JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 103, NO. B5, PAGES 10,161-10,176,MAY 10, 1998 Episodic imbricate thrusting and underthrusting' Analogexperimentsand mechanicalanalysisappliedto the Alaskan Accretionary Wedge Marc-Andrd Gu•scher • and Nina Kukowski GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany JacquesMalavieille and SergeLallemand Laboratoire de G•ophysique et Tectonique, Universit• de Montpellier II, Montpellier, France Abstract. Seismic reflection profiles from the sediment rich Alaska subduction zone image short, frontally accreted, imbricate thrust slicesand repeated sequencesof long, underthrustsheets. Rapid landward increasesin wedgethickness, backthrusting,and uplift of the forearc are observed,suggestingunderthrusting beneaththe wedge.Thesefeaturesand a widely varyingfrontal wedgemorphology are interpreted to be caused by different modes of accretion active concurrently alongthe trench at different locations. Episodicwedgegrowth is observedin high basal friction experiments using sand as an analog material. Two phasesof an accretionarycyclecan be distinguished:frontal accretionof short imbricate thrust slices,alternating with underthrustingof long, undeformedsheets. The phase is shownexperimentallyto dependupon the surfaceslopeof the wedge. Mechanical analysisof the forces at work predicts these two modes of deformation due to the varying frictional forcesand yield strengthsfor a temporally varying wedge geometry.Maximum length of thrust slicesis calculatedfor experimentalconditions and confirmedby the observations.For a steepfrontal slope (at the upper limit of the Mohr-Coulombtaper stabilityfield) the overburdenis too great to permit underthrusting,and failure occursrepeatedly at the wedgefront producingshort imbricate slices. The wedgegrowsforward, loweringthe surfaceangle to the minimum critical taper. For a shallowfrontal slope the reducedoverburdenalong an active roof thrust permits sustainedunderthrusting, causingfrontal erosionand backthrusting,steepeningthe wedgeand thus completingthe cycle. 1. Introduction Seismicreflectionprofilingof convergentmarginshas recordeda high degreeof structural diversityin accretionarywedgeswheredeepseasedimentsare imbricated against and subductedbeneath the overridingplate [Westbrooket al., 1988; Moore et al., 1990; Moore et al., 1991;Shipleyet al., 1992].The causesfor structural diversityare not fully understoodbecausethe most deformedportionsof the wedgeare often poorly resolved. Furthermore, it is unclear whether wedge growth occurs by steady state processes or in episodicfashion, alternatingwith periodsof erosion.The frontal wedge Now at Laboratoire de Gdophysiqueet Tectonique,Universitd de Montpellier II, Montpellier, France. Copyright 1998 by the American GeophysicalUnion. configurationat the Alaskaconvergentmargin showsa high degreeof lateral variation, and frontal slopesvary from less than 20 to over 150 within a few tens of kilo- meters. An episodic variation in frontal configuration has been observedin a high basal friction analog experi- mentsimulatingaccretionary wedgegrowth[Gutschef et al., 1996]. Two distinctmodesof deformation,associatedwith imbricate thrusting and underthrusting, occurreddespitea constantthicknessof incomingsediment and an unchangingbasal friction. Since direct observationof the developmentof a submarine accretionary wedgeover geologictimescalesis not possible, analogmodelingis a useful tool permitting observation of the completeevolutionof a model thrust wedgeunder controlled boundary conditions. The objectivesof this study are threefold: (1) to quantify the conditions controlling episodic accretion Paper number 97JB03541. in analogthrust wedges,(2) to providea mechanical 0148-0227 / 98/ 97JB-03541$09.00 explanation for the two distinct modes of deformation 10,161 10,162 GUTSCHERET AL.- EPISODICIMBRICATETHRUSTING in terms of the body and boundaryforces,and (3) to apply theseresultsto the Alaska accretionarywedge. In the Eastern Aleutian Trench, 45 Ma old oceanic crust of the Pacific plate is subductingbeneath the southernAlaskanmarginat a rateof 5.7cm/yr [DeMets et al., 1990](Figure 1) ). The basal500-600m sec- 2. Tectonic Setting of the Alaska Convergent Margin The Alaska convergentmargin offers a particularly good study area sinceit has been investigatedby deep tion of deep sea sediments,representingthe Surveyor Fan, is overlain by a 1400 m sequenceof alternating hemipelagic sediments andturbiditictrenchfill [Kven- seadrilling[Kulmet al., 1973]andmultichannelseismic voldenand yon Huene, 1985; yon Huene, 1989; Moore et reflectionprofiles[Kvenvoldenand yon Huene, 1985; al., 1991].In lineEDGE-302,thefrontal8 km of the acMoore et al., 1991], supplementedby depth-velocity cretionarywedgeconsistof three short imbricateslices forethrust andbackthrust controlfrom wide angleseismicdata Iron Huene and (Figure2a), witha conjugate set defining a "pop-up" type of structure. The shallow Flueh, 1994; Ye et al., 1997]as well as high-resolution 20 frontal slope increases to 580 at the third major swathmappingbathymetry[yonHueneandFlueh,1994; thrust fault, locally reaching 15 ø. At a distance of 12Friihn• 1995].The wedgeis markedby a largequantity 15 km from the deformation front, the seismic signature of incomingsediment(2--3km) and is classedas a typical accretionarywedge[yon Huene and Scholl, 1991; losesits characterand the arcwarddippingand subhorizontal reflectorscan no longerbe assignedto any parLallemandet al., 1994]. ,, o NORTH AMERICAN PLATE • .KSSD 2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ß KSSD 1 DSDP 182 PACIFIC ß • / / / PLATE •.g-• DSDP 178 o ' 56* 208* 212' Figure 1. Alaskalocationmap, with multichannelseismiclines(solidlinesare presentedin text, dashedlinesare discussed, but not displayed),boreholelocations(small,filled triangles)[Kulm et al., 1973;Kvenvoldenand yonHuene,1985]and bathymetry(depthin m) sources:TOPEX global2 arcminbathymetry[Smithand Sandwell,1994;1997],high resolutionswathmapping bathymetryNE of line 71 Iron HueneandFlueh,1994]' ' GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC a) NW IMBRICATE THRUSTING 10,163 EDGE line-302 SE [km] .......... '" 40 b) [km] NW 20 0 line71 SE . [km] __•5 . ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I 40 O) ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I .... I ' ' ' [km] NW ' I ' ' ' ' I .... I .... I ' ' 20 ' '1'' • •1 •9 0 line 63 SE fore arc basin [km] ½•:•:•:•:•k.::½•;-'•;-':.-'::• ........ -- • •--•i-•::•:•:•-"•::: .......... ••,• 40 •_ [km] ...•------- •---• 20 •---'-• -----•- • •---•" -5 -• 0 Figure 2. Interpretativeline drawingof seismicreflectionprofiles(pre stack depth migration, VE - 1.5). Heavy lines indicatefaults or erosionalunconformities,dashedwhere uncertain, oceanicbasement,dark shadedregion,backstop,light shadedregion. (a) Line EDGE-302, one horizonwith a clearseismicsignatureis tracedasa shadedline, (b) Line 71, notethe longlayered sheetsbetweenkm 20 and 40, and (c) Line 63, note the longsheetsand the 2 km deepfore arc basin at rear. ticular stratigraphic horizon Surface morphology and dipping zonesof high reflectivity,however,suggestfour to seven more major thrust slices truncated at 6 km depth by a midlevel detachment. At a distance of 4060 km from the deformation front, a 0.5-1.5 km thick sequenceof slope sedimentsis marked by strong landward vergentfolding and shortening.At depth, a I km thick sectionof layered reflectorsis imaged above the subductingoceaniccrust and beneaththe backstop. Two parallel seismiclines to the SW, lines 71 and 63, all accreted and those below are all transported farther arcward below the wedge. 3. Experimental Modeling The growth of accretionary wedges and fold-andthrust belts has been the subject of numerous analog modelingstudies[Davis et al., 1983; Malavieille, 1984; Mulugeta, 1988; Malavieille et al., 1991; Liu et al., 1992; Lallemand et al., 1992; Malavieille et al., 1993; Lalledisplaylong(10-20km) repeatingsequences of reflectors mand et al., 1994; Kukowski et al., 1994; Larroque et al., (Figures2b and 2c) 30 km from the deformationfront. The overlyingridge in line 63 (at 35 km) shallowsto 2.5 km depth and bounds a 2 km deep forearc basin. In both this basin and the I km deep basin along strike at the rear of line 71 (at 35 km) folding,tilting, and uplift of the overlying slope sediment strata are visible [Kunert,1995]. In all three lines, the initial 2 km trench sectionis tectonically thickenedto about 5 km within 30-35 km from the deformation front. Volumetrically, this thickening amountsto a shorteningof 45-55km [Kunert,1995]assumingthat the sedimentsabove the decollementare 1995; Wangand Davis, 1996]. Thesestudieshaveconfirmed the applicability of critical wedgetheory to modeling deformationin the brittle, upper portionsof sub- marine accretionarywedges[Daviset al., 1983;Dahlen et al., 1984, Dahlen, 1984]. The theory predictsthat the geometryof a growingwedge(as definedby the surfaceslopea and the basalslopefi) is a functionof the material strength and the basal friction according to (bb +fi) a+fi--(I+K) (1) 10,164 GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC where • isangle ofbasal friction, related tothecoefficient of basal friction by it0 = tanc)• and K is a dimensionlessparameter, usually of the order of 2. The experimentsreported here were designedto test the range of experimental conditions over which the IMBRICATE a) Frontal Accretion 8o DE... o[ • rigid •':•':i•i•::•,•'•:•:•i•i•:•:•,,,•,•,• ...................... ...:................. .-:::,•,•. -•;•'•.•,eformable backstop wall _ ............ :::::' .......... '"'"':':?::•::::•:?•':"•":•:•:::::•::::•:'•'•.•%•.• -..................... (orarc) Subducting plate• phenomenonof cyclicalaccretionoccurs[Gutschefet al., 1996]. Factorstestedincludedthe surfaceslopeof the initial buttress,the lengthof the buttress,and the relative amount of subductedmaterial output. The experimental apparatus was the same in all cases,a 240 cm long and 30 cm wide glass-sidedbox. Sprinkled sandoverliesa rigid basalplate, pulled beneatha rigid THRUSTING .. b) Underthrusting I•l• verticalwall [Malavieill½et al., 1991;Lallemandet al., 1992;Kukowskiet al., 1994; Gutschef½tal., 1996]. A deformablebuttressor "backstop"composedof packed sand is emplaced above the sprinkled sand layer and .... ..•/ ....... against the vertical, rigid, back wall. Figure 3. The two phasesof the accretionarycycle Eolian quartz sand (diameter0.3-0.5 mm, internal (a) frontalimbricatethrustingand (b) underthrusting. friction tt = 0.6) is chosenas an analogmaterial,since The three observablequantities distinguishingthe two it exhibits a depth-dependentCoulombrheology,ap- are (1) the lengthof thrustslices,(2) the surfaceslope, front propriate to studies of upper crustal rocks and marine and(3) the advanceandretreatof the deformation DF. sediments. Scaling is such that 1 cm in the sandbox correspondsto 1 km in nature. Thus the cohesionof the accretingsand(Co • 20 Pa) and packedsandbackstop (Co m 100Pa) scaleto 2 and 10 MPa, respectively, reasonable values for unconsolidated marine sediments and lithifiedsedimentaryrocks[Hoshinoet al., 1972]. The 2 cm of sand (input) on the downgoingplate representsthe 2 km of deep sea sedimentson the subducting oceanic crust of the Pacific plate. The interface with the basal plate consistsof double-sidedadhe- mentswith the same high basal friction, sameconstant sedimentaryinput, and same constantoutput but with different initial surfaceslopesare first presentedin de- tail (Table 1, experiments1 and 12). For comparison, a typical low basal friction experiment,again with the sameinput and output, is introduced(Table 1, experiment 4). Finally, two high basalfriction experiments sive tape coveredwith sand and servesas a high fricare briefly discussedwhere a very long initial buttress tion decollement(tt6 m 0.5). The deformablepacked wasincludedto test the maximumlengthof underthrust sand buttress representsthe more competent portions sheets and the effectof zerosubductedoutput (Table of the Alaskan arc, composedof crystallinebasementor 1, experiments 33 and 34). older, metamorphosed, accreted sediments. In the ex- perimentspresentedhere (with one exception)a 1 cm apertureat the baseof the wall (output) permitsmaterial to exit the system and representsthe substantial thickness of underthrust sediments known from seismic 4.1. Experimen• 1 (Shallow Initial Surface Slope) Experiment 1 begins with a shallowsurfaceslope of 10ø (Figure4a). After the first frontalthrustforms,the roof thrust remains active, allowinga long sheet to be underthrustbeneaththe sandwedge,with very little inA limitation of this experimentalapproachis that the ternaldeformation(Figure4b). Note the soliddiamond "subaerial" sand has no fluids and thus no pore pres- markerbelowthe tip of the advancingunit (Figures4asure. Thereforethe resultinganglesof reposeand an- 4c). Once the roof thrust blocks,a major backthrust glesof taper are greater than thoseobservedin the sub- deformsthe overlyingbackstopwedgeand a new basal marine environment. Additionally, the effects of com- thrust propagatesforward initiating frontal thrusting paction(e.g.,porosityloss)are smallerthan in subma- (Figure4c). Sevenshortthrustslicesform,areaccreted, and build the wedgeout forward, loweringthe frontal rine accretionarywedges. slope(Figure4d). A secondlongsheetof" oceanic"sedreflectionprofilesfrom Alaska (Figure 2a) and other convergentmargins[Westbrook et al., 1982; Shipleyet al., 1990]. 4. Modeling Results In all experimentsperformedwith high basalfriction and input greater than output, cyclical behavior was observedalternating betweenfrontal accretionof short imbricate thrust slicesand underthrustingof long, un- iment and a small amount of previously accreted material is underthrust beneath the wedge. This removal of material at the toe steepensthe frontal slope to 2• ø, despitethe occurrence of slumping(Figure4e). Frontal thrusting resumes,building five more imbricate slices, the rear most of which _areentrained into the subducfion deformedsheets(Figure3). Two representative experi- channelalonga midleveldetachment(Figure4f ). GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC •ub THRUSTING 10,165 When the surface slopesobservedin the experiments shownare plotted in the taper stability field for a high Table 1. Experimental Conditions Expt. IMBRICATE •ui,t I, cm O, cm c• 13 $to,, cm 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 I 0 10 ø 22 ø 6ø 15 ø 15 ø 6ø 6ø 4ø 6ø 6ø 140 160 150 120 125 basalfrictionof 0.5 (Figure7a, shadedregion)widefluctuations are seen. The wedgesuccessively movesfrom 1 12 4 33 34 0.5 0.5 0.35 0.5 0.5 an unstableregimeat the upperboundary(the maximum or limiting taper), with failure alongtrenchward dippingplanescausingslumpsand slides,to a compressionalregimeat the lowerlimit (the mimimumor "critical taper") wherefailureoccursrepeatedlyalongarcwarddippingplanesgeneratingshort imbricateslices. Symbols: •ub,coefficientof basal friction; I•i,•t, coeffiPlotting the frontal slope(c•) and the initiation of cient of internal friction; I, input; O, output; c•, initial sur- eachfrontalthrust as a functionof convergence (Figure faceslope;fl, dip of subductingplate; $tot, total convergence 7b), the truly cyclicalnatureof theseunderthrusting during experiment. 4.2. Experiment 12 (Steep Initial Surface Slope) and frontal accretion processesbecomesevident. The surfaceslope decreasesduring the imbricate thrusting phaseof the cycleas the wedgebuildsout forwardand increasesduring the underthrustingphaseof the cycle as the front is oversteepened by erosionalongthe emerg- ing roofthrust (or "midleveldetachment").The defor- A frontal thrust developsat the apex (Figure 5a), but due to the large overburden on the roof thrust, underthrusting is inhibited. Thus five frontal imbricate thrusts form at regular intervals and build the wedgeforward,reducingthe frontalslope(Figure5b). The tops of the slicesare accreted, and the basesare shearedoff at a midleveldetachmentas they are pulled alongwith the subductingplate. Once the surfaceslope has becomeshallower,a long unit is underthrust beneath the overlying sand wedge. The underthrusting sheet causes frontal erosion which increases the sur- faceslopeup to 280 (Figure5c). Anotherfrontal accretion phase follows, with five more imbricate slices (Figure5d). Lastly,a secondunderthrusting phaseoc- a) deformation ct ½ '•Oø • ••.•.....,..... •:.:..._.•-• •o•.. •,• __ 10 .••.[cm] future thrust, ........ '-•-•":":"-'""•'"•-""'.:'.':':.':.'• 0 b) •':: ..... • lO :':• ::':: •: '::":'"" 0 .....• "'-•'•-' ......,• _-.. c) curs, again steepeningthe wedgeto 280 through frontal [cm] 10 [cm] o erosion(Figure5e). In both experimentsi and 12, shearingof the lower portionsof the imbricateslicesoccursalonga midlevel detachment(Figures6a and 6b). Underplatingoccurs as the ramp thrust at the tip of the underthrusting sheetupliftsthe overlyingunits. If theseoverlyingunits consistof sheared,imbricate slices,then entrained,un- d) lO "-" [cm] o e) lO derplatedduplexesform (Figure6c) [Gutschefet al., 1996].If theseconsistof longsheets,then layered,underplatedsheetsform (Figures6d, 6e, and 6f). When motion alongthe midleveldetachmentceases,a backthrust developsas material is underplatedbeforea new basalandfrontalthrustpropagates forward(Figures6c [cm] o f) lO [cm] and 6f). Underplatingwasonlyobserved in highbasal friction experimentswith excessinput. The degreeof underplatingas a functionof theseparametersis quan- tifiedelsewhere [Gutschefet al., 1998]. 4.3. Taper Stability Field, Cyclicity and Phase Shift o 20 [cm] 0 Figure 4. Tectonicsketches of experiment1 [Gutschef et al., 1996];(a) after0 cm;(b) 15cm;(c) 35 cm;(d) 70 cm; (e) 120cm, and (f) 140cm of convergence. Heavy Accordingto Mohr-Coulombwedgetheory the internal and basalfriction of a deformingwedgeslidingovera lines representfaults, heaviestwhen active, with sense of motion. Hatchured area is rigid vertical rear wall. Incipient thrust at the wedgeapex in the initial stage fault surfacedefinea taperstabilityfield [Dahlen,1984]. is shown dashed. 10,166 GUTSCHER ET AL' EPISODICIMBRICATETHRUSTING of the wedge.At shallow surface slopes(experiment 1, 15 Figures 4a and4b)underthrusting oflongundeformed units is favored. At steepsurfaceslopes(experiment a) future deformation thrust front J,•' 10 12,Figures 5aand5b)frontalimbricate thrusting isfa- [cm] vored. Thus the mechanicalforcescontrollingthe phase ofthe accretionary cycleappearto dependonwedgegeometry. 15 b) 10 [cm] '"'"'L'2'2'- 5. Mechanical Analysis The frictionalandgravitational forcesactingon the variousfault surfaces, e.g., ramp thrust, basalthrust, and roof thrust can be calculated for a generalized wedgegeometry (Figure8) andthusthe instantaneous worknecessary to continue or initiatemotionalongdif15 10 [cm] ferentsurfacescan be quantifiedfor any set of wedge parameters (modelor natural)[Schniirle, 1994].This allowspredictions to be madeconcerning the maximumlengthof thrustslices whichcanin turn becomparedto the average lengths fromexperimental observations. A similar mechanicalanalysis[Platt, 1988] treatedonly lowerbasalfrictionsand constant,shallowsurfaceslopes(a < 5ø) andthusdid not directly addressthe mechanicsof long underthrustsheetsnor temporal variation in forces. The instantaneous work (Fudx) requiredto underthrust a unit an incrementaldistancedx is equal to the frictionalresistance (f) alongthe roofthrust(A) and alongtherampthrust(B), plustheforce(w) required to upliftthe overlying portionof the wedgealongthe rampbasea verticaldistancedz (C). F•,dx - f•tdx + f,.dr + w,.dz Equation(2) canbe compared to the instantaneous work(Fidx)required toinitiateanewbasal thrust,with accompanying frontalrampthrustand an equivalent displacement dx whichis equalto the frictionalresisFigure5. Tectonic sketches ofexperiment 12;(a)after 0 cm;(b) 25cm;(c)75cm;(d) 110cm,and(e)160cm tance(f) alongthebasalthrust(D) andalongthetoe ofconvergence (symbols sameasin Figure4). rampthrust(E) plusthe force(w) required to uplift the toe alongthe rampa verticaldistance dz (F) (in- dices(R), roofthrust,(t), toe,(r), rampthrust,(u), marion front also alternatively advancesand retreats underthrusting, (i), initiation) (Figure 3) [Gutschef et al.,1996].In bothexperiments, Fidx - fBdx + ftdr + wtdz twofull cyclesareobserved. Experiment 1 startswith underthrusting andendswith frontalaccretion.Exper- in all casesf - pcos/3,wherew -mg - pVg. (3) iment 12 is shiftedhalf a phaseand startswith frontal accretion and ends with underthrusting. In bothcases,the energylostdueto internaldefor- Forcomparison, a similarplotis shown(Figure7c) mationwithinthe sand(e.g.,kinkbands)is neglected. forces(f), weights for a low basalfriction experiment(experiment4), Totalforces(F• andFi), frictional which otherwisehas almost the same initial configura- (w)andvolumes (V) arecalculated fora cross sectional unitlength.All areascanbeextionasexperiment 1 (sameinput,sameoutput,similar areaperperpendicular in termsof thelengths H, Ln, LB andLt and a' and/3. Continuous, frontalimbricatethrustingoccurs pressed the angles a,/3 and 0f. Lengths in turnarerelatedby at fairlyregularintervalsof roughly6 cm, anda maintains a nearlyconstantvalue,barelyincreasing during LB = Ln + Lt, Lr = Lt, and Lt - HsinOf. Substitutionand algebrayieldunwieldybut uncom150 cm of convergence from 6o to 7ø. plicated expressions (seetheappendix fordetails) which Forhighbasalfrictionthemodeofdeformation isobcan be evaluated for any choice of basal friction and servedexperimentally to dependon the configuration GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC IMBRICATE "half slices" a)accreted upper . mid-level • '•detachmen ,[ "ent .... • .- b) •"•,•• 10,167 UnderplatingSheets Underplating Duplexes .............. THRUSTING .,••,-,; ..... •-X l•g sheet f f erosion•-<• . _' '. .,'. underthrusting sheet' c) ]• frontal thrusbng ,' previously entrained :-,,' .duplzs " ,f" • t t t underplated "entrained /•j 2nd underthrusting sheet ""_=.,,• ' frontal thrusting • .'• •<•.esumes •""%•1st sheet underpla 2ndunderthrUsting sheet halt• Figure 6. Evolutionary paths of two different underplated structures: duplexes and sheets. Underplatingof duplexes:(a) frontal accretionwith shearingof imbricateslicesat a mid-level detachment, (b) underthrusting with frontaluplift, and (c) underplating of entrainedduplexes with backthrustingand uplift at rear of wedge(verticalarrowsindicatemaximumuplift). Underplatingof sheets:(d) underthrust sheetfollowing frontalaccretion,(e) 2ndunderthrust sheet causingfrontaluplift, and (f) underplating of first sheetthroughbackthrusting anduplift at rear of wedge(verticalarrowsindicatemaximumuplift). length of thrust slice. (The length of a thrust sliceis measuredfrom the ramp cut off at the basal detachment to the next basalramp cut off.) typical steep frontal slope of c• : 25ø. The force required to initiate a new frontal and basal thrust Fi is calculated for three different basal frictions, /•b = 0.5, 0.4, and 0.3, againfor both frontal slopes(in all cases for 1 m lateral trenchwidth). It shouldbe noted that the frictionalonga faultedsurfacein the sand(i.e., the activeroofthrust) hasbeenreportedto be 10%lower than the internalfrictionof the sand[Liu et al., 1992] and that the correspondingvalues have been adopted (Pg) {[(•)cøsj•(tanc•-l-tanfi) LR 2] +p)+ p +p) '(•)(tan a+tan "+tan Oy) (L•- Ls •) -tan 0y (L• L•-L• •)} (4) for these calculations. The forces(F• and Fi) are plottedversusslicelength for a moderatefrontalslopeof 10ø (Figure9) andfor a steepfrontalslopeof 25o (Figure10). The intersection of the curvesF• and F/ predictsthe averagelength of thrust slices. The maximum length of an underthrust unit (i.e., lengthof an activeroofthrust) variesaccording to both the basal friction and the surfaceslope of LBcos/3 +(tan 2 tan/•) { cos(./--] c• + LB2 ) the wedge.For low basalfrictionsof 0.3-0.4 (50- 67% of the internalfriction),.lessforceis requiredto initiate +[(•)(cos 1 ) cos+ +HLt• a new basal and frontal thrust than to continue motion alongan existingroof thrust. The predictedfault spacing (for a 2 cm layer thicknessand shallow10ø frontal slope)is 4-10 cm, whichcorresponds well to the 6 cm averagefault spacingobserved[Gutschefet al., 1998]. For a high basalfriction of 0.5 (83% of the internal For the experiments reported here, appropriate pa- friction) and 10ø surfaceslope,lessforceis requiredto rameters are; laint : /•r : /•t : 0.6, /•R : 0.54, sustain motion along the roof thrust becausethere is P = 170Ok#/m3,/7 : 9.8m/s2, H = 0.02m, then less total overburden than on the basal thrust. Thus, •: 31o (the angleof repose)and 0! = 28ø;fi = 6o. underthrusting is favored(experiment1, Figuresla-lc) The underthrustingforce Fu is first calculatedfor a typ- and proceedsto the point where the overl:•ing wedge ical moderate frontal slope of c• - 10ø and then for a thickness increasessubstantially. The maximum slice + + cos]} 10,168 GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC IMBRICATE taper a) stability field b) 35 underthrusting i__._,q.•_.• re =0.50 "angle of repose" (slides)..-.• 3C 3O THRUSTING high basal • friction shallow initial slope 30-• Exp...•1 CL •/d o • 20 _ 1, = -•- '•.r •2-steep i•itial slope 2O m •15 • 10 ' 'd -_• 10 5t,-......... 10 _ 4m O '''•'''•'''•'''•'''•'''•'''•'''/ 0 20 40 60 m m m m m m m 80 m 100 mm 120 thrusts mm 140 160 convergence [cm] 0 0 -20 - 10 0 10 20 I• (platedip) low C) 35 basal friction 3O Exp. #4 (final stage) Figure 7. (a) Stability fieldsfor high basal friction (0.5, shaded)andmoderatebasalfriction(0.4, dashed), showinginitial (opensymbols),intermediateand final (solidsymbols)surfaceslopesfor highbasalfrictionex- 25- '• • 2020 [cm] 0 15- periments i and 12 and low basal friction experiment 4. (b) Surfaceslopefluctuation(opensymbolswith a cubicsplinecurvefit) andthrustinitiation(solidsymbols) 10- 5 •--:. - '- • o thrusts•.• versusconvergence for high basalfriction experiments1 • • o" '2••;' '4••;' ..... •'o •'o'•o'o'i•'o'i•'o'i•o low basalfriction experiment 4, inset showinggeometry of final stage after 150 cm of convergence. convergence [cm] (squares)and 12 (circles),c: (sameasin Figure7b) for a) dz Fu dx - fRdX+ frdr + wrdz H Input ;' b) Fi dx= fBdX + ftdr+ wtdz ••::••'•'"• ........ toe • ........ :.,. ........................... -............ :.• ....................................................... :-..................... ...-.:.:-..:•...:.r.::: -.......................................... •,, ................. :-:.::: ........... •u..___.•.•D.g•late u Da • L, • L.--------'-------r-•• F;gure 8. Gravitational (w) andfrictional(f) forces(a) actingon the roofandrampthrustsof anunderthrusting unit,and(b) actingonnewlyinitiatedbasalandfrontalrampthrusts(indices R, roofthrust;r, rampthrust;B, basalthrust;t, toe thrust). GUTSCHER ET AL' EPISODIC IMBRICATE a) a slight uncertainty(4-5%) in the basalfriction or in 400 the friction ß F underthr. __o__ F init. 0.5 300--'--F init0'4 250 ..... []....Finit. 0.3 200_../.'x -'.......--' [ 00-• -' 1; Fig. 9b .....•..•'......a-" 0 10 10,169 narrowly spacedin the length range 30-50+ cm. Thus, (z- 10ø 35O- THRUSTING 20 30 [ 40 50 length of thrust slice [cm] of the active roof thrust can result in 4-20 cm in the length of the sheets. This uncertainty does not, however, affect the overall trend. Underthrusting of long sheetscan only occur for a high basal friction and for a shallow surface slope. Sincethe arcwardincreasein wedgethickness(and thusoverburden) is a functionof the surfaceslope(a), if this angleis large, then evenwith high basal friction, underthrusting is inhibited(Figures10aand 10b). This is the casefor experiment 12, with an initial slopeof 22ø. The forcesrequiredto underthrust below a steepsurface slope of 25o in all casesexceed the force necessaryto initiate a new frontal thrust, for slice lengths > 6 cm (Figure 10b). Thus, repeatedfailure along basal and b) a- 10ø frontal thrust planes occurs and generatesshort slices (experiment1; Figures4e and 4f and experiment12; Figures5a and 5b). 50 4O z 30 o 20 a) a - 25 ø 400 350 A 10 •' 250 •(,3 200 F underthr. --o--F 300 2 • ' ' I 4 ' ' ' I ' 6 ' ' I 8 ] ' ' u_ I .....-.-, ,n,,. / .,' .' /// ,.," ,•• / ." "' .... ,,,, , •...," 100 Fig. lob 50 Figure 9. Forcesrequiredto underthrusta unit (F underthr.) and to initiate a new basaland frontal thrust (F init.) versuslength of thrust slicefor three basal /o" / ' / ,' / ...•' 150 10 length of thrust slice [cm] •,' --*--F init.0.4 o I 0 / init. 0.5 •'o/. 0 0 10 -"- 20 30 40 50 length of thrust slice [cm] frictions, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, for a moderate surface slope of 10ø. (a) Slicelengths0-50 cm, and (b) closeupnear origin for slicelengthsof 0-10 cm (note "underthrust- b) ing" is consideredto begin at a slicelength of 4 cm, the a - 25 ø horizontallengthof the thrust ramp). / 4O length for a basal friction of 0.5 (for a shallowslope of 10ø and 2 cm layer thickness)is predictedby the intersectionof the two curvesto be • 50 cm (Figure 3O 2O Two high basal friction experimentswith very long initial buttresses(• 70 cm length)wereperformedto testthe maximumlengthof the underthrustsheets(Figure 11). Experiment33 hadthe same1 cm outputasthe 10 ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' other experimentsreported here, while experiment 34 0 2 4 6 8 10 had zerooutput to demonstratethat the underthrusting length of thrust slice [cm] phenomenonis not an artifact of the open subduction window. Both experimentshad the same 2 cm input Figure 10. Forcesrequiredto underthrusta unit (F as the other experiments reported and both produced underthr.) andto initiate a newbasalandfrontalthrust sheetsof 40-50 cm length (Figure 11). The agreement (F init.) versuslength of thrust slicefor three basal frictions, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, for a steep surface slope of 25ø. between the theoretically predicted and the observed (a) Slicelengths0-50 cm, and (b) closeupnear origin length of the sheetsis within the margin of error be- for slice lengths of 0-10 cm. Note all forces are higher causethe two curvesfor underthrusting(F•) and for than for the same frictions and slice lengths in Figure initiationof a newthrustfault (Fi in Figure9a are very 9. 10,170 GUTSCHER ET AL.' EPISODIC Experiment 33 IMBRICATE THRUSTING (120 cm) 25 20 a) 15 lO [cm] 20 [cm] 0 Experiment 34 (125 cm) b) 25 20 15 lO [cm] Figure 11. Tectonicsketches of (a) experiment33, input of 2 cm, outputof I cm, after 120cm of convergence, and (b) experiment34, input of 2 cm, output of 0 cm, after 125 cm of convergence. The implication of this mechanical analysis is that for natural thrust wedgeswith a basal friction exceeding 80% of the internal friction and with excesssediment input, cyclicalaccretionis expected,varying from the frontal accretionmodeto the underthrustingmode. Accordingly,wide variations in the frontal wedgemorphologyare alsoexpected,so that a singlemargin may havefrontal slopesvaryingfrom a few degreesup to the angle of reposefor the accretingsediments. We favor this interpretation for explaining the structural diversity in the Alaska accretionarywedge. 6. Application to Alaskan Accretionary Wedge basal friction experiment correlate well with structures and surface morphology observedin reflection seismic lines from the Alaskan convergentmargin and offer a viable mechanism for their formation. Lines 71 and 63 (Figures2b and 2c) provideclearevidencethat several long (15-20km), relativelyundeformedsheetsof 1-1.5 km thicknesshave been emplaced beneath the wedge throughrepeatedunderthrusting(Figures6d-6f). The folding, tilting and uplift of the slope sedimentsin the forearc basins at the rear of all three lines attest to backthrustingfrom material addition below and imply recent underplating. Line 71 is marked by an extremely steep frontal slope of 170 (Figure 2 b) and appearsto representa wedge late in the underthrustingphaseof the accretionarycy- Studies of convergentmargin evolution require ex- cle (e.g., Figures4c and 4e). There are indicationsthat periments with large convergenceallowing observation a new frontal thrust is just beginning to form, thereby of any deviation from the initial, "stable wedge," con- initiating a new phaseof imbricate thrusting (Figure figuration. Previous analog studies of thrust initiation 60. Farther to the NE, line HINCH-88 is alsomarked and wedgegrowth often featured convergenceof only 5- by an extremelysteepfrontalslopeof 160[Friihn,1995] 10 timeslayerthickness[Collettaet al., 1991;Mulugeta and may also representa wedge currently in the unand Koyi, 1992]. The largeconvergence (140-160cm) derthrustingphase. Line 63 on the other hand (Figexperimentspresentedhere have a shorteningequal to ure 2c) has a relativelyconstantsurfaceslopeof 4- 60 frontalthrusts, 70-80 times layer thickness. At the scaling factor of over35 km [Kunert,1995]andnumerous 10-5 usedhere,this represents • 150km or 2.5 Myr of suggestinga wedgecurrently in the imbricate thrusting margin evolution at the current plate convergencerate mode(Figure6a). Line EDGE-302 appears to represent a wedge havof 6 cm/yr, for the Alaskanmargin. The accretionarycyclesand widely varying range of ing recently entered the imbricate thrusting phase of frontal slopesobservedduring the courseof a singlehigh the cycle (Figure 6c). The frontal portion displaysa GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC gentle 2o surfaceslope and consistsof short sliceswith backthrustsanda "pop-up"structure(Figure2a). At a IMBRICATE THRUSTING 10,171 7. Variations in Wedge Taper distance of 11 km from the deformation front, the mean A wide range of frontal slopes and thus wedge taslopeincreases to 60 overthe next 19 km (locallyreachmargin(Figing 15ø). This slopebreakmay representthe endof the persare observedat the Alaskaconvergent last underthrustingepisode. The tops of several imbri- ure 12 and Table 2). For comparison,wedgetapers cate sliceshave been accreted, while the lower portions appear to have been shearedbelow a mid-level detach- have been compiled for the Nankai, Oregon-Cascadia and Barbados accretionary wedgeswhere multichannel seismicrecordsand deep sea drilling data are also avail- ment (Figures6a-6c). The overallgeometryis similar to experimenti after 120 cm convergence (Figure 5e), able [Mooreet al., 1990; Taira et al., 1992; Shayelyet where the resumption of frontal thrusting has produced al., 1986; Davis and Hyndman, 1989; Westbrooket al., a very shallow surface slope beneath the oversteepened 1988]. While all four wedgeshaverelativelylargequanfront formed during the underthrusting phase. The five tities (1-34-km) of sedimentat the trench,threeof them appear to belongto a similar class;thesehave moderate or six sheared and stretched slices correlate well with the zoneof dipping reflectorsin the EDGE line and the uplifted point at the top of these units matches closely with the shallow(< 3 km depth) ridge27 km from the deformationfront (Figure2a). Though long underthrust units are not clearly imaged as in lines 71 and 63, underthrusting is interpreted to be responsiblefor the rapid thickening of the initial 2 km section at the trench to 5 km, 30 km arcward. The presenceof two distinct detachments, mass balance calculations and section balancing, all require a substan- tial underthrustsectionequal to 0• 2/3 of the entire sedimentaryinput Iron Huene et al., 1998]. The poor quality of the seismicimage at this depth, however,cannot clearly resolve the question of whether the underthrust section consists of sheets or entrained, sheared duplexes. Additionally, the prominent backthrusting at the back of the section,with 0• 1 km offsetson numerous backthrustsin the overlyingslopesediments,document strong deformation of the backstop, suggestingunder- thrustingandprobableunderplatingat depth lye et al., 1997]. convergentrates (4-6 cm/yr) and their physicalproperties(e.g.,internalfriction,porepressure) are believed to be fairly similar [Lallemandet al., 1994]. At each margin except Barbados, wide variations in surface slope occur arcward along individual lines as well as laterally,alongtrenchstrike (Figure 12), with maximum surfaceslopesof 17ø, 140 and 10ø for Alaska, Cascadia, and Nankai, respectively. Cyclical accretion (as observedin the experiments)offersa plausibleexplanation, as a thrust wedge successivelyreachesthe upper and lower limits of the taper stability field during the underthrustingand the frontal accretionphases. Invoking lateral and arcward variations in material parameters to explain the structural diversity in a single wedgedoesnot appearsatisfactory.Physicalproperties (e.g., porosity,fluid pressure)are knownto changeas high porosity trench turbidites are compressedand de- watered during the early stagesof deformation[Bray and Karig, 1985; Byrne and Fisher, 1990]. This generally leads to an overall increasein sedimentstrength, but also locally to a decreasein strength where pore- pressures are high [$hi and Wang,1988;Byeflee,1990]. GhostRocksFormationson Kodiak Island (an exposed The decollementregionis typically marked by high pore late Cretaceous to earlyTertiary accretionarycomplex) pressureand commonlyhas very low strength[Hubbert indicate they formed at a convergentmargin with a and Rubey, 1959; Byrne and Fisher, 1990; Moore et thick sedimentary section, comparable to the present al., 1995]. However,a strongermaterial or a weaker day situation at the Eastern Aleutian Trench [Sam- decollementboth reducethe angleof critical taper (the ple and Fisher, 1986; Fisher and Byrne, 1987]. The lowerboundaryof the stabilityfield) [Daviset al., 1983; structuresfound include a seriesof SE vergent thrust Lallemandet al., 1994] and thus cannotexplain steep Finally, field geologicalstudies of the Kodiak and slices,rotated over ramp faults, and duplexesbounded frontal slopesapproachingthe angle of repose. Further- belowby a low-angledetachment(basaldecollement) more, dewatering and compactionwould be expectedto and aboveby a roofthrust (midleveldetachment).The produceprimarily arcward changes,not lateral changes. rotated series of thrust slices are interpreted to sole into a common detachment and thus represent an im- A "strong decollement" leading to accretionary cyclescan result from either moderatepore-pressurealong bricate fan. The duplexesare interpreted as having the basal detachment or relatively high pore-pressures been formed when thick sections of undeformed sedithroughout the entire deforming wedge. The resultment werethrust beneaththe toe of the overlyingwedge ing two-phaseepisodicprocessobservedexperimentally to be underplatedfarther arcward[Sampleand Fisher, provides an explanation for these wide variations along 1986;Fisher and Byrne, 1987]. The tectonicprocesses a single trench where material properties and deformawhich producedthe imbricate fan and underthrust units tional historiesare likely to be similar. Variation along match well with the dynamicsobservedin high basal strike could be the result of time transgressivefault friction sandbox experiments and suggestthat simi- propagation causingdifferent segmentsalong the defrolar processesmay be active in the current accretionary mation front to be in different phasesof the accretionary prism. cycle. 10,172 GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC IMBRICATE THRUSTING 16- 0 Alaska [] Nankai /• Cascadia 0 BarbadosRidge [] [] -- ¸ - ' -' ... • A 0 tapers.. •• maximum critical .,• :.-..::.-.<::..::::::::::-•c.:•...•_ ......"..•...::•:::.......::.`.•``.`.•.•.•;.•..%...:::``.`..`.•::•`;::•4•::•:•::•:•:•:•:•::•::::::::::;•4•`•*:•::•:::::•::::::•`.•..?•::::•:•::•:::::• .:: .: . .:::•::. ............. •..... .:. : .;..•::-... . .. ....... •.:::: mum critical taper -4 0 4 8 12 16 (in degrees) Figure 12. Wedgetapers from Alaska and for, comparison,two other marginswith wide taper variationsand onewith little variation(meansurfaceslope,solidsymbols;and maximumslope, opensymbols).Dashedline is a possiblestabilityfield for the Alaskahighbasalfrictionwedge. 8. Conclusions Appendix: Calculation of Work and Cyclical behavior, alternating from imbricate thrusting to underthrustingof long sheetsis observedin high basal friction sandbox experiments simulating accretionary wedge growth. The dynamics observedin the models closelyreproducestructures observedin seismic reflectionimagesfrom the Alaskan accretionarywedge. Long layeredsheetsare observedas well as short frontal thrust slices. Some imbricate dlevel detachment. Similar slices are sheared at a mi- structures are also observed in an exposed Cretaceousaccretionary complex on Kodiak Island, Alaska. The different phasesof the cyclecan be explained mechanicallyin terms of the temporally varying, geometrydependentforcesrequired to maintain an existing roof thrust versus the forces to initiate a new basal and Frictional Forces The instantaneous work (Fudx) requiredto underthrust a unit is the sumof the frictionalresistance(f) alongthe roof thrust in direction• (A) and alongthe ramp thrust in directionr (B), plus the forcerequired to uplift the overlying portion of the wedge along the ramp basea verticaldistancedz (C) (A) (B) (C) F,,dz - fl•dz + f•dr + w•dz (A1) The instantaneous work (Fidx) requiredto initiate a new basal thrust is equal to the frictional resistance alongthe basalthrustin directionx (D) and alongthe toe ramp thrust in directionr (E) plus the force re- frontal thrust. During one complete cycle, the up- quired to uplift the toe alongthe frontal ramp a vertical per and lower limits of the taper stability field are distancedz (F). successivelyreached. A steep wedge builds forward (D) (E) (F) through repeated imbricate thrusting, reducingthe surfaceslope. At shallowtapers, a longunit is underthrust, Fidx = fBdx + ftdr + wtdz (A2) causing erosion at the oversteepenedfront and uplift in all casesf- ttw cos/3,and w- mg- pVg, thus and shorteningin the wedgethrough backthrusting. Cyclical accretion provides one possibleexplanation fn - wn(cosfi)lUl•- pVl•g(cos fi)lUl• (A3) for wide variationsin frontal slopealong a singletrench, where sedimentand material properties are presumably f• - w• cos(Of+ fi)lU,•- pV•gcos(Of+ fi)•u• (A4) GUTSCHER ET AL.- EPISODIC IMBRICATE THRUSTING 10,173 Table 2. Accretionary Parameters Region Alaska Nankai Oregon/ Cascadia Barbados Ridge Experiments flint lib I, cm O, cm a,,•,•x a,,•,. /3 H x L, cm v, cm/min 1 12 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 2.1 2.0 1.1 1.0 27 ø 28 ø 6ø 12 ø 6ø 6ø 14x40 12x30 10 10 Line •,nt t• I, km O, km /3 H x L, km v, cm/yr 1.57 1.27 1.27 1.27 ?? 16 ø 15 ø 17 ø 6ø 5ø 2.6 ø 2.8 ø 3.30 4.1 ø 3.6 ø 1.4 ø 2.4 ø 2.5 ø 2.0 ø 3.5 ø 6.5x40 5.8x40 5.5x35 5.5x35 5.5x35 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 0.4? 0.6? 9ø 10 ø 2.3 ø 5.0 ø 2.7 ø 5.0 ø 3.2x26 8.0x20 4 4- 1.5 4 4- 1.5 HINCH88 EDGE302 71 63 Alb-111 0.45 -i- 0.1 0.3 4- 0.1 3.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 NT62-8 NK5 0.50 4- 0.1 0.75 0.2 4- 0.1 0.4? 1.1 3.5 Or76-4 0.624- 0.1 0.234- 0.1 a,,•,•x a,,•e,• 4.0 ?? 14ø 3.3ø 2.3ø 9x50 Or76-5 4.0 ?? 13 ø 3.3 ø 4.6 ø 11x50 2.0 Ca85-01 2.4 ?? 9ø 4.0 ø 5.0 ø 14x50 2.0 (N) 465 (N) A1-D (S) 105 0.6 0.7 6.0 ?? ?? ?? 3ø 6ø 9ø 1.0ø 3.0ø 1.4ø 3.0ø 1.5ø 0.6ø 7x100 10xl10 15x300 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Symbols: I.lint, coefficient of internal friction; t•b, coefficient of basal friction; I, input; O, output; a .... maximum surface slope; a,m,•, minimum surfaceslope; a,,•a•, mean surface slope; •, dip of subducting plate; H x L, height and width of recent accretionarywedgeimagedon multichannelseismicreflectionprofiles;v, convergencerate of the subducting plate. Sources:for/•i,•t and t•; Alb-111, Davis and yon Huene [1987];NT62-8 and Or76-4, Lallemandet al. [1994];for Pacific Plate convergence rate at Alaskan margin, DeMets et al. [1990]; for Philippine Sea Plate convergence rate in Nankai Trench, Taira et al. [1992]and Senoet al. [1993]for Nankai seismicprofilesNT62-8, Moore et al. [1990]and NKS, LePichonet al. [1992];for Oregonseismicprofiles,Shayelyet al. [1986];for Cascadiaseismicprofilesand convergence rate Davis and Hyndman[1989];and for BarbadosRidgeseismicprofilesand convergence rate, Ladd et al. [1990],Moore et al. [1988], Westbrook et al. [1988],and Mascleet al. [1990]. - w, os(0 + - pva(os - p¬a os(0 + (A5) (A6) Sincedr- (1/cos07)dx, substituting(A8) into (A4) yields term B Totalforces(F. and Fi), frictionalforces(f), weights frdr (w), andvolumes(V) arecalculatedfor a cross-sectional areaper perpendicular unit length(l). All areas(A) can cos(0 + cos07 be expressedin terms of the lengthsH, LR, LB, and Lt ' and the anglesa, fi, and 07. For example, AR Ar • - tan O•(LsLa - La•)] dx -- (A12) -- (•)L/•2(tana+tan/•) (A7)Similarly,substituting(A9) into (A5) yieldstermD - (•)(tana+tan/•+tanOT)(LB2-Lt• 2) - tan07(LBLa- La2) (AS) =(I•BPg) cos/• [HLBcos/• - HLscos•+(1) • (tan a+tan fi)L. 2(A9) +(•)(tana +tan/•) LB2] dx(A13) (10) Sincedr - (1/cos07)dx, substituting(A10) into fBdx AB Substituting(A7) into (A3) yieldsterm A f-•Idx_ g) cos/•(tan - (I-t-• 2P aq-tan/•)Ln2dx (All) (A6) yieldsterm E ftdr 107 cos(07 +/•)HLtdx (A14) I =(ytpg) 2 cos 10,174 GUTSCHER ET AL.: EPISODIC IMBRICATE THRUSTING To uplift wedgeor toe, an incrementalvertical distance dz, the horizontal component of dx, cos/•dx is multipliedby the componentalongthe ramp,tan(Of+ /7), givingdz = cos/?tan(Of +/?)dx, and term F then becomes wtdz Dirk Kl'eischen,JSrg Kunert, Jfirgen Frfihn, Bernard Sanche, and Stephane Dominguez for fruitful discussions,accessto valuable seismic reflection data, and technical assistance in the laboratory. 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