OPEN CALL BIZ TABLE TALKS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Biz Table Talks are open-forum discussions designed for a small group of participants. Table Talk presenters, who also act as discussion facilitators, make a 10- to 15-minute informational presentation regarding an education program or practice to a group of up to 10 people. The subject is then opened for discussion. Table Talks are one hour in length and will take place Thursday, April 14, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Content: As the premier resource for professional development and business best practices for California’s school business leaders, CASBO strives to provide content that is educational in nature and enhances our members’ skills and knowledge in their respective disciplines. Therefore, we ask that proposed content be unbiased, informational and non-sales-oriented. (If you are a CASBO exhibitor, you may consider submitting an educational Biz Table Talk proposal.) Initially, proposals can be general and conceptual in nature. As Conference nears, content can be developed further. Due to facility limitations, we regret that the use of audio-visual equipment is not an option. Handouts are provided at the presenter’s expense, and final presentation materials are due by March 25, 2016. Biz Table Talk space is limited, and proposals will be accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. OPEN CALL BIZ TABLE TALKS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS (continued): Criteria: Proposals must be approved by the Annual Conference Committee. The ACC will read and evaluate each proposal using the following criteria: • Is the proposal well-planned and well-written, and does it provide a clear and realistic picture of what the intended outcomes are? • Does the proposal cover an innovative and cutting-edge issue, or is it a program that has achieved results for at least two (2) years? • Does the proposal reflect the interest of new, mid-career or veteran school business leaders from urban, suburban, small or rural districts? • Does the program or issue support the conference strands? • Is the presenter experienced, knowledgeable, effective and engaging? • Can the program be replicated in a variety of school settings? • Does the proposal address why participants need to have the proposed information and suggest the tools and strategies they will take with them? • Does the proposal address the budget implications, cost savings or added value? • Is the proposed topic timely, relevant and unique? OPEN CALL BIZ TABLE TALKS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS (continued): Presenter: Presenters must be current CASBO members. Only one presenter per Biz Table Talk is allowed, and CASBO will publish no more than one presenter name for a Biz Table Talk in its Conference materials. The Biz Table Talk presenter acts as a facilitator to keep the discussion on track relative to the topic. The presenter also monitors time, allowing for input from all participants. Conference Attendance: If your proposal is selected, presenter is responsible for his/her own travel, accommodation and meal expenses. If the presenter elects not to register for Conference as an attendee, CASBO will provide a one-day, non-transferable pass for Conference attendance on the day of the Biz Table Talks. OPEN CALL BIZ TABLE TALKS PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS FORM 5B INSTRUCTIONS: (CLICK HERE FOR FORM) Submitted by/Submitter e-mail: Enter the proposal contact’s name and e-mail address. Biz Table Talk Title: Enter the proposed title. For Consideration: You may submit for more than one area. Indicate your first, second and third choices. Presenter’s Name/Email/Title*: Enter the presenter’s name, email and title. *If known at this time. Please note that in order to meet CASBO confirmation and publication deadlines, final presenter information is due by January 29, 2016. Description: Provide a precise Biz Table Talk description for publication in the Conference Registration Booklet and Program Guide. Background: Explain how your content reflects the interest of new, mid-career or veteran school business leaders from urban, suburban, small or rural districts. Experience: Please provide a description of how the presenter is experienced, knowledgeable, effective and engaging. Prior Biz Table Talks: Click to indicate whether or not you have previously presented a table talk.