1 Orange Coast College DOS MUNDOs – EN BREVE (4th. Ed.) Fall

Orange Coast College
DOS MUNDOs – EN BREVE (4th. Ed.)
Fall 2011
Spanish 185 –Syllabus
Jeff Brown
Dos Mundos En Breve (4th. Ed.) by Terrell, Andrade, Egasse, Muñoz.
Office Hours:
Lit. and Lang. 207
T, Th 9:00 am – 11:00 am or by appointment
Voice mail – (714) 432-5046
jbrown@occ.cccd.edu ( I prefer emails)
http://spanishclass.iscool.net (no www)
The main focus of Spanish 185 is on listening and speaking with reading and writing as supporting
skills. Content areas include: talking about residences, using the past tense, talking about food,
childhood events and memories, the environment, and travel. You will be able to demonstrate the
ability to comprehend and produce simple sentences dealing with past tense activities, modes of
transportation, family relationships, plus talk about the state of the environment. You will also learn
about various aspects of the Hispanic culture.
The course and the text are based on the Natural Approach to foreign language acquisition. That is,
you will be acquiring language in the classroom, as opposed to learning, much like a child acquires
a first language.
We will cover Capítulo 6-Capítulo 11 and possibly review some of chapter 5. There will be 3
(three) exams. The lowest exam score will be dropped and, therefore, will not count. Therefore, if
you miss an exam, that will be the exam you get to drop.
There will also be a number of vocabulary quizzes, at least 4 or 5. Quizzes are multiple choice and
will be generally be 20 questions each. If you miss a vocabulary exam, your next exam will count
as double.
This course is worth 5 (five) units. The homework is appropriate for a 5-unit course. Plan to study
10 to 20 hours a week outside of class in order to keep up in class. Homework will be assigned
from the Centro online workbook, from the text, and from other outside resources.
1. Online workbook: Each Centro online workbook chapter is worth 10 points.
Workbook assignments should be completed by midnight the day they are due. But,
don’t wait. Haste makes waste! One Centro homework assignment will also be
dropped. (Pasos A, B, and C are separate HW assignments. Only one can be dropped.
They are not counted together.)
Please click here for the instructions on how to register for Centro, including the course code
The course code is: EFEPH489
If you did not purchase the textbook new, you can purchase the Quia online
supplement separately. The price is $50.25 (at least). After registering and going
online, there will be a link that says buy. Click on that link to purchase. It looks like
2. Blue pages homework: Each chapter and Paso contains grammar exercises, in blue
pages, at the end of each chapter. Students are responsible for doing those blue pages at
a. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper and write out the entire
sentence for each activity.
b. In the future, if the templates work you will be able to download a template
of the questions, print out the template, and then fill in the answer blanks.
Here is the link the templates. If the link does not work, you’ll have to write
it out on a separate piece of paper.
c. Then, using the answers in the back of your book, use a different colored pen
to correct your mistakes.
d. HW that is not corrected with a red pen will not be accepted and will be
counted late. (Green, pink, and purple pens work too. Please, no blue or
black.) Late HW will be accepted but will be deducted 25%. Late HW will
not be accepted if it is more then one class period late. Each chapter or
Paso’s HW is worth 10 pts.
3. Spanish Dictionary One of the requirements of this class is that you have a Spanish
dictionary. Your Spanish dictionary will be your first ten point assignment due a week
from the first day of class. I recommend buying a good Spanish dictionary and spending
about $5.00. Students have until second week of class to get a dictionary.
4. Essays, outside assignments, etc. Many of the quia online homework activities are
written activities. Some of them I will be assigning and having print them out and turn
them in so I can correct them and get them back to you. I find that if I have students
print out their essays and then I correct them, they take it more seriously. Often, with
online homework, students often never go back and look at their corrections. The
essays may be handwritten or typed out.
Calendar. We’ll be working on the following chapters on the following dates. (May be changed as
need be.) B.P. = Blue pages, Quia = Quia online workbook (also known as Centro).
Tues, Aug 30
Thursday, Sept. 1
Tuesday, Sept. 6
Thursday, Sept. 8
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Thursday, Sept. 15
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Thursday, Sept. 22
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Thursday, Sept. 29
Tuesday, Oct. 4
Thursday, Oct. 6
Tuesday, Oct. 11
Thursday, Oct. 13
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Thursday, Oct. 20
Tuesday, Oct. 25
Thursday, Oct. 27
Tuesday, Oct. 1
Thursday, Oct. 3
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Thursday, Oct. 10
Tuesday, Oct. 15
Thursday, Oct. 17
Tuesday, Oct. 22
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Thursday, Dec. 1
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Thursday, Dec. 8
Tuesday, Dec. 13
Thursday, Dec. 15
Read before class
Introduction to the course
Intro + Ch. 6
pp. 236-237
Ch. 6
pp. 238-239
Ch. 6 Vocab quiz Sp 180 verbs pp. 239-240
Ch. 6
pp . 241-242
Ch. 6
pp. 242-243
Ch. 7 Vocab quiz ch. 6 and 7 pp. 264-266
Ch. 7
pp. 264-267
Ch. 7
pp. 267-270
Ch. 7
pp. 267-270
Ch. 7
pp. 270-273
Exam Ch. 6 and Ch. 7
B.P.7+Quia 6, 7
Ch. 8
pp. 299-301
Ch. 8
pp. 301-303
Ch. 8
pp. 303-305
Ch. 8
pp. 306-309
Ch. 8,9 Vocab quiz ch. 8,9
pp. 328-330
Ch. 9
pp. 330-331
Ch. 9
pp. 331-333
Ch. 9
pp. 334-336
Ch. 9
pp. 336-337
Exam, Ch. 8 and Ch. 9
B.P.9, Quia 8+9
Ch. 10
pp. 365-367
Ch. 10
pp. 367-368
Ch. 10
pp. 368-369
Ch. 10
pp. 370-371
Ch. 11 Vocab quiz ch. 10,11 pp. 398-399
Ch. 11
pp. 400-402
Ch. 11
pp. 402-406
Ch. 11
pp. 407-409
Exam, Ch. 10 and Ch. 11
B.P.11+Quia 10,11
Attendance is very important. Good attendance, together with your preparation and participation in
class will be worth 100 points, or 20% of your grade. Two (2) absences are allowed. Thereafter,
ten (10) points will be deducted from the total of 100 points for every additional absence. Three (3)
tardies will count as one absence. After six tardies, students will lose ½ of one absence for each
tardy. If a student does not have prior permission not to return to class after a break, he/she
will be marked absent.
Each student is allowed one early out. During the second week of class, each student will be given
one “early out” slip to fill out and use to leave early. If a student leaves early and does not provide
a slip, he she will be counted absent.
English in the classroom
The class will be conducted entirely in Spanish, except for the last 5- 10 minutes at which time
students will be allowed to ask questions in English, make comments, etc. Students who speak
English will lose 1 point of their 10 point attendance and participation grade. If you don’t know
how to say it in Spanish, draw it, act it out or look it up in the dictionary (preferably before hand.)
Spend time when doing your speaking activities with your partner. The goal is not to get to the end
of the activity but use the language and have meaningful conversations. Also, you may refer to the
“small talk” handout I will provide you with.
Your grade will be based on the following criteria:
Chapter exams
Attendance and participation
Centro Online workbook exercises
Textbook assignments (blue pages)
Vocab quizzes/essays/outside assignments, etc.
90-100% = A
80-89 = B
= C
60-69 = D
0- 59
= F
Leave your cell phone off and inside of a backpack or purse. Do not leave your phone out on your
desk at all. If you’re expecting an important message, go outside, power up and fire away.
Students who look at their phones and or text in class will lose 5 points, equal to ½ of one
absence. If you’re caught texting 2 times, that’s one absence!
I’m not going to tell you. I’m not going to interrupt class, I’m just going write down a big T in the
book and take away your points.
Also, please do not have computers out during the classroom. Once again, the laptop out on my
desk pretending I’m taking notes epidemic has gotten way out of hand. Please do not take your
laptop out during class.
Additional practice activities and suggested study aids
501 Spanish verbs: Although the 501 Spanish verb book is not required for this course, I
would highly recommend you having it. And, I find it crucial to use during class and while
doing HW.
English grammar for students of Spanish: Again, all
though this text is not required for the glass, it is a valuable
asset to have in the class. It is available in the OCC
bookstore or used online.
Credit for Previous Study of Spanish
Students who have previous study of Spanish or who have grown up in a Spanish speaking home
and speak Spanish already can get double credit by taking the Spanish assessment exam in Watson
Hall and then taking whichever course they score into. By doing this, students can receive double
credit. You must take at least one Spanish course to get the double credit. This is not credit by
exam. This is not retroactive. If you’re interested, please see me and or click on this link.
Practice! Practice! Practice!
*Some items may be changed or revised as need be. Don’t worry.
Calendar. We’ll be working on the following chapters on the following dates. (May be changed as
need be.) B.P. = Blue pages, Quia = Quia online workbook (also known as Centro).
Tues, Aug 30
Thursday, Sept. 1
Tuesday, Sept. 6
Thursday, Sept. 8
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Thursday, Sept. 15
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Thursday, Sept. 22
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Thursday, Sept. 29
Tuesday, Oct. 4
Thursday, Oct. 6
Tuesday, Oct. 11
Thursday, Oct. 13
Tuesday, Oct. 18
Thursday, Oct. 20
Tuesday, Oct. 25
Thursday, Oct. 27
Tuesday, Oct. 1
Thursday, Oct. 3
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Thursday, Oct. 10
Tuesday, Oct. 15
Thursday, Oct. 17
Tuesday, Oct. 22
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Thursday, Dec. 1
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Thursday, Dec. 8
Tuesday, Dec. 13
Thursday, Dec. 15
Read before class
Introduction to the course
Intro + Ch. 6
pp. 236-237
Ch. 6
pp. 238-239
Ch. 6 Vocab quiz Sp 180 verbs pp. 239-240
Ch. 6
pp . 241-242
Ch. 6
pp. 242-243
Ch. 7 Vocab quiz ch. 6 and 7 pp. 264-266
Ch. 7
pp. 264-267
Ch. 7
pp. 267-270
Ch. 7
pp. 267-270
Ch. 7
pp. 270-273
Exam Ch. 6 and Ch. 7
B.P.7+Quia 6, 7
Ch. 8
pp. 299-301
Ch. 8
pp. 301-303
Ch. 8
pp. 303-305
Ch. 8
pp. 306-309
Ch. 8,9 Vocab quiz ch. 8,9
pp. 328-330
Ch. 9
pp. 330-331
Ch. 9
pp. 331-333
Ch. 9
pp. 334-336
Ch. 9
pp. 336-337
Exam, Ch. 8 and Ch. 9
B.P.9, Quia 8+9
Ch. 10
pp. 365-367
Ch. 10
pp. 367-368
Ch. 10
pp. 368-369
Ch. 10
pp. 370-371
Ch. 11 Vocab quiz ch. 10,11 pp. 398-399
Ch. 11
pp. 400-402
Ch. 11
pp. 402-406
Ch. 11
pp. 407-409
Exam, Ch. 10 and Ch. 11
B.P.11+Quia 10,11