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Lesson Plan

School: Fairhaven CE VA Primary

Address: School Road, South Walsham, Norwich, Norfolk. NR13 6DZ

Teacher: Mr James Branch

Curriculum Area / Area of Learning: Design and Technology - Packaging

Year: 3/4

The lesson objective (over 2 lessons):

To design and make the packaging for a brand new type of cereal (influenced by ‘The Apprentice’)

4x JPEG Images of visualiser being used in lesson:

Software used to compare two actual cereal boxes

Software used to compare childs and actual cereal box

Visualiser used to display cereal box designs and highlight improvement points

Visualiser used to show example of child’s completed work on the

Interactive Whiteboard

AVM Head Office: 1 Old Lodge Place, St Margarets, Twickenham, TW1 1RQ. Tel: 0845 262 6300

Matrix Head Office: Egham Business Village, Crabtree Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 8RB. Tel: 01784 439000

Midlands Office: 101 The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6MF. Tel: 0121 244 4040

Northern Office: Leeds Innovation Centre, 103 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LS2 9DF. Tel: 011 3845784

Scotland Office: King James VI Business Centre, Riverview Business Park, Friarton Road, Perth, PH2 8DG Tel: 01738 472020

Email: info@matrixdisplay.com Web: www.matrixdisplay.com

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How the visualiser was used?

Many aspects of the visualiser and its software were used at numerous times throughout these two sessions in Design and Technology.

1. The visualiser was used to look at variety of different cereal boxes to identify the features needed on the children’s designs. The arm was moved so the camera looked directly at the boxes rather than from above. Image Mate for Presentation was also used at this stage to compare different cereal boxes. It was also used in conjunction with Screen Capture to transfer the photographs to Smart

Notebook so that labels could be added.

2. Once the children had recorded their initial ideas and designs, the children could place their books underneath the visualiser, so that children were able to make positive comments and highlight areas for improvement.

3. The children proceeded to make their cereal boxes adding the features necessary and gluing the net together. Those cereal boxes that were completed could then be shown underneath the visualiser to enable children to again make positive comments and highlight areas for improvement. Image Mate for Presentation was again used to end the lesson showing the live monitor and photographed examples to enable comparisons to be made between the children’s versions and a commercial package.

(See the attached document in word format showing screen shots from Smart Notebook relating to various stages of the lesson)

4. A future lesson could have involved the use of the visualiser to create an advert, where the children could sell the nearly created brand of cereal however unsure of the possibilities or capabilities.

The benefits of the Visualiser to teaching & learning:

I feel there are numerous benefits to the use of visualisers, not just within Design and Technology but within all aspects of the school curriculum.

 It magnifies actual objects and pieces of work onto the large screen with no fuss, removing the need to photocopy or photograph!

 It improves the focus and enthusiasm of the whole class providing them with the opportunity to see their work on the whiteboard.

 It allows the teacher to photograph pieces of work to keep as evidence and save onto the computer for future reference or assessment either through the use of the SD Card or via Image Mate once connected to a computer.

 It is easy for teachers and pupils to use

 It allows the whole class to view examples of work and to constructively comment on their peers work through identifying improvement points.

 It allows children to view good examples of work so that they can improve their own.

(See attached sheet containing comments from the children, showing their view on the Visualiser and its benefits to their learning)

AVM Head Office: 1 Old Lodge Place, St Margarets, Twickenham, TW1 1RQ. Tel: 0845 262 6300

Matrix Head Office: Egham Business Village, Crabtree Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 8RB. Tel: 01784 439000

Midlands Office: 101 The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6MF. Tel: 0121 244 4040

Northern Office: Leeds Innovation Centre, 103 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LS2 9DF. Tel: 011 3845784

Scotland Office: King James VI Business Centre, Riverview Business Park, Friarton Road, Perth, PH2 8DG Tel: 01738 472020

Email: info@matrixdisplay.com Web: www.matrixdisplay.com

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