CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE®

School Year
Registration and
Application Guide
Read this Guide to find out about
the 2007-08 PROFILE process.
Register for your personalized
PROFILE Application at
It’s secure. It’s fast. It’s confidential.
It's customized for you.
Our tools will help you complete
the process:
Application instructions available in
English and Spanish
Customized Pre-Application
Online help available 24/7
Easy to use "Help"
FAFSA Worksheet (available after
January 1, 2007)
Registrations accepted
beginning October 1, 2006.
What is the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE®?
The PROFILE Application is personalized for you based on the
information you give when you register for the service. The PROFILE
Registration process allows the College Board to adapt each
application to your unique family and financial status. When you
complete the PROFILE, you provide your colleges with a complete
picture of your family’s financial situation. In addition, you can
include explanations about special circumstances on the application
so the colleges and programs reviewing your information can make
their decisions knowing as much as possible about your family.
PROFILE is a service of the College Board—a not-for-profit
membership association of high schools, school systems, colleges
and universities, and educational organizations. The College Board’s
mission is to connect students to college success.
Colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, and
scholarship programs use the information collected on the PROFILE
to help them award private grant and scholarship funds. The College
Board does not award scholarship money or other financial aid.
Completing the PROFILE process
is as easy as 1,2,3.
Register for your personalized PROFILE
Application at www.collegeboard.com.
• Review the registration questions contained in this Guide.
The answers to these and other questions allow the College
Board to customize the PROFILE Application to your
family’s financial situation. When you are ready to answer
these questions, go to www.collegeboard.com.
• Click CSS/PROFILE under “Pay for College” on the student’s
home page. Connect any day at any time.
Submit your PROFILE Application.
• Submit your PROFILE Application at least a week before
the earliest priority filing date specified by your colleges
and programs. The College Board will record the date and
time you submit your application based on Eastern Time.
It can take up to one week from the time you submit your
application for your information to be delivered to your
selected colleges and programs.
• After you complete your PROFILE, you will receive an
online PROFILE Acknowledgment. Your Acknowledgment
provides a record of the information you entered on your
application. The Acknowledgment also contains crucial
information about important next steps required to complete
the financial aid application process. You should read the
Acknowledgment carefully and print a copy for your records.
You can always return to the PROFILE Web site to print
another copy of the Acknowledgment if needed.
• Click 2007-08 PROFILE . Enter your username and password.
If you do not have a collegeboard.com username and
password, click Sign Up and provide the required
information. Be sure to save your username and password so
that you can return to your PROFILE Application.
• Click Register for PROFILE . Complete the registration
questions and select the colleges and programs to receive
your PROFILE report. Your application is not saved until you
complete these steps.
• Once you submit your PROFILE, you cannot revise your
information online. Any changes must be sent directly to
your colleges or programs..
• If any of your colleges or programs requires your parents
to complete the Business/Farm Supplement, you will be
instructed to download the form and print it.
PROFILE Online is secure, convenient,
and fast!
• If your biological or adoptive parents are divorced, separated,
or are no longer living in the same household, one or more
of your colleges or programs may require you to submit the
Noncustodial PROFILE Application. If this is the case, the
College Board will e-mail you instructions for completion
of the online application to forward to your noncustodial
parent. Neither you nor your custodial parent will be able
to access your noncustodial parent’s information since it is
password protected.
• Your username and password provide you secure access to
• Automated online editing increases your ability to provide
complete and accurate information, resulting in faster
processing of your application.
• Applicants completing the PROFILE after January 1 are
provided an online worksheet to help them complete the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
• Register at least two weeks before the earliest priority
filing date specified by your colleges and programs.
Go to the PROFILE Online Home Page and click
Participating Institutions to check the priority filing date for
each of your colleges and programs.
• Applicants get timely information about options to help their
families finance college. If your parents choose, the College
Board will send them information about their eligibility to
borrow through the College Board’s PLUS (federal parent
loan) program.
Complete your PROFILE Application.
• After registering, print the customized Pre-Application
Worksheet to learn what additional information will be
required. You may also wish to print the instructions.
• You can begin the online application immediately after you
register, or you can come back later. You do not need to
complete the entire application at one time. You can save the
information and return to it later.
© 2006 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, CSS, CSS/Financial Aid
PROFILE, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. connect
to college success is a trademark owned by the College Board. All other products and
services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Visit the College Board on the
Web: www.collegeboard.com. Printed in the United States of America.
Special Offer: Order Meeting College Costs
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• how to compare financial aid offers
• how to pay for college when financial aid is
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Meeting College Costs: What You Need to Know
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authoritative book on paying for college
from the student aid experts at the College
Board, will answer your questions about:
Meeting Co
• how much college will really cost
• how the government and colleges
decide who gets scholarships and
financial aid—and how much
• how state-sponsored savings and
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This reduced price is only available
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when you complete your PROFILE
What You
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Your Child
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Leave Home
Frequently Asked Questions
1. PROFILE collects personal financial
information. How can I be assured that
my information will remain confidential?
3. Can I change my answer to a registration
question once I have begun the PROFILE
The College Board considers confidentiality one of its highest
priorities and uses every possible measure to protect your
information. Your application data is sent only to the colleges
and programs that you authorize. Your information is stored
in a secure environment with firewall protection and is not
shared with anyone else.
Yes. You can change any answer to any question before you
submit the application. In fact, if your answers to application
questions conflict with your answers to registration
questions, the system will direct you to review your answers.
4. How much does the PROFILE Application cost?
All students are charged a $5 registration fee. This covers
the cost of customizing your PROFILE Application. You will
be charged $18 for each college or program to which you
want information sent. This covers the cost of processing and
reporting your information.
All of the information that passes between the College Board
and your computer, including your credit card, debit card,
or check number, is data encrypted. Encryption technology
ensures that data remain secure while being transmitted
along the Internet by encoding the information. PROFILE
Online is a “VeriSign Secure Site.” You can click on the
VeriSign graphic on the home page to verify.
A limited number of fee waivers are granted to first-time
college applicants from families with very low incomes
and few assets. The fee waiver covers the cost of PROFILE
registration and reporting to up to six colleges or programs.
Fee waivers are awarded automatically online based on family
financial information. You don’t need to apply for a fee waiver.
2. Why aren’t the PROFILE questions numbered
for reference purposes?
Because each applicant is presented only with questions that
pertain to his/her financial circumstances, the number of
questions on each student’s application will vary. As a result,
the PROFILE questions are not numbered. However, each
PROFILE section is uniquely identified, and each question
contains a “help code” so that you can refer to the code when
contacting the PROFILE support center or speaking with a
financial aid administrator at your selected colleges.
5. How do I pay for my application?
You have several payment options:
• credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express,
• debit card (MasterCard or Visa); or
• online check.
6. Does the CSS® Code List in this Guide include
all the colleges and programs that use
for a fee waiver, your remaining fee-waiver eligibility will
be applied when adding colleges. When you add colleges or
programs, you may be asked to complete additional questions
required by these institutions.
No. The most up-to-date list of colleges, universities, and
scholarship programs that use PROFILE can be found
online at www.collegeboard.com. Instructions distributed
by colleges and programs describe their application
requirements in detail.
11. How will I know that the College Board has
received my submitted PROFILE Application?
After you submit your PROFILE Application, you can access
your PROFILE Acknowledgment on our Web site. The
Acknowledgment is your record of submitting the PROFILE.
It shows the colleges and programs to which we will send
your information and reports the data you provided in your
My parents don’t have a computer at home.
How can I complete the online application?
If your parents don’t have access to a computer, we suggest
that you register for PROFILE using a computer in your high
school or local library. At the end of the registration step, you
should print the customized Pre-Application Worksheet and
Application Instructions and take them home. You and your
parents can complete the Worksheet together. Then you can
enter the information when you return to your high school or
local library and log back on to www.collegeboard.com using
your secure ID and password. If you have any questions about
accessing PROFILE, you should contact your school counselor
or the financial aid offices to which you are applying for aid.
The Acknowledgment may also contain message codes from
your colleges and programs advising you of the next steps
in the process. If you need to change any of your application
information, print your Acknowledgment, make corrections,
and send them to your colleges or programs.
12. What is IDOC?
The Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) is the College
Board’s data collection and verification service. Many colleges
participate in the service to streamline the collection of tax
returns from families. There is no charge to applicants for this
service. If any colleges to which you are applying use IDOC,
you will be asked to submit your family’s tax returns (and
other forms required for verification) to the College Board’s
processing center, rather than directly to the college(s). The
College Board will notify you of the IDOC requirement on your
PROFILE Acknowledgment, through the mail, or via e-mail.
8. What is the Noncustodial PROFILE, and why
must my parent complete it?
Many colleges believe that it is the responsibility of both of
your biological or adoptive parents to pay for your college
expenses, to the extent they are able, even though they are no
longer living in the same household. To make a fair assessment
of your eligibility for institutional student aid funds, colleges
evaluate your custodial parent’s financial circumstances from
information on the PROFILE and your noncustodial parent’s
financial circumstances from information on the Noncustodial
PROFILE. Exceptions to this requirement can be made only by
the college(s) requiring the Noncustodial PROFILE Application,
not by the College Board.
13. Can I use PROFILE to apply for federal
student aid?
No. For federal assistance you must complete a Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can
complete FAFSA on the Web (www.fafsa.ed.gov) or you can
get a paper FAFSA from your high school guidance office, a
college financial aid office, or by calling the Federal Student
Aid Information Center (800 433-3243). If you submit your
PROFILE after January 1, we will provide you with an online
worksheet to help you complete the FAFSA.
9. If I change my mind about applying to
a particular college or program after
registering, can I delete that code number
from my record?
You can delete a college or program from your registration
record or change your college or program choices at any
time up until you submit your completed application to the
College Board. After submission you may only add colleges or
Any questions?
You can e-mail us at help@cssprofile.org, or you can call us
at 305 829-9793. Service hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday, but are subject to change.
Extended service hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. are available
from January through April. The following number has been
designated a Telephone Device for the Deaf: 800 915-9990.
10. How can I add a college or program after I’ve
submitted my PROFILE Application?
You can add a college or program to your PROFILE
Application by going to the PROFILE Home Page and
clicking Add Colleges to Submitted Application . The charge is $18
for each additional college or program to which you want
your information sent. If you listed fewer than six colleges
or programs on your original application and you qualified
Profile Registration
Before you begin your PROFILE Application
you will need to register for your personalized
application at www.collegeboard.com. In
addition to basic personal information such
as your name, date of birth, social security
number, year in school, preferred e-mail
address, and permanent address (entered
in questions 1–12), you will need to be able
to answer the following questions during
the PROFILE registration step. Please
review these questions with your parent or
guardian if you are unsure of the answers.
This registration step is important because
it allows the College Board to customize your
application by only asking you questions
that are appropriate to your family’s
circumstances. The Spanish language version
of these questions is also available on the
PROFILE Web site at www.collegeboard.com.
Understanding Who We Mean
When We Say Parents
• If your parents are both living and married to each other,
answer the questions in the Registration and on the
Application for both of them.
• If your parents are separated, divorced, or were never
married, answer the questions only about the parent you
lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not
live with one parent more than the other in the past 12
months, give answers about the parent who provided the
most financial support during that time.
• If your parent has remarried you must also include
information about your stepparent. Note that in this case,
whenever the word “parent” is used, it refers to both the
parent and the stepparent.
• If you have a legal guardian, answer the questions about
your legal guardian.
Question 13. For 2006, have the student’s parent(s)
completed an income tax return?
❍ Completed an income tax return
❍ Will file, but have not completed an income tax return
❍ Not required to file a tax return
Question 14. What income tax return did or will the
student’s parent(s) file in 2006?
❍ 1040
❍ 1040A
❍ 1040 EZ
❍ Puerto Rican tax return
❍ Other U.S. territory tax return
❍ Canadian tax return
❍ Other non-U.S. tax return
Question 15. Does the student’s parent receive Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)?
❍ Yes
❍ No
Question 16. Do either of the student’s parents receive
Supplemental Security Income (SSI?)
❍ Yes
❍ No
Question 17. Is either of the student’s parents selfemployed?
❍ Yes
❍ No
Question 18. Does either of the student’s parents own all or
part of a business, corporation, partnership, or farm?
❍ Yes
❍ No
Question 19. What is the student’s parent(s) housing
❍ Own home
❍ Rent home
❍ Live with others
❍ Housing is provided by employer
Help with these questions can be found online at
www.collegeboard.com, by calling the customer
support line at 305 829-9793, or by e-mailing
CSS Code List
The schools and scholarship programs below are all PROFILE users. Instructions distributed by their financial aid
offices will describe their application requirements in detail. A school with an asterisk (*) next to its name uses
PROFILE for Early Decision or Early Action applicants only.
8849 Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association
0245 Tanana Tribal Council Scholarship
0651 Association of Woodworking and
Furnishing Suppliers
4034 California Institute of Technology
8301 Charles R. Drew University of Allied
4054 Claremont McKenna College
4063 College of Notre Dame
4341 Harvey Mudd College
1344 Hebrew Union College
4403 Loyola Marymount University
4581 Occidental College
0763 Otis Spunkmeyer Foundation
4620 Patten College
4619 Pitzer College
4607 Pomona College
0585 Salvation Army Student Loan Program
4851 Santa Clara University
4693 Scripps College
4392 Southern California College of Optometry
Stanford University:
4704 -All Undergraduates
0265 -Graduate School of Business
4758 -School of Medicine
7158 University of California, Los Angeles
(UCLA)-School of Medicine
4852 University of Southern California
4952 Whittier College
4072 Colorado College
2792 Daniels Fund
3284 Connecticut College
0594 Eugene Atwood Fund
3390 Fairfield University
0277 Guilford High School Scholarship
0060 Guilford Scholarship Association
3145 Jewish Home for Children Scholarship
1236 Lyme Academy of Fine Arts
7929 New Canaan H.S. Scholarship Foundation
7350 New England Health Care Employees
Scholarship Program
3780 Sacred Heart University
3899 Trinity College
3959 Wesleyan University
0044 Wilton High School Scholarship
3987 Yale University
2707 American Council of Teachers of Russian
0540 American Foreign Service Association
George Washington University:
5246 -All Undergraduates
5587 -National Law Center
Georgetown University:
5244 -Undergraduates Only
7306 -Law Center
0518 International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Scholarship Foundation
6832 Tulane University
6975 Xavier University of Louisiana
5327 International Fine Arts College
0176 Legacy Foundation, The
5437 Lynn University
0550 The “200” Club of Morris County
Scholarship Program
*5002 Agnes Scott College
0729 Clark-Holder Clinic Medical Education
5187 Emory University:
0140 -Schools of Medicine (4yr MD) & Allied
5417 Morris Brown College
5186 Oxford College of Emory University
5628 Spelman College
*4105 Chaminade University of Honolulu
0274 Kamehameha Schools
1031 Archeworks
1707 Benedictine University
1070 Bradley University
1245 Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
1320 Illinois Wesleyan University
0294 Joseph Blazek Foundation Scholarship
1484 Monmouth College
1486 Moody Bible Institute
Northwestern University:
1565 -Incoming Freshmen & Transfer
3593 -Continuing & Returning Undergraduates
1630 Principia College
1755 St. Joseph College of Loyola UniversityChicago
0097 Seabury-Western Theological Seminary
1717 Shimer College
1832 University of Chicago, The College
1073 Butler University
1166 DePauw University
1251 Goshen College
1309 Holy Cross College
1702 Saint Mary’s College
0619 Scholarship Foundation of Saint Joseph
0063 Trinity Episcopal Church Scholarship
1208 University of Evansville
1841 University of Notre Dame
(Undergraduates Only)
1895 Wabash College
0346 Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship Program
6869 University of Dubuque
6964 Washburn University, School of Law
8839 Paducah Technical College
1808 Transylvania University
3076 Bates College
3089 Bowdoin College
3269 Bridgton Academy
3280 Colby College
7363 American Association of Colleges of
Osteopathic Medicine Application Service
3823 College Financial Aid Counseling
5257 Goucher College
5332 Johns Hopkins University
5370 Loyola College in Maryland
5598 St. John’s College
3003 Amherst College
0613 Attleboro Scholarship Foundation
3075 Babson College (New First-Year &
Transfer Students Only)
Bentley College:
3096 - All Undergraduate Students
3098 - All Graduate Students
3083 Boston College
Boston University:
3087 - All Undergraduates
Graduate Programs:
7423 - Grad. Law School
8928 - Grad. School of Dentistry
3116 - Grad. School of Medicine
8930 - Grad. School of Public Health
Brandeis University:
3092 - All Undergraduates
0046 - Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
3165 - Heller Graduate School
3100 - International Business School
0520 Caroline E. Hill Scholarship Fund
3279 Clark University
3282 College of the Holy Cross
0161 Concord Carlisle Scholarship Fund
9267 Duxbury High School Scholarship
0042 Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts
3367 Emerson College
0467 Francis Ouimet Caddie Scholarship Fund
3417 Gordon College
3447 Hampshire College
Harvard University:
3434 - Harvard College
3454 - JFK Grad. School of Government
3445 - Medical School
3441 - School of Dental Medicine
0672 Marblehead Sr. H.S. Scholarship Fund
3461 MAS Associates
3514 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
0113 Massachusetts Rehabilitation
3529 Mount Holyoke College
3667 Northeastern University
3753 Scandinavian Seminar
3795 Simon’s Rock College of Bard
3762 Smith College:
3775 - School for Social Work
3763 Springfield College
3770 Stonehill College
3905 Town of Chelmsford Scholarship Fund
(Town Residents Only)
Tufts University:
3901 - All Undergraduates
8865 - School of Dental Medicine
3936 University of Massachusetts Medical
3957 Wellesley College
3963 Wheaton College
3965 Williams College
3969 Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1001 Adrian College
0248 Ave Maria College
1295 Hillsdale College
1365 Kalamazoo College
9950 Karla Scherer Foundation Scholarship
*1452 Marygrove College
1595 Olivet College
1672 Reformed Bible College
1753 St. Mary’s College
1719 Siena Heights University
1839 University of Michigan
6081 Carleton College
6253 Gustavus Adolphus College
6390 Macalester College
6638 Saint Olaf College
6293 Aquinas Institute of Theology
6123 Culver-Stockton College
6929 Washington University
Dartmouth College:
- Thayer School of Engineering
St. Anselm College
AIG Foundation Scholarship Program
Altria Group Inc. Scholarship Program
Alumax Scholarship Program
Avon Foundation Scholarship
Brown Brothers/Harriman & Company
Scholarship Program
Cabot Scholarship Program
Campbell Soup Scholarship Program
Charles T. King Student Loan Fund
Chase Louisiana Smart Start Scholarship
Citibank Employees Scholarship Program
College of St. Elizabeth
Cone Mills Scholarship Program
Drew University, Undergraduates
Edward K. Welles Scholarship Program
Ensign-Bickford Foundation Scholarship
Fortis Foundation Scholarship Program
Frank and Louise Groff Foundation
Future Brands Foundation Scholarship
GTE Scholarship Program
Harleysville Insurance Co. Scholarship
Household International Scholarship
HSBC Scholarship Program
IBM Thomas J. Watson Scholarship
9901 ITT Industries, Inc. Scholarship Program
9991 James J. Kerrigan Scholarship Program
9915 Kraft Foods International Scholarship
9864 Kraft Foods Scholarship Program
9039 Kyocera Mita Scholarship Program
9923 Lexmark Scholarship Program
0235 Marjorie & Frank Mundy Scholarship
0392 Morgan Stanley Scholarship Program
0607 Mountain Lakes Home Scholarship
0517 NARM Scholarship Foundation
9954 Philip Morris USA Tobacco Farmer
Partnering Program
2672 Princeton University
2703 Proctor and Gamble Fund
9967 Rayonier Employee Scholarship Program
9959 Reader’s Digest Foundation Scholarship
0398 R.J.R. Nabisco Voc./Tech. Scholarship
0328 Rouse Company Scholarship Program
9820 Salomon-Robeson Scholarship Program
9982 Schwab Rosenhouse Memorial
9881 Siemens Information & Communication
Networks Scholarship Program
9984 Southern Wine & Spirits Scholarship
9904 Starr Foundation Scholarship Program
0638 Teagle Foundation Scholarship Program
0188 Teaneck Community Scholarship Fund
9964 Textron & Div. Scholarship Program
9963 Thomas Labrecque Smart Start
Scholarship Program
0078 William Salomon Scholarship Program
4737 St. John’s College
Albany College of Pharmacy
Albany Law School
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bard College
Barnard College-Columbia University
Buttonwood Foundation
Cochran School of Nursing
-St. John’s Riverside Hospital
2086 Colgate University
Columbia University:
2116 -Columbia College
2148 -College of Physicians and Surgeons
2101 -School of Dental and Oral Surgery
2111 -School of Engineering & Applied Science
2097 Cooper Union
2098 Cornell University:
2822 -College of Veterinary Medicine
6787 Council on International Educational
0174 Daughters of Cincinnati
2226 Elmira College
Fordham University:
3031 -Lincoln Center Campus
2259 -Rose Hill Campus
0087 Gruss Life Monument Scholarship
2286 Hamilton College
2290 Hebrew Union College-JIR
2294 Hobart & William Smith Colleges
0206 Horace Greeley Education Fund
*2325 Ithaca College
Jewish Theological Seminary of America:
2339 -Albert A. List College
2618 -Cantor’s Institute
2679 -Graduate School
2470 -Rabbinical School
0272 Joseph Tauber Scholarship Program
2850 King's College, The
Long Island University:
*2369 -Brooklyn Campus
2070 -C.W. Post Campus, Brookville
2396 Manhattan School of Music
*2511 Nazareth College of Rochester
New York College of Podiatric Medicine
Pratt Institute
St. Lawrence University
Sarah Lawrence College
Skidmore College
Syracuse University
Union College & University
United States Trust Co. of N.Y.
2928 University of Rochester
2956 Vassar College
*2971 Wells College
5692 Albert H. Bangert Memorial Student
Loan/Scholarship Fund
0062 Brooks, Aubrey Lee Scholarship
5150 Davidson College
5156 Duke University:
5152 -School of Medicine
0289 Eastern College of Music
5183 Elon University
0093 Jagannathan Scholarship
5003 North Carolina A&T State University
5816 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Wake Forest University:
5885 -Undergraduates Only
7596 -School of Law
5084 -School of Medicine
3189 Brown University
(New Freshmen & Transfers Only)
3693 Providence College
3726 Rhode Island School of Design
3729 Roger Williams University
(First-Time Entering Undergraduates Only)
3759 Salve Regina University
(New Freshmen & Transfers Only)
5117 Columbia College
*5222 Furman University (Early Decision Only)
5540 Presbyterian College
2598 Rose Hill College
0061 Sirrine Foundation Scholarship Program
5912 Wofford College
1192 East Tennessee State University, Medical
7549 Meharry Medical College
1730 Rhodes College
1809 Trevecca Nazarene College
1871 Vanderbilt University-All Undergraduates
0401 Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
6609 Rice University
6660 Southern Methodist University
3080 Bennington College
3418 Green Mountain College
9934 Landmark College
3509 Marlboro College
3526 Middlebury College
3669 Norwich University
3757 St. Michael’s College
1029 Athenaeum of Ohio
0009 C. Mitchell Morgan Scholarship Fund
*1134 College of Wooster
1305 Hebrew Union College
0285 Jacob H. Otto Scholarship Trust
1370 Kenyon College
1587 Oberlin College
Ohio Northern University:
*1591 -Incoming Freshmen & Transfer
1606 -All Other Applicants
1594 Ohio Wesleyan University
1597 Otterbein College
0547 Army Emergency Relief National
5291 Hampden-Sydney College
9814 Henrico County - St. Mary’s Hospital
School of Practical Nursing
2804 Patrick Henry College
5887 Washington and Lee University
(Undergraduates Only)
*4387 Linfield College
4654 Reed College
4595 Warner Pacific College
*4954 Willamette University
7011 Abraham L. Buckwalter Assistance Fund
2049 Bryn Mawr College
2050 Bucknell University
2100 Curtis Institute of Music
2186 Dickinson College
2704 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
2261 Franklin and Marshall College
0019 Friends of Philadelphia Scholarship
2275 Gettysburg College
2289 Haverford College
7188 Hughesian Free School Trust
0430 Kosak and Associates
2361 Lafayette College
2365 Lehigh University
0740 Lower Merion Township Scholarship
2418 Moravian College
2424 Muhlenberg College
2763 Rosemont College
2812 Seton Hill University
0059 Student Aid Fund, The
2820 Susquehanna University
2821 Swarthmore College
University of Pennsylvania:
2926 -Incoming Freshmen and Transfer
2933 -Returning Undergraduates
2931 Ursinus College
9483 Arabic Educational Foundation
0254 George T. Welch Fund, The
3774 Nicholas Vitos Scholarship
*4067 University of Puget Sound
4951 Whitman College
5151 Davis and Elkins College
5272 George E. Stifel Scholarship Fund
1012 Alverno College
1100 Cardinal Stritch College
0275 Great Lakes Teacher Training
7590 Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
1490 Mount Mary College
University of Wisconsin:
1921 - Whitewater
0935 McGill University
0949 Queen’s University at Kingston
0982 University of Toronto
0866 American University of Paris
3665 International University Bremen
3984 International Asian Studies Program at
the Chinese University of Hong Kong
0922 Franklin College