XXXXX Marc XXXXXXXX Julien TOHME Rami XXXXXXX Amélie University of Hull Marketing planning case study Xbox marketing plan proposal for second year in Canada 1 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary...................................................................... 1 2.0 Situation Analysis ........................................................................ 6 2.1 Market Summary ......................................................................... 6 2.2 SWOT Analysis .......................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Strengths and weaknesses ......................................................... 10 2.2.2 Opportunities and threats ......................................................... 11 2.3 Competition ............................................................................. 12 2.4 Product Offering........................................................................ 16 2.5 Keys to Success ......................................................................... 17 2.6 Critical Issues ........................................................................... 18 3.0 Marketing Strategy ..................................................................... 19 3.1 Mission.................................................................................... 19 3.2 Marketing Objectives .................................................................. 19 3.3 Financial Objectives ................................................................... 19 3.4 Target Markets.......................................................................... 19 3.5 Positioning............................................................................... 21 3.6 Strategy .................................................................................. 21 3.7 Marketing Mix ........................................................................... 22 3.8 Marketing Research .................................................................... 24 4.0 Financials ................................................................................ 25 4.1 Sales Forecast........................................................................... 25 4.2 Expense Forecast ...................................................................... 26 5.0 Controls .................................................................................. 27 5.1 Implementation......................................................................... 27 5.2 Marketing Organization ............................................................... 28 5.3 Contingency Planning ................................................................. 29 Conclusion 30 Appendices 31 2 1.0 Executive Summary In this marketing study we have to prepare a marketing plan for the second year of the Xbox console in Canada. This study and our recommendations are intended to the Canadian Xbox Marketing Team. Xbox is a revolutionary video console with incredible multimedia capabilities, in particular by its online mode: Xbox Live. Technically, the Xbox is the best console but Sony keeps the first place in terms of market share. The main challenge: close the market gap between Xbox and industry leader PS2 In June 2002, the Xbox is 8 months old, and its launch is a success in the whole world with 3.9 million consoles sold, but Microsoft and Bill Gates expected 6 million Xbox to be sold. However, the Xbox is a real success in North America with an incredible start in the United States and in Canada. Between the 15th November 2001, launch date of the console, and the end of December, it has been sold in 5 weeks about 1.5 million of Xbox. In three months the Xbox permitted Microsoft to realize US$ 7.5 billion turnover and US$ 2.5 billion of benefits. This performance eclipsed the second competitor Nintendo with its GameCube which was launched just before the Xbox. Nevertheless, Sony‘s PlayStation 2 is still the first in the Canadian market of the video consoles with 56% of market share; the Xbox is second with 27% (April 2002) and Nintendo third with a market share of 17%. How are we going to close the gap? First we have to describe and determine the Canadian market in his whole environment. With more than 30 millions of inhabitants and 11, 9 millions of households, Canada is not a very important market on the point of view of figures but many facts need to be taken into account in this marketing plan. More than 80% of Canadians are linked to the internet. The possession rate of video games console on the Canadian market increased for many years, this 1 phenomenon is regular and stable since 1998 so in 2002 more than 21% of Canadian households are equipped with a video console. Moreover the consumer expenditure on leisure and recreation increased of almost 19% between 1998 and 2003. The Canadian video game industry has seen a 42% growth since the launch of Xbox, from Cdn$402 million to Cdn$570 million, and the market is anticipated to grow to Cdn$1 billion in the next calendar year. All these trends of the Canadian market are good opportunities on for Xbox in this country, because it is its first market (market share in June raised 30.1%). Xbox and PS2 target the same population: Main target is composed of males aged 18 to 24 years old. We decided to enlarge our global target to the Canadian males aged between 16 and 34 so our market is now composed of 4.3 million of customers. Our new second target is composed of the Canadian males aged between 15 and 18, and between 25 and 34. We extended our second target because we decided to take into account those who discovered in the 1980s the video game revolution and who can still be interested in video games. They have a reasonable level of disposable income available and they are likely to be in or just leaving the education system. Every gamer looks for great graphics, overall value, best controls, fast loading times, ability to store and save games constantly, and great sound performance. There are 4 different categories of gamers: Committed individuals, Wanabees, Fun seekers, Time killers. Each of these categories look for something particular in video games but every gamer is linked by the same “law”: gamers are not loyal to a console, they are loyal to a video game; thus the success of the console is not in the hardware but in the games. Two other next generation consoles compete with us in the home video game market: PlayStation 2 of Sony and GameCube of Nintendo. GameCube targets younger people, aged between 8 and 12. But this growing target is our future main target and it can already be interested in the Xbox. Anyhow the GameCube market share declined the last four months, going from 30% in January to 17% in April. Unfortunately it seems that, for the moment, PS2 profited the most of the GameCube decline. 2 The PS2 has been launched a year before the Xbox and is very well settled. In April 2002, its market share reached 56%. It has a very good brand image thanks to its large range of games and to its big advertising budget. Nevertheless, PS2’s quality is much lower than Xbox’s. Xbox is technically the best “next generation” console. It includes a hard drive in which users can stock videos, games and music, a powerful graphic processor developed by the sector leader Nvidia, an integrated Dolby Surround sound system, DVD capabilities, and a slot for an internet access. The Xbox also let the user play with three other friends on the same game thanks to the four controller plugs. This capacity of the Xbox to be global and the network developed by Microsoft with “Xbox live” could be a real strength face to PS2. The success of our console depends of three key factors: games, retailers, and game publishers. The success of a console depends overall on the games designed to work on it. “A hit can drive millions of gamers to buy a new hardware” (James Lin, analyst at Jeffries & Co.). That is why relationships with the third-party game publishers are vital and must be fructuous. These game developers are very powerful since they know how much important they are for console manufacturers, and they decide for which console they want to produce games. One of the major challenges is indeed to make them prefer producing games for the Xbox instead of the PS2. Xbox has an advantage, because it is easier to design games for it, but game publishers also consider how much the console manufacturer will take part into the advertising campaign of the third-party game. Our plan recommends that we finance 70% of third-party game advertising in Canada. Retailers, at the other side of the channel, also play a major role. They can choose a console to push. In most cases, the shelving space for the PS2 is 12 feet and the one of Xbox is only 4 feet. Consequently we have to work on it to have our shelving space increased. This goes by the Xbox sales force, which can leverage the retailers. Our commission system for the sales force, which is based on the consoles bought by the customers and not on the consoles sold to the retailers, seems to be very adapted and motivating, since it makes the sales force pay attention on how the products are placed in the shop, find the best solutions to make the console the most visible and, by the way, increase the sales. Our marketing plan proposes also 3 to install Xbox for demonstration in some outlets. This will let people see by themselves the technical superiority of our console. Another challenge for us is to improve our brand image. We shall consider these different means to reach this goal: > Sponsorship of a national Canadian sport event (Ice Hockey) > Restart “Xbox bus” > Sponsorship of parties organized in famous pubs with demonstration of Xbox and gift offering > TV campaign for Xbox and 1st party games > Radio campaign > Magazines campaign > Posters campaign > Press campaign > website development For the new marketing plan Microsoft allocated us a budget of Cdn$11 million. Budgeting details are available in the “Expense forecast” part of this report. Sales forecast According to our sales forecast study, three scenarios are possible: The pessimistic scenario forecasts 801,000 Xbox to be sold and a turnover of Cdn$215,700,000. The average scenario forecasts 955,000 Xbox to be sold and a turnover of Cdn$257,000,000. The optimistic scenario forecasts 1,100,000 Xbox to be sold and a turnover of Cdn$298,300,000. To sum up, the Xbox has got an exceptional base plate to succeed in its final aim to be the first console on the Canadian market. Nevertheless Xbox must be careful about the law of gamers: the success is not in the console, it’s in the games. Today the games are the most important so the third-party software publishers which are the most important game developers prefer developing games for the 4 market leader, Sony Playstation 2. Xbox has to convince them that its technology is easier than the one of PS2 in order to conquer the third-party developers to create exclusive “hits” for Xbox. Furthermore Xbox is not a separate entity of Microsoft: it is hard to create a new brand image and Microsoft is not really appreciated by gamers so we have to create an Xbox image without the Microsoft’s shadow. 5 2.0 Situation Analysis 2.1 Market Summary We want to analyse the market of the video game console (entertainment market) in order to evaluate the opportunities and the threats that represent this market for the Xbox. We have to realize a whole evaluation of the market in order to adapt our marketing strategy and to become the first console of the Canadian market 2.1.1 Market Demographics Demographics Canada counts approximately 32 millions inhabitants of which 11,900,000 households. If we consider only our target: - Males aged 16 to 30. - They have a reasonable level of disposable income available. - They are likely to be in or just leaving the education system. - They represent about 3,187, 000 people and about 10% of the Canadian population. Geographic (Appendices) Principal cities: Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Hamilton, Regina, Québec, Halifax, Thunder Bay which count more than 60% of the inhabitants. Canada has a very large land area (9,976,140 square km) and a very small population, which is unevenly distributed across the country. The main urban centres in Canada are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa, which combined are home to 36.5% of the Canadian population. Approximately 60% of the Canadian population live in the 25 largest urban centres in the country. 6 Technological Environment We know that Xbox is the most powerful video game console of the market. Its technology in term of pure power exceeds that of its competitors, in particular that of the leader Sony, thanks to the origin sphere of Microsoft: data processing. However, PCs also constitute a real threat because of their capacities and their multipurpose use: Internet, work, entertainment... In 2000, one-in-four Canadians, compared to just one-in-ten Canadians at the end of 1995, were using the Internet. Xbox has this length in advance on his competitors; Internet is an undeniable asset for the "on-line" play which gives access to a total dimension of the play in order to meet players of the whole world. Household PC Penetration and Internet Usage 1998-2003 PC households online (% of PC households) Internet users ('000) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 - - 61,55 71,4 81.26* 91.11* 7500 11000 12700 13500 15526.53* 16336.16* *Provisional figures. Source: Euromonitor from national statistical offices Third-party publishers produce the majority of the games. The “hits” are mostly always produced by third-party developers. Third-party software publishers prefer developing games for the market leader, Sony Playstation 2. It represents one of the most important matters for the Xbox Team, so we have to create particular links with this this-party companies in order to promote the capabilities of our console and create exclusives “hits” for Xbox. Market Psychographics & Behaviours Personality: in general, gamers are confident, optimistic, successful and competitive. Above all, they are not loyal to a console; they are loyal to video games. Lifestyles: - Male users aged between 18-24 years, consume firstly: clothes and technical goods (music, video...) - They spend more money for them and for their equipments: the main target is still young; we can deduce that most of them are singles. 7 - Non-users are less sportive than users. 2.1.2 Market Needs The needs of customers are varied. In general, they look for great graphics, overall value, best controls, fast loading times, ability to store and save games constantly, and great sound performance. 2.1.3 Market Trends Since a few years Canadians spend more and more money in leisure and recreation. Moreover, Canadians spend approximately 10% of their total consumption in leisure and recreation. This phenomenon is a real trend and tends to continue in the future years. We notice a growth of 18.94% of the part of the income of the Canadian for the leisure and recreation between 1999 and 2003. Consumer expenditure on leisure and recreation 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002* 2003* Cdn$Million 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002* 2003* 52368 56225 60196 63634 67589 70173 *Provisional figures. Source: Euromonitor from national statistics The Internet is omnipresent since 10 years; more and more Canadians use it. The table of the “technological environment” permit to be aware of this evolution. The World Wide Web is a tool for many aspects and takes each day more and more importance in our lives. An aspect of the fantastic internet capacity has been immediately found by gamers: the online games. 8 Today this trend is real in the world of the computer games, many “hits” are available to play online and a majority of new games are developed in order to permit on line play. This capacity to be global is researched by gamers in order to confront their talent with foreign gamers. But, this trend is just beginning in the console market; it should become a major influencer in console choice (more details in the appendices). Possession rate of video game consoles (per 100 households) 25 20 15 10 5 0 1998 % 1999 2000 2001 2002* 2003* 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002* 2003* 17,17 18,28 19,22 20,28 21,32 22,35 *Provisional figures. The possession of video games console on the Canadian market increased for many years, this phenomenon is regular and stable since 1998. 2.1.4 Market Growth Canada currently has the highest percentage of Xbox gamers in the world. In fact, according to the latest independent survey by AC Neilson, the Xbox market share in Canada is 30.1% in June 2002. According to AC Neilson, the Canadian video game Industry has seen 42% growth since the launch of Xbox, from $402 million to $570 million, and the market is anticipated to grow to $1 billion CDN in the next calendar year. 9 According to Ryan Mugford, forecasts for the expansion of the consoles market are about 51% over the next year. 2.2 SWOT Analysis 2.2.1 Strengths and weaknesses STRENGTHS • Microsoft: the worldwide leader of WEAKNESSES • computer software. The Microsoft philosophy is not really defined • A computing power advantage • Relationships with over 75 software Microsoft: it is hard to create a new publishers brand image • • Xbox has been launched with 15 • • Xbox is not a separate entity of Third-party software publishers (the games most important game developers) Microsoft: financially stable and very prefer developing games for the competitive company. market leader, Sony Playstation 2 • Relationship with the US team • Video game market research (survey about gamers, define a precise • Limited budget allocated to advertising • The most expensive video game console available on the market target…) • • Relationships with game experts • Good and precise marketing strategy been with the team for several years: • Relationships with partners who have lack of new idea capability to promote Xbox brand • Specific budget allocated to the • Each of Microsoft team member had Weakness of brand because assimilated to Microsoft marketing programs • A technically superior product • Microsoft worked with market leader NVidia to co-design its graphic 10 processor. • The team knows well Microsoft policy and the video game market. Good know-how • The Xbox website. • Public Relations have been taken into account 2.2.2 Opportunities and threats OPPORTUNITIES - - Canada is the first market of the - English and French. So it can market share. necessary to adapt the games for Market trends in increase leisure since these 2 languages. and several - Leader of the market is Sony PS2 years. with 56% of market share (April Sales of game consoles increase 2002), in Canada. constantly since several years: 42%, - Video games consumers are not loyal to a console. since November 2001. Good - Two languages are talked in Canada: world for Xbox (30.1% in June 2002) recreation - THREATS perspectives for the next calendar - Advertising is expensive in Canada. (+Cdn$1 billion). - Third-party software publishers More than 80% of Canadians are prefer to work for successful video connected to internet. The online game consoles. game is a real trend and so Xbox has capacities to connect on-line. - Game Cube went to the third place at the time of the Xbox launch. - The technology of Sony is difficult to work for the game developers. 11 2.3 Competition Canadian entertainment market Canadian home entertainment market Canadian home games market Canadian home video games market Cultural events Cinema Television Internet Board games Theatre PCs PS2 XBOX GameCube Exhibitions Card games Mechanic games Books and magazines DVDs and VHSs Theme parks Sport Music We work in the Canadian home video games market, which is part of the global entertainment market. Competition Analysis of BCG (Boston Consulting Group): Potential competitor advantage Source of numerous Poor - Low high Fragment activities Activities of specialisation competitor differentiation limited Deadlock activities Activities of volume It is the volume of production which confers an economic advantage. 12 The following table compares the three consoles and gives rates for each one in terms of product quality, brand image, financial and advertising resources, partnerships with manufacturers, relationships with retailers, and range of games. It is primordial to master all these issues in order to reach our objectives. XBOX PS2 GameCube November 2001 March 2000 November 2001 Manufacturer Microsoft Sony Nintendo Retail price at launch Cdn$ 459 Cdn$ 449 Cdn$ 330 Cdn$ 299 Cdn$ 299 Cdn$ 249 -34,86% -33,41% − Target Males, 18 to 24 Males, 18 to 24 8 to 12 Quality *** * ** Image ** *** ** Financial resources *** ** * ** *** ** ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * 27% 56% 17% Main competitor Peripheral competitor Releasing date Retail price on January 2002 Price evolution Advertising resources Partnerships with game manufacturers Relationships with retailers Range of games Market share (spring 2002) 13 Market share comparison and analysis Market shares of the "next generation" consoles Sony’s PS2 dominates Figures of April 2002 the market, followed by Xbox. Xbox 27% GameCube been launched has at the same moment as Xbox Gam eCube 17% and PlayStation 2 56% has the smallest market share, but it does not target the same population. Market shares’ evolutions Sony’s PS2 is our main competitor product, not PS2 market share evolution only because it has the biggest market share, 60 but it also targets the same customers. 50 generation” console. Thus it profited from the first entrant effect. It developed from the Percentage Sony was the first manufacturer to launch a “next 40 30 20 beginning good relations with most of game 10 manufacturers and many retailers. Moreover, 0 the PS2 was compatible with all PS1 games, so % 11/2001 01/2002 04/2002 42 43 56 that PS1 owners could buy the new console keeping all their old games. That makes them tend to choose the PS2 instead of any other new console. By the way the PS2 was born with an already dense game catalogue. Their marketing philosophy is “Game is entertainment”. 14 GameCube market share evolution Nintendo’s GameCube targets younger people, aged between 8 and 12. It is not our direct Percentage 35 30 competitor but their age-growing target can be 25 interested in our console or in the PS2. Their 20 marketing philosophy is “Game is toy”. The 15 10 GameCube is adapted to young people thanks to 5 its smaller controllers; however it has a higher 0 11/2001 % 01/2002 04/2002 30 17 technological level compared to the PS2. In just four months, GameCube market share declined of 13 points. Our market share remained stable between Xbox market share evolution January and April 2002. Actually the 13 points of 30 market share lost by GameCube have been won 25 56%. We did not profit from the market share decline of GameCube. In June 2002, Xbox market share reached 30.1%. Percentage exclusively by PS2, raising its market share to 20 15 10 5 0 % 11/2001 01/2002 04/2002 27 27 15 Competitive industry structure: 5 forces of Porter Potential Entrants Launch of new video game console or another computer software like Apple. Threat of New entrants Suppliers Third-party software publishers Bargaining power of suppliers Competitor of the video game console market Bargaining power of buyers Customers Choose their console in function the games proposal. Intensity of rivalry Threat substitutes products or services Substitutes PC & others games (with an interactive character) 2.4 Product Offering The Xbox console is an anomalous product because its purchase frequency is weak and its price is quite high. It is also a sustainable and technical product. The Xbox console is the technically superior product for home entertainment. It is the most powerful console and has the better graphic quality. The graphic processor is co-designed by the market leader Nvidia, so Xbox makes a distinction with its competitors because game 16 developers now have access to a simpler platform allowing powerful games with a better graphic quality. Regarding customer needs, our console let them experience new playing sensations thanks to the very high technological level of the Xbox (733 MHz Pentium III with an included 8Go hard disk). Moreover Xbox includes four controllers, which let users play together on the same game. The internet access capabilities and Xbox Live let people play with friends from all around the world. The high quality of the sound system, the reduced loading times, the built-in hard disk and the DVD capabilities bring people a new experience in video gaming. 2.5 Keys to Success Good relations with retailers: create favourable financial conditions with retailers in order to promote the Xbox and increase sales (increasing the space allocated to Xbox in sales outlets, advertising into sales outlets…) Strong partnerships with game developers: develop stronger partnerships with game developers (third-party software publishers). Third-party software publisher are a very important entity for console manufacturers. Sony is the first who arrived on the market and consequently, it offers a lot of games. Moreover, Sony’s advertising budget is substantial and it represents the lesser risk for third-party software publishers. Thus Microsoft must launch new games for its Xbox. An adapted communication strategy: communicate about the quality of Xbox and its high level of technology, in relation to our target needs and our objectives. In the same way, increase Xbox’s brand image. In fact it is quite contradictory that the Xbox is better than the PS2 (Sony) in terms of quality and technology but PS2 enjoys a better brand image. 17 2.6 Critical Issues Because users are firstly attracted by the games and not the consoles, one of the main issues for Xbox is to increase its partnerships with game developers. Since the PS2 technology is hard to develop games for, we should attract game developers with our easier technology and offering them good financial conditions (especially for the advertising). At the other extremity of the channel, we should act on the sales outlets to increase our shelving space, which is in average much smaller than Sony’s. Another important point to deal with is the improvement of our brand image, which is low compared to PS2, even if our product is technically better. 18 3.0 Marketing Strategy 3.1 Mission We provide customers with a multipurpose console, which can be considered as the best of the market, with all its home entertainment capabilities (video games, music, DVD) and its high level of technology and quality. 3.2 Marketing Objectives Reinforce the brand image of Xbox showing its superiority. Promote the games of the Xbox nearby our large target. To launch the Canadian Xbox website. Improve relations with game developers and retailers. Increase our market share of 12 points. 3.3 Financial Objectives Xbox expect for a turnover of 215,700,000 $ Cdn minimum with 800000 Xbox sold in year 2. We must respect the budget accorded by Microsoft for marketing: 11 millions Cdn$. 3.4 Target Markets Our global target: - males - 16 to 34 years old 19 - Have a reasonable level of disposable income available and they are likely to be in or just leaving the education system. - Represent about 4,351,000 customers about 15% of the Canadian population Main target: - males - 18 to 24 - they are the first choice of Microsoft Second target: - males - 16 to 18 and 24 to 34 - They are still in the education system or young workers on the job market. The last category was this one who discovered during 80’s the NES and the revolution of the video games. Third target: - The rest of the population (young females...) Males aged between 18 and 24 Males aged between 15 and 18 and between 24 and 34 Other actual and potential customers The main target is shared in four segments of gamers. This segmentation was done in taking account of motivation, mode of use, frequency of use, level and beliefs. 20 Committed Research Purchase occasion Usage Perception and beliefs Wanabees To improve To finish the their level in hottest game order to and to find the become best tricks committees For a “hit” and Each for a console innovation, which received each new game the acceptance or console of the specialists 13h/week and 7-12h/week more Game is their Game is a world challenge Fun seekers Time killers Fun, entertainment A past time Games which permit to play in 2, 3 or 4 players mode or on line 3-6h/week Game is fun Just for an excellent game and which not require too much time to finish Less than 3h/week Game is just a pleasure 3.5 Positioning Xbox is positioned as a high quality console. It is recommended that we keep our price slightly more expensive than our competitor’s, because our price must be linked to the advanced capabilities and the high quality of Xbox. 3.6 Strategy Porter’s Generic strategies Industry wide Single segment High technologic product – Strategic Advantage Unique character perceive Low cost by customer Differentiation Cost leadership focus 21 Strategy and tactics chosen; programs to implement STRATEGY: TACTIC 1: improve brand Improve penetration of Xbox TACTIC 2: TACTIC 3: image act on game developers PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS: PROGRAMS: Take part into a major sport event Advertising campaign adapted to our target Choose a new forceful message Good financial conditions 70% contribution of Xbox on game advertisements Highlight our technical simplicity for them act on retailers Advertising in sales outlets (demonstrations) Increase payment delays Increase discounts besides purchase amount 3.7 Marketing Mix Product Xbox has to become a separate entity of Microsoft. Launch more games (both first-party and third-party games). Price We can’t fall Xbox’s price because it could have a negative impact on the customer’s behaviour. It could devaluate the brand image of the Xbox and lead to a lack of interest of our target. It is a technically superior product and not a cheaper product. So, we maintain the sale price, that is to say Cdn$ 299. Place Retailers play a major role. They can choose a console to push. In most cases, the shelving space for the PS2 is 12 feet and the one of Xbox is only 4 feet. Consequently we have to work 22 on it to have our shelving space increased. This goes by the Xbox sales force, which can leverage the retailers. In order to favour our relationship with the retailers, our commission system for the sales force, which is based on the consoles bought by the customers and not on the consoles sold to the retailers, seems to be very adapted and motivating, since it makes the sales force pay attention on how the products are placed in the shop, find the best solutions to make the console the most visible and, by the way, increase the sales. Our marketing plan proposes also to install Xbox for demonstration in some outlets. This will let people see by themselves the technical superiority of our console. We could also create a link on internet. The on line sales increase more and more each year since 5 year. It’s a real opportunity for increasing our sales with the new Xbox internet site. In order to avoid to Microsoft for creating an on line sales system which would be too expensive we could create a link which directing customers toward the websites of our nearer retailers. This solution should be better for Xbox because less expensive, better for retailers because they recover sales and better for customer because faster than a global system. Promotion To launch the owns Xbox Canadian website. The website could include a forum of discussion for all gamers, a description of the console and the new games which will be launched (demonstration, trailer…), a line where we can find article of journalist and their feedback about the Xbox performance. It will be interesting to suggest a line of mail-order selling with a transfer on the retailer’s website of the city concerning. The website will be in English but in French too. The graphics will be attractive as the image of the console. Advertising on sales outlet (hoarding, animation, to give demonstration…): to show in order to be seen! We can launch a special offer for an important occasion like Christmas. We suggest selling bundles (Xbox + one game + a second controller) in a short period to reach new customers. (cost detailed in the appendices) Advertising in specialized press: magazine of Ice Hockey and of Video Game as Semipro Magazine (Ice Hockey) or Jeuxactu… 23 Organization of press conferences with the creation of a clear and detailed Press Document. We must encourage journalists to write about the Xbox. Radio spot. Music has become a very important thing in the entertainment universe and there is no exception for the video game market. So we will broadcast a radio advert on the main radios: The Edge (CFNY 102.1 FM), Q107 FM, MOJO AM 640, Energy 108 FM, KISS 92 FM, Z103.5 FM et FLOW 93.5 FM. TV spot: launch a new advertising campaign with a strong message. A good idea could be to create a new character that will let the customers identify our brand. To be present in at least one major sportive event in Canada as an Ice Hockey National Champion Cup like Banque Royale RBC Cup, Telus Cup, Allan Cup, Cup Championship of Air Canada 2002… We want to develop sales in reinforcing the brand image of Xbox. To credibilize our message in appropriating the event’s success. We have chosen an Ice Hockey event because we want an adequation between our message, our target (who practise this sport) and the target’s country habits: hoarding, support a famous sportive or a team. To sponsor different parties in famous pub and nights club in the main cities of Canada (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal) in order to promote the Xbox. To give demonstration of game, distribution of gift at the effigy of our brand. 3.8 Marketing Research A market survey should be done in order to evaluate the female market. It seems that this market is still marginal but is developing. We should undertake another research to identify what customers expect from our website. 24 4.0 Financials 4.1 Sales Forecast According to an AC Nielsen marketing research, 248,852 Xbox consoles have been sold during the 2001 December holiday period. This number does not include second tier and club stores’ sales. This number represents about 55% of the whole year sales. (248,852 * 100) / 55 = 452,458 Xbox sold in year 1. PESSIMISTIC AVERAGE OPTIMISTIC Xbox sold in year 1 452,458 452,458 452,458 Market growth year 2 40% 51% (R. Mugford) 60% Xbox sold in year 2 with same market share (prevision) 452,458 * 1,4 = 633,441 units 452,458 * 1,51 = 683,211 units 452,458 * 1,6 = 723,932 units Market share June 2002 30,1% 30,1% 30,1% Market share growth (prevision) 8 points 12 points 16 points Xbox sold in year 2 with same market share considering provisional market share growth 38,1 * 633,441 / 30,1 = 801,797 units 42,1 * 683,211 / 30,1 = 955,587 units 46,1 * 723,932 / 30,1 = 1,108,746 units Retail price Cdn$299 Cdn$299 Cdn$299 Retailers gross margin 10% 10% 10% Provisional turnover per sold Xbox 299 * 0,9 = 269,1 299 * 0,9 = 269,1 299 * 0,9 = 269,1 Xbox Year 2 provisional turnover 269,1 * 801,797 = Cdn$215,763,572 269,1 * 955,587 = Cdn$257,148,461 269,1 * 1,108,746 = Cdn$298,363,548 Approximation Cdn$215,700,000 Cdn$257,000,000 Cdn$298,300,000 25 4.2 Expense Forecast TACTIC 1: Improve brand image Sponsorship of a national Canadian sport event (Ice Hockey) Cdn$2,500,000 Xbox bus and advertising for Xbox bus Cdn$1,350,000 st TV airtime for Xbox and 1 party games 6 months Cdn$2,640,000 Radio 6 months Cdn$220,000 Magazines 4 months Cdn$420,000 Posters 6 months Cdn$1,260,000 Press 4 months Cdn$770,000 website (development and webmastering) Cdn$300,000 Sponsorship of parties organized in famous pubs with demonstration of Xbox and gift offering TACTIC 2: Cdn$650,000 Act on game developers TV airtime for 3rd party games 6 months (Cdn$2,640,000 * 70%) Cdn$1,848,000 Magazines for 3rd party games 4 months (Cdn$420,000 * 70%) Cdn$294,000 TACTIC 3: act on retailers Advertising and demonstration in sales outlets Cdn$300,000 Christmas bundles (see appendices for detailed costs) Cdn$867000 Total Cdn$10,909,000 26 5.0 Controls 5.1 Implementation The program will be revised each year. This plan organizes the marketing actions for year 2. Schedule Nov. 2002 Task 1 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2003 Depending on date of event Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Task 11 Task 12 Task 13 Task 1: Sponsorship of a national Canadian sport event (Ice Hockey) Task 2: The Xbox bus and advertising for Xbox bus campaign 27 Task 3: TV airtime for Xbox and 1st party games Task 4: Spot Radio Task 5: Advertising in Specialized Magazines Task 6: Posters 6 Task 7: Press 4 Task 8: website (development and web mastering) Task 9: Sponsorship of parties organized in famous pubs and nights club with demonstration of Xbox and gift offering Task 10: Special offer Task 11: TV airtime for 3rd party games Task 12: Magazines for 3rd party games Task 13: Advertising and demonstration in sales outlets 5.2 Marketing Organization Forecast Forecast of the Xbox’s sales “Survey of buyers” in order to know the customer’s behaviour. Budget Budget for advertising is Cdn$ 11 million for year 2 Metrics Task 1: make a survey of notoriety in order to see if this event is quote as knowledge’s source of the Xbox. Task 2: evaluate the repercussions of the Xbox bus and of the advertising campaign for this trip round. Survey of notoriety. 28 Task 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7: Survey of notoriety of the Xbox: “How do you know the console Xbox? How do you hear about the Xbox?” (Multiple choice Question). Task 8: evaluate the click rate in order to know the number of customer who has visited the Xbox website. Moreover, the website places a space at the visitor’s disposal where they could to set their different feedback. Task 10: estimate the repercussions of our special offer in evaluate the sale’s total for this period comparing this result to the result before the launch of the promotion campaign. Task 11 and 12: Survey of notoriety. Task 13: evaluate the repercussions of animation on sale’s outlet in estimate the sale’s level on the period concerning. 5.3 Contingency Planning • If our competitors, especially Sony with it PS2, launch a promotional offer more attractive than ours. • Difficult of restock or late of delivery (strike…) • Product defect and consequently too return of product • Difficult to increase the brand image • Inadequacies between our message and our target 29 Conclusion Considering the market situation, Microsoft detains today the best video game console of the market. However, the success of a console also depends on the games offered. Facing the market leader PlayStation 2 which has a better experience and a well settled brand image, Xbox has three goals to remain a successful console and reach the first place of its market. Firstly, closer partnerships with third-party game developers will let Xbox increase its game offer and create hits which will be associated to Xbox. Secondly, better relations with video game retailers will permit to increase the presence of Xbox in the outlets. Thirdly, a better brand image, in which Xbox will be a real entity apart of Microsoft, will let Xbox be considered as the reference in the market of next generation consoles. The actions we propose aim to provide a solution to these three issues. For the future version of Xbox, we recommend to focus more on the entertaining gaming experience, both in its design and in its communication, in accordance with the exceptional capabilities of the console and the notion that it comes from a world apart. 30