Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © Solid-State 13C NMR Analysis of Sulfonated Polystyrene * C. R. Martins , F. Hallwass Departamento de Química Fundamental, CCEN, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitária, 50740-540 Recife-PE, Brazil Y. M. B. De Almeida Departamento de Engenharia Química, CTG, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitária, 50740-540 Recife-PE, Brazil M.-A. De Paoli Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6154, 13084-971 Campinas-SP, Brazil Keywords: Polystyrene, NMR, Carbon-13 Solid State Abstract: Atactic polystyrene (PS) has an amorphous structure. Compounds such as H2SO4 and SO3 are commonly used as sulfonating agents for various polymers, including PS. The main purpose of this work is to study chemical structural changes in PS arising from sulfonation through DSC analysis and NMR spectroscopy. An increase in the glass transition temperature (Tg) of sulfonated polystyrene and a decrease of proton relaxation time in the rotating frame (T1ρH) in relation to pure polystyrene were observed. These findings indicate a reduction in the mobility of chains due to strong interaction between the polymers. The variation of heat capacity (∆Cp) was evaluated to confirm strong interactions with ~SO3H groups. Resumo: O poliestireno atático apresenta estrutura amorfa. Compostos tais como H2SO4 ou SO3 são comumente usados como agentes de sulfonação para vários polímeros, principalmente para o PS. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar as mudanças estruturais provocadas no poliestireno (PS) devido à reação de sulfonação, empregando a análise térmica por DSC e a espectroscopia de RMN. Foi observado um aumento na temperatura de transição vítrea do poliestireno sulfonado e uma diminuição no tempo de relaxação do hidrogênio no referencial rotatório (T1ρH) em relação ao PS puro, indicando a redução da mobilidade das cadeias devido a forte interação entre os polímeros. A variação da capacidade calorífica (∆Cp) foi calculada a fim de confirmar as fortes interações com os grupos ~SO3H. Introduction exchange materials, membranes for reverse osmosis The sulfonation of polystyrene with sulfonic acid groups has been demonstrated to be an 2 and ultrafiltration. Ever since, sulfonated polystyrene has been growing in various industrial, 3,4 domestic and medical effective route to compatibilize polystyrene with applications. various membrane for several electrochemical uses, example, nitrogen-containing polyamides, 1 polyaniline). Because polymers conducting of their (for polymers: interesting It also has been studied as a 5 such as fuel cells. Sulfonation of polystyrene has been studied 3,4,6 chemical and mechanical properties, these by a number of researchers compounds industrial relationship between the chemical structure and applications, such as , in the production of properties of this polymer are scarce. What is compatible blends of non-miscible polymers, ion known is that such relationship is based on the have a number of - 46 - ; but data on the Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © o microstructures of each polymer. However, it is Polystyrene was sulfonated in CH2Cl2 at 40 C important to consider inter and intramolecular with acetyl sulfate according to our patented phenomena, as well as the microstructures and procedure. The main steps for sulfonation PS molecular dynamic motions of these polymers were as follows: 9 for a better understanding. Solid-state nuclear magnetic Acetyl sulfate solution preparation resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is a powerful analytical This solution was prepared by mixing a fixed technique in materials science, especially for the amount of dichloromethane and acetic anhydride characterization the under inert atmosphere (N2). The solution was of cooled to 0 C and 95-97% sulfuric acid was investigated in detail the carefully added. This reaction mixture (Figure structure of PS in solution, measuring T1 and T2. 1a) was stirred until a homogeneous and clear Information about the structure as well as the solution was obtained at room temperature. molecular dynamics can be obtained to establish During the preparation, an excess of acetic correlations between the microscopic structure anhydride was used to scavenge any trace of and macroscopic properties. water, if present. The acetyl sulfate was freshly molecular and dynamic 7 polymers. 8 Heatley investigation interaction of process o prepared prior to each sulfonation reaction. The main purpose of this work is to study the structural changes in PS, arising from Sulfonation reaction sulfonation, and also to characterize this polymer through differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) Different amounts of PS were dissolved in and NMR spectroscopy. CH2Cl2 (different volumes) in a three-neck Experimental round-bottomed flask (6 L) equipped with mechanical stirring, thermometer and separator Polymer preparation funnel. The flask containing the solution was heated The starting polymer was an (Piramidal Termoplásticos) with to o 40 C in order to obtain total PS solubilization of PS and purged with N2 for 30 M n = 33.000 min. A freshly prepared acetyl sulfate solution atactic was added using the separator funnel. The -1 M w / M n = 4.9 and was used as reaction mixture (Figure 1b) was maintained at received. Sulfuric acid (95-97 %, Merck), acetic 40 C under stirring for 2 h. The solution became anhydride (Synth, p.a.), dichloromethane (Synth, clear after adding the sulfonation agent. The p.a.), 2-propanol (Synth, p.a.), NaOH (Vetec), reaction was interrupted by adding an excess of methanol (Synth, p.a.) and KHC8H4O4 (Qeel, 2-propanol for 30 min and then cooling to room p.a.) were used as received without further temperature. Finally, the sulfonated polymer was purification. isolated. g.mol and o 47 Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © O O (CH3C)2O + CH3COOH H2SO4 + (A) CH3COSO3H O O ~x (CH2CH)~ + CH2 yCH3COSO3H CH CH2 CH + CH3COH (B) x y SO3H Figure 1. Reaction scheme of homogeneous sulfonation: (A) acetysulfate generation and (B) sulfonation of PS. DSC measurements PS-SO3H isolation was DSC measurements were performed in a TA dependent on the sulfonation level. PS-SO3H Instruments 2100 analyzer from 30 to 250 C at was precipitated by dripping the preparation 10 C min under N2 and using approximately 10 solution into a large volume of boiling water, mg of sample. All samples were submitted to a followed by washing several times with water (to first heating stage (30 to 250 C at 10 C min ) eliminate the solvent and hydrolyze the acetyl followed by an isotherm for 5 min at 250 C, sulfate). Afterwards, the product was filtered and cooling to 30 C at 10 C min , isotherm for 5 min dried under vacuum up to constant weight. The at 30 C and a second heating cycle (30 to 250 C PS-SO3H was stored in a desiccator containing at The method of isolating PS-SO3H 4 CaCl2, because of its extremely hygroscopic o o -1 o o -1 o o o -1 o o o -1 10 C min ), to evaluate irreversible 10 transitions. nature. NMR measurements Sulfonation level determination Solid state NMR spectra were obtained on a The sulfonation level of PS-SO3H samples was Varian Unity plus 300 spectrometer operating at determined by titration with a standard 0.01 mol 75.4 MHz for -1 13 C. All NMR experiments were L NaOH solution in methanol. All titrations were carried out at probe room temperature. A carried out by dissolving 150 mg of PS-SO3H in zirconium oxide rotor of 5 mm diameter with Kel– 15 mL of methanol. The sulfonation degree (x) is F caps was used to acquire NMR spectra and at expressed as mole percent of the sulfonated a spinning speed of 5 kHz. The aromatic signal styrene repeating units, PS-xSO3H. In this work, of hexamethylbenzene was used to determine the sulfonation degrees used were 12.0, 22.0 the and 25.0 mole %. polarization and to calibrate the carbon chemical 48 Hartmann–Hahn condition for cross- Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © shift scale (methyl group carbons were 17.3 amorphous. So, this endothermic peak could be ppm). angle simply due to the relaxation process. These C NMR spectra were transitions are irreversible, as shown in Figures recorded with 5 s of delay between 90° pulses 2a and 2b for the second heating run. In (6.0 µs). The acquisition time was typically 50 contrast, the glass transition temperature of PS- ms; spectral width of 50 kHz; 400 scans were SO3H is shifted to higher temperatures, as recorded proton compared to pure PS (from 100 to 140 C).To relaxation time in the rotating frame (T1ρH) elucidate this phenomenon, we evaluated the measurements, we used the normal cross- variation of heat capacity (∆Cp, Table 1). The polarization pulse sequence. The magnetization decrease initially builds up to a maximum due to de transition for these samples can be considered carbon-proton dipolar interactions, and the signal as an indicator of the increase of structural decays exponentially to equilibrium with time rigidity of the materials as a function of the Cross-polarization spinning (CP/MAS) for constant T1ρH with magic 13 each spectrum. For 11 . Thus T1ρH can be obtained o of ∆Cp observed during glass 13 increase of the amount of sulfonic groups. from a semilog plot of the intensity as a function of spin-locking time (τ) after the signals have 12 reached their maximum intensity. NMR 13 C chemical shift The spin-lock time was set up from 0.2 to 20 ms (0.2, 1.0, 2.0, Figure 3 shows the 13 C CP/MAS NMR 4.0, 8.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ms). NMR analyses were spectrum of commercial PS recorded at room carried out at room temperature and the sample temperature. To correctly assign the signals of did not undergo any thermal treatment. PS we used the previously described data in the literature. 14,15 Resonances at 146 and 128 ppm were assigned to non-protonated and protonated Results and Discussion aromatic carbons, respectively. Methylene and methine carbon resonances were ascribed to DSC measurements signals at 46 and 41 ppm, respectively. DSC curves for PS and PS-SO3H are shown in All observed resonance lines were very Figure 2. Both samples of PS-SO3H show an broad, as the material is an amorphous polymer. o endothermic peak at 130 C in the first heating, Generally, atactic polyolefins are non-crystalline which could be assigned to the presence of because sulfonated groups in the polymer chains. As stereoregularity. In the case of non-crystalline expected, they cannot be assigned to crystalline polymer, the chemical shift would be observed at melting some averaged position between trans and because X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that both PS-SO3H samples are 4 of the lack 16 gauche conformations. of long regular Nakoaki et. al. have shown that the methylene signal of syndiotactic amorphous. This behavior cannot be assigned to the PS (sPS), atactic PS (aPS), and isotactic PS melting of pure PS either, because PS is also (iPS) produced distinguished peaks in NMR 49 Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 at 46.0, 45.6, ppm, signals appeared as a small shoulder at ca. 45 respectively. In our measurements, methylene ppm , confirming that the polymer is a PS. and 45.0 16 15 PS-SO3H PS 10 Heat Flow (mW) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 (a) -20 -25 -30 50 100 150 200 250 o Temperature / C 2 PS PS-SO3H 0 Heat Flow (mW) spectra AUREMN © -2 (b) -4 -6 -8 50 100 150 200 250 o Temperature / C Figure 2. DSC curves for PS and PS-22SO3H: (a) first heating run and (b) second heating run. 49 Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © Table 1. DSC results for PS and PS- 22.0SO3H. a o b b a 98.44 Cp (below ) / (J/g o -1 C ) 1.17 Cp (after ) / (J/g o -1 C ) 1.93 ∆Cp / o -1 (J/g C ) 0.33 139.70 0.87 1.51 0.28 Samples Tg / C PS PS-22.0SO3H a calculated at second heating run (DSC curve); b calculated from heat flow below and after glass transition according to ASTM E 1269-95. * * * Figure 3. MAS The NMR * * * 13 C spectrum of PS pure (* spinning side bands). 13 C spectrum after the sulfonation Measurements of T1ρH relaxation times reaction is shown in Figure 4. This spectrum clearly shows a new signal at 139 ppm. It can be The plots of the T1ρH measurements of assigned to the chemical shift of the carbon selected carbons in pure PS and PSS are given 17 bonding to the SO3 group , as expected, to the in Figure 5, and the corresponding T1ρH values sulfonated polymer. Methylene, methine and are summarized in Table 2. The relaxation aromatic process of T1ρH follows an exponential function carbon, except for the carbon substituting the sulfonated group, were not or only slightly influenced by the presence of this group. Signals width did not allow us to make small changes to the electronic density and carbon chemical shift. In this way, the signals in PSS spectra are an average of both polymer PSS and PS. 51 ln[M(τ)/M0] = -τ/ T1ρH, where M0 is the maximum magnetization, M(τ) is the magnetization in τ time and the T1ρH values can be determined from the slopes in the plots of ln[M(τ)/M0] against τ .18 Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © * * * * Figure 4. .MAS 13 C spectrum of the PS-22SO3H sample. 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 ln[M(τ)/M0] ln[M(τ)/M0] ln[M(τ)/M0] * * -2 -3 -4 0 2 4 6 8 10 -4 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ (ms) τ (ms) τ (ms) (b) (a) 13 Figure 5. Logarithmic plots of C resonance intensities as a function of spin-lock time τ for PS (■), PS-12SO3H (●), PS-22SO3H (▲) and PS-25SO3H (◄) at room temperature; (a) for the signal at 41 ppm and (b) for the signal at128 ppm. The slope yields the proton relaxation time in the rotating frame T1ρH. 53 Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © Table 2. Proton relaxation time in the rotating frame values for Group 13 C of PS and PS-xSO3H. T1ρH (ms) PS PS-12SO3H PS-22SO3H PS-25SO3H C methylene-methine 5.6 4.8 4.2 4.0 C protonated aromatic 5.8 5.0 4.8 4.2 estimated error ≤ 5% Analyzing T1ρH values through the slopes we T1ρH indicated that the presence of the sulfonic observed that the carbons showed different group in the PS polymer chain causes an values depending on the sulfonation degree. increase of rigidity (Table 2). This result shows They can be attributed to the fact that the that the ~SO3H group acts like a crosslinking microstructure has different molecular mobility agent of PS polymer. The sulfonation reaction and consequently belongs to different domains. could be also accompanied by the sulfone Comparing T1ρH values to pure PS with different formation by following crosslinking reaction PSx-SO3H, we find a significant decrease of this between two sulfonic groups of different PS- parameter. For rigid polymer systems, i.e. below SO3H units either by intermacromolecular or glass transition temperatures (Tg), T1ρH provides intramacromolecular mechanisms. information about the level of heterogeneity and probable crosslinking reaction mechanism is mobility. Under the condition of efficient spin shown in Figure 6. The tendency to crosslinking 21 The most reaction is probably increased with increasing 19 diffusion , T1ρH can be directly related to the sizes of molecular domains , and the decrease content of molecular mobility leads to a reduction of T1ρ increasing concentration of the sulfonating agent H values, due to longer time to magnetization in the polymer solution and also with increasing 20 1 transfer from H to of sulfonic 21 reaction temperature. 13 C. The smaller values of CH2 CH CH2 SO3H CH - H2SO4 O S O + SO3H CH2 CH2 CH CH Figure 6. Crosslinking reaction of PS-SO3H. 53 group and also with Ann. Magn. Reson. Vol. 6, Issues 1/2, 46-55, 2007 AUREMN © Previous studies revealed that yields near 30% Brazilian scientific financial support agency of sulfone were obtained for reactions at a CNPq and FACEPE. o temperature range from 70 to 80 C and the sulfone content increases to ca. 50%, when the References reaction was carried out within the interval from 1. A. Molnar, A. Eisenberg, Polym. 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