Lesson: Worldspan Go! Macros and Scripts Total Time: 45

Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
Worldspan Go!
Macros and Scripts
Total Time:
Content: 30
Lesson Description: This 45 minute lesson is designed to help you build
and use macros and understand how scripts work.
Author: Michelle Lowen
SME: Jim Tarvin
Approved: QA by Barbara Herrin, Instructor Review by Denette Harris
Master PNRs: None needed
Instructors’ notes: Application Sharing
Url – go.wspan.com
Log on using your own Log in and Password.
10/24/ 2002
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PowerPoint - 01
Welcome to Go! Macros and Scripts
PowerPoint - 02
Personal vs. Office
Downloading Office Macros
Macro Editor
Creating a Macro
Playing back a Macro
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ScriptPro Scripts vs. Go! Scripts
Activating Scripts
Application Sharing
Macros are to Worldspan Go! as Ready Keys are to Res Manager. Each
Macro is known by its name, rather than its keystroke. If a Macro resulted
from a Ready Key conversion, its name is the same as the Ready Key
description. Otherwise, the name is given when saved from the Macro
Personal vs. Office:
Personal Macros are like Ready Keys that are unique to each individual,
and are associated with their login ID. Office Macros are like Office Ready
Keys. These are Macros to be shared throughout the whole office. An
“Office” is defined as the SID/Customer Number combination, not just the
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
physical location.
1. Have you ever wished for a way to create one macro and make it
available to everyone in your office? Go! Res, through Office
Macros, offers the ability to create and provide a consistent set of
macros to everyone in the office. (Macros let you record
frequently used sequences of keystrokes and play them back on
demand. They provide functionality similar to Ready Keys in
Worldspan for Windows.)
Worldspan recommends that your office designate an Office Macro
Editor to update Office Macros. Office Macro Editor authority allows
you to create new Office Macros or selectively modify existing Office
Application Sharing
1. During the setup process, a login ID is established for you. The
login ID is normally your agency's SID followed by your first initial
and last name. Your initial password is wspan. The LOGIN ID
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and PASSWORD fields are not case sensitive.
As a security feature, Go! allows each login ID only one access at
a time. No one else can use your login ID while you are logged in.
If you enter your password incorrectly five times, your password
will be locked and you must contact Worldspan to have it reset.
To log in, type in the LOGIN ID field: a12pbrown
Tab to the PASSWORD field and type: wspan
Click the Go! button.
2. So, how do you get a copy of the Office Macros? You can get a
copy of the macros through the Get Office Macros option on the
Tools Menu.
Access the Tools Menu.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
3. Click Macros
4. Click the Get Office Macros option.
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5. The Get Office Macros option allows you to copy the current set of
Office Macros to the Office Macro directory on the workstation
where you are currently working.
Instructors’ Notes
When Office Macros are downloaded to the workstation, the complete
set of macros is replaced.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
6. Let's say you currently have 8 Office Macros on your workstation,
and the master copy of Office Macros contains only 6 macros.
You were notified by the Office Macro Editor of a new Office
Macro, and you decide to download it to your workstation. After
the download is complete, you will only have 6 Office Macros on
your workstation.
Instructors’ Notes
Downloading Office Macros completely replaces the set of Office
Macros you currently have on your workstation.
Click Continue to download the Office Macros to your workstation.
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7. A message appears letting you know the Office Macros are being
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
8. The Get Office Macros window reappears verifying the number of
Office Macros downloaded or copied to your workstation.
Instructors’ Notes
Once Office Macros are downloaded to your workstation, they can be
modified without affecting the master set of macros. For example, if
an Office Macro requires an agent name, the master copy of the
macro pauses for you to type in your name. To make your life easier,
you can customize your copy of the macro to include your name.
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9. When you click OK, you are returned to the Tools Menu.
Click Macros, then select the Macro Editor option.
10. The Macro Editor allows you to create or modify your Personal
Macros or customize Office Macros.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
These are the options available in the Macro Editor window.
Name of the macro
Type of macro being recorded or revised (e.g.,
Personal Macro or Office Macro)
Yes or No indicates if the macro currently
opened has been changed since you opened or
last saved it. If Yes, you will be prompted to
save the macro before you open or record
another macro.
Record/Edit Window
Displays the keystrokes assigned to a macro
Allows you to open a macro and defaults to the
Personal Macro folder
Record - Records the keystrokes you enter in
the Res Windows or in the Macro Editor's
Record/Edit window.
Stops the recording mode
Initiates playback of the macro being recorded
Saves the macro currently being created or
Assign Keystrokes
Assign Keystrokes - Opens the Macro Key
Assignment box to help you select an
unassigned keystroke combination to assign to a
Copy Office Macros
Copy Office Macros - Allows an Office Macro
Editor to:
• Copy the master Office Macro file to the
local hard drive
• Copy new or revised Office Macros to the
Office Macro Server
• Delete selected Office Macros from the
Office Macro Server or local hard drive
Tools Menu
Access the Tools Menu
Get Standard Macros
Displays the Standard Macros window with
instructions to save or use the macros
Application Sharing
1. Now, let’s create a Macro.
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Click Tools on the Navigation Bar.
2. Click the Macro Link to expand it.
3. Now, click the Macro Editor Link.
4. This is the Macro Editor
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
This will be the buttons that you will need to create a Macro.
Area of Screen
Open: Display the File/Open Dialog box to open a
Record: Begin recording a macro. While Record is
in use, all other buttons except the Stop button are
Stop: Stop recording a macro.
Play: Play back a macro.
Macro Editor
Save: Save button to save the macro that is being
created or edited.
Assign Keystrokes: Display the Macro Key
Assignment dialog box to let you assign
keystroke(s) to a macro.
Use the Copy Office Macros button to copy office
macros to and from the Office Macro Server.
Note: Copy Office Macros is available to Office
Macro Editors only.
Macro Editor allows you to create or modify your
Personal Macros or customize Office Macros..
5. Click the Record button to begin recording.
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6. If there is an existing macro present the following dialog box will
Click Yes to append keystrokes to an existing macro.
Click No to start an entirely new Macro.
Click No to start a new Macro
7. When recording a macro, you can enter what you want to record in
either a Res Window or the Editor. For this example, let’s enter
our macro in a Res Window.
Type the Worldspan format in the Res Windows. 5RM-THIS IS A
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
This entry creates remarks in the PNR, which print on an
itinerary/invoice documents and/or are transmitted in the
accounting interface message.
8. Click the Stop button to stop the recording mode.
9. Click the Save button to save your macro.
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10. Type the name of the Macro key in the File name field.
Replace the asterisk (*) with your file name, e.g.
Instructors’ Notes
You can also use spaces between words.
If the Macro being recorded is an Office Macro, select the Office
Macros Directory.
Macros must be saved in the proper directory.
Click the Save button.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
12. Move the mouse pointer over the Res Windows, then right-click
anywhere in a Res Window. Select Personal Macros to display a
list of all Personal Macros.
Note: You can select Office Macros to display a list of all Office
Macros, if available.
Click the penalty_remark macro to be played back.
Application Sharing
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1. ScriptPro scripts automate complex reservations functions to help
you do your work faster and more accurately. All ScriptPro scripts
are available to agents from the Go! Res desktop. Agencies also
have the option to create custom scripts and make them available to
agents via the Script Index. When Worldspan introduces new scripts,
an announcement will appear in GDAY.
Before we begin looking at the tools available for scripts, let's take a
closer look at the Script Index.
2. The default display is a tabbed Script Index. The tabbed index
categorizes scripts by the function they perform. For example, the
TVL Segment script appears on the Price and PNR tabs because it
applies to both.
3. The tabbed list displays the filename for each script. Worldspan
script filenames begin with Z4, ZG, W_, or W4. The one exception to
the naming convention is the Budget.CSL script. It is considered a
custom script and appears on the Custom script index tab.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
Custom scripts are available on the Custom tab.
4. You can also get All Scripts by clicking on Tools, then clicking Scripts.
5. A few scripts, such as PNR Basics and TVL Segment, exist in
different versions for Go! and ScriptPro. If a script exists in both Go!
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and ScriptPro versions:
Both forms of the script appear on the tabbed list.
Instructors’ Notes
For example, you could select the Go! version of the PNR Basics
script from the tabbed index.
6. Let's practice starting a script using the tabbed index. To launch a
script from one of the tabs, simply click the appropriate tab, then click
the script you want.
Select the Encode/Decode - Go! script on the Book tab.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
7. Encode/Decode is an example of a Go! script. Go! scripts appear in
the right frame on the Go! desktop. Red arrows are used to indicate
mandatory fields.
Click the highlighted Exit button to cancel this script.
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8. Next, let's practice selecting a script from the tabbed list.
Click the PNR tab, then click on the Address Remark Script. Then
click the Go button to launch the script.
9. The Address Remark script is an example of a ScriptPro script.
ScriptPro scripts appear in a pop-up box with a gray background.
Filenames for ScriptPro scripts begin with the characters Z4.
Click the highlighted Exit button to cancel this script.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
While working in the Res window, you can activate the All
Scripts drop-down list by pressing <CTRL>+<S>.
Application Sharing
1. The information in the rest of this sub-topic is designed for agents
with ScriptPro editing authority only.
2. Go! Res offers tools to assist you in using and maintaining scripts.
These features are available from the Tools menu.
Click the Tools link to access the Tools menu.
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3. The four functions on the Tools Menu that apply to scripts are:
All Scripts
Get Standard ScriptPro scripts
Resume ScriptPro script
ScriptPro editing
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
4. The Get Standard ScriptPro scripts function downloads the most upto-date ScriptPro scripts from the Worldspan server to your agency's
fileserver (if using dedicated access) or to your PC (if you access Go!
Res via the Internet).
When your agency is notified of a new or revised script, you would
use this function to download the new script(s) to your agency. In
addition, if a script is not working or is corrupted, this function
provides a way to get a clean, uncorrupted copy of the script.
Click the Get Standard ScriptPro scripts option.
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5. A verification process determines the version of scripts you currently
have installed. If you do not have the most up-to-date scripts, the
scripts begin to download. If you already have the latest version of
scripts, a dialog box displays, allowing you to:
•Cancel or abort the download process and return to the Tools Menu
•Continue the download process
Your agency needs a clean copy of the most current scripts.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
Instructors’ Notes
If the customer has Custom Scripts loaded at their agency, then
continue with Step #6, if not, skip this section.
6. A dialog box displays, recommending you verify the names of your
custom scripts. Custom scripts should not be saved using the
Worldspan naming conventions. Worldspan uses specific filename
prefixes with scripts (e.g., Z4, ZG, W_, and W4). When you
customize or update a script, save it using a filename prefix other
than the ones used by Worldspan.
You also have the option to view a document containing information
on the changes you are downloading. Scripts should not be running
or paused during the download process.
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7. When the process completes, the Tools Menu displays.
If you have dedicated access to Go!, and your agency has multiple
fileservers, this process must be performed for each fileserver.
8. The Resume ScriptPro script option launches a paused script. If
multiple scripts are paused, a dialog box displays, listing scripts in the
order in which they were paused. You select the script you want to
resume and click OK. You can also use <CTRL> + <R> to resume a
paused script from the Res window.
9. Worldspan uses specific filename prefixes with scripts. When you
customize or update a script, save it using a filename prefix other
than the ones used by Worldspan.
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
You also have the option to view a document containing information
on the changes you are downloading. Scripts should not be running
or paused during the download process.
Click OK to continue the download process.
PowerPoint - 04
¥ Summary review
§ Macros are to GO! as Ready Keys are to Res Manager. There are
Personal and Office Macros.
§ Personal Macros are specific to the user and Office Macros are shared
with the whole agency.
ÿ PowerPoint - 05
¥ Summary review
Steps to Create a Macro:
Access the Tools Menu.
Expand the Macro link.
Select Macro Editor.
Click the Record button to begin recording.
Type the entries you want to record in either the Res Windows or the
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Click the Stop button to stop recording.
Click the Save button.
Assign a name for your macro.
Click the Save button.
ÿ PowerPoint - 06
¥ Summary review
§ Steps to Play Back a Macro
§ Right-click on a Res Window to display a menu that lets you select
Office Macros or Personal Macros.
§ Select the appropriate category for the macro you want to play back
(Office Macros or Personal Macros).
§ A list of all macros for the category displays. Click the desired macro.
§ You can also play back a macro by selecting <SHIFT>+A-Z to play back
personal macros or <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+A-Z to play back Office Macros.
ÿ PowerPoint - 07
§ There are 2 types of Scripts: ScriptPro Scripts and Go! Scripts. They
each provide the same benefits but have a different look and feel.
§ New versions of Standard Scripts are distributed by a download from the
Tools Menu by clicking on the Get Standard ScriptPro Scripts link.
PowerPoint - 08
1. Personal Macros are not unique to each individual.
A. True or False
2. What does Macro Editor allow you to do?
A. Build Macros
Worldspan Go! Macro and Scripts
B. Edit Macros
C. Assign Keystrokes to Macros
D. All of the Above
3. You can activate All Scripts by pressing a Ctrl + S.
A. True or False
4. New versions of Scripts are sent out on diskette.
A. True or False
PowerPoint - 09
Related Topics
e-Learning (self-paced tutorials) Creating and Editing Macros and the Go!
tutorial, which covers:
• Exploring Worldspan Go!
Go! Tools
Scripts for Go!
Go! Office Manager
Custom Links
Exploring the Browser
Accessing Web Sites
Additional Browser Features
Saving and Printing
Using Help
Control Host Printing
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Thank You
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