Creating a Healthy Medical Practice Office Environment Practice

Creating a Healthy Medical Practice Office Environment
Practice what you preach…
Your office is a worksite that can be a powerful tool that can promote healthy eating and physical
activity messages to create a healthier community. Remember the health of your staff is also a
priority, and it is important to create a healthy environment for them as well!
Hang nutrition and physical activity posters in your office and exam rooms
Create a healthy living page on your practice website, and or link to the AHA website
Create a healthy active lifestyles bulletin board with features such as:
o patient activities in their communities
o resources & news articles for parents and children
o Seasonal activities
o Fruit or vegetable of the month
o Events and classes at local Parks and Recreation Departments
Play videos that show children being active, or play child friendly exercise videos in the wellchild area of your waiting room
Play videos of children trying new fruits and vegetables
Display books, puzzles and activity sheets that support healthy eating and active living to
entertain children
Replace lollipop and candy rewards with stickers, bookmarks and other non- food items
Work with you staff to make healthy eating and active living apart of their lives
Sample a fruit or vegetable of the month
When ordering food into the office, make it healthy
Provide 10 minute physical activity or walk break during the work day
Ask drug representatives and other sales people not to bring in unhealthy snacks or meals
Create a breast-feeding friendly policy for your staff
Hand out the Sports Snack Game Plan to your patients with sports physicals
For more information, resources, and to submit your office success stories, visit