Time dependent simulations of thermoelectric thin films and nanowires for direct determination of their efficiency with COMSOL Multi-physics®. Miguel Muñoz Rojo, Juan José Romero, Daniel Ramos, Diana Borca-Tasciuc, Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc and Marisol Martín Gonzalez. I. Introduction I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Thermoelectric materials transform heat into electricity, and vice-versa. Cold side Thermoelectric pellets Nano-structuration increases efficiency of thermoelectric materials. Hot side • ZT determination: Measurement of individual properties. S = Seebeck coefficient. σ = Electrical conductivity. k = Thermal conductivity. I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Harman technique Traditional Direct ZT determination Vapplied Low frequency regime (fLF) V Vsample Modified Vapplied High frequency regime (fHF) t t V Vsample Ve Ve VS VS t t I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. II. COMSOL Model. Thermoelectric equations Field equation ρ = density σ = electrical conductivity S = Seebeck coeficient [П]=T·S = Peltier coefficient ε = dielectric permitivity C = specific heat capacity T = absolute temperature φ = heat generation rate J = current density vector E = electric field vector Constitutive equations Coupled-Field equation (Antonova et al., Finite elements for thermoelectric device analysis in ANSYS, ICT (2005)) Convection effects with Heat Transfer COMSOL module Match equations with PDE of COMSOL module Heat convective coefficient: h = 10-100 W/Km2 Box of air: • Heat equation for fluids. • Effects of gravity for air. II. COMSOL modeling • Geometry: Thin Films I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Nanowires Boundary conditions: • Top side temperature and voltage evolve freely. • Bottom side fixed at 293.15 K (heat sink) and grounded (V=0). • Variable thickness. • With and without electrodes and electrical wire. • Variable diameter. • Length 20µm. I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Thermoelectric properties • Material: p-type Bi2Te3 • S(T), σ(T) and k(T) T (K) S (µV/K) k (W/K·m) σ (mS·m) 100 75 2.5 185 150 125 2 142 200 170 1.55 100 250 200 1.35 72 300 218 1.28 60 350 225 1.35 55 400 218 1.75 70 240 200 2.4 160 160 120 2.0 (mS·m) k (W/m·K) S (V/K) 200 1.6 120 80 80 1.2 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) 350 400 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) 350 400 40 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature (K) Seifert, W., Ueltzen, M., Müller, E.; One Dimensional Modelling of Thermoelectric Cooling; phys.stat.sol. (a) 194, No.1, pp 277 – 290; 2002 400 I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. III. Results: Films. • Sample Temperature and voltage evolution during 10mV, 0.1 s, pulse. 18 fLF 30 T Voltage T (K) 20 14 VS 10 12 0 10 -3 10 Example: 60µm film fHF -2 10 -1 10 Time (ms) 0 10 1 10 Total Voltage (mV) 16 I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Ideal Conditions Dimension vs Frequency Nanowires Thin films fHF in nanowires is extremely high to be measured with typical experimental devices. High (fHF) and low (fLF) frequencies needed for experimental Harman determination of ZT 8 10 8 10 7 10 7 10 6 10 6 10 5 4 fHF 3 fLF 10 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 5 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) 10 10 4 10 2 10 1 -1 10 -2 10 10 0 10 -3 10 f HF f LF 3 10 -1 1 10 100 Thickness (m) 1000 10 0 50 100 150 200 Radius (nm) Vacuum and atmospheric conditions show similar results of ZT and fHF. 250 300 I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. Influence of electrical contacts 250 Under the presence of contact resistances and electrical wire. 0.6 240 fHF (Hz) 230 220 ZT 0.4 fHF 0.3 Wire radius 50µm ZT 0.5 0.2 210 0.1 0.0 200 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 Electrical contact conductivity (S/m) 800 Contact conductivity 108 S/m fHF and ZT are modified depending on the electrical contact resistance and wire diameter 0.7 fHF <25µm wire needed 400 0.6 0.5 200 0 0 50 100 150 Wire Radius (m) 200 250 0.4 ZT fHF(Hz) 600 ZT Conclusions I. Introduction. II. Modeling. III. Results. • Development of thermoelectric COMSOL module for time dependent simulations. • Elucidation of experimental conditions to measure nanostructures with Harman technique. 60µm Film Vacuum conditions Atmospheric conditions Vacuum Conditions and electrodes Atmospheric Conditions and electrodes Thank you for your attention!