PASCEP Fall 2014 Course & Program Guide - Temple University

Entertainment and Community Education Center
1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
A Message from PASCEP
Thank you for your interest in the Pan-African Studies Community Education Program. As
you peruse this bulletin, I know that you will be intrigued by the number of course
selections that are being offered for the Fall 2014 Semester.
From its origins in 1975 as the Community Education Program, to its present day, PASCEP
has been a beacon in the community. Temple Alumna Annie Hyman had a vision of
empowering men and women to achieve their personal best. We honor her and the
directors who succeeded her program over its thirty-nine year history by supporting this
accessible and affordable program.
We note the retirement of our friend and colleague Willie Rogers. Willie provided almost
thirty years of service to Temple University, most of which were spent with PASCEP. He
served as director of the program from 2008 through May 2014. We are sad to see him
leave. However, we are grateful to him for the dedication he provided to PASCEP and wish
him the best in his future endeavors.
PASCEP courses are taught by volunteers who are committed to the education and
empowerment of their students. Many instructors, including Dr. Lillian Gaskins Green and
Dr. Jamal Benin, are proud Temple alumni. Terrence Biggs, a self-described “life-long”
PASCEP student, teaches Line Dancing, one of the program’s most popular classes.
Information technology experts Maurice Kennedy and Don Shappelle will help their
students understand how to use their computers more effectively at work and home.
Please feel free to contact PASCEP at 215-204-1993 with any concerns, suggestions or
comments. We look forward to an exciting new year.
Beverly Coleman
Assistant Vice President for Community Relations
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Monday, September 22nd through Thursday, December 4th
(10 Weeks)
Must be 18 years or older to enroll
Monday, August 18th through Friday, August 22nd
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 20th
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, August 25th
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Late Fee $10.00
Entertainment and Community Education Center
2nd Floor
1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19121
(PHONE) 215-204-1993 • (FAX) 215-204-8171
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Fall 2014 Orientations
Faculty Meeting and Orientation – Mandatory
Thursday, September 11th
6:30 p.m.
Entertainment and Community Education Center
2nd Floor / Room 214
1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19121
Meet staff and fellow faculty members; receive information, format and
instructions for the student orientation. Network and share your PASCEP
experience, which continually adds to and enriches the PASCEP legacy.
Receive tentative class lists pending registration reconciliation.
New Student Orientation
Thursday, September 18th
Time 6:30 p.m.
Ritter Hall Annex / Walk Auditorium
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19122
Meet staff and faculty members and receive information on programs and
events. Speakers from Temple University and other schools will provide
information on services and community outreach for adults and youth.
Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November, 26th – Friday, November 28th
No Classes
Classes Resume
Monday, December 1st
Faculty Appreciation Week
Monday, November 10th – Thursday, November 13th
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Would You Like to Teach a Class?
Volunteer instructors make PASCEP possible!
Contact PASCEP’s Main Office
Entertainment and Community Education Center
2nd Floor
1509 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19121
Phone: (215) 204-1993
Fax: (215) 204-8171
Submit the following as e-mail attachments to
(No printed documents please)
1. Resume with a letter of recommendation
2. A brief biography
3. Class description with preferred night of class
PASCEP Fall 2014
Semester Closing Ceremony
Friday, December 5th
Ritter Hall Annex / Walk Auditorium
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19122
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Senior Citizens
A nominal fee of $10.00 is required for seniors age 65 and above who wish
to register for classes. However, a limited number of places will be
provided. Admission is based upon available space at the time of
registration. Regular fees apply for each additional class. Seniors purchase
their own books. Please bring proof of age, such as a birth certificate or
driver’s license.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
KYW Radio’s Snow Emergency Information:
Listen for Call Number 2120
For more information, call: (215) 204- 1993
Fees and Registration
All Money Orders are to be made payable to Temple University.
No refunds are given unless class is cancelled.
Must be 18 years of age or older to enroll.
Classes with fewer than 10 students will be canceled .
Drop and Add forms for classes must be completed
by the student no later than Monday, August 25th
If a course is cancelled because of low enrollment,
students will be notified and will have the option of
receiving a full refund of their registration fees, or
they may transfer their registration fees to new
course(s). If the course(s) have a difference in
registration fees, a financial adjustment will be
made. All registration adjustments must be made by
Friday, September 12th.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
GED Preparatory Classes
Social Studies
Monday, September 22nd through Thursday, December 4th
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
PASCEP classes will prepare you for the GED examination.
TABE test is given the first week of classes.
PASCEP does not give the official GED test
Fee: $25 due at registration
(One fee covers all GED classes)
The views and opinions of instructors do not necessarily
represent those of the Pan-African Studies Community
Education Program of Temple University.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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GED Mathematics #01
Prepare for the General Educational Development (GED) examination. Course covers computation,
fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry and algebra.
Edward Coleman is a graduate of Cornell University, where he earned a Master of Arts degree. He has
been a volunteer at PASCEP since 1998. He is also a member of the Association for the Study of Classical
African Civilizations (ASCAC).
Akil Parker is a graduate of Morgan State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in
History. He is a proud member of the Morgan State University Alumni Association.
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GED English #02
Prepare for the General Educational Development (GED) examination.
punctuation, parts of speech and essay writing.
The course covers grammar,
Carl Ivey III is a graduate of LaSalle University. He is an accountant and a member of the Pennsylvania
Society of Public Accountants. He has been with PASCEP since 1998.
Marcella Jones, a veteran PASCEP instructor and an educator, is a graduate of Penn State
University, Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University. She is a
Sunday school superintendent and President of the 1929 Branch of the Association for the Study of
African American History (ASAAH).
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GED Social Studies #03
Prepare for the General Educational Development (GED) examination. The course covers reading materials
and literature (fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction).
Robert J. Black, Sr. is a graduate of Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education.
Fredia Banks is a graduate of Wilberforce University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Social Work. She is a social worker for the City of Philadelphia.
T H UR S D A Y__
GED Science #04
Prepare for the General Educational Development (GED) examination. Course covers life sciences
(biology), physical sciences (earth science, physics and chemistry) and interpreting graphs, tables, charts
and diagrams.
Nancy Lewis Shell is a graduate of Temple University where she earned a Master’s degree in Education.
She holds certifications in Early Childhood and Special Education.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Course and Workshop Index – (Mondays and Tuesdays)
***A $25.00 Registration Fee Covers All GED Courses
Classes / Courses / Workshops
GED - Mathematics #01
E. Coleman/ A. Parker
CEP #391 • Basic Arabic
Yahya Abdulmalik
Kendra E. Newman
CEP #404 • Web 2.0 for Social and Business Needs
CEP #294 • Discovering Your Faith
Reverend Harry Hawkins Jr
CEP #138-A • Etymology
CEP #289-A • How to Own Your Own Real Estate
R.Wilkens/ A. El T. M.
Bey/Y. Abdulmalik
Annette C. Collier
CEP #372 • Food, Diet & Health in the Community
Zakiyyah Ali
WS-82 • Succeeding In College
Jamal Benin, Ph.D.
Classes / Courses / Workshops
GED - English #02
C. Ivey/ M. Jones
CEP #409 • Sick of Being Sick?
Bill Young
CEP #62-B • American Sign Language
Baron Roane
CEP #327 • Basic Hebrew
Moses Stanley Clark
CEP #269-A • Poetry Writing and Performance
Kyle Morris
CEP #324 • The Art of Numbers
Abdul Muhaimin A.M. Bey
CEP #380-E • Introduction to Personal Computers
Cheryl D. Jordan
CEP #310 • Ways to Pay Yourself First
James R. Veal
CEP #392 • Etymology Arabic
Yahya Abdulmalik
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Course and Workshop Index – (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
***A $25.00 Registration Fee Covers All GED Courses
Classes / Courses / Workshops
GED – Social Studies #03
R. Black, Sr./ F. Banks
CEP #354 • Acting for Beginners / Performance
B. Criddell
CEP # 389 • Forensic Christianity
Dr. Daddese Noah Ekulona
WS-76 • Credit Education
Ella Butcher
CEP #156-A • Hair Storee: African Hairstyling Wkshp
Exavia Love
CEP #397 • Strive: The Psychology of Recovery
Fatima Abdul Johnson
CEP #342 • Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Dorothy Logan
CEP #212 • The Criminal - Justice System
Michael Coard, Esquire
WS-83 • Oral Communication
CEP #423 • Ushrika Construction Apprenticeship
Preparatory Course
CEP #123-B • Developing Dynamic Databases
Jamal Benin, Ph.D.
Gary E. Miller / Walter
Maurice E. Kennedy, Jr.
CEP #406 • African American Genealogy / History
Tamera CJ Baggett
CEP #424 • Coaching for Your New Business
Michelle Snow
Classes / Courses / Workshops
GED - Science #04
Nancy Lewis Shell
CEP #123-C • Creating Professional Spreadsheets
Maurice E. Kennedy, Jr.
CEP #272 • Line Dancing
CEP-#395 • SCANDAL: Crisis Leadership-Leader
Shaping Through the Eyes of Olivia Pope
CEP #194 • Computer Repair
Terrence Biggs
Damian D. - Skipper Pitts
D. Shappelle/ A. P. Blaisse
CEP #411• How to Publish Your Book
Ann P. Martin
CEP #213-A • Basic Design / Sewing
Rebecca Gaskin
CEP #271 • Hip-Hop 101
Michael Coard, Esquire
CEP #412 • French Oral Communication I
Fedner Edouard
CEP #422 • English 101
Diane L. Spencer
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Additional Course Offerings
CEP #195 ● The Journey from Africa to America
Mondays (6 weeks)
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $25.00
Student Limit: 25
This Afrocentric course will benefit adults (teachers, parents, recreation leaders, et al.) seeking
knowledge and skills for sharing African American history and culture with children. This
course will help adults foster a stronger sense of self-worth and self-knowledge in children,
while strengthening interpersonal relationships.
Instructor: Lillian Green, Ph.D. is a veteran teacher, retired from the School District of
Philadelphia, where she taught all grade levels and worked in its Division of African and
African American Studies. Green’s doctorate degree in African American History is from
Temple University.
CEP #75-B ● Introduction to Spanish
Tuesdays (10 weeks)
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $30.00
Student Limit: 25
This course is for students who wish to acquire a basic knowledge of Spanish and to be able to
engage in normal, everyday conversations with Spanish speakers. The course will provide
some exposure to Hispanic culture.
Instructor: Janice Smith graduated from Penn State University and received her M.A.
in Human Services at Lincoln University.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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CEP #391 • Basic Arabic • (10 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
This introductory course covers grammar, writing and conversational Arabic.
teaching will provide the students with fluency in communicating in Arabic.
Fee: $30
The instructor’s style of
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Yahya Abdulmalik is a veteran PASCEP instructor who has been with the program since 1993. He studied
Arabic language and History at Damascus University and the AbduNoor University of Syria.
CEP #404 • Web 2.0 for Social and Business Needs • (6 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
“Social Media: What’s it All About?”
Technology has become the vehicle through which information is shared. Web-based applications, many of
which are free and compatible with popular mobile devices, are enabling individuals and businesses to
accomplish more with less. This course is an overview on what social media is, how it is used now and
predictions for future use. Students will learn about Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis and more. This class
will be hands-on in the PASCEP computer lab. Students will create and utilize online accounts.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 15
Instructor: Kendra E. Newman, PMP is the Director of Information Technology for the Office of the Dean, College of Health
Professions and Social Work at Temple University.
CEP #294 • Discovering Your Faith • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This course will examine why prayer is vital to the Christian faith. Learn what the Bible teaches about
prayer and how to improve your current prayer life. Discussion will center on attitudes, scope and
obstacles to prayer.
Fee: $20
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Reverend Harry Hawkins, Jr. is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Bible School and has served as the class
instructor for several years.
CEP #138-A • Etymology • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
In this course, students will be taught how to increase their vocabulary by learning the meanings of
prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Etymology is derived from the Greek words “etym,” meaning
history/origin and “log” meaning word.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Robert Wilkens is a life-long PASCEP student and has served as the class assistant for several years.
Instructor: Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey studied under the tutelage of the late Professor John Burton and Richard Bailey for
three years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Glassboro State College and an Master of Social Work
degree from Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Social Work.
CEP #289-A • How to Own Your Own Real Estate • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This course is perfect for the person who wants to purchase a home or invest in real estate. The course
covers how to properly prepare and look for your future home or investment property. In this class
you will learn how to buy fixer uppers, HUD, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac houses.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Annette C. Collier is a real estate broker in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware who practices real
estate sales, new construction, property management and consultations.
CEP #372 • Food, Diet & Health in the Community • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This is an interactive class with guest speakers, film, and panel discussions about issues and
concerns facing our community. Topics will include food sources, food processing, community
gardens, greening projects and health problems.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Zakiyyah Ali is a lecturer and researcher in the field of nutrition. Currently she is the President of the Black
Vegetarians Society of the Tri-State area.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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WS-82 • Succeeding In College • (1 Day Workshop)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Date: 9/22/2014
“Everything You Need to Know about Going to and Succeeding in College”
Fee: Free
Student Limit: 70
This seminar is designed to inform students about getting into and succeeding in college either from
high school, community college or as an adult learner.
Instructor: Jamal Benin holds a doctorate from Temple University’s Urban Education Program in its College
of Education and is currently teaching in Temple’s Intellectual Heritage Program.
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CEP # 409 • Sick of Being Sick? • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Most doctors agree that chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes cannot be cured with prescription drugs. That is
because they are caused by the nutritional deficiencies of the Standard American Diet. This course will show you how to
treat your chronic disease with the Biblical Cure; fruits, vegetables and water.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Bill Young is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, a Member of the American Association of Diabetic Educators and a
Certified Reiki Practitioner.
CEP #62-B • American Sign Language • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This is a 10-week workshop that is designed for students who have limited or no previous knowledge
of American Sign Language (ASL).
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Baron Roane attended the Philadelphia School for the Deaf and was an outstanding student in the Pan-African Studies
Community Education Program’s American Sign Language course.
CEP #327 • Basic Hebrew • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This is an introductory course to the Hebrew language, including grammar, conversation, writing
and discussions on Hebrew traditions, culture, and history.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Moses Stanley Clark served as a Rabbi at Raweh Israel where he officiated services and taught Hebrew and history. He
has been a student of etymology and biblical studies for the past 50 years. Mr. Clark taught basic reading in the “Experience Corps” at
Temple University.
CEP #269-A • Poetry Writing and Performance : From the Page to the Stage • (8 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
“Performing Poetry and the Spoken Word”
This workshop is for anyone who writes short stories, poetry or wishes to read and perform his or her work
publicly. It will also assist in the pinpointing of the origins and reasons as to “why we write.”
Fee: $25
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Kyle Morris is an author and a publisher, literary sponsor and winner of the “Washington P o s t National Poetry
CEP #324 • The Art of Numbers • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Forget everything you have been taught about math and attend this course. The word “mathematics”
simply means “to learn” and is a way to learn more about other things. Upon completion of this course, you will
know how to gain proficiency in counting, reciting tables, reading equations, solving them and everything else
that you aspire to learn about math.
Fee: $20
Student Limit: 15
Instructor: Abdul- Muhaimin A.M. Bey is a GED math instructor who is self-taught in this new method of using mathematics. He has been
teaching it in various literacy programs and workshops for over eight years.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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CEP #380-E • Introduction to Personal Computers • (10 Weeks) • Early
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
Take this hands-on introductory course to discover the world of computers. Students will learn the basics and
background of personal computers and terminology, the many uses for a computer, essential commands and
how to navigate in the Windows operating systems. No previous knowledge needed. Learn about the
following: Hardware: motherboards, hard disks, CD, DVD, RAM memory, ROM memory, Network Interface
Cards (NIC), USB, power supplies, fans, monitors, modems, mouse, etc. Software: operating systems,
application software, accessories, Usage: creating documents, accessing the internet, saving files. Students will
set up a free e-mail account where they can communicate with friends and family after the semester.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 30
Instructor: Cheryl D. Jordan is a Microsoft Office Computer instructor who has taught for Kaplan University, Thompson Institute and the
West Oak Lane Charter School. She holds a graduate degree in Human Services from Chestnut Hill College and an undergraduate degree in
Mathematics from Cheyenne University. Ms. Banks has worked for the U.S. Department of Defense where she helped design missiles and
submarines. She currently teaches MS Office Computing for Deliverance Evangelistic Church.
CEP #310 • Ways to Pay Yourself First • (8 Weeks)
(7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)
This course is designed to share basic investing information and ways to create wealth without being rich. We
will uncover the complexities of Wall Street and show you strategies that benefit you financially. You will learn
how to create wealth by understanding stocks, bonds, mutual funds and 401(k) plans. You will also learn
retirement planning strategies and ways to start your own investment club.
Fee: $25
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: James R. Veal is a financial advisor with a major investment firm in Philadelphia. His more than ten years of experience as a
stockbroker and financial advisor and has worked on Wall Street. He currently conducts free seminars and workshops on investing and
writes financial articles for a number of community newspapers.
CEP #392 • Etymology Arabic • (8 Weeks)
Tuesday (5:30 p.m. -7:00 p.m.)
This intermediate course covers Level 2 grammar, Level 2 writing and Level 2 conversational Arabic. The
instructor’s style of teaching will provide the students with fluency in communicating in Arabic.
Student Limit: 25
Fee: $30
Instructor: Yahya Abdulmalik is a veteran PASCEP instructor who has been with the program since 1993. He studied Arabic language and
History at Damascus University and the AbduNoor University of Syria.
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CEP #354 • Acting for Beginners / Performance • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
In this course students will be taught how to use basic acting tools which include monologue, scene work,
group dynamics, physical timing, vocal development and improvisation. Culminating in performance, students
will have a strong foundation and knowledge in order to move on to the upper levels of acting with confidence
and skill. There is no required text. Students are required to obtain a marble composition book and a folder for
all handouts. Each class begins with physical warm-up and vocal exercises. Flexible sneakers and sweats are
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Belynda Criddell is a comic ,actor, author, motivational speaker and life coach.
CEP #389 • Forensic Christianity • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This inspiring biblical course is the result of extensive research of original manuscripts, writings and
axiological data. Only manuscripts instead of versions bring irrefutable truths. The mystery of the TRUE
church is solved empirically. Absolutely no personal interpretation is involved in this thrilling study. The
science of Hermeneutics will be taught. This course will redirect, inform and rewind both mind and spirit.
Fee: $20
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Dr. Daddese Noah Ekulona received his first Doctorate in Scriptual Studies in 1994 from Canterbury University while
stationed in England. His second doctorate (DCRC, Doctor of Clinical religious counseling) was earned from Shepherd’s Care Bible
College of Florida. Dr. Daddese is also Chancellor of Veritos International University under the auspices of QUANTUM, VERITOS.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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WS-76 • Credit Education (Building Back Your Credit)• (3 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
Dates: Wednesdays 10/1/2014, 10/8/2014, 10/15/2014
The purpose of this workshop is to assist and educate individuals who are facing credit issues such as
judgments, foreclosure, bankruptcy, collections, lateness or student loans. The goal of this workshop is to help
individuals get back on the right track.
Fee: Free
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Ella Butcher is the Founder/President of Butcher Investors, LLC, and Peaches and Cream Foundation, Inc., a mentoring/dance
program for girls 11-17 years of age. Her experience includes assisting individuals with credit issues, to help them qualify for mortgages and
any type of loans. She is also the author of the “Credit Diary.”
CEP #156-A • Hair Storee: African Hairstyling Workshop • (8 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Through lecture, discussion, visuals, hands-on experience and self-reflection, students will be provided with
information about natural hair care, history, braiding styles and elementary braiding techniques.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 15
Instructor: Exavia Love is sole proprietor of Island Makeover, a company that manufactures natural hair products and videos.
CEP #397 • Strive: The Psychology of Recovery • (8 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.)
This course uses a combination of philosophy and metaphysics as an approach to address psychological
disharmonies that are experienced daily by people of all lifestyles. This is an ideal course for an individual
considering a profession in mental health.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Fatima Abdul Johnson: is the CEO and founder of S.T.R.I.V.E. Motivation Inc., a nonprofit organization providing support,
counseling and advocacy for individuals in recovery from mental illness and substance abuse.
CEP #342 • Sahaja Yoga Meditation • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
In this class, you will learn about your own subtle system and how to meditate in thoughtless awareness
reaching that inner state of peace and joy. Each energy center has its own special qualities. You will learn
about each of these qualities, how to diagnose the state of your energy centers and the techniques that will keep
them in balance. This class will teach you how to develop strong attention that minimizes stress and strain that
comes with everyday living.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Dorothy Logan is a student of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and has practiced Sahaja Meditation for fifteen years. Sharing this
unique and simple way of meditation with mankind is her way of saying thanks to the universe.
CEP #212 • The Criminal - Justice System: From Arrest to Appeal • (4 Sessions)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Dates: Wednesdays 9/24/2014, 10/1/2014, 10/8/2014 10/15/2014
What would you do if you or one of your family members or friends were arrested? What if they were charged
with a crime and had to go to court? What would you do if any of them were found guilty and were sent to
prison? If you want to know the answers to any of these important questions, you should attend this course,
which is taught in a manner that makes the law very easy to understand.
Fee: $25
Student Limit: 25
Requirements: No prior legal knowledge is needed but you must have a burning desire to know your rights to
protect yourself, your family, friends and community.
Instructor: Michael Coard, Esq., is a member of the ACLU, NCOBRA, NAACP, National Lawyers Guild, Amnesty International and PA
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the founder of the Avenging the Ancestors Coalition (ATAC). He specializes in criminal
defense, with a special interest in opposing death penalty cases. He is certified by the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas as a defense
counsel for such cases.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
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WS-83 • Oral Communication • (6 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
This course is designed to introduce participants to the principles of communication and integrate those
principles into the context of interpersonal communication, group and team communication as well as
presentational speaking. Additionally, the seminar reveals how one’s self-worth and self-esteem is directly
connected to and develops as we effectively communicate with others.
Fee: $20
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Jamal Benin holds a Ph.D. from Temple University’s Urban Education Program in the College of Education and is currently
teaching in Temple’s Intellectual Heritage Program.
CEP #423 • Ushrika Construction Apprenticeship Preparatory Course • (10 weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This course will provide training concepts designed to prepare students for the scholastic criteria required for
entrance into a union apprenticeship program.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Gary E. Miller is a graduate of Eastern College with a B.A. in Business Management
Instructor: Walter McGill is the Founder and Director of CAPP, a pre- apprenticeship training program. He is a Project Manager and has
been an Electrical Foreman for more than thirty-five years.
CEP #123-B • Developing Dynamic Databases • (10 Weeks)
(6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
“Microsoft Office Access 2010 with embedded VBA, SQL and DAO”
“Tweak that front-end…optimize that back-end.” This course is designed for individuals who aspire to
market their skills as Access 2010 database administrators. Students will learn, “proven database
programming concepts.” Developers who adhere to this methodology can easily create and support Access
database end-user applications that are menu-driven, fully-functional, intuitive, effective and efficient.
Fee: $50
Student Limit: 15
Prerequisites: An Administrator desktop or notebook PC account. A complete installation of Microsoft Office 2010
Instructor: Maurice E. Kennedy, Jr., is a Senior Programmer Analyst, Database Administrator and corporate trainer with a career
that spans more than thirty years. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania and has numerous industry
level IT certifications. He is a participating contractor in several online development marketplace environments including oDesk,
Guru and Rent-A-Coder. Through his company, Data Processing Professionals, he offers programming support along with
individual and group online distance learning training in business solution development using Excel and Access. Mr. Kennedy currently
serves as the DBA for PASCEP.
CEP #406 • African American Genealogy and History • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This course is for the serious student who desires to know more about their ancestors, or to further enhance
current communications. Besides class instruction, students will also receive additional free, one-on-one
instruction on the second Saturday of each month at the National Archives in Center City.
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Tamera C.J. Baggett has been a professional genealogist since the 1980s. She is a graduate of Temple University, where she
earned a double major in psychology and criminal justice along with a minor in Latin American studies and Spanish for health and human
CEP #424 • Coaching for Your New Business • (8 Weeks)
(5:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.)
This course will provide tips on how to avoid pitfalls in business. Participants will gain millennial skills for
business such as audience captivation and financial forecasting. In addition, participants will be able to access
free tools to market their business locally and globally.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Michelle Snow is an expert in Career and Business Development Coaching, formerly a Human Resource professional at
Aramark LLC, Michelle was part of their comprehensive design team responsible for developing and implementing national on-boarding
and new-hire processes. In addition, at Merck, Michelle led Corporate Training, overseeing training and development for more 1,200
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Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
CEP #123-C • Creating Professional Spreadsheets • (10 Weeks)
“Microsoft Office Excel 2010 with embedded VBA, SQL and DAO”
(6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. )
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of how to create stunning and effective spreadsheets using
Excel 2010. All of the basic terminology, concepts and techniques are learned as students create workbooks
from scratch. Elements include formatting cells for appearance/value, named ranges, using raw data,
functions, protection, auto-fill, formulas, absolute and relative reference, report formatting, graphics, charts,
hyper-links, data-validation, worksheet protection, pivot tables and charts, macros, Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) and much more. Students will be required to complete homework assignments using
Excel 2010 and will be instructed to access various Websites for further clarification and explanation.
Fee: $50
Student Limit: 15
Requirement: An administrator desktop or notebook PC account. A complete installation of Microsoft Office 2010.
Instructor: Maurice E. Kennedy, Jr., is a Senior Programmer Analyst, Database Administrator and corporate trainer with a career
that spans over 30 years. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania and has numerous industry level IT
certifications. He is a participating contractor in several online development marketplace environments including oDesk, Elance,
Guru and Rent-A-Coder. Through his company, Data Processing Professionals, he offers programming support along with individual
and group online distance learning training in business solution development using Excel and Access. Mr. Kennedy currently serves as
the DBA for PASCEP.
CEP #272 • Line Dancing • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
It has been proven that dancing and listening to music reduces stress, facilitates changes in brain chemistry,
heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rates and in other processes to aid in relaxation, alertness and allows for
the release of tension in a non-destructive way. Learn the latest line dances along with the Bop and the ChaCha from one of Philadelphia’s premiere dancers and dance instructors. The class performs in a dance group
presentation at PASCEP’s semester-end program.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Terrence Biggs is a life-long PASCEP student and has taught the class for several years.
CEP-#395 • SCANDAL: Crisis Leadership-Leader Shaping Through the Eyes of Olivia Pope • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
“Scandal,” the hit show on Thursday’s ABC prime time television, entertains us each week as an American
political thriller and series starring Kerry Washington. The drama has direct correlation to strategic leadership
and execution, decision-making, critical thinking, crisis management and ways to stimulate change in your
life. In this course, leadership just got fun, entertaining, stylish and a bit scandalous, and provides you with the
opportunity to learn how to answer one of the most vital questions you will ever be asked: “Are you willing to
better your best?”
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Damian D.” Skipper” Pitts, a U.S. Marine turned management consultant and the founder of The Prometheus Leadership
Experience, has authored fourteen business, self-help and team building publications. Skipper works with various business sectors to
stimulate change and help leaders understand how to achieve the competitive advantages they need.
CEP #194 • Computer Repair • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
This course is designed to teach the basic concepts of how to fix personal computers. Students will learn the
fundamental concepts of computer hardware and software maintenance with emphasis on how to trouble shoot
network connection issues as they relate to the internet. This course is based on the A+ Certification curriculum.
Fee: $50
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Don Shappelle is a Temple University Information Technology Specialist. He received his Master’s in Information Science and
Technology from Temple University.
Instructor: Adam Pasqua Blaisse is a Temple University student who works for Temple University as a CRC technician and a CIS
undergraduate researcher.
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Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
CEP #411 • How to Publish Your Book (8 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
If you are serious about getting your book published, then this is the class for you. Publishing like most things
requires diligence, focus and the ability to see yourself with a completed book in hand. Each week there will be
assignments and a step in the process. In the end you should know all you need to know to become a published
author. You do not have to be a celebrity to get published because you can do it yourself.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Ann P. Martin received an M.S.W. from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a retired Program Analyst and Social Worker
from the City of Philadelphia, an author and publisher of “More Than Surviving Your Education I and II.”
CEP #213-A • Basic Design / Sewing • (8 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
This is a course in basic, flat pattern drafting and sewing. Students will have fun creating their own fashion
statement, whether in a garment, tote bag, kufi or other item. Creative uses of African and Afro-centric fabrics
will be emphasized. Tips on entrepreneurship will be included.
Fee: $40
Student Limit: 15
Requirements: Basic sewing skills. Bring a portable sewing machine to class.
Instructor: Rebecca Gaskin is a retired professional freelance fashion designer for more than thirty years. She is a fashion show
coordinator and consultant for weddings and churches.
CEP #271 • Hip-Hop 101 • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
Are you tired of commercialized rap? Are you fed up with “bling-bling?” Do you appreciate tight flows, lyrical
dexterity, off-the-head free-styling, battle rhyming, skillful writing and creative head noddin’ beats? Do you
love and live Hip-Hop? If your answer to any of these questions is yes and you like those who perform the
“lyrical miracle” then Hip-Hop 101 is for you. In this course we will listen to, discuss, debate and critique many
“underground” artists and their rhymes. In addition, we will have some impressive celebrity speakers.
Fee: $10.00
Student Limit: 40
Instructor: Michael Coard, Esquire is a criminal lawyer and university professor. Mr. Coard instructs a course entitled “Hip Hop: A Race
Class and Gender Perspective. Mr. Coard has taught the Hip-Hop 101 course at (PASCEP) Pan- African Studies Community Education
Program for the past several years. Hip Hop involves thoughtful lyricism, effective writing, oral dexterity, quick witted improvisation and
frequent cultural consciousness and is based on rhythmic soul that is inherent in everyone.
CEP #412• French Oral Communication I • (10 Weeks)
(7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
A small survey conducted of a non-formal field of high-school and college level students revealed that many
individuals would like to learn the French language. Unfortunately, many of them were unable to master more
than five sentences after one or two years of study in school. For the majority questioned, their response to the
problem seemed to reside in the teaching methodologies of their previous instructors. This course will offer the
participants an opportunity to express themselves freely with the communication elements learned. With this
interactive approach, students will rediscover the pleasure of the French language.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Fedner Edouard is an educator with fifteen years’ experience. He has been an instructor at the University Episcopal in Haiti for
more than five years at the faculty of Science of Education. He holds an M.A. in conflict resolution and peace building with the University of
Notre Dame in Haiti.
CEP #422 • English 101 • (10 Weeks)
(5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
This is a course in academic writing which offers students an introduction to university level writing, Students
will learn to articulate a position and convey thoughts into written word in a clear and concise context using:
basic writing skills, development of sentences as building blocks, formatting paragraphs, revising and editing. A
review of parts of speech, grammar, and punctuation will also be covered to assist in the writing process. For
anyone interested in preparation for college writing assessment, SAT/GED writing components, or writing as a
profession, this course is for you.
Fee: $30
Student Limit: 25
Instructor: Diane L. Spencer has a B.A. degree in English from Franklin and Marshall College. She has held the position of Center
Director for the West Philadelphia Community Center and Program Director of PPY (Pregnant and Parenting Youth), a GED based program
for teen parents.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Mission Statement
The mission of the Pan-African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP) is to
provide continuing and basic adult education services to the community at nominal cost
through the cooperative efforts of the resources of Temple University and volunteer faculty.
The motto of PASCEP is “Keeping the Community Informed.”
The mission is achieved through the following services:
Life skills, college preparatory, liberal arts and technical education
Courses to prepare adults for the General Educational Development (GED)
Basic adult literacy preparation (BAL / ABE)
Tutorial services, educational counseling and referral services
Free public seminars and forums for the community and university
Collaborative projects with campus and community organizations
Consultancy / resource sharing with community-based organizations
schools and libraries
Service learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
Brief Program History
The Pan-African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP) is a unique and multifaceted program founded in 1975 by the late Annie D. Hyman, a Temple University graduate and
North Philadelphia community activist, who sought to bring the university to the community.
Prior to coming to Temple in 1979, the Community Education Program was held in neighborhood
schools, churches and centers. University faculty, most of whom were from the Pan-African
Studies Department of the College of Arts and Sciences of Temple University, volunteered time to
teach classes. Ms. Hyman later obtained the support of Dr. Odeyo Ayaga, who was then the PanAfrican Studies Department chair, to seek Temple University’s sponsorship of the program. In the
Spring of l979, the university incorporated the Program and PASCEP became the community
outreach component of the Temple University Pan-African Studies Department, subsequently renamed the African American Studies Department.
Faculty of Pan-African Studies and other departments continued to volunteer time to teach courses for
PASCEP: Dr. Rita Smith, Dr. Tran Van Dinh, Professor Sonia Sanchez, Professor Jacqueline
Mungai, Dr. Barbara Hampton, of Pan-African Studies; Dr. Audrey Pittman and Dr. Thaddeus
Mathis of the School of Social Administration; and Dr. Wilbert Roget, of the Department of
French and Italian, among others, including Afro musicologist, Harrison Ridley, Jr. of WRTI-FM.
Pan-African Studies Department undergraduate students also served as tutors and literacy
Since 1975 PASCEP has offered almost 400 courses, 300 lectures and seminars and almost 100
workshops. PASCEP has given a voice to many volunteer faculty members who come from
myriad professions and all walks of life. None of this could have been done without the support
and direction of the previous administrators: Jacqueline Mungai and Maisha Sullivan-Ongoza,
who served as Program Coordinators; and Muriel Feelings, who served as the first Program
Director of PASCEP. Today, all of PASCEP’s courses continue to be taught by volunteer
professionals from the community whose purpose is to educate the community at large and give
back to others what they have received in knowledge, skill, inspiration and example.
Fall 2014 Course and Program Guide
Recognizing Two More of PASCEP’s Finest
Fredia Banks is a retired social worker for the City of Philadelphia who provided 25 years of dedicated
service. She graduated from Wilberforce University in 1974 where she
earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Fredia was the Assistant Program
Director for the Wissahickon Unit of the Metropolitan Boys Club of
Philadelphia from September 1974 to April 1980. She supervised a diverse
portfolio of school age day care programs as well as the summer youth
employment initiative. From 1980 to 1989, Fredia was a community
organizer for the Neighborhood Block Captains Association where she
lived in Mt. Airy. She has worked with the Shared Food Program sponsored
by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In the mid to late 1990’s Fredia
attended several PASCEP courses including Hair Storee, Crochet and
Computer Literacy. In her continuing quest to serve the community, Fredia
joined the PASCEP GED program in 2011 and presently volunteers as a
Social Studies instructor. Her public service legacy has included positions
in Chicago, IL and Dayton, OH where she worked for the Public School System counseling pregnant
teens and facilitating youth employment. Fredia is currently in the process of developing a Rites of
Passage program for young teenage girls and has been elected Vice-President of the Neighborhood Block
Captains Association.
Damian D. “Skipper” Pitts is a retired U.S. Marine Corps Officer who
serves as chair of the organizational development practice at N2Growth, a
Delaware corporation offering a broad array of leadership development,
talent management, executive coaching, and personal/corporate branding
services. N2Growth has practice areas in leadership development, CEO
coaching & mentoring, CEO and board level executive search, social
media, personal branding and reputation management. Skipper holds a
Ph.D. from Wake Forest in Organizational Behavior Studies, a Bachelor’s
degree from the University of South Carolina, and has been an instructor
with PASCEP since 2009. His course; "SCANDAL: Crisis Leadership –
Leader Shaping Through the Eyes of Olivia Pope”; is a very popular and
fun course that has consistently booked early every semester. Known for building congruence between
leadership, strategy and execution, Skipper has a unique ability to drive process transformation in a
manner that fundamentally changes the lens of leadership. Skipper possesses a highly effective leadership
style along with an edgy unconventional wisdom, making him a highly skilled strategist. As a leader,
advisor, author and instructor, his advice and teachings have given insight to business executives at
Fortune 100/500 companies across the United States and Canada. Skipper is the author of eight books,
more than 50 journals, and 13 publications. Recognized for his ability to use military stratagem to
increase leadership influence and to win culture change, Skipper has dedicated his life to demonstrating
how collaborative, focused leadership is the difference between driving change, or just allowing change
to pass you by. Prior to joining N2Growth, Skipper was the president and chief executive officer of the
Bison Group, a consulting firm which he founded and operated for 10 years.