11 IIl 1I IIll I1I1I I Control Number: 25000 1I1I I Il I1I I Ill II 1I Item Number: 1835 Addendum StartPage: 0 June 27,2003 Ms. Cathy Hightower Filing Clerk Public Utility Commission of Texas 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 RE: Project No. 25000 - Pursuant to Substantive Rule 526.107: IXC, PPC and NDTC Reporting Requirements . Dear Ms. Hightower: This original letter and four (4) copies are submitted for Millennium Telcom, LLC d/b/a One Source Communications in compliance with the Texas Public Utility Commission’s Substantive Rule 526.107, which concerns Reporting Requirements for Interexchange Carriers, Prepaid Calling Service Companies and Other Non-Dominant Telecommunications Carriers. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (5 12) 343-2544. Sincerely, Dennis V. Rose Authorized Representative Millennium Telcom, LLC d/b/a One Source Communications DVWcn Attachments cc: Mr. Kent Blackwell, Millennium Telcom, LLC d/b/a One Source Communications 3721 EXECUTIVE CENTER DRIVE. S U I T zoo E AUSTIN. TX 7 8 7 3 1 - 1 6 3 9 FAX 5 1 2 - 3 4 3 . 0 1 1 9 VOICE 5 1 2.343.2544 WWW.CHRSOLUTIONS.COM A1 I A N l - A - Ausl IN - DALLAS LU13I30CK - MINNEAPOl 1 5 IXC, PPC and UNDTC Reg. Format Control No. 25000 Page 1 of 3 CONTROL No. 25000 REGISTRATION FOR AN INTEREXCHANGE CARRIER, PREPAID CALLING SERVICES COMPANIES AND OTHER UNCERTIFICATED NONDOMINANT TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS Section One: Basic Information Type of Registration: X IXC (Long Distance Carrier Pre Paid Calling Card Provider Other: 1. Name of Registrant (Company Name Known to the Public): One Source Communications LegaVAssumed Name of Registrant: Millennium Telcom, L.L.C. d/b/a One Source Communications Office Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code): 4700 Keller Hicks Road, Keller, Texas 76248 2. Mailing Address (Street/P.O. Box, City, State, Zip Code): 4700 Keller Hicks Road Keller, Texas 76248 3. Registrant Toll-Free Customer Service Number: Registrant Office Number: 8 17-745-2000 Registrant Fax Number: 817-745-2029 4. Registrant Website Address: www. 1scom.com Registrant Email Address: kblackwell@,lscom.com 5. Authorized Representative Contact (Name and Title): Kent Blackwell, VP of Operations Authorized Representative Address: 4700 Keller Hicks Road, Keller, Texas 76248 Authorized Representative Mailing Address: 4700 Keller Hicks Road, Keller, Texas 76248 Authorized Representative Phone Number: 8 17-745-2000 Authorized Representative Fax Number: 8 17-745-2029 Authorized Representative Email Address: kblackwell@l scom.com 6. Emergency Contact (Name and Title): Kent Blackwell, Vice President of Operations Emergency Contact Address: 4700 Keller Hicks Road, Keller, Texas 76248 Emergency Contact Mailing Address: 4700 Keller Hicks Road. Keller, Texas 76248 Emergency Contact Phone Number: 8 17-745-2000 Emergency Contact Fax Number: 8 17-745-2029 Emergency Contact Cell Phone Number: 8 17-614-3686 Emergency Contact Email Address: kblackwell@ 1scom.com 877-210-3007 Revised 05-29-2003 2 IXC, PPC and UNDTC Reg. Format Control No. 25000 Page 2 of 3 7. Form of Business (e.g. corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship): Coruoration State where Business was Formed: Texas CertificatiodAuthorization Number: Date Business was Formed: June 1999 8. FCC Carrier Identification Code (CIC) (if available): 5859 National Exchange Carriers Association (NECA) Operating Carrier Numbers (OCNs) (if available): 4009 Section Two: Affiliate and Key Personnel Information 8 Legal Name of all Affiliated Telecommunications Public Utilities or Affiliated Telecommunications Companies Providing Regulated Services: None States where Affiliates are Providing Services: N/A If the affiliate is in Texas, provide a description of the relationship to the registrant. N/A Provide Organizational Chart (if available). 9. List Directors, Officers, or Partners with their business address, phone number, fax number, email/website address: Mr. A. Craig Knight, Mr. William L. Pulliam, Mr. Don Lee, and Mr. Benny Barrett. *Contact information for each person listed above is as follows: 4700 Keller Hicks Road Keller, Texas 76248 8 17-745-2000 (phone) 817-745-2029 (fax) 10. List the Five Largest Shareholders (if applicable) with their business address, phone number, and email/website address: Millennium Telcom, L.L.C. d/b/a One Source Communications will be wholly owned by Value Choice, Inc. Value Choice, Inc. 4700 Keller Hicks Road Keller, Texas 76248 8 17-745-2000 phone Value Choice, Inc. is a wholly owned subsuduary of: Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 600 N.W. Parkway Azle, Texas 76020 Revised 05-29-2003 3 IXC, PPC and UNDTC Reg. Format Control No. 25000 Page 3 of 3 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS 9 Q 8 My name is Dennis V. Rose. I am Authorized Representative of the reporting 1. company Millennium Telcom, LLC d/b/a OneSource Communications. I swear or affirm that I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this 2. report on Non-dominant Carriers, that I am competent to testify to them, and that I have the authority to make this report on behalf of the company. I further swear or affirm that all of the statements and representations made in this report are true and correct. I swear or affirm that the company understands and will continue to comply with all requirements of law applicable to Non-dominant Carriers. Dennis V. Rose Typed or Printed Name SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the 27th day of June, 2003. M a r y Public In and For the State of Texas My commis ion expire : /-4-od Revised 05-29-2003 4