Gallatin First Year Writing Seminar Fall 2015 FIRST-UG410, section 001 Instructor Diana Anders Class Hours: M/W 2:00-3:15 th Class location: 7 East 12 Street, Room LL33 Office Hours: Monday 3:30-5 Office Location: 603, 1 Washington Place (extension 87333). My mailbox is on same floor as my office. SYLLABUS: Narrative as Catharsis. A Critical Look 1 Course Description In this course students will develop their skills to write successful university-level essays. We will practice close reading, critical thinking, and argumentative writing by examining texts in which telling one’s story, or narrating one’s experience (as an individual or as a member of a particular group) is figured as a process that can set free—from internal, psychic pain, but also from histories of oppression and conflict. It is often taken for granted that telling one’s story can have cathartic, or healing effect. One sees this phenomenon in a wide range of contexts over the course of the last century: from truth commissions, to feminist rapeawareness campaigns, to the civil rights movement, to talk shows like “Oprah.” On this model, narrating one’s experience of victimization—be it in a courtroom, documentary film, or memoir—is presumed to help set one free from psychic pain and from histories of oppression and violence. This course will attempt to deconstruct the trope of narrative as catharsis with respect to specific case studies. It will explore this theme using different theoretical, methodological and critical “lenses,” such as psychoanalysis, feminist work on gender violence, trauma theory, transitional justice, and postcolonial theory. At stake are the presumptions about humans’ ability to heal, their capacity to access the truth, the possibility of recovery following violence, and the power relations at work in different post-traumatic scenes of narration. The course theme will serve as the framework for developing students’ analytic thinking, reading, and writing skills, and provide the basis for class discussions and assignments. In addition to short weekly assignments, students will be required to write one long and three short analytic papers related to the course theme. Readings will include works by Sigmund Freud, Martin Luther King Jr., Michel Foucault, Frantz Fanon, Shoshana Felman, Claude Lanzman, and Rosalind Shaw. We will explore the course theme and work on our writing by engaging a number of different media and genres, including scholarly articles, memoirs, television interviews, legal testimony, and documentary films. To train ourselves as thoughtful critical readers and writers, we will study in conjunction with these texts the principles of argument and composition. To read critically, one must understand the logic of a text, the manner of its presentation, and the modes of how it persuades its readers. To write well, one must thus attend to the topic at hand, understand one’s audience, and vary one’s style to fit the situation. While we will spend a good portion of our time working directly with the primary texts, and we will regularly set time apart to discuss the mechanics of writing and editing. The main objective for this class is 1 Note that the schedule of assignments (below) is subject to change somewhat as we move through the semester. You will be notified when any changes are made. The updated syllabus can be found on NYU Classes. 1 to master this particular set of problems and primary texts through becoming better at analyzing and utilizing the techniques of thoughtful and engaged reading and concise and compelling writing. Course Goals and Objectives: The course will place particular emphasis on the mechanics of persuasive argumentation, with the primary goal of developing each student’s analytic writing skills. By the end of the course, each student will complete an analytic paper related to the course theme. Students must come up with a strong, contestable argument that is supported by close readings and textual analysis of multiple sources. The course is structured to help students become adept at locating and judiciously using primary and secondary sources. Additionally, students will be expected to gain depth of knowledge of, and engage in key debates and concepts pertaining to the course theme. The writing and reading skills taught in the class will prepare students for the first year research seminar, and will usher students to the next level of critical thinking and writing. Office Hours Instructors’ office hours are listed above. I strongly encourge students to come to come to office hours regularly. Regular office hours are held on a drop-in, first-come first-served basis. The instructors will attempt to reserve some time for those who cannot make the scheduled hours, but students are expect to coordinate these times with me in advance. I am usually only on campus on M and W and I can usually only meet on those days. During periods of peak demand, students can reserve a spot by signing up at the beginning of class or via email. Course Expectations 1) ATTENDANCE: It is expected that students will attend each class meeting. Punctuality is essential and attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class (late arrivals will count as a half absence). Students are allowed two unexcused absences. Excused absences are limited to documented family emergencies and documented illness/medical emergencies. Any additional absences will negatively impact a student’s final grade. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes from one of your peers and inform yourself about possible additional assignments that might have been announced or handed out/back that day. 2) BEING PREPARED: Students are expected to come prepared for class, which means that they have carefully read and understood the assigned reading and have put some thought into it, before coming to class. This often means reading a text at a slow pace and reading difficult passages multiple times. ALWAYS bring the assigned text, your notes/questions on the text, and your completed assignments to class. 3) COMPLETING ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments must be turned in on time, in adherence with the assignment guidelines (in terms of both specified form and content), and in accordance with NYU/Gallatin’s policy on integrity (see below). Assignments are listed in brief on the syllabus schedule (below), but will be elaborated on as the deadlines near. Weekly assignments will usually involve several readings, posting on the class discussion list (NYU Classes, Forums), and/or written assignments that you will hand in at the beginning of class. 3) PARTICIPATION: Please keep in mind that participation makes up a significant portion of your grade. What we will be looking for is your ongoing active and thoughtful involvement with the class that demonstrates that you are investing in your own learning experience. Participation is what goes beyond simply being present in class and doing all the assigned work on time and completely. It is strongly 2 encouraged, moreover, to get to know the names of your class members, given the centrality of discussion and group work in the class. 4) COURTESY & COLLABORATION: Since one of the objectives of the course is to give students an opportunity to gain experience in articulating arguments, all students are asked to help maintain a classroom environment that is both mindful of individual sensitivities and receptive to principled disagreement. The premise from which we start in this class is that there is no single one “right” interpretation of each text that will then be imparted upon you. Rather, your role in this class is to participate in uncovering multiple meanings of the texts we read. We will expect your questions, considerations, concerns, and even confusion with the material to be our starting point for discussion. Class discussion is a collaborative process that relies on offering one’s thoughts aloud as well as engaging with the comments of others. Lively class discussions are a crucial component to refining your own interpretations alongside with working on becoming a better writer. 5) TECHNOLOGY: Phones and other electronics should be silenced and not used in class. Laptop use is discouraged for note-taking and for reading assignments, as it can detract from discussion and close readings of texts. Expectation of Academic Integrity Gallatin students belong to an interdisciplinary community that values honest and open intellectual inquiry. This relationship depends on mutual respect, responsibility, and integrity. Failure to uphold these values will be subject to severe sanction, which may include dismissal from the University. Examples of behaviors that compromise the academic integrity of the Gallatin School include plagiarism, illicit collaboration, doubling or recycling coursework, and cheating. Such behaviors are subject to sanction regardless of intent; in other words, accidental violations are still violations, and will be treated as such. For a full description of the academic integrity policy, please consult the Gallatin website: If you have any questions about how to cite properly or about what constitutes plagiarism, or getting too much “help” from a friend, family member or associate, please ask me! Also, please be wary of internet-based information when carrying out your research, as such sources are not always reliable. You will be held responsible for any information gleaned from your internet search. Grades (Note that final grades are subject to the instructors’ discretion so as best to reflect their sense of the student’s commitment and progress over the course of the semester.) In this class you will write four papers, ranging in length from 3-10 pages, in addition to several smaller writing assignments. Participation (in class and online) will be a significant portion of your final grade. Each paper should be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins, using Times New Roman, 12 point and include your name, page numbers, and a works cited list. *POINTS WILL BE TAKEN OFF if these guidelines are not met. Papers and written assignments are due at the beginning of class unless specified otherwise. It is your responsibility to make sure that we receive your written work on time and in complete form. Late papers will be progressively downgraded (for each day past the deadline). 3 In order to pass this class you must hand in a paper for each of the paper assignments (i.e. you cannot “skip” a paper). Your final grade will be composed of the following: Diagnostic Essay Pop Quizzes Paper #2 Assignments Participation Paper #3 Final Paper 5% 3% 15% 12% 20% 20%* 25%* *NOTE: 5% and 10% of your final paper grade will be based on drafts and peer editing reports, respectively. Peer Review and Draft Process The final two essays will each be written in two drafts. The first (rough) draft will be used as the basis for peer reviewing workshops, where students are asked to provide constructive feedback on each other’s work. This response will take the form of a worksheet/report, which will be submitted the week before the final draft is due, but will be evaluated along with the reviewed student’s final draft. These worksheets will be assessed and form part of the reviewing student’s final paper grade. Student Learning Center and Students with Disabilities • • • For additional assistance or concerns with writing, please visit the Gallatin Writing Center, where you can get help from Peer Writing Assistants at Gallatin (Room 423; appointments can be booked online) or the NYU Writing Center For questions concerning disabilities, please contact the Moses Center for Students with Disabilities at Additionally, please contact me in advance for any accommodations you might need. Texts/Readings Many readings can be in your CLASS READERS. Others will either be handed out in class or you will be expected to print them out. You can purchase the three required books listed below at the New York University Bookstore, Amazon or other bookstore (just be sure to buy same edition). 1. The Will to Knowledge. History of Sexuality, Vol. 1, Michel Foucault (Randomhouse 1990 Edition) 2. Black Like Me, John Howard Griffin (50th Anniversary Edition) 3. Hiroshima, John Hersey (Vintage Reprint Edition, 1989) 4. CLASS READERS 4 Schedule of Assignments (subject to change as semester progresses) NOTE: All assignments are to be completed and submitted by the beginning of class on the day indicated, excpet for online posting assignments, which must be completed the night before (by 8 pm) . Week 1 Wed, Sept 2 Introductions/Review Syllabus Brief Personal Statement (ungraded) Prompt for Diagnostic Essay assigned Liberatory Language and Talking Cures Week 2 Mon, Sept 7 LABOR DAY/NO CLASS Wed, Sept 9 MLK, Jr. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (6 pages) -Writing Focus: Writing Handout & Paper Formatting Post on MLK reading by 8:00 night before (NYU Classes, Forums) Speaking Gender, Voicing Trauma Week 3 Mon, Sept 14 Freud & Breuer: “Anna O.” in Studies on Hysteria (46 pages) - Writing Focus: Breaking Bad Habits Diagnostic Essay due in class Wed, Sept 16 Scott: “Experience” in Contingent Foundations (15 pages) Prompt for Paper #2 assigned - Writing Focus: Intro to Close Reading Bring 2 quotes (for paper) from either Freud and/or Scott to class Week 4 Mon, Sept 21 Bassinger: “Call me Caitlyn” in Vanity Fair (22 pages) - Writing Focus: Constructing a Thesis & Thesis Paragraph Hand in close readings of Scott Wed, Sept 23 Harvey, Mishler et. al: “In the Aftermath of Sexual Abuse: Making and Remaking Meaning in Narratives of Trauma and Recovery.” (16 pages) -WORKSHOP: Writing Thesis Statements/Peer Editing Bring intro/thesis paragraph to class 5 Racialize Violence and Contested Truths Week 5 Week 6 Mon, Sept 28 Griffin: Black Like Me (xi-30;40-60) - Writing Focus: Using Evidence to Support Your Argument & Style Pointers Tues, Sept 29 Paper #2 due via email on Sept 29 at 5 pm—bring hard copy to class on 30th Wed, Sept 30 Fanon: “The Fact of Blackness” in Black Skin. White Masks (32 pages) Mon, Oct 5 Return to Griffin: Black Like Me (72) Turn in hard copy of paper #2 in class Post on Griffin text (posts are always due by 9 pm the night before class) Atrocity and Bearing Witness Week 6 Wed, Oct 7 Hersey: Hiroshima (35 pages) - Writing Focus: Style (word choice) continued Post on Hersey text th NOTE: Monday October 12 is Fall Recess, so classes usually held that day will be held on Tuesday, Oct 13th Week 7 Tues, Oct 13 Laub: “Bearing Witness and The Viccitudes of Listening” in Tesimony (Felman and Laub, eds) (22 pages) Film screening: Shoa (Documentary Film: Claude Lanzmann, 1985) [excerpt] Wed, Oct 14 Felman: “Film as witness; Claude Lanzmann's Shoah" (13 pages) - Writing Focus: Common Grammatical Problems & Quick Fixes Prompt for Paper #3 assigned Bring close reading of Laub or Felman to class 6 Memory, Silence, and Forgetting Week 8 Mon, Oct 19 “Memory Frictions: Localizing the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission in Sierra Leone” in The International Journal of Transitional Justice (25 pages) - Writing Focus: Storyboards Workshop Wed, Oct 21 Passerini: “Memories Between Silence and Oblivion” in Memory, History, Nation: Contested Pasts. (27 pages) - Writing Focus: Thesis workshop Thesis para due in class Theorizing Discourse and Narrative Week 9 Mon, Oct 26 Foucalt: “We ‘Other’ Victorians” “The Repressive Hypothesis” & “The Incitement to Discourse” of The History of Sexuality (Vol. 1) Post on Foucault text Wed, Oct 28 Foucault: “The Deployment of Sexuality” -Writing Focus: Draft Editing Workshop Fri, Oct 30 Week 10 Mon, Nov 2 Full draft for paper #3 due to your peer reviewer and to instructor’s email by 5:00 pm. Emergent curriculum day: the class votes on an issue and text that we analyze through a Foucauldian “lens” Bring hard copy of Peer Report and Paper Draft to class Wed, Nov 4 Abbot: The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (excerpts) -Writing Focus: Intros and Conclusions Fri, Nov 6 Paper #3 due. Email word doc to instructor by 5:00pm. Victims and Perpetrators: Confessional Narratives and Righting Wrongs Week 11 Mon, Nov 9 Levi: “The Gray Zone” in The Drowned and the Saved (35 pages) Film: The Act of Killing (excerpts) Wed, Nov 11 Levi: “Shame” in The Drowned and the Saved (18 pages) Writing Focus: Citing and Integrating Sources 7 Week 12 Mon, Nov 16 Duxbury: “Circles of Change. Bringing a more compassionate justice system to troubled youth in Oakland” in The East Bay Monthly (4 pages) Thorsborne: “A Story of the Emergence of Restorative Practice in Schools in Australia and New Zealand: Reflect, Repair, Connect” in Resorative Justice Today. Practical Applications (11 pages) -Writing Focus: Chosing a Topic and Setting About Analyzing It Wed, Nov 18 Website: International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia: Statements of Guilt and Voices of Victims (read/view 5 “perpetrator” statements and 5 “victim” narratives) Response paper on one text from this section due in class Beyond Narrative: Healing by Other Means (arts and crafts, memorials, and psychedelics) Week 13 Mon, Nov 23 Analysis: Picasso’s Guernica and Van Gogh’s Self Portrait with A Bandaged Ear and Self Portrait (1890) [reading TBA] Final paper prompt assigned Close Reading’s on Picasso and/or Van Gogh due in class Wed, Nov 25 Week 14 Mon, Nov 30 Thanksgiving Break/No class Pollen: “The Trip Treatment” in The New Yorker (22 pages) Post on Pollen text Wed, Dec 2 Week 15 Mon, Dec 7 **CLASS TRIP: Visit to 911 Memorial Museum** McGonigal: “Powerful Photos Depict Veterans Who Use Art Therapy to Heal” in Huffington Post (8 pages) Alexander: “Behind the Mask: Revealing the Traumas of War” Natiobal Geographic (10 pages, 48 images, 5 video clips) in -Writing Workshop: Reverse Outlines Wed, Dec 9 Eugene Smith Photo Essay: “JAPAN. 1971. Minamata vs. the Chisso Corporation” (33 photos) Rough draft of Final Paper due in class (one copy to Instructor, one to Peer Editor) *Peer Report due via email to peer reviewer by 4:00 pm Sunday, Dec 13 8 Week 16 Mon, 14 Last day of class Course Evaluations Wrap up Wed, 16 No Class: Office hours 9 Fri, Dec 19 Final Paper due: Leave one copy of your paper and the peer report you completed for your colleague in my mailbox by 4 pm. ALSO: Email an electronic version of both documents to me as Word attachments by 4 pm. Save your files as “LASTNAME_Final” and “LASTNAME_finalpeer”, respectively. ** NOTE: if you want comments on your papers before the start of next semester (i.e. not just a grade), then you must submit your paper with a stamped, addressed envelope, such that I can mail our marginalia and comments back to you. 10