www.RainbowCinemas.ca TOTAL (this page) GRAND TOTAL Page of A charity event to help underprivileged children: You must be 16 years of age or older and submit a completed pledge form, with a minimum pledge of $20. People with pledges of $200 and above will be eligible to win prizes that include 1 of 4 Rainbow Cinema VIP passes (free movies for a year) and much more!! Top fund-raisers win best prizes! Register by Friday, February 17, 2006. Seating will be limited to the first 1,000 participants. Final registration is on Saturday, February 25, 2006 from 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm to the Rainbow Cinema of your choice. Ask your friends, family and neighbours to support your effort. Enjoy great movies and help underprivileged children at the same time. Start canvassing for sponsors now! First 100 participants to register at each Rainbow Cinema will receive a free Midnight Movie Marathon t-shirt. All proceeds will be donated to the Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund. Movie titles will vary at each location and will be announced 2 weeks prior to event. And, there will be one surprise movie saved for last! FIRST NAME LAST NAME 3rd Annual RAINBOW CINEMAS MIDNIGHT MOVIE MARATHON SATURDAY, F EBRUARY 25, 2006 Media Sponsor PLEASE COMPLETE IN FULL: PLEDGE FORM First Name: Last Name: Home Address: City: Prov: ❑Home ❑ Bus Phone: ( Postal Code: ) E-mail: HOME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY 1. AMOUNT COLLECTED TAX RECEIPT REQUESTED 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Please make all cheques payable to Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund. Tax receipts (minimum $20) will only be issued if full name and complete mailing address including postal code, are provided for each sponsor. Tax receipt will be issued by June 2006 Pledge forms available at: All GTA Rainbow Cinemas You can also download Pledge forms at: www.RainbowCinemas.ca TOTAL (this page) GRAND TOTAL Page of