Mapping The Dimensions And Directions Of Geospatial

Supported By
9-11 November 2014, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mapping The Dimensions And Directions Of
Geospatial Industry For Regional Development And Security
Eng. Muhamad Alrajhi, Assistant Deputy Minister for Land & Surveying
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Confirmed speakers
Dr. Ibrahim S. Abdulla, Vice Mayor-IT
Holy Makkah Municipality, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sedat Bacici, Head of Mapping department, General Directorate of
Land Registry and Cadastre, Turkey
Neil Gyte, Head of Geo-Emerging markets, Google
Dr. Imad Y. Hoballah, Chairman and CEO & Head of
Telecommunications Unit, Telecommunications Regulatory
Authority, Republic of Lebanon
Prof. Ali Al Aldosari, Secretary General
Saudi Geographical Society, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
NG Siau Yong, Director-Geospatial division
Singapore Land Authority, Singapore
Mark Reichardt, CEO, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), UK
Dr Awni Al-Khasawneh, Director general- The Royal Jordanian
Geographic Center, Director General- Regional center of space
Science &Technology for Western Asia, Kingdom of Jordan
Eng. Adnan Al-Jaber, PhD, Head of Information Department Tourism
information & Research (MAS), Saudi Commission for Tourism &
Antiquities, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr Haider Fraihat, Director-ICT Division, United Nations- ESCWA,
Dr Tareq Alemadi, Head-Information Technology, Qatar National
Food Security Program (QNFSP), Cice General Manager- Alemadi
Group, State of Qatar
Dr Fred Ernst, GIS Advisor, Madinah Development Authority,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Nedal Al Hanbali, GIS Manager- Spatial, Abu DHabi Urban
Planning Council, UAE
Eng. Khalid A. Hameed Al- Hammadi, Acting Director- Directorate of
GIS, Central Informatics Organisation (CIO), Kingdom of Bahrain
Ayman Al- Issa, Digital Oil Fields Cyber Security Advisor, ADMA, UAE
Ali Al- Hadheri, Geoinformation Manager, TOTAL E&P, Yemen
Mustafa Joha, Head of GIS Workgroup, Birouni Remote Sensing
Center, Libya
Ljupco Chadinoski, LPIS, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Water economy, Macedonia
Dr R.C.S Taragi, GIS Expert, Ministry of Development Planning &
Statistics, State of Qatar
Eng. Murad Baqain, Deputy Director/ Municipal Development
Specialist-RLDP, Planning and Development Department, Ministry
of Municipal Affairs, Kingdom of Jordan
Bashkim Idrizi, President, Pan National Association of Albanian
Surveyors- Karl Gega, Macedonia
Sultan Mohammed, Director General, Ethiopian Mapping Agency,
Dr. Mezyyad Alterkawi, CEO-RTIC-KSU, and Director of International
Cooperation and Scientific Twinning Department, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Karl Donert, President, Eurogeo, UK
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
Supporting Association
Event overview
It is Special because it is Geo-SPATIAL
Platinum Sponsor
Navigation Partner
Media Partner
though sounds like a very general statement, holds a lot of meaning in itself. From
being just a small subset of ICT, it has grown incredibly into one of the fastest
growing industries. What is special in geospatial is its ability to empower every
industry with efficiency and sustainability. Nations today are facing numerous
challenges such as energy securtity, food security, climate change, defence and
security, competitive businesses, etc., there is an increased need of enhanced
decision making and intelligent use of resources for achieving high levels of
productivity with maximum efficiency and sustainability. Geospatial is the key
to these challenges. Natural threats or human induced challenges, geospatial
is empowering nations to fight back and sustain. Middle East is the region
of transforming dreams into reality. It is miraculous that a desert dominated
region is blossoming today with world class infrastructure and is setting high
standards of sustainability and security. Middle East’s commitment to excellence
in every industry sector has resulted in its adoption of latest and state of the art
technologies for revolutionising their work processes. The region has been a
pioneer in developing and implementing geospatial technology for economic
development and regional security. It provided an excellent incubation ground
for geospatial technology to transform into today’s full fledged industry which is
running the lifelines of the region efficiently.
To mark the geo-leadership of the middle east, Fleming Gulf is proud to present
its 2nd Annual Geo-Empower Middle East Summit which will be held from 09-11
November 2014 in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It will again be the region’s
most powerful platform for the geospatial community to network and discuss
their geospatial needs, plans, initiatives, technologies and applications. The
agenda is packed with in-depth real life case studies of ongoing and completed
projects, keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions which would
discuss and benchmark crucial issues on how to seize new opportunities, develop
innovative tools and how to use these tools to boost the regional economy.
Esteemed Advisory Committee
Dr Awni Al-Khasawneh, Director general, The Royal Jordanian
Geographic Center, Director General- Regional center of space
Science &Technology for Western Asia, Kingdom of Jordan
Eng. Adnan Al-Jaber, PhD, Head of Information Department Tourism
information & Research (MAS), Saudi Commission for Tourism &
Antiquities, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr Tareq Alemadi, Head-Information Technology, Qatar National
Food Security Program (QNFSP), Cice General Manager- Alemadi
Group, State of Qatar
Dr Fred Ernst, GIS Advisor, Madinah Development Authority,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Eng. Khalid A. Hameed Al- Hammadi, Acting Director - Directorate
of GIS, Central Informatics Organisation (CIO), Kingdom of Bahrain
Sultan Mohammed, Director General, Ethiopian Mapping Agency
Dr. Mezyyad Alterkawi, CEO-RTIC-KSU, and Director of International
Cooperation and Scientific Twinning Department, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ganiyu I. Agbaje, Director, Mission Planning & Data
Management, NGDI Coordinator, Chairman, Nigerian Institution of
Surveyors, FCT Branch, National Space Research & Development
Agency [NASRDA], Nigeria
Ljupco Chadinoski, LPIS, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Water economy, Macedonia
Dr R.C.S Taragi, GIS Expert, Ministry of Development Planning &
Statistics, State of Qatar
Dr. Nedal Al Hanbali, GIS Manager- Spatial, Abu DHabi Urban
Planning Council, UAE
Eng. Murad Baqain, Deputy Director/ Municipal Development
Specialist-RLDP, Planning and Development Department, Ministry
of Municipal Affairs, Kingdom of Jordan
Sedat Bacici, Head of Mapping department, General Directorate of
Land Registry and Cadastre, Turkey
Hosni Ghedira, Director- Research Center for Renewable Energy
Mapping and Assessment, MASDAR Institute, UAE
Dr. Imad Y. Hoballah, Acting Chairman and CEO & Head of
Telecommunications Unit, Telecommunications Regulatory
Authority, Republic of Lebanon
DK Chand, Program Manager, The Royal Court, Kingdom of Bahrain
Nirmalendu Kumar, Director, NSDI, India
Mustafa Joha, Head of GIS Workgroup, Birouni Remote Sensing
Center, Libya
Denise McKenzie, Executive Director
Communications & Outreach, OGC, UK
Karl Donert, President, Eurogeo, UK
Frank Desendi, Planning Division Manager, PennDOT, USA
Bashkim Idrizi, President, Pan National Association of Albanian
Surveyors- Karl Gega, Macedonia
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
Why attend?
This event would bring together policy makers,
users, technology providers, service providers
and academia to discuss the following:
STAND OUT from the rest of your competitors
INCREASE your brand recognition
Regional policies boosting the geospatial
growth in the region
DIFFERENTIATE your products and services in
the region
Status and future of geospatial technology
in the region
SHOW your thought Leadership
Business benefits (tangible and in-tangible)
accrued by using geospatial technologiesROI, Savings, Increased efficiency &
performance etc
REACH OUT to key decision makers in the
NETWORK with your connections, users, clients
and policy makers
Latest gespatial technologies
ATTRACT new and potential clients
Investment scenarios
BUSINESS with new clients
Challenges experienced in the path of
successful implementation of geospatial
ENSURE your market presence & position
Target Groups / Stakeholders:
Public Works Authorities
Cadstral & Land Registration agencies
National/ International Oil & Gas
National Environmental Agencies
National Utility companies
National Transport companies
Town Planning Departments
GIS Directorates
Defence & Security Authorities
Surveying agencies
Construction & Infrastructure
Environmental consultancies/
Utility companies
SDI Agencies/ National Mapping
National Remote Sensing Agencies
GIS companies
GPS companies
GNSS companies
Earth Observation companies
Remote Sensing companies
Satellite companies
Cloud Computing companies
LiDAR companies
Mobile Mapping companies
Sensors companies
Image processing companies
Satellite Imaging companies
Aerial Photography companies
Surveying companies
LOcation Based Sevice companies
e-governance companies
Navigation companies
IT companies
Academic Institutes
GIS training institutes
Research Associations
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
Why Kingdom
of Saudi
Passion, Drive, Resources, Technologies and Skills to be a
Geospatial Technology Leader in the middle east. Numerous public and private agencies have adopted
GIS in the country and many more are contemplating to do so.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the
General Commission for Survey (GCS) established the Geospatial
Information Center (GIC) as a foundational unit to be the integrator
and disseminator of geospatial information for GCS as well as related
features and associated metadata
Chaired by the GCS, The National Committee for GIS is formed
with members from all national government bodies in the kingdom. It
developed “The National GIS Infrastructure Program” whose aim is to
establish the national geospatial database according to the national
and international specifications, coordinate the effort of the different
sectors in order to provide private and public sectors
The Space Research Institute under King Abdulaziz City for
Science and Technology (KACST) is conducting applied research
& implementing projects & programs in space & aviation science, in
order to transfer & localize related technologies & serve developmental
plans in the Kingdom
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) is the first
agency at the national level to use GIS (since 1988). After its first project
on Land Records Management, MOMRA has developed numerous
valuable applications. Some worth mentioning are the Urban and
Regional Planning Information (URPIS) and Cadastral Information
System (CIS)
Ministry of Transportation has been a pioneer in using GIS for
bridges maintenance and ensuring the transportation planning for safe
and efficient transportation
Ministry of Water and Electricity is one of the biggest users
of geospatial technology and are actively involved in planning and
managing the utilities in KSA
Ministry of Education started a GIS project in 2003 with an
objective to build a nation-wide school GIS database
Ministry of Interior started a ministry wide GIS project to
Riyadh Municipality established a GIS unit for implementing a
successful Municipality- wide GIS
Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) was the first in the
kingdom to use GIS at the local level in 1986 with Digital Base Map of
Riyadh (2002)
Dammam Municipality is establishing one of the best municipalitywide GIS project which started in 2004 and the final phase RFP is under
Hasa Irrigation and Drainage Authority (HIDA) planned for a
comprehensive GIS project. In association with UN-FAO, HIDA built the
base map of the agricultural oasis
King Faisal Specialist Hospital made an important use of GIS to
track spatial patterns of spread of cancer
Saudi Telecommunication Company (STC) is a leading example of
using GIS for geo-referencing mobile towers
Saudi Electricity Company is running a comprehensive companywide GIS project covering Eastern; Central; Western and Southern
ARAMCO e-map project has set high standards for the entire oil
and gas industry. It has successully been using inhouse GIS cloud
computing, GIS web services, enterprise GIS, realtime/ERP integration,
etc for optimising its work processes
The Border Guard of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has
developed a Border Security system for increased surveillance and
homeland security
King Abdullah University is playing a key role in preparing the
geospatial leaders for tomorrow by bridging the skill gap
strengthen the national defence and security
General Authority of Tourism & Antiquities initiated and
successfully implemented an award winning GIS data base about
points of attractions and archaeological sites nation-wide
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
DAY 1 | 9th November 2014
8.00 Registration and coffee
8.40 Recital from the Holy Qur‘an
8.50 Welcome note- Fleming Gulf
8.55 Welcome address and keynote address by the chair
THE BIG AGENDA- Mapping the dimensions
and directions of geospatial industry for
regional development and security
The geospatial industry has emerged as one of the fastest
growing industries and has touched the lives of millions. Nature
is extremely dynamic and so is the geo-politics. This requires the
geospatial industry to be proactive in designing its strategies
and preparing itself to meet new challenges with much stronger
technology solutions for empowering regional socio-economic
development and security. Thus, this session will throw light on
the present and future drivers of the geospatial industry and map
the industry trends and directions.
Keynote- Dimensions and direction of the geospatial
industry in Middle East
• Highlighting the current and future trends in the geospatial
• Identifying the factors governing geospatial penetration and
adoption in the rgeion
• Discussing the challenges in the path of successful
implementation of geospatial technology
• Highlighting the role of government, private sector and
Keynote- Increasing role of governments in geospatial
data provision and management
• Highlighting the role of governments in providing the
geographic data and its management
• Discussing the role of government in providing a reliable,
trusted and maintained geospatial information base
• Analysing the trends in adapting business models and
accessing regimes to meet the changing expectations of an
ever-more demanding customer base
• Bridging the gap- coordination and collaboration
• Discussing the government‘s role in developing standards,
methods and tools to assure quality of the data
Keynote- Towards a regional SDI for geo- empowered
middle east
• Highlighting the importance of developing a robust regional
SDI for geospatial advancement in the region
• Identifying the role of governments in promoting regional SDI
• Discussing the benefits of developing a regional SDI in the
middle east
• Highlighting the challenges in the path of establishing a sucessful regional SDI
• Bringing to light some successful case studies
10.00 Keynote- Changing role of national mapping and
cadastral agencies- Challenges and opportunities
• Highlighting the important role of National Mapping and
Cadastral agencies in promoting the use of geospatial
• Discussing the strategies of NMOs in ensuring the quality and
accuracy of VGI
• Assessing the role of NMOs in maximising the vaue of
geospatial information
• Discussing the role of cadastral agencies in identifying data
standards and policies
10.15 Keynote- Geo-governance for development planning
• Highlighting the role of geospatial technologies in
empowering the municipalities
• Identifying the areas of geospatial applications in development
• Discussing the challenges and solutions for successful geogovernance
• Discussing realtime case studies and best practices
10.30 Exhibition visit and tea/coffee break
THE BIG DATA- Geospatial technology
trends and future direction of data creation,
maintenance and management
Geospatial technology has brought in a paradigm shift in the
way businesses operate today- collect, analyse and interpret
information, strengthening the decision making process. The
region is witnessing an exponential growth in the number of data
capture methods and perhaps more significantly, in the amount of
data being generated and captured.
11.00 Geospatial Cyber-Infrastructure: Transforming data to
• Developing infrastructure that supports the collection,
management, and utilization of geospatial data, information,
and knowledge for multiple science domains
• Implementing prototypes through various testbeds,
popularizing industry products through seed funding, and
building applications for this infrastructure through several
• Discussing the role of various enabling technologies like: Earth
Observation and sensor networks, SDI, Distributed Geographic
Information Processing, Web computing, Open & Interoperable
access technologies, HIgh Performance Computing, Data
visualization, system integration architectures, etc
• Highlighting the role of GCI in supporting the life cycle from
merely a data to knowledge
• Accessing various application domains and user communities
11.25Mobile mapping- Ushering a new era of advanced
• Discussing the latest developments in mobile mapping
• Identifying mobile mapping with UAV technology
• Discussing 3D mobile mapping integrated with GIS
• Assessing the opportunities and challenges in mobile mapping
for on-line services and consumer applications
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
DAY 1 | 9th November 2014
11.50Positioning, Location and Tracking with Global
Navigation Satellite Systems Applications
Discussing the latest GNSS technologies
Highlighting the use and applications of GNSS
Discusisng the current status and future applications
Analysing GNSS performance
Discussing the challenges in GNSS applications and services
12.15Open source- Promoting geospatial adoption and
• Discussing new open source platforms promoting geospatial
adoption and usability
• Promoting geospatial open source platforms
• Discussing cross platform interoperability challenges
• Analysing various geospatial tools for geospatial data
• Discussing legal, technical and business perspectives of Open
• Discussing User cases with best-of-breed Open Source
software for maximizing return on investment
12.40 Linked data and “Internet of Things”- Intelligent data
sharing and reuse
• Advantages of linking the information on the web as linked
data for contextualising and adding value to the information
that already exists
• Role of semantic technologies in publishing and making sense
of the data, offering the opportunity to create rich machine
processable descriptions of data
• Highlighting the demand for informative standardized
metadata as part of geospatial data in order to maximise
14.50Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)- Current and emerging
applications, challenges and opportunities
• Understanding UAV navigation and position/orientation
determination in outdoor and indoor environments
• Highlighting UAV applications in Agriculture, Biology, Cultural
Heritage, Emergency management, Environmental Sciences,
Forestry, Geosciences, Technical sciences, Traffic monitoring,
• Discussing the case studies of successful applications
15.15 Panel Discussion: Citizen data at crossroads: How
should Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) be best
The advent of global mass communication through mobile
technology is already unlocking the potential of both the passive
and the active crowd in enriching geospatial data. This panel
discussion will discuss the following:
• VGI as a valuable mechanism to encourage public participation
and engaging and empowering citizens
• VGI- Choice or a necessity?
• Future role of VGI and crowd-sourced geospatial information
• Challenges: data ownership, citizen volunteer recruitment,
ethical concerns, etc.
• Need for greater collaboration between NMCAs and the VGI
15.50 Closing remarks from the chairman
16.00 Networking reception 13.05 Prayer time and Luncheon 14.00 Cloud computing- making geo-information accessible to
anyone, anywhere , anytime
Discussing various cloud computing architectures
Highlighting innovative cloud applications and experiences
Discussing security and privacy in clouds
Discussing various business processes and workflow
management in clouds
• Understanding cloud bridging and cloud bursting
14.25Stereoscopic high resolution hyper-spectral imageryMaking every pixel count
• Defining imaging spectrometry (hyperspectral remote sensing)
• Discusisng phenomenology of reflectance spectrometry
• Understanding object recognition and feature extraction using
Spatial and Spectral Attributes
• Analysing commercially available hyperspectral imaging (HSI)
software packages
• HIghlighting the case studies of successful applications
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
DAY 2 | 10th November 2014
8.00 Registration and coffee
8.40 Welcome note- Fleming Gulf
• Identifying the benefits of using GIS for environmental
• Understanding the role of GIS in data management and
• Discussing the role of geospatial technology in monitoring of
maintenance plans and records
8.45 Welcome address by the chair
9.00 Guest address
Connecting the dots- Geo-empowering
the national lifelines for socio-economic
development and national security
This session will highlight the successes and challenges of
geospatial projects undertaken across a broad spectrum of
industries including: construction, civil engineering, infrastructure,
development, urban planning, natural resources monitoring and
development, coastal zone management and mapping, defence,
utilities, oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, archeology
and heritage, emergency and disaster management, forestry,
agriculture, criminology, homeland security and facilities
Defense & Security
Leveraging Geo-intelligence capabilities to identify,
manage and mitigate risks
• Understanding the use of geo-intelligence for defence &
• Understanding the essential requirements for a modern
• BUilding GIS ready intelligent data infrastructure
• Using GIS for internal security, border security and advanced
• Discussing the role of geospatial technologies in identifying,
managing and mitigating risks
10.10 Geospatial for utility infrastructure planning and analysis
in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
• Factors forcing utilities to concentrate on information driven
planning activities
• Creating a seamlessly integrated GIS platform for creating
electrical models
• Maintaining up to date network models which often is the
most critical task for the electrical utilities and planning
• Discussing the use of GIS for smart grids and smart cities
• Highlighting and learning from the success stories
• Analysing the ROI models
10.30 Exhibition visit and tea/coffee break
11.00Oil & Gas industry- Exploring the advantages of
Enterprise GIS
• Addressing the challenges and the problems encountered
during the implementation of an Enterprise GIS solution in the
oil and gas industry
• Discussing data sharing between data creators, data
consumers and data maintainers using the Enterprise GIS
• Identifying and discussing the challenge of homogenization of the implementation
• Highlighting and learning from the success stories
• Analysing the ROI models
9.30Applying geospatial tools to ensure public safety and
decision support
• Discussing the role of geospatial tools in ensuring public safety
and decision support
• Highlighting the leading role of defence and police authorities
in using GIS for crime mapping and emergency management
• Discussing the latest technologies in the market
• Understanding the current challenges and future needs
11.25 GIS in Pipeline route selection: Current trends and
• Highlighting the latest GIS technologies for optimal oil pipeline
route selection using GIS
• Discussing the importance of surveying for laying the pipelines
• Highlighting and learning from the success stories
• Analysing the ROI models
Environmental Management
11.50Towards Geo-intelligent telecommunication networks
9.50The Role of GIS in the Planning, Implementation and
Management of Environmental Information System- A
Success story
• Highlighting the role of Environmental Information
Management tool for environmental management
• Understanding the value of enterprise GIS for
• Highlighting the importance of leveraging existing
infrastructure to offer additional services
• Discussing GS for laying the fiber networks
• Leveraging existing infrastructure to offer additional services
• Discussing various user case studies
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
DAY 2 | 10th November 2014
12.15 LBS for optimizing on-site asset utilization
• GIS and LBS for improving asset utilization and customer
• Understanding enterprise- wide tracking and work-flow
Business Intelligence
14.50Micro-Location, Geofencing and Indoor Location driving
the businesses with intelligence- The Retail Revolution
• Optimizing the Utilization and Security of Your Wireless
Network with Context Awareness
• Understanding if indoor location intelliegnce is a revolution or
an evolution
• Monitoring and Optimizing IT assets usage
• Highlighting the importance of location based marketing
• Highlighting the challenges and risk management benefits of
using LBS
• Discussing the geospatial tools available for competition
mapping and location based marketing
• Construction & Infrastructure
• Analysing the opportunities and challenges in using location
based services in retail sector
Construction & Infrastructure
12.40 Geospatial for infrastructure mapping- Surface &
• Understanding how site positioning and data management
have transformed construction sites
• Using GIS for pre-construction surveys for engineering
• Highlighting the role of GIS in mapping the underground and
surface features for infrastructure planning and designing
• Discussing various user case studies and success stories
• Highlighting and learning from the success stories
• Analysing the ROI models
15.15 Panel discussion: Is geosaptial industry ready for the
• Identifying new markets
• Making geospatial accessible to the masses
• Discussing the role of governments in promoting and using
geospatial data provision and managememt; the role of social
media and; the role of the private technology sector
• Mapping the opportunities and threats
• Fostering geospatial data and process interoperability
13.05 Prayer time and Luncheon 14.00Integrating RFID and GIS to support urban transportation
management and planning of Hajj
• Implementing a location-aware system using RFID.
• Bridging the gap:Coordination and collaboration
15.50 Closing remarks from the chairman
16.00 Networking reception
• Providing real – time tracking of the location of pilgrims.
• Measuring crowd density
• Using RFID and mobile devices for crowd management
• Pilgrims-Sourced Data Collection for Documentation and
Continuous Improvement of Hajj & Umrah
14.25 Converging GIS and BIM data for efficient facility
• Discussing the important role of positioning and measurement
in building and construction and the role of geospatial
• Understanding the applications of geospatial technologies in
building highways and transportation systems, waterworks,
utilities and other infrastructure projects
• Discussing new applications created by GIS technology
for contractors, facility operators and building emergency
• Understanding the integration of GIS and BIM data for facility
• Highlighting the role of 3D scanning models for identifing
specific objects in a building and convert them to CAD entities
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
DAY 3 | 11th November 2014
8.00 Registration and coffee
9.00 LiDAR Workshop: Building a sustainable Middle East
with LiDAR applications
• Introduction to LiDAR
• ‘Viewing and Manipulating’ laser scanned data and ‘LiDAR
Data and Geographical Information Systems’
• LiDAR data capture and analysis standards
• From point cloud to supporting decisions: Making use of
your LiDAR data
• High resolution inventories using LiDAR: Challenges and
• Feature extraction from multisensor airborne data
• Current and future LiDAR developments and applicationsº LiDAR for surveying and engineering
º LiDAR for urban planning
º LiDAR for environmental monitoring and management
º LiDAR for Transport Planning
Media PartnerS:
º LiDAR for oil & gas exploration
º LiDAR for cellular network planning
º LiDAR for crime mapping
º LiDAR for navigation
º LiDAR for geological surveying and mapping
Who should attend?
This workshop will be an enriching learning and knowledge
building platform for geospatial division Directors, Heads,
Managers, Advisors, Experts, Sr. engineers, Engineers from:
º National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies
º Environment authorities
º Telecommunication companies
º National/ International Oil & Gas companies
º Trasportation authorities
15.00 End of day 3
Event Info:
+ 91 9970199439 |
+ 91 20 6607 0061
About the speakers
H.E. Engr. Muhamad N. ALRAJHI, Assistant Deputy
Minister for Land & Surveying, Ministry of Municipal and Rural
Affairs, Saudi Arabia
H. E. Muhamad N. ALRAJHI was born and raised in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After graduating with a
degree in Civil Engineering, he joined the General Directorate of Surveying and Mapping (GDSM) under the
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Early in his professional career,
he assumed the responsibility for technical and administrative management of large scale projects to fulfill
the need for Aerial Photography, Large Scale Digital Photogrammetric Mapping, Municipal Surveying
activities, Multipurpose Cadastre Registration as well as Development of Geographic Information System
in MOMRA in support of regional and urban planning activities in a timely and effective manner. He steered
the General Directorate of Surveying and Mapping as Director General for over 15 years during which stateof-the-art geomatic technologies were successfully implemented, which culminated in the ISO certification
and has made GDSM an eminent civilian survey authority of the Kingdom. He is currently Assistant Deputy
Minister for Land and Surveying in MOMRA and under his guidance, the modernization and updating of
the Geospatial Information Infrastructure is effectively serving its key role as the most fundamental tool for
decision makers and planners in the Kingdom. In step with his administrative and executive responsibilities,
his efforts towards professional development have lead to his completing M.Sc. in Geomatics and is
working towards PhD in Geomatics at Leibnitz University, Hannover, Germany. He is a member of several
Professional Organizations including AGU, FIG, ISO TC211, ASPRS, ISPRS, EAGE, European Academy of
Sciences and Saudi GIS National Committee. He has contributed, presented and published many papers
Kingdomwide and internationally.
Mark Reichardt
President and Chief Executive Officer
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Mark Reichardt is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC).
Mr. Reichardt has overall responsibility for Consortium operations, overseeing the development and
promotion of OpenGIS® standards and working to ensure that OGC programs foster member success. He
works with other standards development organizations and professional associations to establish alliance
agreements to assure that OGC standards and other standards work together fluidly. Mr. Reichardt
joined the Consortium in November 2000 as Director of Marketing and Public Sector Programs; became
the President of OGC and a member of the Board of Directors in September, 2004; and was appointed
President and CEO in January 2008. Before joining the OGC, Mr. Reichardt was involved in technology
modernization and production programs for the US Government. In the mid 1990’s, he was a member of a
DoD Geospatial Information Integrated Product Team (GIIPT) formed to help transition the DoD mapping
mission to a more flexible and responsive geo-information based paradigm. In 1998 Mr. Reichardt accepted
an assignment with Vice President Gore’s National Partnership for Reinventing Government to manage
a program to illustrate how the use of geospatial information and technologies could improve local
to federal government coordination. In early 1999, Mr. Reichardt was selected to establish and lead an
international Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) program for the US Federal Geographic Data Committee.
Mr. Reichardt serves on the Board of Directors of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association and on
the BuildingSmart Alliance Board of Direction.
Sultan Mohammed, Director General
Ethiopian Mapping Agency, Ethiopia
Sultan Mohammed Alya born on 27th of November 1951 is presently working as the Director General of
Ethiopian Mapping Agency. His main duty in the organisation is as a Chief Executive officer of the National
Mapping Organization, a public agency responsible for Surveying, Mapping, Remote Sensing and related
GIS activities in Ethiopia. Previously he was serving as a State Minister of the Ministry of National Defence,
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. His educational qualification comply him as a Master of Defence
Administration from Defence College of Management and Technology (DCMT), Cranfield University,
Schrivenham, Swindon, England. He also holds a M.Sc. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from School
of Industrial and Manufacturing Science (SIMS), Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, England. He is a
Member of Association of MBAs (AMBA) since 2006.
Neil Gyte, Head of Geo-Emerging markets, Google
Neil joined Google in 2011 to head up Google’s Geo Business for Emerging Markets. His aim is to help
businesses, governments and developers understand how they can utilise and leverage Google’s mapping
and location platforms/API’s to deliver innovative products and services. He has spent his whole career in
the geographical information field - holding a number of technical, business development and managerial
posts for management, engineering and consultancy companies across Europe, the Middle East and Asia
Pacific. Never has there been such rapid innovation happening in the mapping and location space as there
is currently. Recent developments are fundamentally changing many aspects of how we live and interact
with the world and Google is leading many of these innovations. Neil is a geographer at heart, earning an
Undergraduate degree in Geography from Edinburgh University where he continued to complete a Masters
degree in GIS.
Dr. Imad Y. Hoballah, Chairman and CEO
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Lebanon
Dr. Hoballah is the TRA Chairman and CEO since April 2010 and the Head of Telecom Technologies Unit
since March 2007. Dr. Hoballah currently heads the Lebanese National Committee for the Transition to
Digital TV, serves as President of the Pan Arab Observatory for Cyber Security and Safety, has served on
several „National Committees on Security“, chairs the „Arab Multistakeholder Advisory Group“ (AMAG)
of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), chairs the „ International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Council Working Group on Languages“, the ITU „Radiocommunication CCV Committee“, and the ITU
„Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV)“, and since March 2008, serves as Vice Chairman of the
„Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG)“. He has been actively involved in the group’s work to manage
issues related to Spectrum Management, World Radiocommunication Conferences and other spectrum
coordination projects between Arab States and other regions.
Dr Haider Fraihat, Director-ICT Division
United Nations- ESCWA, Lebanon
Haidar Fraihat is the Director General of the Jordan Department of Statistics. Previously, Dr. Fraihat was
the Director General of the Jordan National Information Technology Center. He also served as advisor to
several government ministers. In the academic track, Dr. Haidar M. Fraihat is an associate professor of
Management Information Systems at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia.
He also worked as Assistant Professor of MIS at Mutah University in Jordan, in addition to Sohar University
in Oman, as well as several American universities. Dr.Fraihat has more than 25 research projects, including
8 published research papers, more than 20 conference papers, 3 authored textbooks, and a number of
technical papers and research projects and grants. Dr. Fraihat has a Ph.D. in Management Science/MIS
from the Illinois Institute of Technology, with specialization in MIS (1992), an MBA in MIS from University of
Bridgeport, CT. USA (1987), and a B.A. in Business and Accounting from Yarmouk University, Jordan (1984).
Ayman Al Issa, Digital Oil Fields Cyber Security Advisor
ADMA OPCO, United Arab Emirates
Ayman has over 20 years of experience in the fields of Automation, Information Technology, and Cyber
Security. He has graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and verse in different
backgrounds like industrial control systems, systems engineering, and building cyber security strategies
and models. He is a member in the Cyber Security Advisory boards of top rated worldwide universities
for the advancement of researches on industrial cyber security. He is an active member in different
international Security Innovation Alliances that are focused in a worldwide program for improving the
security of industrial control systems by the close collaboration of the leading IT Security vendors and
leading industrial control system vendors. He is also information contributor to the ISA99/IEC62443
Industrial Automation and Control Systems Cyber Security Standards. Realizing that security measures
are always behind the emerging cyber risks, he developed an ICS defense-in-depth industrial cyber security
model that aims to early detection of threats based on security-through-vision-and-integration.
Ali Al- Hadheri, Geoinformation Manager, TOTAL E&P, Yemen
Ali is a professional projects manager and Information Systems expert ,focusing on improving workflows
and business process using the best practicies in knowledge management and information systems. He
has been the project lead for serveral projects in information systems and geoscince data management
acting as a focal contact point between end uses and service providers . He has a strong background
in geoscince applicaitons such as Open Works ( Landmark ) ,Geographix ,Petrel RE , eClips ,OFM, Geox ,
ArchGIS , Petrosys ,ProSource , Innerlogix , Sismage , LogDB . He was previously associated with OMV EP,
leading the implementation of SAP system in Yemen and support the implementation in other countries
within OMV branches world wide .
Dr Tareq Alemadi, Head-Information Technology, Qatar National
Food Security Program (QNFSP), Cice General Manager- Alemadi
Group, State of Qatar
Tareq Alemadi is currently the Head of Information Technology at Qatar National Food Security Program
(QNFSP) and a Vice General Manager at Alemadi Group. He is responsible for directing all the technology
initiatives for the firm including PC support, Telecommunication network, Applications system development,
Enterprise Architecture, Data Security, Cloud Computing, Managing Projects, and Information Technology
Strategic planning. He has over 18 years of experience in information technology, both in direct hands-on
and in managerial role. Prior to his current potion he worked as Head of IT in Her Highness Sheikha Moza
Bint Nasser Office and various positions at Ooredoo Qatar. Alemadi Hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer
since from Qatar University.
Dr Nedal Al-Hanbali, Geospatial Information System Manager at Abu
Dhabi Urban Planning Council
Dr Nedal Al- Hanbali is currently working as the system manager at Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council.
Prior to this, he was working as the GIS section Head for Western Region Municipality where he supervised
the development and maintenance of a centralized enterprise geo-database to support the business needs
of Town planning division and provide digital services to the public and private sectors. He utilized ESRI and
FME technologies to validate and rectify the Spatial Land Information database for the Town Planning Plot
layers and associated spatial entities such Buildings and Infrastructure.
Eng. Khalid A. Hameed Al Hammadi, Acting Director of GIS
Directorate Central Informatics Organisation (CIO), Kingdom of
Eng. Khalid received an MBA from University of Glamorgan (Wales) in 2004, and a BSc in Land Surveying
and Mapping Sciences from University of East London (UK) in 1986. He holds several prestigious official
mandates, and is credited with overall effective management and implementation of GIS related activities
of the GIS Directorate. Under the able guidance of Eng. Al Hammadi, the GIS Directorate (CIO) has
successfully developed and deployed several GeoInt GIS applications for ministries in Bahrain, that have
proven as assets in the functioning of the Ministries. Eng. Al Hammadi has an active participation towards
fulfilling the Bahraini Governments 2030 vision, of Geospatial fortification of the nation and to his credit are
several literary notes on spatial data and its utility for the Kingdom that has won international acclaim. The
Geospatial vision of Eng. Al Hammadi for the ministries and the nation is reflected in his technically sound
enterprise ventures of Geospatial information at the levels of Government, Public Sectors and General
Dr. Mezyyad Alterkawi, CEO-RTIC-KSU, and Director of International
Cooperation and Scientific Twinning Department, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Dr Mezyyad Alterkawi is the CEO of the Riyadh Technology Incubation Center (RTIC). He has been playing a
vital role in strategic planning of RTIC and RTV. He established a GIS Unit to support all of the municipality’s
departments. Managed the establishment of Riyadh’s Base Map (Digital), designed the database, led the
team to build up the functions, and linked the GIS Unit with the mayor’s office, his deputies and the rest of
the relevant municipal departments.