Anthropic Principle h9p:// The anthropic principle (from Greek anthropos, meaning "human") is the philosophical considera+on that observa+ons of the physical Universe must be compa+ble with the conscious life that observes it. Some proponents of the anthropic principle reason that it explains why the universe has the age and the fundamental physical constants necessary to accommodate conscious life. Anthropic considera+ons in nuclear physics: U. Meissner. h9p:// The nucleosynthesis of carbon-­‐12 and Hoyle state Non-­‐anthropic scenario Anthropic scenario (fine-­‐tuned Universe) Dean Lee • "Viability of Carbon-­‐Based Life as a Func+on of the Light Quark Mass", Phys. Rev. Le9. 110 (2013) 112502 • "Dependence of the triple-­‐alpha process on the fundamental constants of nature", Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013) 82 • "Varying the light quark mass: impact on the nuclear force and Big Bang nucleosynthesis", Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 085018 Ab ini+o calcula+on of the neutron-­‐proton mass difference Science 347, 1452 (2015) “The result of the neutron-­‐proton mass splifng as a func+on of quark-­‐mass difference and electromagne+c coupling. In combina+on with astrophysical and cosmological arguments, this figure can be used to determine how different values of these parameters would change the content of the universe. This in turn provides an indica+on of the extent to which these constants of nature must be fine-­‐tuned to yield a universe that resembles ours.” Fusion of Light Nuclei Computational nuclear physics enables us to reach into regimes where experiments and analytic theory are not possible, such as the cores of fission reactors or hot and dense evolving environments such as those found in inertial confinement fusion environment. NIF Ab ini+o theory reduces uncertainty due § The n-3H elastic cross section for 14 MeV neutrons, to conflic+ng data important for NIF, was not known precisely enough. § Delivered evaluated data with required 5% uncertainty and successfully compared to measurements using an Inertial Confinement Facility § “First measurements of the differential cross sections for the elastic n-2H and n-3H scattering at 14.1 MeV using an Inertial Confinement Facility , by J.A. Frenje et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 122502 (2011) Configuration interaction techniques • light and heavy nuclei • detailed spectroscopy • quantum correlations (lab-system description) Input: configura+on space + forces NN+NNN interac+ons Renormaliza+on Matrix elements fi9ed to experiment Method Diagonaliza+on Trunca+on+diagonaliza+on Monte Carlo Observables • Direct comparison with experiment • Pseudo-data to inform reaction theory and DFT Average one-body Hamiltonian 120Sn Coulomb ! barrier! Unbound! states! Discrete! (bound)! states! 0! εF εF Surface! region! n A Flat ! bottom! 2 ˆ H 0 = ∑ hi , hi = − 2M ∇ 2i + Vi i=1 hiφ k (i) = ε k φ k (i) p Nuclear shell model Hˆ = ∑t i i + 12 ∑ vij = ∑ (ti + Vi ) + i,j i≠j i One-body Hamiltonian $ ' &1 v − V ) ∑ ij i) &2 ∑ i, j i % i≠ j ( Residual interactioni • Construct basis states with good (Jz, Tz) or (J,T) • Compute the Hamiltonian matrix • Diagonalize Hamiltonian matrix for lowest eigenstates • Number of states increases dramatically with particle number Full fp shell for 60 Zn : ≈ 2 × 109 J z states 5,053,594 81,804, 784 J = 0,T = 0 states J = 6,T = 1 states • Can we get around this problem? Effective interactions in truncated spaces (P-included, finite; Q-excluded, infinite) • Residual interaction (G-matrix) depends on the configuration space. Effective charges • Breaks down around particle drip lines P +Q=1 Microscopic valence-space Shell Model Hamiltonian Coupled Cluster Effective Interaction (valence cluster expansion) 8 3+ 4+ 7 4+ 2+ 4+ 6 0+ 3+ 0+ 4 3+ 3+ 3 4 7 2 + 2+ 2+ 2+ + 3 5 22 1 0 4 O 0+ US D EI + 4 + 2 + + 0+ 3 + + 0 (0+ ) 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 2 + 2 1 0+ 0+ CC (4 ) + (2 ) + 4 2 + 0 0 0 + O + 2 2 22 2 6 Energy (MeV) 5 + 8 + 2+ Exp . Energy (MeV) In-medium SRG Effective Interaction MBPT + 0 + + 0 IM-SRG IM-SRG NN+3N-ind NN+3N-full 0 Expt. S.K. Bogner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 142501 (2014) G.R. Jansen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 142502 (2014) Diagonalization Shell Model (medium-mass nuclei reached;dimensions 109!) Honma, Otsuka et al., PRC69, 034335 (2004) Martinez-Pinedo ENAM’04 26 Nuclear Density Functional Theory and Extensions Technology to calculate observables Input NN+NNN interac+ons Global properties Spectroscopy Density Matrix Expansion Density dependent interac+ons DFT Solvers Functional form Functional optimization Estimation of theoretical errors Op+miza+on Fit-­‐observables • experiment • pseudo data Symmetry restora+on Mul+-­‐reference DFT (GCM) Time dependent DFT (TDHFB) • two fermi liquids • self-bound • superfluid (ph and pp channels) • self-consistent mean-fields • broken-symmetry generalized product states Energy Density Func+onal DFT varia+onal principle HF, HFB (self-­‐consistency) Symmetry breaking Observables • Direct comparison with experiment • Pseudo-­‐data for reac+ons and astrophysics Mean-Field Theory ⇒ Density Functional Theory Degrees of freedom: nucleonic densities Nuclear DFT • two fermi liquids • self-bound • superfluid • mean-field ⇒ one-body densities • zero-range ⇒ local densities • finite-range ⇒ gradient terms • particle-hole and pairing channels • Has been extremely successful. A broken-symmetry generalized product state does surprisingly good job for nuclei. Nuclear Energy Density Functional isoscalar (T=0) density isovector (T=1) density € € (ρ (ρ 0 = ρn + ρ p ) 1 = ρn − ρ p ) E= +isoscalar and isovector densities: spin, current, spin-current tensor, kinetic, and kinetic-spin + pairing densities 3 H(r)d r p-h density p-p density (pairing functional) Expansion in densities and their derivatives • Constrained by microscopic theory: ab-initio functionals provide quasi-data! • Not all terms are equally important. Usually ~12 terms considered • Some terms probe specific experimental data • Pairing functional poorly determined. Usually 1-2 terms active. • Becomes very simple in limiting cases (e.g., unitary limit) • Can be extended into multi-reference DFT (GCM) and projected DFT Examples: Nuclear Density Functional Theory Traditional (limited) functionals provide quantitative description BE differences Mass table δm=0.581 MeV Goriely, Chamel, Pearson: HFB-17 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 152503 (2009) Cwiok et al., Nature, 433, 705 (2005) Description of observables and model-based extrapolation Systematic errors (due to incorrect assumptions/poor modeling) Statistical errors (optimization and numerical errors) S2n (MeV) 24 N=76 8 4 4 0 58 16 62 proton number FRDM HFB-21 SLy4 UNEDF1 UNEDF0 SV-min exp 12 8 4 0 66 Er 140 148 156 neutron number 164 Er experiment 80 162 2 0 20 154 S2n (MeV) S2p (MeV) • • 100 Erler et al., Nature 486, 509 (2012) drip line 120 140 neutron number 160 Quantified Nuclear Landscape stable nuclei line 288 p dri known nuclei ~3,000 n to o r drip line -p o w t S2n = 2 MeV Z=82 SV-min 80 tron u e -n two 110 Z=50 40 N=126 Z=28 N=82 Z=20 0 N=28 N=20 0 line p i dr N=258 Asymptotic freedom ? N=184 N=50 40 proton number proton number 120 100 Nuclear Landscape 2012 80 120 160 DFT FRIB 90 230 244 232 240 current 200 248 neutron number 240 256 280 from B. Sherrill neutron number How many protons and neutrons can be bound in a nucleus? Erler et al. Nature 486, 509 (2012) Literature: 5,000-12,000 Skyrme-­‐DFT: 6,900±500syst From nuclei to neutron stars (a multiscale problem) Gandolfi et al. PRC85, 032801 (2012) J. Erler et al., PRC 87, 044320 (2013) 1.4 1 NN +N NN 0 9 10 11 12 1.1 1.0 0.9 CAB=0.82 0.8 NN 0.30 fm 0.15 fm 8 _ Rskin( Pb)/Rskin 1.97(4) 2 SV-min 208 M (Msolar) 1.2 R (km) 13 14 15 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 _ R(1.4 M . )/R 1.2 The covariance ellipsoid for the neutron skin Rskin in 208Pb and the radius of a 1.4M⊙ neutron star. The mean values are: R(1.4M⊙ )=12 km and Rskin= 0.17 fm. Major uncertainty: density dependence of the symmetry energy. Depends on T=3/2 three-nucleon forces ISNET: Enhancing the interac+on between nuclear experiment and theory through informa+on and sta+s+cs JPG Focus Issue: h9p://­‐3899/page/ISNET Around 35 papers (including nuclear structure, reac+ons, nuclear astrophysics, medium energy physics, sta+s+cal methods… and fission…) “Remember that all models are wrong; the prac+cal ques+on is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful” (E.P. Box) Error es+mates of theore+cal models: a guide J. Phys. G 41 074001 (2014) Informa+on Content of New Measurements J. McDonnell et al. Phys. Rev. Le9. 114, 122501 (2015) • Developed a Bayesian framework to quantify and propagate statistical uncertainties of EDFs. • Showed that new precise mass measurements do not impose sufficient constraints to lead to significant changes in the current DFT models (models are not precise enough) Bivariate marginal estimates of the posterior distribution for the 12-­‐dimensional DFT UNEDF1 parameterization. We can quantify the statement: “New data will provide stringent constraints on theory”