Giotto, Marriage at Cana (1304-06) Giotto, Ognissanti Madonna (c

Giotto, Marriage at Cana (1304-06)
Giotto, Ognissanti Madonna (c.
Duccio, Maesta (1308-11)
Jan van Eyck, The Ghent
Altarpiece: God Almighty (1426-27)
Masaccio, Trinity (c. 1425-28)
Giovanni di Paolo, The Creation and
the Expulsion from the Paradise
(c. 1445)
Giovanni Bellini, Agony in the
Garden (c. 1465)
Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper
(c. 1495-98)
Michelangelo, Creation of the Sun,
Moon, and Plants (1511)
Michelangelo, Creation of Adam
Michelangelo, Creation of Eve
Michelangelo, The Deluge (1508-09)
Giovanni Bellini, The Feast of the
Gods (1514)
Matthias Grunewald, The Isenheim
Altarpiece (1515)
Titian, Assumption of the Virgin
Raphael, Transfiguration (1517-20)
Correggio, Jupiter and Io (1531-32)
Tintoretto, Christ Washing the Feet of
His Disciples (c. 1547)
Tintoretto, Creation of the Animals
(c. 1552-52)
Tintoretto, The Last Supper (159294)
Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus
Francisco de Zurbarán, Crucifixion
Rembrandt, Supper at Emmaus
William Blake, Ancient of Days
William Blake, Job Confessing his
Presumption to God who Answers
from the Whirlwind (1803-05)
Caspar David Friedrich, Tetschen
Altar (Cross in the Mountains)
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres,
Jupiter and Thetis (1811)
Horatio Greenough, George
Washington (1840)
Constantino Brumidi, The Apotheosis
of Washington (1865)
Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night
Henry Ossawa Tanner, The
Annunciation (1898)
Salvador Dalí, The Sacrament of the
Last Supper (1955)
Mark Rothko Chapel (1965-66,
Houston, TX)