CEBU INTERNATIONAL DISTANCE EDUCATION COLLEGE ember : of On-line Education (WAOE) & Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) No. 11 WILSON corner PASTEUR STREETS World Association re,Nos..gLti$E:Hr:ls;H',tl'J ji::&2-231-8800 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Major in MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS Course No. Course Title Credit Units Professor I. l_,AW 1 I-.AW ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS Three (3) units Danilo P. Cafiet€, CPA, MBA COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed for the business students to learn the basic concepts and principles of law in general: their meanings, source, legal systems, and classifications. This includes the statement of objectives in studying commercial laws, the main poftion of which is devoted to the study of obligations and contracts under civil code of the Philippines, including natural obligations. II. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students are expected to: A. Cognitive: 1. Describe the fundamental laws of obligations and contracts. B. Affedive 2. Explain the impoftance of learning the laws of obligations and contracts in dealing with the day-to-day activities especially in business activities. C. Psychomotor 3. Conceptualize the law in actual situations. HI.-COURSE CONTENT Module I Chapter 1: THE IAW IN GENERAL r Its definition, concepts and sources r Its classifications and essential elements . Roles and categories of managers Chapter 2: THE LAW ON MERCHANTS . Standard of care to be exercised by the debtor, the creditors rights to the presentation and the debtors obligation to deliver. o Kinds of delay and when incurred, sources of liability, presumption and remedies of creditor against the debtor. Transmissibility of rights. . Module 2 Chapter 3: KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS o Pure and conditional obligations . Obligations with a period o Alternative obligations o Joint and solidary obligations o Divisible and indivisible obligations . Obligations with a penal clause Module 3 Chapter 4: EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATIONS . Payment of performance . Loss of the thing used o Condonation or remission of the debt o Confusion or merger of rights o Compensation o Novation Chapter 5: NATURAL OBLIGATIONS o Definition . Effects of obligations in general Module 4 Chapter 6: CONTRACTS IN GENERAL o Definition and terms o Essential requisites a. Consent b. Object or subject matter c. Cause or consideration Module 5 Chapter 7: FORMS OF CONTRACT o General rule as to form of contracts o Contracts in certain form . Contracts in public document Chapter B: REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS o Concepts of reformation o Cases when reformation is proper or not o Interpretation of contracts a. Rules in the interpretation of a contract b. Exceptions to the rule Module 6 Chapter 9: DEFECTIVE CONTRACTS o Rescissible contract . Voidable contract o Unenforceable contract . Void or inexistent contract o Extra contractual obligations o Quasi contracts o Negotiorum gestion o Duties and obligations of the gestor o Solution indebiti o Other quasi-contractual relations o Quasi delicts o Damage and its kinds rv, INSTRUCTTONAL DESTGN IMETHODOLOGY (on-rineand/ormodurar) : ::[T V. ::'ffil::,men,s :o Case Analysis o APPlications LEARNING TASKS . o o . o o Reading for references Experiential sharing Case Analyses Written examinations Presentation of research assignment Power point presentation VI. EVALUATIVE M EASURES o Quizzes. . r r r r . r , r r r . r ..25a/o - Pre-Test - Quiz - Simple Exercises o ResearchAssignment.,.,,..25o/o - Talkback Essay - Project o PostTgst. r , . r r r r r r r . r r .50o/o Total vII. 100o/o REFERENCES/BIBLTOGRAPHY 1. Pasimio, Renato, OBLIGAIONS AND CONTMCIS (ANNONATED), National Boostore, Inc. Manila ,2004. 2. De Leon, Hector, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACIS, Rex Bookstore Manila, 2003. 3. CIUL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Manlla. M No. 186,1946 Bureau of Printing,