Research and Future

30 May 2011
Research and Future 2011:1
Nanotechnology and health
Nanoscience serves as an umbrella term for research on matter of nanometre
dimensions and the production of nanomaterials. Nanotechnology in the field of
health and medical care, nanomedicine, is expected to be of great advantage to health
advances in future. Human organs that can be produced under laboratory conditions
and cancer medicines that are transported to the right place in the body are a couple
of examples of what research into nanomedicine can result in. But because of the
rapid rate of developments in this area, it is important to be cautious of conceivable
environmental and health-related risks that may be linked to nanotechnology.
Matter of nanometre size can have properties
quite different from those of the same matter
of larger size. Nanomaterial can be produced in
the form of a thin coating, tubes and wires or
in the form of particles. Using nanoparticles is
nothing new in itself, but has been done now
for a long time. One example of nanoparticles
is pulverised coal, or carbon black, which is
used for example as a pigment in printing ink.
But with new knowledge and with the help of
advanced technology, it is possible today in a
controlled manner to manufacture completely
new materials.1, 2
Modern nanotechnology spans a whole
range of different areas of application including
materials technology, electronics and medicine.
How small is a nano?
”Nano” is a prefix used in front of the SI
unit ”metre”. One nanometre is a billionth
(10-9) of a metre. According to the most
common definition, structures ranging
from 1 to 100 nanometres can be included
in this definition. A regular sheet of paper
is around 100,000 nanometres thick, a
gold atom has a diameter of approximately a third of a nanometre.
In the area of medicine, nanotechnolgy can
bring about improved opportunities to diagnose
illnesses as well as more effective treatments. In
the long term, nanomedicine can also mean that
it will become possible to deal with illnesses that
medical care today is often powerless to tackle.1, 3
New nanomedical tools
The greater need for care that many European
countries are experiencing as a result of an
ageing population involves great challenges for
the future. With new nanomedical tools, it is
expected that it will be possible to better master
major common diseases that are of great cost to
society, such as cardio-vascular diseases, cancer
and neurodegenerative disorders (for example
Alzheimers disease). Three important research
areas for nanomedicine can be highlighted:3
• diagnosis and imaging technology (for example MRI scanning)
• the transport of medicines or other substances in the body
• regenerative medicine (replacing parts of the
body or repairing damage to the body)
Rapid and detailed examinations
Laboratory analyses of blood and other tissues
are today an activity that consumes a great deal
of resources in medical care. Rapid nano-based
Research and Future
of molecules and visualisations of how certain
medicines spread in the body.
Nanotechnology can help many medical
instruments to be manufactured in considerably
smaller sizes than is possible today. This means
that many peep-hole technologies can become
more advanced while at the same time becoming more comfortable for the patient. With
the help of nano-sensors, doctors will be able to
better control the placement of instruments in
the body.
Nanotechnology we consume
Nanomaterials are already used in many
consumer products, for example home
electronics, hygiene articles, sun cream,
sport equipment and textiles. Something
that has also aroused interest is using
nanotechnology to develop food products with specific features. One example
of this is nutritional supplement drinks
containing nano-particle supplements
which increase the body’s ability to absorb
Transport of medicines in the body
A great challenge for the future is how it will
be possible for medicines to be transported
to the places in the body where they have the
best effect. A more targeted medicinal treatment would reduce side-effects. With the help
of nanotechnology, it is possible to facilitate
the transport of medicines across biological
boundaries in the body. Biomolecules can be
attached to the surface of nanoparticles, which
can serve as carriers to selected parts of the
body. The development of nanocarriers for
transport for example across the blood-brain
barrier, which protect the brain from substances
that damage the nervous tissue, can have great
significance for the treatment of Alzheimers
disease, brain tumours and stroke.
As regards cancer treatment, improved possibilities for targeted treatments would mean
great gains, since many current treatments (for
example chemotherapy and radiation therapy)
often entail side-effects. Several cancer medicines that use nanocarriers are being developed, some of which are in the latter phases of
clinical trials. Nanoparticle preparations can
be constructed in such a way that they can be
absorbed and accumulated in cancer cells. A
current example of this is the cytotoxin paclitaxel, which can be concentrated in the tissues
of the tumour after first having been attached to
special nanoparticles. In this way, it is possible
to avoid healthy tissue being subjected to the
cytotoxin.3, 4
Nanotechnology can also be used in the
systems may replace many tests performed in
laboratories. There is also great potential for the
development of tests with considerably greater
sensitivity, which will mean that many diseases
can be discovered earlier and therefore be more
effectively treated. Simple systems that can be
used at home, for example to identify bacteria
and virus, are also being developed. Today there
are tests for home use that include ascertaining
pregnancy and blood sugar levels. But greater
opportunities to perform self-testing and selfcare in the case of illness can mean both greater
convenience for the individual and a reduction
in the workload of medical care institutions.
Imaging technologies such as X-rays and
MRI scanning are important tools in hospital
care for performing tasks that include diagnosing and monitoring developmental stages of
diseases (e.g. the spread of cancer). When the
patient is administered special substances, which
are sometimes nano-based, improved sensitivity can be achieved or certain organs can be
highlighted in the images created. For example,
nanoparticles of iron oxide can be used for MRI
scans of the liver. When the patient is administered the above prior to the MRI scan, the contrast
is improved so that it becomes easier to distinguish the liver. With the help of nanotechnology,
new possibilities are developing to create more
detailed images that can be concentrated on
specific spots or areas. These can include images
Research and Future
treatment of tumours by enabling nanoparticles, after their absorption by the tumour tissue,
to be manipulated by an external source of
energy. Among other things, researchers have
been able to show in different kinds of animals
that gold nanoparticles, after enrichment in a
tumour, can be warmed up using infrared light
and thus destroy the tumour. The light can pass
adjoining tissue without causing any damage.
Another method is to use medicine capsules
containing gold particles. When warmed, the
capsules dissolve, releasing the medicine within
the target tissue.
In the long-term, it is hoped that it will also
be possible to combine targeted treatment with
imaging so that, for example, the distribution of
medicine in the body can be monitored.
life-saving organ transplants. With advanced
biomaterials, it is possible in a laboratory environment to get cells to grow and form themselves into tissue in the right way. The materials can
be compared to a climbing frame of nanofibres
upon which cells can grow. Tissue implants with
nanostructures are also more easily attachable
in the body and can reduce the risk of rejection.
This gives them a longer technical life span and
helps them function better. In the future, nano
implants can also be provided with biomolecules
that can then be released and can stimulate selfhealing of damaged organs.
Using nanocomponents, it is possible to
transfer signals between an implant and the
body’s nerve fibres. Among other things, researchers are developing retinal implants which can
help to restore the eyesight of people with certain
visual impairments. The implants consist of a
thin chip with miniature electrodes which are activated by light and which directly stimulate the
retina’s nerve cells. For many people with hearing
impairments, it has long been possible to obtain
an implant in the inner ear (cochlear implant).
With a microphone that registers sounds which,
by means of electric signals, stimulate the hearing nerves, deaf people can be given a certain
ability to hear. Progress in the field of nanotechnology will lead to smaller implants and improved functioning. Furthermore, it may be possible
to create more advanced prostheses (e.g. artificial
hands) which are both controlled by thought and
can convey tactile sensations.
Repairing and replacing tissues
Regenerative medicine is about replacing or
repairing damaged components in the body.
This may involve whole body parts and organs,
or cells and genes. Nanotechnology helps to improve the ability both to produce better tissue
implants and to stimulate endogenous regrowth
of functions. Access to artificial organs would
solve the shortage of donors in the case of
Fat globules with cancer
Liposomes can be described as nanometre
small globules with a fat-soluble coating.
Liposomes can be given a content of
medicines (e.g. cytotoxins) and a surface
of molecules which make them stick
inside certain types of cells (e.g. tumourous cells). The cytotoxin doxorubicin is
for example used in liposomal form for
treatment of metastatic breast cancer. The
special nanoprepration means that the
medicine is encapsulated and can circulate in the blood before being enriched and
released into the tumourous tissue.
Environmental and health-related
In that the use of nanotechnology is increasing
dramatically in different parts of society, it is important to identify potential environmental and
health-related risks associated with increased
exposure to nano-objects at an early stage.5 In
Sweden, the Swedish Chemicals Agency is assigned to monitor developments in this area, and
the Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)
has drawn up a proposal for a strategy for deal3
Research and Future
ing with the risks and opportunities associated
with nanotechnology.2, 6, 7 However, since there
are great variations between nanomaterials and
new materials are continuously being added,
it is often difficult to draw any general conclusions regarding environmental and health-related risks. The current chemicals legislation is
not adapted to nanoproducts, either. In order to
monitor the occurrence of nanoproducts in society, a register which it accessible to the public
has been created on the initiative of the USA.8
One disadvantage of the register is that it only
records products that the producers themselves
state on the web contain nanotechnology.
Hitherto, there is no clear evidence that
exposure to nano-based materials is harmful to
humans, and knowledge is even more limited as
regards their impact on the environment or ecosystems. Nevertheless, special attention should
be paid to the occurrence of certain types of
free nanoparticles, as animal experiments have
indicated that exposure is harmful. Two types
of particles which are often mentioned in this
context are carbon nanotubes and metal oxides
in nano form. Carbon nanotubes are primarily
used as fortifiers in the polymer industry and
nanoparticles of metal oxides are, for example,
found in certain types of sun lotion.
New areas of nanotechnology use also give
rise to certain ethical concerns. These primarily
concern the large gaps in knowledge today concerning potential risks, but also in how we, for
example, deal with detailed health information
from home testing or how far society wants to
go with the use of artificial implants.
Research initiatives
Major investments are being made in nanoscience research. In Europe, Asia and North Ame-
rica, there are national research programmes in
the field. Large sums of money have been earmarked for international cooperation projects
under the EU’s seventh framework programme.
Of these funds, 5–10 per cent go to research on
the environmental and health-related risks of
nanomaterials.5 There is also a European ERA
net programme for nanomedicine, EuroNanoMed, with the aim of stimulating cooperation
between university research and industry in
order to shorten the time from discovery to
clinical application.
1. The National Nanotechnology Initiative. Program
to coordinate Federal nanotechnology research and
development in the US.
2.Swedish Chemicals Agency (Kemikalieinspektionen):
Nanoteknik – stora risker med små partiklar?
[Nanotechnology – big risks with small particles?] NCI
Report 6/07.
3. European Technology Platform – Strategic Research
Agenda for Nanomedicine: Nanomedicine –
Nanotechnology for Health 2006.
4. Jain KK: Advances in the field of nanooncology. BMC
Medicine 2010, 8:83
5. Maynard AD et al.: Safe handling of nanotechnology.
Nature 2006, 16:267-9
6. Swedish Chemicals Agency (Kemikalieinspektionen):
Säker användning av nanomaterial – behov av reglering
och andra åtgärder. [Secure use of nanomaterials - need
for regulation and other measures.] NCI Report 1/10.
7. Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA):
Nationell strategi för nanoteknik – ökad
innovationskraft för hållbar samhällsnytta. [National
strategy for nanotechnology – increased innovative
capacity for sustainable benefits to society.] VINNOVA
Policy VP 2010:01, Swedish Agency for Innovation
8. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, Inventories:
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and
the Pew Charitable Trusts.
The author of this text is Johan Wallin, Senior Research Officer at the Evaluation and Research Function of the Riksdag
Research Service. The text was originally written in Swedish. Background material has been prepared by Carl Rolff,
Researcher at the Riksdag Research Service. Thank you to Professor Bengt Fadeel, Institute of Environmental Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, and Professor Maria Strømme, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, for their
valuable comments on the factual content. The reference list consists of a selection of the sources that were used. A complete
list of sources can be provided on request.
For questions on this publication, please contact Johan Wallin • Riksdag Research Service
Telephone: +46 8 786 44 25 • Postal address: The Swedish Parliament, SE-100 12 Stockholm