Scripture Outline • Religion 121 • Book of Mormon

Scripture Outline • Religion 121 • Book of Mormon
1 Nephi 1 through Alma 29
1 Nephi 1:
1-3 Colophon: Nephi’s qualifications.
4 Historical setting @ Jerusalem.
5-15 Lehi's 1st & 2nd revelations.
16-17 Records: Lehi’s & Nephi’s.
18-20 Lehi’s unsuccessful mission. Mercy of God.
1 Nephi 2:
1-10 Departure.
11-15 Laman & Lemuel.
16-24 God’s promises to Nephi.
1 Nephi 3:
1-27 Two failed attempts to get the plates of Laban.
28-31 Persecution by L&L.
1 Nephi 4:
1-6 Nephi's correct "strategy": follow the Spirit.
7-19 Killing Laban & related doctrines.
20-37 Securing the plates; Zoram.
1 Nephi 5:
1-9 Mother Sariah doubts.
10-22 Contents of the plates of Laban.
1 Nephi 6:
1-6 Nephi’s small plates.
1 Nephi 7:
1-5 Acquiring spouses.
6-22 Rebellion & forgiveness by Nephi.
1 Nephi 8:
1-8 Man’s journey in mortality.
9-22 The way to exaltation.
23-38 Types of people who encounter the gospel.
1 Nephi 9:
1-6 Nephi’s 2 sets of plates.
1 Nephi 10:
1-10 The 1st Coming of Christ to Jerusalem.
11-16 Scattering of Israel & the Gentile church.
17-22 Nephi wants to know Lehi’s dream.
1 Nephi 11:
1-12 Guidance by the “spirit of the Lord.”
13-20 Guidance by the “angel of the Lord”; Mary.
21-33 Life and mission of Jesus Christ.
34-36 The large [great] & spacious building.
1 Nephi 12:
1-6 The 1st Coming of Christ to the Americas.
7-10 Two sets of Twelve.
11-23 Future “destruction” of the Nephites & of the
1 Nephi 13:
1-9 The great & abominable church.
10-19 The Gentile nation in America.
20-42 The scriptural books in the last days.
1 Nephi 14:
1-8 The gospel among the Gentiles.
9-17 Two churches only.
18-30 John the Beloved & his book of Revelation.
1 Nephi 15:
1-10 The unbelieving brothers.
11-33 Scattering and Gathering.
34-36 No unclean thing can get into God's kingdom .
1 Nephi 16:
1-6 The guilty taketh the truth to be hard.
7-8 Marriages.
9-13 The round ball (Liahona).
14-17 Travel & survival in the wilderness.
18-32 The broken bow incident: the presiding officer gets the
33-39 Death of Ishmael & rebellion.
1 Nephi 17:
1-6 Tribulation; children; raw meat; strong women.
7-16 Nephi's faith.
17-22 L&L accuse.
23-32 Nephi's scriptural reply.
33-42 Whom does God love?
43-48 Nephi tells L&L about L&L.
49-51 Real faith: doing God's will.
52-55 L&L submit, temporarily.
1 Nephi 18:
1-8 Results of faith: built the ship. Lehi's 8th vision.
9-16 Negative encounter on the sea.
17-19 L&L cause grief to the family.
20-25 Obedience: the director works again; arrival in the
promised land.
1 Nephi 19:
1-7 Nephi’s large and small plates.
8-17 The Messiah; the scattering & gathering.
18-24 The scriptures and the prophets.
1 Nephi 20 [Isa 48]:
1-8 Apostate Israel.
9-19 The mercy of the Lord: His invitation to gather (obey the
gospel; join the Church).
20-22 Leave the worldly way.
1 Nephi 21 [Isa 49]:
1-6 To whom
7-21 God will gather Israel.
22-26 Gentile assistance; fate of enemies.
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1 Nephi 22:
1-2 How to know spiritual things.
3-12 The gathering of Israel.
13-18 Destruction of the wicked.
19-31 Deliverance of the righteous.
2 Nephi 10:
1-6 Scattering: Christ & the Jews.
7-18 Gentiles: the gathering.
19-22 America.
23-25 Free will & agency.
2 Nephi 1:
1-12 Lehi prophesies about their future.
13-27 Lehi’s plea to the rebellious sons.
28-32 Lehi’s patriarchal blessings.
2 Nephi 11:
1-3 Isaiah, Jacob, & Nephi have seen Jesus: 3 witnesses, and
4-8 Nephi delights in proving the truth about Christ, His coming,
His covenants, His grace, justice, and power, and that we would
perish without Him.
2 Nephi 2:
1-9 Atonement & law.
10-14 Opposition in all things: blessing or punishment.
15-25 The Fall.
26-30 Free will & agency.
2 Nephi 3:
1-15 Joseph Smith (and his father).
16-17 Moses.
18-21 Joseph Smith.
22-25 Joseph, son of Levi, and his posterity.
2 Nephi 4:
1-12 Lehi continues to bless his family members.
13-35 The “Psalm of Nephi”; Trust in God, not man.
2 Nephi 5:
1-10 Nephites segregate from the Lamanites.
11-18 Nephite civilization.
19-25 About the Lamanites.
26-34 The small plates (from which we have been reading) now
begin to be written.
2 Nephi 6:
1-11 Jacob preaches: the scattering of Israel.
12-13 The Gentiles: making or rejecting the covenant.
14-18 The gathering of Israel.
2 Nephi 7 [Isa 50]:
1-3 Isaiah speaks of the scattering.
4-11 Isaiah speaks of the Messiah.
2 Nephi 8 [Isa 51; 52:1-2]:
1-20 The call to gather.
21-25 Joyful conditions of the gathering.
2 Nephi 9:
1-3 Restoration & gathering.
4-7 “Infinite” atonement & resurrection.
8-19 Conditions with the fall but without the atonement; death
and hell; perfect knowledge of guilt.
20-26 Atonement & law.
27-43 Wo, wo, wo. Who is at the "pearly gates"? Those
whom God despises.
44-49 Teach about the consequences of sin.
50-54 Invitation to build Zion.
2 Nephi 12 [Isa 2]:
1-4 Times of restoration; temple.
5-11 Israel needs to repent.
12-22 2nd Coming.
2 Nephi 13 [Isa 3]:
1-15 State of political & economic apostasy in Jerusalem & Israel.
16-23 Worldly conditions of Israel.
24-26 Times of destruction.
2 Nephi 14 [Isa 4]:
1 Destruction (cont.)
2-3 Restoration for the righteous.
4 The wicked have been removed.
5-6 The glory of Zion (fire or light by day and by night–see
footnote 5b; D&C 45:67).
2 Nephi 15 [Isa 5]:
1-17 Apostasy of Israel.
18-23 Examples of wickedness.
24-30 Means of destruction; Ensign.
2 Nephi 16 [Isa 6]:
1-4 Vision of the seraphim–all powerful (6 wings = 6 directions–up,
down, right, left, forward, backward).
5-10 Isaiah’s commission (authority) and mission (assignment).
11-13 The gathering.
2 Nephi 17 [Isa 7]:
1-2 Wars: Israel vs. Judah.
3-9 In 65 years there won’t be a Northern Kingdom (Israel).
10-17 Prophecy of the Messiah.
18-25 Future slavery prophesied for Judah; scattering; poor
2 Nephi 18 [Isa 8]:
1-4 Isaiah’s sons typifies the scattering & gathering of the Northern
Kingdom (Israel).
5-12 Assyrians to scatter Israel [721 BC].
13-17 Fear the Lord; He will offend the unrighteous of His people.
18-22 Go to the scriptures, not to mankind, for the answers.
2 Nephi 19 [Isa 9]:
1-8 Restoration.
9-12 The Lord will combine the enemies of Israel against Israel.
13-14 God smites Israel through their enemies.
15-21 States of apostasy in Israel.
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2 Nephi 20 [Isa 10]:
1-2 Bad politics & bad economics.
3-19 Assyria will destroy–typical of 2nd Coming.
20-24 Gathering & protection of righteous who remain behind.
25-34 Against the wicked; destruction.
2 Nephi 21 [Isa 11; comp. D&C 113]:
1-5 Jesus Christ & Joseph Smith.
6-9 Millennial conditions.
10-16 Gathering.
2 Nephi 22 [Isa 12]:
1 I will praise God, even though He has been angry with me (for
good reason, of course).
2 I will trust (have faith) in the Lord.
3-6 Publicly praising the Lord.
2 Nephi 23 [Isa 13]:
1-10 Prophecy of the destruction of Judah by Babylon.
11-16 Destruction of the wicked.
17-22 Babylon will be overthrown by the Medes (Iran).
2 Nephi 24 [Isa 14]:
1-3 Deliverance from Babylon.
4-27 Mocking the king of Babylon; comparing him to the devil;
Assyria’s destruction.
28-32 Don’t be happy too long, Philistia–there is more destruction
on the way.
2 Nephi 25:
1-8 Isaiah’s value.
9-19 The scattering & the Messiah.
20-30 Christ & the Law of Moses.
2 Nephi 26:
1-10 Christ & the destruction of the Nephites.
11-22 The Gentiles & the last days.
23-33 The conditions of Zion; priestcraft.
2 Nephi 27:
1-5 The great apostasy: the dark ages.
6-35 The coming of the Book of Mormon.
2 Nephi 28:
1-18 Apostate churches.
19-32 Satan’s tactics.
2 Nephi 29:
1-6 Rejection of the Book of Mormon.
7-14 God’s system of witnesses among nations.
2 Nephi 30:
1-8 Gathering.
9-10 The Great Division.
11-18 Millennial conditions.
2 Nephi 31:
1-8 Jesus’ baptism.
9-18 Follow Christ’s example in all things.
19-21 Endure to the end.
2 Nephi 32:
1-6 Divine guidance: scriptures & the Holy Ghost.
7-9 Study & pray.
2 Nephi 33:
1-2 Agency and revelation.
3-9 Nephi’s feelings.
10-15 Nephi’s last warning.
Jacob 1:
1-8 Why the book is written.
9-14 Cultural background.
15-19 Problems & solutions among Nephites.
Jacob 2:
1-11 Denunciation of (1) riches & (2) unchastity.
12-22 Riches and pride.
23-35 Unchastity.
Jacob 3:
1-14 Contrasting Nephites against Lamanites.
Jacob 4:
1-4 Writing on the plates.
5-18 Power & responsibilities of believers.
Jacob 5:
1-3 Introduction to this history of the world from the house of Israel
through the millennium
4-14 1st visit -- Gentiles = wild (v 7); B/M peoples (v 8); scattering
(v 13).
15-28 2nd visit -- 1st group on poor spot of ground doing OK; 2nd
group on poorer ground doing OK; 3rd group (v 24); 4th group
on good spot of ground doing OK and not OK (Nephites &
Lamanites?). Cast bad into fire.
29-48 3rd visit -- No good fruit anywhere (v 32). Worldwide
apostasy. Pride (v 48).
49-77 4th visit -- Restoration. Tops equal to root (v 66). Sorting
wheat from tares—division (v 69) see 2 Ne 30:10. Gathering.
One body, equal, law of Consecration (v 74), Zion; Millennium
(v 75-77).
Jacob 6:
1-13 So what? What will you do about the message of Jacob 5?
Jacob 7:
1-23 Sherem & the philosophies of men.
24-25 Mission to the Lamanites.
26-27 Transmission of the plates.
Enos 1:
1-4 Setting; spontaneous, not planned.
5-8 Answer to personal prayer: sins forgiven.
9-11 Prays for Nephites, then Lamanites.
12-18 Prays for the preservation of the Book of Mormon records, as
past prophets had done.
19-20 Conditions of Lamanites and Nephites.
21-23 Nephites were not obedient.
24-27 Epilogue. Enos’ calling & election made sure?
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Jarom 1:
1-2 Reasons for writing on the plates.
3-5 Good and bad among Nephites.
6-7 Lamanite problems.
8-9 Civilization & war preparations.
10-12 Prophets among the people.
13-15 Epilogue.
Omni 1:
1-3 Omni’s writings. Considers himself a wicked man.
4-8 Amaron’s writings. Theme #2 and Theme #1.
9 Chemish writes.
10 Abinadom writes. Wars.
11 History on large plates, not these small ones.
12-22 Amaleki writes about Nephite King Mosiah1and the
Mulekites, & the last of the Jaredites.
23-30 Amaleki writes about events in King Benjamin’s days.
Words of Mormon 1:
1-9 Purpose of Words of Mormon on the small plates: to connect
Small Plates with his abridgment of the large plates.
10-11 Transmission of the records to Benjamin and then down to
12-18 Events under King Benjamin.
Mosiah 1:
1-8 Instructions from Benjamin to his sons.
9-10 Benjamin is going to retire. Mosiah2 to take over.
11-14 People to get a new name.
15-18 Transmittal of artifacts to Mosiah2 and preparations for King
Benjamin's farewell address.
Mosiah 2:
1-8 Preparations for the speech.
9-19 We only serve God, when we are righteous, no matter who we
20-24 Indebted to God for all we have.
25-31 We are less than the dust; I have to tell you this so that I can
be blameless before God. Mosiah2 will be your next king.
32-41 Be careful of the spirit you list to obey.
Mosiah 3:
1-10 Some of the things that will happen to Christ.
11-15 Limited atonement.
16-19 Natural man's condition.
20-27 Judgment.
Mosiah 4:
1-6 Man is nothing–less than the dust of the earth.
7-10 Nature of God–the atonement.
11 Man is nothing—less than the dust of the earth.
12-26 Retaining a remission of your sins & giving to the poor.
27 Do things in order.
28 Borrowing
29-30 More sins than can be listed; 3 things we are judged by.
Mosiah 5:
1-5 Effects on the people; their covenant.
6-12 Their new name.
13-15 Know God; do good works; be sealed to God.
Mosiah 6:
1-2 Names taken (cf. Moro 6:4).
3 Meeting dismissed after Benjamin had set everything in order.
4-7 Beginning of Mosiah2’s reign. Goodking—he worked for
himself—no heavy taxation.
Mosiah 7:
1-7 Ammon’s search party (under Mosiah2’s direction) for Zeniff's
people in their former land of Nephi.
8-13 Ammon’s speech to Limhi.
14-33 Limhi’s response & speech to his people.
Mosiah 8:
1-4 Ammon speaks to the people.
5-12 The story of the 24 gold plates (the Book of Ether).
13-18 What a "seer" is.
19-21 Mormon's epilogue: man doesn’t know much–mankind is not
very smart.
Mosiah 9:
1-4 Zeniff’s expedition.
5-11 Colony established under Lamanite permission.
12-19 Nature of the Lamanites; war.
Mosiah 10:
1-5 Peace and prosperity for a while.
6-18 New Lamanite wars under a new Lamanite king.
18-22 Peace; Zeniff concludes his account.
Mosiah 11:
1-15 Wickedness of King Noah (Zeniff’s son).
16-19 Lamanite war; Nephite victory causes pride.
20-26 Preaching of Abinadi.
27-29 Noah’s reaction to Abinadi.
Mosiah 12:
1-8 Abinadi’s return and warning.
9-17 Abinadi’s capture.
18-37 The interrogation.
Mosiah 13:
1-10 Abinadi’s challenge: you cannot stop me.
11-24 The list of commandments.
25-35 The leaders have not taught them to the people.
Mosiah 14 [Isa 53]:
1-3 Jesus is not popular.
4-12 His suffering for mankind.
Mosiah 15:
1-9 Jesus as the Father.
10-13 Who are the seed of Christ?
14-18 The publishers of peace.
19-25 Resurrection.
26-31 No salvation for the rebellious.
Mosiah 16:
1-5 About the devil.
6-12 The option of the atonement.
13-15 Teach the truth.
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Mosiah 17:
1-4 Our introduction to Alma1.
5-8 Accusations against Abinadi.
9-10 Abinadi’s response: innocent blood.
11-14 Noah nearly changes his mind; talked out of it by priests;
they burn Abinadi to death.
15-20 Abinadi’s non-forgiving prophecy.
Mosiah 18:
1-7 Alma privately establishes a Church.
8-10 Old Testament baptismal covenant.
11-17 204 people baptized.
18-26 Order & regulation of the Church.
27-29 Economic policies for poor & needy.
30-35 Departure to a safer place. About 450 members.
Mosiah 19:
1-10 Gideon about to slay Noah–Lamanites come.
11-14 Some give in to Lamanites and are spared.
15-17 Limhi & followers placed under a 50% tax rate by Lamanites.
18-21 Noah’s death; escape of his priests.
22-29 Wrap up of story and new establishment of the Nephite
society under the Lamanites.
Mosiah 20:
1-7 Nephites blamed for kidnapping of Lamanite girls by priests of
8-11 War.
12-15 Encounter with the Lamanite king; his charge.
16-19 Gideon deduces it was the priests of Noah who caused the
20-26 Better "red" than "dead." Life is sometimes more important
than liberty.
Mosiah 21:
1-14 Harsh slavery under the hands of the Amulonites.
15 God is slow to hear their cries for help–because of their past sins.
16-22 Conditions & strategies of the Nephites.
23-29 Ammon meets Limhi.
30-31 About Alma’s group.
32-36 Limhi’s people want to join the Church.
Mosiah 22:
1-8 Plans for Nephite escape.
9-16 Plans implemented. Escape to Zarahemla.
Mosiah 23:
1-15 Alma establishes his Church & society.
16-18 Church government.
19-20 Prosperity.
21-24 God tests his people with opposition.
25-29 Lamanite capture Nephites; hearts of Lamanites softened.
30-39 Amulon & his followers with the Lamanites.
Mosiah 24:
1-7 Progress of the Lamanites under the Amulonites.
8-12 Domination of Alma’s people by Amulon.
13-17 Promised deliverance & patience.
18-25 Escape to Zarahemla.
Mosiah 25:
1-3 Population: Zarahemla-ites > Nephites.
4-14 Mosiah relates the histories of Zeniff & Alma.
15-16 Alma speaks.
17-24 Baptism and establishment of the Church in Zarahemla.
Mosiah 26:
1-7 Young non-believing people causing trouble for the Church.
8-12 King Mosiah2 puts apostasy problem in the hands of Alma1.
13-33 The Lord tells Alma what to do: excommunicate if necessary.
34-39 Alma implements God’s instructions.
Mosiah 27:
1-7 Equality and prosperity.
8-10 Alma2 & the sons of Mosiah2.
11-19 Encounter with the angel.
20-23 Dad & people fast & pray for Alma2.
24-31 Being born again.
32-37 They become instruments in the hands of God.
Mosiah 28:
1-5 Sons want to go on a mission to the Lamanites.
6-7 Mosiah2 gets OK & promise from God.
8-9 Off they go.
10-20 Since he can't confer them on his sons, Mosiah2 passes plates
& artifacts on to Alma2.
Mosiah 29:
1-7 Aaron does not want to be the next king.
8-19 Problems with a bad king.
20 The Lord “in all cases” delivers the righteous from the wicked.
Theme #1 (1 Ne 1:14, 20; Jacob 3:4).
21-24 More about the dangers of a bad king.
25 New system of elected judges.
26-27 Majority usually do not choose evil leaders; if they do, it’s
curtains (trouble).
28-30 More about the judges.
31-32 Inequality caused by sin.
33-41 Responsibility of the people in government.
42-44 Alma2 is the first chief judge.
45-47 Death of Mosiah2 and Alma1.
Alma 1:
1-6 Nehor & his teachings.
7-15 Nehor before the court for murdering Gideon.
16-25 Behavior of the followers of Nehor.
26-33 Economic behavior of the saints.
Alma 2:
1-11 The rebellion of the Amlicites.
12-38 Amlicite war; they join with the Lamanites.
Alma 3:
1-5 The mark of the Amlicites.
6-12 The curse of the Lamanites.
13-19 The Amlicites, as all wicked, bring cursing on themselves.
20-25 End of war.
26-27 The spirit you list (choose) to obey. Cross-reference footnote
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Alma 4:
1-5 Growth of the Church to 3500.
6-12 Pride & inequality develops.
13-14 Those who were righteous.
15-20 Alma gives judgment seat to Nephihah & devotes full time to
Church service.
Alma 5:
1-2 Alma preaches in Zarahemla.
3-13 God changed the hearts of your fathers.
14-43 Alma charges the people with being children of the devil.
44-48 Alma’s authority & knowledge.
49-62 Repent & be born again or be excommunicated.
Alma 6:
1-4 Order of the Church established.
5-6 Met together often; fast & pray for non- members.
7-8 Alma goes to valley of Gideon.
Alma 7:
1-6 People in Gideon were doing better than the people in
Zarahemla had been.
7-16 Effects of the atonement of Christ & his mission.
17-21 Effects of the spirit. Cf. manual, page 151.
22-27 Faith, hope, & charity enable a person to then do good works.
Alma 8:
1-2 Alma returns to Zarahemla to rest.
3-5 Preaches in Melek with success.
6-13 Unsuccessful attempts in Ammonihah.
14-17 Message from an angel.
18-32 Alma & Amulek.
Alma 9:
1-6 Evil attitudes of the Ammonihahites.
7-33 Alma’s sermon.
12 God will utterly destroy you.
13 Theme #2.
15 Better for Lamanites than you.
18 Utter destruction; anger of God.
23 Going against what you know.
26 1st coming of Christ.
34 Amulek takes over.
Alma 10:
1-11 Amulek tells of himself & his call.
12-16 The lawyers.
17-22 Amulek’s challenge to the lawyers.
23 Wicked are spared because the righteous pray.
24 Defensive response by lawyers.
25-27 Amulek says their downfall will be caused by the lawyers &
judges among them.
28-32 Retaliation of the lawyers.
Alma 11:
1-19 Economics: Nephite monetary system.
20 Goal of lawyers: money (not justice).
21-45 Interrogation of Zeezrom:
24 You lawyers love money more than God.
34 God cannot save you in your sins.
37 No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven.
40 Limited atonement.
41 All will be resurrected (even the wicked).
42-45 Resurrection.
46 Zeezrom now worried.
Alma 12:
1-4 Alma: we can read your thoughts.
5 What we say to one, we say to all.
6 Subject to the devil.
7-8 Zeezrom starts asking for real.
9-11 Can’t say all; losing what knowledge you have.
12-15 Judgment: words, works, thoughts.
16-17 Spiritual death.
18-21 Spirits/souls cannot die.
22-37 Fall, plan of salvation, death.
Alma 13:
1-13 Foreordination based on faith in preexistence and faith here.
14-19 Melchizedek.
20-31 Don’t put off repentance.
Alma 14:
1-7 Alma & Amulek taken captive.
8-11 God allows wicked to kill righteous so that wicked can go
deeper in hell. Cf. Alma 60:13.
12-13 If they burn us, it’s OK.
14-25 Taunts by the lawyers.Miraculous escape.
26-29 Miraculous escape
Alma 15:
1-12 Conversion of Zeezrom.
13-15 People of order of Nehor did not believe in repentance
(“We’re all saved anyway.”)
16-19 Church established.
Alma 16:
1-5 Wars from Lamanites.
6 Go to prophet for military instructions.
7-8 Battles
9-11 Destruction of Ammonihah.
12-21 Condition of the Church OK.
Alma 17:
1-4 Missionary preparation.
5-17 Beginning of missionary journeys for the Sons of Mosiah.
18-25 Ammon becomes a servant of King Lamoni.
26-39 Ammon’s “disarming” experience.
Alma 18:
1-11 The king receives intelligence about Ammon’s exploits.
12-23 The spiritual encounter between King Lamoni and Ammon.
24-39 The Book of Mormon missionary discussion.
40-43 The king’s reaction to the discussion: a "trance."
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Alma 19:
1-11 Reaction of King Lamoni’s wife.
12-14 The king’s testimony; he and the queen and Ammon fall into
a “trance.”
15-23 Abish episode.
24-28 Adductive debate among the bystanders.
29-36 The king sets things straight.
Alma 20:
1-7 Ammon and Lamoni travel to Middoni under the direction of
the Spirit.
8-16 They encounter Lamoni’s angry father.
17-27 Ammon overcomes Lamoni’s father, but does not preach the
gospel to him.
28-30 They continue their trip to Middoni and find Ammon’s
Alma 21:
1-4 Background of the Amalekites, Amulonites, and Lamanites.
5-11 A failed attempt to preach the gospel.
12-17 They go to Middoni, jailed, and delivered by Ammon and
Lamoni; continued preaching under the direction of the Spirit.
18-23 Ammon’s preaching among the people of Lamoni.
Alma 22:
1-6 King Lamoni’s father asks Aaron, “Where’s your brother
Ammon? There are some things I want to know.”
7-14 The Book of Mormon missionary discussion.
15-18 The “agnostic’s” prayer. Another “trance.”
19-24 A tense situation with the queen.
25-27 The king diffuses the situation and sends a proclamation.
28-35 Book of Mormon geography.
Alma 23:
1-3 The king’s proclamation.
4-15 The Lamanite converts.
16-18 A new name for the Lamanite converts.
Alma 25:
1-3 Lamanite aggression.
4-12 Abinadi’s prophecy about the priests of King Noah fulfilled.
13-14 Lamanites stop war; some join the Church.
15-17 The law of Moses.
Alma 26:
1-9 Ammon rejoices in what they have accomplished as tools in the
hands of God.
10-20 Aaron asks in Ammon is boasting & Ammon talks of true
self-esteem & continues praise.
21-22 Watch and pray for protection and repentance.
23-26 They said it couldn’t be done.
27-34 Missionary work isn’t easy.
35-37 Testimony about God.
Alma 27:
1-14 Plans made to move the Lamanite converts to Nephite
15-20 The sons of Mosiah meet up with Alma the Younger.
21-26 The move takes place.
27-30 Characteristics of the Lamanite converts.
Alma 28:
1-7 Tremendous battle between the unconverted Lamanites and the
8-9 Conclusion of the story of Ammon and Aaron and their
10-14 Lessons learned from the wars and missionary work.
Alma 29:
1-3 Alma’s sinful wish.
4-8 People receive of the Lord what they deserve and desire.
9-17 Alma rejoices in the Lord.
Alma 24:
1-6 War preparation against the Lamanite converts.
7-16 The king’s speech.
17-19 Mormon’s explanation of the Lamanites’ covenant.
20-30 The slaughter and attendant conversions.
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