Unit Guide - Macquarie University

Governance, Structure and Organisation of
Higher Education
S1 Day 2013
General Information
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Tasks
Delivery and Resources
Unit Schedule
Policies and Procedures
Graduate Capabilities
Macquarie University has taken all reasonable
measures to ensure the information in this
publication is accurate and up-to-date. However,
the information may change or become out-dated
as a result of change in University policies,
procedures or rules. The University reserves the
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publication without notice. Users of this
publication are advised to check the website
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this publication.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
General Information
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Unit Convenor
Cathy Rytmeister
Contact via cathy.rytmeister@mq.edu.au
By appointment - the best way for students to contact me is via the iLearn Dialogue tool.
Prospective students should contact me using my University email (see above).
Credit points
Admission to MA in Education Studies or MEChild or PGDipEChild or PGCertEChild or MEd
or MEdLead or PGDipEdLead or PGCertEdLead or PGDipEdS or PGCertEdS or MHEd or
PGDipHEd or PGCertHEd or MSpecEd or PGDipSpecEd or PGCertSpecEd or MTeach(Birth
to Five Years) or MIndigenousEd or PGDipIndigenousEd or PGCertIndigenousEd
Co-badged status
Unit description
This unit provides an overview of legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks for the
governance of Australian higher education, and the impact of these on organisation and
structure at both sectoral and institutional levels. It examines global, national and institutional
diversity in higher education structures and functions, with regard to social, cultural and
political contexts. The emphasis is on extending students' understanding of and theorising
about issues for leaders and managers across the higher education sector.
Learning Outcomes
1. Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
2. Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
3. Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
4. Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment Tasks
Ongoing Weeks 1-13
Learning Activity 2
Sunday 17 March
Assignment 1
Sunday 7 April
Assignment 2
Sunday 5 May
Assignment 3
Friday 7 June
Due: Ongoing Weeks 1-13
Weighting: 10%
Participation and collaboration are important components of the work most people undertake in
higher education institutions, and so also form an important component of this unit. Learning
activities are designed to facilitate cooperative and collaborative learning - due to the diversity of
student needs in the unit, in most cases this interaction will occur in the online environment.
The Participation mark is based on students' contributions to online forums and the unit wiki,
where these are not specifically listed in the Assessment section of this Unit Guide. If applicable,
participation in face to face sessions will also be assessed, if these are held and students
choose to attend (optional - depends on demand).
Both level of activity (regularity and frequency of interaction) and content of interaction will be
assessed, with the emphasis on contribution to building a collaborative and learning space and a
constructive and cooperative learning culture. More information on assessment of participation
is provided in the Assessment Information document in the iLearn unit.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Learning Activity 2
Due: Sunday 17 March
Weighting: 10%
In this Learning Activity, students seek out, from a range of sources, quotes that demonstrate
different views on higher education and higher education institutions. Suggested sources
include mainstream and alternative media (traditional and online), personal communication with
colleagues and other contacts, government documents, institutional documents and scholarly
literature (e.g. journal articles and books).
The aim is to gather a wide range of views as a basis for Assignment 1, in which students
collaboratively explore the philosophical, cultural, social and economic underpinnings of these
different views, and how each might exert influence on higher education and institutions, via
various stakeholder and interest groups. A brief comment on the source and initial impression of
the view expressed is included in this activity, in preparation for Assignment 1.
More information is provided in Module 2 and in the Assessment Information document in the
iLearn unit.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Assignment 1
Due: Sunday 7 April
Weighting: 20%
Assignment 1 uses the material collected in Learning Activity 2 as the stimulus for students'
collaboration to produce a 1000-word wiki article that considers a diversity of perspectives on
higher education. The article should summarises areas of convergence and divergence of
views, and identify, with reference to the literature, the antecedents, discourses and assumptions
that underpin them. The aim is to draw some tentative conclusions about the sources and
directions of influence on higher education systems and the institutions within them, as a basis
for students' further exploration of their organisation, structure and governance as we progress
through the unit.
Creating a wiki article relies on both individual contributions and ongoing collaboration - as does
much of the work we do in higher education. This is an opportunity to model a collaborative
process (for example, a working party or committee) which is required to produce a defined
product (for example, a report. discussion paper or briefing paper).
Assessment will be both individual, based on each students' contributions (10%) and collective,
based on the final product at the due date (10%).
More information is provided in Module 2 and the Assignment Information document in the iLearn
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
Assignment 2
Due: Sunday 5 May
Weighting: 20%
This Assignment consists of a 1000-word critique of a journal article, selected from a list provided
(see Module 3 and the Assessment information document in the iLearn unit for more
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
The focus of this Assignment will be the Module 3 content, which considers the organisation,
structure and governance of HE at the sectoral level.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assignment 3
Due: Friday 7 June
Weighting: 40%
Assignment 3 is a major written paper (2000 words) examining a critical higher education issue
from an institution-level perspective. The focus is on describing, analysing and proposing
strategic solutions to challenges facing higher education leaders and managers in the short to
medium term. Students will choose from a list of topics or, if they have a particular area of
interest not in the list, may negotiate an alternative topic with the unit convenor.
More information is provided in Module 4 and the Assessment Information document in the
iLearn unit.
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Delivery and Resources
Overview of Unit Delivery
The overall objective of the unit is to enhance your capacity for, and practice of, leadership and
management in higher education and other organisational contexts.
The unit is organised in such a way as to enable you to learn through a combination of
independent reading, collaborative discussion and written assignments. The unit content is
organised into 6 modules (see the Unit Schedule in menu on the left). The modules encourage
you to build analytical, critical and strategic thinking capabilities and apply them to a range of
problems and issues facing the higher education sector and higher education institutions.
Learning activities include online participation and collaboration.
All teaching and learning activities are accessed and managed through the online unit, accessed
via iLearn at https://ilearn.mq.edu.au/login/MQ/.
To complete the Unit requirements satisfactorily you must
have regular and reliable access to the internet.
On-campus sessions may be held if we have enough students (at least 6) who can attend.
Alternatively, we can arrange meeting times on campus and/or via Skype or other
communication tools for external students. We will discuss this further online during Weeks 1 and
Work requirements
The Unit has been designed as a 4 postgraduate credit point unit, requiring the equivalent of 13
weeks of work over one semester. This means you should expect to spend a minimum of 12
hours per week on your study in order to meet the requirements of the Unit.
As postgraduate scholars, students bring to the Unit a vast and diverse range of previous
knowledge and experience. We regard this as a major resource in the development of your
individual and collective understanding of the concepts addressed in the Unit.
To satisfactorily complete each of the modules for this unit you are expected to:
• read a number of specified articles/chapters/documents, plus additional reading that you
seek out independently;
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
• complete the specified Learning Activities for each Module, including participation in
online discussions and collaboration on the wiki. Learning Activities are an integral part
of your learning in this unit because it is through these that you engage with the content;
• submit each of the assignments on or before the due date.
Independent study is an important aspect of the unit, as this develops scholarship and depth of
understanding. Other learning activities in the unit (discussions and wiki collaboration) are
designed to model the collaborative and collegial processes by which many of the objectives of
higher education institutions are met. It is important, therefore, that you confidently and
• share your current knowledge and experience with others in the group;
• allow your current thinking to be subject to constructive critical analysis and debate;
• contribute to discussion of the key concepts and ideas found in the literature and in the
taken-for-granted notions held by you and others in the group; and
• use these discussions as a way of further developing your individual and collective
understanding of the key concepts and ideas in the Unit.
To reflect the importance of this aspect of your learning, the extent and quality of your
involvement in, and contributions to, the Learning Activities associated with each module will be
assessed as part of the overall assessment strategy in this unit (see Assessment Tasks link at
Readings and Resources
The governance, management and organisation of higher education is highly political.
Historically it has been, and continues to be, a site of contestation between its many stakeholder
groups. Such struggles over territory are often based on a combination of ideology, economics
and culture.
In Australia, with legislative and funding responsibilities divided between Commonwealth and
State jurisdictions (although with the balance now very much shifted towards the
Commonwealth, as we shall see), the higher education sector is regularly reviewed, investigated
and reported upon by both State and Federal Governments (and by Oppositions). Therefore,
unlike many other areas of study in higher education, when we consider the study of its
governance, structure and organisation, we find much source material in Parliamentary or
departmental reviews, reports, discussion papers, policy statements and/or legislation, as well as
in scholarly books and articles.
Core and recommended readings for each module are listed within the modules themselves, as
well as in the overall Reading List (follow the Resources link in the panel at right).
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Core readings
Given the currency of many of the issues covered in this unit, there is no specific textbook;
however, it is important that you have access to a copy of the Bradley Report and the
Government's response, Transforming Australia's Higher Education System, as we will be
referring to these frequently in our discussions and assessment tasks. The Bradley Report can
be downloaded in pdf format from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations (DEEWR). You should also familiarise yourself with the report of the Cutler review of
innovation (Venturous Australia) - it can be downloaded from the Department of Industry,
Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) Innovation Review website.
Another good background document is the Higher Education Report 2010 (the most recent
available), which provides an overview of the sector, including statistical summaries.
Please note: You don't need to print all of these out! The reports and the Government
responses are substantial documents, and the earlier reports include some now quite dated
information - but together they underpin many of the recent policy developments in Australian
higher education so it's important to have a copy handy in electronic form.
Note that in 2011-12, Departmental responsibility for tertiary education shifted from DEEWR
(Dept of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations) to DIISRTE (Dept of Industry,
Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education - formerly DIISR). Both Departmental
websites have been updated, however, there are still a few documents that haven't been moved
across - if any documents you require in the Unit are not easily accessible on the either the
DEEWR or DIISRTE websites, I'll ensure that are distributed to you.
You should also keep an eye on the website of the LH Martin Institute, based at the University of
Melbourne. The Institute conducts higher education research and policy analysis and provides
seminars and executive education for higher education industry professionals. The Institute's
staff are responsible for a range of research reports, refereed articles and other commentary,
most of which are provided as links from the "Publications" section of the website. These
researchers and analysts are major contributors to the field of higher education both in Australia
and globally. The Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), also a part of the University
of Melbourne and has a similarly useful website and similarly esteemed researchers and
commentators on its staff. The Grattan Institute, an independent think tank (although supported
"in kind" by the University of Melbourne by provision of a physical location), has established a
Higher Education Program and releases regular reports and commentary on the higher
education sector and institutions.
Where core readings are available on public websites (such as DIISRTE or Parliamentary
websites) the relevant url is given so that you can access them directly.
Finally, the journal articles included in core readings are accessible via the Library's online
journal subscriptions - follow the Journal Finder link from the Library home page. You might also
wish to browse these journals for other useful articles.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Recommended readings
Each module also includes a list of recommended readings. It is not required or expected that
you will read all of the recommended readings. Rather, you should select from them according to
your particular interests and needs, to supplement the core readings and those you seek out
yourself. Your assignment work and your participation in online discussions should reflect this
broad reading.
Recommended readings will be available either:
• in e-Reserve;
• in Macquarie Library Reserve (books and full reports);
• via Macquarie's online journal subscriptions (use Journal Finder on the Library home
page); or
• on public websites (url will be provided).
Recommended journals
The following journals often contain articles and reviews relevant to this unit. You should
familiarise yourself with the general areas covered by each. Those marked * are available via
Macquarie's online journal subscriptions, although often the most recent year is not available
online. In this case, you can access the hard copy in the Library or, if you are an external/
distance student, you may request a copy of particular articles from the Library.
• Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education *
• Australian Universities Review *
• Higher Education *
• Higher Education Management and Policy*
• Higher Education Research and Development *
• Higher Education Quarterly *
• International Journal of Leadership in Education *
• Journal of Educational Administration *
• Journal of Higher Education *
• Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management *
• Journal of Tertiary Education Administration New Directions for Higher Education *
• Research in Higher Education *
• Review of Higher Education *
• Studies in Higher Education *
• Tertiary Education and Management *
In addition, current comment on many of the issues discussed in this unit can be found in daily
newspapers and the industry press, including:
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
• The Australian: Higher Education Section (Wednesdays + public access online)
• Australian Financial Review: Education Section (Mondays + Library: hardcopy +
online journal)
• Campus Review (Aust & NZ; Library: hardcopy + online journal)
• Times Higher Education Supplement (UK; Library: hardcopy + online journal)
• The Chronicle of Higher Education (USA; Library: hardcopy + online journal)
• University World News (global; online news site)
Changes made to the unit in 2013
Following feedback from students and reflection on content, curriculum, the iLearn environment
(new in 2012) and some iLearn tools I trialled in my 2012 units, I have made a number of
changes to EDCN843 (formerly known as ACES843) in 2013.
Some changes improve clarity of instructions and tasks while others aim to maintain and extend
the authenticity of assessment in the unit by modelling the collaborative and collegial processes
by which a number of projects are advanced in higher education (working parties, committees,
task forces, project teams etc).
An individual component to the assessment of collaborative tasks ensures that there is a balance
between recognition of individual independent learning and input, and the development of
valuable collaborative skills for higher education leaders and managers.
The substantive changes are:
• Simplified assessment criteria for the participation component
• Use of both Forums and the wiki in Learning Activities
• Improved scaffolding for the collaborative wiki assessment task.
• Sharing of journal article critiques following feedback, via the wiki.
• A greater focus on practical application of knowledge in the major assignment.
In addition, the reading list has been updated.
Unit Schedule
Studying the Organisation, Governance and Structure of
Higher Education
This unit introduces conceptual frameworks for the governance, structure and organisation of
higher education, and examines higher education systems and practices in Australia at the
sectoral and institutional levels. It provides an opportunity to examine higher education
legislative, policy and regulatory frameworks using a range of analytical approaches aimed at
integrating organisation theory and students' own experience in, and reflection on, their
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
The learning activities and assessment tasks provide you with the opportunity, individually and
collectively, to explore, analyse and evaluate practices, policies, leadership and management
within higher education institutions and the higher education sector in Australia.
The unit aims to develop your awareness and understanding of the complexity of higher
education organisation, structure and governance at sectoral and institutional levels. The
modules encourage you to build and apply analytical, critical and strategic thinking capabilities to
a range of problems and issues facing the higher education sector and higher education
This year the policial and economic context, along with the emergence of new forms of
educational delivery, provide an interesting setting for questions about the future of Higher
Education. The Government's ongoing policy development in response to the 2009 Bradley
Review of Higher Education, coupled with the lead-up to the Federal Election on 14 September,
adds a particularly dynamic dimension to our work in the unit. Over the course of the unit, we will
consider the current and future impact of the Government's policy directions, political uncertainty,
global financial trends, new educational delivery modes and higher education business models
and how the higher education sector and individual institutions might respond.
The Unit is composed of compulsory modules of work, including an introductory module and
subsequent modules considering different levels of analysis of higher education. The modules
encourage you to build analytical, critical and strategic thinking capabilities and apply them to a
range of problems and issues facing the higher education sector and higher education
As we shall see, the governance, structure and organisation of higher education at both sectoral
and institutional levels have been undergoing, and are likely to continue to undergo, rapid and
substantive change. In Australia, we have recently moved into a new environment of demandbased funding, with the impact yet to be determined, with a possible (or even likely) change of
Government in the second half of this year. The rapid pace of change means that the relative
emphasis between and within the modules in this unit may shift during the course of the teaching
session as developments take place in the sector or as students' interests as a class determine.
The modules are also highly interrelated, with many overlaps in content, so we often revisit some
in the light of our learning in others as we progress though the unit. This is an essential process
for integrating the knowledge gained from studying different aspects of higher education as a
dynamic and politically contested field.
The modules are compulsory and are designed to provide you with the opportunity to achieve
the Unit Learning Outcomes and develop the Graduate Capabilities through exploration of the
higher education industry from a range of perspectives.
An overview of the Modules is given below.
Provides the opportunity to...
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Module 1: Getting to Know You
• get to know your learning colleagues; and
• develop a functional familiarity with the iLearn online
teaching and learning facility.
Module 2: Introduction to the study
of higher education
• examine the concept of a "university" with reference
to historical developments, conceptions of knowledge
and views of the purpose and role of higher
• discuss beliefs and assumptions about universities
and higher education;
• identify various levels of higher education
organisation and the scope of analysis at each level;
• review analytic perspectives in organisational theory
and their application to the study of higher education
at these different levels.
Module 3: Organisation of the
Australian higher education sector
(Sectoral/national or macro level)
• review the historical development of the Australian
higher education sector, with particular focus on the
last two decades;
• explore the changing political, economic and cultural
context for higher education in Australia;
• identify key interest groups influencing higher
education policy and development;
• develop your understanding of the legislative, policy
and accreditation frameworks for Australian higher
• consider international comparisons of governance
and organisation at sectoral level.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Module 4 : Institutional structure,
management and governance
(Institutional or meso level)
• explore similarities and differences between
Australian higher education institutions in relation to
structure, purpose, mission and role;
• develop your understanding of management and
governance structures, practice and responsibilities in
Australian higher education institutions;
• explore concepts of quality and accountability at
institutional level and their interaction with external
regulatory mechanisms;
• consider the implications of institutional change for
higher education leaders and managers; and
• consider international comparisons of governance
and organisation at institutional level.
Module 5: Organisational units and
the people who work in them
(Organisational and individual or
• explore the changing roles of academic and general/
professional staff in Australian higher education
micro level)
• examine "middle management" and leadership
challenges at the organisational unit level;
• develop your understanding of the governance and
regulation of employment in Australian universities;
• consider international comparisons at the
organisational unit and individual levels.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Module 6: The future of higher
• analyse key Government policies, considering short-,
education governance, structure and
organisation: current and emerging
medium- and long-term implications;
• consider the impact of these at global, national
(sectoral) and local (institutional) levels and develop
(Critical discussion and analysis)
an understanding of the challenges facing higher
education at these levels;
• identify and discuss possible strategic responses at
sectoral and institutional levels; and
• identify challenges and strategies for current and
future leaders in Australian higher education.
Unit Schedule
The following table is the schedule of learning activities, assessment tasks and modules over the
13 teaching weeks of Session 1 (25 February - 7 June). Note that the mid-session break is
15-26 April inclusive (it does not coincide with Easter this year).
Learning Activity (LA)
25 Feb
1, 2
LA1 (online introduction) due Fri 1
LA2 (database entries) opens 27 Feb
4 March
LA2 continues
11 March
2, 3
LA3 opens 13 March (Topic: sectoral
Assignment 1 (A1) wiki available
from 13 March
18 March
LA3 continues
25 March
3, 4
LA3 continues
LA2 due
Sunday 17
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
1 April
LA3 continues (Topic: institutional
8 April
LA3 continues
15 April
and 22
LA3 continues
29 April
LA3 continues (Topic: organisational
unit level)
6 May
LA3 continues
13 May
LA3 closes 19 May
20 May
LA4 opens 20 May (Topic:
integration and application)
27 May
LA4 continues
3 June
LA4 closes for grading purposes 10
June (open for discussion until 14
A1 due
Sunday 7
A2 due
Sunday 5
A3 due
Friday 7
Policies and Procedures
Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students
should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:
Academic Honesty Policy http://www.mq.edu.au/policy/docs/academic_honesty/policy.html
Assessment Policy http://www.mq.edu.au/policy/docs/assessment/policy.html
Grading Policy http://www.mq.edu.au/policy/docs/grading/policy.html
Grade Appeal Policy http://www.mq.edu.au/policy/docs/gradeappeal/policy.html
Grievance Management Policy http://mq.edu.au/policy/docs/grievance_management/policy.html
Special Consideration Policy http://www.mq.edu.au/policy/docs/special_consideration/policy.html
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of
Policy Central.
Additional assessment procedures specific to the Higher
Education Program
Assignment Preparation and Submission
Please prepare and present all written assignments (including wiki entries but not online
discussion posts) in accordance with the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association. More information and resources are available in the iLearn unit.
On the first page of each assignment, you are required to paste in the following words and insert
your name or names (for collaborations).
I/we, [Insert your name/s], declare that:
This assignment is entirely my/our own work based on my/our personal study and/or research.
• I/we have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this
assignment, including any material generated in the course of my/our employment .
• I/we have not copied in part, or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised, the work of others.
• The assignment, or substantial parts of it, has not previously been submitted for
assessment in any formal course of study in this or any other institution, unless
acknowledged in the assignment and previously agreed to by the Unit's Convenor
• The assignment is within the word and page limits specified for the assignment
• The use of any material in this assignment does not infringe the intellectual property /
copyright of a third party
• I/we understand that this assignment may undergo electronic detection for plagiarism
and a copy of the assignment may be retained on the University's database and used to
make comparisons with other assignments in the future.
Please note that electronic submission of this text with your name attached will be taken
as a formal, signed declaration on your part.
Written assignments (other than wiki articles) should be submitted as Word or RTF documents
via the appropriate Assignment link in the iLearn unit. Please assist the tracking and filing of
assignments by naming the file you submit according to the following convention:
Year-UnitCode-AssignmentName-SurnameFirstInitial.doc (or .rtf, if applicable).
For example, I would submit Assignment 3 as a Word document with name
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Academic Senate at Macquarie University has set rules for standard grades ranging from fail to
high distinction. Final results in this unit will include one of these grades plus a standardized
numerical grade (SNG).
Each student's final SNG and grade will be determined using a two-stage process. The first
stage is an assessment of performance on individual assessment tasks against the identified
criteria and standards (these are provided in the iLearn unit). In certain circumstances, a student
may be given the opportunity to resubmit a task on which they received a fail grade to
demonstrate achievement at a pass level, however this opportunity will only be offered once in
any one unit.
The second stage is an assessment of overall performance in the Unit, including all
requirements, activities and assessment tasks. A final grade will be awarded on the basis of
overall performance and the extent to which the student has demonstrated achievement of the
learning outcomes.
The relationship between SNGs and Final Grades is shown in the table below.
SNG Range
Final Grade
85 – 100
High Distinction (HD)
75 – 84
Distinction (D)
65 – 74
Credit (C)
50 – 64
Pass (P)
0 - 49
Fail (F)
Detailed assessment critera for each assignment are provided in the Assessment Information
document in the iLearn unit.
Student Support
Macquarie University provides a range of Academic Student Support Services. Details of these
services can be accessed at: http://students.mq.edu.au/support/
UniWISE provides:
• Online learning resources and academic skills workshops
• Personal assistance with your learning & study related questions.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
• The Learning Help Desk is located in the Library foyer (level 2).
• Online and on-campus orientation events run by Mentors@Macquarie.
Student Enquiry Service
Details of these services can be accessed at http://www.student.mq.edu.au/ses/.
Equity Support
Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide
appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.
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Other assistance relating to your enrolment
Additional information about the requirements of EDCN843:
Check the iLearn Unit, modules and resources, including the Assessment Information. If you
have any further questions, contact the Unit Convenor via the iLearn Dialogue tool.
For more general information about your program:
If you are doing this Unit as part of a qualification in Higher Education:
For assistance regarding ...
Overall program in Higher Education
Dr Laurie Field Phone: 9850 8683 Email:
Enrolment, administration and resources
Alison Cameron Phone: 9850 7598 Email:
Your overall program of study in
Leadership and Management
Dr Laurie Field Email: laurie.field@mq.edu.au
Phone: 9850 9797
If you are doing this Unit as part of a qualification in Educational Leadership, Education or
Educational Studies:
For assistance regarding ...
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Overall program in Educational
Dr Norman McCulla Phone: 9850 8650 Email:
Overall program in Education /
Ed Studies
Dr Michael Cavanagh Phone: 9850 8650 Email:
Enrolment, administration and
Shyam Howlin Phone: 9850 8649 Email:
Research study patterns and requirements (all programs):
Dr Anne McMaugh Email: anne.mcmaugh@mq.edu.au
Help with access to / use of online materials:
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Use of iLearn and IT help
Student Information
Graduate Capabilities
PG - Discipline Knowledge and Skills
Our postgraduates will be able to demonstrate a significantly enhanced depth and breadth of
knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content knowledge in their chosen
This graduate capability is supported by:
Learning outcomes
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Learning Activity 2
• Assignment 2
• Assignment 3
PG - Research and Problem Solving Capability
Our postgraduates will be capable of systematic enquiry; able to use research skills to create
new knowledge that can be applied to real world issues, or contribute to a field of study or
practice to enhance society. They will be capable of creative questioning, problem finding and
problem solving.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Learning outcome
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Learning Activity 2
• Assignment 3
PG - Capable of Professional and Personal Judgment and
Our postgraduates will demonstrate a high standard of discernment and common sense in their
professional and personal judgment. They will have the ability to make informed choices and
decisions that reflect both the nature of their professional work and their personal perspectives.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Learning outcomes
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Learning Activity 2
• Assignment 2
• Assignment 3
PG - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking
Our postgraduates will be capable of utilising and reflecting on prior knowledge and experience,
of applying higher level critical thinking skills, and of integrating and synthesising learning and
knowledge from a range of sources and environments. A characteristic of this form of thinking is
the generation of new, professionally oriented knowledge through personal or group-based
critique of practice and theory.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Learning outcomes
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Assignment 2
• Assignment 3
PG - Effective Communication
Our postgraduates will be able to communicate effectively and convey their views to different
social, cultural, and professional audiences. They will be able to use a variety of technologically
supported media to communicate with empathy using a range of written, spoken or visual
This graduate capability is supported by:
Learning outcomes
• Able to demonstrate knowledge of the broad governance and regulatory structures for
higher education in Australia.
• Able to recognise, describe and explain historical and contextual influences (including
political, socio-cultural and economic factors, global trends, community expectations and
Government policy) on higher education governance, regulation and structure at both
sectoral and institutional levels, in the short and medium term.
• Able to explain some key similarities and differences between the Australian higher
education system and institutions, and those of other nations, in particular the UK, USA
and emerging Asian systems.
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Assignment 2
• Assignment 3
PG - Engaged and Responsible, Active and Ethical Citizens
Our postgraduates will be ethically aware and capable of confident transformative action in
relation to their professional responsibilities and the wider community. They will have a sense of
connectedness with others and country and have a sense of mutual obligation. They will be able
to appreciate the impact of their professional roles for social justice and inclusion related to
national and global issues
This graduate capability is supported by:
Unit guide EDCN843 Governance, Structure and Organisation of Higher Education
Learning outcome
• Able to apply your learning in the unit to critical consideration of, and problem-solving in
relation to, the roles, responsibilities, strategies and practices of higher education leaders
and managers.
Assessment tasks
• Participation
• Assignment 3