Course Requirements -‐ UGA and Non

Course Requirements -­‐ UGA and Non-­‐USG Students One of the requirements to enter the Professional Program is to have the Pre-­‐Professional Core Curriculum completed by the term you wish to enter. The course requirements for each major and area of emphasis are listed below. A list of courses that are World Language/Culture electives, Humanities/Arts electives, and Social Science electives can be found here: REQUIRED COURSES FOR FISHERIES & WILDLIFE, FORESTRY, and WATER & SOIL RESOURCES UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 MATH 2200 or 2250 Calculus 4 Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife Sciences students are not required to take MATH 2200 or 2250 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 or BIOS 2010 CHEM 1211+L Chemistry I & Lab 4 CHEM 1212+L Chemistry II & Lab 4 BIOL 1107+L Biology I & Lab 4 BIOL 1108+L Biology II & Lab 4 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead POLS 1101 American Government 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead COMM 1100 Public Speaking 3 or AGCM 1200 Three (3) World 9 Language/Culture Electives Humanities/Arts 3 may be a free elective if COMM 1100 taken Elective above instead of AGCM 1200 Free Elective a free elective is any 3 Water & Soil Resources and Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife course with degree Sciences students must take PHYS 1111+L credit (Physics I, 4 hrs) as their free elective* * Vet School-­‐required courses like PHYS 1112+L, CHEM 2211+L, and CHEM 2212+L do not have to be completed by Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife Sciences students to enter the Professional Program; you may take CHEM 2211+L as your free elective above instead of PHYS 1111+L for the purpose of entering the program. REQUIRED COURSES FOR NATURAL RESOURCES RECREATION & TOURISM (NRRT) UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 or BIOS 2010 CHEM 1211+L BIOL 1107+L BIOL 1108+L ECON 2106 Chemistry I & Lab Biology I & Lab Biology II & Lab Microeconomics 4 4 4 3 POLS 1101 American Government 3 HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 COMM 1100 ANTH 1102, GEOG 1101, or INTL 1100 Public Speaking Anthropology, Human Geography, or International Affairs 3 3 9 One of these electives may be a free elective if ANTH 1102 or GEOG 1101 taken above 3 a free elective is any course with degree credit 8 may be a free elective if COMM 1100 taken above instead of AGCM 1200 Three (3) World Language/Culture Electives Humanities/Arts Elective Free Electives preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead or AGCM 1200 Course Requirements -­‐ University System of Georgia Students One of the requirements to enter the Professional Program is to have the Pre-­‐Professional Core Curriculum completed by the term you wish to enter. The course requirements for each major and area of emphasis are listed below. A list of courses that are Humanities electives, Fine Arts electives, and Social Science electives can be found here: REQUIRED COURSES FOR FISHERIES & WILDLIFE, FORESTRY, and WATER & SOIL RESOURCES UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 MATH 2200 or 2250 Calculus 4 Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife Sciences students are not required to take MATH 2200 or 2250 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 or BIOS 2010 CHEM 1211+L Chemistry I & Lab 4 CHEM 1212+L Chemistry II & Lab 4 BIOL 1107+L Biology I & Lab 4 BIOL 1108+L Biology II & Lab 4 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead POLS 1101 American Government 3 preferred; may use another approved Social HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 Social Science Elective COMM 1100 Humanities Elective 3 Public Speaking 3 3 Science elective instead preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead or AGCM 1200 may be a free elective if COMM 1100 taken above instead of AGCM 1200 Humanities Elective 3 cannot be a COMM class if COMM 1100 taken or Fine Arts Elective above Free Electives a free elective is any 6 Water & Soil Resources and Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife course with degree Sciences students must take PHYS 1111+L credit (Physics I, 4 hrs) for one of their free electives* * Vet School-­‐required courses like PHYS 1112+L, CHEM 2211+L, and CHEM 2212+L do not have to be completed by Pre-­‐Vet Wildlife Sciences students to enter the Professional Program; you may take CHEM 2211+L as your free elective above instead of PHYS 1111+L for the purpose of entering the program. REQUIRED COURSES FOR NATURAL RESOURCES RECREATION & TOURISM (NRRT) UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 or BIOS 2010 CHEM 1211+L Chemistry I & Lab 4 BIOL 1107+L Biology I & Lab 4 BIOL 1108+L Biology II & Lab 4 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead POLS 1101 American Government 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 preferred; may use another approved Social Science elective instead ANTH 1102, GEOG Anthropology, Human 3 1101, or INTL 1100 Geography, or International Affairs Social Science 3 may be a free elective if ANTH 1102 or GEOG Elective 1101 taken above COMM 1100 Public Speaking 3 or AGCM 1200 Humanities Elective 3 may be a free elective if COMM 1100 taken above instead of AGCM 1200 Humanities Elective 3 cannot be a COMM class if COMM 1100 taken or Fine Arts Elective above Free Electives a free elective is any 11 course with degree credit If you have questions about course requirements, please direct them to Matthew Head at 