a printable version of the outline for 2 Nephi

Lehi’s final teachings in chs. 1–4 are balanced at the end of 1 Nephi with Nephi’s final
teachings in chs. 31–33, the two blocks framing the book. The body of the text is dominated by
two discourses, that of Jacob and the longer one of Nephi. Each follows the standard quotation
formula of introducing a block of Isaiahan prophecy and then explaining it afterwards (Nephi’s
discourse has an extended post–Isaiah teaching section that includes “midrashes” on additional
Isaiah texts).
Lehi’s final teachings (1:1–4:12)
Historical and Biographical Material (4:13–5:34)
Jacob’s Discourse (6:1–10:25)
Nephi’s Discourse (11:8–30:18)
Nephi’s final teachings (31:1–33:15)
Detailed View
“An account of the death of Lehi. Nephi’s brethren rebel against him. The Lord warns Nephi to
depart into the wilderness. His journeyings in the wilderness, and so forth.”
Nephi introduces his father’s final acts and teachings (1:1–3)
narrative transition report
Lehi’s Final Teachings (1:4–4:12) < here and following (1:4–4:11), probable source: record of
• Lehi’s prophecy (1:4–12a)
N the destruction of Jerusalem (1:4–5)
N the destiny of the Promised Land (1:6–12a)
• Lehi’s exhortation to his sons (1:12b–27, sermon)
N poetic plea “to awake” (1:13–14, 20–23)
N poetic testimony of God’s love (1:15)
• Lehi Blesses and Teaches His Sons (1:28–4:11, Narrative with Quoted Blessings and
N Lehi Blesses His Elder Sons and His Sons–in–law (1:28–29) Narrative
N Lehi Blesses Zoram (1:30–32) Narrative
N Lehi’s Last Words to Jacob (2:1–13) Discourse < Source: Record of Lehi
- Jacob Is a Witness of Jesus Christ (2:4)
- Christ Has Answered Then Ends of the Law (2:5–10)
- Opposition in All Things (2:11–13)
N Lehi Exhorts All His Sons (2:14–30) Discourse < Probable Source: Creation and Fall
Accounts on the Brass Plates
- The Beginning of Opposition: the Creation, the Devil, and the Fall (2:15–19)
- The Purpose and Nature of the Fall (2:20–25)
- Christ Overcomes the Fall and Makes Men Free to Choose Eternal Life (2:26–30)
N Lehi’s Last Words to Joseph (3:1–25) Discourse on Joseph and His Descendants <
Source: Record of Joseph in Egypt on Brass Plates
- Promises to Joseph and His Descendants 1 (3:1–3)
- The Prophesies of Joseph in Egypt (3:3–22)
P A Choice Seer, Moses, and a Record to Come Forth Promised
- Promises to Joseph and His Descendants 2 (3:23–25)
N Final Blessings (4:3–11) Quotes and Narrative Summary
- Blessing on the Children on Laman and Lemuel (4:3–9)
- Blessing on the Sons of Ishmael (4:10)
- Blessing on Sam (4:11)
Death of Lehi (4:12) Narrative
Historical and Biographical Material (4:13–5:34)
• Nephi’s reflection (4:13–35) narrative followed by a psalm (poetry) < Nephi recorded his
thoughts and feelings onto the Small Plates
N The Psalm of Nephi (4:17–35)
• Division of the Descendants of Lehi (5:1–28) narrative
N Nephi and his people flee (5:1–7)
N Description of life in the Land of Nephi (5:8–18, 26–28)
N The Lamanites are “cursed” (5:19–25)
• The Small Plates of Nephi (5:29–34) Nephi’s fifth editorial digression explaining his
record keeping practices
[Quoted Teachings of Jacob]
Jacob’s Discourse (6:1–10:25) Effectively an extended Formula Quotation < Nephi recorded
Jacob’s sermon onto the Small Plates < Jacob preached this sermon to the People of Nephi
First Day: Teachings from Isaiah (6:1–9:54, formula quotation)
• Introduction: The Scattering and Gathering of Israel (6:1–18)
N Jacob’s Preamble (6:1–3)
N Scattering and Gathering of Israel Dependant upon the Acceptance or Rejection of Her
Redeemer (6:4–18)
• Quotation
N Isaiah 50 (7:1–11): An Impenitent Nation and a Willing Servant poetic prophecy <
source: Isaiah on Brass Plates
- The Covenant: God’s Faithfulness to Israel (7:1–3)
- The Servant’s Song (7:4–9)
P The Servant’s worthiness (7:4–5)
P The Servant’s suffering (7:6)
P The Servant’s vindication (7:7–9)
- The Lord’s Light or Our Own (7:10–11)
- Trust in the Lord even in darkness (7:10)
- Those who are their own light will suffer (7:11)
N Isaiah 51 (8:1–23): God Is Able to Save Those Who Come to Him poetic prophecy
“after the manner of the Jews”
- Salvation Is Near (8:1–8)
P The Comforting of Zion (8:1–3)
P Deliverance Is Coming (8:4–6)
P Do Not Fear or Be Dismayed (8:7–8)
- Interlude (Apostrophe): a Fervent Call for God’s Intervention (8:9–11)
P The Arm of the Lord Is Strong (8:9–10)
P The Ransomed Shall Return (9:11)
- God Comforts His People (8:12–16)
- Appeal to Jerusalem (8:17–23)
N Isaiah 52:1–2 (8:24–25) poetic prophecy “after the manner of the Jews”
- Let Zion Rejoice (8:24–25)
• Interpretation: Gathering and Scattering, Corporate and Individual (9:1–54) Formula
Quotation Explanation/Interpretation
N Gathering of the Jews (9:1–2)
N God’s Plan of Salvation (9:3–24)
- The Resurrection (9:4–7)
P O the Wisdom of God, His Mercy and Grace! O how Great the Goodness of Our
God . . . (9:8–10; First of the Poetic “O’s”)
- Conquest of Temporal and Spiritual Death (9:11–12)
P O How Great the Plan of Our God! (9:13)
- The Judgment (9:14–16)
- Hymn to the Holy One of Israel (9:17–20)
P O the Greatness and the Justice of Our God! (9:17)
P O the Greatness of the Mercy of Our God, the Holy One of Israel! (9:19)
P O How Great the Holiness of Our God! He Knows all things . . . (9:20)
- Summary of the Atonement: the Messiah Satisfies Justice (9:21–24)
N The Law and its Requirements (9:25–26)
N Ten Woes (9:27–38)
P O the Cunning of the Devil (9:28)
N Jacob’s Entreaties to His Brethren (9:39–54)
Second Day: The Plan Applied to Jacob’s People (10:1–25) discourse or semon
• A Branch in a Promised Land (10:1–22)
N Destiny of the Righteous Branch (10:1–9)
- Name/title of “Christ” Revealed (10:3)
N Promised Land to Be a Land of Liberty (10:10–14)
N Promises and Covenants of the Lord (10:15–22)
• Jacob’s Final Plea: Reconcile Yourself to God (10:23–25)
[Nephi’s Writings and Teachings Resumed]
Nephi’s Discourse (11:1–30:18) Another, even longer extended Formula Quotation < Nephi
recorded this treatise onto the Small Plates
• Introduction: Witnesses of Christ (11:1–8)
Quotations from Isaiah (12–24) poetic prophecy “after the manner of the Jews” < source:
Isaiah on Brass Plates
N Judgments against Israel and Judah
- Isaiah 2: Contrasts between Future and Present Israel (12:1–22)
P Mountain of the Lord’s House (12:1–4)
P The Day of the Lord: Judgment to come against Jacob (Israel) (12:5–22)
- Isaiah 3:1–4:1: Judgments against Judah (13:1–14:1)
P Judgments against the Leaders of Judah (13:1–15)
P Judgments against the Daughters of Zion (13:16–14:1)
- Isaiah 4:2–6: Hope for Restoration amid Prophecies of Destruction
P The Remnant and Jerusalem Will Be Restored (14:2–6)
- Isaiah 5: Judgment and Exile (15:1–30)
P Song of the Unfruitful Vineyard (15:1–7)
P Woes and Judgments: Social Injustice Denounced (15:8–24)
P Judgment Unabated: Invasion Threatened (15:25–30)
N Isaiah 6: Isaiah’s First Vision (16:1–13, call narrative)
- Isaiah’s Call
N Prophecies Occasioned by Geopolitical Threats against Judah
- Isaiah 7 (17:1–25)
P Sign of Shearjeshub (a remnant will return) (17:1–9)
P Birth of Immanuel as a Sign (17:10–15)
P Assyrian Invasion/Future Desolation (17:16–25)
- Isaiah 8 (18:1–22)
P Sign of Maher–shalal–hashbaz (speed to the spoil, hasten to the prey; destruction
is imminent) (18:1–4)
P Trust in the Lord and not in Human Alliances (18:5–15)
P Isaiah rejected (18:16–22)
- Isaiah 9:1–10:4 (19:1–20:4)
P Promise of the Prince of Peace (19:1–7)
P Anger of the Lord against Israel (19:8–20:4)
› idolatry, failing to turn to the Lord (19:13–17)
› hatred of his brother (Ephraim and Manasseh turning against Judah,
› social injustice: oppression of the poor and powerless (20:1–4)
- Isaiah 10:5–34: Assyria and Israel (20:5–34)
P Judah’s Enemy is the Lord’s Instrument: “Assyria, the rod of my anger (20:5–11)
P In the end Assyria, too, will be judged (20:12–19)
P Israel, destroyed by Assyria, will return (20:20–23)
P The Lord will chasten Judah but then destroy Assyria (20:24–34)
N The Lord Will Redeem His People
- Isaiah 11 (21:1–16)
P the Rod of the Stem of Jesse (21:1–5)
P Conditions during the Millennium under Messiah’s rule (21:6–10)
P The Gathering of All Israel (21:11–16)
› reconciliation of Ephraim (Israel) and Judah (21:13–16)
- Isaiah 12 (22:1–6)
P Hymn of Praise
N Judgments against the Nations
- Isaiah 13 (23:1–22)
P Prophecy against Babylon
- Isaiah 14 (24:1–32)
P Restoration of Israel (24:1–3)
P Fall of Gentile kingdoms
› Prophecy against the King of Babylon (24:4–23)
» Babylonian king likened to Lucifer (24:12–15)
› Prophecy against Assyria (24:24–27)
› Prophecy against Philistines (24:28–31)
P The Lord will establish Zion (24:32)
Nephi’s Explanations, Interpretations, and Prophecies (25–30) Treatise
N Nephi’s Commentary on Isaiah and Keys to Understanding His Prophecies (25:1–8; see
Isaiah 51:4)
N Message to the Jews (25:9–20)
- First Scattering and Gathering (25:9–11)
- First Mission of Christ (25:12–13)
- Rejection of Christ and the Second Scattering (25:14–16)
- Acceptance of Christ and the Second Gathering (25:17–20; see Isaiah 11:11, 29:14)
P title “Jesus Christ, the Son of God” revealed by an angel (25:19; see 10:3)
N Message to Lehi’s Descendants (25:21–26:11)
- Christ and the Book of Mormon (25:21–23)
- Christ and the Law of Moses (25:24–30)
- Christ and the Nephites (26:1–11)
N Message to the Gentiles and the Latter-days (26:12–30:18)
- Christ and the Gentiles (26:12–13)
- Scattering of the Descendants of Lehi (26:14–19; Midrash on Isaiah 29:3–5)
- Wickedness of the Gentiles (26:20–22)
- The Lord Does Not Work in Darkness: His Commandments and Invitation
- Apostasy and Restoration (27:1–35)
P Darkness for Those Who Fight Against Zion (27:1–5; Midrash on Isaiah 29:6–10)
P A Sealed Book (27:6–23; Midrash on Isaiah 29:1–12)
P Isaiah 29:13–24 (27:13–35): the Lord Knows Man’s Works and Will Judge Them
- The Last Days and Satan’s Success (28:1–32)
P False Churches (28:1–14)
P Pride Generally (28:15–18)
P Satan Rages, Misleads, and Destroys (28:19–23)
P Woes and Judgments Pronounced (28:24–32)
- The Book of Mormon and Other Scripture (29:1–14)
- Israel Gathered (30:1–18)
P Jews and Gentiles Gathered Through Christ (30:1–8)
P The Messianic Age (30:9–15 = Isaiah 11:4–9)
P All Things Will Be Made Known (30:16–18)
Nephi’s Final Teachings (31:1–33:15)
• The Doctrine of Christ (31:1–21)
N Nephi Delights in “Plain Prophesying,” (31:1–3)
N Following Christ through Baptism (31:4–14)
N Pressing Forward in Christ (31:15–21)
• Guidance of the Spirit (32:1–9)
N Feast on the Words of Christ (32:1–6)
- Angels Speak the Words of Christ (32:2–3)
N Unbelief and Wickedness Restrain the Spirit (32:7)
N The Spirit Teaches to Pray (32:8–9)
• Nephi’s Concluding Testimony (33:1–15)
N Nephi Affirms the Truth of His Record (33:1–9)
N The Words of Christ (33:10–11)
N Nephi’s Farewell (33:12–15)