January 2013 Spring is here – ok, the spring semester is here. At the Campus House, we implement many of the ministry aspects that have consistently affected the lives of university students. IMMERSE – our weekly worship – comes each Wednesday at 7 pm as we sing, pray, and discuss “From on High” – Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount. Tuesday Lunch, an excellent social outreach to students, feeds many each week and provokes important conversations to lead to lasting relationships. Our INVEST studies (small groups) reintroduce titles like ”Sav*vy”, “How to Lead a Small Group”, “Manly”, “Trees”, “Compass”, and “The Story” a New Testament survey. Student-led prayer groups meet 5 days each week to purposefully ask God for guidance. Service projects round out the weekly schedule as we visit hospital patients, volunteer at Watauga Square Apartments, and help ETSU’s international students. A team is developing to serve Jesus on a domestic field this summer. We invite many to our high-activity Thursday Night Live in order to establish relationships. Please pray for wisdom, energy, and courage as we work to meet needs – both temporal and eternal – in the lives of university students. Who’s at ETSU? Tell us who has come to ETSU’s campus this semester. If you know students who have ventured to other universities, check out www.aofcm.org for the Christian Church campus ministry at that school. Acting Globally Katie Guthrie, a recent graduate from Emmanuel Christian Seminary has come to work alongside the Campus House with a specific focus on ministering to the growing international student population at ETSU. She is supported by her home congregation in Nebraska. Quite a Group These men and women of the CSF Advisory Board invest in the oversight of the ministry: Brad Warfield - Crossroads Christian Church David Meredith - Central Holston Christian Church Robbie Johnson - West Side Christian Church Brett Hyder - Lifebridge Christian Church Tom Fife - Central Christian Church, Jonesborough John Davis - West Hills Christian Church Brad Cole - Avoca Christian Church Josh Church - Blue Springs Christian Church Ken Brackett - Buffalo Valley Christian Church Jeff Sommers - Boones Creek Christian Church Paula Manning - First Christian Church, Elizabethton Mary Ann Jobe - Walnut Christian Church Roy Huskins - First Christian Church, Johnson City Kay Heck - Alumni Representative Chris Coleman - Grandview Christian Church Penny Cochran - Alumni Representative Larry Buckingham - Hales Chapel Christian Church Amy Allen - East Unaka Christian Church Mike Luzadder and Trivia Riddle comprise the ministry staff. The student leadership, the Servant Team, is Tiffany, Leah, Sarah, Isaac, Felicia, Cameron, and Kelly. Breaking Ground We expect to break ground on the Campus House addition in early February. We welcome all to a brief ceremony, celebrating God’s provision, when we have determined the time. Watch your facebook and email. Financially Speaking All supporting congregations receive with this letter CSF’s Budget for 2013 and CSF’s 2012 Financial Report. Here’s a summary of the financial report: In 2012 CSF received gifts of $86,514 in ministry support. Additionally, $33,884 was given toward the building project. With the increase in ministry staff, CSFs’ 2012 expenses totaled $90,031 leaving a balance of $6,116 with which to begin 2013. God continues to provide for our needs, although we consistently look for financial partners. Let us know if we can visit your congregation for an update or appeal. If you would like a copy of the full report, you may request it from campushouse.etsu@gmail.com. www.campushouse.org