RIP version 1 Routing Protocols and Concepts – Chapter 5 1 计算机10级章节测试安排 Module 5 章节测试, –周六(4月13日)上午5:00—下周二(4月16日)晚上11:00 –跨度:3×24=96+18小时 –每章考试时间60分钟 –英文、中文考试同时激活,只能选一种,建议英文 –自己选择时间进入考试系统完成测试 –过期不补 2 Overview The first protocol used was Routing Information Protocol (RIP). RIP still enjoys popularity because of its simplicity and widespread support. Understanding RIP is important to your networking studies for two reasons. –First, RIP is still in use today. –Second, familiarity with many of the fundamental concepts of RIP will help you to compare RIP with other protocols. Understanding how RIP operates and its implementation will make learning other routing protocols easier. 3 Objectives Describe the functions, characteristics, and operation of the RIPv1 protocol. Configure a device for using RIPv1. Verify proper RIPv1 operation. Describe how RIPv1 performs automatic summarization. Configure, verify, and troubleshoot default routes propagated in a routed network implementing RIPv1. Use recommended techniques to solve problems related to RIPv1 4 Context Index 5.1 RIPv1: Distance Vector, Classful Routing Protocol 5.2 Basic RIPv1 Configuration 5.3 Verification and Troubleshooting 5.4 Automatic Summarization 5.5 Default Route and RIPv1 5.6 RIPv1 Configuration Labs 5 5.1 RIPv1: Distance Vector, Classful Routing Protocol 6 5.1.1 Background and Perspective RIP is the oldest of the distance vector routing protocols. RIP is not a protocol “on the way out.” 即将被淘汰 In fact, an IPv6 form of RIP called RIPng (next generation) is now available. 7 5.1.1 Background and Perspective Turn to 5.1.1 flash 8 Background and Perspective z Charles Hedrick wrote RFC 1058 in 1988, in which he documented the existing protocol and specified some improvements. z RFC 1058 can be found at RIPv1 Characteristics and Message Format z RIP characteristics: y Distance Vector or Link State? y Distance vector routing protocol. y Metric? y Hop count y Maximum Hop count? y Greater than 15 are considered unreachable. y Routing table updates are broadcasted every…? y 30 seconds. (RIPv2 uses multicasts) y their complete routing tables RIPv1 Characteristics and Message Format z The data portion of a RIP message is encapsulated into a UDP segment, with both source and destination port numbers set to 520. 5.1.2 RIPv1 Characteristics and Message Format RIP header - divided into 3 fields – Command field – Version field – Must be zero Route Entry - composed of 3 fields – Address family identifier – IP address – Metric 12 IP Address Classes and Classful Routing No subnet mask z RIPv1: y Classful routing protocol. y Does not send subnet mask in update. IP Address Classes and Classful Routing Routing Table ? Network-add/mask RIP Update network-add /16 z R2 receives an RIP update with a network address. z R2 adds the network address and mask to the routing table. z A router either uses the subnet mask: (discussed later) y Local interface or y Default classful subnet mask z Because of this limitation, RIPv1 networks cannot be discontiguous, nor can they implement VLSM. RIPv1 网络不能为不连续网络,也不能使用 VLSM。 5.1.3 RIP Operation RIP uses 2 message types: –Request message •This is sent out on startup by each RIP enabled interface •Requests all RIP enabled neighbors to send their complete routing tables –Response message •Message sent to requesting router containing routing table flash 讨论距离矢量路由协议更新算法 15 5.2 Basic RIPv1 Configuration 16 5.2.1 Basic RIPv1 Configuration A typical topology suitable for use by RIPv1 includes: –-Three router set up –-No PCs attached to LANs –-Use of 5 different IP subnets 5.2.1:配置路由器接口的 IP 地址 17 5.2.1 Basic RIPv1 Configuration 实验室真实设备互联 具体情况具体分析 18 RIPv1 Scenario A 3 2 1 4 5 z RIPv1 is a classful or classless routing protocol? y Classful z How many classful networks are there and of what class? y 5 Class C network addresses. z We will see that the class of the network is used by RIPv1 to determine the subnet mask. Enabling RIP: router rip Command (don’t do this yet) R1# conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)# router ? bgp Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) egp Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) eigrp Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) igrp Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) isis ISO IS-IS iso-igrp IGRP for OSI networks mobile Mobile routes odr On Demand stub Routes ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) rip Routing Information Protocol (RIP) R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# z What routing protocols does this router support? (PT is limited) z Configure RIP… Enabling RIP: router rip Command (don’t do this yet) R1# conf t R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# exit R1(config)# no router rip z no router rip y To remove the RIP routing process from a device y Stops the RIP process y Erases all existing RIP configuration commands. Specifying Networks Router(config-router)# network directly-connected-classfulnetwork-address z To enable RIP routing for a network, use the network command in router configuration mode z Enter the classful network address for each directly connected network. Specifying Networks R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network RIP Update z The network command performs the following functions: y Enables RIP on all interfaces that belong to a specific network. y Associated interfaces will now both send and receive RIP updates. y Advertises the specified network in RIP routing updates sent to other routers every 30 seconds (no mask). Specifying Networks Only directly connected classful network addresses! R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network R2(config)# router R2(config-router)# R2(config-router)# R2(config-router)# rip network network network R3(config)# router rip R3(config-router)# network R3(config-router)# network z Configure RIP for all three routers z What happens if you enter a subnet or host IP address? (Try it) y IOS automatically converts it to a classful network address. y For example, if you enter the command network, the router will convert it to network 5.2.3 Specifying Networks The network command is configured on all three routers for the directly connected networks. Notice that only classful networks were entered. Notice that the IOS does not give an error message. Instead, the IOS corrects the input and enters the classful network address. –R3(config)#router rip –R3(config-router)#network –R3(config-router)#network –验证 –R3#show running-config –router rip –network –network 25 Only directly connected classful network addresses! 5.1.4 Administrative Distance z RIP’s default administrative distance is 120 z check the administrative distance using the command: y show ip route y show ip protocols z Other command #show ip route Administrative Distance R3# show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, R = RIP <some output omitted> * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static route Gateway of last resort is not set R R R C C R3# [120/2] via [120/1] via [120/1] via is directly is directly, 00:00:13, Serial0/0/1, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/1, 00:00:25, Serial0/0/1 connected, Serial0/0/1 connected, FastEthernet0/0 z What is the administrative distance of a network route learned via RIP? y 120 Administrative Distance R3# show ip protocols <output omitted> Routing Protocol is “rip” Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance 120 Distance: (default is 120) Last Update 00:00:10 z Where is the administrative distance displayed using this command? 5.2.3. 在网络上配置 RIP 路由 5.2.3:在网络上配置 RIP 路由 结果见5.3.4 为 RIP 配置被动接口 直接完成演示 30 5.3 Verification and Troubleshooting 31 5.3.1 Verifying RIP: show ip route Powerful Troubleshooting Commands: show ip interface brief –Remember, before you configure any routing - whether static or dynamic make sure all necessary interfaces are "up" and "up" with the show ip interface brief command. show ip route show ip protocols show running-config debug ip rip 32 Verifying RIP: show ip route Command R1# show ip route <output omitted> R [120/2] via, 00:00:23, Serial0/0/0 5.3.2 Verifying RIP: show ip protocols z The show ip protocols command displays the routing protocol that is currently configured on the router. This output can be used to verify most RIP parameters to confirm that: y RIP routing is configured y The correct interfaces send and receive RIP updates y The router advertises the correct networks y RIP neighbors are sending updates z Detail to 5.3.2 flash button 7 Examine and discuss the show ip protocols Command Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z Verifies that RIP routing is configured and running on Router R2 z At least one active interface with an associated network command is needed before RIP routing will start. Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z These are the timers that show when the next round of updates will be sent out from this router—23 seconds from now, in the example. Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z This information relates to filtering updates and redistributing routes, if configured on this router. z Filtering and redistribution are both CCNP-level topics. Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z Information about which RIP version is currently configured and which interfaces are participating in RIP updates. Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z Router R2 is currently summarizing at the classful network boundary z By default, will use up to four equal-cost routes to loadbalance. z Automatic summarization is discussed later in this chapter. Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z Classful networks configured with the network command are listed next. z These are the networks that R2 will include in its RIP updates. (with other learned routes) Verifying RIP: show ip protocols Command z z z z RIP neighbors Gateway: Next-hop IP address of the neighbor that is sending R2 updates. Distance is the AD that R2 uses for updates sent by this neighbor. Last Update is the seconds since the last update was received from this neighbor. 5.3.3 Verifying RIP: debug ip rip z R2# undebug all(关闭所有debug进程) z Detail to 5.3.2 flash button 6 good Use debug ip rip to view RIP updates that are sent and received… z The debug command is a useful tool to help diagnose and resolve networking problems, providing real-time, continuous information. RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0/0/0 in 1 hops z Assuming all routers have converged, why were no other routes from R1’s routing table sent to R2? z Split horizon rule. y R1 is will not advertise networks back to R2 that were learned from R2. RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0/0/1 in 1 hops RIP: sending v1 update to ( RIP: build update entries network network network network via FastEthernet0/0 metric metric metric metric 2 1 1 2 Learned via RIP from R1 Learned via RIP from R3 Directly Connected RIP: sending v1 update to ( RIP: build update entries network network network Directly Connected Learned via RIP from R1 via Serial0/0/1 metric 2 metric 1 metric 1 RIP: sending v1 update to ( RIP: build update entries network network network via Serial0/0/0 metric 1 metric 1 metric 2 R2# undebug all All possible debugging has been turned off Directly Connected Learned via RIP from R3 5.3.4 Passive Interfaces Got Router? z Does R2 need to send RIP updates out Fa 0/0? z No, there is no RIP router or any router. y Bandwidth is wasted transporting unnecessary updates. y All devices on the LAN must process the RIPv1 update up to the transport layer. y Security risk 5.3.4 Passive interface Unnecessary RIP Updates Impact Network 1. Bandwidth is wasted transporting unnecessary updates. Because RIP updates are broadcast, switches will forward the updates out all ports. 2. All devices on the LAN must process the update up to the Transport layers, where the receiving device will discard the update. 3. Advertising updates on a broadcast network is a security risk. RIP updates can be intercepted with packet sniffing software. Routing updates can be modified and sent back to the router, corrupting the routing table with false metrics that misdirect traffic. Passive interface used to prevent a router from sending updates through an interface. Example: Router(config-router)# passive-interface interface-type interface-number This command stops routing updates out the specified interface. However, the network that the specified interface belongs to will still be advertised in routing updates that are sent out other interfaces. 停止从指定接口发送发送路由更新,但是,从其他接口发出的路由更新中 仍将通告指定接口所属的网络。 51 Passive Interfaces 思考:R2:no network与pass-int fa0/0 Router(config-router)# passive-interface interface-type interfacenumber z What about using on R2: R2(Config-router)# no network y R2 would not advertise this LAN as a route in updates sent to R1 and R3. z Correct solution is to use the passive-interface command Passive Interfaces – Use it on R2… R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)# passive-interface FastEthernet 0/0 X Passive Interfaces R2# show ip protocols <output omitted> Interface Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain Serial0/0/0 1 1 2 FastEthernet 0/0 no longer Serial0/0/1 1 1 2 included Automatic network summarization is in effect Routing for Networks: LAN network still included in RIP updates that are sent Passive Interface(s): FastEthernet 0/0 is a passive interface FastEthernet0/0 Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:27 120 00:00:23 Distance: (default is 120) 5.4 Automatic Summarization 55 5.4.1 Modified Topology: Scenario B Modified Topology 56 Modified Topology: Scenario B .10 z Where is the separation of classful networks? z Summarizing several routes into a single route is known as route summarization or route aggregation. z Fewer routes = smaller routing tables = faster lookups z Some routing protocols, such as RIP, automatically summarize routes on certain routers. Modified Topology: Scenario B z What are the classful z How is network subnetted? networks? y y y y y y z Is subnetted? y 5.4.1 Modified Topology: Scenario B Configuration 59 5.4.1 Modified Topology: Scenario B Configuration note R1 and R2 is technically incorrect since RIPv1 sends the classful network address in its updates and not the subnet. Therefore, the IOS changed the configuration to reflect the correct, classful configuration, as can be seen with the show run output. 注: 在评估和认证考试中,在 network 命令中输入子网地址 (而不是有类网络地址)将被判错。 60 5.4.2 Boundary routers and Automatic Summarization Boundary Routers:R2 has interfaces in more than one major classful network. This makes R2 a boundary router in RIP RIP automatically summarizes classful networks Boundary routers summarize RIP subnets from one major network to another. 因为边界路由器总结从一个主网到另一个主网的 RIP 子网,所以当从 R2 的 Serial 0/0/1 接口发送更新时,有关、 和 网络的更新将自动总结到。 61 Boundary Routers and Automatic Summarization z RIP is a classful routing protocol that automatically summarizes classful networks across major network boundaries. z Does R2 have interfaces on more than one major classful network? y Yes, and z This makes R2 a boundary router in RIP. z Boundary routers summarize RIP subnets from one major network to the other: y,, and networks automatically summarized into when sent out R2’s Serial 0/0/1 interface. Processing RIP Updates R2# show ip route is subnetted, 3 subnets R [120/1] via, 00:00:18, Serial0/0/0 C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 R [120/1] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/0/1 z Do Classful routing protocols such as RIPv1 include the subnet mask in the routing update. y No. z So how does a router running RIPv1 determine what subnet mask it should apply to a route when adding it to the routing table? 5.4.3 Rules for Processing RIPv1 Updates Routing Update and Interface Same Classful Major Network Different Classful Major Network Routing Update Subnet Mask Use mask of interface Use default classful mask z The following two rules govern RIPv1 updates: y If a routing update and the interface on which it is received belong to the same major network, the subnet mask of the interface is applied to the network in the routing update. y If a routing update and the interface on which it is received belong to different major networks, the classful subnet mask of the network is applied to the network in the routing update.. 5.4.3 Processing RIP Updates 以下两条规则控制着 RIPv1 更新: – 如果某条路由更新及其接收接口属于 相同的主网,则在路由更新中对该网 络应用该接口的子网掩码。 – 如果某条路由更新及其接收接口属于 不同的主网,则在路由更新中对该网 络应用网络的有类子网掩码。 Detail to 5.4.3 示例 说明 next 66 Example of RIPv1 Processing Updates R2# debug ip rip (selected output) RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0/0/0 in 1 hops R2# show ip route (selected output) is subnetted, 3 subnets R [120/1] via, 00:00:18, Serial0/0/0 z Same classful network as the incoming update. z Update: in 1 hops z Interface received: y Serial 0/0/0 - z Same classful network address (172.30.0.) z Applies subnet mask of its S0/0/0 interface, /24. z The /24 subnet was added to the routing table. R2# debug ip rip RIP protocol debugging is on RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0/0/0 ( RIP: build update entries network metric 1 network metric 1 network metric 2 RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0/0/1 ( RIP: build update entries network metric 1 Sending RIP Updates Sending RIP Updates Determining the mask and network address z Receiving an Update: Determining subnet mask for routing table y What is the major classful network address of the receiving interface? y What is the major classful network address of the network in the routing update? y Are they the same major classful network address? y Yes: Apply subnet mask of the receiving interface for this network address in the routing table. y No: Apply classful subnet mask for this network address in the routing table. z Sending an Update: Determining whether or not to summarize route sent y What is the major classful network address of the sending interface? y What is the major classful network address of the network in the routing update? y Are they the same major classful network address? y Yes: Send subnet network address y No: Send summary address – the classful network address Verifying Routing Updates R1# show ip route <output omitted> Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 3 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0 R [120/2] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0 R3# show ip route <output omitted> Gateway of last resort is not set R [120/1] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 5.4.4 Sending RIP Updates RIP uses automatic summarization to reduce the size of a routing table. 当发送更新时,边界路由器 R2 会在更新中包含网络地址 和相关度量。对于更新中的 路由条目而言,如果发往的 主网与其所属的主网不同, 则路由条目中的网络地址将 总结为有类网络地址(或称 主网地址)。如 R2 对 和 所执行的操作。R2 会将这些 有类网络发送到 R1。 同样在 R2 通过 Serial0/0/1 发往 R3 的路由更新中,R2 只会发送总结为有类网络地 址 的路由。 Detail 课本解释 72 5.4.5 Advantages and Disadvantage of Automatic Summarization RIP is a classful routing protocol that automatically summarizes classful networks across major network boundaries. 有类路由协议,如RIPv1,不允许你改变自动汇总这一行为; 但是无类路由协议,如RIPv2,允许关闭自动汇总。 73 5.4.5 Advantages and Disadvantage of Automatic Summarization Advantages: The size of routing updates is reduced Single routes are used to represent multiple routes which results in faster lookup in the routing table. 74 5.4.5 Advantages and Disadvantage of Automatic Summarization Disadvantage: Does not support discontiguous networks R1 和 R3 实质上是 的边界路由器,因为它们被另一个主网 隔离开来。由于两组 子网被至少一个其它主网 分隔,因此便生成不连续网络。 是一个不连续网络。 75 5.4.5 Advantages and Disadvantage of Automatic Summarization Discontiguous Topologies do not Converge with RIPv1:flash A router will only advertise major network addresses out interfaces that do not belong to the advertised route. RIPv1 配置是正确的,但它却无法确定不连续拓扑结构中的所有网络。原因是: 路由器只会将主网地址通告从不属于所通告路由的接口发出。 结果:由于在路由更新中不包含子网掩码,所以 RIPv1 无法通告特定路 由信息来让路由器为 子网提供正确的路由。 76 Disadvantage of Automatic Summarization z Discontiguous network, two or more subnets separated by at least one other major network. z is a discontiguous network. Discontiguous Networks Do Not Converge with RIPv1 R1(config)# router rip R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# network R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)# network R2(config-router)# network R3(config)# router rip R3(config-router)# network R3(config-router)# network z RIPv1 configuration is correct, but it is unable to determine all the networks in this discontiguous topology. Discontiguous Networks Do Not Converge with RIPv1 z What routing update will be sent by R1 and R3? y major network address, a summary route to R2. Discontiguous Networks Do Not Converge with RIPv1 R1# show ip route C C is subnetted, 3 subnets is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 R3# show ip route C C is subnetted, 3 subnets is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 z What networks/subnets do you expect to see in R1’s routing table? z What networks/subnets do you expect to see in R3’s routing table? z Note: The book/curriculum mistakenly has the following routes for R1 and R3 (Book: Figure 5-15 and 5-17). These routes are NOT in the routing tables. R1: R [120/2] via, 00:00:26, Serial0/0/0 R3: R [120/2] via, 00:00:22, Serial0/0/1 Discontiguous Networks Do Not Converge with RIPv1 R2# show ip route R [120/1] via, 00:00:14, Serial0/0/1 [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0 R2# show ip route R [120/1] via, 00:00:14, Serial0/0/1 [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0 z z R2 has two equal-cost paths to the network. What will R2 do when it receives traffic for a host on a network ie. y R2 will load-balance traffic destined for any subnet of y This means that R1 will get half of the traffic and R3 will get the other half of the traffic, whether or not the destination of the traffic is for one of their LANs. Discontiguous Networks Do Not Converge with RIPv1 R2# show ip route R [120/1] via, 00:00:14, Serial0/0/1 [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0/0 z Classful routing protocols do not support discontiguous networks because they do not include the subnet mask in the routing update. z Classless routing protocols (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP) do support discontiguous networks. LAB 5.4.5:RIP 中的自动路由总结 84 5.5 Default Route and RIPv1 85 5.5.1 Modified Topology: Scenario C Modified Topology: Scenario C Adding Internet Access to the Topology 连接到 ISP 的客户路由器不需要 Internet 上所有路由的完整列表。这些路 由器上配置一条默认路由 86 5.5.1 Modified Topology: Scenario C 87 5.5.2 Propagating the Default Route in RIPv1 缺省路由在动态路由中的传播 意义5.5.2 detail very good –要在 RIP 路由域中为所有其它网络提供 Internet 连接,需要将默认静态路由通 告给使用该动态路由协议的其它所有路由器。您可以在 R1 上配置指向 R2 的静态 默认路由,但这种方法没有扩展性。每次向 RIP 路由域添加一台路由器,您都必 须另外配置一条静态默认路由。为什么不让路由协议帮您做这些工作呢? Default-information originate command –This command is used to specify that the router is to originate default information, by propagating the static default route in RIP update. –指定该路由器为默认信息的来源,由该路由器在 RIP 更新中传播静态默认路由 88 Propagating the Default Route in RIPv1 R1# show ip route <output omitted> Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 3 subnets C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:05, Serial0/0/0 z Can configure static default route on every router but: y inefficient y does not react to topology changes z In many routing protocols, including RIP, you can use the defaultinformation originate command in router configuration mode to specify that this router is to originate default information, by propagating the static default route in RIP updates. Propagating the Default Route in RIPv1 R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)# default-information originate R2(config-router)# end R2# debug ip rip RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0/0/0 ( RIP: build update entries subnet metric 1 subnet metric 1 Propagating the Default Route in RIPv1 R1# show ip route <output omitted> * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 3 subnets C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 R [120/1] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/0/0 C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 R* [120/1] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/0/0 z The static default route on R2 has been propagated to R1 in a RIP update. z R1 has connectivity to the LAN on R3 and any destination on the Internet. 5.6 RIPv1 Configuration Labs 92 实验室分组完成 PK5.3模拟 实验室实现、测试 –实验 5.6.1:基本 RIP 配置(场景A、B、C) –实验 5.6.2:RIP 配置练习(单独场景) 排错,看懂 –实验 5.6.3:RIP 故障排除 93 实验5.6.1 基本RIP配置 94 实验5.6.1 基本RIP配置 95 实验5.6.1 基本RIP配置 在将末节网络连接到中央总部路由器或 ISP 的大多数公司中,场景 C 是一种非常典 型的配置 –通常,公司会在本地网络内运行动态路由协议,但没必要在公司网关路由器和 ISP 之间 运行动态路由协议 –但使用指向 ISP 的默认路由来接入 Internet –对 R3 而言,更为重要的是配置一条指向 R2 的有关 的静态路由。 96 实验5.6.2 :RIP 配置练习 需要在 ISP 路由器上为目的 RFC 1918 地址属于 BRANCH LAN、HQ LAN 以及 BRANCH 与 HQ 路由器之间链路的所有流量配置静态路由。 –ISP(config)# ip route Serial0/0/1 –ISP(config)# ip route Serial0/0/1 97 Summary RIP characteristics include: Classful, distance vector routing protocol Metric is Hop Count Does not support VLSM or discontiguous subnets Updates every 30 seconds Rip messages are encapsulated in a UDP segment with source and destination ports of 520 98 Summary: Commands used by RIP Command Command’s purpose Rtr(config)#router rip Enables RIP routing process Rtr(config-router)#network Associates a network with a RIP routing process Rtr#debug ip rip used to view real time RIP routing updates Rtr(config-router)#passive-interface fa0/0 Prevent RIP updates from going out an interface Rtr(config-router)#default-information originate Used by RIP to propagate default routes Rtr#show ip protocols Used to display timers used by RIP 99 Quiz 3 6 discontiguous networks good 10 show ip protocols 100 101