NC Permit Test Flash Cards

North Carolina Permit Test Flash Cards
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a driver going down a hill on a curve should
1. : change gears
while going down the hill
a driver may be temporarily be
: head lights or a
a flashing red light at an intersection means that you must
3. :
make a complete stop and proceed with caution
a flashing yellow light at an intersection
: slow down
and proceed with caution
a safe driver
5. : frequently checks the rear and side mirrors
a school zone
: yellow-green with 5 sides
a single broken line
7. : passing is permitted if it is safe
a solid white line means
8. : generally not to cross the line
a stationary object in the center of your path is
9. a
: target
a stop light changes to yellow
10. : you make every responsible effort
to stop
accidents most likely occur in
11.a: 4 way intersection
all skilled actions a driver must take to drive a vehicle
12. : the driving task
at a four way intersection the right of way the car
to the right
at what % of blood alcohol level do you have to be at the get a
14. : .08
basic speed laws require you drive
15. : no faster than is safe for
the existing conditions
broken white lines
16. : seperate lanes of traffic moving in the same
construction zone color
17. : orange
curbs painted yellow, red, white
18. : no-parking zones
dont use your high beams19.if: you are following another car
driving in over drive
20. : saves fuel and and can be used in all
normal forward driving
good drivers cheek mirrors every
21. : 10 seconds
22. : provide info
how can you tell is a road is bumpy at night
23. : watch tail lights
if a driver approaching you fails to turn off his head lights
you should
24. : avoid looking at the lights and flick your high beams
if a vehicle sways freely or leans to one side on a turn there
could be a problem with their
25. : suspension
if it starts to drizzle while you are driving you should
26. :
slowdown and allow double the normal amount of following
if traveling on a rural road farm equipment goes
27. : 15-20mph
if you aid a underage person trying to purchase alcohol
28. : license will be revoked for 1 year
if you are driving into a circle you should
29. : yield to the cars
already in the circle
if you are going 45mph you should signal
30. : 200 feet before turn
if you are in a crash you should
31. : move your car off the side off
the road
if you are planning a long road trip you should stop every
32. :
100 miles
if you are walking along the road at night what should you
33. : wear or carry something white
if you become sleepy while driving you should
34. : open window
or vent to let in fresh air
if you brakes fail you should
35. : shift to a lower gear and us the
emergency break
if you have 7 points you may complet a drivers
improvement clinic for a 3 point reduction
if you have a blow out you should
37. : grip steering wheal to keep
fro swerving
if you miss your turn on the interstate then you should
38. : go
on to the next exit
if you pull up to a red arrow witch arrow should stop
39. :
turning lane
if you want to pass a car on a two lane road you should
40. : beep
the inform the person in front of you and use left hand turn
signal to in form the person behind you
if your car breaks down on the high way at night you
41. : raise hood and tie something white to the left door and switch
on parking lights
if your vehicle has run off the road you should
42. : tab take your
foot off the gas
inerstate highways identified on signs what kind of shape
43. :
international roadway signs only use
44. : symbols, not words
make sure what warning lights are working45.
by: turning on
the ignition switch
most states require drivers to be financially responsible so
drivers can pay for
46. : property damage and injuries they cause to other people
motorcycles are dangerous because
47. : they are difficult to see
and give rider little protection
no-parking zones are near
48. : fire hydrants, curves, and
power breaks
49. : require less physical effort on the break pedal
primary purpose of the highway transportation system
(HTS) is to
50. : move people and cargo safely and efficiently
purpose of traffic signs
51. : regulate, warn, guide
raised roadway markers in the roadway and sholder are
used to
52. : define paths of travel
red roadway markers mean
53. : you are driving in the wrong
roads are likely to be slick54.if: it just began to rain
wet breaks can be dried out76.
by: shifting into a lower gear and
keeping light pressure on the break pedal
what % of fatalities on the high way are caused be alcohol
77. :
what are secondary roads
78. : roads that are more likely to have
steep hills and sharp curves
what gives the highest # of points(5)
79. : passing a stopped school
bus unloading kids
what is a shoulder check
80. : a quick check to look in blind spot on
the side that you want to change lanes in
safety guidelines
55. : National Highway Safety Act
what is the no zone
81. : truckers blind spots
school zone signs are
56. : normaly within one block from the school
what kind of cars have lots of blind spots
82. : trucks
sign with yellow background
57. : warning sign
what roadway markers are used to direct your path
83. :
skids are likely to occur 58.
on: snow packed roads
the best way to get traction on a snow packed chain
the chances of getting in a reck are higher60.if: if you are going
lower then than the posted speed limit
the message on a dimond-shaped sign might61.
be: curve, hill,
winding road
the minimum requirement for 30-60-25
the most common type of accident on the high way is
63.a: rear
The most important element in the regulation of the HTS is
64. : driver who obeys traffic laws
what rule can help you keep a safe driving distance
84. : the 2
second rule
what type of insurance is required by law
85. : liability
when approaching a rail road you should
86. : slow down and
prepare to stop
when can you disregard a signal given by an officer
directing traffic
87. : never
when changing the tires you should
88. : block the wheels
when driving in a snowstorm you should
89. : use low beams
when driving in fog you should
90. : slow down
when is driving slow the most dangerous
91. : just after passing
the speed limit unless other wise posted of --- out side of
the city
65. : 55
when pulling a trailer down a hill you should
92. : drive in a lower
to have a revocked drivers license you must
66. : visit a drives
when stopping from first, second, or reverse gears
93. : press the
license office, pay for a restoration fee and reapply for a license
to reduce speed while going down a hill you should
67. : shift to a
lower gear
triangle sign
68. : no passing
true/false drivers who get 12 points in a period of 3 years
may lose his license
69. : true
true/false you can lose your license if you are speeding
more than 70 in a 55 mph
70. : true
true/false your license is taken if you are convicted of
reckless driving
71. : flase
two solid yellow lines
72. : no passing from either side
unless other wise posted inside the city the speed limit is -73. : 35
use your low beans if you are
74. : in a city at night or in foggy of
misty weather
warning signs are
75. : dimond-shaped
the top of the hill and right after a curve
gear and keep right
clutch pedal down while releasing accelerator
when using stick shift, the crossbar of the pattern
when you breakdown on the shoulder you should
95. : raise the
hood and tie something white to the left door handle
where are trucks blind spots
96. : sides and rear
while driving on a long trip you should
97. : avoid looking at any
one thing for more than a few seconds
who has the right of way the car or the pedestrian
98. : the
would a diamond shaped sign mean deer crossing or
railroad crossing
99. : deer crossing
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