Like Us on Facebook Assistive Listening now available for Sunday worship. Please ask an usher for details. Newsletter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Fellow Pilgrims, My grandmother stood a strapping four foot eight. She would enjoy recounting how, being vertically challenged, her father (my greatgrandfather) would try to make her feel more comfortable with her height by reminding her, “Good things come in small packages.” Whenever her father told her this, her brothers would tease by adding, “Yeah, like rat poison.” We live in a world that largely believes “Bigger is better.” We believe we have more options at bigger stores than at smaller stores. Bigger car dealerships should be able to offer better pricing than smaller dealerships. A bigger diamond says, “I love you” more than a smaller one. Bigger corporations are better able to stand behind their products than smaller ones. Bigger businesses with larger staff are better able to offer customer service. Some of these thoughts might even be true but experience teaches us that not all of them are true. We are only a few days from Christmas. On Christmas morning, how many people will gravitate for the larger gifts, figuring bigger is better? How many will grab for the larger turkey leg or the bigger piece of pie at dessert figuring bigger is better? Even when experience has taught us on more than one occasion “bigger is better” is a myth, how often are we still tempted by its empty promise? Christmas is our annual reminder that bigger isn’t necessarily better. God didn’t choose to send the biggest warrior as our Messiah, but instead to come in something much smaller – a baby. God didn’t choose the larger world state of Jerusalem in which this baby should be born, but the much smaller stage in Bethlehem. God didn’t choose the bigger palace in the capital city for Jesus to grow and reside, but a humble home and carpentry shop in the hick town of Nazareth. Even before Jesus, the smaller David defeated the giant Goliath. When Elijah was hiding out in the mountains trying to find strength to continue his prophetic ministry, God didn’t reveal God’s self in the fire, the mighty wind, or the earthquake. Instead, God chose a still, small voice in which to reveal God’s self. Love, by itself, doesn’t look like much compared to might and power. Might and power can command action from hundreds and thousands of people on a global scale. Love works on a much smaller scale, provoking action from one or two people at a time. And yet God chose the small, a baby, and the seemingly less significant, love, to bring about God’s kingdom. After the third grade I already towered over my grandmother. Still, I never felt superior to her and whenever she needed something beyond her reach, it was out of love I would get it for her. Rat poison may come in small packages but the size of the package is perfect when overrun with rats. What impact do these small gifts, the baby born at Bethlehem and the love associated with Jesus, make in our lives? Your Partner in Ministry, Pastor Gary Dear friends and family, If there are friends and loved ones whom you would like to have prayers for, or military persons on active duty, please contact the church office at 526-7577and we will list them in our bulletin and newsletter. REMEMBER IN PRAYER…Good Shepherd Lutheran School, our youth and church leaders Undergoing cancer therapy Gary Lee Boswell (son of Gloria Holst), Trace Larson (John Holst’s daughter), Dante Ferrari (Ilene Morton’s grandson), Under convalescent or hospice care: Tim Simpson , Rev. James Sherrill & Mae Maddoax (Cathie Badillo’s aunt & uncle), Craig Wells, Mike Denmark (Cathie Badillo’s brother-in-law) Shirley Ruben. Undergoing surgery, various tests, treatments, recuperating and continued comfort John Yanuklis, Brian Faunce (Barry & Linda Watters’ son-in-law), Jeanne Shafer, Susan Pineda Brian Pierret (Dorothy Fee’s son), Jean Schlosser, Madison Franks, Sue & Mike Wedemeyer, Liz Bucka, Jan Yoder, Ralph Nelman, Justin & Birdie Scholberg (Corrine Stevenson’s parents), Jean Stevenson (Pastor Gary’s mother), Diane Annis, Shirley Ruben. Our Military Personnel now serving: Joe Anderson, Dan Balaun, David Bond, Jeffrey C.A. Bower, Wayne Combs, Tyson and Blake Crosby, Nisha Dean, Richard Deobler, Robert Deobler, Travis Girard, Nick Goldsmith, Jorden Gutowski, Mike Hultman, Michael Kidd, Macaden Kidd, Frank King, Chris Labelle, Brian Lowen, John Parker, Brian Richardson, Jonathan Scholberg, Raymond Schooler, Captain Ted Slocum, Cpl. Brett Tyre, Sgt. Elliott Van Marion, Thomas Weaver, Matthew Wilkins. The congregation of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church thanks you for your service CONFIRMATION DECEMBER SCHEDULE! FOR YOUTH GRADES 6-8th Confirmation classes are held on Wednesday evenings. Please meet in Eichele Hall at 7:00 pm class will last until 8:15 pm. Lesson schedule for December as follows: Sixth & Seventh grades Dec. 3 – Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25-36) Dec. 10 – Fun / Service Night Dec. 17 – Break until 2015 Eighth grade 3 – Exploring Article Two 12 – Fun/Service Night 19 – Break until 2015 With the SVLC Youth Band These kids rock!! Vocals - April Bowman –- Amber Caranchini - Elizabeth White Keyboard - Victoria Hess Ukulele & Trumpet - Katie Corrigan Guitar - Greyson Berg Guitar - Marc Mohr Drums – Ryan Stephens Directed by Marc Mohr, Richard Ferrin, and Shelly McLain Come experience May 31st @ 8:30 & 9:45 services If you have hidden talent that you would like to share call - Youth Director Marc Mohr 805-526-7577 ****************************************************************************************** SVLC Men’s Bible Study 4th Sunday of each month Eichele Hall – 9:00 a.m. Next meeting will be Saturday, December 27th Please feel free to join us. Please Note: "Passions may arise when discussing Scriptures. Let’s remember, that we all brothers in Christ!" Steve Badillo 805-402-2903 Christmas is fast approaching. Soon it will be time for Christmas shopping, decorating and going to parties. Then Christmas arrives and the gifts will be opened, including special gifts that have been dreamed about. But how long do these special gifts remain special; 6 months, 3 months or maybe just a few days? God’s special gift to us lasts forever. Jesus was born for us to receive forgiveness. It is from God’s love that this gift of His son is given to us. As you visit our library and library cart, look at the books dedicated to Advent which help us prepare for Christ’s birth, and books on Jesus’ birth – the gift that keeps on giving. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Good Shepherd Lutheran School “Commit your future to the Lord! Trust in Him, and he will act on your behalf.” Psalms 37:5 ESV A well-known carol sung this time of year is “It Came upon the Midnight Clear.” I can identify with the third verse which reads: All you, beneath your heavy load, by care and guilt bent low, Who toil along a dreary way with painful steps and slow; Look up, for golden is the hour, come swiftly on the wing, The Prince was born to bring you peace; of Him the angels sing. At this time of year, we should enjoy the glow of the new-born Christ Child shining from that crude manger. But our thoughts often move beyond Christmas and its joys, to the New Year and what lies ahead. At Good Shepherd Lutheran we know the future is in God’s hands. Therefore it is in Him where our trust and confidence must rest, especially in times of uncertainty. May the Lord bless you during this Christmas season. May we all join together and remember to look up, for golden was the hour of Christ’s birth. May we come swiftly to worship the Prince who was born to bring us peace, and may we join the angels’ heavenly singing. To help us celebrate Christmas, the students of GSLS are performing a Christmas musical. You are invited to join us on December 12 at 7:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. We are grateful to all who supported the school’s Christmas Boutique, and who have given support this year in other ways. We also thank you for considering a contribution to our school’s Annual Fund Appeal. We wish you God’s richest blessings both now and in the new year to come. In Christ, The Staff and Students of Good Shepherd Lutheran School Sport Equip, etc. PLEASE…HELP SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL Luther’s Attic…a thrift store in Moorpark at 189 High Street that helps support Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Give donations, shop and/or volunteer your time!! It all helps our Christian school ministry here in Simi Valley. The proceeds from the store are split between three schools that receive financial support from the store. The financial split is based on volunteer hours, so more volunteer hours from our church means stronger financial support to Good Shepherd. For further information please call: 805-523-7188. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MINISTRY SUPPORT COMMITTEE God chose to entrust the Gospel to earthen vessels, human beings like you and me. The word “earthen” brings to my mind pottery made from clay or slip. The word “vessels” paint a picture of containers which may be filled with something. My imagery comes from Isaiah 64:8,” Yet, oh Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” It also comes from Paul in II Corinthians 4:6-7, “For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it can be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” We, the spiritual earthen vessels, are filled by the Holy Spirit at our Baptism. We are to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it. We are to LOVE others as God LOVES us. Our spiritual vessels keep being refilled by prayer, bible study, meditation, worship, confession, the Sunday sermon, communion, fasting, and any other spiritual discipline that we use. We are also human earthen vessels who are given gifts from God to share with others. We need to be careful with our vessel, that we refill ourselves regularly so that we don’t become completely empty. We need to help each other to keep our vessels filled by being appreciative, by giving affirmations, by not taking others for granted, by having realistic expectations, by refusing to spread negativity, and by offering true hospitality and love. God can use broken, chipped, or cracked vessels; He makes all things new!! No one is ever too broken for God!! We foster ministry growth by encouraging and assisting Pastor Gary in the planning of his continuing education so that our corporate ministry is strengthened. This year the focus of Pastors CE will be in Stewardship and in Management/Leadership. We hope to discern and nurture all the resources inherent in our congregation and in our pastor. Effective ministry is not just Pastor Gary’s responsibility; rather it is the collective responsibility and accountability of all in our congregation. ****************************************************************************************** Still Waters Café invites you to share a free community meal every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. The café is located at 4191 Cochran Street. For more information please call 805-526-7577 “A dining service to those who are suffering economic hardship, homelessness or who are lonely and wish to have a dining companion” Amenities at the café: Mealtime is served beginning at 5:00p.m.–6:30 p.m. every Thursday. Fresh home cooked meal served in a family atmosphere with home style table settings. To go snack bags are offered. Highchairs and booster seats are available for the younger family members. There are wheelchair accessible entrances and bathrooms available. Prayer requests can be satisfied. Volunteers are always needed - please contact Ray @ 805-527-4061 Still Waters Café is in need of an additional cook to help on Thursdays from approximately 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. If you are able to help, please contact Ray or Sally Valderrama at 527-4061 ******************************************************************* Do you have a need for someone to really LISTEN to you? Are you concerned about confidentiality? Are you going through some sort of crisis right now in your life? Do you have ONE hour per week to set aside to have a Stephen Minister meet your needs? Crisis's can strike at any time. The death of a loved one, grieving, divorce, pregnancy complications, dealing with changes due to aging, dealing with changes in health of yourself or a loved one, loss of a job or retirement. Do you feel alone even though you have family and friends? Do you sometimes have feelings regarding these types of events that you don't want to burden others with? If any of these conditions resonate with you, you may benefit from having a Stephen Minister. For more information, contact Pastor Gary or any of our Ministry leaders. Jerry Thompson (805) 527-7241 (home), (805) 501-5096 (cell); Steve Badillo (805) 526-9841 (home), (805) 402-2930 (cell); Marcia Cooley (805) 581-3578 (home) (805) 795-7653 (cell). You will soon have the confidential person who will LISTEN, PRAY (if requested), SHARE CHRIST'S LOVE, and EXPLORE feelings that you are uncomfortable sharing with someone else. Our Stephen Ministers work oneon-one to plant a seed of hope and healing in a person who's life seems barren and forlorn because of a crisis or tragedy. If you think that you may want to become one of our Stephen Ministers, we will equip you; our congregation will support you, so that you too can show God's mercy, care and compassion to another who is hurting. You will walk beside your care receiver, pray for him or he, and help him or her to work through life's difficulties. We will be starting a new Stephen Minister class soon. To learn more about the class please contact any of our Stephen Ministry leaders listed above STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLE TO OFFER COMMUNION TO THOSE WHO ARE UNABLE TO RECEIVE THE LORD'S SUPPER DURING A CHURCH SERVICE. We are called to this church ministry by God and the communion elements that we use are the same elements used during the services on Sunday. If you or a loved one desires a call for communion by a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office, 526-7577, and leave a phone number where you can be reached and the address of the person desiring communion. Thank you. ************************************************************************************************** Relay for Life was once again a HUGE success!! We celebrated with our survivors, we remembered those we lost in a beautiful luminary ceremony, and we geared up to fight back all year long! To our sponsors: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Endowment Fund, Alta CA Medical Group, High Tech Car Care, all our walkers who walked and collected donations, Shepherd of the Valley congregation and family for their continued support of our efforts year after year, all our business card sponsors, the Valderrama’s, Spectors, the Fishers helping with set up on Saturday morning, Corrine Stevenson, Aaron and Luke Poley, Tom and Cody McLain for helping with cleaning up on Sunday morning, Shelley McLain for her beautiful singing at opening ceremonies, Bryan Honda for helping me and serving on the event committee, Todd Honda for always supporting our efforts and helping in every way imaginable! Totals so far: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church: $20,502.75!!!!! Simi Valley Relay for Life: $162,325.13 (Donations are still being made and taken, these are not final totals) I cannot even express my appreciation and gratitude enough to everyone who works together to support this cause year after year. Unfortunately it is because we all have been so affected by this disease in some way or another. However, together we are making a difference. There is no finish line.......until we find a cure!! Julie Honda Samaritan Center of Simi Valley Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church serves a meal to the less fortunate at the Samaritan Center (located at 280 Royal Ave) on the The 1st Wednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. We need volunteers to buy and deliver food to the Samaritan Center, AND…serve food or donate money *If you would like to help, please contact Yvonne Baird at 584-2521. Thank you for your prayers and support for this important ministry. ****************************************************************************************** Christmas is just around the corner. Are you a current scrip participant or someone new at experiencing the SVLC scrip program? Either way, we are here to help make your Christmas shopping easier, faster and more convenient. Along with your everyday purchases, we have a large array of gift cards that would make the perfect Christmas gift for almost anyone on your list. Are you looking for department stores? We have cards for Macy’s, Sears, JC Penney, Kohl’s, Target and Wal-Mart, just to name a few. If you are shopping for a youngster or teenager, we have cards for Toys R Us, GameStop, iTunes, Best Buy, Radio Shack and more. If the one you are buying for is a sports enthusiast, we have gift cards for Big 5 Sporting Goods, Golfsmith, Bass Pro Shops, REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) and Footlocker. Maybe you want to give a gift for dining out, you might want to consider Black Angus, Outback Steak House, Buca di Beppo, Cheesecake Factory, Chili’s/Macaroni Grill, Claim Jumper, Red Lobster, Islands, Red Robin, or any of the other fine restaurants that we have available. We also have a number of specialty stores and shops for you to choose from, with over one hundred vendors participating in our scrip program. And remember that a percentage of every gift card you purchase is returned to our church. We know that the holiday season can be a hectic and stressful time and we want to help make your shopping experience as easy as possible. We are here to serve you! Come visit us on the patio each and every Sunday between the 8:3 and 9:45 services and the 9:45 and 11: services. If the weather is windy or rainy, you can find us in the library. Have a joyous and Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. In His Service, Marvin and Jenny Kidd, SVLC Scrip Committee Ongoing Food Pantry Items Needed The Still Waters food pantry is starting to run low. Please consider donating one of more of the following items. Your donations can be placed in the Still Waters box in the Narthex, or drop off at church office Mon.-Fri. 9am – 3pm. Tuna Fish Cereal Panera Bakery and Vons Individual packs of crackers have been donating bread and desserts for Top Ramen Still Waters Café. This has been a big help, Individual fruit cups and has allowed us to stretch our budget a little further. Peanut Butter Please consider patronizing these establishments Spaghetti O’s when eating out or grocery shopping. Ravioli O’s Thank you for keeping this ministry going. Because of your generosity, we have been able to supply a meal and food pantry items for those less fortunate. Thank you. December 2014 Calendar of Events Sunday Monday 7 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45- Sunday School 10:00-MMLA 10:30—SVCC-Hall 11:00-Relaxed Worship 11:00-Xmas Practice 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 7:00-Al-anon Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel 4:30-SVLC @Samaritan Center 7:00-Confirmation 7:00-Bell Choir 8 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen Thursday 4 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 10:00-SVLC@Attic 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch N Tone 5:00-GSA Mtg. 6:30-SPARK 8:00-HS Group Friday 5 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 7:00-PADS 9 10 11 12 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 4:30-SVLC @Samaritan Center 7:00-Confirmation 7:00-Bell Choir 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 9:30-NAOMI Women’s Study 10:00-SVLC@Attic 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-GSA Mtg. 6:30-SPARK 8:00-HS Group 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 7:00-GSLS Xmas Musical @ TLC 7:00-Den #3643 7:00-PADS 14 15 16 17 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-Youth Bd. 7:00-Happy Squares 7:00-HANNAH Women’s Study 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel NO-Confirmation 7:00-Bell Choir 24 Christmas Eve 21 22 23 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary Sunday School Xmas Program 10:30-SVCC 10:30-MMLA 11:00-Relaxed Worship 1:00-Mission Nacion Santas 3-5-Teach Kids 7:00-Al-anon 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS – Winter break 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS Winter break 10:00 SVLC @ Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 28 29 30 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45-Sunday School 10:00-MMLA 10:30-SVCC-Hall 11:00-Blended 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 7:00-Al-anon 8:30-Youth Group 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30- GSLS – Winter break 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-Al-anon 7:00-BSA #698 7:30-Al-ateen 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30- GSLS – Winter break 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 18 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 11:30-Y.I.M.A.H Senior group 5:00-Café Open 5:00GSA meeting 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SPARK 8:00-HS Group 6 8:00-Al-anon 10:00-AA-Library 10:00-Hall in use 5:30-Parent’s Nite Out 7:00-Mision Santos Pastor Off 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-SVLC Council 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45- Sunday School 10:00-MMLA 10:30—SVCC-Hall 11:00-Relaxed Worship 11:00-Xmas Practice 1:30-Mission Nacion Santos 4:00-Hall in use 7:00-Al-anon 8:30-College Nite Saturday 13 8:00-ACTION Shoppee Xmas 8:00-Al-anon 10:00-AA-Library 12:00-Cookie Jars 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas Pastor Off 19 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 20 8:00-Al-anon 10:00-AA-Library 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas Pastor Off 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS GSLS Winter break 5:30-Family Worship NO-Confirmation 7:30 & 9:00 Candlelight Worship 31 New Year’s Eve 8-5pm-Kids N Things 8:30-GSLS begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel NO-Confirmation Like Us on Facebook 25 Merry Christmas 26 No Events Scheduled 27 8:00-Al-anon 9:00-Men’s Study 10:00-AA-Library 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas