«Энергия молодых – экономике России» adequately to the situation, to lead literate dialogue, to understand the communicative intent of the speaker. In the future, it seems, we should expect the transformation of rhetoric as a modern discipline of semiotics into a more "precise" science, to the extent that the accuracy criterion is applicable to the humanities. It is to be realized through a detailed quantitative and qualitative description of the laws of the device of all existing types of text and speech genres. You can create a detailed catalog of types of transformations of the expression and the content of the plan, a description of all possible structural types of natural language arguments. It is also interesting to study the potential prognostic rhetoric whether basing on the capabilities of discipline it is possible to predict the quality of its emergence in connection with the emergence of new areas of social practice, new speech genres and types of text. References. 1. 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The purpose of this paper is the theoretical study of management profit innovative enterprise. The higher the efficiency of the innovation of the company, the higher the profits of the enterprise. Profit is an important indicator of enterprise performance, source of financial resources of enterprises. Profit is directed primarily to the formation of the state budgetary resources, financing the expansion of the business, financial incentives for employees, etc. Consequently, the profit should be concerned about both businesses and the government. The profit is funding development of the company, the improvement of the material and technical base, providing all forms of investment. Activities of the company must be linked with growth and stabilization of its profits for a certain period at a certain level. Profit as an economic category describes a profitable enterprise, return on investment costs and use the property 536 «Энергия молодых – экономике России» as a result of certain actions. The need to manage a profit due to the fact that the revenue required for the development of the company and the interests of its owners and staff. Profit management - a system of principles and methods for the development of fundamental aspects of its formation, distribution and use in the enterprise. The structure of the mechanism of profit management includes the following elements: -market-regulating mechanism of formation and use of company profits; -and state regulatory - legal regulation of the formation and use of the profit; -diagram of the specific methods and means of implementing control the formation and use of profits; -internal mechanism regulating certain aspects of the profit management. The main purpose of the mechanism of control of the company is a profit to the enterprise profit given value under certain conditions. The main sources of revenue of the enterprise are the monopoly position of the enterprise, innovation and efficient production and business activities. [5] Profit from the monopoly of the company due to the release of certain types of products or its uniqueness. But if there are no antitrust public policy and fierce competition, such income may distort the results of the company. The profit obtained through efficient production and business activities, primarily depends on knowledge of market conditions, the ability to adapt the development of production under constant change of market conditions, the successful marketing of the company. The most reliable source of profit is the innovation company. Under the enterprise innovation means constant release of innovative products or services, the adoption of innovative organizational solutions, implementing innovative technologies. In this case, the company provides an increase in profit, competitiveness, growth in sales. Currently, with the growing competition innovation active enterprises more influence on the success of business. Profits and financial stability of the company provide new technologies, new ideas and products. In this regard, enterprises today are trying to introduce new technologies in the production, launch new products, develop new services provided, and the need to improve their quality and competitiveness. Today the company to survive in the market at a competitive, you need to pay more attention on the innovative development. [1] Innovation in a broad sense implies a profitable use of the innovations that are in the manufacturing, financial commercial or administrative. The innovations are in the form of new technologies, products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions must be made to improve the structure and quality of production and social spheres. Innovations are perceived as a means of modern enterprises increase profits and gain a broader segment of the market. From the point of view of state government innovation are considered a panacea for economic growth through increased competitiveness in the world. While innovation should help move resources into profits and better performance. [2] Innovative enterprise is seen as a key force in the creation of innovation and implementation of scientific and technological progress. A leading place among the many different types of innovations to engage in scientific and technological innovation, transforming the latest scientific ideas into industrial practice. The order of the formation of profit innovative enterprise has its own features and distinguishing characteristics. 537 «Энергия молодых – экономике России» Structure of the economic gains of innovative enterprise can be represented by a formula: P = Mon + SP (1), where P - the economic profit, th.; Mon - profit rate expanded reproduction, th.; SP - an innovative profit, or profit, th. Under the innovative company is understood the company, which develops, manufactures and markets innovative products, products or services, and their monetary value should be a significant part of the total volume of products or services. Innovative profit is calculated as the amount of growth in economic profit enterprise, provided the formula: PI = Δ (TR - TC) (2), where TR - total revenue, thous; TC - total cost rubles. The main factors determining the formation and dynamics of innovative enterprise profits are revenues, costs and technology. These figures provide an innovative aggregated impact on growth of the enterprise. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the innovation profit is profit enterprise, which is obtained in excess of the general rate of return in the industry, as the effect of the growth of innovative enterprises. In the presence of innovative profit enterprise can break and to take advantage of an imbalance in the industry, which is manifested in the reasonable increase in the price of their own products, and changes in demand. In this case, the enterprise has created an opportunity to determine the amount of product in the market. Consequently, innovative enterprise creates for itself in the competitive market advantages that are similar to these advantages of monopoly, as the formation of product prices and volume of the goods in the market. The company uses a full and sets the economic effect of price changes and maximize economic benefits, increasing the volume of output. By one of the main aspects of managing a profit enterprises are rational and detailed planning, ensuring the maximization of profits and efficient operation of the enterprise. Under the profit planning is the process of developing a system of measures aimed at ensuring its formation to the extent necessary and effective use, in accordance with the objectives of the company in future periods. Determine the reliability of the planned profit depends on the effectiveness of economic and financial activity. Profit planning innovative enterprise has its own inherent characteristics. Profit from innovation is always risky, because Innovative firms will always threaten the chance of losing the capital invested in part or in full. Therefore, innovative enterprises in the planning of profit recommended economic-mathematical model that will take into account the risks and limitations in an uncertain market. This will improve the management of return on innovation enterprise. [3] The end result of the innovation of the company - making a profit at the expense of innovation. In this case, an important role is played by the factor of time, as if the company is late to the innovation, it is automatically placed in the category of simulators, thus depriving it of profits. Therefore, managers of innovation projects need to invest more resources to lead the competition. Skillful combination of cost management and pricing and the novelty gives double economic benefit. To control costs must comply with the principle of efficiency, calculated by the formula: E = P / W (4), where E - efficiency in general, th., P - (profit), thous., W - the cost (resources), th. In the innovation of the basic features include cost management cost management for research and development activities, organizational and technical preparation of production, introduction of new products into production. In order to effectively manage 538 «Энергия молодых – экономике России» pricing innovative enterprises must develop a proper pricing policies. Under the pricing policy is the process of price management, with set prices and options for changes depending on the period. The price for a new product is determined after the analysis of production costs, evaluate the perception of the new product buyers, somewhat unique properties of the product, the degree of competition in the assessment of the market, competitors' prices, etc. Profitability of the company, its market position and financial stability is determined by the price. Therefore, it is necessary to define the algorithm optimizing costs and pricing in order to ensure the profitability of innovative enterprise.In this article the profit function, considered the concept of "innovation", "innovative company", "innovative profit" defined value innovation to develop the enterprise in the modern world. Author considers profit management on key aspects of its formation, distribution and use of the innovation enterprise. Список использованной литературы. 1. Батьковский А.М. Мерзлякова А. П. Оценка инновационных стратегий предприятия//Вопросы инновационной экономики - 2011 г.- № 7 (7) 2. Зимин Д.П. К вопросу о модели инновационных процессов на региональном уровне// Российское предпринимательство- 2012- № 18 (216) 3. Мальщукова О.М Проблемы разработки инвестиционной политики предприятия// Вопросы инновационной экономики - 2011г.- № 4 (4) 4. Петров А.В. Инвестиционная политика региона: ориентация на инновации // Креативная экономика - 2012. - № 7 (67). Сорокин А. В. Резервы повышения эффективности инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий// Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук. М.: МГИУ,2006. SOME WAYS TO GOVERNMENT DEPT REDUCTION Shaidurova S., student National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk E-mail: Svetik_privetik1@mail.ru Government debt - the sum of debt issued and outstanding government loans. Depending on the placement of the national debt is divided into internal and external. Domestic public debt is the result of placement in the domestic market for government loans. They are drawn up by the issue and sale of government securities. Government securities are classified as: short-term treasury bonds (with a term for repayment of up to 1 year), medium - notes (up to 5 years) and long-term bonds (over 5 years). Major holders of government securities are government agencies and foundations, central and commercial banks, other financial institutions, the population. The share of government securities up to 90% of the total public debt of developed countries. External debt occurs when the state mobilization of financial resources from abroad. Debt holders are companies, banks, governments of various countries and international financial institutions (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund, etc.). External debt burden is heavier than the burden of domestic debt. To cover the country's external debt needed foreign currency for which you want to reduce imports and 539