Measurement of the Fermi Coupling Constant Using Mass and Lifetime of µ Leptons Maria Baryakhtar ∗ Steven Schowalter † Maximilian Swiatlowski ‡ March 10, 2009 Abstract We present our measurements of the lifetime and mass of cosmic ray muons. The detection of muons is performed at sea level using a simple system of three scintillators and photomultiplier tubes. We find the average lifetime of the muon to be τµ = 2.12 ± 0.16 µs, which is in good agreement with the accepted value of 2.20 µs [2]. The muon mass is measured to be mµ = 120 ± 20 MeV/c2 , which includes the accepted value of 105.66 MeV/c2 [2]. These measurements are used to calculate the Fermi coupling constant GF . Our value of GF is determined to be 0.19 ± 0.08 MeV fm3 , which is in correspondence with 0.27 MeV fm3 , the experimentally established value [2]. This experiment allows us to use a low energy setup to successfully study the weak interaction. ∗ Produced Introduction and Background (Sections 1, 2), Appendix B, and Abstract Produced Results and Discussion (Section 5) and Appendix A ‡ Produced Instrumentation and Procedure (Sections 3, 4), Appendix C, and Layout † Contents 1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Muon Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Decay in Matter . . . . . . . 2.2 Effects of Relativistic Time Dilation 2.3 Muon Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Energy Calibration . . . . . 2.4 Weak Force Coupling Constant . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 3 Instrumentation 3.1 Scintillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Photomultiplier False Flashes 3.1.2 Efficiency Optimization . . . . 3.2 Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Autocorrelator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 4 Procedure 4.1 Muon Lifetime Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Muon Mass Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 12 5 Results and Discussion 5.1 Determination of Muon Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Determination of Muon Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Determination of the Fermi Coupling Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 14 16 A Muon Time Error Analysis 17 B Muon Mass: Calibration and Error Analysis B.1 Minimum Ionization Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Mass Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 19 20 C Muon and Electron Time of Flight 21 References 22 2 1 Introduction The muon is a fundamental particle produced in the upper atmosphere as a secondary product of cosmic ray collisions with atmospheric molecules. It decays via the weak interaction into an electron and two neutrinos, with a mean decay lifetime of 2.20 µs, longer than every known particle other than the neutron [2]. With muons comprising most of the cosmic ray flux at sea level, the muon is a good candidate for the study of the weak force [8, p. 8]. Our experiment consists of two main components: the muon lifetime measurement and the muon mass measurement. In Section 2, Background, we introduce the theoretical basis for muon creation and decay as well as the motivation for lifetime and mass measurements and GF calculations. We describe the experimental setup for muon detection which consists of a system of three scintillators and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in Instrumentation (Section 3). Using this system, the cosmic ray muons passing through the scintillators and their decay products can be detected, along with the energy of these particles (as described in Section 4, Procedure). In Section 5, Results and Discussion, the muon lifetime and mass results are presented with the relevant statistical analysis of data and compared to previous experimentally established values. Finally, we use the muon mass and lifetime values to calculate the Fermi coupling constant GF that describes the strength of weak interactions. 2 Background The muon is a lepton, originally discovered by Carl Anderson in 1936 [3]. Muons (µ− ) and antimuons (µ+ ) are the most numerous charged particles at sea level [2]. Most of them are decay products of pions and kaons, mesons produced at a height of about 15 km via the interaction of cosmic ray particles with the Earth’s upper atmosphere [1]. The muon is produced in weak decays as shown in Figure 1, and at sea level forms 80% of the total cosmic ray flux [8, p. 8]. This very high flux rate makes the muon an ideal particle for studying weak interactions. µ− d W− π− νµ u Figure 1: The weak decay of π − which produces µ− : π − → µ− νµ 3 2.1 Muon Decay In free space, negatively charged muons decay weakly into an electron, muon neutrino, and electron antineutrino [5] (Figure 2): µ− → e− νµ νe (1) with a corresponding antimatter process: µ+ → e+ νµ νe (2) νµ µ− e− W− νe Figure 2: Weak decay of µ− . The decay of the muon is described by the exponential function: N(t) = N0 e−Γµ t (3) where Γµ is the decay rate. In our first experiment (as described in Section 4.1), we seek to measure the characteristic lifetime of the decay, τµ = 1/Γµ . 2.1.1 Decay in Matter In matter, another decay channel is possible for µ− via nucleus capture: µ− p → n νµ (4) Due to the relatively faster process of decay via proton capture, the mean lifetime of µ− in matter is shortened relative to that in free space and depends on the material. Since the positive µ+ is repelled by the nucleus, the µ+ lifetime is unaltered in matter. 4 The likelihood of the µ− capture is proportional to Z 4 , where Z is the atomic number of the material; for light elements, the effect of this process is minimal [8, p.172]. For carbon, for instance, Z = 6 and the mean lifetime of the muon is theoretically predicted to be between 1.5 and 1.9µs [8, p. 170]. In addition, the products of the decay described in Equation (4) are a neutron and a neutrino. Because neutrons carry no charge, the efficiency of the scintillator in detecting neutrons is lower than that of electrons and positrons from the decays in Equations (1) and (2). Thus, we expect the effect of muon capture on the measured lifetime to be small, although it may slightly decrease the value from the experimentally established 2.20 µs in free space [2]. 2.2 Effects of Relativistic Time Dilation Even with velocities within a percent of the speed of light, the travel time of the muon from the point of creation in the atmosphere takes approximately 50µs - over 20 decay lifetimes to reach the ground for a muon emitted in the downward direction. According to Newtonian physics, the flux would be reduced by a factor of over 1010 over the time of flight, and muons would be undetectable at sea level. However, the flux of muons at sea level, where the lab is located, remains large at 10−2 cm−2 s−1 sr−1 : reduced by a factor of just 5 from the peak flux at 15 km [8]. This effect is due to time dilation predicted by the theory of special relativity. While in the frame of the laboratory the time of flight of the muons is 50µs, the q muon itself experiences a v2 proper time reduced by a factor of γ: γtµ = tlab , where γ = 1/ 1 − cµ2 . Since the particles are traveling close to the speed of light, the relativistic correction becomes non-negligible. With muon velocities ranging from .994c to .998c, the proper time experienced by the muon is between 3.2 and 5.5 µs, less than 2 lifetimes on average, consistent with detected muon flux values. The time in flight is still on the same order as, and even greater than, the lifetime of muon decay that our experiment seeks to measure. Nevertheless, the time the muons experience in the atmosphere prior to stopping in the detector has no effect on the decay rate measurement. While we do not sample the quickest decaying electrons, this amounts to simply cutting off the lowest end of the exponential: the actual decay parameter Γµ is not changed by eliminating this data. 2.3 Muon Mass Another experimental setup (Section 4.2) can be used to make a measurement of the muon mass. In order to measure muon mass, we consider the products of µ− decay: an electron and two neutrinos (Equation (1)); the antimatter decay analysis is identical. For a muon which stops and decays in the scintillator, the center of mass frame is the same as the lab frame. To a 5 good approximation we can assume that the rest energy of the muon is fully converted to the kinetic energy of the e− and neutrinos, as the electron mass is only 0.5% of the muon mass and the neutrinos are essentially massless. Then, measuring the energy distribution of the emitted electrons will provide information regarding the initial muon mass. Specifically, due to conservation of momentum, the magnitude of electron momentum, pe , must equal the sum of the neutrino momenta. We can see this from the following argument. Fixing pe along the x-axis, the only possible scenario of the decay is pictured in Figure 3, where 0 ≤ θ < π/2 and is measured from the negative x-axis. νe e θ νµ Figure 3: Decay products of the muon. Due to conservation of energy and momentum, momenta of the two neutrinos must be at equal angles, θ and −θ, from the direction of electron momentum. The configuration with θ = 0 maximizes the electron momentum (and therefore energy). The total momentum of the electron is maximized when the neutrino momenta have no y component, that is θ = 0 (an identical argument eliminates any possible z component as well). In this case, pe = pmax = Σpν by conservation of momentum. Again neglecting electron e mass, we have Ee = pe c, so the energy of the electron is maximized when its momentum is maximized. Thus, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron is half the rest energy of the muon, as claimed. 1 1 Eemax = Eµ = mµ c2 2 2 (5) By measuring the energy spectrum of emitted electrons, which is a β decay spectrum with a cutoff at 12 mµ c2 , we can find the maximum electron energy and thereby determine the muon mass. 2.3.1 Energy Calibration Our instruments enable us to measure the maximum voltage of a pulse from an electron that registers on the PMT (the method is described in more detail in Section 4.2). In order to convert the pulse height distribution to an energy distribution, we have to calibrate the pulse height voltage in terms of energy lost by the particle in the detector. 6 To do so, we find the muon pulse height voltage which corresponds to the minimum stopi, approximately 2 MeV g−1 cm2 ), as a function of incoming ping power of the muon (h− dE dx momentum. This voltage is given by the mode in the peak height distribution of muons which pass through all three scintillators. Since the through going muons have a relatively random distribution of momenta, the most frequent rate of energy loss will be near a local extremum in the stopping power vs. momentum function, which in this case is a minimum (see Appendix B for more details). Assuming the scintillator light output varies linearly with the amount of energy deposited, and measuring the scintillator density and thickness, we find a conversion ratio between pulse voltage and electron energy. 2.4 Weak Force Coupling Constant The decay rate of the muon Γµ is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the decay diagram (Figure 2), which depends on the product of the couplings √ at each vertex. In this case, the coupling at each of the two vertices is proportional to GF , the Fermi coupling constant, so we have Γµ ∝ G2F (6) A more involved calculation [7, p. 310-314] gives that the lifetime of the muon is τµ = 192π 3 ~7 G2F m5µ c4 (7) where c is the speed of light, ~ is Planck’s constant, and mµ is the rest mass of the muon. Once we establish the values of τµ and mµ , we can find the Fermi coupling constant GF , which describes the strength of the weak interaction1 . The weak decay of the muon is the clearest of all weak interaction phenomena in both its experimental and theoretical aspects. Further considering the easy availability of muons at sea level, the muon decay is an effective means of studying the nature of the weak force, and specifically finding the Fermi coupling constant GF . 3 Instrumentation In order to detect muon and electron events, signals from scintillators are correlated and matched against an expected pattern. The next section (4) will discuss how these are used 1 Although GF is not equivalent to the weak coupling constant, gw , they are related by the equation √ 2 gw 2 (~c)3 GF ≡ 8 M W c2 where MW is the mass of the W bosons which mediate the weak interaction. Thus GF is sufficient and is commonly used to describe weak interaction formulas [7, p. 313] 7 to generate lifetimes and energies; here, we focus on describing the apparatus and problems associated with it. 3.1 Scintillators The experimental setup consists of three scintillators stacked vertically, presenting a 5250± 30 cm2 area to a downward traveling muon. The three scintillators and corresponding photomultiplier tubes will be referred to as ‘top’, ‘middle’, and ‘bottom’ throughout according to their physical placement. Each plastic scintillator consists of polystyrene (C8 H9 , with density 1.08 ± .09g/cm3 ) doped with a phosphorous material, p-terphenyl. When ionizing radiation passes through the material a light pulse is emitted. The light flash is detected by the photomultiplier tubes placed at the ends of the scintillator. The photomultiplier uses a high voltage (on the order of 1000 V) to convert the light pulses into a cascade of electrons more or less linearly (i.e., the amplitude of the electrical signal from the photomultiplier is linear with the light output, and thus with the energy of the ionizing radiation). The signals from the photomultipliers are then fed into a bank of discriminators, each of which outputs a NIM voltage pulse of tunable width after detecting a voltage pulse above a given threshold. These signals are input into the logic which identifies types of events (Section 3.2). In the muon lifetime measurements, only the discriminator outputs are used as signals. For the muon mass measurement, the discriminated signals are still used for event detection, but the raw output of the photomultiplier is viewed directly so as to determine the true pulse amplitude, and thus the energy of the detected particle. 3.1.1 Photomultiplier False Flashes The photomultiplier tubes used in the experiment have the property of producing false signals, which occur with some regularity directly after a real signal is detected. The number of these signals, as detailed in the autocorrelator section of Appendix A, follows a more or less exponential decay (that is, there are exponentially fewer false pulses at longer times than shorter times). However, the decay lifetime is on the order of magnitude of the muon lifetime, so false signals may be mistaken for events and affect the lifetime measurement. For instance, a false signal mistaken for a decay product will artificially shorten the measured lifetime, and the true signal will not be detected. This will skew the overall data in the direction of shorter mean lifetimes. Different techniques, described below (3.1.2) and in the Procedure section (4.1), were used to lower the effect of these false signals; however, they remain a significant pollutant of data at the low end of the timescale, and must be dealt with statistically (see Appendix A). 8 3.1.2 Efficiency Optimization Many different factors come into consideration for choosing the detector settings. The priority is maximizing the efficiency of the detectors so as to maximize the count of detected muons; this can be achieved by increasing PMT voltages to increase the magnitude of output signals and decreasing threshold levels to allow more signals past the discriminator. The other main concern is noise (particularly false flashes), which increases at higher voltages and lower thresholds; this concern keeps voltages lower and thresholds higher. An optimization procedure determines the optimal settings to maximize efficiency. The optimization technique relies on the very high number of muons that go straight through all three detectors. As most muons are very high energy when they reach the surface of the earth, nearly the entire flux from the atmosphere passes through all the detectors without stopping2 . In addition, the flux of muons per solid angle from a direction at angle θ to the vertical is proportional to cos3 (θ) [6], so the chance of a muon coming in at a steep enough angle to graze the top detector and not the bottom ones is very small. Thus, nearly 100% of events that are detected by two of the three scintillators should be detected by the third one as well. Employing this fact, and taking the ratio of the number of events detected by all three detectors as compared to the number detected by just two of the detectors, we can get an approximation of the efficiency of the excluded detector, as any event detected by just the two should have been detected by all three. The ratio should be effectively 1 for a perfectly efficient detector, as losses from solid angles and muons which stop in the detectors are incredibly small as compared to the total muon flux. We chose the most efficient detector to be in the middle, as most of the signals require at least one middle input. Optimal voltage values are chosen by plotting efficiency against voltage; this produces a function that increases dramatically at low voltages but soon plateaus. A value in the middle of this plateau is chosen to guarantee the high rate of efficiency, but not so high as to increase noise. Optimal values for discriminator threshold levels were chosen in a similar fashion; a plot of threshold versus efficiency showed a plateau as discriminator levels are lowered. Once again a middle value on the plateau is chosen, in an attempt to balance guaranteeing high efficiency with noise concerns. Initial data runs were taken with very high efficiency: 99% efficiency for the middle detector, 83% for the top, and 90% for the bottom. Voltages for the photomultiplier tubes were set at 1160 V, 1190 V, and 1190 V respectively. All the thresholds were set to 70 mV. After the discovery of noise problems detailed above and in Appendix A, the efficiency of the detectors was lowered considerably, to 91%, 70%, and 78%. Voltages were changed to 1140 V, 1160 V, and 1130 V, with thresholds raised uniformly to 100 mV. 2 The measured values are 3150 counts per minute passing through all three scintillators, and 3 counts per minute stopping in the middle scintillator. Thus 99.9% of muons pass through without stopping. 9 3.2 Logic In order to register muon events, signals are fed out of the discriminator into a series of logic banks. For example, to register a muon passing all the way through (used in optimizations and muon mass measurements), the equation T ∧ M ∧ B is used: that is, all three signals are anded together. Any time that all three detectors flash simultaneously, it is clear that a muon has passed through all of them. It is unlikely that two separate muon events will be anded; about 50 muons pass through the scintillators in one second, so we expect real muon events every 0.02 s. Pulses out of the discriminator, on the other hand, are set to 100 ns for the top and bottom detectors and 50 ns for the middle (set differently in order to guarantee overlap); thus, since pulses are five orders of magnitude quicker than the rate of incoming muons, we expect negligible overlap errors. Furthermore, time of flight values for muons and electrons traveling between the scintillators are negligible; see Appendix C for details. The muon lifetime measurement requires a signal that indicates a muon has stopped in the middle scintillator; we call this event START, as this would start the lifetime count. The signal is simply given by START = T ∧ M ∧ B̄; that is, a signal is detected on the top and middle detectors but not the bottom. This either means that the muon has stopped in the middle detector, or gone past the bottom detector at an angle; because of the close distances between the scintillators (on the order of cm), this latter case is unlikely, and we can interpret the event as a stopped muon. Similarly, the muon lifetime measurement also requires a stop signal. The stop would occur after the decay has happened; that is, an electron has been detected. After the muon decays, the electron can move off in any direction (since the muon was at rest, and the neutrinos take care of momentum conservation), but generally speaking we can expect the electron to be detected not just at the middle detector, but either the top or bottom one as well (since most electrons will have some vertical component in their momentum, and given the large area of the scintillators, a small amount of vertical momentum will result in the electron striking the detector). Thus, a simple STOP event would be defined as: STOP = (T ∧ M ∧ B̄) ∨ (T̄ ∧ M ∧ B); that is, a stop event is either a bottom going or top going electron. However, these signals allow for START and STOP events to happen simultaneously: note that STOP is actually defined by a START event or’ed with a different event. Moreover, consider the scenario in which a muon stops in the middle detector, but the resulting electron actually comes out the side; instead of admitting that there was no STOP detected, the next START event would be recorded as a STOP. Thus, we should redefine STOP to occur only after a valid START, within some acceptable timeframe. The logic diagram in Figure 4 illustrates the solution: STOP as it is currently defined is anded with a delayed gate signal (that is, a delayed signal set constantly high, set to expire after a given amount of time) that is triggered by a START event. The delay to the start of the gate is set to 100 ns, twice as long as the 50 ns pulses outputted by the logic units, guaranteeing that simultaneous events will not trigger a measurement; the gate length is set to 20µs, 10 times the expected lifetime: waiting any longer is likely waiting for an electron which went out in an undetected fashion. 10 Channel 1: START T AND M Delay (100 ns) !B Gate (20 mu s) AND !T M AND AND OR Channel 2: STOP AND B Figure 4: Complete logic diagram for muon lifetime measurement 3.3 Autocorrelator In order to better study the effects of the photomultiplier false flashes, we used a Langley Ford Instruments Model 1096 Correlator to track the autocorrelation of the signal coming from each photomultiplier. The machine monitors an input line for a signal, and records the correlation values of the signal with itself, offset by times from 0 to 80 bin widths. We set it to record bins of 0.1 µs, up to a total of 8µs after the starting signal. Because the rate of muons coming into a scintillator is significantly smaller than this timescale, any autocorrelated signals can be assumed to be false flashes (indeed, if there were extra muons coming in during this window, we would expect an even distribution over all times, but we did not see this). 3.4 Measurements To take measurements, a LabView program records data from a 100 MHz digital oscilloscope over a GPIB connection. For the lifetime experiment, the oscilloscope is set to trigger on a stop event, and the program measures the difference in time between the beginnings of the start and stop pulses, on channel 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope respectively. The range of lifetime values measurable by the oscilloscope was 0 to 18µs. For the mass experiment, the scope is set to trigger on channel 2 (a logic pulse indicating the required condition) and to monitor the height of the muon or electron pulses on channel 1 (the actual output from the middle photomultiplier). 4 4.1 Procedure Muon Lifetime Measurement After calibration and logic setup, the muon lifetime measurement consists of monitoring the START and STOP signals on an oscilloscope and recording the difference in time between 11 the start of their pulses. After binning the results, an exponential decay is observed, and if instrumentation was perfect, this would be all that was necessary. However, false flashes from the photomultiplier caused us to revise our collection procedures. First, the autocorrelation data presented in Appendix A provided convincing evidence of data corruption in the first 2 or 3 µs, but lowering threshold levels and voltages gave some relief to these issues. A second solution was to eliminate the T ∧ M ∧ B̄ term before the or gate in the STOP signal. As the muons come in from the top, the rate of false flashes coming from the top should be greater than the rate of false flashes coming from the bottom; eliminating the top going electron stop signal halved the rate of data acquisition, but did have a small impact on eliminating the noise problem. After data was collected, the curve was fitted to an exponential term with a constant background, as in equation (9). The lifetime is given by the fit parameter τµ . The bulk of the noise problem was addressed by the statistical analysis described in Sections 5.1 and Appendix A. 4.2 Muon Mass Measurement To measure the mass of the muon, we measured the cutoff in the energy spectrum of outgoing decay electrons, as described in Section 2.3. This first required calibration of voltage levels to energy; to do this, we measured the voltage spectrum of muons passing completely through. The peak of this curve would correspond to the minimum ionization energy, as discussed in Appendix B.1. The calibration was performed by setting a start signal to START = T ∧ M ∧ B; that is, a muon completely passing through the detectors. With this input triggering the oscilloscope on channel 2, the signal from the middle detector was fed directly into channel 1 by using a linear fanout to split the signal between the logic and the oscilloscope. When triggered, the LabView program performing data collection would record the minimum value present on channel 1, which corresponds to the energy deposited by the muon as it passed through. The density of the scintillator was also required to complete the calibration; this was recorded by using a scale to find the mass of a scintillator and a meter stick to find the dimensions. The electron energy spectrum (really, the voltage spectrum before being calibrated) was measured by using the STOP signal discussed in Sections 3.2 and 4.1 (i.e., only a bottom going electron was counted as a valid stop event, in order to minimize noise) as a trigger on channel 2. The signal from the middle detector is once again split using the linear fanout and the minimum recorded on channel 1. With the calibration calculated and the cutoff determined by the statistical analysis in Section 5.2, the mass of the muon is determined to be twice the value of the cutoff energy. 12 5 5.1 Results and Discussion Determination of Muon Lifetime By constructing the logic pathway discussed in Section 3.2 and Section 4.1, we can determine when a muon comes to rest in the middle scintillator and correspondingly produce a START signal. Likewise, we can determine when the stopped muon decays by observing the production of an electron with downward velocity, producing a STOP signal. By observing the duration between START and STOP signals, we are able to measure the time it takes for a stopped muon to decay. Essentially this time is the lifetime of an individual muon. This time data was measured and recorded over roughly a six day period during which nearly 15000 events were recorded. To analyze this data, we binned the time data to create a histogram shown in Figure 5 which measures number of events versus lifetime. The binwidths were chosen to be 200 ns. A good binwidth for data is given by the Freedman-Diaconis’ choice [9], h = 2(IQR)N −1/3 (8) where h is the number of bins, IQR is the interquartile range, and N is the number of data points in the set. According to this formula, a good binwidth for our data is 227 ns. Because there does not exist a formula for optimal binwidth (the goodness of a specific binwidth is dependent upon the distribution of the data), the comparable binwidth of 200 ns is a valid, much more convenient choice. 600 Data Fit Background Noise Level Number of Muons (arb) 500 400 300 [ Tμ = 2.12 ± .06 μs 200 100 0 [ 5 10 15 Time (μs) Figure 5: A histogram of muon lifetimes. The lifetimes follow exponential decay √ to some back- ground noise level. The data was fit using 2-parameter nonlinear regression using N weighting and excluding the first 2.0 µs. The fit has an r 2 value of 0.996 and produces a τµ of 2.12 ± 0.06 µs. As a decay process with some time time constant, τµ , we would expect the data to be 13 modeled by the exponential decay of Equation (3). However because there is background noise recorded by our scintillator the data is modeled by N(t) = N0 e−t/τµ + b (9) where b is the constant background noise level measured by the scintillator. To determine the muon mean lifetime, τµ , we then fit the data to Equation (9). Fitting involved three major processes: the determination of the background noise level, b, determination of the fitting range, and finally the determination of the muon mean lifetime through using a 2-parameter nonlinear regression test based on Equation (9). To determine the noise background, a linear regression test was used. We created an algorithm which iteratively tested increasingly large portions of the tail end data from Figure 5 until we detected a slight correlation (p-value ≤ 0.1) between the points. We took this portion of noncorrelated tail end data to be the result of background noise measured by the scintillator. Accordingly, the mean value of this subset was taken to be the background noise level, b. From our data we determined the background noise level to be 10 events. Determining the range over which we would fit the data to our model was a crucial step in determining the mean lifetime of muons. We determined that the chance of data corruption increased for smaller time values due to uncontrollable systematic limitations (See Appendix A). Likewise, we found that the goodness of our fit worsened as we excluded an increasing amount of front end data points (most likely due to the exclusion emphasizing the background noise dominating the tail end data). Resultantly, we determined that there existed an optimal range over which to fit. This range included data with time values t ≥ tc , where tc is the cutoff time. All data points before and including tc were excluded from the fitting process. To determine tc , we created an algorithm which iteratively fit the data with increasing tc using a 2-parameter nonlinear regression test. For each fit, the τµ and the associated r 2 value were computed for tc ≤ 5 µs. These results are shown in Figure 6. We wanted tc to be a value which corresponded to an r 2 ≥ 0.995 and a region of minimally fluctuating τµ . Observing the Figure 6, we decided that 0.4 µs≤ tc ≤ 2.0 µs was an adequate range for tc . Because data for smaller time values were more likely to be corrupted, we ultimately chose our cutoff time to be 2.0 µs. Excluding all points prior to and including tc , we were able to determine τµ to be 2.12 ± 0.16 µs. This value deviates from the accepted value, 2.20 µs, by 3.8%. However our 7.6% error includes the accepted value. 5.2 Determination of Muon Mass By measuring the heights of pulses produced by PMT flashes, we are able to ultimately determine the muon mass. As discussed in Section 2.3, we can determine this mass by observing the electron cutoff energy, Eemax . In order to measure electron energy in general we first calibrated the PMT pulse height to the energy deposited in the scintillator as discussed in 14 0.998 2.4 0.996 0.994 r 2 2.2 0.992 τμ (μs) 0.990 2.0 0.988 r2 value 0.986 excluded from final fit tc 0.984 0 1 1.8 τμ (μs) 2 3 4 5 Excluded Time Data (μs) Figure 6: This plot shows the effect of excluding data up to some cutoff time tc from the fitting process. We chose tc to be 2.0 µs because it produced a value for τµ that was in a range of relative stability and because it produced a fit with an r 2 value > 0.995 as seen above. Section 2.3.1. This calibration was done by measuring the pulse heights of muon which passed through all three scintillator panels. More than 50, 000 events were observed in roughly four hours of data acquisition. The distribution of binned pulse heights is shown in Figure 7(a). As previously stated, the maximum, or the mode, of this distribution corresponds to a minimum in the Bethe-Block equation (see Appendix B.1 for more information). From this we determined that a pulse height Vµ = 9.8 ± 0.5 × 10−2 V corresponds to a dE = 1.85 ± 0.10 dx −1 2 MeV g cm . Knowing both the density and the thickness of the scintillator panels to be 2.5±0.2 and 1.08±0.09 g cm−3 respectively, we can determine the actual scale between pulse height and deposited energy. Taking this scale to be approximately linear in this regime, we found that 1 V produced by the PMTs as measured by an oscilloscope maps to an energy of 51 ± 7 MeV. 800 mode Vµ = 9.8±.5 Number of Electrons (arb) Number of Muons (arb) 1500 -2 x 10 V 1000 500 0 Decay Model 600 Vemax = 1.18±.10 V 400 200 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pulse Height (V) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Pulse Height (V) (a) Histogram of muon pulse heights (b) Histogram of electron pulse heights Figure 7: These raw pulse heights produced by the PMTs correspond to muon and electron energies deposited in the scintillators. Data from (a) is used to calibrate a scale from pulse height (measured in V) to energy (measured in MeV). Data from (b) was used to determine the electron cutoff energy. Together information from both plots were used to calculate the muon mass. 15 By observing the pulse heights produced by PMT flashes from the middle scintillator that correspond to STOP pulses, we then measured the energy deposited by electrons produced from muon decay. This data was recorded for roughly five days and included nearly 7, 000 events. The distribution of binned electron pulse heights, Ve , is shown in Figure 7(b). As noted in Section 2.3, the shape of this energy distribution is determined by the kinematics of the muon decay. Most importantly, the energy cutoff (the point at which the distribution decays to zero) occurs at roughly one-half the mass of the decayed muon. To determine the energy cutoff of the distribution in Figure 7(b), we used a fitting algorithm. First we assumed that after some pulse height, the distribution could be approximately modeled by an exponential decay. To determine this value we did an r 2 analysis of multiple fits to using 2-parameter nonlinear regression in which we excluded an increasingly large range of √ low pulse heights points beginning at Ve = 0. In these fits we weighted each data point by Ne , where Ne is the number of electrons in some pulse height bin. We determined that the smallest exclusion range to produce a fit with r 2 ≥ 0.99 was the exclusion range 0 V ≤ Ve ≤ 0.1 V. We were then able to compute the model for the decay distributions decay as Ve approached the cutoff energy. This model approximated the number of electrons one would expect to see (relative to the number of events observed, which was nearly 7,000) for some Ve . The model for the distribution’s decay was then used to determine Eemax by finding the scope voltage at which the interval Ne ±δNe (1−σ error bars) was completely below 1. Because Ne is a discrete value being modeled by exponential decay, we claim that an Ne ≤ 1 essentially corresponds to no events. Therefore we take this Ve , found to be 1.18 ± 0.10 V, to be Vemax . We take all subsequent nonzero values of Ne to be background noise produced by PMT false flashes. Converting from Vemax , we find that Eemax = 60.8 ± 11.1 MeV. Based on the kinematics of the muon decay we determined that this cutoff energy implies a muon mass of mµ = 120 ± 20 MeV/c2 . This value deviates from the accepted value, 105.66 MeV/c2 , by 12%. However our 17% error includes the accepted value. 5.3 Determination of the Fermi Coupling Constant Having determined the parameters for both the muon mean lifetime, τµ , and the muon mass, mµ we can calculate the value for GF using Equation (7). Ultimately, from our results we calculate that GF = 0.19 ± .08 MeV fm3 . This value deviates from the accepted value, 0.27 MeV fm3 [2], by 42%. Our 43% error just includes this accepted value. Our calculation of GF is by no means a precision measurement. Although certain aspects of this experiment have relatively low error (< 8%), such as the measurement of τµ , ultimately the overwhelming error associated with the energy calibration prevented a more precise measurement of GF . 16 Appendices A Muon Time Error Analysis The main source of statistical error for τµ was due to the fitting process. Using 2-parameter nonlinear regression, the data in Figure 5 is approximated by [4] yi = f (β, x′i ) + ǫi (10) where yi is the ith expected value, β is a parameter vector, x′i is the ith row of predictors, and ǫi is the associated random error. The likelihood, L, is given by [4] 1 exp(− L(β, σ ) = (2πσ 2 )n/2 2 Pn i=1 [yi − f (β, x′i )]2 ) 2σ 2 (11) where n is the number of data points and σ 2 is the variance. L is maximized where the sum of squared errors, S(β), given by [4] S(β) = n X i=1 [yi − f (β, x′i)], (12) p is minimized. Furthermore, each data point was weighted by Nµ , where Nµ was the number of muons with some measured lifetime. The optimal choice for parameters with weightings yields a statistical error of 2.8%. An additional source of statistical error is the jitter in the electronics. However because the number of events is so large (N = 14, 632), the contribution of the total jitter to the total error is on the order of single nanoseconds. This is more precise than our actual measurement of τµ and is thus disregarded. Systematic error was also added to the total error. PMT false flashes served as a main source of systematic error. As discussed in Section 3.3, autocorrelated events were measured by an autocorrelator. These false flashes were found to die off approximately exponentially on the order of τµ as seen in Figure 8. Because of this, we expect the data shown in Figure 5 to be slightly corrupted and generally skewed in a specific direction for small t. This distortion will affect the calculated value for τµ . To account for this skew we attributed 5% systematic error to τµ . Another source of systematic error in the time measurement was due to the proton capture of muons given by Equation (4). As discussed in Section 2.1.1, this decay has a mean lifetime on the order, but slightly less, than the muon decay we are concerned with. As a result we would expect our data, shown in Figure 5, to be modeled by the summation of two linearly independent exponentials above some noise floor given by 17 3000 3000 high efficiency lower efficiency 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 high efficiency lower efficiency 2500 Correlation Counts Correlation Counts 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1 2 Time(µs) 3 0 0 4 1 (a) Bottom detector 2 3 Time(µs) 4 5 (b) Middle detector 1400 high efficiency lower efficiency Correlation Counts 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 Time(µs) 4 5 (c) Top detector Figure 8: These plots show the existence of autocorrelated events, or false flashes, produced by the PMTs. These events occur most frequently immediately after a true scintillator flash and decrease as t increases. The overall amount of autocorrelated events was decreased by increasing the discriminator threshold and increasing voltages, as described in Section 3.1.2. N(t) = N0 (re−t/τµ + (1 − r)e−t/τµp ) (13) where r is some relative weighting between the two decays which is determined by the material in which the decay occurs. As stated in Section 2.1.1, the expected mean lifetime for the proton capture of a muon would lie between 1.5 µs and 1.9 µs. Fitting to Equation (13) gives a greater value for τµ . However, the proton capture exponential has almost completely decayed by the time our valid data starts, due to the autocorrelation errors; therefore, a good fit is difficult to produce as there are few data points that correspond to it. Because of these errors, the relative uncertainty of the r, and the dependency of τµp on the material, a better fit (relative to the fit produced using the procedure described in Section 5.1) was not able to be produced. As a result, we determined that attributing 5% systematic error to τµ was sufficient to account for any effect that proton capture had on the data. 18 Another possible source of systematic error would be due to systematic shifts in pulse lengths or pulse delays. Consider the logic diagram in Figure 4. The START event is created by 2 ands, so there are two rise times (on the order of 4 ns each) before the START signal is actually created. The STOP event on the other hand requires 2 ands, an or, and another and; a total of 4 rise times is added onto the STOP event. Thus, there is a constant offset to the data of 4 − 2 = 2 rise times for all muon events (and only 1 rise time when we eliminate the top going stop event, and eliminate an or gate because of that). This systematic error causes lifetime values to be shifted in a certain direction. However because the data assumes an exponential decay shown in Figure 5, this time offset would not affect the overall mean lifetime, τµ , but would only affect the leading coefficient. Therefore we are not concerned with this type of systematic error. Ultimately, our total statistical error is due to the error in our fit which is 2.8%. Our total systematic error comes from both the PMT false flashes and the effect of proton capture. These errors added in quadrature are calculated to be 7%. With this error included, we calculate the muon mean lifetime to be 2.12 ± .06 (statistical) ±0.15 (systematic) µs. Added in quadrature τµ = 2.12 ± 0.16µs. B Muon Mass: Calibration and Error Analysis In order to calibrate the maximum electron pulse height in terms of energy and thus calculate the muon mass, many measurements had to be made on the experimental system, a large portion of which were imprecise due to equipment limitations. To find the conversion ratio between pulse height in volts and energy deposited in MeV, we used the relation VtoMeV = dE − dx min ·h·ρ· 1 µ Vpeak (14) i| is the minimum stopping power of the muon, which is the minimum rate where h− dE dx min of energy loss per density of the material and propagation depth; ρ is the density and h is µ the height of the scintillator, and Vpeak is the most frequent peak voltage of through going muons, corresponding to the minimum stopping power. B.1 Minimum Ionization Energy For heavy (µ and heavier) charged particles passing through matter, the stopping power depends on the incident momentum of the particle. The relationship is given by the BetheBlock equation [10]: dE 1 2me c2 β 2 γ 2 Tmax δ(βγ) 2Z 1 2 − = Kz ln −β − dx A β2 2 I 2 19 (15) q v2 where β = v/c and γ = 1/ 1 − cµ2 are parameters of the incoming particle, and the other parameters are constants or properties of the material. The rates of mean energy loss of muons for a range of incident momenta are shown in Figure 9 [10]. The minimum stopping powers vary with material; in our experiment, the scintillator consisted of polystyrene (C8 H9 ). The minimum ionization energy was determined by weighing the C and H values, 1.75 ± 0.1 MeV g−1 cm2 and 4.0 ± 0.1 MeV g−1 cm2 respectively, according to the mass ratio of the two elements in the compound to give a the energy deposited by a minimum-ionizing muon to be h− dE i| = 1.85 ± 0.1 MeV g−1 cm2 in the dx min scintillator material. Figure 9: Mean energy loss in various materials [10]. The weighed value for polystyrene (C8 H9 ) was calculated to be 1.85 ± 0.1 MeV g−1 cm2 . B.2 Mass Error Analysis The density of the scintillator material was found to be 1.08 ± 0.09 g/cm3 . The height was 2.5 ± 0.2 cm, the large errors due to the tape around the scintillator making it difficult to measure the dimensions and density. The mode of the distribution of muons passing through was 9.8 ± 0.5 × 10−2 V (Section 5.2). Combined with the value of Emin from Section B.1, this gives the conversion ratio to be VtoMeV = 51 ± 7 MeV/V where the errors are independent and thus added in quadrature. 20 (16) e The maximum detected electron pulse peak voltage was determined to be Vmax = 1.2 ± 0.1 V (Section 5.2), resulting in a maximum electron kinetic energy of 61 ± 10. MeV. Thus, the mass of the muon was established to be 120 ± 20 MeV/c2 . C Muon and Electron Time of Flight Both the muon and electron time of flight between detectors has no impact on the experiment, but for different reasons. There is no minimum for the energy of the outgoing electron in the muon decay. Consider the decay as drawn in Figure 10: momentum conservation gives θ ≤ π/2, but momentum conservation also dictates that as θ approaches π/2, the outgoing electron’s momentum (and therefore energy) approaches 0. Thus, the actual time of flight for electrons between detectors is very widely spread. However, the middle discriminator outputs only a 50 ns pulse; to be registered as a proper stop signal, the electron must hit the other detector within this window (which is reduced by the comparison time of the coincidence unit). Thus, the highest possible travel time for the electron is on the order of 50 ns, adding a possible error factor of up to 0.05 µs to each measurement. Given that the relevant timescales are on the order of µs, the time of flight becomes completely negligible. νe θ e νµ Figure 10: Decay products of the muon, with high θ and low Ee However, these considerations do not save the muon lifetime calculation; consider the scenario where a muon moves arbitrarily slowly between the middle and bottom detectors (slow enough to escape the 50ns middle pulse). Then the coincidence unit would detect the event as T ∧ M ∧ B̄, even though it was really a T ∧ M ∧ B, and therefore a false start signal is created. But from the discussion in Appendix B, it is clear that an energy on the order of 10 MeV is deposited by a muon as it passes through the detector. The percentage of muons that have just over 10 MeV in kinetic energy and deposit only 10 MeV is vanishingly small, as it corresponds to a very small range of velocities and only the minimum deposited energy. 21 Thus, muons leaving a detector must have energy greater than 206 MeV, the rest energy of the muon. Even for kinetic energies as low as 1 MeV (compared to an average kinetic energy of about 2000 MeV for cosmic ray muons), corresponding to total energy of 207 MeV, the travel time between scintillators is short enough. We can see this because E = γmc2 , 1 MeV kinetic energy corresponds to γ = 1.0045, and β = 0.10: i.e., even the muons on the slow end of the spectrum have velocities about 1/10th the speed of light. As the distance between detectors is on the order of 2 cm, the time of flight is approximately 700 ps, which is completely negligible. Even muons with less energy would still move between detectors quickly enough to not affect our experiment. Very few will actually move slowly enough to outlast the 50 ns pulse; these will contribute to false starts and noise, but not significantly so. References [1] C. Amsler. The determination of the muon magnetic moment from cosmic rays. American Journal of Physics, 42(12):1067–1069, 1974. [2] C. Amsler. Particle physics booklet, July 2008. [3] Carl D. Anderson and Seth H. Neddermeyer. Cloud chamber observations of cosmic rays at 4300 meters elevation and near sea-level. Phys. Rev., 50(4):263–271, Aug 1936. [4] D. M. Bates and D.G. Watts. 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