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Alpha Sigma Fiji
As the chapter turns
48, we interview
brothers from all six
decades of Alpha
2 Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter
Letter from the president
Brother Profiles
Semester in Review
Semester Ahead
May 2013 • Tempe, Ariz.
John Sullivan ’13
Publications chairman
austin Peck ’14
Corresponding secretary
Greg Leach ’16
Graduate relations chairman
It has been a tremendously successful semester
and the chapter has accomplished many goals. Having
said that, there will always be
room for us to grow and improve as a house.
This semester has been a
learning experience for both
me and the other members
of the Executive Board, and
we look forward to using our
new knowledge to further
improve the house.
I would first like to congratulate the nine newly initiated members of the Beta
class this semester and look
forward to their future contributions. I also would like
to thank all the brothers for
completing some significant
We just had our first philanthropy in at least 10 years,
the Phi Gam Beach Jam,
which raised over $900 and
more than 600 children’s
books for the USO. We completed two major community service projects helping
with both Devils in Disguise
as well as Fiji Fills the Flash.
We also had a fantastic Pig
Dinner where we saw more
graduate brothers than ever
“The chapter’s
future is
bright and I
look forward to
the challenges
that will be
presented this
in recent memory attend!
While this last semester
was extremely productive,
we have a lot to look forward to in the fall. We are already planning several major
events, including a number
of community service projects, a brotherhood retreat
and, of course, FOTM.
With so much to look forward to in the future, I would
like to give a massive thanks
to the graduating brothers
that have helped turn the
house into what it is today
and I wish them success in
all of their future endeavors.
The chapter’s future is
extremely bright and I look
forward to the challenges
that will be presented this semester. I hope you share my
ASU Fiji does not publicly
identify its president.
Our friend and brother Geno Holmquist ’14 was
diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma brain
cancer in December 2012. Please keep Geno
and his family in your thoughts and prayers during
this time. To buy a wristband and learn how you
can help, visit www.hopeforholmquist.org.
Brother Profiles
As the chapter turns 48, we interview
brothers from all six decades of Alpha Sigma
Jody Watkins ’91, owner of San Diego, Calif.-based Watkins Landmark Construction, poses in front of construction equipment. Watkins said Fiji has impacted many parts of
his life, from attending Islander with the woman who would later be his wife to how he conducts meetings for his business.
Construction owner brings persistence to company
By James Fulgenzi ’16
he weekend after
last fall’s Fiji on the
Mountain event, graduate
brother Jody Watkins ’91 was
in town to see the Sun Devils
play in their home stadium.
When leaving the game, he
pointed in the direction of the
ash on the mountain and told
his children, “I did that once.”
Reminiscing on his undergraduate days in Alpha Sigma,
Watkins said he is mighty
proud about many of the
chapter’s accomplishments.
During the 1990 spring semester, the chapter had the
highest GPA of all fraternities
on campus and finished first in
the campus-wide blood drive
for the 26th straight semester.
Watkins said he and his pledge
brothers helped push Fiji back
to the top on campus.
See WATKINS, page 7
Watkins and his wife and children at an ASU football game last fall.
4 Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter
Steven Tripoli ’12 chases his dog Fletcher around the Fiji Complex pool in December. Tripoli for works an energy-use consulting firm in New York.
Recent graduate eliminated debt as treasurer
Steven Tripoli ’12 of Stormville, N.Y. graduated in December.
What do you do for a
I work for ITCSN where we
go into large corporations and
make more efficient automatic
energy management systems.
Why did you rush Fiji?
My roommate convinced
me to rush, and on bid day
we both decided to go Fiji together. Sadly, he didn’t make it
through the pledge process to
What are some of favorite
memories from your college days?
I really enjoyed living at the
Fiji house for my senior year.
That was a great experience
in itself. Before living there, I
enjoyed putting on Fiji on the
Mountain as a pledge in 2011.
to see more than 120 brothers, because then you lose the
family feeling.
Also being on the Executive
Board as treasurer.
Do you still keep in contact with other Fijis?
Yes. Being one of the first
to graduate, I still keep in contact with most of my pledge
class and a lot of the undergrads.
How did your experience
with Fiji impact you after
I keep persistence in the
back of my head. I need to
give it my all to get what I
want in life because nothing is
handed to me. It also gave me
so many memories.
What’s one piece of advice you would give the
undergrads of the chapter?
You should take everything
lightly and enjoy it while it
lasts because you only get it
once in a life.
Where would you like
to see this house in the
I would definitely like to
still have the house around, to
continue to be a positive influence on the community, to
convince ASU that Greek life
is beneficial to campus and
maybe get an official chapter
house. I like the number we
are at now and wouldn’t like
How did being on the
Executive Board change
your views and impact
Being on Exec. made me
the man I am today. It taught
me how to set goals and
achieve them and to rise to
the challenge. It took a lot of
effort to please 80 college boys
and even more to try and collect money from them.
Also, learning how to talk
to adults and please the graduate brothers was a challenge
that prepared me for the real
world. I would do it again if I
had the choice, even though it
was a lot harder to do than to
sit and talk about. I took pleasure in clearing $15,000 of
debt that the chapter had.
— Iggy D’Amico ’15
Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter 5
Attorney urges putting career before social life
Matt Hum ’07 is both a Sun
Devil and a Wildcat after attending law school at the University of Arizona after graduation from ASU.
Where did you grow up?
Growing up in Gilbert and
watching it develop carried
me to go to ASU, a more chaotic environment. Watching
your hometown develop definitely prepares you for life experience in college.
What do you do for a living?
I’m an attorney. I solo practice. I work a lot on the weekends. I’ve become very dedicated. I do go out, I do have
some fun. But it’s hard to be
a weekend warrior when you
have to treat Saturdays like
a Monday. If you want to really make an impact on your
career, you sometimes need
to put your social life on the
back burner.
What are your plans for
the future?
I would like to grow my
firm, hire more attorneys and
be well respected in civil litigations, specifically business
Attorneys do make good
money, but when you get
down to it, the money is going to come, especially when
you take an extra three years
of school.
When you have integrity
and you work hard, the money is going to come as well. I
think it’s important to have
integrity, especially in the field
of law, where the profession is
centered on integrity itself.
What made you rush Fiji?
When I first rushed, it was
a different time. The chapter at
the time was going through a
struggle, but what really stood
out to me was the brotherhood and the quality of the
brothers in the house, and
that what was most important
to me in a fraternity.
What are some of your
favorite memories from
your college days?
My favorite memories were
when the house was down to
literally like five guys, and we
became best friends. They are
the core of my friendships to
this day. It was definitely a
unique experience.
Do you still keep in contact with many Fijis?
Those five guys that I spent
most of my college days with.
I still talk to those guys all the
How did your Fiji experience impact you after
I would say my Fiji experience made me more social
and socially capable. When I
first went to college, I was a
pretty shy kid.
I was more reserved,
and being in Fiji definitely
brought out my confidence
and personality and gave me
the courage to tackle life’s
If you had one piece of
advice for undergraduate
brothers, what would it
Enjoy your time in college,
but don’t waste your time in
college. In the end, college is
still about getting an education. Without an education,
all those good times mean
Where do you want to see
the house in the future?
I think because of the struggle’s we had when I was there,
I never had very high hopes. I
always wanted the house to be
bigger and better than when
we had it. And that’s what it’s
at right now. Anything as long
as you don’t go backward is a
step in the right direction.
— Connor Manion ’16
’80s grad remembers USC Rose Bowl driving fiasco
Jay Evanko ’83 was born
in Cincinnati and moved to
Tempe in eighth grade. He
graduated from Marcos de
Niza High School in 1979 before attending ASU. Today, he
lives in Gilbert.
• Wife: Lisa
• Son: Ethan, 2013 graduate
of Gilbert Highland High
School; going to Grand
Canyon University to play
baseball (pitcher)
• Daughter: Emily, 14 years
old, attends Gilbert High
• Occupation: Federal probation officer. There is always
something new, and nothing goes according to plan.
• Major: Political science
• Pledged Fiji in spring 1981
in a pledge class of six;
nickname was Large
• Recruited by Matt Marino
’85 and rush chairman
Chris Eilers ’82
• Stays in contact with Greg
Tims ’84, Bill Dekemper
’83, Matt Gaal ’87, Marino
and Steve Vallenari ’85
• Lived in the house during
1981-82 school year
• Didn’t foresee ASU Old
Row being torn down
• Fondest memory: Road
trip to the University of
Southern California for
Rose Bowl game in an RV.
The RV got a flat tire, its
air conditioning broke and
Evanko missed the ride
back home.
• What persistence means to
him: Drive is better than
— J.T. Marino ’14
6 Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter
One of the first: Colony president recalls chartering
By John Sullivan ’13
OM whITeLOCk ’65
had leadership experience as student body president of Phoenix College and
was interested and active in
public relations. For these reasons, when he came to Arizona State University in the early
1960s, a new fraternity colony
on campus — Fiji — sought
him out to become a member.
He would soon become the
colony president and watch
the colony receive its charter
the year of his graduation.
“We started out with about
15 guys,” Whitelock said of
the early days of the colony.
“It was an uphill battle, but we
had a very select group of men
come in as initial members.”
The colony included individuals skilled in academics
and athletics, studying majors
Whitelock is a member of the Sons of
the American Revolution.
including engineering, business and architecture.
“There was diversity as far
as ideas and cooperation,”
Whitelock said. “We pulled
together to make an impression on the fraternity scene by
winning a number of activities in Greek Week and competitions during Homecoming events.”
As the original colony
members initially lacked the
bonding that comes with
pledgeship and had a wide array of opinions on what the
colony should look like, it
took hard work to get the colony off the ground. In the first
couple years of the colony,
brothers from the University
of Arizona guided the ASU
members in terms of organization, morals and policies.
Whitelock was born and
raised in Phoenix (“I was one
of the few that wasn’t an Indian,” he said), which in his
childhood had fewer residents
than ASU has students today.
He moved to the Dallas area
in 1974. He has been retired
from the logistics industry
“forever” and has a wife and
a son.
“At 72, it’s time to kick back
and try to take care of a few
things that I’ve passed over in
years past,” Whitelock said.
In his free time, Whitelock
is a member of the National
Society of Sons of the American Revolution, an organization composed of men who
can trace their roots to ancestors who were active in the
American Revolution.
His memories of his undergraduate days include Fiji
Islander in the desert and
formal and informal athletics
with brothers.
Whitelock said undergraduate brothers should take
the lessons and values of the
fraternity seriously and help
mold pledges and younger
brothers. The chapter should
maintain a good academic
standing and support ASU
and the community.
Michael Ratzken ’13 contributed to this report.
’70s grad stresses importance of ‘Not for college days alone’
Jess Roman ’72 was born in
Phoenix and still lives there.
He works in commercial
What are you plans for
the future?
Continuing to be a good
parent and grandparent and
a good leader in the community.
What are your favorite
Working out and sketching.
Why did you decide to
rush Fiji?
I really liked the culture of
the house and all of the brothers seemed like great guys.
They were the kind of guys
that I wanted to be around.
What are your favorite
memories from your college days?
I loved going to football
games and, of course, Islander. When I was there, we had a
strip of grass by the fraternity
house, and it was just fun to
go out with a couple brothers
and throw a football around.
How did your Fiji experi-
ence impact you after
After college I was more
confident in developing relationships with other people
and being able to communicate effectively.
What is your advice for
undergraduate brothers?
Just to be serious about appreciating the time you have
at school and with the brothers in the house because time
flies, and before you know it,
you’ll already have graduated.
So appreciate your time there
and get as involved as pos-
Do you still keep in contact with many Fijis?
Oh yeah. The phrase “Not
for college days alone” is real.
Many undergrads don’t understand that until they graduate, so appreciate the time
you have with your brothers
and get close to them.
I still keep in contact with
at least six other brothers on
a daily basis, as well as several
others that I see on a monthly
— Greg Leach ’16
Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter 7
Graduating seniors share plans for future
Major: German
Plans: Paying off enormous debt
Memory: Spending time with his pledge brothers
Major: English Literature
Plans: Law school, Nova Southeastern University
Memory: Easily picking up hot chicks in Fiji letters
Major: Biology and Society
Plans: Applying for Master’s in Nanoscience at ASU
Memory: FOTM as a pledge in 2011
Major: Chemical Engineering
Plans: Working in engineering in California or Texas
Memory: Black Diamond Formal 2011 in Las Vegas
Major: Business Sustainability
Plans: Getting a job
Memory: First weekend in the new Fiji Complex
Major: Supply Chain Management
Plans: Working in purchasing in Arizona
Memory: Islander 2013 in Las Vegas
Major: Mechanical Engineering, Earth & Space Exploration
Plans: Oil field engineer, traveling, marrying in 2014
Memory: 2010 Black Diamond Formal in Las Vegas
Major: Criminal Justice
Plans: Pursuing a career in law enforcement
Memory: Attending his first Fiji formal in Las Vegas
Major: Tourism Development and Management
Plans: Starwood Hotels management training program
Memory: Spring breaks in Rocky Point, Mexico
Major: Health Science: Pre-Professional
Plans: 177th Phi Gamma Delta Field Secretary
Memory: Winning intramural football in fall 2010
Major: Economics, Business Sustainability
Plans: Working for SmartWatt Energy in Sacramento, Calif.
Memory: Roasting the Pig Dinner pig as a pledge in 2010
Major: Economics, Business Communication
Plans: Claims Specialist at Liberty Mutual Insurance
Memory: FOTM 2010 as a pledge
WATKINS, from page 3
Having heard of Phi
Gamma Delta, Watkins was
interested in pledging the
minute he made it onto the
ASU campus. He missed rush,
but was able to get in touch
with the recruitment chairman and received the bid that
began his journey.
Today, Watkins owns and
operates Watkins Landmark
Construction in San Diego,
Calif. The company serves all
of southern California.
Watkins utilizes the values
of Phi Gamma Delta day-today in the workplace by frequently reciting the last three
lines of Calvin Coolidge’s
“Persistence” quote in business meetings to keep staff
members working at their
best abilities.
The then-treasurer of
Kappa Alpha Theta ended up
marrying Watkins, perhaps
due in part to the lovely poems he wrote for her before
Fiji Islander. Today, Watkins
and his wife have a son and
a daughter, neither of whom
will attend the University of
Arizona, Watkins said.
In the future, Watkins
would love to expand his
company to Phoenix and get
involved with the undergraduate chapter.
Semester in Review
Around 50 graduate brothers (pictured) and 70 undergraduate brothers and pledges attended this year’s Pig Dinner.
48th Alpha Sigma Pig Dinner draws crowd
he 48Th annUaL
Alpha Sigma Frank Norris Pig Dinner was held April
6 at Coast Phoenix Sky Harbor Hotel in Phoenix.
Around 50 graduate brothers and 70 undergraduate
brothers and pledges attended
the event, making it one of the
best attended in recent memory. Among the highlights:
• Keynote speaker John Peck
’71 spoke about Alpha
Sigma winning the Homecoming float contest for
three years in a row from
1968-70. Peck described
what it was like to be in
the undergraduate chapter
during the height of the
Vietnam War and during
the first moon landing.
• Keynote speaker John
Bohon ’68 discussed the
meaning of “Not for college days alone” and how
Fiji has impacted him from
his childhood, as a legacy,
until now.
• Silver Owls were presented
to 15 brothers who were
initiated more than 25
years ago by Greg Leach
’16, the graduate relations
• Dave Watkins ’78 presented scholarship awards
to brothers living in the
house. The chapter’s GPA
jumped from 2.88 last
spring to 3.06 in the fall.
• Craig Roth ’80 presented
the Housing Corporation
• Austin Peck ’14, corresponding secretary, was
master of ceremonies.
• Jon Sweeney ’14, treasurer,
presented the invocation.
• Zach Wilhelm ’15, recording secretary, gave the Exile’s Toast for a second year
in a row.
• Tyler Bradshaw ’14, president, reported on the
successes of the undergraduate chapter over the
• J.T. Marino ’14, recruitment chairman, provided
a fall rush report.
• Mike Engler ’72 assisted
the undergraduate chapter
in planning the event.
See more pictures online at www.asufiji.org
Top: The oldest brother present, Mark
Metzinger ’64, kisses the snout of the
pig. The youngest pledge, Grant Ranselaar ’16, kisses the posterior end.
Left: Keynote speakers John Bohon ’68
(top) and John Peck ’71 (bottom).
Above: Craig Roth ’80 slices a succulent
slice of tenderly cooked pork.
Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter 9
Teams compete in the volleyball potion of the Phi Gam Beach Jam April 28. The event raised over $900 and 630 books to benefit the USO.
Philanthropy events give to community, causes
Phi Gam Beach Jam
ASU’s sorority women
squared off April 28 for the
first Phi Gam Beach Jam.
The event raised over $900
and 630 books for the USO’s
United Through Reading program.
United Through Reading gives deployed troops the
ability to read their children
bedtime stories on a DVD recording as they follow along.
The books, camera equipment
and packing and shipping
are provided by the USO and
funded by donations.
Sororities received points
for donating books, buying
T-shirts, building sand castles
and playing in a volleyball
tournament and water balloon toss.
Sigma Kappa, Delta Zeta
and Omega Phi Alpha won
first through third place, respectively.
Patrick Stenquist and Nick
Youngblood, both ’13, organized the event.
Brothers pose at Devils in Disguise, left, and Fiji Fills the Flash, right.
Fiji Fills the Flash
More than $850 and 650
pounds of food were raised
for local food banks during
Fiji Fills the Flash March 27.
A City of Tempe Flash bus
was parked in front of the Memorial Union and filled with
food donations.
Phi Gams both donated
and volunteered at the event,
which was cosponsored by
ASU4Food and ASU Parking
and Transit.
Devils in Disguise
Dozens of Fijis were among
over 900 ASU students to participate in ASU’s Devils in
Disguise day of service March
Phi Gams picked oranges
on campus which were donated to local charities.
Isaac Lee ’14 was one of the
main organizers of the overall
Devils in Disguise event.
Relay for Life
Fiji’s Relay for Life team
raised more than $1,000 for
the American Cancer Society
April 19. Nick Tyler ’13 and
Nick Szwed ’15 pulled in the
bulk of the donations.
Street cleaning
Phi Gams cleaned up Lemon Street March 30 and April
13 as part of the Tempe Adopt
a Street program.
Unfortunately, the city does
not allow volunteers to pick
up needles or glass, which are
the majority of Lemon Street’s
10 Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter
New members
The nine members of the
Beta pledge class were initiated April 14. From left to
right, they include:
• Ross Campbell
• Robert Zuniga
• Grant Ranselaar
• Grady Bensted
• Colin Clark
• Jon LiCausi
• Zach Salazar
• Cole Goodyear
• Wesley Kendle
Patrick Stenquist ’13 poses on Fiji headquarters’ front steps. Stenquist was hired as
the newest Phi Gamma Delta Field Secretary.
Daniel Coronado ’14 approaches the net during the volleyball intramural championship game in April. Fiji won the tournament for the third straight year.
Volleyball dominates
third year in row
Following a 10-0 season,
the Fiji beach volleyball team
clenched the intramural
championship for the third
year in a row.
The team consisted of C.J.
Berg, Daniel Coronado and
Austin Peck, all ’14, and Eric
Sandmann ’15.
Softball, soccer strong
Softball was 3-0 in the
regular season but fell in the
playoffs. Standout players included Michael Ratzken and
Nick Tyler, both ’13, J.T. Marino ’14 and Connor Jaynes
The soccer team, led by
Mike Garcia ’13, Tyler Bradshaw ’14 and Blake Mercer
’15, had a 4-1 record in the
regular season but was eliminated in the playoffs.
Bando enters College
Baseball Hall of Fame
Sal Bando
’66 entered
College Baseball Hall of
Fame with
class. BrothBando
was named Most Outstanding Player at the 1965 College
World Series. He went on to
play for the Athletics and
Brewers and later was the
Brewers’ general manager.
May graduate becomes
newest Field Secretary
Patrick Stenquist ’13 was
selected to become the 177th
Phi Gamma Delta Field Secretary. He will be based out
of IHQ in Lexington, Ky. and
will travel to chapters across
the country for the next two
Phi Gam Order of Omega
president elected
Chris Brown ’14 was elected president of ASU’s chapter
of the Order of Omega Greek
honorary society for next
Chris is the second ASU
Phi Gam in a row to hold
the position after Scott Minchuk ‘13. This is a notable
repeat after an exciting threepeat with the election of the
third ASU Fiji Interfraternity
Council president in a row
either this year.
Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter 11
Semester in pictures
Chapter grows, improves in spring semester
Starting at top and moving clockwise: While we’re not allowed on the Fiji Complex roof, laws are more lax in Mexico. Brothers
stay at Michael Ratzken’s (’13) house in Rocky Point, Mexico over spring break ... Simba, owned by Cole Nikodemus ’15, poses for
his composite picture, sporting Brandon Shepherd’s (’15) expensive bow tie ... Purple Legionnaire Phil Hedye (DePauw University
’72) says “No pictures, please” while attending April’s Phi Gam Beach Jam. C.J. Berg ’14 will autograph the picture for a fee ...
Adrien “Frenchy” Royer, Santiago Morales and James Fulgenzi, all ’16, pose in Rocky Point ... Anchors Ron Burgundy (Wesley
Kendle ’16) and Veronica Corningstone visit a Fiji date party ... Berg and girlfriend Kate on a patio overlooking Rocky Point.
12 Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter
Starting at top and moving clockwise: Brothers play broomball April 24 ... Pile on
into John Woodford’s (’16) truck in Rocky Point, Mexico ... Nathan Conway ’15, Kevin
Ron ’16 and Nick Szwed ’15 check in to the hotel during Fiji Islander in Las Vegas
April 20. #FE ... Who says you can’t skimboard in the desert? C.J. Berg ’14 enjoys a
rainy January day ... Captain and Coke (Jeb Schmidt ’14 and Kim) and fireman and
fire dog (Patrick Stenquist ’13) dress up for a Dynamic Duo themed date party in
Spring 2013 Alpha Sigma Fiji Newsletter 13
Starting at top and moving clockwise: Members of the Psi pledge class (fall ’11)
pose at the Phi Gam Beach Jam ... Fiji and Chi Omega worked with Make-a-Wish
Foundation to sponsor a trip to Disneyland for Lauryn and her family. This semester,
Lauryn wanted a royal-themed party, so Fijis crafted these crowns ... Brothers on a
camping trip in Fossil Creek, Ariz. ... Brothers in their condo in Padre Island, Texas.
Everyone who attended said they had a great time and plan on going again next
year ... Guests stand in front of a Fiji banner during April’s Islander at Monte Carlo
Resort and Casino in Las Vegas ... Some Easter bunnies hop around Tempe, including Daniel Coronado ’14 and Brian Kramer ’15.
Semester Ahead
Flares burn on A Mountain spelling out the word Fiji during ASU’s Homecoming game last year. FOTM 2013 will be held Oct. 19.
Rush, tailgates to jump-start fall semester
Fall rush is Sept. 4-11.
Know a potential Fiji? Let us
know at rush@asufiji.org.
Join us for the Pinning
Dinner Sept. 11. Additional
details will be sent via email
as the event gets closer.
Graduate brothers and
their families and guests are
always welcome at the official
Fiji tailgate, three hours before each home football game.
Traditionally, tailgates have
been held at the top of ASU
Parking Structure 5, across
from Sun Devil Stadium, but
that may change from game
to game. Check asufiji.org/
events for the most up-to-date
time and location.
Don’t miss the Fiji on the
Mountain tailgate Oct. 19.
It begins three hours before
the beginning of the football
game against Washington.
Game time has not yet been
Left, Phi Gam graduate brothers talk at one of last year’s tailgates. Right, Michael Juby ’15 waves a Fiji flag before a game.
Pig Dinner 50
The 50th Alpha Sigma
Frank Norris Pig Dinner
is tentatively scheduled for
March 28, 2015. We’d like a
big turn out for this special
The date for the 49th dinner will be announced as the
event gets closer.
Additional events
Watch your email and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates of additional
fall graduate brother events.
Sun Devil Football 2013 home games
9/5 vs. Sacramento State, 7 p.m.
9/14 vs. Wisconsin, 7:30 p.m.
9/28 vs. USC (Family Weekend), TBA
10/12 vs. Colorado, TBA
10/19 vs. Washington (Homecoming, FOTM), TBA
11/16 vs. Oregon State, TBA
11/30 vs. Arizona
Watch www.asufiji.org/events for updates.