Studies of large-N reduction with adjoint fermions Barak Bringoltz University of Washington “Non-perturbative volume-reduction of large-N QCD with adjoint fermions” BB and S.R.Sharpe, 0906.3538 “Large-N volume reduction of lattice QCD with adjoint Wilson fermions at weak coupling” BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Main motivation Study a large-N limit of QCD where quarks are back-reacting on gauge fields Natural to put quarks in two-antisymmetric : QCD(AS) Corrigan-Ramond, Armoni-Shifman-Veneziano, Sannino et al. Armoni-Veneziano-Shifman: Orientifold QCD(AS) infinite volume QCD(Adj) infinite volume Kovtun-Unsal-Yaffe: QCD(Adj) infinite volume Orbifold QCD(Adj) “zero” volume “Eguchi-Kawai” volume reduction works if have light adjoint quarks around Study QCD(Adj) on a single-site gives physics of QCD(AS) at infinite volume More motivations QCD + adjoints is an interesting theory: • Nf=1/2 is softly broken N=1 SUSY • • Nf=2 is in (or close by to) the conformal window. Can study large-N limit of all these with method I will describe. Any value of Nf=2 and heavy enough quarks is YM. Does it really provide a workable Eguchi-Kawai ? (finally, after 27 years...) • • Original Eguchi-Kawai. Jan `82. Quenched Eguchi-Kawai. Bhanot Heller , Feb Neuberger • Twisted Eguchi-Kawai. • Adjoint Eguchi-Kawai. • Deformed Eguchi-Kawai. But Bhanot-Heller-Neuberger Feb `82. `82 Gonzalez-Arroyo , Okawa Kovtun- , UnsalYaffe UnsalYaffe July `82 2007 , 2008 But BB-Sharpe, 2008. But, Teper-Vairinhos, Hanada-et-al, 2006. Bietenholtz et al. This talk. No “But”’s ? BB, Vairinhos, 2008 I. What is the Eguchi-Kawai equivalence. Given SU(N) gauge theory on an L1xL2xL3xL4 lattice, defined by g 2 N, am, aµ, . . . Then if: • Translation symmetry is intact. • ZN center symmetry is intact. • large-N factorization holds. at N=oo Wilson loops, Hadron spectra, condensates, etc. are independent of L1,2,3,4. I. What is the Eguchi-Kawai equivalence. Given SU(N) gauge theory on an L1xL2xL3xL4 lattice, defined by g 2 N, am, aµ, . . . Then if: • Translation symmetry is intact. • ZN center symmetry is intact. • large-N factorization holds. at N=oo Wilson loops, Hadron spectra, condensates, etc. are independent of L1,2,3,4. This talk: fate of ZN. First at weak coupling, then non-perturbatively I. What is the Eguchi-Kawai equivalence. Given SU(N) gauge theory on an L1xL2xL3xL4 lattice, defined by g 2 N, am, aµ, . . . Not “academic” requirements: Then if: • Translation symmetry is intact. breakdown of EK equivalence by formation of a baryon crystal BB, PRD,0811.4141, 0901.4035 • ZN center symmetry is intact. • large-N factorization holds. at N=oo QEK model BB+Sharpe 2008 Wilson loops, Hadron spectra, condensates, etc. are independent of L1,2,3,4. This talk: fate of ZN. First at weak coupling, then non-perturbatively II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. Fields: BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Uµ=0 (!x, x0 = 1) ≡ Ω!x Uµ=1,2,3 (!x, x0 = 1) ≡ Uµ=1,2,3 (!x) ψ("x, x0 = 1) ≡ ψ!x Action: Gauge: Wilson, b = 1/g 2 N 1 Fermions: Wilson, κ = 8 + 2am0 Weak coupling expansion: g N →0: 2 ab Ω!x =δ kappa=1/8 : chiral quarks kappa=0 : infinitely massive quarks ab iθ a e + δΩ ("x) + . . . ab U!x,µ = 1 + iAµ (!x) + . . . II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Get familiar form # a $' ( +, b ! " # dp $3 % & ) * θ − θ log p̂2 + 4 sin2 − 2Nf log p̂ˆ2 + sin2 θa − θb + m2W (θ, p) V (θ) = 2π 2 a!=b p̂ = 4 2 3 ! i=1 a→0 sin pi /2 −→ p! 2 2 p̂ˆ2 = 3 ! i=1 Calculate V (θ) potential for different Chiral quarks κ = 1/8 κ=0 YM model (original EK) a→0 sin pi −→ p! 2 2 mW ! 2 " 2 a b = am0 + 2 sin (p/2) + sin ((θ − θ )/2) θa corresponding to ZN , ZN → Ø , ZN → Z2 . These are good news: Reduction works ! II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Aside : Comparing some weak coupling calculations. Kovtun et al. ‘07 4D YM + adjoints continuum ZN Lattice calculation Bedaque et al. ‘08 4D YM+Wilson adjoints and L1=1 Think about L1=1 as 3D theory defined on spatial continuum ZN ZN → Z2 Useful to understand the reason for the difference II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Bedaque et al. (focus on gauge dynamics first) Sgauge " ! 2N † † = Re Tr Ux,i Ux+i,j Ux+j,i Ux,j λ x i<j # # ! " 2N † † + Re Tr Ux,i Ωx+i Ux,i Ωx λ x i S “as → 0” one−site = ! 1 d x 2 Tr g 3 i<j∈[1,3] Di Ω(x) = ∂i Ω(x) + i[Ai , Ω] Ω ∈ SU (N ) $ Fij2 + f Tr 2 $ i 2 |Di Ω| II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Bedaque et al. (focus on gauge dynamics first) Sgauge " ! 2N † † = Re Tr Ux,i Ux+i,j Ux+j,i Ux,j λ x i<j # # ! " 2N † † + Re Tr Ux,i Ωx+i Ux,i Ωx λ x i S “as → 0” one−site = ! 1 d x 2 Tr g 3 $ i<j∈[1,3] Di Ω(x) = ∂i Ω(x) + i[Ai , Ω] Fij2 + f Tr 2 $ i 2 |Di Ω| Ω ∈ SU (N ) % # a $& % # a $& " # $3 b b ! ! " # dp $3 θ −θ dp 1 θ −θ 2 2 2 2 3 log at p + sin =Λ + log 1 + 2 2 sin V (θ) = 2π 2 2π at p 2 a!=b a!=b II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 Bedaque et al. (focus on gauge dynamics first) Sgauge " ! 2N † † = Re Tr Ux,i Ux+i,j Ux+j,i Ux,j λ x i<j # S “as → 0” one−site = ! 1 d x 2 Tr g 3 $ Fij2 + f Tr 2 $ i i<j∈[1,3] Di Ω(x) = ∂i Ω(x) + i[Ai , Ω] # ! " 2N † † + Re Tr Ux,i Ωx+i Ux,i Ωx λ x 2 |Di Ω| Ω ∈ SU (N ) i % # a $& % # a $& " # $3 b b ! ! " # dp $3 θ −θ dp 1 θ −θ 2 2 2 2 3 log at p + sin =Λ + log 1 + 2 2 sin V (θ) = 2π 2 2π at p 2 a!=b a!=b =Λ +Λ 3 ! a!=b sin 2 " a θ −θ 2 2 = Λ + Λ |tr Ωclassical | + 3 S one−site is non-renormalizable ... need counter-terms... b # + ... . . . , Ωab classical iθ a =e Bernard&Appelquist `80, Longhitano `80, Banks&Ukawa `84, Gasser-Leutwyler ‘84, Arkani-Hamed-Cohen-Georgi `01, Pisarski `06, II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 What does this teach us? • Continuum limit in space with L1=1 (or for any D > 2L1 ). • need counter-terms • means treating theory as an Effective Field Theory (EFT), and at one-loop: new Low Energy Constants (LEC). ! !2 2 ! V (θ) −→ V (θ) + b1 |tr Ωclassical | + b2 tr Ωclassical ! 2 Dim-reg hides this and implicitly sets b1=b2=0 Amusing: these are (Mithat and Larry)’s terms b1,2 > 0 fixes ZN Z2 breaking. II. Weak coupling analysis: L2,3,4 = oo, L1=1. BB, JHEP, 0905.2406 What does this teach us? • Continuum limit in space with L1=1 (or for any D > 2L1 ). • need counter-terms • means treating theory as an Effective Field Theory (EFT), and at one-loop: new Low Energy Constants (LEC). ! !2 2 ! V (θ) −→ V (θ) + b1 |tr Ωclassical | + b2 tr Ωclassical ! 2 Dim-reg hides this and implicitly sets b1=b2=0 Amusing: these are (Mithat and Larry)’s terms b1,2 > 0 fixes ZN EFT point of view is not necessary In any case, large-N reduction defined at fix lattice cutoff: But ZN-realization may depend on lattice action ... Results I got cannot be anticipated in advance (from Kovtun et al.) Z2 breaking. In any case, we saw that : Wilson fermions at weak coupling obey reduction But really need a non-perturbative lattice study • Really interested in L1,2,3,4=1, but IR div’s. • What happens at • Non-perturbative effect (e.g. QEK and TEK model). g2 N ! 1 − 3 ? In any case, we saw that : Wilson fermions at weak coupling obey reduction But really need a non-perturbative lattice study • Really interested in L1,2,3,4=1, but IR div’s. • What happens at • Non-perturbative effect (e.g. QEK and TEK model). g2 N ! 1 − 3 ? • Wilson gauge + Nf=1 Wilson fermions, Metropolis. • SU(N) with N=8,10,11,13,15. • A variety of of spacings and masses. BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 Goal : Map single-site theory in κ and g 2 N Look for intact ZN. III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=oo : quarks are light along line Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition 1 strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: quarks are light along line ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition 2 strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics 3 (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 What should we expect? L1,2,3,4=1: ~0.04 Continuum physics (1/g 2 N =) strong-to-weak lattice transition strong-coupling/ lattice physics YM quarks are light along line III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 1 : infinitely massive quarks X-axis: Real(Polyakov) Y-axis: Imag(Polyakov) III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 1 : infinitely massive quarks X-axis: Real(Polyakov) Y-axis: Imag(Polyakov) b=0 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 1 : infinitely massive quarks X-axis: Real(Polyakov) Y-axis: Imag(Polyakov) b=0 b ≈ 0.3 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 1 : infinitely massive quarks X-axis: Real(Polyakov) Y-axis: Imag(Polyakov) b=0 b ≈ 0.3 b = 0.5 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) κ≈0 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.03 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : decreasing the quark mass b=0.5 ,SU(10) ,SU(15) κ≈0 κ = 0.03 κ=0 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.1275 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.12 κ = 0.1475 κ = 0.06 κ = 0.09 κ = 0.155 κ = 0.16 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : looking for the “critical” line b=0.35: 1st transition at kappa~0.15 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : looking for the “critical” line 0.08 increasing kappa decreasing kappa 0.06 0.04 Im(Polyakov) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 kappa 0.16 0.06 0.18 0.2 increasing kappa decreasing kappa 0.04 Re(Polyakov) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 kappa 0.16 0.18 0.2 b=0.35: 1st transition at kappa~0.15 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) Scan no. 2 : looking for the “critical” line 0.125 0.08 increasing kappa decreasing kappa 0.06 0.04 Im(Polyakov) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 kappa 0.16 0.06 0.18 0.2 increasing kappa decreasing kappa 0.04 Re(Polyakov) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.25 0.14 kappa 0.16 0.18 0.2 1stb=0.35: transition structure at all b. 1st transition Extending from at kappa~0.15 kappa=0.25 to 0.125 III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) All results consistent with phase diagram and validity of reduction. III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) All results consistent with phase diagram and validity of reduction. But: • See long autocorrelation times there at very very weak coupling. • More order parameters for nontrivial breaking of ZN. III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) All results consistent with phase diagram and validity of reduction. But: • See long autocorrelation times there at very very weak coupling. • More order parameters for nontrivial breaking of ZN. Perform long runs and measure order parameters of the form tr [P1n1 P2n2 P3n3 P4n4 ] with ni ∈ [−5, 5] 14641 order parameters ! III. Results of non-perturbative MC lattice simulations BB+S.Sharpe, 0906.3538 (1/g 2 N =) All results consistent with phase diagram and validity of reduction. But: • See long autocorrelation times there at very very weak coupling. • More order parameters for nontrivial breaking of ZN. Perform long runs and measure order parameters of the form tr [P1n1 P2n2 P3n3 P4n4 ] with ni ∈ [−5, 5] 14641 order parameters ! Still no sign of breakdown of ZN, up to b=0.5-1.0 IV. Conclusions and future prospects. Weak coupling with L2,3,4=oo, L1=1 • Large-N volume reduction works for YM+Wilson adjoints fermions. Non-perturbative lattice Monte-Carlo of Nf=1 case. • Large-N volume reduction works for YM+Wilson adjoints fermions. This is exciting : Eguchi-Kawai finally works start extracting physics of QCD(Adj) and QCD(AS) • • • • • Mesons, baryons (see Carlos Q. Hoyos’s talk). Realization of chiral symmetry (of both adjoint sea-quarks and valence fundamental). Comparisons with RMT. Static potential, string tensions. Open to suggestions ... A new UNEXPLORED physically relevant and rich theory IV. Conclusions and future prospects. Weak coupling with L2,3,4=oo, L1=1 • Large-N volume reduction works for YM+Wilson adjoints fermions. Non-perturbative lattice Monte-Carlo of Nf=1 case. • Large-N volume reduction works for YM+Wilson adjoints fermions. This is exciting : Eguchi-Kawai finally works start extracting physics of QCD(Adj) and QCD(AS) • • • • • Mesons, baryons (see Carlos Q. Hoyos’s talk). Realization of chiral symmetry (of both adjoint sea-quarks and valence fundamental). Comparisons with RMT. Static potential, string tensions. Open to suggestions ... A new UNEXPLORED physically relevant and rich theory pretty cool...