Grade 8 - Parkland School District

Curriculum – Grade 8 World Languages
Grades 8 World Languages
8th- Spanish
What your child
will learn
Basic structures and grammatical
Basic structures and
Basic structures and grammatical
vocabulary including articles, subject
grammatical vocabulary
including articles, nouns, subject
pronouns, and verbs, and
including articles, nouns,
pronouns, and verbs, and adjectives.
subject pronouns, and verbs,
Common vocabulary including
and adjectives.
school schedules, classroom
Common vocabulary including
objects, food, family, descriptions,
objects, food, family, descriptions,
school schedules, classroom
prepositions of place, common
prepositions of place, common
objects, food, family,
places, likes and dislikes, and daily
places, likes and dislikes, and daily
descriptions, prepositions of
place, common places, likes
Cultural aspects related to Spanish-
and dislikes, and daily activities.
speaking countries, including key
Cultural aspects related to
holidays and celebrations, music,
holidays and celebrations, music,
French-speaking countries,
food, art, and daily life.
food, art, and daily life.
including key holidays and
school schedules, classroom
speaking countries, including key
Common vocabulary including
Cultural aspects related to German-
celebrations, music, food, art,
and daily life.
What your child
will do
Develop their language skills in
Develop their language skills in
Develop their language skills in
reading, writing, listening and
reading, writing, listening and
reading, writing, listening and
Engage in conversations, provide
and obtain information, express
Engage in conversations,
provide and obtain information,
Engage in conversations, provide
and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, and
express feelings and emotions,
feelings and emotions, and
exchange opinions.
and exchange opinions.
exchange opinions.
Present information, concepts, and
Present information, concepts,
Present information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners or
and ideas to an audience of
ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics in the
listeners or readers on a variety
readers on a variety of topics in the
target language.
of topics in the target language.
target language.
Make connections and comparisons
Make connections and
Make connections and comparisons
between their own cultures and
comparisons between their own
between their own cultures and
language to those of the Spanish-
cultures and language to those
language to those of the German-
speaking world.
of the French-speaking world.
speaking world.
Reinforce the knowledge in their
Reinforce the knowledge in
Reinforce the knowledge in their
other disciplines through the study of
their other disciplines through
other disciplines through the study of
the Spanish language.
the study of the French
the German language
What you’ll see
Student notebooks and portfolios.
Daily assignments to practice and
reinforce vocabulary and concepts.
Student notebooks and
Student notebooks and portfolios.
Daily assignments to practice and
reinforce vocabulary and concepts.
Daily assignments to practice
Various projects and activities
and reinforce vocabulary and
students complete to demonstrate
students complete to demonstrate
Various projects and activities
the use of the language in a
students complete to
meaningful way.
the use of the language in a
meaningful way.
Various projects and activities
demonstrate the use of the
language in a meaningful way.
How you can
Assist in studying and reviewing
Assist in studying and reviewing
Assist in studying and reviewing
concepts with your child (ie.
concepts with your child (ie.
concepts with your child (ie.
flashcards, vocab lists).
flashcards, vocab lists).
flashcards, vocab lists).
Encourage your child to become
Encourage your child to
Encourage your child to become
involved in any opportunities in the
become involved in any
involved in any opportunities in the
community that may allow them to
opportunities in the community
community that may allow them to
be exposed to the Spanish language
that may allow them to be
be exposed to the German language
and culture.
exposed to the French
and culture.
Monitor your child’s homework and
language and culture.
grades online.
Monitor your child’s homework
and grades online.
Monitor your child’s homework and
grades online.