2013 NCCC Breakout Sessions 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. -­‐ Early Morning Concurrent Breakout Sessions Breakout 1 – Rm. 1227 Classified Employee Roundtable Presenters: TMCC Classified Staff Members of the TMCC Classified Council will discuss topics of interest to classified staff of all NSHE institutions. The panel will use this unique networking opportunity to share ideas on a variety of topics including classified involvement in shared governance, impacts of furloughs and personnel changes, morale building, fundraising, classified employee recognition activities, and Campus Solutions (People Soft). Breakout 2 – Rm. 1420 3 Easy Steps to Student Success: Integrating Library Resources in Your Course! Presenters: CSN Librarians Help your students thrive in your class! In three easy steps, learn to easily incorporate into your assignments the core academic research skills your students need to succeed. Breakout 3 – Rm. 1430 Faculty Student Advising Boosts Program Graduation Rates Presenters: James McCoy, Associate Vice President, Academic Success Michele Fogg, Professor, CSN Diana Clennan, Professor, CSN Departmental faculty advising of students not only increases course completion and graduation rates, it unifies an academic department toward a shared goal. Seeking to enlighten and inspire attendees, this session will cover the imperative for effective advising of students toward graduation and explain a variety of activities that can be integrated into departmental operations. Breakout 4 – Rm. 1446 The Student-­‐Educator Relationship & the New Customer Service Mentality Presenter: Dr. Gillian Silver-­‐Rodis, Professor, CSN This session will address the emerging view of the engaged learner within the adult education classroom. The presenter will address changes in student disposition and educational aspirations, and create a dynamic, timely, and frank dialogue with program attendees. The focus will be on gaining a deeper understanding, and identifying teaching methodologies that will enhance student performance. Breakout 5 – Rm. 2410 How to Engage Students with 24 Square Inches! Presenter: Sybil Furman, Professor, TMCC Learn how to improve class discussions and further critical thinking within 24 square inches. Increase student engagement in reading, retaining, and interacting with textbook material. Attendees at this session will discover how to use index cards and sticky note pads to enhance communication within the classroom. Breakout 6 – Rm. 2411 Helping Community College Students Understand & Avoid Plagiarism Presenters: April Hebert, Professor, CSN Christine Shore, Instructional Services Librarian, CSN Diana Clennan, Professor, CSN The student population served by community colleges often has a difficult time understanding what plagiarism is, why it is wrong, and how to avoid it. This workshop will discuss the reasons student plagiarize and give instructors resources to help both themselves and their students with this ever-­‐present problem. Special Breakout -­‐ BY INVITATION ONLY – Rm. 2631 Leading to Engage Students Presenter: Dr. Christine McLean, Senior Associate, Center for Community College Student Engagement, University of Texas at Austin This special session is designed for college leadership teams and focuses on student engagement, success, and retention. This session will help college teams consider how to use Center data strategically to help strengthen student engagement and success. College leadership teams can expect to participate in discussions around students’ experiences and voices and consider some emerging, promising practices at colleges throughout the nation. 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. -­‐ Late Morning Concurrent Breakout Sessions Breakout 1 – Rm. 1227 Introverts & Extroverts at College: Insights from Susan Cain's Ted Talk Presenters: Dr. Karen Laing-­‐Urbina, Professor, CSN Jack Sawyer, Reference Librarian, CSN Dr. Julian Smit, Professor, CSN Erika Gonzalez, Student, CSN Attendees will view author Susan Cain's Ted Talk titled "Power of Introverts" and a three-­‐person panel will share impressions and raise questions about how Cain's insights might inform approaches to teaching diverse students at the college level. Breakout 2 – Rm. 1420 Disruptive Behavior & Conflict Management Presenters: Jessica Stellberg-­‐Filbert, CAPS Clinician, CSN Lisa Schapiro, CAPS Clinician, CSN Dr. Brad Gruner, Assistant Vice President, Student Services CSN This session will cover the types of disruptive behavior seen in the classroom and in student affairs. It will discuss steps to defuse escalating students and situations and how to promote effective communication. There will also be a discussion of self-­‐care of the professional following a conflict. Breakout 3 – Rm. 1430 Practical Assessment for the Classroom Presenter: Lance Bowen, Associate Dean, Assessment & Planning, TMCC How do we know that our students are learning what we are teaching? This session will attempt to answer this question with topics such as best practices for assessing student learning, assessment challenges, successful and unsuccessful practices, and a toolbox of resources faculty can deploy in their classes. Breakout 4 – Rm. 1446 When Doc V Saw Mr. O: Using Story to Engage Learners Presenter: Van Whaley, Professor, CSN This session will begin with a brief introduction to the presenter’s story of the night he went to the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition and how this story is used to engage anatomy students. The resulting slideshow developed from this experience will be shown and attendees will identify ways storytelling can help their students better understand their respective subject matter. Breakout 5 – Rm. 2410 Motivating Your Students to Become Intentional Learners Presenter: Yelena Bailey-­‐Kirby, Professor, CSN This session will cover ways that instructors can develop supportive-­‐style teaching behaviors as well as innovative, engaging methods of delivery to make learning relevant. The ultimate goal is to find ways to motivate struggling students to become intentional learners who set goals for themselves in order to thrive and succeed. Breakout 6 – Rm. 2411 Teaching Strategies for Cultural Competence Presenter: Tracey Long, Professor, CSN In a society with growing diversity and increasing demands for research-­‐based teaching methods, educators need to know the most effective strategies for teaching cultural competence. This session will cover several of the most effective strategies faculty can use to meet these challenges. 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. -­‐ Early Afternoon Concurrent Breakout Sessions Breakout 1 – Rm. 1227 Learning How to “See” Presenter: Rafael Lopez de San Roman, Professor, TMCC Learning how to “see” requires an unusual effort through the use of the right side of our brains, but its benefits are almost limitless. This session will present visual and auditory information about how to develop the right side of the brain, its benefits, and hands-­‐on activities designed to show participants different examples of how to see. The ultimate goal of this session is to create awareness that we limit ourselves by developing only half of our brain. Breakout 2 – Rm. 1420 CSN Early Alert System: Creating a Lasting Impact on Student Success Presenters: CSN Retention & Student Success Services Staff This session will cover the CSN Early Alert system, how it is enhances academic and student affairs partnerships and collaborations, and its impact on student success. CSN professionals will share information regarding both successes and challenges as the system has evolved. Breakout 3 – Rm. 1430 IQ or EQ: Exploring Emotional Intelligence Presenter: Sharon Fleming, Professor, CSN This session will provide information regarding the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its relevance in the stressful climate of today’s workplace. There are two pillars of EI, self-­‐awareness and dealing with others. The goal of this session is for participants to learn more about who they are and to develop action steps to improve their interactions with others. Breakout 4 – Rm. 1446 Honors Programs at the Community College Presenters: Patrick Quinn, Honors Faculty Chair, CSN Wendy Weiner, Dean, School of Arts & Letters, CSN Jacob Elison, Honors Faculty, CSN This session will discuss the need for honors programs at the community college level and will focus on the development and implementation of an honors curriculum to satisfy the needs of our many exceptional students. Breakout 5 – Rm. 2410 The Use of Puzzles in Teaching Critical Thinking Presenter: Thill Raghunath, Professor, CSN The role of puzzles in developing critical thinking skills has not received adequate examination in the pedagogy of critical thinking. This session will explore the value of puzzles in teaching problem-­‐solving and other critical thinking skills. Breakout 6 – Rm. 2411 Effective Services to Strengthen Student Engagement Presenter: Dr. Christine McLean, Senior Associate, Center for Community College Student Engagement, University of Texas at Austin This interactive session is designed for faculty and staff who want to learn directly from students about their experiences with student services – both within and beyond the classroom. This session will incorporate student voices, highlight data on student services, and include discussions around effective student services for the purpose of strengthening student success. Join us to discuss your role in engaging students with services that will help them succeed! 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. -­‐ Late Afternoon Concurrent Breakout Sessions Breakout 1 – Rm. 1227 Looking in the Leadership Mirror: Using Reflexivity to Develop Leadership Skills Presenter: Melanie Lawler, Coordinator, Logistics & Entrepreneurship, TMCC This session will feature an experiential exercise to develop the reflexivity skills of participants to help them better understand and utilize their own reflexivity skills and learn how these can be used in leadership positions. Attendees will also receive information and materials to offer reflexivity training in their own classes. Breakout 2 – Rm. 1420 Financial Literacy Toward Student Success Presenter: Rachel Solemsaas, Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services, TMCC At Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), efforts to promote financial literacy are imperative to its commitment to student success. Using lessons learned from TMCC’s efforts, the session will cover ways that other institutions can promote and mobilize support to a comprehensive and inclusive financial literacy program. Breakout 3 – Rm. 1430 Storytelling at the Intersection of Emotion & Cognition Presenters: Richard Theis, Professor, CSN Jack Sawyer, Reference Librarian, CSN This session will examine how our own storytelling can help us understand the central role of emotion in teaching and learning. Breakout 4 – Rm. 1446 Enhancing the Classroom Experience Through Teaching to Various Learning Styles Presenters: Kristen DeMay, Counselor, TMCC Erin Frock, Counselor, TMCC What’s your learning style? What are the learning styles of your students? This hands-­‐on session will give attendees an overview of individual learning styles and techniques and will cover methods to teach to various learning styles. Attendees will participate in an assessment and develop strategies to teach in innovative ways to reach students with different learning styles. Breakout 5 – Rm. 2410 Visual Comprehension Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities Presenter: Carolyn Triano, Learning Disability Specialist, TMCC Learning strategies help students apply how to learn by focusing on process rather than content of learning. This session will allow attendees to work interactively with visual organizers to gain experience and knowledge regarding visual organizers in the area of reading comprehension. Applications geared toward adult students with learning disabilities will be included. Breakout 6 – Rm. 2411 The Trials & Tribulations of Moving to a New Learning Management System Presenters: Terry Norris, Director, Office of eLearning, CSN Fred Lokken, Dean, Web College, TMCC Lisa Frazier, Director, Curriculum Development, GBC Clarence Maise, Coordinator, Distance Education, WNC College of Southern Nevada, Great Basin Community College, Truckee Meadows Community College, and Western Nevada College have recently made the decision to move to a new Learning Management System (LMS) called Canvas. The presenters will discuss the process for selecting and implementing a new LMS.