June, 2014 - Archbishop Molloy High School

The Stanner
Vol. 57, No. 10
Archbishop Molloy High School
JUNE 2014
Together (again) at graduation
By Sarah Stiglianese '14
Brilliant. Motivated. Humble.
Gracious. Leader.
These are just some of the
words used by teachers, classmates, and friends to describe
Valedictorian Samantha Sattler
and Salutatorian Kristian Mosquito, who spoke to the Class of
2014 at Molloy's graduation ceremony on June 8 in the Colden
Auditorium at Queens College.
This top-ranked academic duo
not only went through four years
at Molloy together, but kindergarten and grade school, too.
Both were junior lectors at the
same parish and part of Science
Olympiad and Math League.
Sattler was proud to be able to
share the stage with Mosquito.
“It is fitting that we complete
the second academic chapter of
our lives side by side," she said.
"I thank Our Lady of Snows for
giving us our foundation.”
Mosquito added, “I remember
the summer before freshman
year when we discussed the future and what high school would
be like for us. It seems like such
a long time ago."
Assistant Principal Ms. Mary
Ann Safrey said Sattler and
Mosquito were the top two students by a large margin.
After telling them they were
the top two students in the Class
of 2014, Ms. Safrey was glad to
see how genuinely delighted but
Valedictorian Samantha Sattler and Salutatorian Kristian Mosquito pose
before the Class of 2014 mural in the Art Room. (Photo by Jordi Sevilla ‘14)
also surprised and extremely
modest both of them were.
Mosquito credited his success
to a true interest in learning.
“If you enjoy learning something, not only will it be less of a
hassle to learn, but you will retain the information better because you actually like the
topic,” he said.
Sattler credited her parents,
who gave her a good work ethic,
a lot of encouragement, and the
opportunity to have success. She
also thanked her sister for helping her choose to go to Molloy.
“I also am forever grateful to
the Molloy teachers who have
provided continual advice and
guidance,” she said.
Mr. Mike Harrison, who
worked with Mosquito in the
Chess Club for four years, said,
“He’s extremely organized in his
studies and as team captain. Although I’ve never had the honor
of teaching him, he’s such a
pleasant individual to work with
that he's a student any teacher
would want to have.”
Mr. Jim Sheehan, who taught
Sattler in AP Composition, said,
“Sam has an intelligence that is
not only piercing, but astonishingly precise. But more importantly, she is both wonderful
and compassionate.”
Ms. Kristen DeSantis, who
chose Sattler as one of her Peer
Group Leaders, said, “I am consistently wowed by her ability to
balance her incredible insight
with her down-to-earth, relatable, encouraging nature. She
has chosen a career that will allow her to improve the lives of
others and I feel she did that
here every day at Molloy.”
Classmates are just as impressed with them.
“Samantha has been my best
Continued on Page 2
Davis and Moss named top senior athletes
Basketball captain C.J. Davis received the Curran Award as the top
senior male athlete.
By Anna Poulakas '14
Basketball player Christopher
J. Davis, Jr. and softball player
Taylor Moss received the
Curran Award for being the outstanding male and female athlete in the Class of 2014 at
Molloy's 12th Annual Athletic
Awards Night on May 22.
Athletic Director Mr. Mike
McCleary said, “It is always
tough to choose the winners because there are so many great
candidates to choose from.”
Moss was a four-year varsity
player who was team captain as
a senior.
She was a four-time AllQueens and a three-time AllCity player and a member of
teams that won two Brooklyn/
Queens Championships, two
City Championships and one
State Championship.
“I was so excited," Moss. "It
was such an honor to win the
award, especially because it was
named after Jack Curran. He
was such a great influence on
every athlete at Molloy.”
Next year, Moss will play softball for the College of the Holy
C.J. Davis, after being a member Molloy's City Frosh Championship team, was a three-year
varsity player and team captain
as a senior.
He was a three-time AllQueens and a two-time honorable mention All-City player.
A finalist for the Gatorade Mr.
Basketball for New York State,
Davis scored 1,155 career points,
putting him 11th on Molloy's allcontinued on Page 2
Three-time All-City softball player
Taylor Moss was named the top female athlete in the Class of 2014.
Teachers say their last goodbye
The faculty has some final
words for the Class of 2014.
Mr. Richard Karsten: Congratulations, Class of 2014. You
will always have a special place
in my heart because we started
together in my freshman year as
President. Good luck to you in
college and please keep in touch
with your family at Molloy.
Bro. Thomas Schady: You
graduate with our blessings and
good wishes. We will miss you
and hope that you will miss us.
As high school memories fade,
as they surely will, my hope is
that Archbishop Molloy has
taught you that happiness is not
elusive nor unreal, but rather a
foundation from which all you
do in life will give you meaning
and reason to live each day as a
gift. May God bless you all!
Ms. Mary Ann Safrey: No
one else can bring to the world
what you can with your particular point of view and passion. Be
fearless and accept yourself. You
are one of a kind and the world
needs you now. Aspire to be your
best self every day and you’ll automatically change your universe for the better.
Bro. Eugene Birmingham:
Best Wishes on your graduation
from Molloy. Your concern for
each other is one of a myriad of
your gifts. Thank you for your
concern for the less fortunate
through the activities of Campus Ministry, Esopus Summer
Camps and the St. Marcellin
Champagnat Society. You will
be missed and in my prayers.
Mrs. Terry Burke: The artist sees the world through different eyes. Walt Disney said, “We
keep moving forward, opening
new doors and doing new things
because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down
new paths.” Emile Zola said,
“Live out loud.” I wish for Emily,
Chanel, Abigail, Matt, Albert,
and Branden that they move forward, be curious, open new
doors, and live out loud!
Ms. Danielle Choo: Thank
you for being part of my first
year at Molloy when you were
sophomores. You all are a great
group that I am glad I had the
pleasure of teaching. Congratulations on all of your hard work
to reach graduation. You all
have the ability to continue your
success in your future studies
and careers. Enjoy your summer
and best of luck.
Signora Palmina Dionisi:
It has been a true pleasure getting to know you not only as students but as wonderful young
people who will go out into the
world and do great things. I will
always remember your spirit,
enthusiasm, and goodness. I always will keep you in my
prayers. Wishing you all much
good luck and success in your
studies and in life. Buona
fortuna a tutti!
Mr. Chris Dougherty: I
hope you recall the many great
memories you made during
your years at Stanner High. I
was thrilled to be with you on all
the St. Marcellin, I A.M. Green,
and Anime Club trips, during
the walk to World Trade Center,
the Senior-Faculty games and in
Peer Groups and SMILE.
Thanks for the memories.
Mr. Frank Gambino: All the
best during your college years.
Continue to develop your criti-
Sattler, Mosquito tops in 2014
Continued from Page 1
friend since freshman year and
I am beyond proud of her," said
Cristina Otano. "Although she’s
a hard worker, she’s always been
balanced in all aspects of life and
deserves to be valedictorian.”
Alexandra Caruso said, “Over
the course of four years, I’ve seen
Kristian grow more sensitive and
caring toward everyone. He’s
grown a lot as a person and created an identity that he wanted,
one that was more than just being the smart kid.”
For their graduation speeches,
both reflected on their time at
Molloy and looked to the future.
“I used a lot of wind-themed
imagery in my speech,” said
Mosquito, who made allusions to
Shakespeare’s "The Tempest,"
the film "The Wind Rises," and
the Edgar Lee Masters’s poem
"George Gray."
Sattler's speech stressed the
importance of childhood and instilled hope for the future.
Mosquito will study engineering in CCNY’s Macaulay Honors program.
Sattler will enroll in Siena
College’s BS/MD program and
go to medical school after two
years of undergraduate study.
“I will be exempt from taking
the MCAT and already have a
spot in Albany Medical College,” said Sattler.
Sattler said graduating felt
bittersweet.“I am pained to
know that the time with my best
friends, teachers, and school has
come to an end.”
Said Mosquito, “I’m not upset
about graduating. I accept that
a great four years at Molloy
unfortunately must come to an
end. I think we’re all ready to
move on to the next stage of life.”
cal thinking skills, earn a degree
that’s fulfilling and enables you
to flourish. To the track and
field graduates: May the miles,
jumps, throws and hurdles that
lie ahead continue to guide you
to personal bests.
Bro. Pat Hogan: There is a
legend that says your soul has
been kissed by God and it retains an indelible mark. You are
now Marist by design. We, your
teachers, have planted the seed
and over time you will water it.
What grows will hold the architect of your future. Good luck
and God speed. We will be here
when you come back.
Mr. Charley McKenna: If
college isn’t better than high
school, you’re doing it wrong.
Make of the most it. A special
shout-out goes to the most loyal
and reliable senior editor of The
Stanner, Joana Capistrano.
Ms. Liz Murdocca: You have
been a class of great spirit, personality, individuality and talent. It’s been my pleasure to
teach you as well as learn from
you the past two years. Thanks
for all you brought to Molloy
and all the memories you leave.
To my Spirit Leaders: Thanks
for your tremendous work and
dedication. You were the catalyst who brought out the best in
your classmates. Together you
have created something special
this year. I will miss all of you.
Bro. James Norton: I have
come to know and care for some
of you very much over your time
at Molloy. I’ve seen you at your
best and when things seemed to
be at their worst. You didn't just
survive. You grew in ways you
didn't know you could. It was a
privilege to be part of that in
some way. I am grateful for what
you taught me. I wish you much
happiness in the different paths
that each of you will choose.
When things are difficult, as
they will be at times, remember
that a loving God watches over
you and guides you always.
Mr. Lou Santos: Live life! Be
happy! Be true to yourself! The
rest is easy. Good Luck and God
Bless all Stanners.
Mr. Ed Shannon: To the
Class of 2014: Congratulations!
The best is yet to come.
Mr. Jim Sheehan: Senior
chorus members did superb
work at this year’s spring's concert, which was by far the most
challenging program we've attempted. To my AP Comp students: Rely on your head and
heart. My mother is a fish.
Ms. Andrea Sottas: Always
be true to yourself, give thanks
for your many blessings, and live
by the Golden Rule. Good luck
in all your future endeavors!
Mr. Mark Verdi: I wish all of
you the very best. I am both
happy for your bright future and
sad I won't see you as often.
Ms. Shannon Winters: To
the Class of 2014, and in particular to the members of Theater Arts and Improv Club and
The Stanner Players: You have
made me so proud these past
four years. We have grown together, you have taught me so
much, and I hope I have done
likewise. Best wishes!
Mrs. Leslie Petit: To
Danielle Trotta: I will miss you
visiting me in my office and seeing you in the hallways! Best of
luck at Loyola Maryland!
Senior athletic award winners
Continued from Page 1
time scoring list.
Davis, who will play for Columbia University next year,
said of his Molloy career, “I
loved every minute of it.”
Davis and Moss aren't only
seniors who plan to continue
their athletic careers in college.
Niamani Morrison, who set
15 track and field records while
at Molloy, will compete for the
University of Albany.
Basketballers Nyasha
Irizarry and Jayson Cethoute
will play at Manhattan College
and the University of New Haven, respectively.
The members of the Class of
2014 who won Varsity sports
awards at the Athletic Awards
Night were:
Baseball: MVP: Anthony Cantinella;
Coach’s Award: Dylan Lanigan.
Girls Basketball: MVP: Nyasha
Irizarry; Coach’s Award: Sarah Duryea.
Boys Basketball: MVP: C.J. Davis;
Coach’s Award: Jayson Cethoute.
Boys “B” Basketball: MVP: Michael
Rodriguez; Coach’s Award: Adam
Girls Cross Country: Coach’s Award:
Shannon Lavin.
Boys Cross Country: MVP: Ray Henry;
Coach’s Award: Pat Cashin.
Golf: Coach’s Award: Michael
Lacrosse: MVP: Molly Sasso.
Girls Soccer: MVP: Lauren Viggiano;
Coach’s Award: Candice Forrester.
Boys Soccer: MVP: Denes Kostel;
Coach’s Award: Anthony Iurillo.
Softball: MVP: Taylor Moss.
Girls Step: MVP: Katherine Garcia;
Coach’s Award: Shermaia Cumberbatch.
Boys Step: MVP: Hurmyn Silva; Coach's
Award: Albert Hasan.
Girls Swimming: MVP: Alexandra
Boys Swimming: MVP: Ryan
Boys Tennis: MVP: Wesley Chu.
Girls Track: MVP: Niamani Morrison.
Boys Track: Coach’s Award: Daniel
Volleyball: MVP: Erica Byrne; Coach’s
Award: Emily Noblesala.
Senior Prom 2014
Photos by Jordi Sevilla
The Class of 2014
Alicia Ajodha.............................Pace University
Christian Alarcon..............University at Buffalo
Eric Alerte.............................Cornell University
Joshua Alexander...............St. John’s University
Jason Alli...........................St. John’s University
Chanel Allison.............School of the Visual Arts
Christopher Almeida.....Binghamton University
Danilo Amaro.....................................Undecided
Chan Hee Anh........................NYU Polytechnic
Julia Antignani............................Queens College
Theresa Arcidiacono..................SUNY-Geneseo
Irina Arias...................................Boston College
Jonathan Asanjarani................SUNY-New Paltz
Veronica Badlu.........................................CCNY
Adam Bakatsias.................................Undecided
Jessica Balgobin..........................Hunter College
Jacob Bannon.........................Concordia College
Diana Barrios..................................York College
Jessica Beck................................Queens College
Francesca Bello......................................Geneseo
Brandon Benn...................St. John’s University
Justin Bertea.....................St. John’s University
John Bhattacharji.....................John Jay College
Kyle Bhiro.................................Pace University
Dhanesh Binda......................Cornell University
Adam Binder......................................Undecided
Leah Bisram.......................................Undecided
Nicolette Blandino...............Queensborough CC
Laura Blaszczak.........................Barnard College
Ryan Boller.......................St. John’s University
Orlagh Brady..........................SUNY-New Paltz
Libertina Brandt..............Binghamton University
Thomas Brinskelle.........Binghamton University
Keyshawn Browne....................Molloy College
Adam Bryla......................University at Buffalo
Michael Buckley....................York College (Pa.)
Ryan Budhram......University of South Carolina
Daniela Buzzetta................................Undecided
Derrick Bwalya.........................Pace University
Amelia Byrne................Binghamton University
Erica Byrne.....................University of Scranton
Gabriel Caamal.............Stony Brook University
Jonathan Cajas.....................Queensborough CC
Joshua Cajas......................St. John’s University
Joana Capistrano......................................CCNY
Samuel Carter.....................................Undecided
Alexandra Caruso....................Brooklyn College
Rosemarie Casano................Adelphi University
Patrick Cashin........................SUNY-New Paltz
Anthony Catinella......................Molloy College
Matthew Cazilas...........Binghamton University
Sandra Cedillo.............................Hunter College
Michael Cen Wu.........................Hunter College
Janine Cenica...............................LIU-Brooklyn
Amanada Cepeda..............St. John’s University
Steven Cepeda............................Queens College
Jayson Cethoute............New Haven University
Emily Chan.......................St. John’s University
Kiran Chand................................Hunter College
Luis Chauca.................................Baruch College
Brandon Chavez................St. John’s University
Michael Chiaramonte...University of Maryland
Hayley Chiaravano........................Siena College
Zachary Christian....................John Jay College
Stephanie Chu........Rochester Institute of Tech.
Wesley Chu.......................St. John’s University
Crystal Chu-a-Kong...................Queens College
Francisco Cid...............Stony Brook University
Justin Cinquemani.............St. John’s University
Christina Cocchi..................Fairfield University
Logan Conroy.................University of Scranton
Christiane Crawford.....Stony Brook University
Bea Cruz......................Stony Brook University
Shermaia Cumberbatch................Hunter College
Natalia Czajkowska.............St. Joseph’s College
Gabrielle D’Angelo...Lab Institute of Marketing
Emily David...........................SUNY-New Paltz
Christopher J. Davis Jr.....Columbia University
Zoe de Shong....................University at Buffalo
Massimo DeCarvalho.....University of Scranton
Pamela Decolongon............Fordham University
Daniel Delgado.............Stony Brook University
Michael DeMaria........................Marist College
Jeremy Deonarine................Adelphi University
Jennifer Desamero................Hofstra University
Darien Dey.......................University of Chicago
Tiffany Dial................................................NYU
Dylan Diaz............................St. Francis College
Giancarlo Diaz..................St. John’s University
Jerome Dineen...George Washington University
Matthew Dolan...............Quinnipiac University
Katherine Donnelly....................Queens College
James Doyle.....Stevens Institute of Technology
Monica Duchnowski........St. John’s University
Quentin Dumerve.............Mt. St. Mary College
Sarah Duryea.........Johnson & Wales University
Natalia Dyer.............................Amherst College
Ivan Egas................................NYU-Polytechnic
Alison Eng.....................St. Joseph’s University
Matthew Escobar...............Fordham University
Theresa Fahey.............Mount St. Mary College
Anthony Famighetti......Binghamton University
Daniela Fazio.............College of the Holy Cross
Vincent Femia..............Stony Brook University
Megan Finnerty...................St. Joseph’s College
Tiffany Finnerty............................Laguardia CC
Susan Flores.......................................Undecided
Candice Forrester.....................................CCNY
Jordan Foster...............Stony Brook University
Niall Fox..............................Adelphi University
Daniela Franceschetti................SUNY-Purchase
Emily Gabrielson...............................Undecided
Gabriella Gangone.............St. John’s University
Kaveta Ganness.................................U.S. Army
Katherine Garcia.................St. Joseph’s College
David Gaynor....................St. John’s University
Anthony Genna.................St. John’s University
Andrew Georghiou.....................Queens College
Peter Georgios...................St. John’s University
Sebastian Geraci............Binghamton University
Mateo Giraldo........................SUNY-New Paltz
Madelein Glaeser................Seton Hall University
Casey Goedtel..........................John Jay College
Samantha Grech..................Fordham University
Stephen Greene.................St. John’s University
Francesco Gucciardo.......Quinnipiac University
Jennifer Guerrero..................Cornell University
Rita Guglielmo...........College of Mt. St. Vincent
Georgios Gulino........Johns Hopkins University
Briana Hajdarovic.............University of Albany
Emily Hanna..................Binghamton University
Shannon Harris.................St. John’s University
Allison Hartney..........................Queens College
Benedict Harvey...................Cornell University
Albert Hasan......................Fordham University
Raymond Henry............Binghamton University
Camilla Herbin...............Binghamton University
Brian Hernandez...............St. John’s University
Eduardo Hernandez..................John Jay College
Naomi Hernandez....................John Jay College
Stephanie Hernandez.....................Siena College
Emily Hernndez-Avila..........Cornell University
Carolina Herrera............Binghamton University
John Hickey.......................................Undecided
Jasmine Hoxha.....................Adelphi University
Kenneth Hoyt.......................Manhattan College
Max Hsu..................................John Jay College
Brian Hurley..............................SUNY-Geneseo
William Hussey..........................Queens College
Meynard Ilagan..................... Adelphi University
Nyasha Irizarry......................Manhattan College
Anthony Iurillo.........................SUNY-Purchase
Reaz-Nuriel Jafri................................Undecided
Alison Jagessar............................Hunter College
Robert Jankowski..............Fordham University
Erica Jarosch.........................Manhattan College
Virgilio Jimenez.............Binghamton University
Ravi Jodha..................................Queens College
Jeremy Jones....Florida Institute of Technology
Edrean-Neil Kabigting.................Hunter College
Almeet Kaur..............................................NYIT
Gagandeep Kaur...........................Baruch College
Pardeep Kaur........................Hofstra University
William Kazmierczuk.........Villanova University
Brianna Kelly..................University of Scranton
Maryanna Kelly...............Penn State University
Sabreena Khan.....................Adelphi University
Katherine Kilkenny...University of Notre Dame
Gabriel Kilpatrick....................................CCNY
Samantha Klein..............Binghamton University
Karl Klesin.................................Queens College
Constantine Kokis.........University of Delaware
Nicole Korzeniecki...............Providence College
Denes Kostel.............................Wheaton College
Jessica Kraker..............................Baruch College
John-Luigi Lagula.................Adelphi University
Michael LaMarca.....................John Jay College
Catherine Lamberson.....The College of St. Rose
Dylan Lanigan...................St. John’s University
Brandon Lau..Rochester Institute of Technology
Claire Lavelle.......................Catholic University
Shannon Lavin.....................Fairfield University
Avery Lee...........................................Undecided
Avery Legall.......................St. John’s University
Dominique Leone.......................Molloy College
Emily Lewis.......................Fordham University
Mariyanthie Linaris....................Queens College
Katherine Lindskog......Sacred Heart University
Savanah Lochansingh...Stony Brook University
Cara Loftus................................Molloy College
Anthony Logoteta................Hofstra University
Tiffani Lopez...............Susquehanna University
Matthew Low....................School of Visual Arts
Aileen Lukis.....Florida International University
Ryan Ly....................................................CCNY
Mary Lynch...................University of Scranton
Alyssa Macchia...................Adelphi University
Amina Majeed......................................John Jay
John Mancini.....................Sophie Davis School
Theresa Mancusi..................................John Jay
Matthew Maneri..............St. John’s University
Albert Marin................Stony Brook University
Anthony Maroutsis...................Queens College
Connor Martinez................Fordham University
Jenna Matheis.....................St. Joseph’s College
Joseph Matier.............................Queens College
Kristen Maurer.............Sacred Heart University
Deanna Mayo.....................Muhlenberg College
Justin McBride...........................Baruch College
Kevin McCaffrey.....................Emerson College
Olivia McCarthy..........Sacred Heart University
James McCleary.................................Undecided
Kimberly McDonough..Florida Southern College
Christopher McGee.........Seton Hall University
Megan McNamara.....................SUNY-Geneseo
Kristen Mejia.....................................Undecided
Michael Mendez........................SUNY-Oswego
Felicia Mendoza.........................................NYU
Andrew Mercatante...................Queens College
Joseph Merims....................Adelphi University
Marco Mery........................Adelphi University
Kenny Mesadieu...............St. John’s University
Romica Mitton...................................Undecided
Alyssa Mohammed...................SUNY-Oneonta
Tiana Mojica......................................Undecided
Louiza Molohides....................................CCNY
Robert Moncino.......................John Jay College
Tiffany Mooney.....................SUNY-New Paltz
Nicholas Morici..........................Queens College
Thomas Morreale.................Manhattan College
Niamani Morrison............University of Albany
Michael Mosco.............Binghamton University
Kristian Mosquito...................................CCNY
Taylor Moss..............College of the Holy Cross
Cyrus Mowdawalla....................Baruch College
Liam Moyles...............................Marist College
Victoria Murgida.........................Queens College
Daniel Murphy.....................Manhattan College
Kayla Murray................Binghamton University
Andrew Muscarella.......Binghamton University
Katrina Najac.................Binghamton University
Francesco Navarra.............St. John’s University
Lauren Nazarieh.........................................NYU
Wayde Neblett.................Colege of Staten Island
Matthew Neumeyer...University of New Haven
Kevin Neville...Stevens Institute of Technology
Nicole Nicotra.............Mount St. Mary College
Emily Noblesala...........................FDU-Florham
Alexia O’Donohue............St. John’s University
Chinyere Okogeri..................Colgate University
Sarah O’Leary.............................Queens College
Karle Oliva..................................Hunter College
Jorge Oliveira........................Champlain College
Caleb Oliver.................Mount St. Mary College
Sanella Orahovac..........Stony Brook University
Daniel O’Reilly...............University of Scranton
Michal Osiak....................University of Albany
Cristina Otano............................Boston College
Evelyn Ovalle.............................................NYU
Katelyn Padilla.......................SUNY-New Paltz
Tiffani Padua......................................Undecided
Lauren Pagano...............Binghamton University
Camille Pangalangan...Phillips School of Nursing
Amanda Pape..............Loyola University (Md.)
Harsh Patel..................................................NYU
Neil Patel................................NYU-Polytechnic
Lucy Peng...................................Trinity College
Idamarie Pennolino.......Stony Brook University
Keisha Persaud....................Adelphi University
Kishan Persaud....................................LIU-Post
Shayna Persaud.................University at Buffalo
Jaime Peterson.....................Adelphi University
Natalie Picon.....................St. John’s University
Patrick Pierre....................University at Buffalo
Kevin Pierro..........................Manhattan College
Shannon Pizzella...........Binghamton University
Anna Poulakas....................Fordham University
Elizabeth Prado....................Adelphi University
Arianna Prokos...........................Queens College
John Paul Pucci.................St. John’s University
Ryan Quigley....................St. John’s University
Emily Rabot......................St. John’s University
Nerissa Ragnauth.........................LIU-Brooklyn
Kristen Rainis.................Quinnipiac University
Celina Ramoo.......................Adelphi University
Adrian Ramsaroop....College of Mt. St. Vincent
Brianna Reformato......................Baruch College
Ilyas Rehman........................St. Francis College
Emmett Reilly................College of Staten Island
Jonelle Reyes.............................SUNY-Oneonta
Best of luck in college
John Ricotta...........................NYU Polytechnic
Juliana Rima..............................Wofford College
Vanessa Rivera....................................City Tech
Amanda Rodriguez.....................Queens College
Cassandra Rodriguez..................Queens College
Michael Rodriguez.................SUNY-New Paltz
Arantxa Roman............Mount St. Mary College
Shayanna Roman....................SUNY-New Paltz
Bernadette Rooney...............Hofstra University
Robert Rosario........................Brooklyn College
Angelica Rosa......................Adelphi University
Michael Rossi....................Villanova University
Jonathan Roy.......................Adelphi University
Alexandra Rubiano......................Hunter College
Reynerio Rubio............Stony Brook University
Zachary Rudomen................Manhattan College
Sean Ryan......................Binghamton University
Adem Sadik.................Loyola University (Md.)
Daniela Salazar.........................................CCNY
Jennifer Salazar..................................Nassau CC
Andy Salim.......................St. John’s University
Austin Samaroo..........................................NYU
Puni Samaroo..............................Queens College
Allen Sanchez................Binghamton University
RoseAnn Sapia..................St. John’s University
Molly Sasso..........................Providence College
Samantha Sattler.............................Siena College
Nicholas Scaturro........................Baruch College
Nicholas Sears..............................Queens College
Sabrina Sergio..................Quinnipiac University
Jordi Sevilla................................Queens College
Charles Siguenza..................Adelphi University
Hurmyn Silva.......................Adelphi University
Karla Silva..........................Eugene Lang College
Christie Simonelli......University of New Haven
Ameila Singh...........................Brooklyn College
Manvinder Singh...............St. John’s University
Rebecca Singh...........................John Jay College
Abigail Singson..................School of Visual Arts
Liam Slattery...............................Mercy College
Stephen Slusarski...............Fordham University
Diamond Small...........................................NYU
Matthew Spataro........................Baruch College
David Stachnik..............Stony Brook University
Victoria Stawowy-Mokos...St. Joseph’s College
Miranda Steinberg......................SUNY-Geneseo
Sarah Stiglianese.................Villanova University
Corey Strickland........................Pace University
Jadwiga Strugacz.........................Hunter College
Christopher Studley..........St. John’s University
Sanjay Sukhdeo....................Adelphi University
Ryan Sukram...............................Baruch College
Patrycja Sulich....................Fordham University
Evangeline Szplka.......................Queens College
Michal Szymanski................Hofstra University
Michael Tandrian..............St. John’s University
Stephanie Tang..................St. John’s University
Allison Terranova.................Manhattan College
Karen Thomas.................................Iona College
Jobin Thottam........................Drexel University
Matthew Tibo.............................Hunter College
Nikko Tonolete.......................Brooklyn College
Kimberly Torres...............Seton Hall University
Aerin Toskas......................Assumption College
Carluto Toussaint.............Vanderbilt University
Samantha Travers.......................Queens College
Aneri Trivedi......................Syracuse University
Danielle Trotta............Loyola University (Md.)
Klea Tzaka..........................Fairfield University
Bea Uy.......................................SUNY-Fredonia
Anthony Valenzuela.....Stony Brook Univeristy
Ashley Vascellaro.................Hofstra University
Danielle Vendome.......................Queens College
John Ventura.....................St. John’s University
Alison Vergara...................St. Michael’s College
Victoria Vidas.................Manhattanville College
Lauren Viggiano....................Adelphi University
Tiffany Villacis......................Cornell University
Viviana Villalva.........................John Jay College
Keano Visperas........................................CCNY
Anthony Viteri..................St. John’s University
Katarina Vucetic...........................LIU-Brooklyn
Rebecca Wagner..............University of Scranton
Anthony Walsh........................SUNY-New Paltz
Branden Warders..................Adelphi University
Tiffany Wayte..........................John Jay College
Nicole Weber..............College of Mt. St. Vincent
David Weekes...............................Pratt Institute
Katie Wenzler......................St. Joseph’s College
Rashard Williams.................................Undecided
Emilia Wojcik..........................SUNY-New Paltz
Adam Wondolowski...................Queens College
Bokey Wong.............................John Jay College
John Young..................................Mercy College
Maria Youssef.............................Queens College
Sarah Yunus................................................NYU
Melissa Yurisak.................St. John’s University
Jaffar Zaidi.........................Fordham University
Dillon Zimmermann-Droal........SUNY-Geneseo