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Courtesy CPO John Niece

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 10

1. What sets the standards by which performance and behavior is measured?


Performance Evaluation System (EPES)

2. What is the form number for enlisted performance evaluation form?



3. Who is ultimately responsible for the accuracy and fairness of marks?

A. The Commanding Officer

4. What form do you use for adverse administrative remarks?


CG-3307 (PAGE 7)

5. What conduct causes mandatory UNSAT conduct mark?

A. NJP/CM, civil conviction, financial irresponsibility, non-support of dependents, alcohol incidents

6. What phrase should be used on a PG 7 to show adverse behavior?

A. “This is and Adverse Administrative remarks entry for.....”

7. What is the official data base for marks?

A. The EPEMTS Enlisted Performance Evaluation Management and Tracking


8. What color ink cannot be used on EPEF’s?

A. Red

9. Can you staple or Clip an EPEF?

A. No

10. What is the EPES?

A. Enlisted Performance Evaluation System

11. What is the EPSF?

A. Enlisted Performance Support form

12. Is the EPSF mandatory?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

13. What are the factor areas on a mark sheet?

A. Military, Performance, Professional Qualities, Leadership

14. What is the CG-3306?

A. Marks sheet

15. Who produces the mark sheets?


16. What do the following codes mean on Marks?

A. R - Semi-Annual

D - Disciplining

C - Change in Rate

P - Probation/Special Conduct

B - Reduction

G - TAD more than 92 days

S - Special - reserves only

T - Transfer

A - Advancement


17. What does 2 asterisks mean on a mark sheet?

A. Good Conduct Eligibility

18. What are the two conduct marks?

A. S - Satisfactory

U - Unsatisfactory

19. What are the Performance Dimensions?

A. The four common factor areas

20. Does Performance Feedback have to be formal?

A. No

21. What rank must a Supervisor be on the mark sheet?

A. E-7 and at least on senior to evacuee

22. Can it be a civilian?

A. Yes

23. What happens if no Chief is available?

A. The E-6 must be designated


Courtesy CPO John Niece

24. What is the exception to the rule that the supervisor in the marking change has to be one pay grade higher?

A. If the person is E-7 and OINC or E-6 and XPO

25. What position must a civilian hold to be a supervisor in the marking chain?

A. Section or Branch Chief

26. Who can be a Marking Official?

A. Officer, Civilian, CPO

27. What must the Chief be to be a marking official?

A. OINC/XPO/Dept. Head

28. If the Chief in the role of OINC/XPO/Dept. Head, is the marking official, does he have to be a pay grade higher?

A. No

29. Can the Approving official fulfill the role of the Marking official?

A. Yes

30. What must the Approving official be?

A. Officer, Civilian, Division Chief

31. When is Regular Evaluations done?

A. Annual or Semi-Annual

32. When is a Special Evaluation done?

A. All others except for Regular Evals

33. Can a Public Health Service officer sign as Approving Official?

A. Yes

34. Can the XO/XPO be marking official?

A. Yes if they provide primary tasking

35. Who is the Appeal Authority for Comdt/Vice Comdt Staff?

A. Chief of Staff

36. If the COMDT signs your marks who is the appeal authority?



Courtesy CPO John Niece

37. At an operational unit, who is the Approving authority?


38. Can the CO delegate approving authority?

A. No

39. If a subordinate works directly for the Approving official, can the Approving official fill out the entire mark sheet?

A. Yes

40. Can Flag Officers fill out the entire form?

A. Yes, if you work directly for that flag

41. How many days prior to the end of the marking period must the Persru send out the mark sheets?

A. 45 Days

42. How many days after the marking period does the unit have to complete the mark sheet?

A. 21 Days

43. What do you do if a member refuses to sign?

A. It should be noted in the signature block

44. How many days after the eval period does the sheets have to be back to EPM-1?

A. 30 Days

45. What do you do if a mbr requests a copy of there marks?

A. You must provide a copy

46. After you compare the Marks Sheet (CG-3306, which is the “Data Sheet) sent by the persru to your unit, what do you do with the EPEF (CG-3788, which is what you fill out)?

A. You discard the CG-3788

47. According to the Pers Manual who must provide “bullets” for marks?

A. The evaluee

48. Who ascertains the status of an evaluees quals?

A. The Supervisor


Courtesy CPO John Niece

49. How many days prior to the end of the period should the Supervisor suggest to the evaluee to submit bullets?

A. 14 Days

50. What mark does the Supervisor use on the EPEF?

A. an x

51. What marks must you have written remarks?

A. 1, 2, and 7

52. Who completes the Advancement and PQS block?

A. Supervisor

53. How many days before the end of the marking period must the EPEF be forwarded by the Supervisor to the Marking Official?

A. 9 Days

54. When do you counsel a mbr?

A. Only after the Approving official signs

55. Is it required for the Marking Official to discuss marks with the Supervisor?

A. Yes

56. What mark does the Marking Official make?

A. Darkens the ovals

57. Who enters the numerical values?

A. Marking Official

58. Does the Supervisor or the Marking Official fill out the Advancement Block?

A. Marking Official

59. How many days prior to the end of the Marking Period does the Marking

Official have to forward the sheet to the Approving Official?

5 Days

60. Who must document the loss of Good Conduct?

A. Approving Official

61. Who besides the Marking Official must fill out the advancement block?

A. Approving Official


Courtesy CPO John Niece

62. What must the Approving Official do if he does not agree with a mark the

Marking Official has given?

A. Discuss the matter with the Marking Official, then if that does not work, line through mark, darken oval and change number

63. How many days does the Marking Official have to fwd the marks to PPC after the period ends?

A. 30 Days

64. Who keys the marks into EPEMTS?

A. PPC (pay personnel command)

65. Who conducts the statistical analysis of marks?


66. How many days prior to the end of the marking period does the CGPC have to fwd the bar-coded sheets to the Persrus?

A. 60 days

67. Who gets marked in May?

A. E-8/9

68. Who gets marked in Sept. only?

A. E-7

69. Who gets marked in Nov. and May?

A. E-6 and E-3

70. Who gets marked in Oct. and April?

A. E-5, E-2, E-1

71. Who gets marked in Sept. and Mar?

A. E-4

72. How often at the end of any period must the marks be at the CGMPC?

A. 30 Days

73. If a regular set of Evals have been done, how many days do you not have to do another one? (i.e. Advancement)

A. 92 Days

74. If someone has been at a unit less than 92 days, should the new unit do the


A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

75. What type of marks are done IF 92 has passed since last regular Evals?

A. Special

76. Can marks be done if you have gone TAD for 92 days or less?

A. Yes, but they do not have to be entered

77. When and what type of eval you do if a NJP/CM has occurred?

A. Special on the day the NJP/CM occurred

78. What do you to marks of an “A” student if they have NJP/CM?

A. UNSAT mark in conduct all others blank

79. If a member is convicted of a civil matter, does Special marks need to be done?

A. Determined by Approving Official

80. What is done in a civil matter, concerning marks for “A” students and recruits?

A. Same as NJP/Cm

81. If a civil matter occurs during TAD, who does the marks, the TAD command or the Parent Command?

A. Parent Command

82. When do you do marks for a reduction in rate?

A. On the day the reduction is effective

83. For what rate do you do special reduction marks?

A. The rate reduced to

84. When are Special reduction marks done, if the reduction is due to incompetence?

A. The day prior to the reduction

85. When are you required to do special reduction marks due to incompetence?

A. At the end of 3 month probationary period

86. Do you have to do special reduction marks due to incompetence, if the member wishes to take the SWE?

A. Yes

87. Do you do marks for Discharge/Retirement/RELAD?

A. No

88. Do you do marks for “A”, “C” students, recruits?

A. No

89. If a person is UA, do you need to do a special set of marks?

A. No marks required


Courtesy CPO John Niece

90. If a person is pending a second NJP due to alcohol, are special marks required?

A. No

91. While doing marks, should a single event (good or bad) be taken into consideration?

A. No, but it should be taken account

92. If a person is afflicted with a medical condition, should that adversely reflect in marks?

A. No

93. Can a doctor be consulted in regards to marks?

A. Yes, for a “reasonable expectation of performance”

94. Is there a space for “Not Observed”?

A. No

95. What are the 3 levels of performance?

A. Low, Middle, High

96. Do higher paygrades, mean higher standards?

A. Yes

97. What marks is expected of all enlisted personnel?

A. 4

98. What is the basis of a mark of 1?

A. It must be severely detrimental to the organization

99. Do you need to underline anything for a 3?

A. Yes, the items the member does do, in a 4

100. How many items in a 6 must a member exceed to receive a 7?

A. One

101. A page 7 is required for what marks?

A. 1, 2, and 7

102. Does an UNSAT conduct mark require a Page 7?

A. Yes

103. What statement must be in that Page 7?

A. Good Conduct eligibility mark


Courtesy CPO John Niece

104. What is one of the purposes of Marks documentation?

A. It is used in the special assignment process

105. If comments for marks are not entered on a Page 7, what happens to those comments?

A. They are not entered in the PDR, and they are destroyed

106. Who must complete the Advancement recommendation section of marks?

A. All members of the rating chain

107. If are person has “progressing” mark, can they take the SWE?

A. No

108. What 3 traits are advancement recommendations based on?

A. Leadership Quality, Personal Integrity, Potential

109. Must you do a Page 7 for “Progressing/Not recommended”?

A. Yes

110. Are the Approving Officials decisions final?

A. Yes, but he or she may change it

111. What form does the EPSF support?


112. Is the EPSF mandatory?

A. No

113. When does a new eligibility period begin for Good Conduct?

A. When a mark of UNSAT is given

114. Can Good Conduct Eligibility be determined by low marks?

A. Yes, in Factor Blocks

115. When a UNSAT conduct mark is given, must a full eval be done?

A. Yes

116. When is it done?

A. Date of CM/NJP or Civil conviction or when adverse action is discovered

117. Can Advancement to the next paygrade be affected by an UNSAT Conduct


A. Yes

118. Can the Advancement Block of marks be appealed?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

119. What are the reasons that marks can be appealed?

A. Incorrect info



Disproportional low marks for circumstances

120. How many days do you have to appeal marks?

A. 15 Calendar days

121. Must a member submit a appeal in writing?

A. Yes to appeal authority, but they must verbally tell the command

122. What must the CO provide to the mbr for appeals?

A. Clerical assistance

123. Can a CO change marks?

A. Yes, and the matter can stop there without forwarding to appeal authority, if member is satisfied

124. If not, how many days must the CO fwd to appeal authority?

A. 15 calendar days

125. Can the CO lower already signed marks?

A. No

126. How many days does the appeal authority have to act on a Appeal?

A. 15 Calendar days

127. Can the appeal authority lower marks?

A. No

128. Can a waiver be granted to marks?

A. Yes, due to illness

129. If marks have already been sent to CGPC, can the Approving Official change them?

A. Yes, by letter

130. When are reserves treated the same in regards to marks?

A. When on active duty for 2 years or more

131. If a reserve is on ADT/SADT/TEMAC, who does the marks, the reserve command or the Active duty command?

A. Active duty command Military Civil Rights Manual, COMDTINST



Courtesy CPO John Niece

132. Must the Civil Rights Officer (CRO) be an officer?

A. Yes. or a Civilian Equal Opportunity Specialist

133. Is it a primary or collateral duty?

A. Collateral

134. Who does the CRO report directly to?


135. Must the Civil Rights Counselor/Facilitator (MCRC/F) be a Coast Guard


A. Yes

136. Where are MCRC/F located?

A. District/Major Commands

137. Who trains MCRC/F’s?


138. What regulates the duties of the MCRC/F?

A. Chap M5350.11B

139. Who assists the MCRC/F?

A. Military Civil Rights Counselor

140. Where are they trained?


141. Is the Military Civil Rights Counselor a Collateral duty or Primary duty?

A. Collateral

142. Is the Human Relations Council a regulatory or advisory body?

A. Advisory

143. Who do they inform?


144. Who should be on the board?

A. It should reflect the demographics of the command

145. Do all Departments need to be represented?

A. Yes

146. What is the minimum amount of members?

A. 5


Courtesy CPO John Niece

147. Who is the recommended chair?


148. Is there standardized Coast Guard Civil Rights training?

A. Yes

149. Who updates the training?

A. G-H (find out who that is now)

150. How often must Coast Guard Members receive Civil Rights training?

A. Every 3 years

151. Who can conduct this training?

A. Only DEOMI Trained personnel

152. How many blocks are there to the standard training?

A. 4

153. Which blocks are mandatory?

A. I only

154. What is Block I?

A. Compliant procedures

155. Who decides if blocks II-IV are given?


156. What are the other blocks?

A. II - Basic Human Awareness

III. - Women in the CG

IV. - Military Rights and Responsibilities

157. What is the recommended size for the training?

A. 20-25 Members

158. Would it be appropriate to have this training with only CPO’s?

A. No, should be cross section of the Command

159. Can the training be done in Civilian clothes?

A. No, it must be in the uniform of the day

160. How often does the training schedule have to be submitted?

A. Yearly


Courtesy CPO John Niece

161. Where is the training recorded?

A. Page 3 of the PDR

162. Who gets letters of training?

A. Officers

163. Where MUST this training be held?

A. OCS, USCGA, Recruit Training

164. What is a Human Relations Discussion session?

A. An all hands meeting, CO’s rap session, Human relations seminar

165. How often should they be held?

A. Recommended - semi-annually

166. On what DOT order is Civil Rights Performance criteria based?

A. DOT ORDER 1000.2A

167. Who can be evaluated against these criteria?

A. e-3 and above

168. What is the purpose of Personnel Procedures in support of the Civil rights program?

A. To stop practices before discrimination charges

169. What is the first step in this procedure?

A. Counseling

170. What are the next steps?

A. Warning, Admonishment, Lower marks, Downgrade OER for officers

171. What happens if none of these steps are effective?

A. NJP/CM, Discharge, Request advise from Legal

Medals and Awards Manual, COMDTINST M1650.25, Chapter 1

172. Does the Medals and Awards manual regulate non-military decorations and foreign awards?

A. Yes


Who may issued directives to modify or issue awards?


174. Can you discuss an award with a nominee?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

175. What kind of information is it?

A. Need to Know, Privileged

176. What are the 3 categories that awards are made for?

A. Heroism, Meritorious Service, Meritorious Achievement

177. In what matter must Senior Officials make awards?

A. In a timely manner

178. Does Superior duty over a period of time always mean an award will be made?

A. No

179. Should an award be made before or after a member leaves a unit?

A. Before

180. Can USPHS officers be given military decorations?

A. Yes

181. Does the awarding of a unit award preclude a member getting a personal award for the same act?

A. No

182. Can two awards be given for the same action?

A. No

183. Can two awards be given for the same time period?

A. Yes, if it is for unrelated actions

184. How many medals will be issued to a member?

A. One

185. What happens if the member is awarded the medal again?

A. Stars will be issued

186. Can you accept a cash award?

A. No, but nominal amounts for SOQ, EPOY is OK

186. Who has the authority to establish an award?

A. Congress, Executive order, COMDT during peacetime, SECNAV while CG is operating under DON


Courtesy CPO John Niece

187. Who do you submit a recommendation for a new award?

A. COMDT, via chain of command

188. Who approves Medal of Honor?

A. The President

189. Who approves the DSM and the Legion of Merit?

A. SECDOT, in the name of the President

190. What medals are delegated for approval to the COMDT by the SECDOT?

A. DFC to Silver Lifesaving Medal

191. What can the COMDT approve in his own name?

A. CG Commendation to CG Meritorious Team Award

192. Can delegation be used by acting Commanders?

A. Yes

193. What medal and below can Area/HQ/MLC and District Commanders award?

A. Commendation and below

194. Can Unit commanders approve awards?

A. 0-6’s - Achievement and below

0-5’s - only Acting CO’s

0-4’s - LOC and below

195. Must you get concurrence from the Parent service if you want to give an award to a member of another service?

A. Yes

196. What law prohibits the wearing of unauthorized awards?

A. Title 18 USC 704

197. What law awards medals?

A. Title 14 USC 502

198. What percent over normal retirement do you get if you get an award for extraordinary heroism?

A. 10 Percent

199. How many years of service must you have to get the extra 10 %?

A. 20 Years


Courtesy CPO John Niece

200. What is the maximum amount of SWE points you can receive for medals?

A. 10

201. Within how many years must award recommendations be submitted from the date of the act or service?

A. 3 Years

202. With how many years must the award be submitted?

A. 5 Years

203. Which medals are exempt from time limitations?

A. Gold and Silver Lifesaving Medal and the Purple heart

204. If you dishonorable service subsequent to approval of an award, can you receive the award?

A. No, this applies to Medal of Honor, DSC, DFC or CG Medal

205. Within how many years of death must a posthumous award be made?

A. 5 Years

206. If no family members are alive, who receives the award?

A. A presidential delegate

207. If parents of a member are divorced who gets the medal?

A. Both parents

208. If person is declared dead, with how many days should an award be presented?

A. 90 Days

209. Who must make an award recommendation?

A. Senior to the awardee

210. Are reservists eligible for awards and medals?

A. Yes

211. Are Cadets and USPHS eligible for awards?

A. Yes

212. Can you receive an award from another service and from the CG for the same act?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece


What is purpose of a 5/16” gold star?

A. For each subsequent personal award and CG Unit awards (i.e. Achievement medal, Commendation medal)

214. What is the purpose of the 5/16’ silver star?

A. In lieu of 5 gold stars

215. What is the purpose of 3/16” bronze star?

A. Unit awards (except CG unit awards) and subsequent Campaign and service medals (i.e. Good Conduct, Humanitarian Service)

216. What is the purpose of the 3/16” silver star?

A. In lieu of 5 bronze stars (sixth award)

217. What does the Combat distinguishing device look like?

A. A bronze V

218. Can you get the Combat device for just being in the area or do you need to be in direct danger?

A. Direct Danger

219. Must it be stated in the award, to award the “O” device?

A. Yes

220. Are performing regulatory functions make you eligible for an “O” device?

A. No

221. What is the Strike/Flight device?

A. An bronze 3/16” Arabic number

222. What rank must an award be initiated by?

A. E-7 and above

223. What form do you use to prepare an award?

A. CG-1650

223. How many eyewitnesses do you need for a heroism award?

A. 2

224. If you are submitting for the Lifesaving medal, do you need to put the persons swimming qualifications?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

225. Can you put classified in an award?

A. No

226. What are the 3 Parts to a Citation?

A. The opening sentence/Standard Opening phrase

Statement of Heroic act/Meritorious Achievement

Commendatory Remarks

227. Do awards have to be forwarded above there approval level?

A. No

228. What award is forwarded directly to the Purple Heart without regard to the

Chain of Command?

A. Purple Heart


Can you use the padded award folders for anything else but awards?

A. No

230. On what side in the folder is the Citation and what side is the certificate?

A. Left - Citation, Right - Certificate

231. Do medals have to be accounted for?

A. Yes, and secured

232. Do medals have to be engraved?

A. Yes, both large and small, with date and Name/initials

233. What makes up a medal set?

A. Large medal, Mini medal, Lapel Pin, Ribbon Bar

234. Can points be for the SWE be awarded before the presentation?

A. Yes

235. Do you use a medal or just the star when you award an subsequent award?

A. A medal, but it is for presentations purposes

236. Who is considered first for next of kin posthumous awards?

A. Widow

237. What medals (a six month supply) can be held on had at a unit?

A. Good Conduct, Expert Rifle, Expert Pistol


Courtesy CPO John Niece

238. Under what circumstances does the CG replace a medal?

A. If it is not the owners fault

239. Can you wear another services Unit award?

A. Yes, if earned while at that unit or service

240. What is highest Personal award?

A. Medal of Honor

241. What is the Highest Coast Guard medal?

A. Coast Guard Medal

242. Which is higher the Silver or Gold Lifesaving Medal?

A. Gold

243. What is the highest Unit award?

A. Presidential Unit Citation

244. Which is higher CG Unit Commendation or Meritorious Unit Commendation?

A. CG Unit Commendation

345. What is the highest non-military award?

A. Presidential medal of freedom

346. What is the Highest Campaign or Service Medal?

A. POW Medal

247. What is the 2 most common examples of Service or Campaign awards?

A. Good Conduct and National Defense Medal

248. What is the highest Personal decoration from a Foreign government?

A. Philippine Presidential Unit Citation

249. Which is higher in precedence - rifle or pistol?

A. Rifle

250. Are Auxiliary awards authorized on active duty members uniforms?

A. No

251. Can awards be sold to museums?

A. Yes

252. Can individuals purchase awards?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

253. Who is responsible for making sure that awards are entered into your record?

A. Member

254. Who recommends awards to the COMDT?

A. Board of Awards

255. Who awards lifesaving medals to civilians?

A. Board of Awards

256. How long to award boards have to hold there records?

A. 5 Years

257. What actions can award boards make?

A. Approve, Higher Award, Lower Award, Return for more info, disapprove

258. Are award boards recommendations final?

A. Yes

259. Who has precedence the Awards board or the Awarding Authority?

A. Awarding Authority

260. What action can the Awarding Authority take?

A. Same as board

261. Who determines Extraordinary Heroism?

A. Awarding Authority

262. What award does the term Extraordinary heroism apply to?

A. Awards senior to the Commendation Medal

263. What determining Extraordinary Heroism, can you compare it to other acts?

A. Yes

264. Can disapproved awards be overturned?

A. Yes, only when there is new info though

265. Who awards the sponsor of an award of its status?

A. Awarding Authority

266. What Awards does the CG Board of Awards work on?

A. High Level Awards


267. What is COMDTINST M5350.30?

A. Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy


Courtesy CPO John Niece

268. What plan is established with Alcoast 052/94?

A. Career Long Education plan

269. Does Alcoast 052/94 ease the burden on Pregnant members so there marks are not affected or does it establish that all members will be treated equally?

A. Eases the burden

270. Did Alcoast 052/94 establish accountability for Sexual Harassment or did this already exist?

A. It established accountability

271. What is Alcoast 053/94?

A. COMDT’s Diversity Statement

272. What COMDT established this statement?

A. ADM Kramek

273. What is Alcoast 055/94?

A. The CG Goals and Objectives

274. What important statement was published in this Alcoast?

A. Core Values

275. What are the Core Values?

A. Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty

276. What are the 8 Goals established in Alcoast 055/94?

A. ① Leadership ② Diversity

③ Streamlining ④ Semper Paratus

⑤ Premier Maritime Service ⑥ DOT Strategic Plan

⑦ TQM ⑧ New Technologies

277. Who put forth these goals?

A. ADM Kramek


278. According to TQM policy is our customer only in the CG?

A. No

279. Can our internal customer be both Military and Civilian?

A. Yes

280. What is the CG TQM Philosophy?

A. Focus on the Process, Achieve Customer Satisfaction


Courtesy CPO John Niece

281. Is it necessary to reorganize our existing organization to carry out TQM?

A. No

282. Does TQM reinforce the Chain of Command or subvert it?

A. Reinforces

283. In TQM organization in what direction are links?

A. Horizontal and Vertical

284. Is the QMB a vertical or horizontal entity?

A. Horizontal

285. What is one of the purposes of the QMB?

A. To communicate across organizational boundaries

286. Who serves as the Chair for lower groups in a vertical group set up?

A. The Higher Level group

287. What is the basic principle of CG TQM?

A. The right thing done right the first time

288. What are the two things that make up this principle?

A. Effective and Efficient

289. What is the highest organization CG TQM body?

A. CG Quality Council (CGQC)

290. What is the highest organization at a major command?

A. Executive Steering Committee (ESC)

291. Who provides funding to the QMB?


292. Can you have more than one Quality Management Board (QMB) at a major command?

A. Yes

293. Is a QMB permanent or temporary?

A. Permanent

294. What is a Guidance Team (GT)?

A. They provide TQM guidance to QAT’s

295. Are GT’s mandatory?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

296. If no GT exists at a command who provides guidance to QAT’s?


297. Who should be on that team?

A. QAT team leader and a member of the QMB

298. What is a QAT?

A. Quality Action Team

299. How many people are usually in a QAT?

A. 3-7

300. How many issues do QAT’s work on?

A. Usually one

301. Does the QAT have decision making authority?

A. No

302. Is a QAT voluntary?

A. No

303. How many months should a QAT last?

A. no more than 6

304. Are QAT’s formally chartered?

A. Yes

305. What percentage of a workload should a QAT not exceed?

A. 10 Percent

306. What is the TQMC

A. TQM Coordinator

307. Who should facilitate ESC and QMB meetings?


308. Who is the TQMC for the Coast Guard?

A. G-CPE-3

309. What is a NWG?

A. Natural Working Group

310. Is there any difference between a NWG and a QAT?

A. No, except QAT formally chartered


Courtesy CPO John Niece

311. What PDCA mean?

A. Plan - Analysis

Done - on a small scale

Checked - to see if change worked

Acted - apply to entire organization

312. Is PDCA linear or a continuos cycle?

A. a continuous cycle

313. What is a Rice Bowl?

A. a kingdom in a organization

314. What is a stovepipe?

A. Is protection on an interest


315. What body must you have consent and advise from to appoint an officer?

A. The Senate

316. Where do you get Ensigns?

A. USCGR with 2 yrs of svc, CWO’s, Enlisted, USCGA, USMM if 2 yrs as a licensed officer

317. Can the President appoint ENS’s from the USCGA?

A. Yes, with the advise and consent of the Senate

318. Can the President Appoint officers from the Reserve, USMM, USCG?

A. Yes, and as temps, but not above LT

319. What to Temp Officers revert to if they vacate their Commission?

A. There Permanent status

320. Is a graduate of OCS (CG) a Temp, Perm or reserve Officer?

A. Temp

321. What rank do Warrant officers graduate as from OCS?

A. LT(jg)

322. How many years must you obligate after grad from OCS?

A. 3 Years

323. In most circumstances when do you become a Permanent Officer?

A. Usually after 4 years, about when you make LT


Courtesy CPO John Niece

324. Is integration automatic?

A. No, LT(jg)’s must apply to integrate

325. When you integrate, what happens to your permanent status?

(For instance if you were a QMC when you went to OCS)

A. You are discharged from you permanent status

326. What happens if you decline integration?

A. You can be reverted to former status and separated, you can be reverted and retained or retained in you temp status

327. Can you be a NON-US citizen and be appointed an officer from the USMM?

A. No

328. How many years on US flag vessel must you have served in the USMM, to be appointed?

A. 2 Years

329. What is the Maximum age limit to be appointed from the USMM?

A. LT(jg) 32 YOA, must be 2nd mate or above

Lt 38 YOA, must be Chief mate or above

330. Can a USMM be a member of another branch of the service and come into the


A. No, but can be enlisted, but must be discharged by parent service

331. How long is the probationary period for a USMM appointee?

A. 3 Years

332. How is a USMM selected?

A. By a Board of Coast Guard Officers

333. Must a USMM applicant take the OAR?

A. Yes

334. How many years musical experience must the CG Band Director have to be appointed?

A. 6 Years

335. At what grade is the Band Director Appointed?

A. LT(jg) or LT

336. Must the Band Director be a US Citizen?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

337. At what grade are Physician Assistants (PYA’S) appointed?


338. How many years of obligated service must a PYA have?

A. 3 Years for each year of training

339. What course must PYA’S attend?

A. Officer Indoc at RTC Yorktown

340. What must happen in the first 2 years of a PYA’S commission?

A. He must be Certified by the National Commission of Physician Assistants

341. Can you ask for a waiver of integration requirements?

A. Yes, but none will normally be granted

342. How many days before the integration panel meets, must you have your integration application in?

A. 90 days

343. When does the Integration panel meet?

A. July and January

344. How many years active duty must you have to be integrated?

A. 2

345. How many times can temp officers compete for integration?

A. Twice

346. What happens if a temp is not integrated because of weight?

A. They are separated at their permanent status

347. What happens if a temp officers is not integrated or chooses not to integrate?

A. 6 months later they are reverted back to there permanent status

348. Is a NAC required for integration?

A. No

349. When can retired officers be recalled?

A. During war or national emergency

350. How many recalled officers can there be?

A. Not more that 1 percent of the reg officer corp.

351. What rank do they hold if recalled?

A. Last rank held


Courtesy CPO John Niece

352. When is a NAC required of Cadets?

A. By the end of April in their second year

353. What kind of investigation must all other officers have?


354. How many years of obligated service do OCS grads have?

A. 3 Years

355. How long do Direct Commission have for obligated service?

A. As stated in their service contract

356. Why would a reserve officer be recalled to extended active duty?

A. Because they posses a unique skill

357. What grade can a recalled reserve officer be?

A. O-4 and below

358. What are reserve officers who are involuntarily released, entitled to?

A. Seperation pay

359. If you are a recalled reserve officer and have 18 or more years of service, will you be allowed to retire, if you are passed over?

A. Yes

360. What is the purpose of Reserve Program Administrators (RPA’s)?

A. Train reserve components

361. What kind of system is assignment to OCS?

A. Based on a competitive system

362. How long is OCS?

A. 17 Weeks

363. What do reservists graduate as?


364. How many times a year is selection to OCS made?

A. Twice

364. What grade do active duty graduate as?

A. ENS and LT(jg)

365. What is the age limitation for OCS?

A. 21-27 YOA


Courtesy CPO John Niece

366. What is the exception to the age requirement?

A. You may be credited 1 month for each month on active duty, but no more than

60 months

367. How old can a CWO selectee be?

A. 40 YOA

368. Can a ROTC person attend OCS?

A. Yes, but only if they are in there senior of college year, and are released from their parent service

369. Who receives an temp commission upon grad from OCS?

A. CG Active duty

370. Must you be a US Citizen to attend OCS?

A. Yes

371. What tools are used to screen applicants for OCS?

A. SAT - 1,000

ACT - 21


372. Can you have more than 6 years prior service to attend OCS?

A. No, unless it is CG time

373. Is the screening test scores waiverable?

A. No

374. Who must interview you for selection to OCS?

A. A board of officers

375. Can you be reinterviewed if you are not selected?

A. Yes

376. Are ministry students eligible for OCS?

A. No

377. What are the educational requirements for reserve applicants?

A. Senior year in college or Bachelors degree

378. What are the educational requirements for Temp applicants?

A. Bachelors degree, or 25 percent on all CLEPS or 1 year of college level study.

Must have at least 1 college math course or passed the Math CLEP.


Courtesy CPO John Niece

379. Can you use credit from correspondence school and service schools for educational credit?

A. Yes, but correspondence course must be from accredited schools

380. Can an E-4 and below become a temp officer upon grad from OCS?

A. No, they are reserve officers

381. What happens if an E-5 or above does not have the required TIS to graduate as a temp officer?

A. They will grad as a reserve officer

382. What will E-5 and above grad as?


383. What will a CWO with 21 mos or more as a CWO grad as?

A. LT(jg)

384. What will they grad as with 21 mos or less?


385. What happens if an enlisted person is promoted to CWO in OCS, what do they grad as?


386. How many years active duty must you have to attend OCS?

A. 4 Years

387. How many Active duty CG years must you have to attend OCS?

A. 2 Years

388. How many dependents can a non-active duty applicant have?

A. No more than 3

389. Who do you apply through if you are active duty?

A. Unit ESO

390. Who do you apply thru if you are non-active duty?

A. Recruiting office

391. What is the CG-5527?

A. Officer Programs Applicant Assessment form

392. Must you write a narrative of why you want to go to OCS?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

393. Can you be preselected for flight school?

A. No, you apply at OCS

394. Is a physical exam required for OCS?

A. Yes

395. Must Temp applicants have CO’s recommendation?

A. Yes

396. Do civilians have to be enlisted in the CG before attending OCS?

A. Yes, in the Coast Guard Reserve

397. How are USCG/USCGR members notified of selection to OCS?


398. Can you reapply if not selected?

A. Yes

399. What is your rate if you are civilian going to OCS?

A. SA (OC)

400. What rate are you if you are prior service CG?

A. Last rate held (OC)

401. What rate are you if you are prior service of another service?

A. SA (OC)

402. What rate are you if you are USCG/USCGR?

A. E-9 - OCUCM



E-6 - OCUI1

E-5 - OCUI2

403. What rate are you if you are E-4 and below on active duty?

A. Temp promotion to OCUI2

404. What are you if you flunk out?

A. Last rate held before reporting to RTC

405. What rate is a former officer while at OCS?

A. SA (OC)

406. Is prior service time creditable if you were a former officer?

A. Yes for pay only


Courtesy CPO John Niece

407. What do CWO’s become at OCS?

A. They stay CWO’s

408. What happens to you if you are unsuccessful at OCS?

A. Finish out your enlistment at your former rate

409. What happens if you are a civilian and you flunk out?

A. Discharged

410. Where is the Interview documented?

A. CG-5527

411. How many officers must be on the interview board?

A. 3

412. If you are at an Isolated unit, how many officers required for the interview board?

A. 2

413. What rank is the Senior member of the interview board?

A. LCDR or above

414. What rank must members of the board be?

A. At least o-1 with one year of service

415. If CWO is being interviewed, at least what rank must all members be?

A. LCDR and above

416. Should board have an OCS grad on it?

A. Yes

417. If a minority/reserve/women is being interviewed, who should be on that board?

A. A member to represent, i.e. women interviewed, women on board

418. Can your supervisor be on the board?

A. No, their input is thru CO’s recommendation

419. Can the results of the board be shown to the applicant?

A. No

420. What wording must be on the assessment form?

A. Recommended or Not recommended


Courtesy CPO John Niece

421. Can other officers submit CG-5527’s?

A. Yes, but it must state, not a member of the board

422. What kind of questions should be asked at the interview?

A. Personnel life, College, employment, Military experience, Future goals

423. What rank are Warrant officer billets?

A. All W-4

424. Must a Warrant be a US Citizen?

A. Yes

425. What special investigative requirement does COMMS warrants have?

A. SSBI, all others NAC

426. How many years Active duty must you have to be a Warrant?

A. 8, with 4 CG years

427. How much time must you have if you are returning to active duty under the care of Newborn children policy?

A. At least half of the requirement

428. What rank must you be to apply for Warrant?

A. E-6 and above

429. Can Former Temp officers apply for Warrant?

A. Yes, but they must get a waiver

430. Can former Warrant officers apply for Warrant?

A. No

431. Where must E-6’s be on the E-7 list to apply for Warrant?

A. 50% or above

432. Can HYT member apply for Warrant?

A. No

433. If you have an approved retirement letter in, can you apply for Warrant?

A. No

434. How many years must have lapsed since NJP/CM to apply for Warrant?

A. 3 years

435. What Specialty require 1 year sea time for Warrant?



Courtesy CPO John Niece

436. What rate is exempt from the above?


437. Must the CO recommend you for Warrant?

A. Yes

438. What ratings become AVI (Aviation)?


439. What ratings become BOSN (Boatswain)?


440. What ratings become ELC (Electronics)?


441. What ratings become WEPS (Weapons)?


442. What ratings become BNDM (Bandmaster)?


443. What ratings become COMMS (Communications)?


444. What ratings become MED (Medical Administration)?


445. What ratings become PERS (Personnel Administration)?


446. What ratings become PSS (Port Safety and Security)?


447. What ratings become INF (Public Information)?


448. Can you become a Warrant out of you normal specialty path?

A. Yes, you must pass all the EOCT, and score 50% or higher on the E-7 SWE for the Specialty track

449. Can you compete in your normal specialty path if you are competing in another specialty path?

A. No

450. What equals 1 month in TIG computations?

A. 30 Days


Courtesy CPO John Niece

451. Does time on the TDRL count towards TIG computations?

A. No

452. Does only CG Active duty count towards TIS computations?

A. No, all active duty counts

453. Is the recommendation for Warrant solely based on technical expertise?

A. No

454. What confirms Pre-board eligibility?

A. Your PDE

455. How many parts make up your pre-board score?

A. 2, Experience and Evaluation

456. What percentage makes up you Experience factor?

A. 40

457. How many points do you get in the Evaluation portion for TIG for E-6 and E-7-


A. 1 point for each month as an E-6 and 2 points for each month as an E-7-9

458. What is MAX amount of credit can you get for E-6?

A. 100

459. What is the MAX credit for both E-6 and E-7-9?

A. 175

460. How many years back does the evaluation portion go back in marks?

A. 4 Years

461. Is your pre-board score reported to the Board?

A. No

462. How is the pre-board based?

A. Needs of the service

463. What level OER must be submitted by the CO for those who make the preboard?

A. Level 1

464. Can a past command send in an OER?

A. No only present assignment


Courtesy CPO John Niece

465. Are numerical marks required on the pre-board OER?

A. No

466. Who signs as supervisor for this OER?


467. What is the page limitation for the resume the candidate sends in?

A. 2 pages single spaced

468. Can you have enclosures for this resume?

A. No

469. What should be in this resume?

A. Historical summary, Major accomplishments, why you want to be a Warrant

470. How many officers are on the Selection Board?

A. 5 all above W-2

471. How are members selected by the board?

A. The best qualified

472. Within how many days will selected members removed from enlisted advancement lists?

A. 60

473. When is the Warrant list effective?

A. 01 June - 31 May

474. Can you be carried over from previous lists?

A. No

475. Can you be removed because of an expired NAC/SBI?

A. no

476. Can you appeal your removal from the list?

A. Yes

477. Is an UNSAT mark in conduct a cause for removal?

A. Yes

478. Can you recompete if you remove yourself from the pre board list?

A. Yes

479. How many weeks after DTG of list can you request removal from the list?

A. 2 Weeks


Courtesy CPO John Niece

480. For how long can you not recompete if you remove yourself from the final list?

A. 2 Years

481. How long must you wait if you wait longer than 2 weeks to remove you name?

A. 5 Years

482. Is there any exceptions to the 5 year rule?

A. Yes, personal hardship

483. From where are Warrant appointments made?

A. From the final list or PYA grad

484. Must you sign Acceptance of Oath form (CG-9556)?

A. Yes

485. Who can give the oath?

A. Commissioned officer, Judge, Notary, US Commissioner

486. When is your pay changed?


487. What grade are you on day of Appointment?

A. W-2

488. Can the appointment be withheld?

A. Yes, for UNSAT conduct, moral issues, Professional qualifications

489. Is a physical required?

A. Yes

490. Can you exceed MAW?

A. No

491. Are you removed from the list?

A. No, if you loose the weight you are placed at the top of the list when you meet


492. What happens if you don’t meet MAW and the list expires, are carried to the next list?

A. No, but you can recompete

493. Are you discharged when you accept Warrant?

A. Yes, day before Appointment

494. What is the reason you are discharged?

A. Convenience of the Government


Courtesy CPO John Niece

495. Who should attend the Appointment ceremony?

A. CO or XO

496. What is the scope of specialty for a AVI?

A. Aircraft maintenance

497. What is the scope of specialty for BOSN?

A. Sea - Seamanship

Ashore - General duty

498. What is the scope of specialty for MAT?

A. Repair and maintenance of DC and Fire Fighting equipment

499. Can MED perform Medicine?

A. No, only if trained they are generally used for admin of clinics

500. Is the BNDM inside or outside the normal Warrant process?

A. Outside

501. Who selects Cadets for the USCGA?

A. The Superintendent

502. How does he base his decision?

A. He uses the Cadet Candidate Evaluation Board, which is made up of CG officers

503. Do you need a congressional appointment to attend the USCGA?

A. No

504. Are there any quotas to the USCGA?

A. No

505. What is your selection to USCGA based on?

A. SAT/ACT, Extracurricular activities, Community Service, Part time employment

506. What is the age range for the USCGA?

A. 17 - 22

507. Can you be married?

A. No

508. Do you have to be a US Citizen?

A. Yes, unless USG and foreign government have an agreement

509. What is the height range for USCGA?

A. 5’ 0” - 6’ 6”


Courtesy CPO John Niece

510. Must you be a high school grad to attend USCGA?

A. Yes

511. How many years of High school math and English must you have?

A. 3 Years

512. Can you be color blind to attend USCGA?

A. No

513. Can you get a waiver for physical requirements?

A. No

514. What is the application deadline for USCGA?

A. 15 DEC

515. Can you get a waiver for educational requirements?

A. No

516. If you are rejected can you recompete?

A. Yes

517. How much money is held back from a Cadets pay?

A. $600 for uniforms and $300 for in case it is needed

518. What is the service obligation upon graduation?

A. 5 Years

519. If you complete school but do not accept commission, what happens?

A. You serve 4 years in the reserve

520. What happens if you wash out as an 3rd or 4th class cadet and you have no prior military service?

A. Discharged

521. What happens if you wash out at any time and you are prior service?

A. You revert back to you prior status

522. Does you time in the USCGA count towards you enlistment?

A. Yes

523. What happens if you are in you are 1st or 2nd class Cadet and you wash out and you have no prior service?

A. 1st class Cadet = QM2

2nd class Cadet = QM3


Courtesy CPO John Niece

524. What happens if you are 1st or 2nd class and you wash out because of nonsuitability and you have no prior service?

A. You are SN

525. How much time do you owe the CG if you wash out with no prior service?

A. Time to serve = Time as Cadet

526. Can the Superintendent just discharge you?

A. Yes

527. What happens if you request to go active duty with no prior service?

A. 1st class Cadet = QM2

2nd class Cadet = QM3

3rd class Cadet = SNQM

4th class Cadet = SA

528. Who establishes USCGA admission policies?


529. If your dependent desires to attend USMA, USAFA, USNA who makes the appointment?

A. The President, because we cannot establish residency long enough to get a congressional appointment

530. Are adopted children eligible for this rule?

A. Yes if adopted before the age of 15

531. What is special about sons/daughters of Medal of Honor awardees?

A. They are non-competitive if they are qualified in all other aspects

532. Can you be married to attend USMA, USNA, USAFA?

A. No

533. Must you be a US Citizen?

A. Yes

534. What is an reenlistment?

A. If previously enlisted, any enlistment after that is an reenlistment

535. What are the periods of reenlistment?

A. 3, 4, 5, or 6 years

536. What are rate are you when you reenlist?

A. Same if you reenlist the next day, if not according to directives


Courtesy CPO John Niece

537. Is a physical exam required for reenlistment?

A. No, if reenlist within 24 hours, if not - must have exam

538. Must you be recommended to reenlist?

A. Yes

539. Can you reenlist if you have a retirement letter on record?

A. No

540. Can you reenlist if you are not a US Citizen?

A. No, unless you are from the Philippines

541. What is considered continuous service?

A. Reenlist with 3 months

542. What is continuous service used for?


453. Will an enlisted person serving as a Temp Officer be discharged?

A. No, and they are not required to reenlist, End of enlistment is postponed for period of Temp Commission

454. Can any Officer/Warrant effect reenlistment?

A. Yes

455. IN what cases can a CPO/PO1 effect reenlistment?

A. if OINC of recruiting

456. Can any OINC effect a reenlistment?

A. Yes

457. In what cases can a E-9 effect an reenlistment?

A. If they are gold badge CEA, this includes the MCPO-CG

458. If you do not reenlist within 24 hours, where do you reenlist?

A. At a recruiting office

459. Is your health record/PDR closed before reenlisting?

A. No they remain open if you reenlist within 24 hours?

460. Can the reenlisting officer to refuse to reenlist someone?

A. Yes, for cause

461. Is you verbally extend your enlistment?

A. No, it must be writing


Courtesy CPO John Niece

462. How long can extensions be?

A. Not less than 2 years nor more than 6 years

463. Can an extension be measured in month

A. Yes

464. When can a extension be less than 2 years?

A. To meet oblserv for PCS, School, to finish a patrol

465. Must your SRB rights be advised when you extend?

A. Yes

466. If you are not a US Citizen, can you extend?

A. No, except if you are from the Philippines

467. Is a physical required for a extension?

A. No, but the health record must be reviewed

468. What is a CG-3301B?

A. Agreement to extend Enlistment

469. Who signs the agreement?


470. How many months before the end of your enlistment can you extend?

A. No more than 3 months

471. Can you cancel your extension agreement after it begins to run?

A. No

472. Can an extension be canceled before it begins to run?

A. Yes, by the CO, AWOL, Desertion, UNSAT performance/Conduct

473. Is your extension canceled if you are dropped from “A” school?

A. Yes, if for Academic reasons, but not if for conduct or self dis-enrollement

474. What is the one difference between active duty and reserve extensions?

A. Reserve can extend for 8 years

475. How long after a national emergency is over is an involuntary extension?

A. 6 months


Courtesy CPO John Niece

476. Do SRB’s apply to reservists?

A. No

477. Who controls all Officer recruiting tests?

A. CO’s regional recruiting commands

478. How many sections are there to the OAR?

A. 2

479. What is the OAR used for?

A. OCS, Direct Commission

480. What rank must you be to administer the OAR?

A. O-1

481. Can you take the OAR if you administer it?

A. No

482. Can an OAR be locked in the trunk of a car?

A. Yes

483. What is the qualifying score for the OAR?

A. 36

484. Is there a limit to how many times you can take the OAR?

A. No, but you can’t take within 180 days of each other

485. How long is your OAR score valid for?

A. 4 Years

486. What test is used to select members for CG Aviation?

A. USN/USMC Aviation Selection Test

487. Can anyone take a flight physical?

A. No, only those qualified applicants

488. How many feet apart must test takers be?

A. 3 feet

489. How many proctors are required?

A. 1 for every 20 students


Courtesy CPO John Niece

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 2

490. Do Cadets have a pay grade?

A. No

491. What are the accepted manner of address for officers (oral)?

A. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms

492. What is the proper manner of address for Medical Offices O-6 and below?

A. Doctor

493. Is the specialty used in written communications with Warrant Officers?

A. No

494. Who maintains the Regular officer ADPL and CWO Lineal list?


495. How is an officers date of rank determined?

A. Day oath taken or specified in appointment letter

496. When is a promotion effective?

A. Date of appointment

497. If a member is not on the ADPL, how is DOR determined?

A. By DOR of running mate

498. When is an officers pay effective?

A. DOR, but not before oath of office is taken

499. What determines seniority if 2 officers are the same rank?


500. What happens if the officers are the same rank and have the same DOR?

A. Whoever is higher on the ADPL

501. What determines seniority of grads of the USCGA and OCS?

A. Position on graduation list

502. How are Warrants seniority determined?

A. By DOR, if the same who is higher on lineal list


Courtesy CPO John Niece

503. Are Officers in other services considered higher in rank even though they may have the same rank and DOR?

A. No

504. How many paygrades are considered to have rating?

A. 6, E-1 - E-3 are without rating

505. What is the purpose of a rate?

A. To identify personnel occupationally by paygrade

506. Do E-1 - E-3 have rates?

A. Yes

507. What is the rate of an E-1 - E-3?

A. E-3 - General Apprenticeship

E-2 - General Apprenticeship, Apprentice

E-1 - General Apprenticeship, Recruit

508. Who takes precedence over all other enlisted personnel?

A. E-10, MCPO-CG

509. Who is considered senior member if people have equal rank?

A. Whoever has longest continuos service in highest paygrade

510. What happens if two members have same rank AND same TIR?

A. It falls to the next rank TIR

511. Should enlisted precedence have an effect on assigned duties?

A. No

512. Does authority and privilege accrue based on precedence?

A. No

513. In a POW/Emergency situation where no officer is present, who is in control?

A. Senior Enlisted member

514. What manual is written forms of address based on?

A. CG Correspondence Manual

515. On an award or certificate, should you abbreviate or write out forms of address?

A. Written out

516. What is the formal oral form of address for a E-1 - E-3?

A. Seaman/Fireman/Airman Smith


Courtesy CPO John Niece

517. What is the informal oral form of address for a petty officer?

A. Petty Officer Smith (same as formal)

518. What is the informal oral, on the job form of address for E-1 - E-3?

A. Last name only

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 4

519. What is the primary consideration in the assignment of personnel?

A. Needs of the service

520. Does holding a rate mean you are qualified in a job?

A. Yes, e.g. a BMC is qualified for a BMC billet

521. Who is responsible for the assignment of Officers and Enlisted members?


522. Is it COMDT policy to assign a person to a place where there is no billet for them?

A. No

523. Can you be ordered into anticipated billets (i.e. billets that don’t exist yet)?

A. No

524. What is the time delay from the time a new billet is created till when it is filled?

A. 3 - 6 Months

525. Who controls non-rates?

A. District and MLC

526. Who controls non-rates for new units and recruits graduating from Cape May?


527. Are the rules the same for reservists on Active duty as Active Duty members in regards to assignments?

A. Yes

528. Can CGPC issue orders at any time or only during SPEAR?

A. At anytime

529. Who besides CGPC can issue orders?

A. District and MLC’s for non-rates, and members being discharged

530. Can a sole survivor be assigned to a combat zone?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

532. Is a sponsor mandatory for a PCS move?

A. Yes

533. Who should be a sponsor?

A. People in similar circumstances, i.e. single parents should have a single parent as there sponsor

534. Is a sponsor required to contact a incoming member?

A. Yes

535. Are transfer orders the same as travel orders?

A. No

536. How are transfer orders issued?

A. Usually for officers by MSG, for Enlisted by ETO or msg

537. An Admin assignment would be appropriate if medical treatment is anticipated to last more than how many days?

A. 60

538. Is NFFD for sea duty a reason for Admin assignment?

A. Yes

539. Who pays the bills when a member is transferred between hospitals?

A. Coast Guard

540. Who pays if the transfer between hospitals is for elective surgery?

A. Member

541. If your detachment date is during an underway period, what are your 2 options?

A. Transfer to new unit, or go TAD at intermediate unit

542. Where are women allowed to be assigned?

A. To any unit with adequate berthing and head space

543. What makes adequate berthing?

A. Rigid bulkheads

544. Must you have a female officer aboard a vessel with female officers?

A. No

545. Is it mandatory to have at least 2 women stationed at a unit?

A. No, but it is recommended


Courtesy CPO John Niece

546. If a women gives birth INCONUS Ashore, how long before she is eligible for

Afloat or OUTCONUS billets?

A. 6 months

547. Does a women who is pregnant OUTCONUS have to be transferred


A. No, unless there is not proper housing and medical facilities (i.e. Attu)

548. If a women becomes pregnant AFLOAT, at how many weeks MUST she be transferred?

A. 20 Weeks

549. Who must the command coordinate with before 20 weeks?

A. The Medical Officer

550. If a women’s pregnancy is terminated before birth, when will be put back on a ship?

A. When FFD

551. How many months after a childbirth can a women be put back on a ship?

A. 6 Months

552. Does time off the ship after childbirth count towards duty served?

A. No

553. At what trimester can you not execute orders to “A” school?

A. After the third trimester

554. Are the orders canceled?

A. No, member is put at top of list

554. Are tour lengths for women the same as men?

A. Yes

555. In a colo case, will a unilateral be considered?

A. No

556. How many tours in a row should colos expect in one geographic area?

A. Two

557. Can colos be on the same ship or restricted duty station?

A. No

558. Can they be in the same chain of command or in a situation where one supervises another (i.e. OOD and watchstander)?

A. No, this also applies for brothers and sisters and parent/child


Courtesy CPO John Niece

559. Can colos be assigned to two different ships at the same time?

A. No, unless they volunteer

560. What happens if tow members who are assigned to ships get married?

A. They will try to reassign one

561. Is it COMDT policy that all members should be eligible for worldwide assignment?

A. Yes

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 5

562. When is the officer promotion year?

A. 01 July - 30 June

563. What is the ADPL?

A. Active Duty Promotion List

564. Does the ADPL include Inst at the USCGA and RPA’s?

A. No

565. What is the maximum number of officers allowed?

A. 6,000

566. Can officer be promoted if there are still officers senior to him?

A. No

567. What happens if an ENS fails to promote to LTJG twice?

A. Commission is revoked

568. What act eliminated temp grades?

A. Warrant Officer Management Act

569. Is there such a thing as a W-5?

A. Yes, but not used in USCG

570. When is the Warrant selection board?

A. December

571. How long do you have to be a W-2 to make W-3?

A. 4 Years

572. How long do you have to be a W-3 to make W-4?

A. 4 Years


Courtesy CPO John Niece

573. Are Warrants commissioned officers?

A. Yes

574. How are Warrant officer billets listed?

A. As W-4

575. Are Warrant officers part of the regular officer corps?

A. Yes

576. At what grade are warrant appts made?

A. W-2

577. Must all CWO’s go to Indoc course?

A. Yes

578. What happens to a Warrant that is passed over twice?

A. Retired

579. Can you change specialties (i.e. TC become a WEPS)?

A. Yes, but only in the best interest of the CG

580. What kind of LT does a Warrant become?

A. Temp Officer

581. If you go Warrant to LT, at how many years must you retire?

A. 30

582. In the enlisted advancement system, who is promoted?

A. Best qualified

583. When is the E-7 - E-9 SWE?

A. May

584. When is the E-5 - E-6 SWE?

A. May and Nov

585. What are the determine factors for you final multiple?

A. Exam, Marks, TIS, TIR, Awards, Sea Duty

586. What is the max amount of points can you get for the Exam?

A. 80

587. What is the max amount of points you can get for Marks?

A. 50


Courtesy CPO John Niece

588. What is the max amount of points you can get for TIS?

A. 20

589. What is the max amount of points you can get for TIR?

A. 10

590. What is the max amount of points you can get for Awards?

A. 10

591. What is the max amount of points you get for Sea Duty?

A. 5

592. What is the max final multiple?

A. 175

593. How many months equals 1 point in TIR?

A. 6 months

594. When must your awards be credited by for the SWE?

A. May SWE - 01 Feb, Nov SWE - 01 Aug

595. How many points is any Service Commendation medal worth?

A. 3

596. How many points for the CG Achievement?

A. 2 Points

597. How many points for the LOC?

A. 1

598. How many points for the Good Conduct?

A. 1

599. Are the other services Good Conduct medals worth points?

A. No

600. What is the CG-4902?

A. PDE Personnel Data Extract

601. When must all eligibility reqs for SWE be met by?

A. May SWE - 01 Feb, Nov SWE - 01 Aug

602. When is the Terminal Eligibility Dates for the SWE?

A. 01 Jan - May SWE, 01 July - Nov SWE, this is for TIS/TIR


Courtesy CPO John Niece

603. Who is responsible for the execution of advancement?


604. What is the most important part of the advancement system?

A. CO’s recommendation

605. For what CO recommendation are Page 7’s required?

A. Not recommended and progressing

606. What is the TIR for E-6 to E-7?

A. 2 Years

607. If recommendation to take SWE is withdrawn, where must it be documented?

A. Page 7

608. What is TIR req for E-7 to E-8?

A. 2 years

609. How many years Active duty must you have to make E-8?

A. 10 Years

610. How many years since last NJP/CM to make E-8?

A. 3 Years

611. What must be BM’s do to qual for E-8?

A. Qual for OIC

612. How many years TIR req for E-8 - E-9?

A. 2 Years

613. How many years Active Duty req to make E-9?

A. 12 years

614. How long since last NJP/CM to make E-9?

A. 2 Years

615. Can you advance with a unsat in the Conduct block on your marks?

A. No, not in last set

616. Can you advance or compete with a mark less than a 3 in your last set of marks?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

617. How far back in marks do you use for multiples?

A. E-5/6 - Last 6 Months

E-7/9 - Last 2 Years

E-8 - Last 2 Years

618. If you are advanced training from when do you use your marks?

A. From before you entered training

619. Can a Command make you perform a Qual you have already had signed off?

A. Yes

620. Who can sign Quals?

A. Any officer, CWO or Senior Enlisted

621. Can you have someone outside you chain of command sign your quals?

A. Yes, but you must have authorization

622. Where is your CG-3303C (Performance Based Qualification form) kept?

A. Unit PDR

623. What grades must complete the MRN tests?

A. E-3 - E-7

624. What test do “A” school students take?


625. If a “A” school student fails MRN-A and graduates, do they take the MRN-A at new unit or MRN-E-4?

A. MRN-E-4

626. Can the CO waiver a correspondence course?

A. Yes if mbr failed test 3 times within 2 years

627. What rates require US citizenship?


628. What happens to a mbr in a “classified” rating looses there clearance?

A. Must be given a chance to change to a NON- Class rating, if they do not change within 2 SWE - discharge

629. Can you skip a paygrade in advancement?

A. No

630. What do all personnel assigned to a small boat station have to have?

A. Normal color


Courtesy CPO John Niece

631. If a person is in confinement, can they advance?

A. No

632. Within how many days is mbr removed from list if selected for CWO?

A. 60 days

633. Can you advance if you are NFFD?

A. Yes

635. Can you advance if you are awaiting retirement?

A. No

636. What is the TIR req for E-2 to E-3?

A. 6 mos or “A” school

637. What is the TIR req for E-1 - E-2?

A. completion of boot camp

638. What is the TIR req for E-3 to E-4 and E-4 to E-5?

A. 6 mos

639. What is the TIR req for E-5 to E-6?

A. 1 year

640. How much time are you credited if you use Newborn Care policy?

A. half of normal time

641. If a CO mitigates a NJP within 4 months of case, does it count?

A. No, not in the case of advancements

642. Does time on TDRL count towards TIR?

A. Yes, if restored

643. What is considered sea duty?

A. 65 feet or longer, ANFAC, Yard YTM, FTG Rider

644. Does TAD count towards Sea Time?

A. Yes, if you did not collect Per Diem

645. Can your advancement be withheld due to NFFD?

A. Yes, if because of own misconduct

646. Can you be denied advancement because you are overweight?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

647. How long must you be on Active duty after advancing to E-7/8/9?

A. 2 Years

648. If you are removed from the list or turn down a promotion, how long must you wait to recompete?

A. 1 Year

649. Can you advance to E-7/8/9 while a temp officer?

A. No, but you can to E-5 to E-6

650. What day of the month are advancements effective?

A. 1st or 16th, except “A” school

651. What are the 2 reasons to have your designator removed?

A. Incompetence or Disciplinary

652. If you are reduced in rate, how do you advance?

A. THRU normal system, unless CO sees as special case

653. How much time must pass to be considered under the CO’s special case rule?

A. More than 5 months but less than 36

654. Can you be restored to E-7?

A. No, you must recompete

655. Can you be reduced more than one paygrade for incompetence?

A. No

656. If you fraudulently advanced, what happens to the money you earned?

A. You must pay it back

657. What kind of marks must you have to be reduced in pay grade?

A. Below a 2 for 2 marking periods

658. Can a CO reduce an E-7?

A. No, only COMDT

659. Who has authority to Frock?


660. Can a new ID be issued if you are frocked?

A. Yes

661. If you are Frocked, at what paygrade are you marked?

A. Lower Pay grade


Courtesy CPO John Niece

662. Do you have disciplinary authority if you are frocked?

A. No

663. When is your TIG calculated?

A. From actual advancement

664. What are the reasons you can take a substitute SWE?

A. Admin error, Emer Lv, Illness, Ops

665. Who must have direct custody SWE?

A. Commissioned Officer

666. Must you take SWE to advance if you strike?

A. No

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 7

667. What law promulgates leave?

A. 10 USC 40

668. How many days of leave can you carry over from previous FY?

A. 60, unless away from homeport more than 120 days then 90

669. Can earned leave be in a minus status?

A. Yes

670. Is sick leave chargeable?

A. No

671. Is graduation leave chargeable?

A. No, it is only for cadets

672. Can you go on Leave - Liberty - Leave?

A. No, the whole period would be leave

673. If your leave expires and your ship has left, what do you do?

A. Report to Senior Officer in area

674. Who pays for you to meet a ship if it moves while you are on leave?

A. You do if you knew about it before going on leave, GOVERNMENT if sails without you knowing about it

675. How much leave can you get?

A. No more than what you have plus 30


Courtesy CPO John Niece

676. What is Delay En route used for?

A. XFR from school to new PCS

677. Is delay enroute chargeable?

A. Yes

678. How long is Delay enroute for enlisted?

A. 60 days

679. What is considered family for Emer Lv?

A. Parents, spouse, child, sibling, only living relative in loco parentis

680. How long can you go on for emergency leave?

A. enlisted - 60 days, officer - 30 days

681. What is the purpose of “Home Awaiting Orders Status”?

A. used while waiting findings of boards

682. Is it chargeable?

A. Yes, any unused leave, is used first

683. How many days can sick leave be?

A. 30 Days

684. How many days of post natal days can you take?

A. 42 with CO’s permission

684. How many maternity days can you give, pre natal?

A. 30

685. Is administrative leave chargeable?

A. No

686. What is admin leave used for?

A. For house hunting, quasi CG activities

687. How many admin leave days can you take for house hunting?

A. 5

688. How many days per month of leave do you earn?

A. 2 1/2

689. Can you accumulate leave while in jail or UA?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

690. Is the day you depart on leave chargeable?

A. No

691. Is the day you return from leave chargeable?

A. Yes, unless you report before 0900

692. When does leave usually start?

A. 1630 or end of work day

693. Can you grant special libo to start leave?

A. No

694. If you go in the hospital while on leave, do you get charged?

A. No

695. Can a CO grant leave to appear in court?

A. Yes

696. Can you go on leave to serve time?

A. No

697. How many total days can you take for a lump sum payment?

A. 60

698. How long after you are UA does your pay stop?

A. 24 hours

699. If you have to forfeit a months pay, how much are you entitled for personal expenses?

A. 5 dollars for each full month of forfeited pay

700. Do you receive Lv rats while on liberty?

A. No

701. How long can liberty be (normally)?

A. 72 hours

702. When is special libo granted?

A. For religious observances, voting, compensatory

703. When is compensatory libo granted?

A. If you have duty on a holiday

704. Are you charged for a holiday as leave if you are on leave?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

705. How long is the incentive for recruiting libo?

A. 72 hours

706. Who has liberty granting authority?


707. What is a compensatory absence?

A. Non chargeable leave for LORAN Stations

708. What is another name for a sailing list?

A. Gangway list

709. Who must you submit your gangway/sailing list to?

A. ISIC, upon getting u/w

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 20

710. What law mandates drug and alcohol screening?

A. 10USC1090

711. What is defined as the interfering with family, job, safety and social adaptation?

A. Alcohol Abuse

712. Is Alcohol Dependence/Alcoholism a disease?

A. Yes

713. When you become Alcohol dependent, does your tolerance to alcohol decrease or increase?

A. Increase

714. Is Alcohol dependence/Alcoholism a medical or psychiatric diagnosis?

A. Medical

715. Do alcoholics experience withdrawal?

A. Yes

716. What is defined as a Alcohol Incident?

A. Any behavior in which alcohol played a significant factor

717. Is NJP/CM necessary for an alcohol incident?

A. No

718. Do you have to consume alcohol to have an alcohol incident?

A. yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

719. Does an interview with a CDAR count as a alcohol screening?

A. no

720. What is a Drug?

A. A controlled substance

721. What does SAFE stand for?

A. Substance abuse - Free Environment

722. When is SAFE training required?

A. Upon entry

723. How often are supervisors required training?

A. Every 3 years

724. How often must units receive Drug/Alcohol training?

A. Semi-annually

725. Where must training be documented?

A. Page 7

726. Before what date should alcohol incidents be disregarded?

A. 18Jan83

727. If you are diagnosed alcohol dependent, are you ever allowed to drink?

A. No

728. If you purchase alcohol for a minor, is that an alcohol incident?

A. No

729. Is self referral a alcohol incident?

A. No

730. What is defined as a situation where alcohol was present but not a causative factor?

A. A alcohol related situation

731. Do alcohol related situations have to be documented?

A. Yes, on a page 7

732. Where does an alcohol screening get documented?

A. Page 7

733. If an E-2 with 2 years or more of service gets an Incident, what will happen?

A. Discharge, unless CO requests retention


Courtesy CPO John Niece

734. What happens after the first Incident?

A. Counseling, Page 7, if an officer -discharge, if enlisted - must be advised and documented first incident and that 2nd incident will result in discharge

735. What happens after second Incident?

A. Officer should be already out, if not will be discharged, if enlisted - discharged, but CO can ask to retain

736. What happens after Third Incident?

A. Discharge

737. Is underage drinking considered and incident?

A. Yes

738. Does underage drinking require a screening?

A. No

739. What happens if a member fails treatment?

A. Discharge

740. What happens if a member refuses treatment or fails after care program?

A. Discharge

741. If a member is in treatment, can they be assigned isolated duty or overseas?

A. Normally no

742. What gives the CG authority to conduct urinalysis?

A. Military rules of evidence

743. What is the reason for admin inspection (urinalysis)?

A. Good order and discipline

744. Is consent required for a Admin inspection?

A. No

745. If you request consent for a urinalysis, must it be in writing?

A. Yes

746. What if you want to conduct a probable cause search (urinalysis), what must you have?

A. Search Authorization

747. Who directs a medical purpose urinalysis?

A. Medical Officer, CO cannot direct


Courtesy CPO John Niece

748. Can a Evaluation test (A test to confirm previous tests), be used in a UCMJ proceeding?

A. No

749. What kind of urinalysis is conducted after a mishap?

A. Competence for duty

750. Can the CO order a Competence for duty test?

A. Yes

751. Can a Competence for duty test be used in a UCMJ?

A. No

752. Can the CO have reasonable suspicion and direct a urinalysis?

A. Yes

753. Do all tests that come up positive have to have confirmation test?

A. Yes

754. Must a member be advised of there rights before being questioned concerning a drug incident?

A. Yes

755. What happens to a member after the first drug incident?

A. Discharge

756. Will a member be offered treatment for a drug problem?

A. Yes

Uniform Regulations, COMDTINST M1020.62, Chapter 1

757. Can a uniform be altered to be form fitting?

A. No

758. Do reservists have to conform to the same regulations concerning uniforms?

A. Yes, if on active duty

759. Can you wear your uniform to a political event or for private employment?

A. No

760. Do gold and silver devices have to be made out of gold and silver?

A. No

761. Can an optional item be prescribed by a command?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

762. Who is responsible to ensure that members wear approved uniform items?


763. Who prescribes what uniforms to wear?

A. District, including HQ units with geographic area

764. If you are on duty with another service, can you wear there uniform?

A. yes, CG will provide, must wear CG insignia

765. How do you make a suggestion for a uniform change?

A. Through the Chain of Command to G-WPM-1

766. What is military appearance based on?

A. Military standards, not civilian

767. Can you carry items in your pockets?

A. Yes, but they cannot be visible

768. Can you carry items that have straps? (i.e. book bags)

A. Yes, as long as you are not in formation

769. Can sunglasses be mirrored?

A. No

770. What color can sunglasses be?

A. conservative in color, non-ornamental

771. Can you have straps on sunglasses?

A. Yes, black or blue

772. Can you have sewn in military creases?

A. No

773. Can military creases be prescribed?

A. No

774. Can certain units prescribe stricter grooming standards?

A. Yes, USCGA, Cape May and Tiscom

775. What can the bulk of your hair not interfere with?

A. Headgear

776. What is defined as bulk?

A. From scalp when groomed, not length


Courtesy CPO John Niece

777. How much bulk can men have?

A. 1 1/2 inch

778. Must men’s hair be tapered?

A. Yes

779. Can hair fall below eyebrows?

A. No

780. Can men’s hair touch there ears?

A. No

781. What is the bulk for women’s hair?

A. 2 inches

782. What part of the collar can women’s hair fall to?

A. not lower then lower edge of collar

783. What color can hair bands be?

A. Same as hair

784. Can hair show underneath hat?

A. No

785. How many braids are women allowed?

A. One

786. Can women wear ribbons in there hair?

A. No

787. Can women wear scrunchies?

A. No

788. Are pins allowed in women’s hair?

A. Yes

789. What color barrettes are authorized?

A. Gold or Brown

790. Are women allowed to wear wigs?

A. Yes

791. Are men allowed to wear wigs?

A. Yes, for baldness or medical reasons


Courtesy CPO John Niece

792. What unit is not allowed to have mustaches?

A. The Honor Guard

793. Can men have beards?

A. Yes, must be cleared with medical officer

794. If a man has beard, how long can it be?

A. 1/2 inch in length

795. Must a beard be documented?

A. Yes, on a page 7

796. How long can a mustache be?

A. Cannot extend below top of upper lip beyond a line extending across corners of mouth

797. How far can it extend from the corners of the mouth?

A. 1/4 inch

798. How long can men’s fingernails be?

A. Cannot extend past fingertips

799. How long can women’s fingernails be?

A. No longer than 1/4 inch from fingertip

800. Can men wear earrings in uniform?

A. No

801. Can men wear earrings in civilian clothes?

A. yes, but not on base or during an official function

802. Can members pierce their bodies?

A. No

803. How many earrings per ear are women allowed?

A. One

804. What size earrings are women allowed to wear?

A. 1/4 inch gold, pearl or silver ball, 1/4 inch diamond for formal

805. Is Can jewelry be considered religious apparel?

A. No

806. Can you wear a bracelet?

A. Only for medical alert


Courtesy CPO John Niece

807. What kind of tie clasps are allowed?

A. Plain gold, Officer insignia, CPO insignia, SAR school, CG insignia

808. What shirts are cuff links allowed?

A. All, except work shirt

809. What color must cuff links be?

A. Gold

810. Are tattoos allowed?

A. Yes, as long at it is not above the neck and does not violate the core values

811. What is the normal uniform of the day?

A. Bravos

812. What is the appropriate uniform for TAD/LV/XFR?

A. Trops or Bravos

813. Are covers required outside harbor limits?

A. No

814. Are you required to remain covered during prayers?

A. Yes

815. If you are under arms, when do you not where cover?

A. At all times, except on mess deck and during divine services

816. Can you remove your cover in a car?

A. Yes

817. Must undergarments be worn?

A. Yes

818. What color can women’s bra’s be?

A. Cannot show through uniform

819. What are the requirements for civilian attire?

A. Must not be bring discredit to CG and be appropriate to the geographic area

820. Are civilian clothes allowed in travel status?

A. Yes

821. Can a CO prescribe civilian clothes for an assignment?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

822. Are there any units where the wearing of civilian clothes are restricted?

A. Yes, USCGA, Cape May

823. Can you mix uniform items and civilian clothes?

A. No, except gloves, trench coat etc.

824. What regulations must a retired person abide by?

A. Regulations that existed at the time of there retirement

825. If a retiree is recalled, what uniform do they where?

A. Whatever is presently prescribed

826. Is a side arm worn outside every coat?

A. Yes

827. Are OOD’s authorized side arms?

A. Yes

828. On what hip do you wear a holster?

A. Right

829. What must a Shore patrol wear?

A. SP Brassard

830. Can shore patrol carry a night stick?

A. Yes

Uniform Regulations, COMDTINST M1020.62, Chapter 2

831. What is the purpose of uniform insignia?

A. To show at a glance specialty, grade, rating

832. Is the USN Naval surface warfare pin authorized on CG uniform?

A. Yes

833. Are sew on insignia authorized?

A. Yes

834. Are you allowed to polish insignia?

A. No

835. How many breast insignias are you authorized to wear?

A. 2 Breast, 2 Command for a total of four

836. What Qualification insignia is the uppermost on your uniform?

A. The most recent


Courtesy CPO John Niece

837. What size insignia do you wear?

A. Full size, except with uniform that has mini medals

838. How many insignia are you authorized to wear (xcpt command)?

A. With ribbons/medals uniform - 2, without - 1

839. On uniforms without ribbons wear do you wear qual insignia?

A. 1/4 inch above left pocket flap, 1/4 inch above ribbons or medals

840. On the dinner dress, where do you wear qual insignia?

A. 3 1/2 inches below notch of collar

841. If you have 2 insignias, where do you wear them?

A. Recent - 1/4’ above ribbons, previous - on pocket flap

841. Which is senior, command afloat or command ashore pin?

A. Neither, they are equal

842. What color is the Aircrew pin?

A. Gold

843. If you earned Aircrew pin as enlisted, are you entitled to wear as an officer?

A. Yes

844. If you earned your cuttermans pin as enlisted and are promoted to officer, what color pin do you wear?

A. Silver, until you perm qualify for officer pin

845. Are you allowed to coxswains pin, if promoted to officer?

A. Yes, if earned while officer, no

846. What color is the officer scuba divers pin?

A. Gold

847. What uniform is the full size command pin worn?

A. Full dress, all others mini

848. What compromises the Command at sea pin?

A. Gold and silver eagle with commissioning pennant

849. What is the difference between OIC afloat and OIC ashore pin?

A. OIC afloat has shield and anchor, OIC ashore is shield only

850. Can you still wear OIC pin if promoted to officer?

A. Yes, until command pin earned


Courtesy CPO John Niece

851. Where do you wear a command pin, while in command?

A. Right Side, 1/4 inch above pocket or name tag

852. Where do you wear command pin, if you are no longer in command position?

A. Left Side 1/4 inch above pocket or ribbons, if two pins on pocket flap on either side of buttons

853. If you have 3 breast devices, wear do you wear 3 device?

A. 1/4 inch below pocket flap edge

854. May women deviate from above regulations?

A. Yes, to enhance appearance

855. How many blue breaks on a W-4 bar or sleeve?

A. One

856. On which side do officers have the CG shield on Bravo jacket?

A. Both sides

857. On which side do the warrant specialty marks on bravo jacket?

A. both sides

858. What is the warrant specialty of Caduceus and sprig of oak leaves?


859. What is the specialty of 3 oak leaves?

A. Finance and supply

860. What is the specialty mark - carpenters square?

A. Material Maintenance

861. What is the specialty mark for a Bandmaster?

A. A lyre

862. On what uniform do officers wear enhanced shoulder boards?

A. Dress Shirt, wooly-pully

863. On what coat do officers wear metal devices?

A. Trench and windbreaker

864. On what side do Warrants wear there rank and specialty?

A. Rank - Right, Specialty - left

865. On what side of there hat do officers wear the eagle?

A. Left, rank right


Courtesy CPO John Niece

866. On what side do enlisted wear CG shield on bravo jacket?

A. Right

867. If you have 2 years reserve and 2 years active duty, how many service stripes do you wear?

A. 1

868. On what sleeve are service stripes worn?

A. Left

869. At what angle are service stripes put at?

A. 45

870. What color are airman stripes?

A. Green

871. Are there stripes for FR/AR?

A. No, they wear SR

872. What direction does the head of the eagle face on chevrons?

A. Right

873. What is the enlisted mark - quill over a cog?


874. What is the enlisted mark for FS’S?

A. Crossed quill and wheat spike with a key across top

875. What is the enlisted mark for an IV?

A. Scales of justice with super imposed LE Badge

876. What rate is Trident rising thru waves?


877. What materials can enlisted rank be made of?

A. Metal or cloth sew on

878. Can darkened insignia be used?

A. Yes in war

879. On which shirt do you not wear collar devices?

A. White

880. What is the position of collar devices on a shirt?

A. 1 inch fm inner edge(from center of device), centered to inner edge


Courtesy CPO John Niece

881. What do E-1/3 wear on there Garrison caps?

A. CG Shield

882. What side do you wear device on Garrison cap?

A. Left

883. What is the position of devices on Garrison cap?

A. 1 1/2 inch fm center of device to bottom edge of cap, 2 inches from front crease

884. What do Enlisted wear on ball caps?

A. E-1/3 - CG Shield, E-4-E-10 - rank

885. Are name tags required?

A. Yes

886. Can the CO auth name tags on Long Sleeve/Light Blue in an office?

A. Yes

887. Where do you position a name tag?

A. 1/4 inch above right pocket, women - between 2nd and 3rd button

888. If you use a cloth name tag, what else must you have?

A. U.S. Coast Guard on left side

889. Is direct embroidery authorized?

A. No

890. What is defined as an award?

A. Decorations, medals, ribbons

891. What is defined as a decoration?

A. For gallantry or meritorious service

892. What is an service award?

A. War award, campaign or fulfillment of creditable service (Good Conduct)

893. How much smaller is a mini-medal than a full size medal?

A. Half the size

894. Is there a mini medal for the Medal of Honor?

A. No

895. What is the purpose of a ribbon?

A. To be worn in lieu of medal


Courtesy CPO John Niece

896. Can you wear a foreign award?

A. Yes, if approved by COMDT

897. On what side do you wear ribbons?

A. Left, except when wearing full medals

898. On what uniform do you wear ribbons?

A. Trops, Alpha/Bravo, Service Dress white, winter dress

898. When wearing full medals, wear do you wear ribbons?

A. On right

899. What uniforms do you wear full medals?

A. Full Dress white, Full Dress Blue

900. If wear full medals, how many ribbons without medals must you wear?

A. At least the senior ribbon without medal

901. Normally you wear 3 ribbons in a row, what is the exception to this?

A. If the lapel covers ribbons, you may decrease in number i.e. 3-2-1

902. How many ribbons must be visible?

A. At least 2/3 rd must be visible

903. Wear do you position ribbons?

A. 1/4 inch above pocket, women between 2nd and 3rd button

904. How many ribbons must you wear?

A. Senior 3, chosen 6 or all

905. What is the precedence of ribbons?

A. Top down, inboard to outboard

906. Can you sew ribbons to uniforms?

A. Yes

907. Can you coat ribbons?

A. No

908. If you wear a lapel pin or rosette, what side you wear it on?

A. Left

909. Can you plate or polish medals?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

910. What is the order of precedence for medals?

A. Top/Down, Inboard to outboard

911. How many medals must you wear?

A. At least 5 if you have more than 5, if less than 5 all medals

912. On what side do you wear full medals?

A. Left side

913. How are medals placed on uniform?

A. 3 Side by side or 5 overlapping, 6 - 2 rows

914. Which medal must show in full if overlapped?

A. Right medal

915. If you wear 2 rows or more, how are they positioned?

A. Top medal will cover bottom suspension ribbon

916. How far above pocket are medals placed?

A. 1/4 inch

916. What uniform do you wear mini medals?

A. Dinner/Formal dress

917. Can you overlap mini medals?

A. No

918. How far below notch on Dinner Dress jacket are mini medals placed?

A. 3 inches

919. Where are mini medals placed on SDB jacket?

A. Above pocket - men, on pocket - women

920. Can you wear mini medals in a civilian tuxedo?

A. Yes

921. What attachment does the team award get?

A. Large gold star

922. What attachment do all personal awards get?

A. Gold Star

923. What sizes are the gold star?

A. 5/16” - ribbons, 1/8”-mini


Courtesy CPO John Niece

924. What is the purpose of the 5/16” silver star?

A. In lieu of 5 gold stars

925. What is the purpose of the 3/16” silver star?

A. in lieu of five bronze stars

926. What is the purpose of a bronze star?

A. Denotes a campaign service (Good Conduct)

927. What are the sizes of bronze stars?

A. 3/16”-Ribbons/large medals, 1/8” - mini

928. What does the silver O mean?

A. Operational

929. What is the name of the badge used to denote special proficiency?

A. Service Badge

930. What is the name of the badge used to denote Special Assignment?

A. Identification Badge

931. How many staff/ID badges can you wear?

A. One, except E-10 can wear E-10 badge and staff badge

932. On what side do you wear mini CEA badge after being CEA?

A. On right side

933. Are Swords/Scabbard/Sword Knot required by officers?

A. yes

934. On what side do officers wear swords?

A. Left

935. On what side are aigullettes worn?

A. Left, except aid to President, VP or White House

936. What color are enlisted aigulletes?

A. Dark blue

937. On what side do you wear a brassard?

A. Right

938. Do OOD/JOOD wear brassards at afloat units?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

939. What side do you wear mourning badges?

A. Right side - officer, Left side - Enlisted

Uniform Regulations, COMDTINST M1020.62, Chapter 3

940. Can you wear a cover inside?

A. Yes, for ceremonies, or when at another service, follow there rules

941. What side is the grommet on chin strap?

A. On wearers left

942. What is on the visor of an 0-/6?

A. Oak leaves and acorns

943. What rank gets full visor of acorns and oak leaves?

A. 0-8-O-10

944. What uniforms is the garrison cap authorized for?

A. SDB, Winter Dress, Undress, Work

945. May women wear the men’s garrison cap?

A. Yes

946. Can you wear a ball cap with Trops?

A. Yes, aboard ship

947. What do you affix to the Cold weather cap?

A. Combo hat device

948. Must you wear undergarments?

A. Yes

949. Can you wear a long winter shirt underneath you uniform?

A. Yes, if authorized by command

950. Are women permitted to wear v-neck T-shirt?

A. Yes

951. What are the restrictions on women bra’s?

A. Cannot show throughout uniform

952. What work shirt do you wear if SDB’s is prescribed?

A. Long sleeve

953. Must you wear long sleeves down?

A. Yes, unless a safety hazard


Courtesy CPO John Niece

954. Are women allowed to wear men’s light blues shirts?

A. Yes

955. How many white shirts are there?

A. 3, Plain, Pleated, wing collar

956. Are members allowed to wear crew neck T-shirts?

A. Yes, women are in lieu of a work shirt, must be blue or white

957. Are clip on ties authorized?

A. Yes

958. What type of knot is to be used for a necktie?

A. Windsor or double Windsor

959. What type of formal ties are women authorized to wear?

A. tie or black tab

960. What makes the CG dinner dress blue unique from the navies?

A. Buttons must be CG buttons

961. Can you wear “dickeys” work pants?

A. No, they must be approved CG pants

962. What do women wear in formations?

A. Pants

963. Can skirts be prescribed for Personnel inspections?

A. Yes

964. What color is the CG belt?

A. Black

965. What type of shoes are not authorized on aircraft?

A. Coroframs

966. If you wear pumps, what must you wear?

A. Stockings

967. Must safety shoes have reinforced toes?

A. Yes

968. What color must boat shoes be?

A. Brown with white sole


Courtesy CPO John Niece

969. Must jackets be buttoned/zipped?

A. Yes, zipped 2/3 rd of the way up

970. How many buttons can pregnant women have unbuttoned?

A. Bottom 2

971. Can the wooly-pully be worn in lieu of the dress jacket?

A. Yes

972. Can you wear nametags/insignia on the wooly-pully?

A. No

973. Is the black watch sweater authorized?

A. Yes, on operational units, under or over work uniform

974. How many ID patches are authorized on the work jacket?

A. 2

975. Is the reefer coat authorized with the work uniform?

A. No, all others OK

976. What uniform is the trench coat authorized for?

A. Optional for all uniforms

977. What color can ear muffs be?

A. Black or dark blue

978. Do you wear ear muffs under or over a hat?

A. under

979. What color can gloves be?

A. Black - winter wear, white for dress

980. What color can scarves be?

A. Blue - work/undress, white - trench coat/reefer/overcoat

981. What color can handbags be?

A. Black, or white for formal

982. What are the max dimensions for handbags?

A. 11 inches wide by 8 inches high by 5 inches deep

983. What must umbrellas look like?

A. Black with a straight handle


Courtesy CPO John Niece

984. What color can suspenders be?

A. White or blue

985. Is the duffel bag a required item?

A. Yes

986. Are reservists entitled to supplementary clothing allowance for pregnancy?

A. Yes

987. Are Air Force maternity uniform items authorized?

A. Yes

988. How may times may you receive the supplementary allowance?

A. once every 3 years

989. When can you wear maternity uniforms?

A. When regular uniforms no longer fit

990. Are civilian clothes authorized?

A. Yes, when Air Force uniforms no longer fit

991. How long after you return from maternity leave can you wear maternity uniforms?

A. 60 days

992. Are work uniforms authorized for commuting to and from work?

A. Yes

993. Is the work uniform a authorized liberty uniform?

A. No

994. What is the required hat for the work uniform?

A. Ball cap

995. Is the combo hat allowed for work uniform?

A. No, all others yes

996. Are name tags required on the work uniform?

A. No

997. Are collar devices required on work uniforms?

A. Yes

998. Is undress blue an authorized liberty uniform?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

999. Is the combo hat authorized for undress blue?

A. Yes

1000. Are name tags required for undress blue?

A. Yes, unless a safety hazard

1001. Are boat shoes authorized for undress blue?

A. Yes, all shoes are, dress shoes are required

1002. What uniform is worn in lieu of SDB’s?

A. Winter dress blue, but not to official functions

1003. Describe the Winter dress blue

A. Hat - All except ball, watch cap

Devices - req.

Necktie - reqd

Ribbons/Badges reqd

Pants - Dress pants

Skirt - allowed

Shoes - dress

Coats - all except work coat

1004. Is the tropical blue long a required uniform for all members?

A. Yes

1005. Can commands authorize Trops for change of command?

A. Yes

1006. If a function is a “coat and tie” event, is the Trops appropriate?

A. No

1007. Are ball caps allowed with Trops?

A. Yes, onboard ship

1008. What makes tropical blue short?

A. Dress pants cut to 2 inches above the knee and black knee socks

1009. Is SDB’s required for all members?

A. Yes

1010. What shoes are the only ones allowed with SDB’s?

A. Black dress shoes

1011. Are black gloves authorized when wearing SDB’s?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1012. What is the purpose of Service Dress blue Alpha?

A. Official visits, ceremonies, parades

1013. What type of medals are worn with SD alphas?

A. None

1014. Is the garrison cap allowed for SDB’s?

A. Yes?

1015. Who wears Service dress white?

A. Officers only

1016. What uniform requires large medals?

A. Full Dress Blue and Full Dress white (white officers only)

1016. Is Full dress blue required uniform for all members?

A. Yes

1017. What uniform would be used for change of command?

A. Full dress blue

1018. What side do you wear medals on Full Dress blue?

A. Left side, right side for ribbons that have no medals

1019. Are white gloves required for Full dress blue?

A. Yes

1020. Are any members prevented from wearing Dinner Dress blue?

A. No

1021. What type of medals and insignia is worn with Dinner Dress blue?

A. Mini

1022. What type of tie is worn with Dinner Dress blue?

A. Bow

1023. Who is authorized Dinner Dress White?

A. Officers

1024. Who is required to have Dinner Dress White Jacket uniform (TUX uniform)?

A. O-5 and above and MCPO-CG

1025. Who has the option of wearing Dinner Dress White Jacket?

A. E-4 - O-5


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1026. What shirt is worn with Dinner Dress White Jacket?

A. White Pleated or White plain

1027. What tie is worn with Dinner Dress White Jacket?

A. Black Bow Tie

1028. Must hats be worn with Dinner Dress blue Jacket?

A. At CO’s discretion

1029. What shirts are authorized for Dinner Dress blue Jacket?

A. Plain white or Pleated white

1030. What sets Formal Dress blue apart from Dinner Dress Blue jacket?

A. White wing collar shirt and Waistcoat

1031. What uniform should pregnant women wear to formal occasions?

A. They may wear civilian clothes

1032. What is required on the Maternity Service Dress Blue?

A. Ribbons and nametag

1033. Is there a requirement to maintain a certain amount of uniform items?

A. No

1034. Is Work blue required for all members?

A. No, only E-6 and below

1035. What uniforms are required by all personnel?

A. Undress blue, Trops, SDB, Full Dress blue, Dinner Dress blue

1036. When may you wear religious apparel/items?

A. While attending divine services

1037. Can you affix a religious item to your uniform?

A. No, but it may suspended by a chain

1038. What uniform does the CG Band wear while not performing?

A. Normal uniform of the day

1039. Does the band wear rating badge or name tag while performing?

A. No

1040. What is the purpose of organizational clothing?

A. To protect health and comfort of members


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1041. What funding is used to purchase organizational clothing?

A. AFC-30

1042. Can you buy organizational clothing to improve appearances?

A. No

1043. Can you wear flight clothes other then when performing flight duties?

A. No

1044. Are coveralls authorized?

A. Yes, if regular uniform could be damaged

1045. Who are authorized to wear smocks?

A. Corpsman engaged in patient care

1046. What color can smocks be?

A. White or light blue

1047. What must be worn while wearing smock?

A. Name tag and collar devices

1048. What guideline is used to measure the proper neck size?

A. Insertion of index finger in neck, must have free movement

1049. What is the fitting guideline for Service Dress Blouse?

A. No Gapping, rear vent must hang smooth

1050. What is the fitting guideline for pants?

A. No pocket gapping or visible horizontal lines on front of pants

1051. What must the hem size be on pants?

A. 1/4 inch

1052. What is the hem on women’s skirts?

A. 2-3 inches

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 2, Organization

1052. What is the hem on women’s skirts?

A. 2-3 inches

1053. What is another name for a Headquarters unit?

A. Special Service Units

1054. How many stars are Area Commanders?

A. 3


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1055. How many stars are District Commanders?

A. 1 or 2

1056. How many stars are MLC’s?

A. 1

1057. What units are authorized a staff?


1058. If a civilian serves in the role of a Chief of Staff or Asst. Chief of Staff, are they in the Chain of Command?

A. No

1059. What is the type of units that over Geographic areas outside CONUS?

A. Sectors

1060. What is the general purpose of a Headquarters unit?

A. To satisfy a total service requirement

1061. How many districts are there?

A. Nine

1062. Who controls the 180’s and below?

A. District Commanders

1063. Which type of reserve drills weekends and 2 weeks a year?

A. Selected Reserve

1064. Is there any obligation incurred by the Individual Ready Reserve?

A. No

1065. What reserve component usually reports first in a time of war?

A. Selected Reserve

1066. When was the largest peacetime call up?

A. Cuban exodus of 1980

1067. Is the auxiliary a military force?

A. No

1068. Can you be in the military and auxiliary at the same time?

A. Yes

1069. Must you be a US citizen to be in the auxiliary?

A. Yes


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1070. How old must you be to join the auxiliary?

A. 17

1071. What percent in a boat/acft/radio station must you have to join the auxiliary?

A. 25

1072. Under whose authority does the Auxiliary operate?


Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 20, Living Aboard Ship

1073. Should each ship have an Indoc petty officer?

A. Yes

1074. What is shipboard organization based on?

A. Organization and Regulations manual and Shipboard Regulations manual

1075. Who on board a ship is in charge of ships routine and discipline?

A. The XO

1076. What is senior Department head or Division Officer?

A. Department Head

1077. What three departments must a ship have?


1078. Under what Department does Navigation/COMMS and Electronics fall under?


1079. Under what Dept does Main Prop/AUX. and DCO fall under?


1080. What department does WEPS fall under?

A. Deck

1081. Who besides the XO is subject to the jurisdiction of the OOD?

A. No one

1082. What is an example of a ADMIN shipboard bill?

A. Crew Recall bill

1083. What is an example of a OPS shipboard bill?

A. Towing


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1084. What is an example of an Emergency Bill?

A. Man Overboard

1085. What is an example of an Special bill?

A. Prisoner of War bill

1086. How is a ships company organized?

A. By Billet

1087. When is the forenoon watch?

A. 0800-1200

1088. When is the Mid watch?

A. 0000-0400

1089. When is the Morn watch?

A. 0400-0800

1090. When is the Afternoon watch?

A. 1200-1600

1091. When is the eve watch?

A. 1600-2000

1092. When is the night watch?

A. 2000-2400

1093. Does the plan of the day constitute an official order?

A. Yes

1094. When is tattoo played?

A. 5 minutes before taps

1095. When should special sea detail be set?

A. half our prior to getting underway

1096. How types of visiting is there?

A. 2 - Routine - Friends visiting/ General - Open house

1097. If you are restricted are you relieved of duties?

A. No only when you are under arrest

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 5, Customs, Traditions and Ceremonies

1098. Where is the National Ensign flown from?

A. Vessels or a facility


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1099. Where is the National Color flown from?

A. Carried by foot

1100. Where is the National Standard flown from?

A. Vehicle or Aircraft

1101. If a the US recognizes a country and are not at war with it, what kind of honors do you render?

A. Same as for our National Colors

1102. When is the Prep Pennant hoisted?

A. 5 minutes before colors

1103. When you are in rank do you salute?

A. No

1104. Do you salute in a car, when Colors is played?

A. No, you sit at attention, the senior member in the car can get out and salute

1105. Who salutes in a boat?

A. The boat Coxswain

1106. Do you raise the Ensign to the truck on a day you half mast?

A. Yes

1107. If there is no gun salute, when do you raise the Ensign to full mast on memorial day?

A. At 1220

1108. Is the ensign half masted during burial at sea?

A. Yes

1109. Do we originate a dipping of the colors?

A. No, we only answer

1110. When was the Coast Guard Ensign created?

A. 02Mar1799

1111. How many stripes does the CG Ensign have?

A. 16

1112. When was the CG shield added to the CG Ensign?

A. 07Jun1910


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1113. What do the colors in the CG Ensign stand for?

A. Red - Blood, Blue - Justice, White - Purity

1114. What is the procedure to fold the CG Ensign?

A. There is no set procedure

1115. When is the CG Standard used?

A. Parades and Ceremonies

1116. How many other services have 2 flags?

A. None

1117. How many battle streamers are there?

A. 32

1118. What does a Commissioning pennant look like?

A. 13 White stars, 13 Vertical red and white stripes

1119. Where is the Commissioning pennant flown?

A. From the mainmast

1120. When was the first Commissioning pennant used?

A. 1799

1121. When was the CG Seal/Emblem designed?

A. 1927

1122. Who designed the Seal?

A. Oscar H. Kee

1123. What is the difference between the seal and emblem?

A. The emblem is a simple rendition of the seal

1124. What Degree is the Slash?

A. 64°

1125. When was the slash adopted?

A. 06 APR 67

1126. Who wrote Semper Paratus?

A. Capt. Van Boskerck

1127. When was Semper Paratus adopted/written?

A. 1922


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1128. What pennant indicates the absence of the CO?

A. 3rd Sub

1129. What pennant is flown over the National Ensign?

A. Church Pennant (only Underway)

1130. Where is the Red Cross Flag flown?

A. Instead of the Commissioning Pennant

1131. If you are covered during the Pledge of Allegiance, do you salute?

A. Yes

1132. Do Foreign officers receive salutes?

A. Yes if recognized by the US

1133. Do NOAA/PHS officers get salutes?

A. Yes

1134. What service never salutes with the left hand?


1135. If you are walking with another officer and that officer is saluted, do you salute also?

A. Yes

1136. Do prisoners salute?

A. No

1137. How many paces is a salute rendered?

A. Six

1138. When entering a boat/car/acft, what is the rule of thumb with regard to seniors/juniors?

A. Seniors in last and out first

1139. On what side of an officer must you walk/pass/sit?

A. Left

1140. What officers are addressed by rank?

A. O-5 - O-10

1141. At what rank are Doctors referred to as Doctors?

A. O-5


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1142. At what rank are Chaplains referred to by rank?

A. All ranks

1143. Is the use of Sir or Ma’am allowed for enlisted use?

A. Yes, while performing military duties

1144. Are salutes permitted between enlisted members?

A. Yes

1145. How are members introduced?

A. Junior to Senior

1146. What is the exception to the Junior to Senior rule?

A. Chaplains, are always introduced to

1147. When is Full dress ship required?

A. Presidents day and 4th of July

1148. When is Dressed ship required?

A. All other Federal Holidays

1149. What is the Difference between a Dining in and Dining out?

A. A Dining in is military only

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 27, Safety and Environmental Health

1150. What is the instruction number for the Safety and Environmental Health


A. M5100.47

1151. Can you anonymously request and Health and Safety inspection?

A. Yes

1152. How many ways are there to report a hazard?

A. Two

1153. What are the two ways to report a hazard?

A. c Orally to person responsible d Hazardous Condition Notification (CG-5082) blocks 1-5

1154. What are the two types of hearing protection?

A. c Ear Plugs d Aural Protectors (Mickey Mouse Ears)

1155. At what decibel is Double hearing protection required?

A. 104 dba


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1156. Who certify a space safe before entering?

A. A Gas Free Engineer

1157. What are the types of Respiratory Protection?

A. Atmosphere providing and Air Purifying

1158. Who must you have permission from to go aloft?


1159. Must you have a safety observer to work aloft?

A. Yes

1160. Whose permission must you have to work over the side?

A. The CO

1161. Who can remove a tag from a tagged out piece of equipment?

A. Only the person who placed the tag

1162. How many types of Hazardous Materials are there?

A. 3 Health, Fire, Reactivity,

1163. How are the Hazards scaled?

A. 0-4 with 4 being the worst

1164. What are the Colors associated with the Hazard Diamond?

A. Blue - Health

Red - Fire

Yellow - Reactivity

White - Specific Hazard

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 33, First Aid

1164. What are the ABC’s of Rescue Breathing?

A. A - airway

B - Breathing

C - Circulation

1165. What does it mean if there is blood flowing from the ear or nose?

A. Usually a fractured skull

1166. What does it mean if there is frothy blood coming from the mouth?

A. A lung injury


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1167. Within how many minutes should CPR be done in the event someone stops breathing?

A. 4-6 minutes

1168. How many breaths for an adult in CPR?

A. 12-14 per min.

1169. How many breaths in a child?

A. 18-20 per min.

1170. How far should you compress?

A. 1 1/2 - 2 inches for an adult

1 - 1 1/2 inches for child

1/2 - 1 inch for a infant

1171. What is the ratio of breaths to compression’s?

A. 15:2

1172. How many pints of blood does the human body contain?

A. 12

1173. The loss of how many pints usually results in death?

A. 6 or more

1174. If blood is spurting where is usually coming from?

A. Artery

1175. If the blood loss is slow, where is it usually coming from?

A. A vein

1176. How many inches above a wound should a tourniquet be placed?

A. 2

1177. Who can release a Tourniquet?

A. Corpsman or Doctor

1178. What must be placed on persons forehead if a tourniquet is used?

A. A “T” and the time the tourniquet was placed

1179. Which type of burn is the worse?

A. 3rd degree


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1180. What are the characteristics of burns?

A. 1st - Red

2nd - Blistering

3rd - Charred skin

1181. What do you place on a chemical burn?

A. Flush with fresh water

1182. What do you wash jelly fish wound with?

A. Alcohol

1183. Can you give a person liquids if they are in shock?

A. No

1184. Must a person head be higher than there feet if suffering from shock?


Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 9, Career Information

1185. Who sets pay?

A. Congress

1186. What makes up pay?

A. Basic pay, basic allowances, Incentive pay, Hazardous duty pay, misc. pay

1187. On what basis is pay computed?

A. Monthly

1188. What is the primary means of making pay payments?

A. Direct deposit

1189. What are the conditions that must be met to cash a personal check underway?

A. OUTCONUS and away from homeport more than 4 days over a payday

1190. What are the reasons to get Hazardous duty pay?

A. Flight crew, Flight Deck, Diving, etc.

1191. When was the MGIB enacted?

A. 01 July 85

1192. What is DIC?

A. Dependency and Indemnity Compensation?

1193. Must you pay for DIC?

A. No it is free


Courtesy CPO John Niece

1194. Must you pay for SGLI?

A. Yes

1195. Can you cancel SGLI?

A. Yes

1196. Who receives Survivors Benefit Plan?

A. Retirees?

1197. Who verifies if you are eligible for a VA/FHA loan?

A. The CG

1198. What is the purpose of the Sailors and Soldiers relief Act of 1940?

A. Protection for Debts, Leases and evictions

1199. Who are the only designated legal offices?

A. MLC Legal - Legal Assistance Officers

2000. What type of time is not creditable for Time in service?

A. AWOL/Desertion, Arrest with conviction, Alcohol/Drugs

2001. What are the 6 Types of Discharges?

A. c Honorable d General e Undesirable f Bad Conduct g Dishonorable h Uncharacterized

2002. There are 10 reasons to be discharged, what are they?

A. c End of Enlistment d Hardship e Minority (under age) f Disability g Security h Misconduct i courts-martial j Uncharacterized k Unsuitability l Conveince of the Government

2003. Where are the places your PDR is kept?

A. COMDT, HRSIC, Persru, Unit

2004. Are you required to maintain you own PDR?


2005. Where are your records sent after discharge?

A. National Personnel Records Center

2006. What are the colors of ID cards?

A. Green - Active

Red - Reserve

Blue - Retired


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2007. Is your ID card Government property?

A. Yes

2008. At what age must you retire?

A. 60

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 20, Enlisted Rates and Ratings

2009. What act established uniform pay?

A. Career Compensation Act of 1949

2010. Do any ratings take precedence over another?

A. No

2011. What rates make up the Aviation Group?


2012. What rates make up the Deck and Ordnance Group?


2013. What rates make up the ENG and Hull Group?


2014. What rates make up the Admin and Science Group?


Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Chapter 11, Leadership, Discipline and Moral


2015. What are the two types of power?

A. Position and Personal

2016. What are the three leadership principles?

A. Lead by example

Treat others as you would be treated

Care about your people

2017. What are the other services shore patrol called?

A. MP - US Army

Air Police - USAF

Combined - ASPD (Armed Services Police Detachment)

2018. When did UCMJ become law?

A. 05 May 1950


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2019. UCMJ is the basis for what manual?

A. Manual for courts-martial

2020. Does the UCMJ apply to all services?

A. Yes

2021. What article is Self Incrimination?

A. 31

2022. Cruel and Unusual punishment?

A. 55

2023. What article says that the UCMJ must be explained to all members?

A. 137

2024. What articles are the punishable articles?

A. 77 to 134

2025. Who is defined as the person who assists in a crime?

A. A principle

2026. Who is defined as a person who helps after a crime is committed?

A. Accessory

2027. What is defined when 2 or more people get together to violate the UCMJ?

A. Conspiracy

2028. What is punishable by death?

A. Spying, Misconduct as a POW, Aiding the enemy

2029. What is the Good order and Discipline Article (General Article)?

A. 134

2030. Can you be punished under the UCMJ for a violation of Civil law?

A. Yes

2031. What is the purpose of punishment?

A. Deter, encourage others to their duty, example

2032. What are the three parts to a NJP/Courts-Martial?

A. c Pretrial Procedure d Preliminary Inquiry e NJP/Courts-Martial


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2033. What is the difference between Arrest and Confinement?

A. Arrest is the Moral restraint of a person, Confinement is the Forcible detention of a person

2034. Who orders a Preliminary Inquiry?


2035. Is the accused required to make a statement during the Prelim Inquiry?

A. No

2036. Must the CO sign the charge sheet?

A. No

2037. Who must you forward a charge sheet to, if it requires a General Court


A. District Commander

2038. Does a General Courts-Martial require a formal Investigation?

A. Yes

2039. What are two other types of mast besides Captain’s Mast?

A. Request and Complaint mast - XO, Meritorious Mast

2040. What are the three types of Courts-Martial?

A. c Summary Courts-Martial d Special Courts-Martial e General Courts-Martial

2041. What type of Courts-Martial can the CO convene?

A. Summary and Special

2042. Can Officers be tried at a Summary Courts-Martial?

A. No

2043. Can you refuse a Summary CM?

A. Yes, then it is referred to Special/General

2044. What type of CM can punish by Death?

A. General

2045. What rank must the CO be to convene a Summary CM?

A. LT or above

2046. How many person must be on a Special CM?

A. at least 3


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2047. Must you have an enlisted person on a Special or General CM?

A. Yes, if accused is Enlisted and must be 1/3 enlisted

2048. Who can convene a General CM?

A. Dist/Area or Comdt

Coast Guardsman’s Manual, Appendix A, Code of Conduct

2049. How many articles in the Code of Conduct?

A. Six

2050. According to Article II can you y surrender?

A. Yes, if only viable alternative

2051. Does surrendering imply dishonor?

A. No

2052. In accordance with Article III, are you still bound by the UCMJ if you are a


A. Yes

2053. Should you continuously harass the enemy?

A. No, it could backfire on your shipmates

2054. IAW Art III can you accept parole?

A. Never

2055. IAW ART IV, must the senior member accept command?

A. Yes

2056. IAW the Geneva Convention, what must the Prisoner representative be?

A. Enlisted, but he must answer to the senior member

2057. IAW what article are you only required to give your Name, SSN, DOB?

A. Article V

2058. Can you fill out an “Geneva Convention Capture Card”?


2059. IAW with article should you expect your actions be reviewed upon your return?


2060. Is captivity a condition of culpability?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 13

2061. What board is empowered to review all applications of corrections to

Personnel Records?

A. Personnel Record Review Board

2062. Can the PRRB accept applications from retirees or separated members?

A. No

2063. Are records assumed to be correct or incorrect upon receipt by the board?

A. Correct

2064. Within how long must records be received to be reviewed?

A. 1 Year

2065. What form is used to request review?

A. DDForm149

2066. Within how many years must a discharge be reviewed?

A. 15

2067. A BCMR review?

A. 3 Years

2068. Whose property is a ID card?

A. Govt.

2069. Must you carry your ID card at all times?

A. Yes

2070. Can you posses 2 ID cards at one time?

A. No

2071. What type of Cards do USPHS get issued?

A. CG cards

2072. How long are records of cards held?

A. 6 Years

2073. When should your ID card be checked?

A. Upon reporting aboard

2074. Are new ID cards issued upon promotion?

A. Yes, Officer and E-4 - E-9


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2075. Can you give up your ID card for collateral (i.e. for MWR rental)?

A. No

2076. Are you required to surrender your ID card if you are captured in war?

A. No, but you must show it

2077. What is the DD Form 1934?

A. Special Geneva Card for Medical and Religious Personnel

Personnel Manual, COMDTINST 1000.6, Chapter 18

2078. If you die after you retire/discharge, can you receive active duty death benefits?

A. Yes, if death is within 120 days of discharge and is service connected

2079. How much is the Death Gratuity?

A. $6,000

2080. What form designates beneficiary in case of death?

A. Form CG-4113, Record of Emergency Data

2081. What is a DD Form 1173?

A. Uniform Services ID and Privilege card (dependent ID card)

2082. At what age are dependent cards usually issued?

A. 10

2083. Are dependents of deserters eligible for a dependent ID card?

A. No

2084. Is full coverage of SGLI automatic?

A. Yes

2085. How long after discharge does SGLI terminate?

A. 6 months

2086. When does VGLI begin?

A. 121st day after discharge

2087. Who is eligible for Survivors Benefit Plan?

A. Retirees

2088. Whose permission must you have if you wish to reduce full coverage of SBP?

A. Spouse


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2089. Is your choice to not participate or reduce payment changeable?

A. No

2090. How much does SBP cost?

A. Roughly 6% of elected base amount

2091. Is SBP taxable income?

A. Yes

2092. What is SSBP?

A. Supplemental SBP

Military Justice Manual, COMDTINST M5810.1, Chapter 1

2093. Who has the power to impose NJP?


2094. Can the XO impose NJP?

A. No, unless acting CO

2095. Who should TAD personnel be NJP’d by?

A. Either TAD command or Parent Command

2096. Are Civilian Employees of the CG subject to the UCMJ?


2097. Can you receive punishment for an offense you have already received punishment for?

A. No

2098. Can you receive NJP for an offense you have already been tried in a

Federal/State/Foreign court?

A. No

2099. Is the suspension of punishment recommended for the first offense?

A. Yes

2100. Is punishment punitive or corrective in nature?

A. Corrective

2101. Is a punishment by NJP the same as a guilty verdict?

A. No

2102. Are there any restrictions on who can put whom on report?



Courtesy CPO John Niece

2103. Can you automatically restrain someone just because you book them?

A. No

2104. Who reviews a complaint?


2105. Who investigates a complaint?


2106. Who recommends the disposition of a complaint?


2107. What 4 things can the PIO recommend?

A. 1. Dismiss

2. NJP

3. Court Martial

4. Administrative Measures

2108. Can the XO recommend dismissal?

A. Yes

2109. Can the accused demand a Court-Martial?

A. Yes

2110. Can the accused attached to a ship demand Court Martial?

A. No

2111. Can a Mast be held before unit personnel?

A. Yes

2112. Does the accused have to be present at the NJP?

A. Yes, it is normally required, but if awol, the member is considered to have given permission to hold NJP without him/her

2113. Do you have to be informed on who put you on report?

A. Yes

2114. Do witnesses have to be sworn at a mast?

A. No

2115. Do rules of evidence apply at NJP?

A. No

2116. Does the accused have to testify against themselves?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2117. Does silence imply guilt at an NJP?

A. No

2118. Do mast reps and the accused have privileged communications?

A. Yes

2119. Can the accused submit questions to the witnesses?

A. Yes, through the CO

2120. In what 2 instances is no Court Memorandum made at an NJP?

A. A dismissal and a dismissal with warning

2121. What are the 4 actions available to the CO at a NJP?

A. 1. Dismiss

2. Dismiss with warning

3. Refer to Court Martial

4. Impose NJP

2122. What are the types of punishment?

A. Admonition/Reprimand (usually for officers)


Arrest in Quarters (officers only)

Correctional Custody

Extra Duty

Forfeiture of pay

Reduction of Pay Grade

2123. At what pay grade is Correctional Custody used for?

A. E-3 and below

2124. At what pay grade is Extra duty used for?

A. E-6 and below

2125. On what rate is the Forfeiture of pay based on – rate reduced to or rate previously held?

A. Rate reduced to

2126. Can an OINC use reduce of paygrade as punishment?

A. No

2126. At what rate can you use reduce in paygrade as punishment?

A. E-6 and below

2127. What type of CM’s can CO’s convene?

A. Special and Summary


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2128. Does NFFD for duty interrupt extra duty obligation?

A. Yes

2129. Within how many days must an NJP appeal be done?

A. With in 5 days of imposition of punishment

2130. Is Extra Military INST a NJP punishment?

A. No

2131. How many hours a day can EMI be imposed?

A. No more than 2 hours a day

2134. Who can impose EMI?

A. Only the CO, for after working hours

2135. Is EMI a punishment?

A. No

2136. Can you withhold liberty as a punishment?

A. No, unless imposed by NJP

2137. Is a non-punitive censure included in any records?

A. No

2138. Is the assignment of conduct marks a punishment?

A. No

2139. Do you have the right to have a lawyer present at a mast?

A. No

2140. Must a mast rep be appointed?

A. Yes

2141. Must a mast rep be an officer or petty officer?

A. Yes

2142. Must the Mast rep be attached to the unit?


Military Justice Manual, COMDTINST M5810.1, Chapter 9

2143. Can a military judge authorize a search authorization over the phone?

A. Yes

2144. Who can request a search?

A. CO/OINC and CGI agents


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2145. Must the affidavit state if the search is to be done between 2200-0600?

A. Yes

2146. Within how many days of authorization must the search be done?

A. 5 Days

2147. Are searches administrative inspections?

A. No

Reporting of Rape and Sexual Assault, COMDTINST 1754.10

2148. To whom does the above Inst apply to?

A. To active duty members and dependents

2149. Are Rape and Sexual assault acts of violence or acts of sex?

A. Acts of violence

2150. Must mental health help be offered to someone who makes a false report?

A. Yes

2151. What office must a rape/sexual assault be reported to?


2152. Who may assist in the report/assistance of a victim of a rape?

A. Family Advocacy Representative

2153. Who must be immediately notified by phone?

A. COMDT and District

2154. Who may give out information concerning a rape?

A. No one, except G-OIS

2155. What report must be filed?

A. RCN-1754 – “Rape and Sexual Assault Report”


Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) program, COMDTINST


2156. What type of standards must a candidate show?

A. “Sustained exceptional Standards”

2157. Who convenes the selection panel?



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2158. Who is on the selection panel?

A. 7 CEA’s

2159. When must selection be submitted by?

A. 01 May

2160. Is EPOY meritoriously advanced?

A. Yes

2161. What medal are they recommended for?

A. Commendation Medal

You and Your LES

2162. Who should you let know if there is an error in your LES?

A. Your supervisor and Persru/Admin

2163. After how many days will interest accrue if a debt to the govt is not paid?

A. 30 Days

2164. Who receives BAS?

A. Enlisted members assigned to a unit without a galley and all officers

2165. Is Career Sea pay taxable?

A. Yes

2166. When is a Career Sea pay premium paid?

A. After 36 months of consecutive sea duty

2167. Is MGIB an allotment?

A. No

2168. What makes an allotment different from a deduction?

A. An allotment is requested by member, a deduction usually happens because of law (i.e. taxes) or regulation

2170. Is FICA taken from all your pay or just your base pay?

A. Base pay

2171. What should you receive if you have an overpayment in excess of $500.00?

A. Letter of intent

2172. What will happen if an overpayment is under $500.00?

A. It will automatically be taken in one lump sum


Courtesy CPO John Niece

Montgomery GI Bill, COMDTINST 1760.9A

2173. Who does the MGIB apply to?

A. Members who enter service after 01July85

2174. Is enrollment automatic?

A. Yes

2175. Must a member decline in writing?

A. Yes, on form DD-2366

2176. Are unused portions payable to dependent on death?

A. Yes

2177. Can you change your mind if you decide not to participate?

A. No

2178. Within how many days of entering active duty must you decide to elect?

A. 14

2179. Must you have your High School diploma to be eligible to use your benefits?

A. Yes or 12 sh of College

2180. Must you have an Honorable discharge to receive benefits?

A. Yes

2181. Over how many months are benefits paid?

A. 36 months

2182. How many years of active duty must you have to receive benefits?

A. at least 2 years

2183. How much is the allotment per month?

A. $100.00

2184. Is what you paid refundable?

A. No

2185. Can you stop the allotment?

A. No

2186. Are officers eligible for MGIB?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2187. Do you apply for your benefits through the CG?

A. No, thru the school or VA

2188. Within how many years of discharge must your benefits be used?

A. 10

2189. Can VEAP members convert to MGIB?

A. Yes

PPCINST M1000.2, Chapter 5

2190. What is the CG-4170A used for?

A. BAQ verification/Emergency Data

2191. What form is used to verify SGLI?

A. SGLV – 8286

2192. How much SGLI are you automatically enrolled for?

A. $200,000

2193. How much can you increase SGLI up to?

A. $200,000

2194. What form do you report casualties on?

A. CG-3853

2195. How many premium rates are there for the Family Member Dental Plan?

A. 2, Single – 1 dependent, Family – 2 or more dependents

2196. What is DEERS?

A. Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System

2197. How are dependents enrolled?

A. When they apply for an ID card

2198. When is housing information validated?

A. November

2199. Who is responsible for verifying the information on the PDE (Personal Data


A. The member


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2200. Within how many months of reporting to a new unit must you fill out a new

Assignment Data card (CG-3698A)?

A. 6 months, and during the “Engage” phase of SPEAR

PPCINST M1000.2, Chapter 7

2201. When is FSA paid?

A. On the 31 st day away from homeport

PPCINST M1000.2, Appendix C

2202. For creditable service computations, how many days are there in all months?

A. 30

2203. What is considered deductible time?

A. UA/Sickness due to own misconduct/confinement

Medals and Awards Manual, COMDTINST M1650.25, Chapter 5

2204. What is an example of an Campaign and Service Award?

A. Good Conduct

2205. Are Campaign and Service awards, awarded to individuals or units?

A. Individuals

2206. In the CG what Good Conduct award is senior the CG or other services?

A. Coast Guard

2207. Is the Special Ops ribbon a service award?

A. Yes

2208. What denotes subsequent awards for Campaign and Service awards?

A. 3/16” bronze star, 1/8” Silver star for sixth award

2209. How many years of service do you need for Good Conduct?

A. 3

2210. Are officers awarded Good Conduct awards?

A. No

2211. If you are awarded NJP, when does your Good Conduct eligibility begin?

A. The day after NJP

2212. What wars qualify for National Defense?

A. Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2213. What denotes subsequent awards for National Defense?

A. 3/16” bronze star

2214. How many days must you be u/w below 60 south to rcv the Antarctica Medal?

A. 30

2215. What is the winter over device for the Antarctica Medal?

A. A peninsula disc

2216. What are bronze stars awarded for on the Southwest Asia service medal?

A. Each Campaign

2217. What denotes subsequent award of the Humanitarian Service medal?

A. 3/16” bronze star

2218. Is normal SAR operations eligible for Humanitarian Service Medal?

A. No

2219. Can you rcv the Military Outstanding Volunteer service Medal for one volunteer act?

A. No, it must be sustained service

2220. How many days must you be attached to a unit to rcv the Special Ops ribbon?

A. 21 days

2221. How many years denotes the first award of the Sea Service ribbon?

A. 1 year

2222. On the Sea Service Ribbon, what does 3/16” bronze star denote?

A. 3 years of subsequent service

2223. What percent of the boot camp Company must you be in to rcv the CG Basic

Training Honor Grad Ribbon?

A. 3 %

Coast Guard Regulations, M5000.3, Chapter 6

2224. What makes up basic shipboard organization?

A. OPS/ENG/DECK(WEPS)/Supply if Supply officer assigned by COMDT

2225. Which is senior Dept or Division?

A. Dept

2226. What are Division further divided up into?

A. Sections and watches


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2227. Do OINC’s have corresponding responsibility as a CO?

A. yes

2228. Who assigns the following officers: CO/XO/EO/Supply/Medical Officer?


2229. Who assigns Ops?


2230. Should the XO be the head of a dept?

A. no

2231. If a Warrant officer succeeds Commanding Officer because of leave or illness, that Warrant the CO or OINC?


2232. If an order is issued by the XO, is it the same as and order from the CO?

A. Yes

2233. Who serves as Medical Officer if no Medical Officer is assigned?


2234. Who promulgates the Plan of the Day?


2235. Who directs the OOD?


2236. Who should dept heads communicate through?


2237. When should Dept heads make a report to the XO?

A. 2000

2238. Who must approve transfer of GOVT property to another command?


2239. Who is responsible for Airborne Aircraft?


2240. Who is the Navigator?


2241. Who is the head of the Crypto Board?



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2242. Who assigns the EMO?


2243. Must the Damage Control Officer be from Engineering?

A. No

2244. Must the OOD remain on the bridge?

A. Yes

2245. Who is exempt from the OOD’s jurisdiction?


2246. How many hours can a helmsman/lookout watch be?

A. No more than 2 hours

Coast Guard Regulations, M5000.3, Chapter 14, Honors and Ceremonies

2248. When 2 or more officers arrive who rcvs honors?

A. Senior

2249. Can the Natl Anthem be part of a medley?

A. No

2250. When played with other countries Natl Anthems, whose is played last?


2251. What is the short bugle call after colors called?

A. Carry-on

2252. What music played before colors?

A. Attention

2253. When is a salute dropped/raised?

A. The last note of attention/carry-on

2254. Who salutes in a boat?

A. The Coxswain, others remain seated

2255. When board a ship what do you salute first?

A. OOD then Colors usually

2256. When Leaving a ship what do you salute first?

A. OOD than the Colors


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2257. For ceremonies is do you follow the same rules for Hail to the Chief as the Natl


A. Yes

2258. Do you salute uncovered?

A. No

2259. If you are civilian clothes, do you salute???????

A. Yes, another person in the military

2260. Onboard ship how many times do you salute officers?

A. Once at first greeting, except for the CO, which you salute at every meeting

2261. Do you salute in a work party?

A. No, unless addressed by an officer

2262. Do passengers in a car salute?

A. Yes, driver does not

2263. Do you salute if you are guarding a prisoner?

A. No

2264. When boarding a Boat/Acft/Car who is in/out first?

A. Juniors in first/Seniors out first

2265. When boarding a ship, how is in/out first?

A. Seniors on first/Juniors out first

2266. What is the gun salute for the President or a head of state?

A. 21 gun

2267. How many seconds between volleys?

A. 5

2268. Do you hand salute during a gun salute?

A. Yes

2269. Can you perform a gun salute between sunset and sunrise?

A. No

2270. Are side boys used on Sunday or between sunset and 0800?

A. No

2271. Can a retired flag officer fly his flag?

A. No


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2272. Can the National Ensign be displayed before 0800?

A. Yes, to establish nationality if a ship entered port at night

2273. What flag must be displayed during all LE operations?

A. CG Ensign

2274. When is the Commission Pennant authorized?

A. When the ship is Commission active or Commission special

2275. What days do you have a 21 gun salute?

A. Presidents day and 4 th of July

2276. Does the US initiate flag dip?

A. No

2277. Do you always raise the National Ensign to the peak when it is half masted?

A. Yes

2278. When is the Commission pennant half masted?

A. When the CO dies

2279. When is the 3 rd

A. At sunrise

sub flown?

2280. When is Full Dress ship done?

A. Washington Birthday and 4 th of July

2281. When do you fly the National Ensign at half mast on Memorial day?

A. Till 1220 if no gun salute

2282. Where are the stars on a casket?

A. Over the left shoulder

Training and Education Manual, M1500.10, Chapter 2

2283. What are the four service entry programs?

A. Boot Camp/USCGA/OCS/Direct Commission

2284. How long are the above courses?

A. Boot Camp – 8 weeks, USCGA - 4 years, OCS – 17 weeks, Direct Commission- 4 weeks

2285. What are “A” school curriculums based on?

A. M1414.8 – Enlisted Qualification Manual


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2286. How many points on the ASVAB can be waived by the CO?

A. 5 on 2 different sections of the test

2287. Can pregnant women attend “A” school?

A. Yes, with MO statement and if they do not enter 3 rd trimester in school

2288. Within how many months of NJP can you not attend “A” school?

A. 6

2289. Are strikers eligible for “A” school?


2290. How long must an E-2 be at a unit before they can attend “A” school?

A. 4

2291. After how long is a E-2 removed from a list?

A. If they are E-2 for more than 1 year

2292. How many years of OBLSERV must you have to attend “C” school?

A. For schools 2-20 weeks – 1 year

2293. How many levels of priority are there in selection for “C” school?

A. 3

2294. What is a CG-5223?

A. Short Term Training Request

2295. What is are some examples of General Training?

A. CPR/UCMJ/Code of Conduct

Enlisted Qualifications Manual, M1414.8, Chapters 1 and 2

2296. What are the SWE and Correspondence courses based on?


2297. What do program managers’ control?

A. MRN section info, i.e. customs and courtesies

2298. What do Force Managers control?

A. Rates

2299. How often is a review of quals needed?

A. 4 years

2300. What are quals based on?

A. Responsibility level


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2301. What are the 2 types of Qualifications?

A. Performance Qualifications (rate), Military Requirements

2302. What is a CG-3303C?

A. Record of Performance Qualifications?

2303. Who can waive a qual?


2304. If a CO waives a qual, are you required to ever perform it?

A. Yes, at a later date, even if you are promoted above that qual level

Enlisted Qualifications Code Manual, M1414.9, Chapters 1

2305. Who is the primary user of Qual Codes?


2306. What are qual codes based on?

A. Actual work experience

2307. What are the Qual codes based on personnel wise?

A. The PAL

2308. How many characters are qual codes?

A. 2

2309. What does 2 numbers in a qual code mean?

A. Unique to a rate

2310. What does 2 letters mean in a qual code?

A. Any rate

2311. Is a school code a qual code?

A. No

2312. What is the Qual code for the CPOA?


2313. How many months experience do you need to receive a ojt qual code?

A. 6

Coast Guard Pay Manual, M7220.29, Chapters 2,3 and 9

Computation of Service/Basic Pa


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2314. Does Cadet time count towards pay?

A. Yes

2315. If you are AWOL or Confined, does that count towards pay?

A. No

2316. Can you be employed by another Govt branch?

A. No

2317. What is saved pay?

A. I.E. When a W-2 was an E-9, he will rcv E-9 pay, because E-9 pay is more than

W-2 pay

2318. What pay or allowance do you still receive during an unauthorized absence?


2319. If you must forfeit pay, how much must you still rcv per month?

A. 5 dollars


2320. Is the rate for BAS the same for all officer ranks?

A. Yes

2321. Can the auxiliary get BAS?

A. Yes

2322. When do enlisted rcv BAS?

A. When there is no Mess within an hour of unit

2323. What are the 3 types of clothing allowances?

A. Civilian, Supplementary (Not normal uniform items), Maintenance

Payment of Military Personnel

2324. What are the 1 methods of payment?

A. Direct Deposit

2325. Up to how many days advance pay can you take?

A. 3 MOS

2326. What can you take as Advance Pay and Allowances?

A. Basic pay and BAH

2327. Over how many months can you liquidate advance pay?

A. 1 – 12 months


Courtesy CPO John Niece

CG Correspondence Manual, M5216.4B, Chapters 1-10

2328. When writing a letter, which paragraph do you open with, the least important or the most important?

A. Most important

2329. In what paragraph should the most important sentence be in?

A. First

2330. About how many sentences should a paragraph be?

A. About 4-5

2331. When should you spell out an acronym?

A. The first time you use it

2332. Should writing be passive or active?

A. Active

2333. Who may sign a Official letter?

A. CO or authorized subordinate

2334. What block is the Action block on a letter?

A. To

2335. What block is the info block on a letter?


2336. How much margin should there be on a CG letter?

A. 1” on all sides

2337. What color ink can you use for signature?

A. blue

2338. Do you number the first page of a letter?

A. No

2339. When are letters dated?

A. When signed

2340. How does the date appear in the heading of a letter?

A. 1 Feb 98

2341. How does the date appear in the text of a letter?

A. 1 February 1998


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2342. How many lines below the date is the From block?

A. 2

2343. In any line in the heading is longer than one line, where does the next line continue, under the first word or along the margin?

A. Under the first word

2344. How are Via addresses numbered in the Via block?

A. (1)

2345. Is the subject always capitalized?

A. Yes

2346. If there is only one reference, does it get numbered?

A. Yes

2347. How many lines after the heading, does the text start?

A. One

2348. What types of letters must the CO personally sign?

A. Policy, military justice, by law

2349. Must signature delegation be in writing?

A. Yes

2350. What is below the signature of a delegated signer?

A. by direction

2351. How many lines below the text is the signature?

A. 4

2352. Do you use rank on a CG letter?

A. No

2353. Do you mark enclosure on all pages of enclosures?

A. No, only the first page

2354. How are enclosures numbered?

A. (1)

2355. How many lines of text must be carried over to a new page?

A. At least 2

2356. How many lines do you indent on a subparagraph?

A. 4 spaces, start typing on 5 th space


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2357. If you have over 6 addresses on a letter, what should you do?

A. Issue a instruction or note

2358. What are the 3 kinds of endorsements?

A. ① Same Page, ② New Page, ③ Signature endorsement

2359. When is a business type letter appropriate?

A. For any correspondence outside the CG or DOD

2360. How do you date a business letter?

A. September 1, 1998

2361. What is the closure for a business letter?

A. Sincerely

2362. How does a business letter signature appear?

A. J. F. Niece

Chief Petty Officer

U. S. Coast Guard

2363. What color ink can you use on a envelope?

A. Black or Blue

2364. Where is the attention line on a envelope?

A. Above address

2365. How many ink changes can you make to a letter before it should be retyped?

A. 2 per page

2366. Within how many days should correspondence be answered?

A. 15 working days

2367. What can you use to acknowledge receipt of a letter?

A. CG-4127

CG Directives System, M5215.7, Chaps. 3-7

2368. After how many pages must a directive have a Chapters and a Table of


A. 10

2369. Does the counting of pages include enclosures?

A. No

2370. What is the abbreviation for instruction?



Courtesy CPO John Niece

2371. What is the word used for a notice?


2372. What is the abbreviation for a Publication?


2373. Are instructions canceled?

A. No

2374. What is the order of paragraphs in a directive?

A. ① Purpose, ② Action, ③ Directives Affected, ④ Forms/Reports, after that no particular order

2375. What type of paper must the first page of a directive be on?

A. Letterhead

2376. Do you number the first page of a directive?

A. No

2377. When are directives dated?

A. When signed

2378. How are pages numbered, if there are chapters?

A. 1-2 (First number chapter, second number page number)

Coast Guard Formal Training Schedule, COMDTINST M1540.6

2379. Who issues orders to “C” schools?


Coast Guard Organization Manual, M5400.7

2380. What command does ACTEUR work directly for?


2381. When did the name US Coast Guard come into being?

A. 28Jan1915

2382. Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?

A. Alexander Hamilton

2383. How many original cutters were there?

A. 10


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2384. What are the forerunners of the Coast Guard?

A. Lighthouse Service Board

Revenue Cutter Service

Lifesaving Service

Steamboat Inspection Service

Bureau of Navigation

2385. When did we move to the Dept of Transportation?

A. 01 April 1967

2386. How many battle streamers are there?

A. 31

2387. Who represents the Coast Guard at the executive level?

A. Secretary of Homeland Security (Tom Ridge)

2388. Who heads up sub-units?

A. Supervisors

2389. Do supervisors have the same authority as a CO/OINC?

A. No

2390. Must delegated command authority be in writing?

A. Yes, and to position no to a person

2391. Who does G-H work directly for (Civil rights)?

A. G-C

2392. Who chairs the senior advisory group?

A. G-CV (Chief of Staff)

2393. What does Lant/Pac change to during war?

A. Lant – Comusmardezlant

Pac – Comusmardezpac

Small Purchase Handbook, M2400.13

2394. What dollar amount can small purchase not exceed?

A. $25,000

2395. Who is the only person who can legally bind a contract?

A. Contracting Officer

2396. At what dollar amount must you solicit for at least 3 bids?

A. $2,500


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2397. What are the two types of procurment?

A. ① Required (i.e. Unicor, Federal Prison system, GSA catalog

② Open Market (Commercial Sources)

2398. Can you split a Purchase order to come under the $2,500 rule?

A. No

2399. When can you use open market sources?

A. When the item is unavailable from required sources, cheaper than $300, or is cheaper on the open market

2400. What is the maximum amount you can charge on an IMPAC credit card?

A. $25,000

2401. What is the dollar amount you can spend from the imprest fund?

A. No more than $500

2402. What is the most a Blanket Purchase Agreement can be?

A. $5,000

2403. Can you use the IMPAC card for personal purchases?

A. No

Property Management Manual, M4500.5

2404. When is an inventory required?

A. Upon relief of custodian or at least every 3 years

2405. Must all property be marked with “USCG”?

A. Yes

2406. What must you issue to move property off Govt Property?

A. A Property Pass

2407. What does PPA mean?

A. Personal Property Accountability

2408. What must be on the PPA?

A. If it costs over $1,000 or is highly pilferable such as handtools, Audio/visual equipment in the $100-999 range

2409. What is the dollar amount, when a survey is required for lost/missing/unusable items?

A. $300


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2410. How many people are on a Board of Survey?

A. 1-3, at least E-7 and above

2411. If a member is found responsible for an item that is lost or damaged, will the member have to pay for it?

A. Most likely

2412. Do you survey ammo?

A. No

2413. Where should transfer excess property to?


2414. Can you donate property?

A. Yes, to approved organizations (i.e. Boy scouts, Red cross)

2415. What do you do with excess flags?

A. Burn

2416. Can you donate EPIRBS?

A. No

2417. Can you transfer Historical artifacts?

A. No, they must be retained by the CG

Coast Guard Supplement to the JFTR, M4000.17

2418. Are orders required if the travel is near the members duty station?

A. No

2419. How many months can TAD not exceed?

A. Six

2420. Are you still TAD if you return to your ships homeport and the ship has departed?

A. Yes, until you report aboard ship, you are TAD

2421. How many times a year should you travel to be eligible for a Travel Card?

A. Twice

2422. Can you use the Govt Travel Card for PCS?

A. No

2423. What percent of advances do you normally receive?

A. 80


Courtesy CPO John Niece

2424. Within how many working days should you submit a travel claim?

A. 3

2425. What is the dollar amount a receipt is required for a travel claim?

A. $75

Naval Engineering Manual, Chap 77, M9000.6

2426. Who must certify that a confined space is safe to enter?

A. Gas Free Engineer

2427. What must all Reefers be equipped with?

A. Alarm system and an inside latch

2428. Must each command have Tag-out procdures?

A. Yes

2429. Can Diesel fuel be used as a solvent?

A. Yes

2430. Can Gasoline be used as a solvent?

A. No
