Clinical: any involvement with patients x x x X Lab x x x x Non-­‐lab or Non-­‐ Clinical (office, library, schools, day cares) x x x x x consult supervisor to determine if this is applicable x x Yes, if located on campus x x x IN THE EVENT OF AN INCIDENT, REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE BHSC OFFICE (MDCL/3308) updated November 18, 2015 x X x X x X Yes, if located outside of Ontario (MOSAIC) Travel .pdf Travel Documentation nizationForm.pdf BHSc Immunization Forms Form.pdf BHSc Ethics Screening Form Record.pdf BHSc Safety Education Record ment/RMM-­‐801-­‐Field-­‐Trip-­‐and-­‐Electives-­‐ Planning-­‐and-­‐Approval-­‐Program-­‐1-­‐36.pdf *** Risk Management dWorkPlacementForms.pdf Unpaid Work Placement Forms Further Training as Advised by Supervisor (MOSAIC) * Fire Safety (MOSAIC) * FHS Hospital Fire Safety (MOSAIC) Office WHMIS (MOSAIC) * FHS WHMIS CORE (MOSAIC) Slips, Trips and Falls Violence and Harassment Preven (MOSAIC) (MOSAIC) Ergonomics FURTHER TRAINING Yes, if applicable, discuss with your supervisor (MOSAIC) FHS Code Awareness T R A I N I N G T O C O M P L E T E For required or elective courses where you complete the majority of your coursework off-­‐campus. If your only off-­‐ campus coursework is an off-­‐site meeting with your supervisor, this form is not required. IMPORTANT NOTE: Coursework at any Hamilton area hospital is considered on campus. (Avenue to Learn) FHS N95 Respirator FIRE SAFETY TRAINING For required courses and only if placement is organized by BHSc. If any of the following is true, you are not required to complete these forms: a) supervisor is a McMaster employee b) you are doing unpaid research as part of your coursework c) you are being paid a salary. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you arrange a placement on your own, this form is not required. (Mosaic) HTH SCI 1BS0 SAFETY TRAINING Yes, if located at McMaster Hospital or off-­‐campus PROJECT TYPE Health and Safety Orientation BHSc Placement/Project/Thesis Requirements F O R M S T O S U B M I T FORMS Safety Training Records can be accessed in MOSAIC and in the FHS Safety Office (HSC 1J11). * NOTES REGARDING FIRE SAFETY AND FHS WHMIS CORE FHS Fire Hospital Safety, Fire Safety and FHS WHMIS CORE must be updated annually. Please submit pages 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Risk Management Form, namely the field trip, checklist, liability waiver and health status forms. You should include a brief description of your placement work that includes the following: placement supervisor, placement organization, city, country, learning objectives, description of your role and if applicable, additional training and/or immunization requirements. *** NOTES REGARDING RISK MANAGEMENT FORM