MBA and MHRM Brochures - Brilliance Business School

Victoria University
The School of Management
Master of Human Resources Management
Stand out from the crowed
Be an HR Professional
Distinguished Swiss Business Degree
Master of Human Resources Management - MHRM
Brilliance Business School (BBS) is a prestigious
management educational institution that offers a wide
spectrum of business and management postgraduate
programs in partnership with Victoria University (VU),
School of Management, Switzerland. The Post-graduate
programs include master, diploma and certificate
programs in the various fields of business and
During the past years in the market, Brilliance Business
School has been the destination for thousands of
business professionals from different management
fields who benefited from its diverse programs.
On the corporate level, Brilliance Business School has
worked with hundreds of reputable corporates from
both different multinational and domestic business
sectors where postgraduate diplomas, professional
trainings and management consulting services are
provided. Brilliance Business School management team,
professors, trainers and consultants are jointly
dedicated to provide to all business professionals not
only the knowledge and best practices but also the
application and tools that professionals need in their
A Global Institution with International Roots
Victoria University was founded by principal academics
from the University of Neuchâtel. Academics from the
World Trade Institute in Bern also participated in the
University. In 2002, the Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel
officially approved “Victoria University”. Victoria
University established programs with Harper Adams
University College in Shropshire, United Kingdom and
Brilliance Business School. Victoria University has an
alumni network of thousands of former students.
VU is an excellent multiple location business institution.
It provides a unique opportunity for enhancing corporate
and individual expertise. VU is guided by a key desire to
enhance global business alliances and strategies. VU
programs cut across countries and regions. It has a
presence in Prague, Beijing, Hong Kong, UAE, South
Africa and other countries.
In this world of dynamic changes, VU has the ability to
link business leaders with energetic markets. VU focuses
on the development of the participants’ ability to work
within a multicultural environment. As a result,
participants will be able to engage actively both in the
global economy and the local marketplace.
VU and BBS Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM); focuses on HRM
different aspects and functions. MHRM is a high-standard program that is relevant
and responsive to HRM trends. The program is designed for future HRM
professionals who seek to elevate the “Human Capital” of their organization to the
next level. The program will expose the participant to a solid HRM foundation that
does not only aim to equip participants with the body of knowledge of HRM but also
to provide the practical tools and techniques required to attract, develop and retain
talents to the organization. Also it aims to create an environment where employees
can unleash their potentials in order to achieve personal and professional objectives.
Throughout the MHRM program, participants will expand their learning capacities
and experience with indispensable skills and knowledge to succeed in HRM careers.
 Swiss Standards – program is conducted and delivered within the framework of
Swiss standards of high educational measures
 One-year program and flexible schedule – that preserves the participants' time
 Academic and professional balance – program balances between the conceptual
framework of the theoretical body of knowledge and the practical tool and
techniques that are applicable in their business environment
 Professors and Instructors – their experience incorporate a blend of both academic
and professional experience. Their area of expertise and their consulting
experience allow them to equip participants with business and consulting insights
 Teaching tools – include case studies, open discussions, group work and team
exercises enriching the learning experience and allow knowledge to “sink-in”
 Diverse group – participants come from different business sectors which promote
group diversity and enrich tackling business issues from different perspectives
©Victoria University, Switzerland – Brilliance Business School
Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM) 2
Master of Human Resources Management - MHRM
MHRM includes eleven courses which are split into two phases followed by a research.
 Phase one includes HRM foundation courses that provide a ground for HRM functions. After
completion, participants are qualified for HRM diploma that leads to MHRM (6 courses)
 Phase two includes courses that build a strategic and holistic business perspective. This
allows the participants to integrate the HRM functions into the strategic level. (5 courses)
 A research that will be submitted at the end to apply the studied techniques choice
HRM Overview – Competency-based HRM (3 Credits)
Workforce Planning, Recruiting & Selection (3 Credits)
Employee Training and Development (3 Credits)
Performance Management (3 Credits)
Compensation and Benefits (3 Credits)
Labor Law and Employee Relations (3 Credits)
Strategic Management (3 Credits)
Managerial Economics (3 Credits)
Organizational Behavior (3 Credits)
Strategic HRM and HRM Strategy (3 Credits)
Entrepreneurship Foundation (3 Credits)
HRM Overview – Job Analysis and Competency (3 Credits)
The course covers the essential concepts and functions of
HRM including the competencies that represent the
language of performance. Competencies can articulate
both the expected outcomes of an individual’s efforts and
the manner in which these activities are done
Workforce Planning, Recruiting and Selection (3 Credits)
The aim of the course is to identify the various
approaches of workforce planning for both quantitative
and qualitative workforce requirements. The course deals
with the effective recruitment and selection process to
obtain the right fit according to the planning done and
competencies required
Employee Training and Development (3 Credits)
This Course covers training function through systematic
applied tools and techniques to promote employee
learning. It involves the use of different formal and
informal ways to impart knowledge and equip employees
to acquire the necessary skills
Performance Management (3 Credits)
This course focuses on Performance Management as a
flexible and coherent process, involves how managers’
deal with employees’ performance in an effective
approach that sets out how they can best work together
Compensation and Benefits (3 Credits)
This course focuses on how to use the different direct
and indirect compensation and benefits to attract and
retain high-quality employees through implementing a
powerful compensation and benefits system
Strategic Management (3 Credits)
This course is concerned with the long-term direction and
performance of the whole organization. It examines
organizations from the ‘‘strategic management''
perspective of top management. The concepts and skills
presented are applicable at all levels of management and
to the variety of roles leaders, executives, and managers
Managerial Economics (3 Credits)
This course applies microeconomic analysis to decision
methods of businesses or other management units, the
science of directing scarce resources to manage effectively.
Understanding consists of three branches: competitive
markets, market power, and imperfect markets
Organizational Behavior (3 Credits)
This course examines the range of individual and group
behavior in an organization. Topics: personality and
attitudes, perception, motivation in the work setting, group
communication, and organizational design and culture
Strategic HRM and HRM Strategy (3 Credits)
This course addresses HRM Strategic issues and its
relevance with overall organization’s intention and strategy
to achieve “strategic fit”, also the various HRM strategies
that can be developed in the HRM
Entrepreneurship Foundation (3 Credits)
The course targets creative entrepreneurs and managers
within their corporates who desire to present to the market
new ideas and services along with those who want to
establish new businesses
Labor Law and Employee Relations (3 Credits)
This course deals with employment relationship between
employee and employer within the framework of
Egyptian labor law with respect to the rapid social and
political change in the market
©Victoria University, Switzerland – Brilliance Business School
Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM) 3
Master of Human Resources Management - MHRM
The school is officially registered at Neuchâtel Canton and is entitled to offer programs leading to a BBA, an MBA, an
EMBA and a DBA degree. VU is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and
the European Council for Business Education (ECBE).
Victoria University is certified by the nationally accrediting agency EduQua ( EduQua is an official
Swiss accreditation body recognized and supported by the Swiss Confederate Government; it’s the first quality
certification for public and private educational institutions in Switzerland. EduQua is the premier quality assurance
accreditation scheme for continuing education. EduQua is made up of schools, institutions and academies all over
Switzerland, including University of Geneva, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zurich University of
Applied Sciences, Switzerland and other universities. The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)
endorses eduQua as an officially recognized quality assurance scheme. EDK highly recommends the institution of
higher education accredited by eduQua. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) also endorses EduQua.
 AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is a global, membership
organization of educational institutions, businesses, and other entities devoted to the advancement of
management education. AACSB International advances
quality management education worldwide through
accreditation, thought leadership, and value-added services
 ECBE mission is to encourage and support continuous
improvement in the quality of Business Education. This is
directed towards participants in the global market place:
academic institutions, faculties and employers
Others recognized and accreditation bodies:
 Swiss Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance in
Higher Education (OAQ)
 Rector’s Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS)
BBS and VU accept transfer of credit of previous
courses taken from other recognized educational
Transfer participants must arrange all required
materials, including official transcripts, to be forwarded
to the Admissions Office. Until all records are available
to the Admissions Committee, the transfer participant
will be enrolled under a conditional admission
agreement. All requests must be submitted on a form
provided by the school. Courses should have a business
Participants must successfully complete all courses. The
courses are assessed by means of both coursework and
examination. Thesis is required to be submitted to
complete the MHRM program.
Awarding Body
MHRM degree is awarded by Victoria University,
Switzerland – The School of Management
TEL: +20 (02) 26901190 / +20 (02) 26901177- MOB: (+20)0100 2344234 / (+20)0100 5050700
©Victoria University, Switzerland – Brilliance Business School
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