2011 National Pistol Championships
VOL. 24 NO. 9 september 2011
NRA’s Competitive shootiNG JouRNAl
resTores an old war horse
Pistol includes two magazines and a black Kel-Tec
case. Ammunition and laser not included.
With our Director of Competitive Shooting, Mike Krei, at Camp Perry, I’ll share
some plans we’re working on to create a specialty shooting range directory and to
increase subscriptions.
Managing Editor
Specialty Range Directory
In the January poll, a quarter of you responded that you would be willing to
stay overnight to shoot in a monthly match. We shared this with the NRA Field
Operations Division and their Club Connections magazine in the hope that it would
generate discussions about attracting more out-of-towners to local matches. Range
facilities like electrical and potable water hook-ups, after hours lighting and access to
restrooms and showers might be donated by local businesses or purchased through
NRA grants as range enhancements. Here’s how Shooting Sports USA plans to help.
Starting with our database of match directors from the monthly Coming Events
section, we plan to build an initial inventory of specialty range addresses and facilities. For example: Does the range have an action pistol lane with moving targets?
Where are all the 600-yard line ranges for service rifle shooters? Where can I go
for Cowboy Action shooting? Does the club offer a guest pass for shooters looking
to practice at one of these hard-to-find specialty ranges, or is the club only open to
guests during a match? And what about overnight accommodations? Once this initial
list is completed in the fall, we plan to coordinate the draft with state shooting organizations in time for the innaugural edition in 2012.
We’re exploring two versions of the specialty range directory: One may be a free
file downloaded from the Shooting Sports USA web portal. Another version, printed
with the help of sponsor advertising, would include the location of national competitive shooting manufacturers and gunsmiths local to your range as an additional incentive for visitors. To share your thoughts and to submit suggestions for a name of this
new listing, e-mail us at shootingsportsusa@nrahq.org.
If you’re reading SSUSA by simply bookmarking our web portal, then your patronage doesn’t count towards our subscription numbers. The number of e-mail reminders sent each month (currently 37,000) are used for budget planning, advertising and,
indirectly, to help grow the sport of competitive shooting. If you haven’t done so,
please enter your e-mail address and zip code at www.shootingsportsusa.com.
Better yet, encourage a friend to do the same.
Thanks for your support of shooting sports.
VOL. 24, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011
A Publication of the
National Rifle Association of America
Wayne R. LaPierre
Executive Vice President
The NRA, the foremost guardian of the traditional
American right to “keep and bear arms,” believes
every law-abiding citizen is entitled to the ownership
and legal use of firearms, and that every reputable
gun owner should be an NRA member.
This U.S. Property Colt was issued in 1913
to a Cavalry Officer and handed down
through three generations. The restored
version in the foreground is the handiwork
of Turnbull Manufacturing who returned
it to its historically correct condition.
Photo by Lloyd Hill
Sherri Gallagher comes
to Washington
Upon learning that the 2010
national rifle champion would
be in town, we invited her to the
NRA for an afternoon of formal
recognition and fun.
By Chip Lohman, Managing Editor
2011 Camp Perry Pistol
With attendance holding its own,
Phil Hemphill achieves a first-time
double crown and Dr. Judy Tant
makes it her fourth in a row.
By Chip Lohman, Managing Editor
Turnbull Manufacturing Restores
an Old War Horse
Nearly 30 years in the making,
Turnbull Manufacturing has become
synonymous with historically correct,
high quality restorations. Here’s how
it’s done—almost.
By Tracy Halpin
Turnbull Manufacturing
Restores an Old War Horse
How Not To Crack Under
Pressure—Part 1
Jock interviewed 13 world class
shooters to learn how they manage
the pressure of staying on the leading edge of competitive shooting.
Can you find the similarities in
their responses?
By Jock Elliott
VOL. 24, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011
Executive Director: Joe H. Graham
Deputy Executive Director: Lourdes F. Kite
Publications Services Manager: Evelyn Q. Kessler
Executive Assistant: Terri A. Wolfe
Editorial Director: John Zent
Managing Editor: Chip Lohman
E-Media Editor in Chief: Ann Y. Smith
Editorial Assistant: Danielle Vencak
Field Editor: Maureen D. Hammerquist
Art Director: Harry L. Jaecks
Managing Art Director: Susan K. Kilday
Senior Graphic Designer: Jessica Kim
Photography Director: Lloyd Hill
Photographer: Hannele M. Lahti
Associate Photographer: Alex Sutherland
Production and Advertising Operations
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Manager: Michelle Kuntz
Marketing Manager: James C. Handlon
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Official NRA positions are expressed only in statements
bylined by NRA officers or in articles identified as such.
Shooting Sports USA (ISSN 1069-6822) is published monthly
by the National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill
Road, Fairfax, VA 22030-9400; (703) 267-1000. Copyright 2011,
the National Rifle Association of America.
To update email address go to: NRAPublications.org/SSUSA
No advertised item is intended for sale in those states, or
in those areas where local restrictions may limit or prohibit
the purchase, carrying or use of certain items. Check local
laws before purchasing. Mention of a product or service in
advertisements or text does not necessarily mean that it has
been tested or approved by the NRA.
3 Competitor’s Corner
Updates from the desk of Mike
Krei, Director, NRA Competitive
Shooting Division.
7 Shooter’s News
Highlights from the world of
competitive shooting sports.
12 Score Sheets
You are the reporter. Scores and
reports from local matches.
24 A Page from History
Reprints from American Rifleman
magazine on competitive shooting
in the 1950s and 1960s.
25 Coming Events
Worldwide listings of upcoming
NRA-registered tournaments.
The editors are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts
or photographs.
WARNING: All technical data in this publication, especially for
handloading, reflect the limited experience of individuals using
specific tools, products, equipment and components under
specific conditions and circumstances not necessarily reported
in the article and over which the National Rifle Association
(NRA) has no control. The data has not otherwise been tested
or verified by the NRA. The NRA, its agents, officers and
employees accept no responsibility for the results obtained
by persons using such data and disclaim all liability for any
consequential injuries or damages.
39 Member Info./Classified Ads
HOw Are we DOINg? Let us know at shootingsportsusa@nrahq.org.
All rights reserved except where expressly waived.
(877) 672-2000
(800) 672-3888
Website of the Month
The National Target
Company, one of several
who make NRA-approved
targets, has been supporting competitive shooting
for 60 years. Operating
out of Frederick, MD, National Target offers a full line of
NRA targets and other custom versions for law enforcement, USPSA, IPSC, IDPA, the International community
and hunters. One of the latest additions is the new NRA
5-color National Defense target used at the inaugural
match at Camp Perry last month. The online store is
logically organized by shooting discipline and includes an
illustration of each target. If you already know the official
target number, the search function will take you directly
to that product. Visit www.nationaltarget.com.
NSSF Awards $435,000
in Grants
The National Shooting
Sports Foundation
recently awarded
$435,000 in grants.
To date, the NSSF has
awarded $1.17 million
to 46 ranges since the
program was launched in 2008. For more information,
visit www.nssf.org/shooting/grants.
USA Shooting
Produces Video
USA Shooting
has produced an
Olympic shooting
sports video that
explains all 15
Olympic shooting
events, the equipment and courseof-fire basics for each. The 30-minute video includes
information about Paralympic shooting along with
seven athlete interviews. For more information, e-mail
michael.theimer@usashooting.org. The video is also
available in segments on YouTube.
Million Gun Update
In May, Ruger announced the “Million Gun Challenge”
pledging to donate $1,000,000 to the NRA if one million
new Ruger firearms are sold between the 2011 and
2012 NRA Shows. Making good on its promise, Ruger
recently presented a check for $279,600 to NRA, having
already achieved nearly 28 percent of its one million
gun goal.
Taurus recently announced the appointment of
Mark Kresser as President and CEO. Effective the first
of this month, Kresser succeeds long-time President
and CEO Bob Morrison. Kresser has worked in executive
management positions for the past 15 years with
Traditions Performance Firearms, O.F. Mossberg & Sons,
Inc., Sigarms, Inc., and Beretta USA Corporation. Bob
Morrison will stay at Taurus as a Senior Advisor.
Summer Poll: If you compete in 4 or more matches a
year, how old are you?
Crosman Air Pistol
In January, the Crosman Corporation
introduced their new Crosman Silhouette™
PCP match target pistol. Managing editor
Chip Lohman pumped the gun’s air reservoir full using the Crosman hand pump,
checked it three weeks later and found no
loss of pressure. According to Crosman,
the pistol is capable of 50 shots per fill and
meets the requirements for both International
Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association
H2Duo Water Bottle
Reusable water bottles are the latest achievement
in keeping our environment safe. But because people
fill them with not just water, but juice and other
sports drinks, we’re sometimes left wondering
if the bottle is really clean
afterwards. The new H2Duo
from Seattle Sports has created
a more user-friendly bottle that
doesn’t leave you guessing. The
stainless steel container has a
screw-off upper half so you can
make sure it has been properly
cleaned. It also allows you to
fill the bottle with ice, a difficulty you may have with other
reusable bottles. The two-part
bottle can cleverly be used as
separate cups, with the bottom
(IHMSA) and
NRA competitions.
“The gun is well balanced
with a very nice trigger. I have
another gun that is just as accurate but
must be pumped after each shot,” said
Lohman. With its Lothar Walther barrel,
target shooters will find this pistol both
highly accurate and affordable at an
MSRP of $375. For further information,
visit www.crosman.com.
half forming a normal-shaped drinking glass, and the
top half more like a goblet. The top screw cap also has
flow-through threads that allow you to pour from a
loosened cap without having to completely remove it.
It even has a flip-up hanging ring to attach to your
range bag or gun cart. The convenient cap lanyard helps you
attach it to just about anything.
The stainless steel material
allows condensation to keep
the contents cool. This newest
edition is available in 800and 1000-milliter sizes and
a variety of colors. The silicone band makes for an easy
grip and identification. Visit
www.h2mio.com for more information or www.amazon.com and
search for H2MIO to purchase.
Zins Ammo
In partnership with
Dr. Abrishamian of
Mountain Competition,
10-time National Pistol
Champion Brian Zins has
released a new line of
competition ammunition
labeled Gunny Zins Ammo.
From Zins: “This is match ammo
that has been designed for the shooter seeking
the most accurate round available. It is not a powerful
load and may not function in some stock .45 pistols.
The recommended recoil spring is 14 pounds with
iron sights and 10 to 12 pounds if you’re shooting a
slide-mounted optic.” Tony Brongs published his test
results and speaks very highly of the accuracy of this
new .45 match ammunition that is built around the
Nosler 185 grain JHP, a propriety blend of Vita Vouri
powder, Federal pistol primers and Starline brass.
When asked about the load, Gunny Zins mentioned
the June 1998 article in SSUSA where Scott Engen
reported on the Marine Corps load data used by Zins
then and now. However,
says Zins, “It’s our machine
that makes the difference.” Expensive
German engineering and extremely close tolerances
produce ammunition, according to Brongs’ tests,
within 1/2000th of an inch for overall length, as
but one example. From Brongs: “One 10-round
string generated a shocking standard deviation
of 8 fps on the chronograph.” To read more, including Tony Brongs’ review, or to purchase, visit
ThaT’s savage
If you want to have a chance in 1,000-yard
competition, your rifle better be able to do this
at 100. So will The Model 12 Palma give you a
chance? Absolutely. But if you want to be the
best, you’ll have to beat Team Savage, and they
(and their Model 12 Palmas) just happen to hold
the U.S. team record at 1000 yards.
Photo courtesy of Scott Mayer.
Model 12 Palma
savagearms.com savageaccuracy.com
(l. to r.) NRA President David Keene, SGT Sherri Gallagher
and Competitive Shooting Division Director Mike Krei.
pon learning that Sergeant Sherri Gallagher
would be in Washington, D.C., last June,
we invited her to spend an afternoon at the
National Rifle Association headquarters in
Fairfax, VA. At our first stop, NRA
President David Keene and Competitive Shooting
Division Director Mike Krei presented a recognition plaque
to Sherri for her commitment and dedication to excellence
that read, “From the staff and members of the National
Rifle Association of America for your outstanding long
range rifle shooting achievements and your selection
as the U.S. Army Best Warrior “Soldier of the Year 2010.”
(Visit www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/nra/ssusa_201010/
index.php#/0 for the details of her record-setting accomplishments at Camp Perry.)
Next on the agenda was a private tour of the National
Firearms Museum conducted by senior curator Doug
Wicklund. In this photo, Sherri is examining, appropriately,
a Gallagher carbine used by
the Union Army during the
Civil War. the Gallagher
carbine was patented by a
south Carolinian before the
war, but produced under
Federal contract. it employed
a unique loading system
whereby the barrel slides
forward during loading.
After changing out of
her formal uniform, the next
stop was lunch with some of
the Competitive shooting
division staff where we presented sherri with a few
mementos, including a gold
high master classification
card. After lunch, Museum director Jim supica graciously
showed some of his personal “outlaw” collection to
Gallagher, including a revolver used by Jesse James. Above
she is trying out a revolver fitted with a rifle stock and
laughing at the suggestion that she could use this gun at
Camp Perry for both pistol and rifle matches.
Next was a short interview with the 2010 national rifle
champion and first woman to win the Army’s soldier
of the year award.
SSUSa: When you completed your final shot at
Camp Perry last year, did you know what you
had accomplished?
Sherri: When i came off the line, my NCoiC gave me all
the scores. i called my coach—sGt Praslick, to share the
good news, and then headed for the pits.
SSUSa: So much for glory and fame. You still had to
work the targets like everyone else?
Sherri: [Laughing] yeah, it was a good way to simmer
down a little bit.
SSUSa: Let’s talk about winning the Army Soldier of
the Year award.
Sherri: the soldier of the year and the Camp Perry
matches are two completely different things. the soldier
of the year is about a two-year process. the first year is
all about competition and the second year is public
relations-oriented. For example, one of the reasons i’m
here this week is to be the keynote speaker at the annual
JRotC banquet.
SSUSa: Is it true that members of the Army Marksmanship Unit don’t practice and compete all the time?
Sherri: that’s right, especially these days. We have a
team permanently stationed in Afghanistan, for example,
to teach marksmanship skills to the Afghan National Army.
i just returned in April where i was teaching the female
Afghan officers. We also do a lot with research and development, and we help with recruiting. With my team, our main
focus is instructing. so as soon as we’re done with the
matches this summer, we’ll be teaching classes for about
eight months before we start shooting again.
SSUSa: Having set the bar so high last year, what
will you concentrate on this year?
Sherri: Usually when i shoot, i take it shot-by-shot.
i know that at any point in the competition there’s a
sight adjustment i can make, a wind condition or a
hold that i can make to put me right in the middle of
the target. And so i know that if i can shoot a 10 one
time, i should be able to shoot a 10 every time. so
there’s no point in wasting your time if you’re going
to let your guard down for any given shot. if you’re
completely focused and do the best you can on every
shot, it should be in the middle. of course things
happen and it doesn’t always work out that way, but
at least you can walk away knowing that you did the
best you possibly could. if i go to a match and i don’t
win, but i know i performed to the best of my ability,
i’m thrilled.
SSUSa: Any equipment changes this year?
Sherri: i think i’m shooting the same gun. i haven’t seen it
in a while. [laughs] i’m shooting a tubb 2000 in .260 caliber
with a Rightsight up front and a Warner rear sight.
With that, we visited the NRA book store and then said
our goodbyes.
California Indoor 4P
Rifle Championships
Nebraska Conventional
Pistol Championship
CRPA and Chico Rod and Gun Club
Chico, CA
Apr. 16-17, 2011
Submitted by Neil Potts
45 competitors
Weeping Water Gun Club
Weeping Water, NE
May 1, 2011
Submitted by Dr. Bill Sunlintermeser
9 competitors
Champion Brett Morrison
and his mom.
(l. to r.) Distinguished revolver contestants
third place Gus Danier, second place Jeff
Surrotland and winner Duane Hunt.
Despite a gorgeous day and a great range, there were
too many empty lanes on the firing line. Top gun Duane
Hunt put two of his .22 shots to the right. Dan Gillespie
came behind Hunt to win the .22 match. However,
Hunt came back strong in the centerfire with an 856.
Phil McFall won the .45 match but Hunt edged them
both out with an aggregate score of 2534-52X.
Brett Morrison became the second consecutive junior
to win the California 4P Indoor Championship with a
score of 794-54X in the 80-shot match. Other winners
were: First place team went to Sutter Gold; First Master
went to Quade Hutchison with a 790-66X; First Expert
was C.B. Graves who fired a 777-43X; First Marksman
was Greta Ochsner with a 779-42X; and Jaycee Carter
was High Woman with a 790-48X.
Maryland 3P Smallbore
Monument Rifle and Pistol Club
Marriotsville, MD
May 7, 2011
Submitted by Jim Bryant
17 competitors
Duane Hunt
Red Oak, IA
Phil McFall
St. Joseph, MO
Oregon Conventional
.22 Championship
Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
Shedd, OR
May 7-8, 2011
Submitted by Barbara Shew
16 competitors
Iron Sights
Austion Cock
Silverton, OH
Trent Hering
Corvallis, OR
1st M
Trent Hering
Corvallis, OR
1st SS
Allen Spiker
Philomath, OR
Kelly James
Brookeville, MD
Cole Tucker
Queenstown, MD 1086-22X
Geoff Hornseth
Laytonsville, MD
Steve Suing
Lebanon, OR
Kelly James
Brookeville, MD
Nelson Shew
Lebanon, OR
High Jr.
Kelly James
Brookeville, MD
1st M
Steve Suing
Lebanon, OR
Laytonsville, MD
1st SS
Nelson Shew
Lebanon, OR
High Sr. Geoff Hornseth
NRA California
Gold Rush BPCR
Folsom Shooting Club
Sloughhouse, CA
May 5-8, 2011
Submitted by Robert Tarkenton
30 competitors
Only one point separated
Grand Champion Dan Theodore
and his closest rival, Pat Connon,
after four days of shooting. When
competition ended on May 8, the
“money bullet” was fired from a
Browning 38/70 giving Theodore
the title with an aggregate of 898.
Connon shot a Browning 45/70
and was tied with Theodore going
into the long range match where
Theodore’s 252 was enough to
make the difference.
After five days of BPCR shooting, it was decided to do it again
next year with basically the same
format: 30 shots mid and long
range, an 80-shot two-day iron
silhouette match for grand
champion and a separate 40-shot
scope match.
Frankie Perezchica
Santa Rosa, CA
Gerry Podesta
Ione, CA
John Stepp
Anaheim, CA
Long Range
Dan Theodore
Mt. View, CA
1st M
Pat Connon
San Francisco, CA
1st EX
Zack Taylor
Rio Rico, AZ
1st SS
Eddie Meadlin
Fort Bragg, CA
DiD You Know?
…that one of the first mentions of the term “hospital target”
was at the early Sea Girt matches?
In those days, regular centerfire rifle targets had paper or
board backers. The “hospital targets” were reserved in case
one of the regular firing points became incapacitated and were
covered with white cloth until needed—like a hospital sheet.
Source: Doug Wicklund, Senior Curator, NRA Firearms Museum
By Chip Lohman, Managing Editor
Photos by Kerrin Brinkman and Chip Lohman
2011 Camp Perry Pistol Nationals
icking-off the summer’s
National Matches were
646 conventional pistol
competitors from all points
of the compass. Slightly
down in attendance from the previous
year’s 710 competitors, those who
made the annual migration to Lake
Erie’s southern shore were rewarded
with no rain and mild temperatures—
mild for Camp Perry anyway.
With 10 National Police Shooting
Championships to his name, on
Jul. 16, recently retired Mississippi
Highway Patrol Captain Phil Hemphill
climbed to the top of the podium
as the 2011 National Conventional
Pistol Champion, thus earning him
the informal “Double Crown” title. In
Hemphill’s words: “I spent 27 years
in police pistol and thought I knew
a thing or two about trigger control.
Bullseye pistol taught me otherwise.”
Hemphill’s aggregate score of
2632-113X put him 3 points ahead of
second place SFC James Henderson
of the USAMU, followed by third
place John Zurek with a 2626-115X.
Phil Hemphill
Judy Tant
Greg Derr
Paul Porter
2611-97X 1
Kathy Chatterton
2528-77X 2
SFC Keith Sanderson
2617-116X 3
1 Senior Champion
Dr. Judy Tant stood in the winner’s
circle as top woman champion for the
fourth year in a row. Tant took an early
lead in the .22 cal. match and never
looked back. A conversation with Tant
half way through the tournament suggested she was beginning to contemplate the longevity of her shooting
career—prematurely as it turned out.
To read SSUSA’s
2009 interview with
Dr. Tant, go to the
archives by selecting the icon at right.
2 Preliminary High Woman
Here is the daily progress of the high man and woman
and their closest competitors:
3 Army Reserve Champion
A tradition at NRA awards
ceremonies is to publicly
recognize volunteers, support personnel and sponsors for their immeasurable
contribution to our sport.
Among the hundreds of
behind-the-scenes workers
who deserve our appreciation, please include these
three when you stop by to
say thanks. Dot Priesman
(at right), a second grade
teacher by profession, is a
member of this elite group
who contribute much, with
relatively little recognition in
return, other than the reward
of seeing the matches go
forward each year with
hardly a hitch. Priesman has
run the National Match
Statistical Office each summer for the last 29 years.
The crews that safely run
the firing lines and keep
shooters on schedule are
also members of the “special forces” volunteer team.
At right, tower talkers Gene
Pitts (l.) and Adam Duckworth pause with a smile
from their perch overlooking
Rodriquez Range: “Ready
on the right? Ready On the
Left? The line is ready.”
The Mayleigh Challenge Cup Trophy
was presented to NRA in 1947 by
the International Pistol Team of Great
Britain. It is awarded annually to the
winner of the .22 caliber pistol postal
competition and has been won by the
U.S. team consecutively since 1994.
U.S. team members are selected
from the top 14 competitors at the
Camp Perry .22 cal. match and
announced during the team matches
that afternoon. The first shoot-off cuts
the squad to 10 with two alternates,
followed by three consecutive 10-shot
matches. Led by team captain Bill
Blankenship and adjutant John Gordon,
this year’s team mailed their targets
with a final score of 2667, four points
higher than last year.
Joan Gladwell, pictured above right,
first competed in 1952 when she
enlisted in the U.S. Navy. She later
shot in international competition as
a U.S. Team member for six years. A
Camp Perry competitor since 1963,
Master Class Gladwell turned in a very
respectable 2344-39X this year. Impressively, the above photo shows one of
her rapid fire targets—shot with iron
sites. From the Clark 2245 Blog: “Joan
Gladwell has become well known
for taking regular old huts at Camp
Perry and turning them into something entirely different. I have seen
her with a bucket of water and a
brush scrubbing out the hut before
she would even consider moving
in. Then, with items mostly from
Goodwill, she turned it into a very
comfortable looking place. You
could almost forget it was still a
hut.” Here is her video interview:
For all the scores, visit
Capt. phil hemphill
H National Pistol Champion 2011 H
H National Law Enforcement Champion 2011 H
20 year user of MiLitEC-1 Lubricants
on your winning competition pistols
11828 Pika Drive l Waldorf, MD 20602
Shoot Hunt Hike
Bike Ride Escape
Nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains,
the NRA Whittington Center is America’s premier
outdoor recreation destination, offering state-of-the-art
shooting ranges and fun for the entire family!
Come experience the magic
of the Old Santa Fe Trail.
NRA Whittington Center is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization operating solely on donations
and range and program fees. See our website to become a Whittington visitor and supporter.
Model 1911
restoration by
World Renown
Turnbull Manufacturing Co.
EDITOR’S NOTE: During this 100th
Anniversary of the model 1911 pistol,
many honorary versions have
appeared on the market to celebrate
John Browning’s enduring design.
We explored another approach—
to resurrect grandpa’s service pistol
(with incorrect sights, grips, a bad
bluing job and rust) with a professional makeover. In the process,
we were granted a rare peak behind
the doors of one of the most
talented and respected restoration
companies in the world.
urnbull Mfg. Co. offers a no-fee,
no- obligation quotation process.
Once the customer confirms
the order, detailed research
and restoration begins.
1-2 // The first step after disassembly is to make an ink pull before any
polishing occurs so that all markings
can be properly replaced. On the left,
the craftsman applies inletting black to
create the ink pulls on the right.
3 // Next, all parts are hand polished
and filed to remove the old finish. At
left, Mike Knowles is polishing the
frame, followed by the slide, before
manufacturer marks and logos are
restored to their original condition.
4 // Here are the before and
after photos of the improperly
blued and rusted slide with incorrect
sights (top), and the corrected
version below, before applying
the period-correct charcoal bluing.
To create a new sight, Turnbull
welded up a sight made for a
1911A1 and then painstakingly
shaped it to the correct dimensions.
No detail is overlooked as even
the magazine will be overhauled
to the original specifications,
which includes bluing only the
lower half.
5 // One of the key steps provided by
Turnbull Manufacturing is the thorough
research that goes into identifying the
correct manufacturer and logo markings. Here, Knowles researches the
correct roll die to use for this particular
gun, based on the serial number and
date of issue.
6 // After much care is given to proper
alignment, the roll die re-imbeds the
proper model and patent information
onto the slide. Note the reinforcing bar
inside the slide and judicious use of
blue painter’s tape to prevent damage.
7 // The final stage is bluing with
a recipe that has been developed
through extensive experimentation.
What happens behind the door above
is a closely guarded trade secret. What
comes out is a work of art, in the original charcoal bluing style of the period.
8 // With a set of
replacement hand
stocks that Turnbull cuts to
the original specifications,
the final product is ready
to admire and cherish for
future generations.
Turnbull Mfg. Co. staff: Author Tracy Halpin in the front row, third from left,
next to Master Craftsman and President, Doug Turnbull in the green shirt.
In 1983, Doug Turnbull and two employees began restoring old, American-made
firearms in the back room of Creekside
Gun Shop, formerly located in Holcomb
(Bloomfield), New York. Specializing in
Winchester rifles, Parker, LC Smith and
Fox shotguns made after 1873, Turnbull
Restoration gained a reputation for
returning these pieces of American
firearm history to their original, factorynew condition.
As news spread of Turnbull’s high
quality work, the business grew until its
first move in 1998 to a 4,000 square foot
building. Three years later, another expansion was needed, followed by a federal
firearms manufacturer license to build
their own line of Colt-style single-action
revolvers and Winchester-style rifles,
both in original calibers and a proprietary
cartridge called the .475 Turnbull. To date,
Turnbull has restored and/or repaired
more than 25,000 firearms and built more
than 600 new guns.
Turnbull Mfg. Co. was created in
February 2010 in response to increased
demand for the manufactured product line. With a steady increase
in demand for the period-correct
firearm finishing processes, another
expansion was completed in the spring
of 2010 with a large showroom and
administrative offices for 16 employees, including 10 full-time gunsmiths,
an in-house engraver and a full time
marketing coordinator.
Turnbull Mfg. Co. provides color
case hardening and period-correct
bluing services for Kimber, Remington
Arms, Colt, Smith & Wesson,
U.S. Firearms, and a myriad of gunsmiths and smaller gun manufacturers
all over the globe. Clients demanding
accurate restoration of original guns
send Turnbull firearms from Canada,
New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain
and Germany, among other countries.
The next time you’re near Bloomfield,
NY, plan to visit their showroom, open
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Visit www.turnbullmfg.com.
Interviews with Champions, Part One of a Three-Part Series
By Jock Elliott // Photo by Lloyd Hill
ne day I was shooting groups under fairly
bad conditions when suddenly a really terrific
group began to come together. As I looked
through the scope at the three shots through
one hole, internal voices began to pester me:
“Don’t blow it! You know it only takes one bad shot to ruin
a great group like this.” Listening to these messages, my
breathing became shallower and more rapid. My heart rate
accelerated. I could feel myself “blowing up” inside. I knew
this was not going to help me shoot more accurately.
I mentioned the experience to a friend, and he suggested
I write an article on dealing with pressure while shooting.
Chip Lohman, Managing Editor of Shooting Sports USA,
thought this was a good idea and added, “We should
interview a list of champions and see how they deal with
pressure on a personal level.” So, with Chip’s help, I
approached a number of past and present champions with
the following:
The focus of this article will be to find out how
champion shooters in various NRA disciplines manage
the pressure of competitive shooting. This could be
the pressure of “Hey, I’m doing really great, I hope I
don’t blow it,” or the pressure of, “I’m doing really
badly, I need to fix it now,” or simply the pressure of,
“This is the biggest, most important match of the year.
I need to shoot my best.” What I want to know is how
you, personally, deal with pressure in competition or
how you prepare to minimize pressure when you are
shooting competitively.
What follows is what those champions had to say about
the fine art of not cracking under pressure.
Judy Tant
Lanny Basham
Lones Wigger
Phil Hemphill
Jessie Abbate
Brian Zins
Doug Koenig
Launi Meile
Bruce Piatt
Julie Golob
Carl Bernosky
Jason Parker
Ernie Vande Zande
DR. JUDY TANT, Bullseye Pistol
The fundamentals of handling match pressure
are not very exotic. In fact they are mundane
approaching boring, having to do with being well
prepared for the match in terms of equipment,
physical health and positive outlook. No apt phrase
is going to help you with your fears of shooting
badly if you haven’t cleaned your gun, checked
your ammo, arrived at the match comfortably
ahead of time and not started an argument with
your spouse the night before! If you haven’t prepared, you deserve to be anxious, because it is in
some sense a rational response.
The other basic that is mundane is that the more
matches you shoot, the more desensitized you are
likely to be to the pressures of competition. Again,
this is not a glamorous solution, but the feelings
of match pressure can recede as the process of
competing becomes routine. Here are some things
I do and don’t do.
I try to stay positive no matter what. I am aware
that telling myself to NOT blow it, for instance,
is the same as instructing myself to fall apart,
because the brain deals with the assertion “blow
up” and ignores the “not.” So if I catch myself in
a negative, I reframe it to direct myself towards
something I want to do. This usually has to do with
focusing on the shot at hand, no matter how awful
the shot or target before turned out. “One shot at a
time” is a favorite of mine, or “Finish!” when I get close to
the end of a competition.
Some shooters seem to have success when they get
mad at themselves for failure and then pull up their socks,
and I’ve used this occasionally, too. The problem with it
is that you have to do badly before you do well when you
take this approach, so I try to stay away from it. I figure that
the shooters who use it could be a lot better if they shifted
their approach to the positive. Likewise, some shooters
(very few at the upper skill levels) try to intimidate others or
get under their skin. That’s a waste of energy that could be
directed at their own game, so I think they put themselves
at a disadvantage when they do it.
PHIL HEMPHILL, PPC, Bullseye Pistol
Pressure is something that we actually create ourselves—it’s that little anxious feeling: I don’t want to blow
it; I might set a new national record. John Pride out in
California does a lot of mental imaging. I thought he was
off his rocker, but you can sit there in a quiet place and
imagine shooting the match very well. If you sit there in
your recliner or in your bed before you go to sleep, you can
get as realistic as you want. Imagine the squeak of the targets when they turn, imagine drawing your pistol, aligning
the sights, and so forth. The more that you do it, the more
routine it becomes.
I’m one of two people who have shot a perfect score
in Police Pistol Competition. There are five matches in a
1,500 course. I knew I wasn’t down any points at the end
of match four. I just went back to my routine: Identify my
target, go to the aiming point and shoot the shots.
I try to put pressure on myself when I’m practicing, so
am accustomed to it in the actual match. Train as realistically as possible. That’s the good thing about training: If
you make a mistake, you can go back and correct it. What
separates the good shooters from the average shooters is
that we have a set game plan, and we go back to our game
plan or our checklist, and that helps me to feel that I am
back in control.
Also, you can have good fundamentals and poor execution, such as jumping on the trigger when we should be
pressing the trigger. Lastly: Confidence in your equipment is
key. Check everything. You want to know that everything is
running at optimum level.
DOUG KOENIG, Action Pistol
Everybody suffers from pressure, but the more you
are in a particular situation, the better the chance you
have of dealing with it. Being in many high-level competitions helps reduce the amount of pressure you feel. If
you want to go to a national level, you have to shoot a
lot of lower level matches and get comfortable with being
in competition. I’ve shot a lot of big matches, so I’d like to
think I have them figured out a little bit. Preparation is the
key to making sure I don’t crack under pressure. Making
sure I am prepared, that is first and foremost, which
includes making sure my equipment is ready, and that I
have trained well.
I’ve been a fulltime professional for about 20 years. I
generally practice every other day, two to three times a
week, depending upon what’s coming up. When it comes
to my training, I don’t focus too much on the basic stuff
anymore. I’ll pick one of the stages and fine tune on that.
I absolutely try to duplicate competition conditions when I
practice. I shoot on the exact same target, and so forth. I try
to replicate things in the competitive environment as best I
can, within reason.
When I am in competition, I try to focus on what I have
trained to do—just pick one thing and focus on it. As an
example, for the Bianchi competition, I try to focus on the
middle of the target and put all my attention there. I try to
maintain a laser focus on the exact center of the target. If I
have a bad shot, I don’t pay attention to it, but learn from it
so that I can make any necessary adjustments, and move
forward. Before shooting the mover at Bianchi this year, I
spent several minutes just relaxing so that I could maintain
that focus when I was shooting.
coming EVEnts
a: nra approved tournament
r: nra registered tournament
1800: 1800-pt. match
2700: 2700-pt. match
3200: 3200-pt. match
6400: 6400-pt. match
3p: 3-position
4p: 4-position
air: air pistol
ap: action pistol
Bp: Blackpowder
Bps: Blackpowder scope
cFp: center-Fire pistol
cLa: cowboy Lever action
con: conventional
cc: creedmoor cup
Dr: Distinguished revolver
Fc: F-class
Frp: Free pistol
FBp: Fullbore prone
hpr: high power
hphr: high power hunting rifle
hps: high power sporting rifle
hpsa: high power semi-auto
hp: hunter’s pistol
in: indoor
inD: individual
insEr: interservice
inV: invitational
iso: iron sight only
Jr: Junior
Lm: Leg match
Lr: Long range
Ltr: Light rifle
mEt: meters
mr: midrange
mrp: midrange prone
ms: metallic sights
oar: open air rifle
oF: offhand
In order to be listed, nra must sanction
matches by the 15th of the month, two
months prior to the month of the magazine
issue. If you are interested in entering a
tournament, contact the individual listed. If there
are any additions, changes or cancellations for
“Coming Events,” contact Shelly Kramer at
(703) 267-1459; mkramer@nrahq.org; or
Tonia Forte at (703) 267-1466; tforte@nrahq.org.
sep. 17
oct. 15
pto registered outdoor
international match;
Wappingers Falls, nY;
patricia Zidek, (845) 226-8823
progressive air pistol match;
Wappingers Falls, nY;
patricia Zidek, (845) 226-8823
aLaBama, Moundville: Dr, oct. 15-16, r;
B. Fikes, 7091 Forest Mill Dr., Cottondale,
AL 35453; (205) 553-7165; fikes@comcast.net
gEorgia, Ft. Benning: Dr, sep. 30-oct. 2,
r; R. Hawkins, 281 Piedmont Lake Rd.,
Pine Mountain, GA 31822; (706) 663-8105;
(706) 615-2799 (c); rnh1953@aol.com
inDiana, Evansville; oct. 8-9, r; G. Hall,
P.O. Box 117, Haubstadt, IN 47639;
mainE, Scarborough: Dr, sep. 10-11, r;
L. Carter, 56 W. Gray Rd., Gray, ME 04039;
(207) 657-4559
marYLanD, Harwood: Dr, sep. 11, r;
T. Metcalfe, 317 Red Cloud Rd.,
Lusby, MD 20657; tmet2003@yahooo.com
orEgon, Sherwood: Dr, sep. 17-18, r;
R. Cavalli, 821 N. Shore Rd., Lake Oswego,
OR 97034; (503) 744-0538; r.cavalli@comcast.net
south caroLina, Orangeburg: Dr,
oct. 29-30, r; W. Pierce, 117 Balbriggan,
Goose Creek, SC 29445
tEXas, Wichita Falls: Dr, sep. 23-25, r;
R. Kroes, 1020 Kinta Tr., Wichita Falls, TX 76310;
op: open
orF: open rim-Fire
os: open sights
out: outdoor
paL: palma
pc: pistol cartridge
pi: pistol
pos: position
post: postal
ppc: police pistol combat
prE: precision
prn: prone
pro: production
prF: production rim-Fire
rF: rimfire
rFp: rapid-Fire pistol
sar: sporter air rifle
sBhp: smallbore hunter’s pistol
statE championships
DELaWarE, New Castle: Dec. 3-4, r; G. Barton,
87 Bunker Hill Rd., New Castle, DE 19720;
(302) 893-1146; gregbce@verizon.net
tEXas, Amarillo: apr. 13-15, r; D. Taramasso,
8100 Alexandria Ave., Amarillo, TX 79118;
(940) 521-0017; dtaramasso@sbcglobal.net
aLasKa, Palmer: 2700, sep. 10, r;
Andrea Tesch, Box 5555, Ft. Richardson,
AK 99505; ahtesch@hotmail.com
connEcticut, Manchester: sep. 17-18, r;
F. Lerz, 70 Dower Rd., South Windsor, CT 06074;
(860) 614-3933; ctbullseye@gmail.com
haWaii, Honolulu: 2700, oct. 8-9, r; R. Takata,
P.O. Box 971488, Waipahu, HI 96797;
(808) 347-1514; russell.takata@yahoo.com
inDiana, Indianapolis: 2700, sep. 17-18, r;
T. Petersen, P.O. Box 306, Zionsville, IN 46077;
(317) 733-2966; indyrange@earthlink.net
ioWa, Central City: 2700, sep. 10-11, r; R. Fisk,
1307 34th St. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403;
(319) 362-6725; taprlf@ccr.net
Louisiana, Holmwood: 2700,
oct. 1-2, r; J. Texada, 911 Inverery Dr.,
Lake Charles, LA 70605; (337) 477-5277;
nEW hampshirE, Pelham: 2700,
sep. 24-25, r; B. Dutton, 19 Hunter Dr.,
Derry, NH 03038; (617) 594-2194;
nEW JErsEY, Jackson: 2700, sep. 23-24 &
oct 1, r; Mary Badiak, 74 Lazy Brook Rd.,
Flemington, NJ 08822; (908) 788-5503;
nEW mEXico, Raton: 2700, sep. 10-11,
r; T. Shumaker, 309 7th Ave. NE, Rio Rancho,
NM 87124; (505) 892-4869; (505) 241-4638 (w);
nEW YorK, Castleton: (mid-Eastern sect),
2700, sep. 10-11, r; R. Smith, 21 Spruce St.,
Valatie, NY 12184; (518) 828-3041;
nEW YorK, Newstead: (Western region),
2700, sep. 17-18, r; P. Vasilion,
3399 Four Rod Rd., East Aurora, NY 14052;
(716) 662-9808; p.vasilion@gmail.com
nEW YorK, Wappingers Falls (Eastern sect):
sep. 3-4, r; R. Thomas, P.O. Box 115,
New Rochelle, NY 10802
north caroLina, Butner: 2700, sep. 17-18,
r; M. Halsey, 707 Oldsquaw Dr., Greensboro,
NC 27455; nowind0@ttriad.rr.com
sBhr: smallbore hunting rifle
sBr: smallbore rifle
sc: short course
so: scope only
scr: smallbore cowboy rifle
sEr: service
sp: service pistol
spi: sport pistol
spt: sporter
sr: service rifle
sta: standing
stD: standard
stK: stock gun
tar: target
tm: team
usta: unlimited standing
Wsp: Women’s sport pistol
YD: Yards
oKLahoma, Arcadia: 2700, oct. 15-16, r;
R. Doggett, 4031 NW 34th St., Oklahoma City,
OK 73112; (405) 942-0488; luvmyskye@aol.com
south DaKota, Rapid City: 2700,
sep. 24, r; J. Glasford, 321 Minnesota St.,
Rapid City, SD 57701; (605) 718-7352;
tEnnEssEE, Columbia: 2700, sep. 24-25, r;
T. Labbe, P.O. Box 239, Toney, AL 35773;
(256) 420-8358; bulletman@mchsi.com
Washington, Puyallup: 2700, sep. 24-25, r;
L. Lang, 8106 201st St. E., Spanaway, WA 98387;
(206) 617-9630; tenringwobble@comcast.net
WEst Virginia, Summersville: 2700,
sep. 24-25, r; Delores Williams,
619 Open Rocks Rd., Summersville, WV 26651
pEnnsYLVania, Palmyra: in, Fp,
Dec. 10, r; J. Lutz, 10569 Allentown Blvd.,
Annville, PA 17003; (717) 507-4121 (c);
(717) 307-2238; jlutz@microserve.net
othEr tournamEnts
aLasKa, Palmer: 2700, oct. 9 & 22, nov. 13
& 26, Dec. 11 & 24, Jan. 8 & 24, Feb. 12 & 25,
mar. 11 & 24, apr. 8 & 28, a; Andrea Tesch,
Box 5555, Ft. Richardson, AK 99505;
coLoraDo, Denver: 2700, sep. 24, oct. 29,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, mar. 24,
apr. 28, a; S. Locatelli, 20302 Pleasant Park Rd.,
Conifer, CO 80433; (303) 697-5748;
DELaWarE, New Castle: 2700, oct. 29-30,
a; G. Barton, 87 Bunker Hill Rd., New Castle,
DE 19720; (302) 893-1146; gregbce@verizon.net
iDaho, Boise: 900, sep. 24, oct. 29, nov. 26,
Dec. 17, Jan. 28, apr. 16; 2700, sep. 25, oct. 30,
nov. 27, Dec. 18, Jan. 29, Feb. 26, apr. 17, r;
L. Wetzel, 1118 N. Dawn Dr., Boise, ID 83713
iDaho, Coeur d’Alene: 2700, Dec. 10, Jan. 14,
a; R. Swing, 6001 N. Atlas Rd. Coeur d’Alene,
ID 83815; stilesroger@insightbb.com
mainE, Augusta: 900, nov. 27, Dec. 18, r;
B. Hayford, 23 Mills Rd. Apt. C, Newcastle, ME
04553; (207) 563-2365; daniel4214@yahoo.com
massachusEtts, Bedford: 2700, may 1,
r; R. Dyer, 4 Sibley Dr., Bedford, MA 01730;
(781) 275-9485
nEW JErsEY, Carteret: 2700, oct. 22-23,
r; Mary Badiak, 74 Lazy Brook Rd.,
Flemington, NJ 08822; (908) 788-5503;
shootingsportsusa.com 25
nEW JERSEY, Old Bridge: 2700,
nov. 26-27, R; Mary Badiak, 74 Lazy Brook Rd.,
Flemington, NJ 08822; (908) 788-5503;
nEW JERSEY, Riverdale: oct. 7-8,
nov. 11-12, R; D. Lange, 536 Doremus Ave.,
Glen Rock, NJ 07452; (201) 251-0933;
ohio, Cincinnati: 1800, nov. 6, Dec. 4,
Jan. 8, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apr. 1, A; K. Donahoe,
P.O. Box 30, Morrow, OH 45152;
(513) 899-4989; flyingpigforge@gmail.com
ohio, Warren: 1800, oct. 16, nov. 20,
Dec. 18, Jan. 15, Feb. 19, Mar. 18,
Apr. 15, R; D. Bowser, 28 E. Church St.,
Newton Falls, OH 44444; (330) 219-4440;
oREgon, Portland: 2700, Sep. 18, nov. 6,
Jan. 8, Feb. 5, A; Sabrina Lett, P.O. Box 35,
Boring, OR 97009; schlmum@yahoo.com
oREgon, Salem: 900, oct. 2, Dec. 4, Mar. 4,
R; D. Watts, 3035 Brenna Ave. NE, Salem,
OR 97301; (503) 881-9885; anthoi@hotmail.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Morrisville: 2700, nov. 19,
R; R. Steinbrecher, 7701 Gate Rd.,
Wyndmoor, PA 19038; (215) 836-7184;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Palmyra: 900, Feb. 18, R;
J. Lutz, 10569 Allentown Blvd.,
Annville, PA 17003; (717) 507-4121 (c);
(717) 307-2238; jlutz@microserve.net
ViRginiA, Chesapeake: 1800, Sep. 9-10,
oct. 7-8, nov. 18-19, Dec. 16-17, A; K. McKinna,
4057 Kalona Rd., Portsmouth, VA 23703;
(757) 484-1139; fayenken@verizon.net
WiSconSin, Kenosha: 1800, oct. 21-23, R;
R. Settle, 4226 Bennett Ave., Gurnee, IL 60031;
(847) 596-2963; settleron@comcast.net
ALABAMA, Moundville: 2700, Sep. 17,
nov. 19, R; B. Fikes, 7091 Forest Mill Dr.,
Cottondale, AL 35453; barry@fikespix.com
ARiZonA, Phoenix: 2700, Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 13, Dec. 18, A; nov. 6, R; D. Plante,
1014 E. Constitution Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85296;
(480) 855-0002; donpla@msn.com
cALiFoRniA, Dulzura: 1800, Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; D. Gussler, 9334 Dempster Dr.,
Santee, CA 92071; dgussler@gmail.com
cALiFoRniA, Escondido: 1800, Sep. 11,
oct. 9-11, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; M. Freedman,
270 N. El Camino Real #F200,
Encinitas, CA 92024; (760) 402-6275;
cALiFoRniA, San Bernardino: 1800,
Sep. 11, oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A;
E. Weese, 8978 Sewell, Fontana,
CA 92335; (909) 822-8749
cALiFoRniA, Sloughhouse: 2700, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 1, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apr. 1,
May 6, A; T. Silva, 2030 McSwain Rd.,
Merced, CA 95341; (209) 384-2314;
(209) 631-6587 (c); n9911c@sbcglobal.net
cALiFoRniA, Sunnyvale: 2700, Sep. 5, A;
J. Yarborough III, 2810 Barcells Ave.,
Santa Clara, CA 95051; (650) 468-8047;
coLoRADo, Byers: 2700, Sep. 18; 2700,
Risk Takers, oct. 2, A; W. Harris, 7602 Yule Ct.,
Arvada, CO 80007; wwharris@q.com
FLoRiDA, Blountstown: 2700, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; R. Crawford,
24506 NE CR 69A, Altha, FL 32421;
(850) 762-8164; sgm2670olympian@fairpoint.net
FLoRiDA, Jacksonville: 1800, Sep. 18, nov. 20;
2700, oct. 16, Dec. 18, A; R. Erickson,
9028 Latimer Rd. W., Jacksonville, FL 32257;
(904) 448-3174
FLoRiDA, Pensacola: 2700, Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Jan. 15, Feb. 19, A; P. Hlubeck,
721 Pensacola Beach Blvd. Unit 1501,
Pensacola Beach, FL 32561; (850) 916-3941;
FLoRiDA, Weeki Wachee: 2700, Sep. 25,
nov. 27, A; M. Rials, 712 Stockton St.,
Brooksville, FL 34601; (352) 279-4877;
gEoRgiA, Blythe: 2700, Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, A; S. Meldrum, P.O. Box 211996,
Martinez, GA 30917; (706) 592-4230;
gEoRgiA, Conyers: 2700, Sep. 18,
oct. 9, A; B. Davis, 465 Riverhill Dr. NW,
Atlanta, GA 30328; (404) 256-2334;
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: 2700, Sep. 11, oct. 23,
A; J. Good, 1020 N. Point Dr., Roswell, GA 30075;
(770) 815-1136; ptgudi@yahoo.com
gEoRgiA, Ft. Benning: 2700,
nov. 13, Mar. 17-18, R; R. Hawkins,
281 Piedmont Lake Rd., Pine Mountain,
GA 31822; (706) 615-2799; rnh1953@aol.com
gEoRgiA, Valdosta: 2700, Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; W. Wallace, 1269 Devane Rd.,
Quitman, GA 31643; (229) 263-7333;
iDAho, Coeur d’Alene: 2700, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
nov. 12, A; R. Swing, 6001 N. Atlas Rd.,
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815; r1swing@gmail.com
iLLinoiS, Milan: 2700, Sep. 18, A; B. Mallette,
1230 Harrison St., Davenport, IA 52803;
(563) 322-3589; master2620@aol.com
inDiAnA, Bristol: 2700, Sep. 25, R; P. Gittinger,
20641 CR 20, Goshen, IN 46528; (574) 875-6388;
inDiAnA, Borden: 2700, Sep. 24, A;
D. Richardson, 101 Cecilianna Dr.,
Elizabethtown, KY 42701; (270)766-7716 (c);
(270) 737-6587; taxmanky@windstream.net
inDiAnA, Georgetown: 1800, oct. 15, nov. 19,
Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, A; F. Kunzler,
4314 Brownsboro Glen Rd., Louisville, KY 40241;
(502) 412-4417; fkunzler@hotmail.com
ioWA, West Liberty: 2700, Sep. 25, A;
D. Kelzenberg, 2801 Hwy. 6 E.,
Iowa City, IA 52240; (319) 621-5528;
KAnSAS, Whitewater: 2700, Sep. 24, A;
L. Endecott, 1818 Glen Hills Dr., Derby,
KS 67037; lcendecott@outdrs.net
KEnTUcKY, Bowling Green: 1800, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, A; R. Stiles, 7541 Morgantown Rd.,
Bowling Green, KY 42101; (270) 842-6123;
LoUiSiAnA, Holmwood: 2700, Sep. 10,
A; J. Texada, 911 Inverery Dr.,
Lake Charles, LA 70605; (337) 477-5277;
MAinE, Scarborough: 2700, oct. 02, R;
L. Carter, 56 W. Gray Rd., Gray, ME 04039;
(207) 657-4559; hammerli@maine.rr.com
MARYLAnD, Annapolis: 2700, Sep. 17,
oct. 8, A; 900, nov. 5-6, R; P. Striffler,
549 Bowline Rd., Severna Park, MD 21146;
(410) 544-5648; pjstriff@cablespeed.com
MARYLAnD, Harwood: 2700, oct. 9, R;
T. Metcalfe, 317 Red Cloud Rd.,
Lusby, MD 20657; (410) 474-1409;
MASSAchUSETTS, Bedford: 1800, Sep. 18,
oct. 16, A; B. Simard Jr., 4 Julio St.,
Chelmsford, MA 01824; bsimardjr@comcast.net
MASSAchUSETTS, N. Attleboro: 2700,
Sep. 25, oct. 16, R; D. LaFlamme,
45 Arrowhead Rd., Wrentham, MA 02093;
MichigAn, Houghton Lake: 2700,
Sep. 18, R; T. Oakey, 11624 Old 144 Rd.,
Roscommon, MI 48653; tomoakey@hotmail.com
MichigAn, Ionia: 2700, Sep. 10 & 11, R;
Janice Raymond, 2922 Dick Rd.,
Ionia, MI 48846; jraymondyh@yahoo.com
MichigAn, Linden: 1800, Sep. 17, A; S. Bruce;
(810) 625-9136
MinnESoTA, Hibbing: 2700, Sep. 17,
A; J. Vespa, 1524 15th Ave. E.,
Hibbing, MN 55746; (218) 263-6737;
MiSSoURi, Columbia: 2700, Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
K. Finlay, 613 S. Rollins St., Centralia, MO 65240;
(573) 682-2853; finlaykm45@mywdo.com
MiSSoURi, Holden: 2700, Sep. 11, oct. 9, A;
E. Pearson, 1305 E. 109th Ter., Kansas City,
MO 64131; (913) 636-9399; mr45auto@gmail.com
nEW JERSEY, Millville: 2700, Sep. 10, R;
A. Weinerman, 221 Church St., Newfield, NJ
08344; (856) 297-3391; lensgroup@comcast.net
nEW JERSEY, Windsor: 2700, oct. 15, R;
K. Stern, 17 Bedford Rd., Kendall Park, NJ 08824;
(609) 462-9428; keith.stern1@verizon.net
nEW YoRK, Calverton: 900, Sep. 11, oct. 2,
nov. 13, A; S. Manners, 4523 Broadway 5B,
New York, NY 10040; (917) 399-0394
nEW YoRK, Colonie: 900, Sep. 18, A;
R. Nadeau, P.O. Box 14591, Albany, NY 12212;
nEW YoRK, Freeport: 1800, oct. 15-16, A;
G. Kraus, 2468 Williams Ct., Bellmore, NY 11710;
(516) 221-0479; gmk42@aol.com
nEW YoRK, Wappinger Falls: 2700, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, Mar. 4, Apr. 1, May 6, Jun. 3,
Jul. 1, Aug. 5, Sep. 1-2, oct. 7, nov. 4,
Dec. 2, R; R. Thomas, P.O. Box 115,
New Rochelle, NY 10802; rt115@optonline.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Asheville: 2700, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, A; G. Kormanik, 1 Red Oak Rd.,
Asheville, NC 28804; (828) 252-8871;
noRTh cARoLinA, Creedmoor: 2700, Sep. 24,
oct. 22, A; C. Rhodes, 2012 Autumn Ct.,
Clayton, NC 27520; crhodesx@aol.com
noRTh cARoLinA, Haw River: 2700,
Sep. 11, oct. 16, A; C. Hardesty,
1914 Bassett Tr., Greensboro, NC 27410;
(336) 253-7302; clark2245@triad.rr.com
ohio, Amherst: 2700, Sep. 18, A; J. Kovalan,
296 Kensington Rd., Vermillion, OH 44089
ohio, Batavia: 2700, Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
M. Reichart, 1697 Cottontail Dr., Milford,
OH 45150; (859) 322-9131 (c);
(513) 722-0323; mreiechart@cinci.rr.com
ohio, Cincinnati: 2700, Sep. 4, oct. 2, A;
J. Basham, 10121 Zig Zag Rd., Cincinnati,
OH 45242; (513) 793-2134; jrbasham@fuse.net
ohio, Lynchburg: 1800, Sep. 25, A; T. Smith,
Box 313, Lynchburg, OH 45142; (937) 509-4778;
oKLAhoMA, Arcadia: 2700, Sep. 17, A;
R. Doggett, 4031 NW 34th St., Oklahoma City,
OK 73112; luvmyskye@aol.com
oKLAhoMA, Davis: 2700, oct. 8, nov. 12, A;
B. Randall, 1200 E. Hanna, Davis, OK 73030;
oREgon, Sherwood: 2700, oct. 15, A;
nov. 4 & 13, R; R. Cavalli, 821 N. Shore Rd.,
Lake Oswego, OR 97034; (503) 744-0538;
oREgon, Springfield: 2700, Sep. 11, oct. 9, R;
R. Toyota, P.O. Box 32, Springfield, OR 97477;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Boyertown: 2700, oct. 1-2,
R; H. Davis, 61 Lindy Ln., Boyertown, PA 19512;
(610) 369-0605; howardkeithdavis@comcast.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Brookhaven: 2700, oct. 23, R;
J. Hodges, 212 S. Manor Dr., Media, PA 19063;
(484) 886-6119; pistolchief@yahoo.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Muhlenburg: 2700, Sep. 11, R;
R. Kowalski, 96 Broadway Rd., Sweet Valley,
PA 18656; (570) 256-4455; rick@ptd.net
SoUTh cARoLinA, Orangeburg: 2700,
Sep. 24, oct. 28, nov. 26, A; W. Pierce,
117 Balbriggan Dr., Goose Creek, SC 29445
SoUTh cARoLinA, South Congaree: 2700,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, A; C. Andrews,
3151 Pinebelt Rd., Columbia, SC 29204;
(803) 787-7124; bang2700@sc.rr.com
SoUTh DAKoTA, Valley City: 2700,
Sep. 10, A; W. Brackin, 832 8th Ave. E.,
West Fargo, ND 58078; (701) 282-7158;
TEnnESSEE, Arlington: 2700, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, A; A. Barcon, 100 Sugar Maple Cove,
Oakland, TN 38060; abarcon@gmail.com
TEnnESSEE, Chattanooga: 2700, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, A; B. Leckie, 6638 Sandwood Cir.,
Harrison, TN 37341
TEnnESSEE, Columbia: 2700, oct. 23,
A; J. McCaig, P.O. Box 808, Columbia,
TN 38402; jmccaig@bellsouth.net
TEnnESSEE, Columbia: 2700, Sep. 23, R;
T. Labbe, P.O. Box 239, Toney, AL 35773;
(256) 420-8358; bulletman@mchsi.com
TEnnESSEE, Cookeville: 2700, Sep. 18,
Pct. 16, A; C. Pardue, 2880 Standing Stone Hwy.,
Cookeville, TN 38506; (931) 526-7941;
(931) 498-2829 (w); cpardue@multipro.com
TEXAS, Carrollton: 2700, Sep. 5, oct. 3, A;
S. Chapman, 795 FM 513, Lone Oak, TX 75453;
(903) 447-2546; bchap795@verizon.net
TEXAS, Houston: 2700, Sep. 25, oct. 23,
nov. 27, A; B. Mahan, 3241 Teal Dr., Katy,
TX 77493; (281) 391-5291; rmbdp@aol.com
TEXAS, Manor: 2700, Sep. 16,
oct. 16, A; D. Howland, 359 Lakeside Dr.,
China Spring, TX 76633; (254) 855-4608;
TEXAS, San Antonio (Atascosa): 1800, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, Dec. 11, A; J. Ford, 15202 Heimer Rd.,
San Antonio, TX 78232; (210) 244-3070;
TEXAS, Wichita Falls: 2700, oct. 22, A;
D. Van Meter, 4408 Ridgemont Dr., Wichita Falls,
TX 76309; (940) 691-2330; kraxa@swbell.net
ViRginiA, Manassas: 2700, Sep. 25, R;
J. Hollingshead, P.O. Box 1245, Olney,
MD 20830; fairfaxbe@gmail.com
ViRginiA, Montpelier: 2700, Sep. 3, oct. 1, R;
J. Tyree, 408 Glendale Dr., Henrico, VA 23229;
WAShingTon, Bremerton: 2700, Sep. 18,
A; L. Schmittler, 10021 Lone Rock Ln. NW,
Seabeck, WA 98380; (360) 830-5072;
WAShingTon, Puyallup: 2700,
nov. 6, A; L. Lang, 8106 201st St. E.,
Spanaway, WA 98387; (206) 617-9630;
WAShingTon, Ravensdale: 2700,
oct. 8, A; J. Bentler, 18450 114th Ave. SE,
Renton, WA 98055; imego@comcast.net
WEST ViRginiA, Eleanor: 1800, Sep. 18,
A; I. Latimer Jr., 67 Abney Cir., Charleston,
WV 25314; (304) 346-1841; teneks@hotmail.com
WiSconSin, Superior: 2700, Sep. 18,
A; D. Oviatt, 195 Billings Dr., Superior,
WI 54880; doviattp@msn.com
MAinE, Augusta: in, cFP, nov. 27,
Dec. 18, R; B. Hayford, 23 Mills Rd.,
Apt. C, Newcastle, ME 04553;
(207) 563-2365; daniel4214@yahoo.com
nEW YoRK, Wappingers Falls: oUT, cFP, FR,
RFP, STD,WSP, Sep. 17, R; Patricia Zidek,
26 Clove Branch Rd., Hopewell Junction,
NY 12533; (845) 226-8823; patzidek@gmail.com
ARiZonA, Rio Rico: in, Jan.-Jun.;
Bernice McKinney, 1470 Circulo Sombrero,
Rio Rico, AZ 85648; xcount@dakota.com.net
ioWA, Spencer: in, Jan.-Mar.; K. Heimgartner,
101 Parkway Dr., Spencer, IA 51301;
MARYLAnD, Cumberland: May-Sep.;
J. Soulsby, 27 Maple St., Cumberland, MD 21502;
(301) 724-2512; jcsoulsby62@aol.com
nEW MEXico, Albuquerque: in, 900,
Jul. 5-Dec. 27; K. Nicholson,
5418 Vista Lejana NE, Albuquerque, NM
87111; (505) 293-6624; (505) 846-4977 (w);
nEW YoRK, Middle Village: in, Sep.-May;
C. Sorrentino, 63 West Fort Salonga Rd.,
Northport, NY 11768; vino829@optonline.net
nEW YoRK, Suffern: Jan.-Dec.; M. Dorfman,
45 Treetop Cir., Nanuet, NY 10954
MichigAn, Berrien Springs: oP,
May 19, R; M. Prillwitz, 9401 Territorial Rd.,
Benton Harbor, MI 49022; (269) 463-3472;
MiSSoURi, Bates City: oP, MS, oRF,
RF, PRo, oct. 1, R; R. DeJarnette,
2525 NE Douglas, Lees Summit,
MO 64064; (816) 591-1653 (c);
(816) 525-3330 (w); ron@air-charter-inc.com
ViRginiA, Bedford: oP, Sep. 17, R;
A. Strawn, 1456 Benchmark Ln.,
Bedford, VA 24523; (540) 586-2080
MichigAn, Berrien Springs: oP, May 20,
R; M. Prillwitz, 9401 Territorial Rd.,
Benton Harbor, MI 49022; (269) 463-3472;
ViRginiA, Bedford: oP, MS, oRF,
RF, PRo, Sep. 18, R; A. Strawn,
1456 Benchmark Ln., Bedford,
VA 24523; (540) 586-2080;
FLoRiDA, Woodville: oP, MS, PRo,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17,
A; M. Fordyce, 8819 Centerville Rd.,
Tallahassee, FL 32309; (850) 566-1317;
KAnSAS, Hutchinson: oP, MS, oRF,
RF, PRo, PRF, Sep. 11, oct. 2, A; G. Dick,
1803 Wesbrook Dr., Hutchinson, KS 67502;
LoUiSiAnA, Holmwood: MS, oRF,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, A; G. Yantis,
2524 Thomas Ln., Lake Charles, LA 70605;
MichigAn, Benton Harbor: in, oP,
Mar. 25, R; M. Prillwitz, 9401 Territorial Rd.,
Benton Harbor, MI 49022; (269) 463-3472;
MiSSoURi, Bates City: May 20, R;
R. DeJarnette, 2525 NE Douglas,
Lees Summit, MO 64064;
(816) 591-1653 (c); (816) 525-3330 (w);
MiSSoURi, Billings: oP, MS, oRF,
RF, PRo, PRF, Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 6,
A; A. Barksdale, 2944 W. Nottingham,
Springfield, MO 65810; (417) 343-5277;
noRTh cARoLinA, PRo, Waxhaw:
Sep. 3, oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17,
A; J. Ashley Jr., 312 River Birch Ln.,
Clover, SC 29710; (803) 684-2678;
noRTh cARoLinA, Wilmington: oP,
MS, oRF, RF, PRo, PRF, Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; S. Powell Jr., 3428 Osprey Ln.,
Wilmington, NC 28409; (910) 509-7351;
ViRginiA, Bedford: oP, MS, oRF, oct. 1,
nov. 5, A; A. Strawn, 1456 Benchmark Ln.,
Bedford, VA 24523; (540) 586-2080;
ViRginiA, Bluefield: oP, MS, oRF,
RFM, PRo, PRF, Sep. 11, A; T. Hayton,
149 Rollins St., Bluefield, VA 24605;
(276) 326-3746; hayton1@verizon.net
WEST ViRginiA, Hinton: oP, MS, oRF, RFM,
PRo, PRF, Sep. 3, oct. 9, A; A. Fleshman,
215 12th Ave., Hinton, WV 25951;
(304) 466-3429; alfleshman@yahoo.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Palmyra: in, Dec. 10,
R; J. Lutz, 10569 Allentown Blvd., Annville,
PA 17003; (717) 507-4121 (c); (717) 307-2238;
iDAho, Boise: in, Sep. 24, oct. 29, nov. 26,
Dec. 17, Jan. 28, Apr. 16, R; L. Wetzel,
1118 N. Dawn Dr., Boise, ID 83713
nEW JERSEY, Gibbsboro: in, nov. 6,
Dec. 11, R; P. Adamowski, 22 Richwood Ter.,
Marmora, NJ 08223; (609) 390-3941;
nEW YoRK, Wappingers Falls: oUT,
Sep. 17, R; Patricia Zidek, 26 Clove Branch Rd.,
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533; (845) 226-8823;
connEcTicUT, Manchester: in, oct.-Apr.;
J. Powell, 15 Ralph Rd., Manchester, CT 06040;
nEW MEXico, Albuquerque: Sep. 14-16, R;
M. Castro; (505) 280-5366; mcastro@cabq.gov;
RhoDE iSLAnD, Scituate: oct. 1, R; G. Pesare;
(401) 272-8429; gpesare7@hotmail.com
ALABAMA, Tuscaloosa: oct. 15, R; J. Guntharp;
(205) 631-9067; guntharpj@jccal.org
gEoRgiA, Douglasville: oct. 1, R; W. Sprouse;
(770) 542-8445; gpml_officer@comcast.net
MARYLAnD, Frederick: oct. 22-23,
R; G. Bransom; (301) 253-4344;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Columbia: oct. 15, R;
D. Moore, (843) 873-1837; dmoore40@sc.rr.com
TEnnESSEE, Memphis: Sep. 10,
R; C. Blohm; (901) 652-0607;
ALABAMA, Montgomery: Sep. 10, R;
J. Guntharp; (205) 631-9067; guntharpj@jccal.org
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 19, oct. 17,
nov. 21, Dec. 19, A; B. Frank; (602) 509-8109;
ARKAnSAS, El Dorado: oct. 22, R; P. Love;
(870) 546-2710;love-paul@att.net
DELAWARE, Seaford: oct. 8, A; G. Esham;
(302) 381-5824; mesham1@aol.com
gEoRgiA, Columbus: Sep. 3, A; W. Sprouse;
(770) 542-8445; gpml_officer@comcast.net
MARYLAnD, Sudlersville: Sep. 18, A; G. Esham;
(302) 381-5824; mesham1@aol.com
MiSSiSSiPPi, Pearl: Sep. 13, R; D. Weaver;
(769) 798-6550; dweaver@mdps.state.ms.us
MiSSoURi, Bates City: Sep. 17, R; K. Keifer;
(816) 246-4520; keifers@meritcomputing.com
nEBRASKA, Lincoln: Sep. 11, A; J. Pitts;
(402) 441-6941; lpd281@cjis.lincoln.ne.gov
nEVADA, Las Vegas: oct. 8-9, A; J. Nagazyna;
(702) 232-7104; usnrshooter@gmail.com
nEW YoRK, Chester: Sep. 30-oct. 1, A;
H. Baumann; (845) 623-2571;
nEW YoRK, Calverton: Sep. 10-11, A;
F. Trombino; (516) 791-2480;
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 27
nEW YoRK, Monroe: Sep. 16-17, A;
P. Venturella; (973) 478-8074; ibpvent@gmail.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Lebanon: Sep. 16, oct. 8,
nov. 12, A; R. Dziak; (570) 579-6214;
RhoDE iSLAnD, Scituate: Sep. 17,
nov. 5, A; G. Pesare; (401) 272-8429;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Columbia: oct. 8, A;
D. Moore; (843) 873-1837; dmoore40@sc.rr.com
SoUTh cARoLinA, Lexington: Sep. 7, A;
D. Moore; (843) 873-1837; dmoore40@sc.rr.com
TEnnESSEE, Memphis: Sep. 3, R; M. Jones;
(901) 354-1680; michaele.jones@memphistn.gov
TEnnESSEE, Memphis: Sep. 9, R;
C. Blohm; (901) 652-0607;
TEXAS, Dallas: Sep. 10, R; G. Martin;
(817) 683-4409; gwm_6228@sbcglobal.net
TEXAS, Ft. Worth: Sep. 3, R; H. Gibbs;
(817) 988-6776; herbert.gibbs@fortworthgov.org
VERMonT, Derby Line: oct. 1, A; S. Becker;
(802) 266-3553
WAShingTon, Richland: Sep. 10, oct. 15,
nov. 5, A; S. Voigt; (509) 308-7912;
cALiFoRniA, S. El Monte: MET, Sep. 10-11, R;
R. Del Rio, 5918 Hardrians Cres., Anaheim, CA
92807; (714) 998-1804
connEcTicUT, Southington: MET, oct. 15-16,
R; Nicole Panko, 64 Lake Ave., Barrington,
RI 02806; spal51@yahoo.com
KAnSAS, Topeka: con, oct. 15-16, R;
T. Morrissey, 2034 SW Arnold Ave.,
Topeka, KS 66604; (785) 235-6701;
nEW YoRK, Rotterdam: con, Sep. 3-4, R;
R. Michon, 1376 Santa Fe St., Schenectady,
NY 12306; (518) 424-5596 (c); (518) 370-3491;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Ridgeville: con,
nov. 19-20, R; W. Smith, 2437 Trent St.,
Charleston, SC 29414; (843) 607-9892;
TEXAS, Amarillo: MET, Sep. 24-25, R:
D. Wall, P.O. Box 3188, Amarillo, TX 79116;
(806) 670-8962; 22shooter@suddenlink.net
ViRginiA, Manassas: con, Sep. 3-4, R;
G. Harris, 15409 Skyline Dr., Dumfries, VA 22025;
(703) 680-1067; handlebargbh@verizon.net
cALiFoRniA, S. El Monte: nov. 19-20, R;
R. Del Rio, 5918 Hadrians Cres., Anaheim, CA
92807; (714) 998-1804
ViRginiA, Manassas: Sep. 10, R; H. Moody,
11250 Waples Mill Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030;
(703) 267-1475; hmoody@nrahq.org
KAnSAS, Topeka: Sep. 17, R;
T. Morrissey, 2034 SW Arnold Ave.,
Topeka, KS 66604; (785) 235-6701;
ALABAMA, Pinson: oUT, oct. 1, R; P. Mitchell,
2660 Mtn. View Ln., Morris, AL 35116;
(205) 936-0743; perrymitchell@att.net
MiSSoURi, Marshall: oUT, Sep. 24-25, R;
H. Miederhoff, 5108 S. Brock Rodgers Rd.,
Columbia, MO 65201; haroldm@tranquility.net
TEXAS, Atascosa: oUT, oct. 15, R; W. Morgan,
153 Country Oaks Dr., La Vernia, TX 78121;
(210) 378-3656 (c); (830) 947-4800;
noRTh cARoLinA, Fayetteville: oUT,
oct. 15-16, R; R. Smith, 877 Danish Dr.,
Fayetteville, NC 28303; (910) 494-0209;
ALABAMA, Pinson: con, oct. 22, R; P. Mitchell,
2660 Mtn. View Ln., Morris, AL 35116;
(205) 936-0743; perrymitchell@att.net
ARiZonA, Prescott: MET, Sep. 3-4, R; J. Arnold,
16445 W. Century Plant Dr., Surprise, AZ 85387;
(623) 810-4841; jarnold981@aol.com
FLoRiDA, Orlando: con, oct. 1-2; MET,
nov. 5-6, R; A. Dart, 5915 Viking Rd.,
Orlando, FL 32808; (407) 295-5115;
iLLinoiS, Bonfield: con, Sep. 17-18,
R; J. Miller, 191 S. Blue Spruce Ln.,
Onarga, IL 60955; (815) 268-4411;
MiSSoURi, Marshall: con, Sep. 10-11, R;
H. Miederhoff, 5108 Brock Rodgers Rd.,
Columbia, MO 65201; haroldm@tranquility.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Asheville: con, Sep. 3-4,
R; S. Wright, 111 New Rockwood Rd.,
Arden, NC 28704; (828) 253-1001
PEnnSYLVAniA, New Freedom:
con, Sep. 17-18, R; D. Peterson,
66 Brook Meadow Cir., Shrewsbury,
PA 17361; (717) 235-3359;
WAShingTon, Tacoma: con, Sep. 10-11,
R; J. Crossman, 323 Keach Ct., Steilacoom,
WA 98388; jcrossman@thurston.com
FLoRiDA, Lakeland: oUT, Sep. 3, Dec. 3, A;
E. Hess, 523 El Camino Real N., Lakeland,
FL 33813; (863) 640-2755; flsmallbore@aol.com
TEXAS, Marble Falls: oUT, oct. 22, nov. 26, A;
G. Taylor, 601 CR 123-A, Marble Falls, TX 78654;
(512) 755-6772; thetaylors@tstar.net
cALiFoRniA, S. El Monte: oUT, 3P, nov. 19-20,
R; R. Del Rio, 5918 Hadrians Cres, Anaheim,
CA 92807; (714) 998-1804
noRTh cARoLinA, Fayetteville: oUT, 3P,
Sep. 17, Dec. 17, Feb. 18, A; R. Smith,
877 Danish Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28303;
(910) 494-0209; hipower@nc.rr.com
TEXAS, China Spring: oUT, 3P,
Sep. 3, A; D. Howland, 359 Lakeside Dr.,
China Spring, TX 76633; (254) 855-4608;
TEXAS, Haltom City: in, 4P, Sep. 18,
nov. 20, A; S. Baum, 1013 Spanish Tr.,
Roanoke, TX 76262; (817) 431-0465;
TEXAS, Marble Falls: oUT, oct. 22, nov. 26, A;
G. Taylor, 601 CR 123-A, Marble Falls, TX 78654;
(512) 755-6772; thetaylors@tstar.net
WEST ViRginiA, Eleanor: 3P, Sep. 11, R;
W. Shank, 227 Dutch Hollow Rd.,
Charleston, WV 25312; (304) 539-2944;
ALABAMA, Grant: oUT, con, Sep. 24,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, R; B. Hunter,
6607 Marsh Ave., Huntsville, AL 35806;
(256) 955-1456; garandmatch1@yahoo.com
ALASKA, Palmer: oUT, con, Sep. 17;
A; J. Kaufman, 260 Gloria St., Palmer,
AK 99645; (907) 746-5629
ARKAnSAS, Pine Bluff: oUT, con,
Sep. 3, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Mayfield,
3508 Whippoorwill Cove, White Hall, AR 71602;
(870) 489-4404; mayfieldd@archildrens.org
cALiFoRniA, Modesto: oUT, con,
oct. 16, A; S. Fentress, 2776 Appling Cir.,
Stockton, CA 95209; (209) 481-3936 (c);
(201) 478-4439; s-bfen@sbcglobal.net
cALiFoRniA, S. El Monte: oUT, MET,
Sep. 10-11, R; Ray Del Rio, 5918 Hadrians Cres.,
Anaheim, CA 92807; (714) 998-1804
coLoRADo, Byers: oUT, con, Sep. 11,
A; D. Reul, 1110 Zinnia St., Golden, CO 80401;
(303) 238-5696; denreul@comcast.net
FLoRiDA, Hollywood: oUT, con,
Sep.10, oct. 8, nov. 12, A; R. Schwartz,
9801 SW 121 St., Miami, FL 33176;
gEoRgiA, Cusseta: oUT, con, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, A; G. Youmans, 293 Big Sky Dr.,
Hamilton, GA 31811; (706) 576-5129;
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: oUT, con, oct. 15,;
oUT, MET, nov. 19, A; T. Steadman,
805 Ferncroft Ct., Roswell, GA 30075;
(404) 392-7050 (c); (770) 587-4604;
inDiAnA, Borden: oUT, con, oct. 2, A; D. Tate,
1041 Lakeside Dr., Taylorsville, KY 40071;
(502) 432-5123; dontateky@gmail.com
inDiAnA, Markleville: oUT, con,
Sep. 25, oct. 23, A; J. Sommerkamp,
11689 Rosemeade Dr., Carmel, IN 46032;
(317) 407-5976; jsommerkamp@sbcglobal.net
KAnSAS, Galena: oUT, con, Sep. 24, A;
L. Welch, 1906 W. Maple St., Columbus,
KS 66725; moreorles_66725@yahoo.com
KAnSAS, Sedgwick: oUT, con, Sep. 25,
oct. 30, A; P. Aversa, 10003 S. Hertzler,
Sedgwick, KS 67135
KAnSAS, Whitewater: oUT, MET, nov. 12,
A; L. Richardson, 101 N. Brookforest,
Derby, KS 67037; ljlrrich@aol.com
LoUiSiAnA, Donaldsonville: oUT, con,
Sep. 10, A; R. Bordelon, 2344 Poplarwood Dr.,
Baton Rouge, LA 70816; bordelonrp@cox.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Creedmoor: oUT,
con, Sep. 10, oct. 8, A; D. Davis,
10625 Winding Wood Trail, Raleigh, NC 27613;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Monaca: oUT, con,
oct. 8, A; J. Kaufman, 6141 Chatham Dr.,
Aliquippa, PA 15001; (724) 375-8934
PEnnSYLVAniA, Muhlenburg: oUT, con,
Sep. 24, R; K. Clarke, 400 Colonial Gardens,
Forty Fort, PA 18704; (570) 851-4606;
PEnnSYLVAniA, New Tripoli: oUT, con,
Sep. 10-11, R; E. Gestl, 1811 Savercool Ave.,
Bethlehem, PA 18015; (610) 797-9653;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Perkasie: oUT, con,
oct. 1, A; C. Seitz, 1000 N. Ridge Rd.,
P.O. Box 182, Perkasie, PA 18944;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Ridgeville: oUT,
con, Sep. 17; oUT, MET, oct. 15,
Dec. 17, A; W. Smith, 2437 Trent St.,
Charleston, SC 29414; (843) 607-9892;
TEnnESSEE, Brunswick: oUT, con,
Sep.1 7, A; R. May, 6838 Andrews Rd.,
Bartlett, TN 38135; (901) 848-1743;
TEnnESSEE, Harrison: oUT, con, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, A; N. Bratcher, P.O. Box 1209,
Harrison, TN 37341; (423) 994-7234;
TEXAS, China Spring: oUT, con,
Sep. 3, A; D. Howland, 359 Lakeside Dr.,
China Spring, TX 76633; (254) 855-4608;
TEXAS, Longview: oUT, con, Sep. 17,
oct. 22, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; R Crawford,
1800 Idylwood Dr., Kilgore, TX 75662;
(903) 658-1479 (c); (903) 983-1602;
TEXAS, Marble Falls: oUT, MET,
con, oct. 22, nov. 26, A; G. Taylor,
601 CR 123-A, Marble Falls, TX 78654;
(512) 755-6772; thetaylors@tstar.net
TEXAS, San Antonio: oUT, con, Sep. 10,
A; W. Nunn, 27106 Boerne, Boerne, TX 78006;
(210) 381-1919 (c); (830) 981-4490;
TEXAS, Terrell: oUT, con, oct. 15,
nov. 19, A; R. Leraas, 2036 FM 1002 S.,
Big Sandy, TX 75755; leraas@chilitech.com
ViRginiA, Grafton: oUT, con, Sep. 24, oct. 23,
A; D. Craft, P.O. Box 2037, Grafton, VA 23692;
WEST ViRginiA, Eleanor: oUT, con,
Sep. 10, R; W. Shank, 227 Dutch Hollow Rd.,
Charleston, WV 25312; (304) 539-2944;
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: oUT, STA,
Sep. 5, oct. 2, R; Charlotte Henry,
7781 Turner Rd., Woodstock, GA 30188;
(678) 575-9496; charlottehenry@comcast.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Chambersburg: in,
3P, nov. 19-20, R; N. Diefenderfer,
257 Potomac Heights, Hagerstown, MD 21742;
(301) 797-4282; barbara.norris@verizon.net
ARiZonA, Rio Rico: in, 3P, 4P, con, Jan.-Jun.;
Bernice McKinney, 1470 Circulo Sombrero,
Rio Rico, AZ 85648; xcount@dakotacom.net
MonTAnA, Butte: oUT, MET PoS,
inT PRn, 4P con, MET, con, Jul.-Sep.;
M. Egloff, P.O. Box 4394, Butte, MT 59702;
MonTAnA, Conrad: in, 4P con, nov.-Mar.;
M. Habets, 2046 Prairie View Rd., Conrad,
MT 59425; mbhabets@tetonwireless.net
WEST ViRginiA, Keyser: oUT, con,
Apr. 29-Sep. 9; C. Bennett, Rt. 6,
Box 6550, Keyser, WV 26726;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Chambersburg:
in, nov. 19-20, R; N. Diefenderfer,
257 Potomac Heights, Hagerstown,
MD 21742; (301) 797-4282;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Chambersburg:
in, nov. 19-20, Dec. 10, R; N. Diefenderfer,
257 Potomac Heights, Hagerstown, MD 21742;
(301) 797-4282; barbara.norris@verizon.net
ARKAnSAS, Camp Robinson: Sep. 23-25, R;
D. Halter, 179 Plantation Dr., Mayflower, AR
72106; (501) 329-2741; dchalter@tcworks.net
cALiFoRniA, Camp Pendleton:
Sep. 24-25, R; M. Kokoszka,
4777 Claire Dr., Oceanside, CA 92057;
(760) 433-8052; mckokoszka@msn.com
cALiFoRniA, Coalinga: Sep. 30-oct. 2,
R; J. O’Connell, 1817 Chestnut St.,
Alameda, CA 94501; jso6br@aol.com
coLoRADo, Byers: 200/300/600YD,
Sep. 24-25, R; J. Monserud, 318 E. Emma St.,
Lafayette, CO 80026; (303) 666-5732
nEW MEXico, Capitan: Sep. 9-11, R;
B. Rodolph, P.O. Box 1691, Alto,
NM 88312; (575) 808-2735
cALiFoRniA, Coalinga: oct. 27-30, R;
J. O’Connell, 1817 Chestnut St.,
Alameda, CA 94501; jso6br@aol.com
MichigAn, Camp Grayling: Sep. 10-11,
R; D. Pardini, 4965 Stanwood St.,
Muskegon, MI 49441; (231) 798-3372;
MonTAnA, Missoula: Sep. 24-25, R; J. Williams,
16 N. Maryland St., Conrad, MT 59425;
(406) 271-2050; jameydan@gmail.com
noRTh DAKoTA, Bismarck: Sep. 10-11, R;
L. Nesja, 708 Sweetbriar Rd., Mandan, ND 58554;
(701) 663-8818; linesija@bis.midco.net
oKLAhoMA, Sand Springs: oct. 29-30, R;
R. Jensen, 14212 A. East 550 Rd., Inola,
OK 74036; rdjensen280@hotmail.com
UTAh, Wendover: Sep. 15-18, R; E. Powell,
4834 Van Buren Ave., Ogden, UT 84403;
(801) 499-9763; 1dpowell@sisna.com
WAShingTon, Richland: oct. 7-9, R;
D. Hoffarth, 31504 S. Quinn St.,
Kennewick, WA 99337; (509) 539-2476 (c);
(509) 203-4181; davelhof@gmail.com
nEW YoRK, Colonie: 600 YD, Sep. 10,
R; M. McGill, 5367 Hickory Dr.,
Schenectady, NY 12303; (578) 355-5475;
oKLAhoMA, Sand Springs: oct. 29-30, R;
R. Jensen, 14212 A. East 550 Rd., Inola,
OK 74036; rdjensen280@hotmail.com
coLoRADo, Byers: 1000 YD, Sep. 3-5,
R; J. Adell, 2409 Frances Dr., Loveland,
CO 80537; (970) 663-4779; jim_adell@yahoo.com
ARiZonA, Phoenix: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
nov. 19-20; 200/300/600 YD, nov. 25-27;
LR, PAL, 800/900/1000 YD, Dec. 2-4; SER,
200/300/600 YD, Jan. 13-15; MRP, Fc,
300/500/600 YD, Apr. 14-15, R; M. Tompkins,
P.O. Box 11684, Prescott, AZ 86304
cALiFoRniA, Coalinga: 1000 YD, nov. 4-6,
R; J. O’Connell, 1817 Chestnut St., Alameda,
CA 94501; jso6br@aol.com
coLoRADo, Bailey: 200/300/600 YD, oct. 9, R;
P. Jend; (303) 564-5077; epjend317@aol.com
DELAWARE, Bridgeville: 200300/600 YD,
Sep. 10, R; J. Hague, 20439 Hummingbird Rd.,
Ellendale, DE 19941; (302) 422-0233;
(302) 744-4327 (w); jeffrey.hague@state.de.us
FLoRiDA, Palm Bay: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
nov. 5-6, R; R. Stokes, 913 Skye Ln.,
Palm Harbor, FL 34683; hprjs@flssa.org
FLoRiDA, Palm Bay: 600 YD, Dec. 10, R;
J. Stuart, 4105 Saltwater Blvd., Tampa, FL 33615;
gEoRgiA, Ft. Gordon (South carolina):
600 YD, Sep. 17-18, R; R. Sammons,
2912 Foxhall Cir., Augusta, GA 30907;
(706) 651-1119
gEoRgiA, Ft. Gordon (South carolina): LR,
Fc, 1000 YD, oct. 29-30, R; M. Garrett,
205 Riverbirch Dr., Lexington, SC 29072;
(803) 808-8998; mgarrett@windstream.net
iDAho, Nampa: 600 YD, Sep. 3-4, R; G. Lewis,
2321 E. Green Canyon Dr., Meridian, ID 83642;
(208) 761-7514; ar15x@yahoo.com
iLLinoiS, Bonfield: 200/300 YD,
Sep. 24-25, R; K. Powers, 1114 Buckingham Dr.,
Carol Stream, IL 60188; (630) 289-2098;
iLLinoiS, Milan: 600 YD, Sep. 3-4, R;
K. Powers, 1114 Buckingham Dr.,
Carol Stream, IL 60188; (630) 267-0069;
inDiAnA, Camp Atterbury: 200/300/500 LR,
Fc, 1000 YD, Sep. 25-26, R; Sue Mogle,
507 W. 54th St., Indianapolis, IN 46208;
(317) 409-5447; suemogle@yahoo.com
inDiAnA, Lafayette: 300 YD, Sep. 17, R;
D. Schnelle, 3401 Sara Ann Rd., Lafayette,
IN 47909; (765) 427-2753; schnelle1@aol.com
ioWA, Van Meter: MRP Fc 600 YD,
Sep. 17-18, R; L. Wells, 3935 14th St.,
Des Moines, IA 50313; postalbmc@aol.com
KAnSAS, DeSoto: SER 200/300/
600 YD, Sep. 16-17, R; A. Sandgren,
2408 Brush Creek Dr., Lawrence, KS 66047;
(785) 841-3902; millcreek500@hotmail.com
KAnSAS, Hutchinson: 600YD, nov. 12-13, R;
J. Heger, 11831 W. Albert Cir., Maize, KS 67101;
(316) 209-5466; lheger13@sbcglobal.net
KAnSAS, Hutchinson: SER 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 8-9, R; G. Krebaum, 1102 W. 82nd St.,
Hutchinson, KS 67501; (620) 662-7515;
KEnTUcKY, Ft. Knox: 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 17;
LR, Fc, Sep. 18, R; W. Balda, 147 Doe Run #A,
Frankfort, KY 40601; (800) 852-0942;
MAinE, Scarborough: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10-11, R; D. Blouin, 324 Mitchell Rd.,
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107; (207) 799-6071;
MichigAn, Midland: MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 3,
R; L. Cebula, 39559 Windsome, Northville,
MI 48167; lcebula@hotmail.com
MinnESoTA, Red Wing: 600 YD,
Sep. 17-18, R; B. Peasley, 5200 Clearwater Trl.,
Lonsdale, MN 55046; (507) 744-5200;
MiSSoURi, Marshall: MRP, Fc, oct. 1-2,
R; D. Strannigan, C-33, Lake Lotawana,
MO 64086; (816) 578-4020
MonTAnA, Butte (Rocker): 600 YD, Sep. 10,
R; D. Strom, 549 Whitetail, Whitetail, MT 59759;
(406) 490-2303; ratgun6@hotmail.com
nEW hAMPShiRE, Merrimack: 200/300/
600 YD, Sep. 24-25, R; S. Hannigan,
73 Turkeyhill Rd., Merrimack, NH 03054;
(603) 429-0502; shannigan2@yahoo.com
nEW JERSEY, Jackson: 300 YD, Sep. 25,
R; J. Donald, 921 Park Ter., Lakewood,
NJ 08701; (732) 367-8052; jd1041@juno.com
nEW JERSEY, Millville: 600YD, Sep. 11 R;
W. Goss, 152 Country Farms Rd., Marlton,
NJ 08053; (856) 596-8166; wgrss@aim.com
nEW JERSEY, Millville: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
oct. 1, R; M. Schallow, 3044 Reading Ave.,
Hammonton, NJ 08037; (609) 992-6816;
noRTh cARoLinA, Stem: LR, Fc,
1000 YD, Sep. 17-18, R; D. McFarling,
2206 Old Oxford Rd. E., Chapel Hill, NC 27514;
(919) 730-5918; dhmcfarling@mindspring.com
ohio, Milford: MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 3,
R; T. Myers, P.O. Box 829, Milford, OH 45150;
(513) 313-3464; ctmyers@cinci.rr.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Gap: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 17, R; P. Irvin, 336 Brimmer Ave.,
New Holland, PA 17557; shaunai@frontiernet.net
PUERTo Rico, Camp Santiago: Jan. 13-15,
R; V. Calderon, Ave. America Miranda #1127
Caparra Ter., San Juan, PR 00921;
(787) 614-0840; vmc840@yahoo.com
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 29
TEnnESSEE, Lakeland: MRP, Fc, 300/500/
600 YD, oct. 22-23, R; D. Fletcher,
9428 Old Brownsville Rd., Lakeland, TN 38002;
(901) 674-0645; jdfletcher@bellsouth.net
TEnnESSEE, Oak Ridge: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
Sep. 9-11, R; L. Sparks, 10087 Double Tree Rd.,
Knoxville, TN 37932; (865) 643-0672 (c);
(865) 777-4696; larrysparks@chartertn.net
TEXAS, Bastrop: 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 30oct. 1, R; R. Crawford, 1800 Idylwood Dr.,
Kilgore, TX 75662; (903) 658-1479 (c);
(903) 983-1602; rcrawford@cablelynx.com
TEXAS, Juliff: LR, Fc, 800/900/1000 YD,
oct. 7-9, R; R. Curry, P.O. Box 150806,
Ft. Worth, TX 76108; curr320@aol.com
UTAh, Centerville: 600 YD, Sep. 2-3, R;
E. Powell, 4834 Van Buren Ave.,
Ogden, UT 84403; (801) 499-9763;
WAShingTon, Richland: SER, Sep. 24-25,
R; J. Julian, 1101 Bridle Dr., Richland, WA 99352;
(509) 315-5844; b24jcj@gmail.com
WiSconSin, Lodi: LR, Fc, 1000 YD, Sep. 24-25,
R; Karin Liebetrau, 10890 Summit Ridge Dr.,
Viola, WI 54664; (608) 625-6005; (608) 345-7989
(c); ekl@mwt.net
ALABAMA, Guntersville Dam: 100 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, A; J. Moses, 2009 Rodgers Dr.,
Huntsville, AL 35811; (256) 534-7968;
ALABAMA, Hoover: 100 YD, Sep. 25,
oct. 30, nov. 27, A; J. McCorstin,
152 Mallard Pointe Cir., Pelham, AL 35124;
(205) 663-0433; jbmcrt@hotmail.com
ALABAMA, Pinson: 100 YD, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, A; T. Stuart, 636 Shadywood Dr.,
Birmingham, AL 35206; (205) 838-5647;
ALASKA, Ft. Richardson: 200 YD, oct. 1 & 15;
600 YD, Sep. 17, A; J. Terhune, P.O. Box 2841,
Kenai, AK 99611: (907) 262-5875;
ALASKA, Juneau: MRP, Fc, 300 YD, Sep. 25,
oct. 30, nov. 27; 200 YD, Sep. 25, oct. 30,
nov. 27, A; M. Menzies, 19005 Glacier Hwy.,
Juneau, AK 99801; (907) 789-9025;
ALASKA, Kodiak: 200/300/500YD, Sep. 10,
A; K. Short, 3446 Sitkinak Dr., Kodiak, AK 99615;
(907) 512-7056; kshort@alaska.com
ARiZonA, Lake Havasu City: 200 YD,
Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; R. Hubert,
2137 McCulloch Blvd. Ste. B, Lake Havasu City,
AZ 86403; (928) 716-6536; rguns@citlink.net
ARiZonA, Phoenix: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
Feb. 7-12; 200/300/600 YD, Mar. 21-24; R;
Michelle Gallagher, Berger Bullets,
4275 N. Palm St., Fullerton, CA 92835
ARiZonA, Tucson: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, nov. 26, Dec. 24, A;
M. Krupp, 2319 S. Quail Hollow Dr.,
Tucson, AZ 85710
ARiZonA, Yuma: LR, Fc, 800/900/1000 YD,
Sep. 18, nov. 20, Jan. 15, Mar. 18, May 20 ;
200300/600 YD, oct. 16, Dec. 18, Feb. 19,
Apr. 15, Jun. 17, A; P. Lerma, 685 21st Ave.,
Yuma, AZ 85364; pauls45pistol@aol.com
ARKAnSAS, Camp Robinson: MRP, Fc,
600 YD, Sep. 23-25, oct. 29-30, nov. 19-20,
Dec. 17-18, A; D. Halter, 179 Plantation Dr.,
Mayflower, AR 72106; (501) 329-2741;
ARKAnSAS, N. Little Rock: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
Sep. 17-18, oct. 29-30, nov. 26-27, Dec. 10-11,
A; D. Mayfield, 3508 Whippoorwill Cove,
White Hall, AR 71602; (870) 489-4404;
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; J. Crockett,
3107 Larkspur Ln., Ft. Smith, AR 72916;
cALiFoRniA, Arcata: 100 YD, Sep. 24, A;
S. Berg, P.O. Box 2413, McKinleyville, CA 95519;
(707) 839-5453; sidb@humboldt1.com
cALiFoRniA, Bakersfield: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, Dec. 17, A; L. Martin,
1409 Carson Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93304;
(661) 831-0797; ggmalela@gmail.com
cALiFoRniA, Camp Pendleton: LR, Fc,
1000 YD, Sep. 3-4; 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 29-30;LR Fc 800/900/1000 YD,
oct. 2 & 29-30; MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
oct. 29-30, R; M. Kokoszka, P.O. Box 4858,
Oceanside, CA 92052; (760) 433-8052;
cALiFoRniA, Castaic: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A;
J. Mendoza; nra_rifle_sgvgc@yahoo.com
cALiFoRniA, Castaic: MRP, Fc, 300/600 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 30-31, A;
M. Feingersch, 20945 Devonshire St.,
Suite 203, Chatsworth, CA 91311;
(818) 772-7379; mf5252@verizon.net
cALiFoRniA, Dulzura: 300 YD, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; M. Heckman,
10033 Pinewood View, Santee, CA 92071;
(619) 334-2878; mheckman@gmail.com
cALiFoRniA, Dulzura: 100 YD, oct. 29-30,
Dec. 31, A; D. Gussler, 9334 Dempster Dr.,
Santee, CA 92071; dgussler@gmail.com
cALiFoRniA, Escondido: 100 YD, oct. 2,
Dec. 4, A; K. Miller, 2421 Hawthorn Glen,
Escondido, CA 92027; cageymille@aol.com
cALiFoRniA, Jamestown: 100 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; Connie Taylor,
P.O. Box 725, Tuolumne, CA 95379;
(209) 770-2331; ctaylor@teamgrizzlies.org
cALiFoRniA, Lakeport: 100 YD, Sep. 18,
A; D. Brookins, P.O. Box 357, Lower Lake,
CA 95457; (707) 994-5668
cALiFoRniA, Lincoln: 200 YD, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; M. Martin,
1836 Talon Rd., Rocklin, CA 95765;
(916) 630-7025; m130martin@surewest.net
cALiFoRniA, Manteca: 100 YD, Sep. 4,
oct. 2, A; A. Ewing, 30261 S. Airport
Way, Manteca, CA 95336; (209) 640-4800;
cALiFoRniA, Nevada City: 100 YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, A; P. Oehler,
16102 Joshuas Horn Rd., Grass Valley,
CA 95949; phil.oehler@sbcglobal.net
cALiFoRniA, Ojai: Sep. 4, nov. 6; MRP 600 YD,
Fc, Dec. 4, A; R. Coffey, P.O. Box 1825,
Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
cALiFoRniA, Richmond: 200 YD, Sep. 3-4,
oct. 1-2, nov. 5-6, Dec. 3-4, A; E. Ahrens,
5 Dutch Valley Ln., San Anselmo, CA 94960;
(510) 620-9519; rahrens@pacbell.net
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: 100 YD, Sep. 18,
A; V. Murillo, 320 N. Mission Dr., San Gabriel,
CA 91775; victor_murillo9@msn.com
cALiFoRniA, Seeley: 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; S. Waycott,
1661 Yucca Dr., El Centro, CA 92243;
(760) 353-6238; skipwiley@roadrunner.com
coLoRADo, Ault: 200 YD, Sep. 25, oct. 23,
A; T. Fladung, P.O. Box 1233, Ault, CO 80610;
coLoRADo, Bailey: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 3, A; G. Hawke; (303) 816-1133;
coLoRADo, Bailey: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 11, A; B. Zollinger; (719) 395-8953;
coLoRADo, Boulder: 200 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, R; E. Perry,
597 Wagonwheel Gap Rd., Boulder, CO 80302;
(303) 233-3110; earlp@idcomm.com
coLoRADo, Byers: 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 8, A; J. Monserud, 318 E. Emma St.,
Lafayette, CO 80026; (303) 666-5732;
coLoRADo, Ft. Morgan: 200 YD, Sep. 25, A;
Kaylynn Duvall, 123 Maple, Ft. Morgan,
CO 80701; pattenguns@hotmail.com
coLoRADo, Grand Junction: 200 YD,
Sep. 18, A; J. Howard, 163 Sunset Cir.,
Palisade, CO 81526; (970) 464-0303;
coLoRADo, Hotchkiss: 100/200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 4, A; J. Behrman, 8634 Saddle Ridge Rd.,
Austin, CO 81410; jb@kaycee.net
coLoRADo, Pueblo West: 200 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, A; K. Albert,
1095 W. Bowman Ave., Woodland Park,
CO 80863; (719) 687-0518; keval05@msn.com
coLoRADo, Ramah: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 25, oct. 23, nov. 27, A; D. Bohn,
23449 E. Canyon Pl., Aurora, CO 80016;
DELAWARE, Bridgeville: 200300/600 YD,
oct. 8, nov. 5; MRP, Fc, 600 YD, oct. 9,
nov. 6, A; J. Hague, 20439 Hummingbird Rd.,
Ellendale, DE 19941; (302) 422-0233;
(302) 744-4327 (w); jeffrey.hague@state.de.us
FLoRiDA, Brooksville: 200 YD, Sep. 11,
nov. 6, A; B. Davis, 2304 E. Marylue St.,
Inverness, FL 34453; (352) 341-3909;
FLoRiDA, Bunnell: 100/200 YD, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Hoyer,
1221 Sunningdale Ln., Ormond Beach, FL 32174;
(396) 871-7372; jackleg88@hotmail.com
FLoRiDA, Lakeland: 100 YD, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; R. Shultz, 2000 Lasso Ln.,
Lakeland, FL 33801; lakelandrpc@gmail.com
FLoRiDA, Orlando: MRP Fc, 300YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, nov. 26-27; 300 YD, Sep. 3;
300 YD, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; R. Vogel,
7636 Waring Ave., Orlando, FL 32812;
(407) 625-3204; papavogel@hotmail.com
FLoRiDA, Palm Bay: 200/300/600 YD, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 17,
Apr. 21, May 19, Jun. 16, A; MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, Jan. 22, Feb. 19,
Mar. 18, Apr. 22, May 20, Jun. 17, R;
B. Sutherland, 7610 NW S. River Dr., Medley,
FL 33166; (305) 218-7057; ransfan@aol.com
FLoRiDA, Palm Bay: MRP, Fc, 600YD,
Dec. 26-30, R; E. Kennard, 231 Waterside Dr.,
Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937; (321) 777-4604;
(321) 506-7308 (c); ericskennard@msn.com
FLoRiDA, Sunrise: 100 YD, Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; J. Wiles, 9740 NW 17th St.,
Plantation, FL 33322; (305) 495-8203;
gEoRgiA, Brunswick: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 3, nov. 5, A; T. Dulaney, 152 Mackay Dr.,
Brunswick, GA 31525; tonydulaney@comcast.net
gEoRgiA, Covington: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; J. Bowers,
491 Covered Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016;
(770) 787-7949; john_bow@bellsouth.net
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10, nov. 12; MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 11,
nov. 13, A; S. Hardin, 4913 Duncan Woods Dr.,
Duluth, GA 30096; (770) 447-4877; atlfd@aol.com
gEoRgiA, Ft. Benning: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6; 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19; MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, A; J. Odom,
P.O. Box 9753, Columbus, GA 31908;
(706) 845-8765; odom@crcrifle.com
hAWAii, Kekaha: 300 YD, oct. 23, Dec. 18,
A; D. Ayabe, Box 486, Waimea, HI 96796;
(808) 338-1440; ayabed002@hawaii.rr.com
hAWAii, Manuka: 100 YD, Sep. 11, oct. 9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; K. Kohatsu,
1979 Jale Hooka St., Hilo, HI 96720;
(808) 896-8347; kohatsuk001@hawaii.rr.com
iLLinoiS, Barry: MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 18,
oct. 16; 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 17, oct. 15,
A; J. Bruch Jr., 13079 Hwy U, Bowling Green,
MO 63334; joebruch@hotmail.com
iLLinoiS, Chillicothe: 100 YD, Sep. 17, oct. 15,
A; S. Schneckenburger, 6428 N. Devonshire Dr.,
Peoria, IL 61615; s.scjneckenburger@comcast.net
iLLinoiS, Cornell: 100 YD, Sep. 11 & 24, oct. 16
& 22, A, D. Cool, 701 Park St., Cornell, IL 61319;
(815) 867-7038; benchrest@mchsi.com
iLLinoiS, Kankakee: 200/300 YD 4-Man Team,
Sep. 11; 200/300 YD, oct. 2, R; J. Brown,
3309 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL 60618
iLLinoiS, Milan: 200/300/600 YD, oct. 1, A;
Z. Sopher, 445 E. 5th St., Milan, IL 61264;
(309) 368-8567; sophr2@yahoo.com
iLLinoiS, Streator: 100 YD, Sep. 3, oct. 1,
A; F. Krupa, 3504 N. Oketo Ave., Chicago,
IL 60634; firinglinex@juno.com
inDiAnA, Borden: 200/300/500 YD, Sep. 10,
A; M. Mann, 3903 Deer Lake Ct., Prospect,
KY 40059; mmann101@hotmail.com
inDiAnA, Freedom: 100 YD, Sep. 3, oct. 2,
nov. 5, Dec. 4, A; R. Zander, 5620 Brummett Rd.,
Martinsville, IN 46151; zhome@ccrtc.com
inDiAnA, Ft. Wayne: 300 YD, Sep. 17;
MRP, Fc, 300 YD, Sep. 24, A; M. Walters,
8825 Maples Rd., Ft. Wayne, IN 46816;
(260) 610-1427; mwalt1@comcast.net
inDiAnA, Jasper: 100 YD, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
A; R. Stone, 997 S. Countryside Dr., Jasper,
IN 47546; (812) 482-1481
inDiAnA, Lafayette: 300 YD, oct. 22, nov. 5,
A; D. Schnelle, 3401 Sarah Ann Rd., Lafayette,
IN 47905; (765) 427-2753 (c); (765) 538-3043;
inDiAnA, Markleville: 100 YD, Sep. 4,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; J. Sommerkamp,
11689 Rosemeade Dr., Carmel, IN 46032;
(317) 407-5976; jsommerkamp@sbcglobal.net
iDAho, Nampa: 600 YD, Sep. 25, A; G. Lewis,
2321 E. Green Canyon Dr., Meridian, ID 83642;
(208) 761-7514; ar15x@yahoo.com
ioWA, Dubuque County: inV, 200 YD, Sep. 25,
A; D. Germain, 2324 Birchwood, Dubuque,
IA 52002; biggun122@gmail.com
ioWA, Humboldt: 200 YD, Sep. 24, A; G. West,
708 2nd Ave. N., Dakota City, IA 50529;
(515) 955-1040; gerwest@goldfieldaccess.net
ioWA, Montezuma: 100 YD, Sep. 11, A;
T. Shaull, P.O. Box 390, 805 Millgate St.,
Brooklyn, IA 52211; (641) 522-9656;
KAnSAS, Galena: 200 YD, oct. 16, A; L. Welch,
1906 W. Maple St., Columbus, KS 66725;
(620) 429-3819; moreorles_66725@yahoo.com
KAnSAS, Hutchinson: 600 YD, Sep. 3, A;
G. Krebaum, 1103 W. 82nd Ave.,
Hutchinson, KS 67502; (620) 662-7515;
KEnTUcKY, Lawrenceburg: 100 YD, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, A; W.K. Alverson, 196 Timberlane Ct.,
Nicholasville, KY 40356; wka@ieee.org
KEnTUcKY, Lewisport: 100 YD,
Sep. 4, A; J. Horne, 2173 Boxville Rd.,
Morganfield, KY 42437; (270) 333-4086;
KEnTUcKY, Paducah: 200 YD, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
A; G. Reynolds, 130 Autumn Wood Dr.,
Paducah, KY 42001; reynoldsge@comcast.net
LoUiSiAnA, Arnodville: 100 YD, Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 13, A; M. Torellini,
2115 Charing Cross, Brunswick, GA 31525;
LoUiSiAnA, Donaldsonville: MRP, Fc,
600 YD, Sep. 3, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; L. Russell,
13592 Lakeway Dr., Prairieville, LA 70769;
(225) 313-4179; xmeister@cox.net
LoUiSiAnA, Donaldsonville: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 17, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Hunt,
350 Quill Ct., Slidell, LA 70461; (985) 768-8469;
LoUiSiAnA, Gonzales: 200 YD, Sep. 25,
oct. 23, nov. 27, A; G. Serrett, P.O. Box 41639,
Baton Rouge, LA 70835; ghserrett@netzero.net
LoUiSiAnA, Princeton: 200 YD, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
nov. 12, A; R. Nash, P.O. Box 5665, Bossier City,
LA 71171; rnash1911@aol.com
MAinE, Augusta: 200 YD, Sep. 17, oct. 8,
A; D. Sheppard, 439 Mountain Rd., Washington,
ME 04574; capcityhighpower@fairpoint.net
MAinE, Hampden: MRP, Fc, 300/600 YD,
oct. 2; 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 18, A; D. Dow,
19 King St., Old Town, ME 04468; (207) 944-7432;
MAinE, Scarborough: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 4, oct. 16, A; D. Blouin,
55 Haven Rd., S. Portland, ME 04106;
MARYLAnD, Damascus: 100 YD, Sep. 3, R;
M. Gugulis, 8112 Plum Creek Dr.,
Gaithersburg, MD 20882;
MARYLAnD, Ft. Meade: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 18; MRP, Fc, 600 YD, oct. 16, R;
L. Moreland, 2814 Needlewood Ln.,
Bowie, MD 20716; lcm1385@verizon.net
MASSAchUSETTS, Bedford: 200 YD,
Sep. 17, A; R. Schleicher, 22 Lochwan St.,
Winchester, MA 01890; rschleicher22@gmail.com
MASSAchUSETTS, Reading: MRP, Fc,
600 YD, Sep. 4 & 18, A; J. Dunn,
10 Pinecrest Ave., Peabody, MA 01960;
MASSAchUSETTS, Westfield: MRP, Fc,
300 YD, Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6, A; R. Wilander,
5 Maple Ln., Blandford, MA 01008;
(413) 848-2402; kellywil2@verizon.net
MichigAn, Cadillac: 600 YD, Sep.17;
MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 18, A; B. Lorenz,
5163 N. 23rd Rd., Mesick, MI 49668;
(231) 885-2957; bob2484@acegroup.cc
MichigAn, Gaylord: 100 YD, Sep.1 8,
oct. 2, A; G. Russell, 2151 Hickorywood Dr.,
Gaylord, MI 49735; (989) 370-5389;
MichigAn, Gaylord: 100 YD, Sep. 4,
A; J. Monforton, 4710 N. Old 27,
Gaylord, MI 49735; (989) 732-9164
MichigAn, Holton: 300 YD, Sep. 24, A;
A. Curow, 1109 N. Robinhood Dr.,
Muskegon, MI 49445; (616) 780-3203;
MichigAn, Kalamazoo: 200 YD, Sep. 25,
A; J. Skelding, 7030 N. 23rd St.,
Kalamazoo, MI 49004; (269) 762-9365;
MMichigAn, Mattawan: 100 YD,
oct. 15, A; G. Jankowski,
4757 Cypress Creek Ln., Kalamazoo,
MI 49004; glennandjj@hotmail.com
MichigAn, Watson: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 17-18; A; M. Kerr, 1787 Woods Rd.,
Florence, WI 54121; kerrcanoe@borderlandnet.net
MichigAn, Watson: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
LR, Fc, 1000 YD, Sep. 10-11, A; M. Borske,
1031 Wilderness Ln., Gwinn, MI 49841;
(906) 238-4250; mlborske@yahoo.com
MichigAn, Ypsilanti: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10; 600 YD, Sep. 18, A; T. Weber,
7790 Platt Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48197;
(313) 530-9528; tweber7790@comcast.net
MinnESoTA, Duluth: MRP, Fc, 300/500 YD,
Sep. 10-11, R; R. Woods, 1407 104th Ave. W.,
Duluth, MN 55808; (218) 626-1922;
MinnESoTA, Harris: LR, Fc, 800/
900/1000 YD, Sep. 3; FBP, Fc,
300/600/800/1000 YD, oct. 9, A;
K. Borlaug, 14903 Furman St. NE,
Forest Lake, MN 55025; (651) 263-4576;
MiSSiSSiPPi, Ellisville: 200 YD, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, A; I. Graves, 731 Graves Rd.,
Ellisville, MS 39437; (601) 763-6625;
MiSSiSSiPPi, Glen: 100 YD, Sep. 10, A;
N. Hendrix, P.O. Box 330, Glen, MS 38846;
(662) 287-3235; crssa@att.net
MiSSoURi, Robertsville: 200 YD, oct. 8,
A; J. Kruchowski, 6839 Grove Springs Ct.,
St. Louis, MO 63129; (314) 766-0646;
MiSSoURi, Wright City: 600 YD, oct. 22, A;
L. Ailor, 638 Sandra Ct., Bella Villa, MO 63125;
nEBRASKA, Louisville: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 24, A; B. Keil, 13105 Sky Park Dr.,
Omaha, NE 68137; (402) 880-4868;
nEVADA, Boulder City: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A;
J. Lewandowski, 3004 Noblesville Ct.,
Henderson, NV 89052; (702) 492-0771;
nEVADA, Boulder City: LR, Fc, 1000 YD,
oct. 30, A; G. Yuen, P.O. Box 60534,
Boulder City, NV 89006; (702) 521-1809;
nEVADA, Carson: 100 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; S. Mund,
2135 Figoni Ranch Rd., Sparks, NV 89434;
(775) 358-2682; stanmund@yahoo.com
nEVADA, Elko: 200/300 YD, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, A; A. Sweide, 272 S. 2nd St. #1,
Elko, NV 89801
nEW hAMPShiRE, Lyndeborough:
MRP, Fc, 300 YD, Sep. 25, A;
J. Liska, 197 Rt. 13 N. P.O. Box 428,
Brookline, NH 03033; (603) 673-8975;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Merrimack: 200/300/
600 YD, Sep. 4, oct. 2 & 15, A;
G. Smith, 2 Rega St., Hudson,
NH 03051; gsmith223@comcast.net
nEW hAMPShiRE, Merrimack:
300/500/600 YD, Sep. 3, A; D. Lavoie,
133 Amherst St., Nashua, NH 03064;
(603) 881-9398; davidlavoie@yahoo.com
nEW JERSEY, Jackson: 300 YD, oct. 23,
nov. 27, A; J. Donald, 921 Park Ter.,
Lakewood, NJ 08701; (732) 367-8052;
nEW JERSEY, Millville: 600 YD, oct. 2,
A; W. Gross, 152 Country Farms Rd.,
Marlton, NJ 08053; (856) 596-8166;
nEW JERSEY, Millville: MRP, Fc,
600 YD, Sep. 3, A; M. Schallow,
3044 Reading Ave., Hammonton, NJ 08037;
nEW JERSEY, Winslow: 200 YD,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, A; S. Simcox, 916 Lois Dr.,
Williamstown, NJ 08094; (856) 875-7563;
nEW MEXico, Raton: FBP, Fc,
300/500/600/900/1000 YD, Sep. 11-17,
R; J. Rice, 11 S. Haskell St., Central Point,
OR 97502; ltcoljfrice@yahoo.com
nEW YoRK, Attica: 200 YD, Sep. 24,
A; G. Logan, 95 Main St., Attica, NY 14011
nEW YoRK, Calverton: 300 YD, Sep. 11,
oct. 2, nov. 13, A; S. Manners,
4523 Broadway 5B, New York, NY 10040;
nEW YoRK, East Aurora: 100 YD,
Sep. 10, A; G. Weeks, 228 Old Glenwood Rd.,
West Falls, NY 14170; grweeks@aol.com
nEW YoRK, Peru: MRP, Fc, 300 YD,
Sep. 11, oct. 9, A; M. Ahrens, 1797 Rt. 3,
Morrisonville, NY 12962; (518) 569-4724;
nEW YoRK, Ransomville: 200/300 YD,
Sep. 4, A; M. Wojtowicz, 201 Homestead Dr.,
N. Tonawanda, NY 14120; mmrcms@gmail.com
noRTh cARoLinA, Butner: LR, Fc, 1000
YD, Sep. 3-4, R; J. Rorer, 2209 Edgewater Dr.,
Winterville, NC 28590; (252) 493-7736;
noRTh cARoLinA, Charlotte: 100 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A;
K. Smith, P.O. Box 1323, Belmont, NC 28012;
noRTh cARoLinA, Churchland: 100 YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, nov. 26, A; N. Evans Jr.,
4901 Lambeth Mill Rd., Bennett, NC 27208;
noRTh cARoLinA, Columbus:
200/300 YD, Sep. 17, oct. 15, A;
S. Summey, 103 Gordon Dr.,
Flat Rock, NC 28731; spsummey@bellsouth.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Conover: MRP, Fc, 3
00 YD, oct. 29, R; N. Goelzer, 20 Miller Point Dr.,
Taylorsville, NC 28681; (704) 579-0927;
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 31
noRTh cARoLinA, Conover: 200/300 YD,
nov. 26, A; G. Northam, 106 Morehead St.,
Morganton, NC 28655; (828) 439-9421;
noRTh cARoLinA, Fayetteville: 200 YD,
Feb. 4, Mar. 3, Apr. 7, May 5, Jun. 2, A;
R. Smith, 877 Danish Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28303;
(910) 494-0209; hipower@nc.rr.com
noRTh cARoLinA, Mebane: 200 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, A; C. Zwier, 1497 Longest Acres Rd.,
Snow Camp, NC 27349; (336) 343-9291;
noRTh cARoLinA, Moyock: 600 YD,
Sep. 24, A; R. Ryan, 232 Royal Oak Dr.,
Chesapeake, VA 23322; (757) 482-6531;
noRTh cARoLinA, Salisbury: 100 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, A; B. Granberry,
P.O. Box 687, China Grove, NC 28023;
(704) 754-7298; sights-m1@live.com
noRTh cARoLinA, Waxhaw: 300 YD,
Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; T. Rushing,
P.O. Box 2390, Matthews, NC 28106;
ohio, Milford: 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 4,
oct. 1, A; P. Petronio, 3810 Meadowlark Ln.,
Cincinnati, OH 45226; (513) 218-0817;
ohio, Milford: MRP, Fc, 600 YD, nov. 6, A;
T. Myers, P.O. Box 829, Milford, OH 45150;
(513) 313-3464; ctmyers@cinci.rr.com
ohio, Zanesville: 200 YD, Sep. 11 & 25,
oct. 9 & 23, A; J. Dutro, 2395 Olivia’s Way,
Zanesville, OH 43701; (740) 454-8358;
oKLAhoMA, Arcadia: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 12, Dec. 10,
A; D. Blanchard, 6305 NW 32nd,
Bethany, OK 73008; (405) 706-6822;
oKLAhoMA, Arcadia: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 25, oct. 30, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A;
D. Arnold, 5205 Deerhurst Dr.,
Norman, OK 73072; (405) 307-0171;
oKLAhoMA, Coweta: 100/200 YD, Sep. 24,
oct. 22, A; C. Connell, 32616 E. 165th St. S.,
Coweta, OK 74429; (918) 610-0200;
oKLAhoMA, Davis: 100 YD, Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, A; W. Martin, 107 W. Benton,
Davis, OK 73030; (580) 369-5251;
oKLAhoMA, Sand Springs: MRP,
Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 10, A; R. Jensen,
14212 A East 550 Rd., Inola, OK 74036;
(918) 520-1388; rdjensen280@hotmail.com
oREgon, Vale: 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 11; LR,
Fc, 800/900/1000 YD, MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 10, A; D. Brown, 2490 1st Ave. S.,
Payette, ID 83661; (208) 642-3556;
oREgon, White City: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 18, A; B. Wann, P.O. Box 295,
Shady Covem OR 97539;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Delta: 100 YD, Sep. 24,
A; G. Armentrout, 4439 Prospect Rd.,
Whiteford, MD 21160; (410) 459-6578 (c);
(410) 452-8504; gwatrout@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Fairview Township:
100 YD, Sep. 25, oct. 30, A; T. Shuman,
6045 Timberlyn Dr., Dover, PA 17315;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Gap: 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 15; MRP, Fc, 600 YD, Sep. 18, oct. 16,
A; P. Irvin, 336 Brimmer Ave., New Holland,
PA 17557; shaunai@frontiernet.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Guthsville: 100 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, A; S. Hunton, 530 Wood Ave.,
Bath, PA 18014
PEnnSYLVAniA, Harrisburg: 100 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; F. Rogers, 574A Hershey Rd.,
Hummelstown, PA 17036; (717)583-2680;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Langhorne: 100 YD,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, A;
M. DeStefano, 60 Park Ave. Apt. 3,
Flemington, NJ 08822; (908) 399-7686;
PEnnSYLVAniA, New Freedom: 200 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, A; J. Behrmann,
2212 Carrs Mill Rd., Fallston, MD 21047;
(410) 877-2630; jjcb4400@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, New Tripoli: 100 YD,
Sep. 11, oct. 16, nov. 15, Dec. 4, A;
R. Benjamin, 5412 Rt. 309, Schnecksville,
PA 18078;rlb442@verizon.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Perkasie: 100 YD,
nov. 6, A; C. Seitz, 1000 N. Ridge Rd.,
P.O. Box 182, Perkasie, PA 18944;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Phoenixville: 100 YD,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, A; A. O’ Brien,
1029 Messner Rd., Chester Springs,
PA 19425; aobrien610@aol.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Reading: 300 YD, Sep. 4,
oct. 2, A; R. Batdorf, 707 Warren St.,
Reading, PA 19601; (610) 373-7356;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Shelocta: 100 YD,
Sep. 10, A; R. Conti, 2340 Copper Valley Rd.,
Shelocta, PA 15774; contirh@yahoo.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, York: 200 YD, Sep. 25,
A; F. Haag, 5254 Dugan Ln., York, PA 17406;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Columbia: 200 YD,
Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A;
C. McMenamy, 145 Carolina Ridge Dr.,
Columbia, SC 29229; (803) 407-6842;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Ridgeville: 200 YD,
oct. 8, R; B. Wills, 3514 Rockville Ct.,
Charleston, SC 29414; (843) 225-7726;
TEnnESSEE, Chattanooga: 200/300/
500 YD, Sep. 24 & oct. 2; FPB, Fc,
300/500 YD, Sep. 4, nov. 6, A; B. Wilson,
222 Masters Rd. E., Hixson, TN 37343;
(423) 505-6078; bbw223@gmail.com
TEnnESSEE, Columbia: 200 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, A; A. Uselton, P.O. Box 1472,
Columbia, TN 38402; (931) 388-0964;
TEnnESSEE, Gallatin: 100 YD, Sep. 17, A;
M. Long, 117 SE Springdale Dr.,
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122; (615) 754-0972;
TEnnESSEE, Knoxville: 200/300 YD, Sep. 17,
oct. 8, A; D. Guy, 6841 Reddege Rd.,
Knoxville, TN 37918; (865) 687-8593;
TEnnESSEE, Lakeland: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10; MRP, Fc,
600 YD, Aug. 28, Sep. 25, nov. 27,
Dec. 18, A; J. Ross, 6373 Raible Dr.,
Millington, TN 38053; (901) 237-0293;
TEnnESSEE, Oak Ridge: LR, Fc,
1000 YD, oct. 8; MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
oct. 9, A; L. Sparks, 10087 Double Tree Rd.,
Knoxville, TN 37932; (865) 643-0672 (c);
(865) 777-4696; larrysparks@chartertn.net
TEnnESSEE, Oak Ridge: 600 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1-2, nov. 5, A; G. Bowers,
3664 Fox Ridge Rd., Louisville, TN 37777;
TEnnESSEE, Tullahoma: 600 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 8 & 30, nov. 13, A; J. Moses,
2009 Rodgers Dr., Huntsville, AL 35811;
(256) 534-7968; j.moses1@comcast.net
TEXAS, Beaumont: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, Jan. 7,
A; B. Wilcox, 115 Maple St.,
Port Neches, TX 77651;
(409) 722-7856; ben41@aol.com
TEXAS, Brazoria: 600 YD, Sep. 17,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; D. Ramsey,
53 Timbercreek Ct., Lake Jackson,
TX 77566; dramsey13@comcast.net
TEXAS, Carthage: 200/300/600 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 8, nov. 5,Dec. 3; MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 4, oct. 9, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; R. Crawford,
1800 Idylwood Dr., Kilgore, TX 75662;
(903) 658-1479 (c); (903) 983-1602;
TEXAS, Donna: 600 YD,MRP Fc 300 YD,
Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; J. Gift,
6009 Pueblo Del Sol, Weslaco, TX 78596;
(956) 454-7570
TEXAS, Friendswood: 200 YD, Sep. 10,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec.10, A; D. Heald,
307 Morningside Dr., League City, TX 77573;
TEXAS, Houston: LR, Fc, 1000YD, Sep. 4,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, R; P. Wageman,
2212 Elmen, Houston, TX 77019;
TEXAS, Houston: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
Sep. 18, nov. 20; MRP, Fc, 300 YD,
Dec. 18, R; S. McInturff, 2180 California Ave.,
Cleveland, TX 77328; stanleymcinturff@yahoo.com
TEXAS, New Braunfels: MRP, Fc, 500 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; B. Lunsford,
2341 FM 1150, Kingsbury, TX 78638;
(830) 491-8887; bjl708@yahoo.com
TEXAS, Terrell: 200 YD, oct. 8, Dec. 10, A;
J. Jebavy, 2736 Westridge, Plano, TX 75075;
(972) 612-2736; john.e.jebavy@jebavy.net
TEXAS, Wichita: 100 YD, Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5,
Dec. 3, A; F. Bohuslav Jr., 2622 Shepherds Glen,
Wichita Falls, TX 76308; dibo1028@swbell.net
UTAh, Centerville: MRP, Fc, 600 YD,
oct. 29, A; W. Smith, 1349 W. 2600 N,
Clearfield, UT 84015; (801) 825-6631;
UTAh, Wendover: LR, Fc, 1000 YD, oct. 22,
nov. 12, A; E. Powell, 4834 Van Buren Ave.,
Ogden, UT 84403; (801) 499-9763;
VERMonT, West Bolton: 200/300/600 YD,
oct. 16, nov. 6; 300/500/600 YD, oct. 15,
nov. 5, A; S. Lawler, 245 Stony Brook Rd.,
Northfield, VT 05663; info@vsrpa.org
ViRginiA, Charlottesville: 100 YD, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; S. Dellinger,
17322 James Madison Hwy., Palmyra, VA 22963;
ViRginiA, Montpelier: 200 YD, Sep. 24,
oct. 22, nov. 26, A; R. Hamlett,
5223 Willane Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23059;
(804) 360-2519; robert_hamlett@comcast.net
ViRginiA, Roanoke: 200 YD, Sep.1 7, A;
M. Torre, 1324 Old Salem School Rd.,
Union Hall, VA 24176; (540) 243-4343;
ViRginiA, York County: 100 YD, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Vermeiren,
11 Sandpiper St., Newport News, VA 23602
WAShingTon, Port Townsend: 100 YD,
Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; A. Brannin,
240148 Hwy 101 W, Port Angeles, WA 98363;
(360) 452-2804; allenbrannin@hotmail.com
WAShingTon, Spokane: 200/300/600 YD,
Sep. 18, A; R. McQuary, 3207 W. Cleveland,
Spokane, WA 99205; srchighpower@gmail.com
WEST ViRginiA, Moundsville: 200 YD,
Sep.10, A; N. Omregcik, 200 Caldwell St.,
McMechen, WV 26040; (304) 232-6655;
WiSconSin, Bristol: 200 YD, Sep. 18,
nov. 5, A; D. Gelden, 8583 Country View Ln.,
Burlington, WI 53105; (262) 539-3516;
WiSconSin, Eau Claire: 200/300/600, MRP 600,
Sep. 3-4, A; R. Berg, 520 Congress St. Apt. 13,
Eau Claire, WI 54703; (715) 829-5160
WiSconSin, Green Bay: 200 YD,
Sep. 17, A; R. Jerry, 468 Edward Dr.,
Green Bay, WI 54302; (920) 621-5188;
WiSconSin, Lodi: LR, Fc, 800/900/
1000 YD, Sep. 26-30, R; Karin Liebetrau,
10890 Summit Ridge Dr., Viola, WI 54664;
(608) 625-6005; (608) 345-7989 (c); ekl@mwt.net
ALASKA, Juneau: 200 YD, Sep. 25, oct. 30,
nov. 27, A; M. Menzies, 19005 Glacier Hwy.,
Juneau, AK 99801; (907) 789-9025;
cALiFoRniA, Lakeport: 100 YD, Sep. 18, A;
D. Brookins, P.O. Box 357, Lower Lake,
CA 95457; (707) 994-5668
FLoRiDA, Orlando: 200 YD, oct. 25, A; R. Vogel,
7636 Waring Ave., Orlando, FL 32812;
(407) 625-3204; papavogel@hotmail.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Harrisburg: 100 YD,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; F. Rogers, 574A Hershey Rd.,
Hummelstown, PA 17036; (717) 583-2680;
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: MR, PoS, PRn,
oct. 20-21, R; J. Kidwell, 9160 Twelvestones Dr.,
Roswell, GA 30076; (770) 330-1505;
ViRginiA, Quantico: LR, oct. 8, R; J. Morgan
9305 Indiantown Rd., King George, VA 22485;
iLLinoiS, Bonfield: 200/300 YD, Apr.-oct.;
J. Serena Jr., 1114 S. Davison St., Joliet,
IL 60433; texmagz@yahoo.com
iLLinoiS, Wyoming: Apr. 23-oct. 15;
Kathy Anderson, 206 Goodrich St.,
Kewanee, IL 61443
MARYLAnD, Marriottsville: 200 YD,
Apr.-oct.; B. Perry, 842 Chanter Dr.,
Westminster, MD 21157;
MichigAn, Casco: 100 YD, May-oct.;
T. Lehotsky, 5841 Meldrum, Casco,
MI 48064; burnz111@yahoo.com
MichigAn, Clinton Twp.: May-oct.;
L. Frey, 21046 Lantz Dr., Clinton Twp.,
MI 48035; 1frey1816@comcast.net
MinnESoTA, Webster: 200 YD,
May-Sep.; J. Hanchett, 823 Apgar St.,
Shakopee, MN 55379;
MonTAnnA, Butte: hPR 200/300 YD,
LR, Fc, 800/900/1000 YD, MRP, Fc,
300 YD, Jul.-oct.; M. Egloff,
P.O. Box 4394, Butte, MT 59702;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Nashua: 200/300/600 YD,
Apr.-oct. 22; M. Millette, 12 Roby Rd.,
Nashua, NH 03064; mjm2167@comcast.net
nEW JERSEY, Highland Lakes: Apr.-Sep.;
E. Dempsey, 43 Heather Hills Dr.,
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438; (973) 697-4597;
nEW MEXico, Capitan: May-oct.;
B. Rodolph, P.O. Box 1691, Alto,
NM 88312; (575) 336-2754;
nEW YoRK, Albany: 100 YD, Apr.-oct.;
W. Bennett, 23 Harriet St., Albany, NY 12205;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Enola: 100 YD,
May 21-oct.16; hPS, May 29-oct. 16; R. Keslar,
47 Barnes Church Rd., Dillsburg, PA 17019;
(717) 432-9039; rjkeslar@aol.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Haborcreek: 100 YD,
May-oct. J. Paradsi, 226 Gridley Ave.,
Erie, PA 16508; jjgun@jjgun.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Jefferson Hills: Apr.-oct.;
P. Wancheck, 204 Glendale Dr.,
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025; (412) 233-6588;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Muncy: Sep. 3,
oct. 1; B. Heiser, 86 Russell Rd.,
Watsontown, PA 17777; (570) 538-3143;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Palmyra: 100 YD,
Apr.-oct.; M. Burkhead, 406 Raymon Ave.,
Boiling Springs, PA 17007; mrburkhead@pa.net
TEXAS, Temple: 200/300 YD, Jun.-oct.;
L. Rogers, 1922 S. 39th St., Temple,
TX 76504; lcrttx@att.net
ViRginiA, Rustburg: Sep. 24; G. Venable,
P.O. Box 672, Rustburg, VA 24588;
(434) 821-4175; shootergdv@yahoo.com
MichigAn, Cadillac: MRP, oct. 1-2, R; P. Behe,
124 Huron, Mount Clemens, MI 48043;
(586) 463-7967; spidercontrolinc@aol.com
nEW JERSEY, Millville: MR, PoS, PRn,
Sep. 25, R; C. Leisinger, 2140 Pennington Rd.,
Ewing, NJ 08638; cleising1@comcast.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Allemans: LR, Sep. 10,
A; J. Gardner, 7172 School Ln., Alexandria,
PA 16611; jdryfly2@msn.com
RhoDE iSLAnD, West Greenwich: MRP,
Sep. 18, R; F. Monikowski, 12 Old Kenyon Rd.,
Hope Valley, RI 02832; (401) 539-8536;
ViRginiA, Floyd: MRP, oct. 22-23, R; R. Rorrer,
1483 Fairystone Park Hwy., Stuart, VA 24171;
(276) 930-1936; rrorrer@hotmail.com
LoUiSiAnA, Zwolle: oct. 15-16, R;
Phyllis Murdock, P.O. Box 338, Zwolle,
LA 71486; phylllis@bellsouth.net
MonTAnA, Missoula: Sep. 11, R; T. Kien,
1200 Trotting Horse Ln., Missoula, MT 59804;
(406) 543-7412; chukarman1@hotmail.com
SoUTh DAKoTA, Timber Lake: Sep. 11, R;
J. Scherer, P.O. Box 314, Timber Lake, SD 57656;
(605) 865-3467; jscherer5@netzero.com
ARiZonA, Mesa: Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20,
Dec. 18, A; J. Ross, 3543 E. Fountain St.,
Mesa, AZ 85213; jimburose1@yahoo.com
ARiZonA, Phoenix: hPR, hPhR,
(Semi-Auto Military Rifle), Sep. 11, oct. 30,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; J. Hebenstreit,
7865 W. Redfield Rd., Peoria, AZ 85381;
(623) 878-4640; irongoataz@cox.net
ARiZonA, Tucson: nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; M. Warren,
5726 N. Via Lozana, Tucson, AZ 85750;
(520) 954-0895; may126@aol.com
ARKAnSAS, Bauxite: Sep. 25, A; H. Burnett,
44 Hickory Hill Cir., Little Rock, AR 72212;
cALiFoRniA, Avenal: Sep. 17-18,
oct. 15-16, nov. 19-20, A; R. Karr,
820 S. Chinowth St. Sp 78, Visalia, CA 93277;
(559) 429-4885; raykarrmarykarr@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Concord: oct. 23, Dec. 11,
A; J. Labash, 1089 Honey Ct., Pittsburg,
CA 94565; (925) 709-9199; me191@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Gonzales: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; E. Zamaro, 45405 Vista Pl.,
King City, CA 93930; (831) 594-0761;
cALiFoRniA, Meyers Canyon: oct. 2, nov. 6, A;
E. Scheidler, 314 N. Bromley Ave., West Covina,
CA 91790
cALiFoRniA, San Luis Obispo: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; S. Kulick, P.O. Box 1465,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406; (805) 772-9665;
MichigAn, Alma: Sep. 25, A; R. Schleder,
824 E. North St., Ithaca, MI 48847; (919) 875-8007
MichigAn, Dorr: Sep. 10, oct. 8, A;
D. Danforth, 155 Tyler Grandville, MI 49418;
(616) 813-6430
MiSSoURi, Paris: Sep. 17-18, A; C. Wheaton,
26658 Route P, Paris, MO 65275; (660) 327-5879
MiSSoURi, Wright City: Sep. 11, oct. 9, A;
R. Ciuffa, 754 W. Jewel, Kirkwood, MO 63122;
(314) 799-7744; bobic39@sbcglobal.net
nEBRASKA, Louisville: Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
B. Denny, 15135 Oak Ridge Dr., Louisville,
NE 68037; (402) 234-4966
nEW JERSEY, Jackson: Sep. 3, oct. 1, A;
W. Gregory, 17 Neptune Ct., Somerset,
NJ 08873; wgregory0887320@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Atglen: hPR, hPhR, hPSA,
Sep. 17, A; Kimberly Hodell, 741 Amosland Rd.,
Morton, PA 19070; (610) 544-3959;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Montoursville:
Sep. 24, A; P. Butters, 527 Wyoming St.,
Williamsport, PA 17701; (570) 323-6910
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: Sep. 18, A;
M. Holsopple, 1762 Mefferts Run Rd.,
Wilcox, PA 15870; (814) 929-5826;
TEXAS, Coolidge: Sep. 11, oct. 9, A;
D. Wester, 125 Robinson Rd.,
Combine, TX 75159; david@prentex.com
TEXAS, El Paso: hPR, oct. 2, nov. 5; hPhR,
oct. 30, A; D. Gonzales, 9360 Nakitu,
El Paso, TX 79907
TEXAS, New Braunfels: Sep. 4, oct. 2, A;
R. Briscoe, 14803 Forward Pass,
San Antonio, TX 78248; (210) 240-8939;
ViRginiA, Manassas: Sep. 18, A; M. Sacks,
11607 Vale Rd., Oakton, VA 22124;
(703) 863-8191; michael@alecian.com
ViRginiA, Montpelier: Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Stone,
3567 Whitehall Rd., Sandy Hook,
VA 23153; stonehpsil@aol.com
MiSSoURi, Paris: oct. 2, R; S. Mallory,
608 Sherwood Rd., Paris, MO 65275;
ALASKA, Chugiak: SBR, oct. 8; SBhR,
oct. 9, R; A. Nyback, 11422 Upper Sunny Cir.,
Eagle River, AK 99577
MonTAnA, Missoula: Sep. 10, R; T. Kien,
1200 Trotting Horse Ln., Missoula, MT 59804;
(406) 543-7412; chukarman1@hotmail.com
noRTh DAKoTA, Bismarck: Auig. 13, R;
D. Tokach, 1602 Monte Dr., Mandan, ND 58554;
(701) 426-1773; dtokach@bis.midco.net
SoUTh DAKoTA, Timber Lake: Sep.10, R;
J. Scherer, P.O. Box 314, Timber Lake, SD 57656;
(605) 865-3467; jscherer5@netzero.com
TEnnESSEE, Harrison: oct. 29, R; E. Jones,
66 Sims Rd., Hiawassee, GA 30546;
(706) 897-2306 (c); (706) 896-1783;
ALABAMA, Pinson: Sep. 10, oct. 8, A;
N. Tyree, P.O. Box 1979, Gardendale, AL 35071;
ALASKA, Chugiak: Sep. 24, nov. 19,
Dec. 10, A; A. Nyback, 11422 Upper Sunny Cir.,
Eagle River, AK 99577; sparky@gci.net
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 33
ARiZonA, Globe: Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; J. Beckley, 2506 E. Buffalo St.,
Chandler, AZ 85225; (480) 678-0783;
ARiZonA, Mesa: Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19,
Dec. 17, A; B. Hunter, 56 S. Temple St.,
Mesa, AZ 85204
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
nov. 27, A; J. Hebenstreit, 7865 W. Redfield Rd.,
Peoria, AZ 85381; (623) 878-4640;
ARiZonA, Tucson: Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; R. Calderone,
2058 N. Calle De Vida, Tucson, AZ 85715;
(520) 885-0764; grandslamronbo@msn.com
ARKAnSAS, Bryant: SBR, Sep. 18; SBhR,
Sep. 18, A; H. Smith, 1710 Volcanic Dr.,
Benton, AR 72019
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: Sep. 10 & 24,
oct. 8 & 22, A; J. Neihouse, 3219 S. 70th St.,
Ft. Smith, AR 72903; (479) 452-2227;
cALiFoRniA, Avenal: Sep. 17-18,
oct. 15-16, nov. 19-20, A; R. Karr,
820 S. Chinowth St. Sp 78, Visalia,
CA 93277; (559) 429-4885;
cALiFoRniA, Burney: oct. 16, Dec. 10, A;
F. Ryan, 730 Pioneer Ct., Redding, CA 96001;
cALiFoRniA, Concord: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; J. Labash, 1089 Honey Ct.,
Pittsburg, CA 94565; (925) 709-9199;
cALiFoRniA, Cupertino: Sep. 10,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; W. Butler,
300 Hacienda Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066;
(831) 438-4974; waltbdiver@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Gonzales: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; E. Zamaro, 45405 Vista Pl.,
King City, CA 93930; (831) 594-0761;
cALiFoRniA, Imperial: oct. 9, nov. 13,
Dec. 11, A; D. Ramey, P.O. Box 241,
Imperial, CA 92251
cALiFoRniA, Lakeport: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 19, A; J. Strugnell, P.O. Box 148,
Finley, CA 95435; jgstrug@gmail.com
cALiFoRniA, Meyers Canyon: oct. 2,
nov. 6, A; E. Scheidler, 314 N. Bromley Ave.,
West Covina, CA 91790
cALiFoRniA, Portola: Sep. 10, oct. 22, A;
E. Folchi, P.O. Box 399, Portola, CA 96122;
(530) 832-5266; defolchi@psln.com
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: Sep. 3-5,
oct. 8-9, nov. 12-13, Dec. 10-11, A;
J. Mosher, 12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342; kb6rx3@pacbell.net
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; M. Woss,
13167 Aztec St., Sylmar, CA 91342;
(818) 745-0467; mwoss@ca.rr.com
cALiFoRniA, San Luis Obispo: Sep. 4,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; S. Kulick,
P.O. Box 1465, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406;
(805) 772-9665; skulick@gamil.com
coLoRADo, Aurora: oct. 23, nov. 27,
Dec. 31, A; D. Bonner, 701 S. Eagle St.,
Aurora, CO 80012; (303) 981-5652 (c);
(303) 750-4819; dbonner1960@juno.com
coLoRADo, Erie: nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; J. Byrne,
1440 Silverleaf Dr., Loveland, CO 80538;
(970) 962-3987
FLoRiDA, Chuluota: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; R. Berkheimer,
116 Hilltop Dr., Longwood, FL 32750;
(407) 331-1573; arbyrod@yahoo.com
FLoRiDA, Dania Beach: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; B. Hart, 2959 Stirlind Rd.,
Dania Beach, FL 33312; (954) 927-6904;
FLoRiDA, Jacksonville: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; H. McCombs,
813 Ashwood Ct., Orange Park, FL 32065;
(904) 309-1988; catair@bellsouth.net
gEoRgiA, Brunswick: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Carter, 200 Daniel Ln.
#115, Brunswick, GA 31523; (912) 778-4577;
gEoRgiA, Ft. Valley: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; T. Magerkurth, 109 Huntington Pl.,
Bonaire, GA 31005
gEoRgiA, Hiawassee: Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; C. Rosenqvist, P.O. Box 851,
Young Harris, GA 30582; (706) 781-4392;
iDAho, Idaho Falls: Sep. 10-11, A; H. O’Donnell,
1165 Homer Ave., Idaho Falls, ID 83404;
(208) 681-2688; ifsapresident@gmail.com
inDiAnA, Danville: Sep. 24, oct. 22, A;
J. Bowden, 887 W.C.R. 200N, Danville,
IN 46122; (317) 563-6494 (c); (317) 745-7378;
inDiAnA, Friendship: Sep. 3, oct. 15, A;
M. Crane, 2493 Erie Church Rd., Bedford,
IN 47421; (812) 834-6704
KAnSAS, Hutchinson: Sep.10, A; C. Walle,
11 Wildrose, Hutchinson, KS 67502;
(620) 960-3415; duckhunter_67502@cox.net
LoUiSiAnA, Gonzales: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; J. DuBoulay, 3267 Emily Dr.,
Port Allen, LA 70767; jduboulay@indparts.com
LoUiSiAnA, Winnsboro: Sep. 4, A;
D. McLemore, 204 Fair Ave., Winnsboro,
LA 71295; duckgumbeaux@mac.com
MARYLAnD, Sudlersville: oct. 1, Dec. 17,
A; K. Danz, 207 Hardwood Ct., Townsend,
DE 19734; tz9x210@atlanticbb.com
MichigAn, Alma: Sep. 25, A; R. Schleder,
824 E. North St., Ithaca, MI 48847; (919) 875-8007
MichigAn, Dorr: Sep. 10, oct. 8, A; D. Danforth,
155 Tyler Grandville, MI 49418; (616) 813-6430
MichigAn, Ypsilanti: Sep. 4, oct. 9, A;
L. Medler, 8511 Wiliam St., Taylor, MI 48180;
(313) 292-3324; silhouette@comcast.net
MiSSiSSiPPi, Biloxi: Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; J. Parker,
7117 Mandarin Dr., Biloxi, MS 39532;
(228) 348-0806; pchiefmojo@aol.com
MiSSiSSiPPi, Hancock: Sep. 17,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; F. Walk Jr.,
600 Carondelet St., Ste. 611, New Orleans,
LA 70130; woody@cpla.nocoxmail.com
MiSSoURi, Columbia: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
A; J. Thiele, Attn: Silhouette, P.O. Box 1343,
Columbia, MO 65205; (573) 696-3738;
MiSSoURi, Paris: Sep. 4, A; S. Mallory,
608 Sherwood Rd., Paris, MO 65275;
MiSSoURi, Wright City: oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; S. Freund, 5316 Sunshine,
St. Louis, MO 63109; (314) 685-6232;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Holderness: Sep. 25,
A; J. Bartlett, 60 Depo St., Rumney, NH 03266;
(603) 786-9720; bartlett357@roadrunner.com
nEW hAMPShiRE, Mt. Vernon: Sep. 11,
oct. 9, A; P. Higgins, 18 Washington Dr.,
Littleton, MA 01460; (978) 886-0108;
nEW JERSEY, Delran: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; P. DeCamp, 24 Inverness Dr.,
Delran, NJ 08075; (856) 761-4634 (c);
(856) 824-1310; twodecamps@comcast.net
nEW MEXico, Hobbs: Sep. 4, oct. 2, A; L. May,
2325 Matthews Ct., Hobbs, NM 88240;
(575) 390-9257; smallbore1@hotmail.com
nEW YoRK, Endicott: Sep. 7, 14, 21 & 28,
A; J. Cruz, P.O. Box 88, Willet, NY 13863;
(607) 863-3685; jcruz907@hotmail.com
nEW YoRK, Owego: Sep. 6, 13, A; M. Potter,
3656 Waverly Rd., Owego, NY 13827;
nEW YoRK, Posetenkill: Sep. 10, oct. 1,
A; R. Dorman, 168 Mammoth Spring Rd.,
Wynantskill, NY 12198; (518) 286-3638;
nEW YoRK, Staten Island: Sep. 17, oct. 15, A;
K. Johnsen, 124 Jacques Ave., Staten Island, NY
10306; (917) 881-4817; kbjohns@yahoo.com
nEW YoRK, Staten Island: oct. 9, Dec. 4, A;
M. Pencak, 50 Heberton Ave., Staten Island,
NY 10302; whirligigmike@verizon.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Arden: oct. 1, nov. 5,
Dec. 3, A; G. Chandler, 13 Forest Ridge Ct.,
Arden, NC 28704; (828) 684-0971;
noRTh cARoLinA, Roxboro: Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Caughey,
10 Georgetown Woods Dr., Youngsville,
NC 27596; (919) 622-8843; dcaughey@nc.rr.com
noRTh cARoLinA, Rutherfordton: Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, A; D. Brown, 1908 Burke Rd.,
Shelby, NC 28152
oKLAhoMA, Sand Springs: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
A; M. Gray, 8521 E. 94th St., Tulsa, OK 74133;
(918) 232-7802; 22riflesilhouette@trcgc.org
oREgon, Sherwood: Sep. 24, nov. 19, A;
M. Dreske, 16765 NE Welch Rd.,
Newberg, OR, 97132; (503) 899-0104;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Atglen: Sep. 25, oct. 23, A;
D. Iceland, 313 Buchanan Dr., Coatesville,
PA 19320; (267) 716-5895; jmldei@comcast.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Coraopolis: Sep. 17, A;
J. Lauritzen, 75 W. Steuben St., Pittsburgh,
PA 15205; nannypoppoppgh@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Factoryville: Sep. 11, oct. 9, A;
W. Rohan, 11 Sunset Dr., Scott Twp., PA 18411;
(570) 499-4219
PEnnSYLVAniA, Harrisburg: Sep. 11, oct. 9, A;
R. Swartz, 407 N. Market St., Mechanicsburg,
PA 17055; rls8@verizon.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Johnstown: Sep. 4, oct. 2, A;
L. Hilbrecht, 318 Suie St., Johnstown, PA 15904;
(814) 266-3528; lphilb318@aol.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Mansfield: Sep. 25, A;
M. Breon, 130 Remington Ln., Mansfield,
PA 16933; (570) 549-2478
PEnnSYLVAniA, Milroy: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
A; J. Eckley Jr., 1056 Lower Creek Rd.,
Milroy, PA 17063; (717) 667-6781;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Montoursville: Sep.1 8,
oct. 16, A; B. Belz, 260 Dogwood Ln.,
Hughesville, PA 17737; (570) 584-5943;
PEnnSYLVAniA, N. Vandergrift: Sep. 18, oct. 9,
A; P. Viola, 3677 Park Dr., Clarksburg, PA 15725;
(724) 726-9580; crnvio@alless995.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: Sep. 17, A;
M. Holsopple, 1762 Mefferts Run Rd.,
Wilcox, PA 15870; (814) 929-5826;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Tire Hill (Johnstown):
Sep. 25, oct. 23, A; J. Thomas, 2917 Menoher,
Johnstown, PA 15905
SoUTh cARoLinA, New Holland: Sep. 10,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; R. Lutz,
128 Highland Forest Dr., Aiken, SC 29803;
(803) 640-9257; nrarifleman@aol.com
SoUTh cARoLinA, South Congaree: Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; W. Robinson,
709 Ball Park Rd., Lexington, SC 29072;
(803) 359-0058; jwrr@windstream.net
SoUTh cARoLinA, Ware Shoals: Sep. 24,
oct. 22, nov. 26, A; R. Foster, 240 Harmony Rd.,
Ware Shoals, SC 29692; (864) 861-2377
TEnnESSEE, Harrison: Sep. 18, nov. 19, A;
E. Jones, 66 Sims Rd., Hiawassee, GA 30546;
(706) 897-2306 (c); (706) 896-1783;
TEXAS, Anthony: Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; Sue Critz, 4541 Monahans Dr.,
El Paso, TX 79924
TEXAS, Beaumont: Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; K. Franks,
1015 Texla Rd., Vidor, TX 77662
TEXAS, Coolidge: Sep. 11, oct. 9, A; D. Wester,
125 Robinson Rd., Combine, TX 75159;
TEXAS, El Paso: oct. 2, nov. 6, A; D. Gonzales,
9360 Nakitu, El Paso, TX 79907
TEXAS, Friendswood: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; C. Young, 1617 Sleepy Hollow Dr.,
Pearland, TX 77581; jettech18@yahoo.com
TEXAS, Houston: Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12,
Dec. 10, A; W. Motl, 3714 Long Leaf Ln.,
Porter, TX 77365; (281) 435-2706;
TEXAS, New Braunfels: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
A; R. Briscoe, 14803 Forward Pass,
San Antonio, TX 78248; (210) 240-8939;
TEXAS, Winnsboro: Sep. 4, oct. 2, A;
F. Sandlin, 464 CR 1540, Alba, TX 75410;
(903) 765-3221; fenton@texascellnet.com
ViRginiA, Hanover Co.: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; W. Davis, P.O. Box 426,
Montpelier, VA 23192; (757) 287-7516;
ViRginiA, Manassas: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
A; D. Floyd, 4509 Ferry Landing Rd.,
Alexandria, VA 22309; (703) 780-3414;
ViRginiA, Suffolk: Sep. 11, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; W. Stevenson,
P.O. Box 146, Suffolk, VA 23439;
WAShingTon, Machias: nov. 20,
Dec. 18, A; K. Knowles, 18518 48th St. NE,
Snohomish, WA 98290; (360) 691-6368;
WAShingTon, Puyallup: Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A;
Tacoma Sportsmens Club,
16409 Canyon Rd. E., Puyallup, WA 98373;
(253) 537-6151; tsc@worldstar.com
WEST ViRginiA, Rupert: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
A; J. McClung, P.O. Box 262, Rich Creek,
VA 24147; (540) 726-7659
PEnnSYLVAniA, Harrisburg: Sep. 10, R;
R. Samick, 1019 Scenery Dr.,
Harrisburg, PA 17109; (717) 805-3327;
cALiFoRniA, Concord: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; J. Labash,
1089 Honey Ct., Pittsburg, CA 94565;
(925) 709-9199; me191@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Cupertino: Sep. 22 & 29,
oct. 27, A; L. Bernardez, 1748 Heidelberg Dr.,
Livermore, CA 94550; (925) 447-8301;
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; M. Woss,
13167 Aztec St., Sylmar, CA 91342;
(818) 745-0467; mwoss@ca.rr.com
LoUiSiAnA, Baton Rouge: Sep. 10,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; J. DuBoulay,
3267 Emily Dr., Port Allen, LA 70767;
LoUiSiAnA, Winnsboro: TAR,
SPT, oP, Sep. 4, A; B. Finley,
P.O. Box 216, Calhoun, LA 71225;
nEW JERSEY, Delran: Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, A; B. Stolzenberger,
194 Millbrook Dr., Willingboro, NJ 08046;
(609) 877-9694; bstolzenberger@comcast.net
nEW YoRK, Kirkwood: in, oUT, TAR,
Sep. 12 & 26, A; D. Lee, 357 Stratmill Rd.,
Binghamton, NY 13904; (607) 775-1023;
TEXAS, Haltom City: oP, SPT, TAR,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10,
A; C. Simmons, 3320 Doty Ln.,
Arlington, TX 76001; (817) 691-4603;
TEXAS, Houston: Sep. 7, oct. 5,
nov. 2, A; G. Gudenburr, P.O. Box 761,
Bellaire, TX 77402; silhouette@bayourifles.org
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: oct. 22-23, R;
J. Kidwell, 9160 Twelvestones Dr.,
Roswell, GA 30076; (770) 330-1505;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: Sep. 24-25, R;
J. O’Donnell, 10 N. Pearl St., Oakfield, NY 14125;
(585) 737-7988; jodoak@rochester.rr.com
ARiZonA, Phoenix: BPS, nov. 18; BPcR,
nov. 19-20, R; S. Rhoades, 27409 N. 60th Ln.,
Phoenix, AZ 85083; (623) 581-3624;
KAnSAS, Glasco: Sep. 24-25, R; B. Miller,
295 W. State, Phillipsburg, KS 67661;
(785) 543-4407; huguninls@yahoo.com
KEnTUcKY, Ashland: Sep. 24-25, R;
R. Frame, 796 Fair View Rd.,
Gay, WV 25244; (304) 372-7517;
noRTh DAKoTA, Bismarck: Sep. 17-18, R;
K. Heier, 430 W. Edmonton Rd., Bismarck,
ND 58503; (701) 255-0675; ken@heier.net
ALABAMA, Hoover: Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5,
Dec. 3, A; D. Murphree, 1765 Cornwall Rd.,
Birmingham, AL 35226; scssabpcr@att.net
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
Dec. 17, A; S. Rhoades, 27409 N. 60th Ln.,
Phoenix, AZ 85083; (623) 581-3624;
ARiZonA, Tucson: Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5,
Dec. 3, A; R. Calderone, 2058 N. Calle De Vida,
Tucson, AZ 85715; (520) 885-0764;
ARKAnSAS, Bryant: Sep. 24, oct. 22, A;
H. Glover, 8504 Yellow Oak Dr., Jacksonville,
AR 72076
cALiFoRniA, Avenal: Sep. 10, oct. 8-9,
nov. 12, Dec.1 0, A; R. Goodner,
3497 E. International, Clovis, CA 93619;
(559) 259-4937; ls4546rkg@juno.com
cALiFoRniA, Bishop: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; J. Beems, 1432 Lazy A Dr.,
Bishop, CA 93514; 1miserable1@suddenlink.net
cALiFoRniA, Burney: Sep. 17, A; F. Ryan,
730 Pioneer Ct., Redding, CA 96001;
cALiFoRniA, Pala: Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5,
A; H. Itchkawich, 536 Mimosa Ave.,
Vista, CA 92081
cALiFoRniA, Sloughhouse: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; A. Moss, 525 Calaverast,
Lodi, CA 95240
FLoRiDA, Orlando: Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; B. Bateman, 7121 Conway Cir.,
Orlando, FL 32809; (407) 451-9411;
gEoRgiA, Dawsonville: Sep. 24, nov. 26,
Dec. 17, R; J. Kidwell, 9160 Twelvestones Dr.,
Roswell, GA 30076; (770) 330-1505;
iDAho, Blackfoot: Sep. 17, oct. 15, A;
R. Weaver, 11481 S. 5th W., Springfield,
ID 83277; rweave2002@yahoo.com
iDAho, Boise: oct. 22, nov. 26, A; F. Cornell,
5044 Dakota Ave., Boise, ID 83709;
iLLinoiS, Effingham: Sep. 24-25, oct. 22-23,
nov. 26-27, Dec. 17-18, A; B. Smith,
P.O. Box 271, Teutopolis, IL 62467;
(217) 821-2266; rifleman@frontiernet.net
inDiAnA, Friendship: BP, Sep. 24-25, A;
P. Terpstra, 4419 Old St. Rd. 37N,
Bedford, IN 47421; (812) 278-9194
inDiAnA, Friendship: BP, Sep. 3-4,
oct. 15-16, nov. 5-6, A; G. Slepicka,
3545 Lutheran Church Rd., Farmersville,
OH 45325; (937) 241-8082;
KAnSAS, Garden City: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
nov. 13, A; J. Scott, Box 297, Sublette,
KS 67877; (620) 675-8239
KAnSAS, Glasco: oct. 22-23, A; B. Miller,
295 W. State, Phillipsburg, KS 67661;
(785) 543-4407; huguninls@yahoo.com
KAnSAS, Miller: BP, Sep. 17-18,
oct. 15-16, A; K. Campbell, 34606 E. Little Rd.,
Buckner, MO 64016; (816) 650-3308;
KEnTUcKY, Cannonsburg: oct. 22, A;
B. Frame, Rt. 1, Box 27A, Gay, WV 25244;
MichigAn, Alma: Sep. 10-11, A; S. Decker,
6509 Hunters Creek Rd., Imlay City, MI 48444;
(586) 747-2271; stevedecker@ameritech.net
MiSSiSSiPPi, Pascagoula: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, Dec. 24, A; R. Hill, 1736 Valence St.,
New Orleans, LA 70115; (504) 897-6909;
MiSSoURi, Wright City: Sep. 10, oct. 8,
A; P. O’Malley, 1740 Lochcrest Dr.,
Chesterfield, MO 63017; jpatomalley@yahoo.com
MonTAnA, Forsyth: Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
R. Smith, P.O. Box 956, Forsyth, MT 59327;
(406) 346-7731; rcsmith@rangeweb.net
MonTAnA, Missoula: Sep. 17-18, A; J. King,
Box 700, Kila, MT 59920; (406) 755-5352
MonTAnA, Rocker: Sep. 24, oct. 8, A;
A. Ulsher, 3225 Keokuk, Butte, MT 59701
nEW MEXico, Raton: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
A; J. Vanwey, 110 Eagle Dr., Raton, NM 87740;
(575) 445-4414
nEW YoRK, Gansevoort: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
A; R. Donah, 4707 Rt. 50, Gansevoort,
NY 12831; (518) 584-8193
oKLAhoMA, Arcadia: Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13,
A; J. Garcia, 400 Bonanza Ln., Tuttle, OK 73089;
(405) 381-2470; joeintuttle@yahoo.com
oKLAhoMA, Sand Springs: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
A; J. McBride, 21707 S. Winchester Ct.,
Claremore, OK 74019; (918) 342-2714
oREgon, John Day: BP, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Sproul,
P.O. Box 547, Canyon City, OR 97820;
oREgon, Vale: oct. 29, A; K. Kegel,
1151 SW 11th Ave., Ontario, OR 97914;
(541) 889-9153; zane@fmtc.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, McDonald: Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, A; J. Powers, 172 Oak St.,
New Brighton, PA 15066; (724) 466-1714
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: oct. 23, A;
J. O’Donnell, 10 North Pearl St.,
Oakfield, NY 14125; (585) 737-7988;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Shippensburg: BP, Sep. 17,
oct. 15, A; K. Seemuller, P.O. Box 211,
Palmyra, NJ 08065; (856) 220-4939 (c);
(856) 829-0514; kseemuller@comcast.net
TEXAS, Bronte: BP, Sep. 11, oct. 8-9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; G. Jennings,
6765 CR 484, Baird, TX 79504; (325) 669-7609;
TEXAS, Columbus: Sep. 10 & 24, oct. 8-9 & 22,
nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; T. Berwick,
4054 Drummond, Houston, TX 77025;
(713) 252-0053; tberwick@sbcglobal.net
TEXAS, Graham: Sep. 25, oct. 22-23, A;
B. Yager, P.O. Box 1673, Graham, TX 76450;
(940) 325-1710; fayen@prodigy.net
TEXAS, New Braunfels: BP, Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; L. Little, 9327 Gillcross Way,
San Antonio, TX 78250; rooftopimpc@yahoo.com
TEXAS, Wortham: BP, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3,
A; D. Barnes, 182 FM 246, Wortham, TX 76693;
ViRginiA, Roanoke: Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
J. Davis, 6655 Raintree Rd., Roanoke, VA 24018;
(540) 776-0679; josephdavis1@cox.net
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 35
WAShingTon, Eatonville: oct. 9,
nov. 13, A; S. Morris, 7851 US Hwy 12,
Glenoma, WA 98336; (360) 498-5258;
cALiFoRniA, Pala: cLA, oct. 7; Pc, oct. 8; ScR,
oct. 9, R; H. Itchkawich, 536 Mimosa Ave.,
Vista, CA 92081
KAnSAS, Glasco: Pc, ScR, oct. 1; cLA,
oct. 2, R; K. Griggs, 611 Bridge St.,
Clay Center, KS 67432; (785) 632-2823;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Waterville: Pc, Sep. 10;
cLA, Sep. 11, R; A. Foust, 122 Pine Tree Ln.,
Montoursville, PA 17754; (570) 435-0043;
ViRginiA, Montpelier: Pc, ScR, oct. 22,
R; A. Kowalik, 8714 Wytherland Rd.,
Henrico, VA 23229; (804) 740-3453;
ALABAMA, Hoover: ScR, oct. 1; Pc,
Sep. 3, nov. 6, A; H. Yoder, 1115 Heritage Ln.,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406; (205) 366-3645;
ALABAMA. Pinson: Pc, oct. 22; ScR, Sep. 24,
A; F. Callahan, 6243 Pine St., Pinson, AL 35126;
(205) 681-7120
ARiZonA, Mesa: cLA, Pc, Sep. 4,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; J. DePaulo,
11236 E. Escondido Ave., Mesa, AZ 85207;
(480) 756-0467
ARiZonA, Phoenix: cLA, Pc, Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; M. Tyler,
7254 E. Goodnight Ln., Prescott Valley, AZ 86314;
(928) 775-2308; bevmugs@hotmail.com
ARiZonA, Phoenix: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, nov. 26, A; S. Rhoades,
27409 N. 60th Ln., Phoenix, AZ 85083;
(623) 581-3624; bpsteve@cox.net
ARiZonA, Tucson: cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 24,
oct. 22, A; M. Duchene, 4864 E. 4th St.,
Tucson, AZ 85711; tushooters@yahoo.com
ARiZonA, Yuma: cLA, nov. 26; Pc, ScR,
nov. 27, A; Glenda Graves, 1128 S. Desert
Air Blvd., Yuma, AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
ARKAnSAS, Bryant: Pc, ScR, Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17; cLA, Sep. 25, A; G. Sullivan,
1007 N. Mississippi St., Little Rock, AR 72207;
(501) 663-4231; gts1096@aol.com
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3 & 11,
oct. 1 & 9, nov. 5, A; J. Slusher,
2505 Pearl Blvd., Van Buren, AR 72956;
(479) 462-5949; hpsilhouettes@aol.com
cALiFoRniA, Bishop: Pc, Sep. 25, oct. 23,
nov. 27, A; J. Beems, 1432 Lazy A Dr.,
Bishop, CA 93514; 1miserable1@suddenlink.net
cALiFoRniA, Burney: ScR, Sep. 25, oct. 23,
Dec. 18; Pc, 730 Pioneer Ct.,
Redding, CA 96001; f.ryan@charter.net
cALiFoRniA, Concord: ScR, Sep. 4,
nov. 6; cLA, oct. 16, Dec. 17, A; J. Labash,
1089 Honey Ct., Pittsburg, CA 94565;
(925) 709-9199; me191@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Cupertino: ScR, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
Dec. 10, A; W. Butler, 300 Hacienda Dr.,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066; (831) 438-4974;
cALiFoRniA, Imperial: cLA, Pc, ScR, oct. 9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; D. Ramey, P.O. Box 241,
Imperial, CA 92251
cALiFoRniA, Pala: Pc, ScR, Sep. 10, oct. 8,
nov. 12, Dec. 10; cLA, Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; H. Itchkawich,
536 Mimosa Ave., Vista, CA 92081
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 3-5, oct. 8-9, nov. 12-13, Dec. 10-11,
A; J. Mosher, 12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342; kb6rx3@pacbell.net
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A;
M. Woss, 13167 Aztec St., Sylmar, CA 91342;
(818) 745-0467; mwoss@ca.rr.com
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: ScR,
Sep. 24, oct. 22, nov. 26, A; J. Mosher,
12651 Little Tungunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342; kb6rx3@pacbell.net
coLoRADo, Aurora: Pc, Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17; ScR, oct. 22, nov. 26, A;
J. Benskin, 772 S. Biloxi St., Aurora, CO 80018;
iDAho, Idaho Falls: cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 10-11,
A; H. O’Donnell, 1165 Homer Ave.,
Idaho Falls, ID 83404; (208) 681-2688;
iDAho, Kuna: Pc, ScR, oct. 1; cLA, ScR,
Sep. 3, nov. 5; ScR, Dec. 3, A; G. Woods,
13995 W. Hartford Dr., Boise, ID 83713
iDAho, Nampa: Pc, ScR, Sep. 24,
oct. 22, A; E. Robinson, 804 N. Bonner Pl.,
Nampa, ID 83651; (208) 890-4531;
iDAho, Soda Springs: cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 3, A;
B. Wood, 8895 Noun Rd., Montpelier, ID 83254;
KAnSAS, Glasco: cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 4,
nov. 6, A; K. Griggs, 611 Bridge St.,
Clay Center, KS 67432; (785) 630-1082;
KAnSAS, Topeka: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, A; B. Belleau,
P.O. Box 332, Topeka, KS 66601;
LoUiSiAnA, Gonzales: ScR, Sep. 24, oct. 22,
nov. 26, A; J. DuBoulay, 3267 Emily Dr.,
Port Allen, LA 70767; jduboulay@indparts.com
MARYLAnD, Sudlersville: Pc, ScR, oct. 1,
Dec. 17, A; K. Danz, 207 Hardwood Ct.,
Townsend, DE 19734; tz9x210@atlanticbb.com
MiSSiSSiPPi, Biloxi: ScR, Sep. 3, oct. 1,
A; J. Parker, 7117 Mandarin Dr., Biloxi, MS 39532;
(228) 348-0806; pchiefmojo@aol.com
MiSSiSSiPPi, Hancock: ScR, Sep. 17,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; F. Walk Jr.,
600 Carondelet St., Ste. 611, New Orleans,
LA 70130; woody@cpla.nocoxmail.com
MiSSoURi, Wrigth City: cLA, Sep. 11, A;
R. Ciuffa, 754 W. Jewel, St. Louis, MO 63122;
(314) 799-7744; bobic39@sbcglobal.net
nEBRASKA, Louisville: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3,
oct. 8 & 29; cLA, Sep. 1, 4& 15, oct. 2 & 30;
A; B. Denny, 15135 Oak Ridge Dr.,
Louisville, NE 68037; (402) 234-4966;
nEVADA, Las Vegas: cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; Debi Wright,
5917 Condor Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89108;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Holderness: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 25; cLA, Sep. 10, A; J. Bartlett,
60 Depot St., Rumney, NH 03266;
(603) 786-9720; bartlett357@roadrunner.com
nEW hAMPShiRE, Mt. Vernon: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 11, oct. 9, A; P. Higgins, 18 Washington Dr.,
Littleton, MA 01460; (978) 886-0108;
nEW JERSEY, Jackson: Pc, oct. 29; cLA,
oct. 29, A; W. Gregory, 17 Neptune Ct.,
Somerset, NJ 08873; wgregory0887320@msn.com
nEW MEXico, Raton: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 25, A; Glenda Graves, 11285 S. Desert
Air Blvd., Yuma, AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
nEW YoRK, Kirkwood: ScR, Sep. 8, A; D. Lee,
357 Stratmill Rd., Binghamton, NY 13904;
(607) 775-1023; airhead1@bcsportsmen.org
nEW YoRK, Staten Island: ScR, nov. 6;
Pc, Sep. 25, Dec. 11, A; K. Johnsen,
124 Jacques Ave., Staten Island, NY 10306
noRTh cARoLinA, Morrisville: ScR,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, A; S. Sylvester,
510 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27514;
(919) 933-8447; powding101@bellsouth.net
noRTh cARoLinA, Roxboro: ScR, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Caughey,
10 Georgetown Woods Dr., Youngsville,
NC 27596; (919) 622-8843; dcaughey@nc.rr.com
oKLAhoMA, Arcadia: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 4 & 17, oct. 2 & 15, A; D. Zimmerman,
3840 SW 13th, Oklahoma City, OK 73173
oREgon, Sherwood: cLA, Pc, Sep. 3, nov. 5,
Dec. 3; ScR, Sep. 24, nov. 19, A; M. Dreske,
16765 NE Welch Rd., Newberg, OR 97132;
(503) 899-0104; mickeyd3006@aol.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Atglen: cLA, Pc, ScR,
Sep. 10, A; T. Kornsey, 1419 Kepler Rd.,
Pottstown, PA 19464; (215) 322-2750;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Bradford: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 7 & 21; cLA, Pc, ScR, Sep. 25, A;
M. Haynes, 14 Looker Mtn. Tr.,
Bradford, PA 16701; (814) 363-9971;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Coraopolis: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 17, A; J. Lauritzen, 75 W. Steuben St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15205; nannypoppoppgh@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Fairless Hills: cLA,
Pc, ScR, Sep. 11, oct. 9, A; R. Garcia,
5 Cranberry Ln., Levittown, PA 19055;
(215) 943-6930; garciacrew@aol.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Irwin: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3,
A; E. Onder, 48 Regola Dr., Irwin, PA 15642;
(724) 989-6595; onder48@comcast.net
PEnnSYLVAniA, Montoursville: cLA,
Sep. 24; A; A. Foust, 122 Pine Tree Ln.,
Montoursville, PA 17754; (570) 435-0043;
PEnnSYLVAniA, New Freedom: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 25, oct. 16, A; M. Peters, 617 North St.,
McSherrystown, PA 17344; (301) 228-3884;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Pittsburgh: cLA, Pc,
ScR, Sep. 24, A; G. Taylor IV, 57 Longuevue Dr.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15228; (412) 855-6721;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: cLA, Pc,
ScR, Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; B. Wakefield,
744 Marvindale Rd., Smethport, PA 16749;
(814) 778-5918; bdwakefield@earthlink.net
TEXAS, Anthony: ScR, Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; Sue Critz, 4541 Monahans Dr.,
El Paso, TX 79924
TEXAS, Coolidge: cLA, Pc, Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; R. Marriot, 5609 Woodard Ave.,
Cleburne, TX 76033; (817) 517-5323;
TEXAS, El Paso: ScR, Sep. 3-4, oct. 16,
nov. 20, A; D. Gonzales, 9360 Nakitu,
El Paso, TX 79907
TEXAS, Friendswood: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3 & 17,
oct. 15, nov. 5 & 19, Dec. 3 & 17, A; R. Parker,
P.O. Box 58506, Houston, TX 77258;
(713) 906-7674; pparker@aol.com
TEXAS, Haltom City: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Hassinger,
5201 Cordova Ave., Ft. Worth, TX 76132;
(817) 346-0986; (817) 935-1054 (w);
TEXAS, Houston: Pc, ScR, Sep. 21, oct. 19, A;
G. Gudenburr, P.O. Box 761, Bellaire, TX 77402;
TEXAS, Houston: Pc, ScR, Sep. 25,
oct. 23, nov. 27, Dec. 18, A; C. Landry,
3034 Kevin Ln., Houston, TX 77043;
(713) 460-4351; landrycf@earthlink.net
TEXAS, Manor: Pc, ScR, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; L. Freitag,
12409 Hunters Chase Dr., Austin, TX 78729;
TEXAS, Mansfield: Pc, ScR, (817) 346-0986;
(817) 935-1054; david.hassinger@sbcglobal.net
TEXAS, New Braunfels: cLA, Sep. 11,
oct. 9; Pc, ScR, Sep. 25, oct. 23, A;
M. Bergevin, 7402 Hobble St.,
San Antonio, TX 78227; (210) 673-4980;
TEXAS, Robert Lee: Pc, ScR, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; R. Johnson,
P.O. Box 109, Robert Lee, TX 76945;
(325) 763-7911; rjohnson@wtxs.net
TEXAS, Winnsboro: ScR, Sep. 4,
oct. 2; cLA, Sep. 18; Pc, oct. 16,
A; F. Sandlin, 464 CR 1540, Alba,
TX 75410; (903) 765-3221;
ViRginiA, Manassas: Pc, ScR, Sep. 4,
A; J. Marhefka, 13217 Hillendale Dr.,
Woodbridge, VA 22193; (571) 408-0892
ViRginiA, Montpelier: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 10, oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10,
A; A. Kowalik, 8714 Wytheland Rd.,
Henrico, VA 23229; (804) 740-3453;
WAShingTon, Custer: Pc, ScR,
Sep. 10, A; P. Roessel, 6045 Northwest Dr.,
Ferndale, WA 98248; (360) 380-4642
WAShingTon, Machias: Pc, ScR,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; J. Martinis,
1007 Harvest Rd., Bothell, WA 98102;
(425) 488-6885; jmartinis@msn.com
WEST ViRginiA, Rupert:Pc, ScR,
Sep. 25, oct. 23, A; J. McClung,
P.O. Box 262, Rich Creek, VA 24147;
(540) 726-7659
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; M. Tyler,
7254 E. Goodnight Ln., Prescott Valley,
AZ 86314; (928) 775-2308;
cALiFoRniA, Fresno: Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, A; S. Roberts, 206 N. Caesar,
Fresno, CA 93727; (559) 251-7240;
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: Sep. 3-5 & 24,
oct. 8-9 & 22, nov. 12-13 & 26,
Dec. 10-11, A; J. Mosher,
12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Bradford: Sep. 7, 21 & 25, A;
M. Haynes, 14 Looker Mtn. Tr.,
Bradford, PA 16701; (814) 363-9971;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Coraopolis: Sep. 17, A;
J. Lauritzen,75 W. Steuben St., Pittsburgh,
PA 15205; nannypoppoppgh@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Irwin: STA, Sep. 3,
A; E. Onder, 48 Regola Dr., Irwin, PA 15642;
(724) 989-6595; onder48@comcast.net
TEXAS, Anthony: Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; Sue Critz, 4541 Monahans Dr.,
El Paso, TX 79924
ARiZonA, Mesa: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; J. DePaulo,
11236 E. Escondido Ave., Mesa,
AZ 85207; (480) 756-0467
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; M. Tyler,
7254 E. Goodnight Ln., Prescott Valley,
AZ 86314; (928) 775-2308;
ARiZonA, Yuma: nov. 26, A;
Glenda Graves, 11285 S. Desert Air Blvd.,
Yuma, AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
cALiFoRniA, Fresno: oct. 1-2, nov. 5-6,
Dec. 3-4, A; S. Roberts, 206 N. Caesar,
Fresno, CA 93727; (559) 251-7240;
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando:
Sep. 3-5, oct. 8-9, nov. 12-13,
Dec. 10-11, A; J. Mosher,
12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Bradford: Sep. 25,
A; M. Haynes, 14 Looker Mtn. Tr.,
Bradford, PA 16701; (814) 363-9971;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Pittsburgh: Sep. 24,
A; G. Taylor IV, 57 Longuevue Dr.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15228; (412) 855-6721;
ARiZonA, Mesa: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; J. DePaulo,
11236 E. Escondido Ave., Mesa,
AZ 85207; (480) 756-0467
ViRginiA, Montpelier: hP, MS, Sep. 24,
R; A. Kowalik, 8714 Wytherland Rd.,
Henrico, VA 23229; (804) 740-3453;
ALABAMA, Hoover: hP, MS, Sep. 3,
nov. 6, A; H. Yoder, 1115 Heritage Ln.,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406; (205) 366-3645;
ALABAMA, Pinson: oct. 22, A;
F. Callahan, 6243 Pine St.,
Pinson, AL 35126; (205) 681-7120
ARiZonA, Mesa: Sep. 4, oct. 2,
nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; J. DePaulo,
11236 E. Escondido Ave., Mesa,
AZ 85207; (480) 756-0467
ARiZonA, Phoenix: hP, MS, Sep. 11,
oct. 9, nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; D. Burk,
7935 W. Banff Ln., Peoria, AZ 85381
ARiZonA, Phoenix: Sep. 18, oct. 16,
nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; M. Tyler,
7254 E. Goodnight Ln., Prescott Valley,
AZ 86314; (928) 775-2308;
ARiZonA, Yuma: nov. 27, A; Glenda Graves,
11285 S. Desert Air Blvd., Yuma,
AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: Sep. 3 & 11,
oct. 1 & 9, nov. 5, A; J. Slusher,
2505 Pearl Blvd., Van Buren, AR 72956;
(479) 462-5949; hpsilhouettes@aol.com
cALiFoRniA, Burney: Sep. 11, oct. 9 & 30,
nov. 20, A; F. Ryan, 730 Pioneer Ct.,
Redding, CA 96001; f.ryan@charter.net
cALiFoRniA, Fresno: hP, MS, oct. 1-2,
nov. 5-6, Dec. 3-4, A; S. Roberts,
206 N. Caesar, Fresno, CA 93727;
(559) 251-7240; scottrobr110@att.net
cALiFoRniA, Imperial: oct. 9, nov. 13,
Dec. 11, A; D. Ramey, P.O. Box 241,
Imperial, CA 92251
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: hP, MS,
Sep. 3-5, oct. 8-9, nov. 12-13, Dec. 10-11,
A; J. Mosher, 12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342; kb6rx3@pacbell.net
FLoRiDA, Chuluota: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; R. Berkheimer,
116 Hilltop Dr., Longwood, FL 32750;
(407) 331-1573; arbyrod@yahoo.com
iDAho, Nampa: Sep. 24, oct. 22,
A; E. Robinson, 804 N. Bonner Pl.,
Nampa, ID 83651; (208) 890-4531;
KAnSAS, Whitewater: Sep. 17, A;
D. Luellen, 12916 E. Mainsgate Cir.,
Wichita, KS 67228; (316) 636-2059;
MARYLAnD, Sudlersville: hP, MS,
oct. 1, Dec. 17, A; K. Denz,
207 Hardwood Ct., Townsend, DE 19734;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Holderness:
Sep. 25, A; J. Bartlett, 60 Depot St.,
Rumney, NH 03266; (603) 786-9720;
nEW hAMPShiRE, Mt. Vernon:
Sep. 11, oct. 9, A; P. Higgins,
18 Washington Dr., Littleton,
MA 01460; (978) 886-0108;
nEW MEXico, Hobbs: Sep. 18,
oct. 16, A; D. Stanfield, 509 W. Silver,
Hobbs, NM 88240; dkstanf@msn.com
nEW MEXico, Raton: Sep. 25, A;
Glenda Graves, 11285 S. Desert Air Blvd.,
Yuma, AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
noRTh cARoLinA, Morrisville:
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20,
A; S. Sylvester, 510 E. Franklin St.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514; (919) 933-8447;
noRTh cARoLinA, Roxboro: hP, MS,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A;
D. Caughey, 10 Georgetown Woods Dr.,
Youngsville, NC 27596; (919) 622-8843;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Bradford:
Sep. 7, 21 & 25, A; M. Haynes,
14 Looker Mtn. Tr., Bradford,
PA 16701; (814) 363-9971;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Coraopolis:
Sep. 17, A; J. Lauritzen,
75 W. Steuben St., Pittsburgh,
PA 15205; nannypoppoppgh@msn.com
PEnnSYLVAniA, Irwin: Sep. 3, A;
E. Onder, 48 Regola Dr.,
Irwin, PA 15642; (724) 989-6595;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Pittsburgh:
hP, MS, Sep. 24, A; G. Taylor IV,
57 Longuevue Dr., Pittsburgh,
PA 15228; (412) 855-6721;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: hP, MS,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; B. Wakefield,
744 Marvindale Rd., Smethport, PA 16749;
(814) 778-5918; bdwakefield@earthlink.net
SoUTh cARoLinA, Gaston: Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; J. Currie Jr.,
3435 Fish Hatchery Rd., Gaston, SC 29053;
TEnnESSEE, Memphis: Sep. 25,
A; S. Dawson, 6301 Oak Walk,
Bartlett, TN 38135; (901) 382-0849;
TEXAS, El Paso: oct. 2, A; D. Gonzales,
9360 Nakitu, El Paso, TX 79907
TEXAS, Friendswood: hP, MS,
Sep. 3 & 17, oct. 15, nov. 5 & 19,
Dec. 3 & 17, A; R. Parker,
P.O. Box 58506, Houston,
TX 77258; (713) 906-7674;
TEXAS, Haltom City: hP, MS, Sep. 3,
oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; D. Hassinger,
5201 Cordova Ave., Ft. Worth, TX 76132;
(817) 346-0986; (817) 935-1054 (w);
ShooTingSPoRTSUSA.coM 37
TEXAS, Houston: Sep. 25, oct. 23, nov. 27,
Dec. 18, A; C. Landry, 3034 Kevin Ln.,
Houston, TX 77043; (713) 460-4351;
TEXAS, Manor: Sep. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13,
Dec. 11, A; L. Freitag, 12409 Hunters Chase Dr.,
Austin, TX 78729; loufreitag@gmail.com
TEXAS, Mansfield: hP, MS,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20,
Dec. 18, A; D. Hassinger,
5201 Cordova Ave., Ft. Worth, TX 76132;
(817) 346-0986; (817) 935-1054 (w);
TEXAS, New Braunfels: Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; M. Bergevin, 7402 Hobble St.,
San Antonio, TX 78227; (210) 673-4980;
TEXAS, Robert Lee: Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5,
Dec. 3, A; R. Johnson, P.O. Box 109,
Robert Lee, TX 76945; (325) 763-7911;
ViRginiA, Manassas: Sep. 4, A; J. Marhefka,
13217 Hillendale Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22193;
(571) 408-0892
ViRginiA, Montpelier: Sep. 10, oct. 8,
nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; A. Kowalik,
8714 Wytheland Rd., Henrico, VA 23229;
(804) 740-3453; augiensusie@msn.com
ViRginiA, Suffolk: hP, MS, Sep. 11,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; W. Stevenson,
P.O. Box 146, Suffolk, VA 23439;
WAShingTon, Custer: Sep. 10, A; P. Roessel,
6045 Northwest Dr., Ferndale, WA 98248
WAShingTon, Seattle: nov. 19, Dec. 17,
A; J. Martinis, 1007 Harvest Rd., Bothell, WA
98012; (425) 488-6885; jmartinis@msn.com
WEST ViRginiA, Rupert: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
A; J. McClung, P.O. Box 262, Rich Creek,
VA 24147; (540) 726-7659
ViRginiA, Montpelier: SBhP, MS,
Sep. 24, R; A. Kowalik, 8714 Wytherland Rd.,
Henrico, VA 23229; (804) 740-3453;
ALABAMA, Hoover: SBhP, MS,
oct. 1, A; H. Yoder, 1115 Heritage Ln.,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406; (205) 366-3645;
ALABAMA, Pinson: Sep. 24, A; F. Callahan,
6243 Pine St., Pinson, AL 35126; (205) 681-7120
ARiZonA, Yuma: nov. 27, A; Glenda Graves,
11285 S. Desert Air Blvd., Yuma, AZ 85365;
(928) 502-0736; glgraves@mindspring.com
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: Sep. 3 & 11,
oct. 1 & 9, nov. 5, A; J. Slusher,
2505 Pearl Blvd., Van Buren, AR 72956;
(479) 462-5949; hpsilhouettes@aol.com
cALiFoRniA, Burney: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
Dec. 18, A; F. Ryan, 730 Pioneer Ct.,
Redding, CA 96001; f.ryan@charter.net
cALiFoRniA, Fresno: SBhP, MS, Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, A; S. Roberts,
206 N. Caesar, Fresno, CA 93727;
(559) 251-7240; scottrobr110@att.net
cALiFoRniA, Imperial: oct. 9, nov. 13,
Dec. 11, A; D. Ramey, P.O. Box 241,
Imperial, CA 92251
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: SBhP,
MS, Sep. 3-5 & 24, oct. 8-9 & 22,
nov. 12-13 & 26, Dec. 10-11, A; J. Mosher,
12651 Little Tunjunga Canyon Rd.,
San Fernando, CA 91342; kb6rx3@pacbell.net
FLoRiDA, Chuluota: Sep. 11, oct. 9,
nov. 13, Dec. 11, A; R. Berkheimer,
116 Hilltop Dr., Longwood, FL 32750;
(407) 331-1573; arbyrod@yahoo.com
iDAho, Nampa: Sep. 24, oct. 22, A;
E. Robinson, 804 N. Bonner Pl.,
Nampa, ID 83651; (208) 890-4531;
KAnSAS, Whitewater: Sep. 17, A; D. Luellen,
12916 E. Mainsgate Cir., Wichita, KS 67228;
(316) 636-2059; donluellen@cox.net
MARYLAnD, Sudlersville: SBhP, MS,
oct. 1, Dec. 17, A; K. Denz, 207 Hardwood Ct.,
Townsend, DE 19734; tz9x210@atlanticbb.com
nEW hAMPShiRE, Holderness: Sep. 25,
A; J. Bartlett, 60 Depot St., Rumney, NH 03266;
(603) 786-9720; bartlette357@roadrunner.com
nEW hAMPShiRE, Mt. Vernon: Sep. 11,
oct. 9, A; P. Higgins, 18 Washington Dr.,
Littleton, MA 01460; (978) 886-0108;
nEW MEXico, Hobbs: Sep. 18, oct. 16, A;
D. Stanfield, 509 W. Silver, Hobbs, NM 88240;
nEW MEXico, Raton: Sep. 25, A;
Glenda Graves, 11285 S. Desert Air Blvd.,
Yuma, AZ 85365; (928) 502-0736;
nEW YoRK, Staten Island: SBhP, MS,
Sep. 18, A; J. Millan, 100 Colfax Ave. (7X),
Staten Island, NY 10306; (718) 979-3566;
noRTh cARoLinA, Morrisville: Sep. 18,
oct. 16, nov. 20, A; S. Sylvester,
510 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill,
NC 27514; (919) 933-8447;
noRTh cARoLinA, Roxboro: SBhP,
MS, Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3,
A; D. Caughey, 10 Georgetown Woods Dr.,
Youngsville, NC 27596; (919) 622-8843;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Bradford: Sep. 7,
21 & 25, A; M. Haynes, 14 Looker Mtn. Tr,
Bradford, PA 16701; (814) 363-9971;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Coraopolis: Sep. 17,
A; J. Lauritzen, 75 W. Steuben St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15205;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Irwin: Sep. 3, A;
E. Onder, 48 Regola Dr., Irwin,
PA 15642; (724) 989-6595;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Pittsburgh:
SBhP, MS, Sep. 24, A; G. Taylor IV,
57 Longuevue Dr., Pittsburgh,
PA 15228; (412) 855-6721;
PEnnSYLVAniA, Ridgway: SBhP,
MS, Sep. 3, oct. 1, A; B. Wakefield,
744 Marvindale Rd., Smethport,
PA 16749; (814) 778-5918;
SoUTh cARoLinA, Gaston:
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20,
Dec. 18, A; J. Currie Jr.,
3435 Fish Hatchery Rd.,
Gaston, SC 29053; curries2@aol.com
TEnnESSEE, Memphis: Sep. 25, A;
S. Dawson, 6301 Oak Walk, Bartlett, TN 38135;
(901) 382-0849; samueldawson@att.net
TEXAS, Anthony: Sep. 4, oct. 2, nov. 6,
Dec. 4, A; Sue Critz, 4541 Monahans Dr.,
El Paso, TX 79924
TEXAS, Friendswood: SBhP, MS,
Sep. 3 & 17, oct. 15, nov. 5 & 19,
Dec. 3 & 17, A; R. Parker, P.O. Box 58506,
Houston, TX 77258; (713) 906-7674;
TEXAS, Haltom City: SBhP, MS,
Sep. 3, oct. 1, nov. 5, Dec. 3, A;
D. Hassinger, 5201 Cordova Ave.,
Ft. Worth, TX 76132; (817) 346-0986;
(817) 935-1054 (w); david.hassinger@sbcglobal.net
TEXAS, Houston: Sep. 25, oct. 23,
nov. 27, Dec. 18, A; C. Landry,
3034 Kevin Ln., Houston, TX 77043;
(713) 460-4351; landrycf@earthlink.net
TEXAS, Manor:. 11, oct. 9, nov. 13,
Dec. 11, A; L. Freitag, 12409 Hunters Chase Dr.,
Austin, TX 78729; loufreitag@gmail.com
TEXAS, Mansfield: SBhP, MS,
Sep. 18, oct. 16, nov. 20, Dec. 18,
A; D. Hassinger, 5201 Cordova Ave.,
Ft. Worth, TX 76132; (817) 346-0986;
(817) 935-1054 (w);
TEXAS, New Braunfels: Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; M. Bergevin, 7402 Hobble St.,
San Antonio, TX 78227; (210) 673-4980;
TEXAS, Robert Lee: Sep. 3, oct. 1,
nov. 5, Dec. 3, A; R. Johnson,
P.O. Box 109, Robert Lee, TX 76945;
(325) 763-7911; rjohnson@wtxs.net
ViRginiA, Manassas: Sep. 4, A; J. Marhefka,
13217 Hillendale Dr., Woodbridge, VA 22193;
(571) 408-0892
ViRginiA, Montpelier: Sep. 10,
oct. 8, nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; A. Kowalik,
8714 Wytheland Rd., Henrico, VA 23229;
(804) 740-3453; augiensusie@msn.com
ViRginiA, Suffolk: SBhP, MS, Sep. 11,
oct. 2, nov. 6, Dec. 4, A; W. Stevenson,
P.O. Box 146, Suffolk, VA 23439;
WAShingTon, Custer: Sep. 10,
A; P. Roessel, 6045 Northwest Dr.,
Ferndale, WA 98248
WAShingTon, Seattle: nov. 19,
Dec. 17, A; J. Martinis, 1007 Harvest Rd.,
Bothell, WA 98012; (425) 488-6885;
WEST ViRginiA, Rupert: Sep. 25,
oct. 23, A; J. McClung, P.O. Box 262,
Rich Creek, VA 24147; (540) 726-7659
ARiZonA, Prescott: AP, APoS (Standing),
APF, APFoS (Prone),
Sep. 17, oct. 15, nov. 19, A;
N. Autrey, 7312 E. Horizon Way,
Prescott Valley, AZ 86315;
ARKAnSAS, Van Buren: Sep. 6,
13, 20 & 27, A; J. Slusher, 2505 Pearl Blvd.,
Van Buren, AR 72956; (479) 462-5949;
cALiFoRniA, Concord: Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 20, Dec. 18, A; J. Labash,
1089 Honey Ct., Pittsburg, CA 94565;
(925) 709-9199; me191@comcast.net
cALiFoRniA, Modesto: Sep. 24,
oct. 22, nov. 26, A; J. Laird,
74 Willowood Dr., Oakdale,
CA 95361; (209) 847-3313;
cALiFoRniA, San Fernando: Sep. 17,
oct. 15, nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; M. Woss,
13167 Aztec St., Sylmar, CA 91342;
(818) 745-0467; mwoss@ca.rr.com
FLoRiDA, Palm Bay: Sep. 17, oct. 15,
nov. 19, Dec. 17, A; T. Daniels,
2150 Pumpkin Pl. NE, Palm Bay,
FL 32905; (321) 676-5348; td2@att.net
TEXAS, Haltom City: in, Sep. 6, 13,
20 & 27, oct. 4, 11, 18 & 25, nov. 1,
8, 15, 22 & 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20 & 27, A;
D. Hartzell, 3925 Clayton Rd. W.,
Ft. Worth, TX 76116; (817) 377-4125;
TEXAS, Haltom City: Sep. 10, oct. 8,
nov. 12, Dec. 10, A; C. Simmons,
3320 Doty Ln., Arlington, TX 76001;
(817) 691-4603; cjs_tx@yahoo.com
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NGC Certified in Superb Uncirculated MS-69 condition
Sonically sealed in special limited edition, tamper evident holders
The U.S. Government guarantees the weight and 99.9% pure
fine silver content of each American Silver Eagle
Free Priority Shipping, Handling & Insurance
($7 savings)
Image enlarged to show exquisite detail
Since the 1990’s, the West Point Mint has almost exclusively produced the
Uncirculated Silver Eagle Bullion Coins. Due to explosive investor and collector
demand, the famed San Francisco Mint recently began minting these historic
silver treasures to help the U.S. Mint keep pace.
For the first time ever, Numismatic Guaranty Corporation [NGC] will certify
Uncirculated Silver Eagles with a special (S) mint label designation* identifying
the San Francisco Mint as the producer. By special arrangement, 1st National
Reserve has received a limited allotment of early release, NGC certified (S) mint
2011 Silver American Eagles in Superb Uncirculated MS-69 condition.
NRA members have an exclusive, limited opportunity to order one (1) of
these historic coins at a special price of only $48.00. However, the ongoing
availability of these coins cannot be guaranteed. This offer may be withdrawn
without notice once our allotment is depleted.
· First appearing in 1986, the American Silver Eagles
are one of the largest and purest legal tender silver
coins in U.S. history
· Special limited edition labels and holders are redorange in color with a stunning image of the Golden
Gate Bridge in the background and the phrase
“Struck at San Francisco Mint” at the top
· Features the famed Adolph Weinman “Walking Liberty”
design on the obverse, and on the reverse a heraldic
eagle design sculpted by John Mercanti
· *NGC label denotes (S) mint designation in parentheses
to indicate mintmark does not appear on coin surfaces
The Official Rare Coin & Bullion Dealer of the
Est. 1989
Limit one per household
24 / 7 Check or Money Order
Availability not guaranteed Price subject to change No dealers please
Please read important terms and conditions that accompany products purchased, including arbitration agreement 1st National Reserve reserves the right to void offer in the event
purchaser has not complied with stated terms and conditions. All statements or opinions herein are believed to be accurate to the best of our knowledge at this time. They are not
guaranteed in any way by anyone and are subject to change over time. We advise you to independently verify all representations. • Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax to orders under
$1000 • All customers will receive a five (5) year subscription to our NLG Award-Winning newsletter or e-newsletter, Collectors’ Hard Asset Insider ($200 value) at no charge with order. • We may
contact you from time to time regarding items of interest • If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your Silver Eagle purchase, then return up to 15 days after receipt
of order for a refund. • NO REFUND PRIVILEGE ON QUANTITY SILVER AND GOLD BULLION • Due to the changing price of silver, ad price is subject to change. Please allow up to
3-4 weeks for delivery after receipt of good funds • This ad may not be reproduced or represented in any other medium without the express written consent of the advertiser.
Original hard-copy must be in hand to place order. Silver Basis: $37.00 | 1st National Reserve ® • 120 Shakespeare, Beaumont, TX 77706
Metals Market Report
2010 NLG Award-Winner
Call today, before prices rise again, for
quantity pricing & availability on investmentgrade 2011 gold & silver bullion coins.