General 2007 general Rates effective 09/01/06 Chicago Tribune | 435 N. Michigan Ave | Chicago, IL 60611 | 1-800-TRIBUNE | • Full Run • Zoned SUNDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • Perspective •Q • home&Garden • Chicago tribune Magazine • A&e • travel • Books • tVweek • Comics • Real estate • transportation • CareerBuilder • Preprints • Fin de Semana (Sat/Sun) MoNDAY • Main News • Metro • Business tUeSDAY • Sports • tempo • Classified • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo • Classified • Redeye • hoy • ShopLocal (Tues/Wed) • Redeye • hoy weDNeSDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo thURSDAY • Good eating • Classified • Preprints • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • At Play • tempo • Classified • Preprints • Redeye • hoy • ShopLocal (Tues/Wed) FRiDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo • Redeye • hoy SAtURDAY • on the town • Movies • Your Place • Classified • Preprints • Main News • weekend • Business • Sports • Redeye • hoy • New homes • Auto Mart • Fin de Semana (Sat/Sun) • ShopLocal 2008 CALENDAR S 6 13 20 27 JANUARY M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 S 3 10 17 24 F M 4 11 18 25 S 4 11 18 25 M ay M T W T F S 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 J U ne M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 S 7 14 21 28 S e p tem b er M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 S 5 12 19 26 O cto b er M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 eb T 5 12 19 26 rU W 6 13 20 27 AR T 7 14 21 28 Y F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 M arc h M T W T F S 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 6 13 20 27 J uly M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 N M 3 10 17 24 ov T 4 11 18 25 em b er W T F S 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 S 6 13 20 27 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 7 14 21 28 Apr M T W 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 il T F S 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 A u g ust M T W T 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 D M 1 8 15 22 29 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 ecem b er T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 notes TRIBUNE MEDIA NET OFFICES General ADVERTISING RATE CARD Effective September 1, 2006 1. Index General Information Advertising Offices................................................................................... 1 Personnel.................................................................................................. 1 Rate Policy................................................................................................ 2 Contract Regulations................................................................................ 2 Commission and Payment Terms............................................................ 3 Circulation................................................................................................ 3 Classified Rates........................................................................................ 3 Rates Internet Advertising.................................................................................. 3 Regular Section Rates.............................................................................. 5 Color Rates............................................................................................... 5 Premium Position Rates........................................................................... 5 ROP Innovations....................................................................................... 5 Sunday Supplements TV Week.................................................................................................6-7 Chicago Tribune Magazine....................................................................8-9 Digital Ad Delivery................................................................................... 9 Requirements Copy & Materials.................................................................................... 10 Mechanical Requirements..................................................................... 10 Color Specifications................................................................................ 10 Standard Advertising Units..................................................................... 11 Closing Schedules................................................................................. 12 Application for Credit........................................................................... 13 2. Locations Advertising Offices CHICAGO 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611-4041 312/222-4150 FAX 312/222-3935 NORTH/NORTHWEST 1717 N. Penny Lane Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-5601 847/755-7400 FAX 847/755-7970 WEST 2000 S. York Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-8820 630/368-4100 FAX 630/368-4194 Atlanta 2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1105 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 770/433-9554 FAX 770/433-1927 Chicago 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200 Chicago, Illinois 60611 312/527-8119 FAX 312/527-8117 Dallas 12900 Preston Road, Suite 615 Dallas, Texas 75230 972/789-6920 FAX 972/789-2737 Detroit 19500 Victor Parkway, Suite 100 Livonia, Michigan 48152 734/464-6500 FAX 734/464-7188 Los Angeles 202 W. First Street, Suite 700 Los Angeles, California 90012 213/237-2135 FAX 213/237-2007 Miami 150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 1100 Miami, Florida 33131 305/329-3140 FAX 305/347-7980 New York 2 Park Ave., 8th Flr. New York, New York 10016 212/448-2600 FAX 212/448-2629 San Francisco 111 Pine Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, California 94111 415/693-5600 FAX 415/391-4992 Mexico Towmar Representaciones Profesionales, S.A. Presa de la Angostura No. 8 Mexico City 11500, D.F. 905/395-5888 3. Personnel Senior Vice President, Advertising, Kenneth J. DePaola 312/222-3126 Co-op Information 630/368-4113 Sunday Magazine Manager 312/222-2703 Director, Preprints 630/368-4046 Production Information 312/222-4666 TV Week Manager 312/222-2703 Tribune Network Advertising 312/222-3754 Manager, Tribune Cross Media Sales 312/222-5560 SOUTH 18450 Crossing Drive, Suite A Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 708/342-5600 FAX 708/342-2780 All orders and ROP materials should be directed to: Digital Ad Processing Department, Chicago Tribune, 435 N. Michigan Avenue, 3rd Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60611 Telephone: Ad Order 312/644-5141 or 312/644-5144. / Material Processing 312/222-3311. / FAX: 312/222-4592 4. Rate Policy 5. Contract Regulations A. T he Advertiser agrees to protect and indemnify the Newspaper against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims for libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practice, infringement of trade names or patents, violation of rights of privacy, and infringe­ment of copyrights and proprietary rights resulting from the publication by the Newspaper of the Advertiser’s ads. B.TheNewspaper will not be liable for failure to furnish advertising space or to publish any advertisement due to strikes, labor dis­putes, government action, act of God, war, fire, breakdown of equip­­­ment, or any other circumstances beyond the Newspaper’s control. C. The Newspaper reserves the right to reject any copy. All contracts and orders are subject in all respects to the Newspaper’s rules and regulations as to contents of advertising matter, makeup, and current demands upon advertising space. D. Agencies and advertisers forwarding orders which contain incorrect rates or conditions are hereby advised that the advertising called for will be inserted and charged at the regular schedule of rates then in force and in accordance with the regulations in this rate card. A failure to make an order correspond in price or rules to the rate card will be regarded only as a clerical error and advertising will be inserted without further notification. E. Rates charged are subject to revision. Advertisers will be informed by letter or notice of any changes in or additions to this rate card. Changes or additions shall be regarded as supplementary to the rate card upon issuance of such letter or notice. Should any gov­ern­ment body levy a tax on any advertising covered by these rates, such tax will become an additional charge to the advertiser, over and above the rates mentioned herein. F. Political or public policy advertising is accepted on a cash-withorder basis only. Copy must be submitted for approval, and all political or public policy ads must have the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ printed above each 2 columns of width. If the ad is a unit size, the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ must be included within the ad or a charge will be made for the additional space necessary to set the copy. Regular General rates apply to public policy advertising and national campaigns. Co-op rates apply to state and local campaigns. G. General Rates apply: 1. To all display advertising of manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers of products or services. 2. To the display advertising of insurance; magazine and newspaper publishers; public policy; public utilities; TV, radio and communi­ cation companies; technology; transportation (Airlines, Land and Airfreight, Bus Lines, Railroads, Transportation Rental Companies); Cruise Lines; Hotels, Resorts and Tour Operators outside of the Midwest Region, and the retail business of manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers of products or services 3. To the display advertising of advertising agencies; clubs and associations; fraternal organizations; trade unions; general contractors and engineers. CALENDAR MONTH VOLUME AND ANNUAL CONTRACT REGULATIONS 1. In order to earn any inch rates, discounts, or allowances shown, other than the Open rates, an advertiser must be signatory to the Newspaper’s advertising contract and spend the applicable minimum advertising revenue or space in the Newspaper during the one-year contract. 2. Advertisers can combine the total revenue/inches used in all sections and editions of the Newspaper toward filling Annual Contract advertising space or revenue requirements, except that when an advertisement utilizing the same size is ordered in two or more regional sections in any issue, the inches will only count one time. 3. Contracts for the Newspaper’s advertising are for one year or more from the effective date. Advertisers signing an Annual Contract may apply accumulated non-contract revenue/inches to Annual Contract requirements as follows: the Newspaper will recognize billed revenue/ inches for a period not to exceed 30 days prior to Annual Contract initiation, and the Annual Contract will commence on the date of the first applicable insertion. All Annual contracts are subject to the Newspaper Management’s approval. The Newspaper does not accept contracts or insertion orders containing special clauses relating to legal liability or circulation guarantees and reserves the right to cancel contracts in which advertising is not inserted within 30 days of contract date. 4. Annual revenue/inch contract advertisers may choose to sign regional frequency contracts and will be billed at the contract rate. Annual revenue/inch contract advertisers without regional frequency contracts may place advertising in regional sections and be billed as follows: 250- to 750-inch contracts earn the 21-inch rate, 1,600- to 3,200inch contracts earn the 24-issue rate and 6,400-inch contracts earn the 96-issue rate. 5. It is expressly understood that frequency agreements are based upon the condition that the Advertiser use the minimum issues agreed upon during the contract term. Advertisers can count the total Retail issues used in all sections of the Newspaper toward fulfilling annual frequency contract requirements. Multiple insertions placed on the same day will count as one issue. 6. 50% of regional frequency contracts must be fulfilled within six months of contract starting date. 7. Advertisers signing regional frequency contracts will be billed at the frequency level signed. If the contract is not fulfilled all ads will be short-rated to reflect rate card rates for the number of issues actually run. 8. Regional frequency contracts can be upgraded by making a written request that is received within two months of starting date of initial contract. 9. Advertisers signing regional frequency contracts cannot earn a higher frequency rate. The contract period will not be extended to permit advertisers to meet the required number of issues. 10. The Newspaper may terminate the contract at any time without notice if the advertiser becomes insolvent; is the subject of a bankruptcy petition or is adjudged a bankrupt; makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or for any other cause considered sufficient by the Newspaper. In addition, if the minimum number of issues agreed upon are not used during any one-year period, the contract will not be renewed. The failure of the Newspaper to exercise any option to terminate the contract shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to do so. 11. The Newspaper reserves the right to reject any copy. All contracts and orders are subject in all respects to the Newspaper rules and regulations as to contents of advertising matter, makeup and current demands upon advertising space. The Newspaper will not be liable for failure to furnish advertising space or to publish an advertisement. 12. The Advertiser agrees to protect and indemnify the Newspaper against any and all liability, loss or expense arising from claims for libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trade names or patents, violation of rights of privacy, and infringement of copyright and other proprietary rights, resulting from the publication by the Newspaper of the advertiser’s ads. 4. To display advertising of Banks, Savings and Loans Associations, Stock Brokers and other Financial Services. H.Ifan ad placed by a tour operator, a travel co-op advertiser or a travel agent includes more that 10 square inches from any single transportation provider, the entire ad will be billed at the general advertising rate. I. ost advertising will be billed by column inches as ordered (width in M columns by depth in inches). Some shrinkage will occur from mate­ rial to the printed product. Regular Section advertising accep­table in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes (See pages 12–13), minimum ad size 1 column by 1 inch. Regional Section advertising available in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes only, minimum ad size 1 column by 3.5 inches. (See pages 13–14 for complete mechanical specifications.) Page rates are based on the number of column inches multiplied by the inch rate and rounded to the nearest dollar. Page to Column Inch Conversions Broadsheet Double Truck = 262.5 Inches Tabloid Double Truck = 120.75 Inches Broadsheet Page = 126 Inches Tabloid Page = 57.5 Inches 2 notes notes 6. Commission and Payment 9. Internet Advertising on Chicago Tribune Web Sites A. T o all Advertising agencies recognized by the Newspaper, a 15% commission will apply to these rates, including color charges, provided payment is made when due. No cash discounts are allowed. Color premiums are commissionable. The Newspaper will require prepayment from advertising agencies using or implying sequential liability or if any kind of payment disclaimer is used or implied on advertising agency insertion orders. B. Payments are due by the fifteenth of the month for space used during the preceding month. Credit privileges will be sus­ pended on accounts not paying by the 25th of the month in which a pay­ment is due. Payments must accompany all orders from accounts which have not established credit with Chicago Tribune Company. C. We reserve the right to cancel any contract and/or alter terms of payment: (a) if any bill is not paid when due; (b) if the advertiser and/or advertising agency becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, is adjudged a bankrupt, or a receiver of the property or business of the advertiser and/or advertising agency is appointed, or if the advertiser and/or advertising agency shall file a petition seeking relief as a debtor under the federal bankruptcy act, or if a petition is filed against the advertiser and/or advertising agency for reorganization under said act, or for adjudication of bankruptcy; (c) for any other cause considered sufficient by us. Chicago Tribune Interactive is the #1 Local News and Information source on-line for Chicago. (Source: Nielsen/NetRatings- June 2006) More Chicagoans get their on-line news from our trusted Chicago Tribune brand than any of the other national or local news and information sites. Chicago Tribune Interactive reaches more than 2.6 Million consumers each month (Source: Nielsen/NetRatings- June 2006). Consumers can find the latest breaking news stories on, in-depth local sports coverage on, and the most comprehensive entertainment guide for Chicago on There are a variety of display advertising opportunities on all three sites. Advertising is sold on a CPM basis against impressions served to the online audience, and can be targeted by Section, Demographic or unique audience Behaviors. Please contact your Chicago Tribune Interactive sales executive for more detailed information. Banner Tile Ad Rates Featured Ad Rates* Targeted Advertising $19 CPM $30 CPM Start at $35 CPM (*Feature ads include Leaderboards, Super Banners, Skyscrapers, Rectangles, and Half Page ads) Chicago Tribune Interactive will also accept most Rich Media ad formats. Please consult your Sales Executive for more information. Requirements and Supported Formats: Leaderboards—728x90 pixels (12k maximum file size) Towers—120x240 pixels (12k maximum file size) Skyscrapers—120x600 pixels (15K maximum file size) Wide Skyscrapers—160x600 pixels (15K maximum file size) Rectangles—300x250 pixels (15k maximum file size) 7. Circulation Please contact your local Chicago Tribune sales representative or the advertising department at the telephone numbers listed on page one for the latest circulation data, as information is updated regularly throughout the year. Animation is restricted. Supported formats include JavaScript, HTML, Streaming Flash and Quicktime 3.0. 8. Classified Rates All rich media formats must be tested by Chicago Tribune Interactive as least one week prior to start of campaign. For more information about Chicago Tribune Interactive advertising, please call 312-222-2583, or toll free at 877-867-4687. Or e-mail For classified rates, please refer to separate rate card. 3 Fax Credit application to (312) 222-2599 Credit Services Dept A Tribune Publication Tribune Finance Service Center 435 N Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: (312) 222-3634 APPLICATION FOR CREDIT Date: / / Amount of Monthly Credit Requested: $ BUSINESS: Corporate Name: D/B/A (Trade Name): Dun& Bradstreet#: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone #: Mailing Address (if different than above): State: If Company is a .00 ) - ) - City: Zip Code: branch or ( Telephone #: ( subsidiary, list name, address & phone of parent company: Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Corporation Telephone #: ( Partnership Ltd. partnership Date you started business/assumed control: ) - Proprietorship Number of employees: Advertising Agency Nature & type of business: Has Corporation been registered with Secretary of State?: What State: Filing date: Have you previously advertised with the Chicago Tribune?: Under what name: Account No.: Date: Name & address of previous Business or employer: City: State: Zip Code: OFFICERS & PRINCIPALS Home Address: Home Address: Name: Name: Phone: Social Security #: Social Security #: Phone: MEDIA TRADE REFERENCES Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: BANK REFERENCES C-Checking Name: S-Savings CPD-Charge Plate Deposits M-Mortgage City/ State: Phone: Account #: The information set forth above, together with any information supplied in connection herewith, is provided for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining credit with the Chicago Tribune, is represented and warranted to be true, and you may consider the information as continuing until a written notice of change is given. You or any credit bureau or other investigative agency employed by you are authorized to make all inquiries you deem necessary to investigate the references herein listed and to verify the accuracy of the statements or other data obtained and to otherwise determine the creditworthiness and financial responsibilities of the undersigned. The undersigned agrees to pay for all advertising, services and charges placed by the undersigned in accordance with the credit terms, conditions and general information of the Chicago Tribune, including applicable rate cards, now or hereafter in effect. Advertising Agencies agree to be liable for payments to the Chicago Tribune and its subsidiaries for all advertising placed by and billed to our agency, regardless of whether the identity of our customer is disclosed. This statement renders void any statements to the contrary subsequently appearing on insertion orders or other communications from our agency, and we intend to be bound by the terms hereof upon execution and delivery to you of a copy (including any executed facsimile thereof) of this application. The extension of credit may, in the sole discretion of the Chicago Tribune, be increased or decreased at any time and for any reason. PAYMENT TERMS: NET 15 (DISCOUNTS WILL BE GIVEN PER RATECARD) Office Use Only Account #: Credit Limit/DT/ID#: Signature of Officer/Principal, Title & Date: Date: Sales Rep: Please Print Signed Name Sales Rep's Phone#: 812-48 (10/02) 4 Sales Rep's Fax#: 13 13. 22. Regional Closing Schedules/Deadlines Retail Rates REZ* 10. General Advertising Rates 11. Color Rates Acceptable in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes only. Day of Publication Section Order Deadline Complete Material* System-Ready Material** and PDF Digital Files Sunday Arts Thursday 5:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Books Tuesday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Business Wednesday 3:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Q Tuesday 11:00 A.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Home & Garden Wednesday 5:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Main News Thursday 12:00 Noon Thursday 12:00 Noon Friday 12:00 Noon Real Estate Thursday 11:00 A.M. Thursday 4:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Recruitment (Business) Thursday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Sports Thursday 12:00 Noon Thursday 12:00 Noon Friday 12:00 Noon Travel Tuesday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Monday Regular Sections Friday 3:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday Regular Sections Friday 3:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Column Inch Rate Daily - Full Run Open Rate $755 $300K 690 $600K 660 $900K 630 $1.5M 595 Sunday - Full Run Open Rate $300K $600K $900K $1.5M All rates are subject to availability and prior commitments. Color must be cleared 24 hours in advance of deadline. Color advertisements will be accepted in full pages. Less-than-page units may be accepted based on color availability. Minimum color ad size is 42 inches unless otherwise specified. Add-On and “Other” Rates $455 415 395 380 355 Regular Section Premiums Color premium added to earned Black and White rates. Color premiums are not subject to any further discounts. Full Run $1,135 1,025 1,000 955 900 $645 585 570 545 515 Sunday Daily $8,060 $10,720 Availabilities Color positions are available in most sections. Please consult your sales representative for color availability. Full run Other Rates Include: Special Section / Theme rates, Financial Notices “Tombstones” rates. a. Daily: Main News, Sports, Business, Metro. b. Sunday: Main News, Perspective, Sports, Metro, Business, Travel. Revenue levels reflect annual spending. Wednesday Good Eating Monday 11:00 A.M. Monday 12:00 Noon Monday 6:00 P.M. Add-On rates apply only to Monday through Saturday. Regular Sections Monday 3:00 P.M. Monday 6:00 P.M. Monday 6:00 P.M. Tempo Monday 11:00 A.M. Monday 12:00 Noon Monday 6:00 P.M. Thursday Regular Sections Tuesday 3:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tempo Monday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. At Play Monday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. hen the same size ad with the same ad copy is published on an addi­ W tional weekday (advertising published on the same day as the original order does not qualify for the add-on rates) within a 7-day period (Monday through Sunday or Sunday through Saturday), the additional daily ads will be billed at the “Add-On” rate. Add-on dates must be specified on the original order. Friday On the Town Tuesday 12:00 Noon Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Regular Sections Wednesday 3:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Chicago Tribune Magazine and T.V. Week ads may be repeated in the daily newspaper at the Chicago Tribune SAU size necessary to accommodate the same ad and qualify for the daily add-on rates, providing all require­ ments are met. Your Place Tuesday 4:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. *Daily add-on rates do not apply to Thanksgiving Day Saturday Regular Sections Thursday 3:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. New Homes Thursday 11:00 A.M. Thursday 4:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. *At Tribune Tower. Color deadline material must be submitted 24 hours in advance of Complete Material and System-Ready closing schedules. DIGITAL/ELECTRONIC DEADLINES Midweek Shop Local Wrap Deadlines **PDF File Format: Follow system-ready deadlines. The order and complete or system-ready material deadline is Monday by 12 Noon, 9 days prior to in-home date. Any other electronic format—due 24 hours prior to system-ready deadlines. Weekend Shop Local Wrap Deadlines The Chicago Tribune reserves the right to substitute fonts when they are not included with the file. The order and complete or system-ready material deadline is Tuesday by 12 Noon, 11 days prior to in-home date. Call for specifications and acceptable formats. Chicago Theatre Directory Deadlines If a proof of the advertisement is requested, material must be submitted 48 hours in advance of Complete Material closing schedule. Daily: Double Truck: Final approved copy complete with screened velox prints must be received 24 hours in advance of above closing times. All orders are non-cancelable after deadline. Noon, two working days prior to day of issue. Friday Section, 11 A.M. Tuesday. Sunday: Noon, Tuesday for full-run circulation. Minimum size .5 inch, available in .25 inch increments 12. Premium Position Rates Chicago Tribune ROP Premium Positioning A select number of premium positions are available for an incremental charge. Advertisers paying the incremental premium position charge will be placed in some of the newspaper’s most visible positions. A limited number of spaces are available each day. Please note that Main News placement request does not guarantee color availability. Please check with your sales representative for premium position availability. The Chicago Tribune reserves the right to deny placement in premium positions based on ad content or type. The following rates will apply in addition to the space and color charges already being paid for each advertisement: The Financial Notice Rate is applicable to announcements of public and private offerings of securities, notices of redemption, or corporate financing. Qualification for, and application of the Financial Notice Rate is at the newspaper’s discretion. Premium Position*Premium Charge Mon-Fri 2x7 on pages 2-4 $600 The Financial Notice Rate does not apply to announcements of corporate takeover, proxy solicitation, corporate meetings or other notices to securities holders that is of limited interest to the general public. Sunday 2x7 on pages 2-4 Features Sections Back Page A. Tabloid Conversion Guaranteed Main News The Chicago Tribune does not include 13-inch deep ad sizes designed for tabloid newspapers as modular sizes in our newspaper. The Newspaper will float 13-inch material in 14-inch ad space, and bill the advertiser at the modular rate for the entire space. Back of Sunday Main News B. Double Truck Rates Full-depth broadsheet double truck rates are computed by multiplying the number of column inches (262.5) by the column-inch page rate at the appropriate contract level and rounding to the nearest dollar. 900 1,800 5,900 11,800 Back of Daily Main News 9,400 First Daily Color Position 4,700 First Sunday Color Position 7,100 Back Page of Metro 5,900 Premium PositionPremium Space Daily Sports and Weather Strip $7,100 Color Premiums for broadsheet double truck units are twice the standard premium color rate. Sunday Sports and Weather Strip 8,800 Saturday Sports Strip 4,100 Tabloid double truck rates are one-half the broadsheet double truck rate. *Main News positions are not guaranteed for November and December. 13. ROP Innovations Chicago Tribune is currently offering tailored ROP solutions to meet your advertising requests. Customized sizes, shapes and positions are available. Ask your sales representative for details. • Ad must be at least 56 inches • Ad must be full-run only • No supplemental rate card programs or special offers apply • Additional lead times are required *ADMARC IDENTIFICATION *ADMARC IDENTIFICATION 12 5 8-3/8“ x 10-1/2“ TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ LIVE: 7-1/2“ x 9-3/4“ FULL PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 29.25 TOTAL INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES BLEED PAGE:WIDTH X 4-7/16“ 8-3/8“ x 10-1/2“ 6-9/16“ DEPTH TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ 19.5 LIVE: TOTAL 7-1/2“ xINCHES 9-3/4“ FULL PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 3/5 PAGEDEPTH VERTICAL 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9.75 TOTAL 9-3/4“ DEPTHINCHES Order Deadline: 29.25 TOTAL INCHES FULL PAGE Wednesday–18 days prior to publication 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 48.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. D 2/5AD PAGENO. A 4-7/16“ BLEED PAGE: WIDTH X 6-9/16“ 8-3/8“DEPTH x 10-1/2“ TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ 19.5 TOTAL INCHES LIVE: 7-1/2“ x 9-3/4“ 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGEDEPTH VERTICAL 4-3/4“ 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 24.375 TOTAL 9-3/4“ DEPTH INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES 9-3/4“ DEPTH Material Deadline: 48.75 TOTAL INCHES Thursday–17 days prior to publication AD NO. E AD NO. G AD NO. F 1/5 AD PAGE NO. B 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 3/5 PAGE VERTICAL 4-3/4“ DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 9-3/4“ DEPTH 1/2 AD PAGE NO. HORIZONTAL C 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGE VERTICAL 4-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 24.375 9-3/4“ TOTAL DEPTHINCHES 29.25 TOTAL INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. H DEPTH IN INCHES 21" 18" 15.75" 14" 10.5" 9" 7" 5.25" Standard R.O.P. Advertising Units The number of columns in width by the depth in inches is the ad designation. 1x21" 2x21" 3x21" 4x21" 5x21" 6x21" 1x18" 2x18" 3x18" 4x18" 5x18" 6x18" 1x15.75" 2x15.75" 3x15.75" 4x15.75" 5x15.75" 6x15.75" 1x14" 2x14" 3x14" 4x14" 5x14" 6x14" 1x10.5" 2x10.5" 3x10.5" 4x10.5" 5x10.5" 6x10.5" 1x9" 2x9" 3x9"* 1x7" 2x7" 3x7" 4x7" 1x5.25" 2x5.25" 3x5.25" 4x5.25" 3.5" 3" 1x3.5" 2x3.5" 1x3" 2x3" 2" 1.5" 1" 1x2" 1x1.5" 2x2" (See Footnote*) (See Footnote*) PAGE AD NO. I 3/10 ADPAGE NO. D 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGEDEPTH 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 14.625 TOTAL 6-9/16“ DEPTH INCHES AD NO. E 1/5 PAGE 4-7/16“ 1/5 PAGE WIDTH X 3-3/16“WIDTH DEPTH X 2-15/16“ AD NO. F 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ X 1/2 PAGE WIDTH HORIZONTAL 2-1/4“WIDTH DEPTHX 7-1/2“ 19.5 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 24.375 TOTAL INCHES 4-3/4“ DEPTHINCHES 9.75 TOTAL 4-3/4“ 11.25 DEPTH TOTAL INCHES 6/7 48.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. G AD NO. D 3/10 PAGE 4-7/16“ 2/5 PAGEWIDTH X 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“DEPTH WIDTH X 6-9/16“TOTAL DEPTHINCHES 14.625 19.5 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. H 1/5AD PAGENO. E 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL 2-1/4“ WIDTH DEPTH X 7-1/2“ 4-3/4“ DEPTH 11.25 TOTAL INCHES 24.375 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. L 14. Week ADTV NO. G TRUCK ROP Advertising AD NO. H DOUBLE WIDTH X 3/10 PAGE&16“ 1/5 PAGE BLACK WHITE RATES 9-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH 97.5 TOTAL INCHES 3-3/16“ DEPTH Full Page 14.625 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 3/5 AD NO. L AD NO. I AD 1/4 PAGENO. F 4-7/16“ 1/5 PAGEWIDTH X 3-3/16“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES DOUBLE AD NO. G TRUCK AD NO. H 16“ WIDTH X 3/10 PAGE 9-3/4“ DEPTH 1/5 PAGE 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH97.5 TOTAL INCHES 3-3/16“ DEPTH 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2-1/4“ DEPTH 14.625 TOTAL INCHES 11.25 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. I AD NO. L 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X Open 6 issues 2-1/4“ DEPTH $28,770 $27,960 11.25 TOTAL INCHES 19,290 18,920 DOUBLE TRUCK 16“ WIDTH X 12 issues 9-3/4“ DEPTH $26,780 97.5 TOTAL INCHES 18,440 9.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. I 24 issues 48 issues $26,110 $25,220 17,470 17,100 1/2 17,370 17,040 16,560 15,730 15,380 2/5 16,830 16,170 15,700 15,000 14,470 3/10 13,480 12,970 12,570 12,000 11,560 1/4 11,510 11,080 10,720 10,280 9,900 9,660 9,300 8,980 8,650 8,350 8,700 8,520 8,170 8,050 7,650 2,930 2,910 2,720 2,680 1/5 3/4 AD NO. L 1/2 strip 3/4 2,580 DOUBLE TRUCK 4 pages in 116“ WIDTH X 27,620 26,880 25,650 25,050 24,180 9-3/4“ DEPTH Mechanical Specifications Center Spread or Facing Pages—Double Space and Color. 97.5 TOTAL INCHES Color Premiums: Black and 2 or 3 colors $1,430 The Chicago Tribune TV Week Magazine is produced digitally. We would Four color process 3,380 prefer to receive EPS, TIFF and PDF files. The EPS and TIFF files are Position Premiums & Priority usually produced through Quark; the PDF files through Acrobat 4.0 version. Please use a Macintosh-based platform only. Please use 100-line • Back Page: $3,000 if available. Back must carry color. screen for all ads. Native files to be submitted for Spadea Popout. • Standard color priority positioning in effect: Four color moves spot color. Spot color moves black & white. Production Contact Advertising Contact Chicago Tribune 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60611 312/222-4603 Fax: 312/222-3935 TV Week Sales Coordinator 312/222-2703 Fax: 312/222-3935 WIDTH IN INCHES 33⁄4" 5x7" 6x7" 53⁄4" 6x3" (See Footnote*) 5x2" 6x2" 711⁄16" 95⁄8" 115⁄8" Strip ads: 6 columns on 3" or 2", 5 columns on 2" (Tab pages only) are only available in selected parts and must be cleared in advance. Double Trucks (when available): 23.875" wide, 121⁄2 columns, available in 21", 18", 14" and 10.5" depths in broadsheet sections; and 21" wide, 101⁄2 columns, available in 11.5", and 5.75" depths in Tab sections. 1 column on 3" (and smaller sizes) not available in Zoned sections. 11 1/3 1/4 *Not a national SAU Size. See below for strip ads. 6 1/2 3/7 1x1" 113⁄16" 2/3 1/6 1/7 2. A ll Advertorial advertisements or sections must be pre-approved by Chicago Tribune management before publication deadline. Standard pages will be prepared to 11.5783” x 21”—6 columns per page. Double trucks including gutter will be prepared 23.875” x 21”. Gutters charged as 1/2 column. a. Advertisements cannot be only Advertorial. b. Advertorial must appear below advertisement. e. No writers bylines are allowed in the story. 5. A charge of $60.00 per column will be made for advertisements set and not published within 30 days. One setting and one revision of proofs allowed. Cancellation of orders not accepted after deadline. 6. S ervice charge for use of a newspaper office box number in all display advertisements, regardless of the number of insertions utilizing that particular number—$100.00, noncommissionable and not subject to discounts 7. T he Newspaper will not be responsible for drawings or material left at its offices over 10 days. 8. T he Newspaper reserves the right to lighten heavy black illustrations, borders, bold captions, or reverse type by the use of a screen to 70% of black. This includes heavy type over one pica in width and borders exceeding two points in single column, four points in double column, or six points in larger advertisements. Changes required shall be at the expense of the advertiser. 9. V eloxes made by the Newspaper will be charged for. 10. Finished art cost estimates are available on request. 11. The Newspaper’s liability for an error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. Credit allowed for first insertion only. Contact your sales representative for more details. 12. All orders must state the specific space desired by designating the width in columns and exact depth in inches. The Newspaper will bill the advertiser for the exact space ordered. 13. Key numbers and coupons in advertisements are accepted at the advertiser’s risk. Ad Sizes (in inches) 1 column 2 columns 3 columns 4 columns 5 columns 6 columns Standard Double 1.8260” 3.7764” 5.7269” 7.6774” 9.6278 11.5783” 23.8750” D. TAB MODULAR SIZES Size Dimensions 1/8 page Horizontal 1/4 page Horizontal 1/2 page Horizontal 1/2 page Vertical Full Page Tab Double 5” W x 2.875”D 5” W x 5.75” D 10.125” W x 5.75” D 5” W x 11.5” D 10.125” W x 11.5” D 21” W x 11.5” D 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 x x x x Strip Ads 6 *5 *5 x x x 1. C olor page material sizes are the same as for black and white material. The Chicago Tribune does not include 13-inchdeep ad sizes designed for tabloid newspapers as modular sizes. The Newspaper will float 13-inch material in 14-inch ad space, and bill the advertiser at the modular rate for the entire space. F. SHRINKAGE/CAMERA REDUCTION A broadsheet page will be reduced in depth by approximately 2.3%. G. PRINTING MATERIAL Photocomposition ads having a combination of illustrations and type can be processed without incurring an additional charge provided the illustrations, etc. furnished are at actual size and of 10 1/4"bleedarea 1/4"margin 1/4"bleedarea Open 6-12 times 26+ times Front Wrap $34,650 $27,200 $24,780 $29/M Back Wrap 22,260 18,590 16,070 29/M 36,750 31,500 26,250 37/M 00% 00% 0-0% Front Page Popout Highlight 04% 02% 02% 0-0% *minimum 300,000 Quartertone 20% 14% 14% 0-0% Midtone 33% 28% 28% Shadow 66% 56% 56% -54% Minimum screen: 20% .3125"WHITEGUTTER Part Run* .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA .3125"WHITEGUTTER =.25"Trimmed .3125"WHITEGUTTER .25"TRIMAREA (see diagram on right) Placecoupons =.25"Trimmed =FullPageImageArea 5. A dvertisers should furnish digital files (PDF or native) in accord with CT digital ad delivery guidelines. 6. A d-Litho #81 Blue, #82 Red and #83 Yellow are our stock process inks. All spot colors should be treated as CMYK process colors. All other inks are considered special. Requests for special inks must accompany original order and be cleared for availa­bility. There is an additional charge for special inks. Rates are provided on request. 7 .25"TRIMAREA .75" =FullPageImageArea =Stripbeforetrim .3125"WHITEGUTTER =Stripbeforetrim (see diagram on right) .25"TRIMAREA =.25"Trimmed =FullPageImageArea (see diagram on right) .3125"WHITEGUTTER Placecoupons onbottomhalfofad Placecoupons onbottomhalfofad .3125"WHITEGUTTER =Stripbeforetrim onbottomhalfofad 4.Screen angles to be considered: The black, magenta, and cyan screens are placed 30 degrees apart. This difference in the angles produces the least objection­able moire. Yellow, as the lightest color, is placed between the magenta and cyan. The usual screen angles are Black 45 degrees; Magenta 75 degrees; Yellow 90 degrees; Cyan 105 degrees. The angles can vary depend­­ing on the color separation system used. .3125"WHITEGUTTER Placecoupons ontophalfofad 0% 3. Total color saturation=220% Screening should be at 100 lines per inch. .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA Chicago Tribune/NTVB Glossy Stock TV Magazine advertising rates for September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. .3125"WHITEGUTTER Right page .3125"WHITEGUTTER Non-detail Highlight -4% Placecoupons ontophalfofad Placecoupons ontophalfofad Left page Cyan Magenta Yellow Black .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA 1/4"margin Rates: Tone reproduction aim points: .25"TRIMAREA .3125"WHITEGUTTER .3125"WHITEGUTTER 3.75" x 9.625" 1/4"bleedarea b. Tabloid Page 10.125"x11.5" deep Double-page Spread 21"x11.5" deep 2. G ray balance is essential to four-color printing. The color scanner operator must have accurate gray balance information. That is, the amount, in dot percentage, of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow ink necessary to ensure that neutral areas in the original will be repro­ duced as neutral areas on the printed page. Right page .3125"WHITEGUTTER NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea 3.75" x 8" 1/4"bleedarea 1/4"margin 21.0.........................262.5 18.0.........................225 14.0.........................175 10.5.........................131.25 All advertising will be billed by column inches as ordered (width in columns by depth in inches). Some shrinkage will occur from material to the printed product. NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea a. Standard Page 11.5783"x 21" deep Double-page spread 23.875"x 21" deep Left page All wrap pages except front NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea All wrap pages 3.75" x 9.625" except front Front Wrap only 1/4"margin Right page .25"TRIMAREA specifications Total Inches *Available in Tab Section only. Right page coupons on bottom half Left page 21. Color 3..............................18 3..............................15 2..............................10 Left page coupons on top half 3.75" x 8"only Front Wrap Reproducible Tonal Range for Electronic Scanning TAB Double Trucks 10.5 x 11.5.........................120.75 10.5 x 5.75.........................60.375 DirectorAd forbackwrap 1-3/4"x1-1/4" For Product Information and Mechanical Specification questions — please call our HOT LINE at 312/222-3635. Broadsheet Double Trucks Depth In Columns Inches (Each advertiser gets a 2.53125"x.75" tab as illustrated below) 1-3/4"x1-1/4" Velox material can be supplied if no digital files are available. E. Limited Availabilities DirectorAd forcenterspread 1-3/4"x1-1/4" 7.5"x9.5" .75"x9.5" .25"TRIMAREA 4. T he Newspaper will not be responsible for errors when correct proof does not accompany insertion order or for incorrect material supplied by another newspaper. No. Columns 1-3/4"x1-1/4" The Chicago Tribune requests that all material be supplied in digital format. This applies to color as well as black & white material. Macintosh platform preferred. Image Area Pop-Out Strip .75"WhiteGutter 3. T he Newspaper will not guarantee any positions, but positions may be requested for any page on which advertising is acceptable and will be filled, if possible, depending upon editorial make-up and advertising space demands. The Newspaper will not honor claims for adjustment, refund, or reinsertion because of the position in which an advertisement has been published. C. COLUMN WIDTHS FOR OFFSET MAKE-UP DirectorAd forbackwrap .25"TRIMAREA 2.53125" .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA d. Advertorial must be written in Helvetica, or block type only, including headline. No type with serifs. B. STANDARD SIZE PAGES DirectorAd forcenterspread H. MISCELLANEOUS .75"WhiteGutter .75"WhiteGutter c. The word “Advertisement” must appear once for every two columns of ad space between the advertisement and the Advertorial. All advertising billed by column inches as ordered (width in columns by depth in inches). Available in 1/4 inch increments. .75"WhiteGutter .75"WhiteGutter A. STANDARD SIZE SECTIONS 16. TV Week Popout Inserts .75"WhiteGutter 1. A ll advertising having the appearance of Editorial material must include the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ for each two columns of width. The word ‘‘Advertisement’’ must be included within the ad or a charge will be made for the additional space necessary to set the copy. 15. TV Week Front and Back Wraps .25"TRIMAREA Copy & Materials good quality and contrast for pasting in position. Screening for sections should be at 100 lines per inch. Minimum highlight dot size is 4%. Minimum opening for shadow areas should be 90%. .25"TRIMAREA 20. Mechanical Requirements .25"TRIMAREA 19. Regulations .75 .75 Order Deadline: Monday–34 days prior to publication Material Deadline: Friday–30 days prior to publication Full Page # 1 Non-Bleed: 9" x 11" Trim: 9-1/2" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 9-3/4"x 11-3/4" 1/2 Page(V) # 6 4/5 Page # 2 Junior Page #3 Non-Bleed: 7-1/8" x 11" Trim: 7-3/8" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 8-5/8" x 11-3/4" 3/5 Page(V) #4 Non-Bleed: 6-5/8" x 9-1/2" 3-1/2 col. x 9-1/2" 1/2 Page(H) # 7 Non-Bleed: 5-5/16" x 11" Trim: 5-9/16" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 5-13/16" x 11-3/4" 2/5 Page(V) # 8 1/3 Page # 9 3/5 Page(H) # 5 Non-Bleed: 9"x 6-3/4" Trim: 9-1/2" x 7" Bleed: 9-3/4" x 7-3/16" 1/5 Page(H) # 11 Non-Bleed: 4-3/8" x 11" 4 column format only Trim: 4-5/8" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 4-7/8" x 11-3/4" Non-Bleed: 9" x 5-1/2" Trim: 9-1/2" x 5-3/4" Bleed: 9-3/4" x 6-1/16" Non-Bleed: 3-1/2" x 11" Trim: 3-3/4" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 4" x 11-3/4" Non-Bleed: 5-5/16" x 5-1/2" 1/10 Page(V) # 12 1/10 Page(H) # 13 1/20 Page # 14 Double Truck # 15 ‑Non-Bleed: 3-7/16" x 5-1/2" Non-Bleed: 3-7/16" x 2-11/16" No color available Two 4/5 Page # 16 Annual Contract R.O.P. / BLACK & WHITE RATES Open Rate 6 Issues 12 Issues $41,400 35,900 $35,200 30,300 $33,100 28,500 $28,600 24,700 $22,500 19,300 Jr. Page 3/5 34,200 27,800 29,000 23,300 27,200 21,900 23,500 18,900 18,400 14,800 1/2 2/5 24,900 16,300 21,100 13,200 19,800 12,300 17,100 10,500 13,500 8,100 1/3 1/5 15,400 10,700 12,600 9,100 11,800 8,500 10,200 7,400 7,900 5,900 1/10 1/20 5,700 2,900 4,800 2,400 4,500 2,300 3,900 2,100 3,100 1,600 Full Page 4/5 52 Issues Annual Contract R.O.P. / color RATES Open Rate 6 Issues 12 Issues $50,400 44,800 $44,100 39,300 $42,000 37,400 $36,800 32,800 $29,500 26,300 Jr. Page 3/5 43,300 36,900 37,900 32,200 36,100 30,800 31,700 27,100 25,400 21,700 1/2 2/5 30,200 25,300 26,500 22,200 25,200 21,200 22,100 18,700 17,700 15,100 1/3 1/5 24,400 19,700 21,500 18,000 20,700 17,400 18,400 15,500 14,800 12,800 Full Page 4/5 26 Issues 52 Issues Two 3/5 Page(H) # 17 NON-STANDARD FORMAT DEADLINES In order to provide advertisers and agencies the very best professional results you’ve come to expect from the Chicago Tribune, we accept digital delivery of your advertisement under the following guidelines: Digital ad layouts (provided in any format other than Acrobat PDF) must be delivered to the appropriate Chicago Tribune office 24 hours before the system-ready deadline in our rate card. PREFERRED STANDARD FORMAT WE ACCEPT ADS CREATED IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRY-STANDARD APPLICATIONS: The Chicago Tribune will accept your Adobe Acrobat files via one of the digital delivery methods indicated here–up to the system-ready deadline for the section your ad is to appear in. • Quark XPress Please Note: this applies to Acrobat files only. Information about delivering files in another format is elsewhere in this documentation under “Non-Standard Format.” We accept PDFs prepared on any Macintosh, Windows or Unix workstation. Non-Bleed: 1-5/8" x 2-11/16" No color available Two 1/2 Page(H) # 18 • Multi-Ad Creator • Illustrator We accept digital ad layout files from the Macintosh system. • Freehand and Corel users should: —Outline all typefaces —Embed all graphic elements —Save in standard EPS format DIGITAL DELIVERY INDUSTRY STANDARDS/LIABILITIES Available through AP Adsend, AdTransit Ad Direct or through a graphic arts/photographic service bureau in your local area. All non-standard files and PDFs must be accompanied by a plain paper copy of the file which represents a complete ad in its proper size. Prints reduced to fit a small page must indicate the print has been reduced for this purpose alone. In addition, non-standard layouts must always be accompanied by all of the required fonts and graphic elements of the layout. If multiple layouts are sent on the same media, the correct file name must appear on each matchprint. Platform If you're providing us with PDFs and have direct internet connection you may upload your materials directly to us by using the Chicago Tribune's own web delivery site by going to and registering as a user or contact our Digital Ad Processing Department at (312)2223321 for details on any of these services. Non-Bleed: 14-1/2" x11" Trim: 14-1/2" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 14-1/2" x 11-3/4" 1/4" Gutter safety All colors must be created with a CMYK color model and all files should be prepared for process color separation. If your are new to the Acrobat format, The Chicago Tribune has prepared a simple guide for your use in properly preparing files for reproduction in our newspaper. Production Contact Advertising Contact Mechanical Requirements Chicago Tribune 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60611 312/222-4603 Fax: 312/222-3935 Chicago Tribune Magazine Sales Coordinator 312/222-2703 Fax: 312/222-3935 The Chicago Tribune Magazine is produced digitally for Rotogravure Printing Process. Contact Herb Bailey at 312/222-2645 or John Wonsil at 312/222-3907 for complete mechanical specifications. For Trib Cards, the color models used must conform to the color printing process used by the printer (i.e. spot or process color). Duotones must be converted to process color before your files are sent to us. Final graphics should appear in your layout files; we cannot be responsible for dropping in hi-res substitutes. Additional information on this or any other topic covered in the docu- mentation is available by calling Digital Ad Processing at (312)222-3321. ACCEPTABLE MEDIA We do not accept TrueType fonts. TrueType fonts will be replaced with a suitable match from our postscript font library when possible. The Chicago Tribune cannot guarantee accuracy in that event. Digital delivery is the Chicago Tribune’s preferred method of delivery. This eliminates the cumbersome use of disks and other media. We will, how­ ever, accept your PDFs on floppy disk, Zip, ZipPlus, Jaz disk or CD at our Chicago office at Tribune Tower. As is the industry standard, it is the sole responsibility of the originator to properly prepare and provide all non-standard files and PDFs. The Chicago Tribune assumes no liability for any work that does not adhere to these guidelines. Supplied Film Separations Only digital files will be accepted. Quark native files and Adobe fonts preferred. 8 26 Issues 18. Chicago Tribune Digital Ad Delivery Guidelines Non-Bleed: 18-1/2" x11" Gutter bleed only Trim: 19" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 19-1/4" x 11-3/4" 1/4" Gutter safety Non-Bleed: 1-5/8" x 5-1/2" No color available 17. Chicago Tribune Magazine (Rotogravure) For additional information, call PRE-PRESS PLANNING at 312/222-3321 9 Order Deadline: Monday–34 days prior to publication Material Deadline: Friday–30 days prior to publication Full Page # 1 Non-Bleed: 9" x 11" Trim: 9-1/2" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 9-3/4"x 11-3/4" 1/2 Page(V) # 6 4/5 Page # 2 Junior Page #3 Non-Bleed: 7-1/8" x 11" Trim: 7-3/8" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 8-5/8" x 11-3/4" 3/5 Page(V) #4 Non-Bleed: 6-5/8" x 9-1/2" 3-1/2 col. x 9-1/2" 1/2 Page(H) # 7 Non-Bleed: 5-5/16" x 11" Trim: 5-9/16" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 5-13/16" x 11-3/4" 2/5 Page(V) # 8 1/3 Page # 9 3/5 Page(H) # 5 Non-Bleed: 9"x 6-3/4" Trim: 9-1/2" x 7" Bleed: 9-3/4" x 7-3/16" 1/5 Page(H) # 11 Non-Bleed: 4-3/8" x 11" 4 column format only Trim: 4-5/8" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 4-7/8" x 11-3/4" Non-Bleed: 9" x 5-1/2" Trim: 9-1/2" x 5-3/4" Bleed: 9-3/4" x 6-1/16" Non-Bleed: 3-1/2" x 11" Trim: 3-3/4" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 4" x 11-3/4" Non-Bleed: 5-5/16" x 5-1/2" 1/10 Page(V) # 12 1/10 Page(H) # 13 1/20 Page # 14 Double Truck # 15 ‑Non-Bleed: 3-7/16" x 5-1/2" Non-Bleed: 3-7/16" x 2-11/16" No color available Two 4/5 Page # 16 Annual Contract R.O.P. / BLACK & WHITE RATES Open Rate 6 Issues 12 Issues $41,400 35,900 $35,200 30,300 $33,100 28,500 $28,600 24,700 $22,500 19,300 Jr. Page 3/5 34,200 27,800 29,000 23,300 27,200 21,900 23,500 18,900 18,400 14,800 1/2 2/5 24,900 16,300 21,100 13,200 19,800 12,300 17,100 10,500 13,500 8,100 1/3 1/5 15,400 10,700 12,600 9,100 11,800 8,500 10,200 7,400 7,900 5,900 1/10 1/20 5,700 2,900 4,800 2,400 4,500 2,300 3,900 2,100 3,100 1,600 Full Page 4/5 52 Issues Annual Contract R.O.P. / color RATES Open Rate 6 Issues 12 Issues $50,400 44,800 $44,100 39,300 $42,000 37,400 $36,800 32,800 $29,500 26,300 Jr. Page 3/5 43,300 36,900 37,900 32,200 36,100 30,800 31,700 27,100 25,400 21,700 1/2 2/5 30,200 25,300 26,500 22,200 25,200 21,200 22,100 18,700 17,700 15,100 1/3 1/5 24,400 19,700 21,500 18,000 20,700 17,400 18,400 15,500 14,800 12,800 Full Page 4/5 26 Issues 52 Issues Two 3/5 Page(H) # 17 NON-STANDARD FORMAT DEADLINES In order to provide advertisers and agencies the very best professional results you’ve come to expect from the Chicago Tribune, we accept digital delivery of your advertisement under the following guidelines: Digital ad layouts (provided in any format other than Acrobat PDF) must be delivered to the appropriate Chicago Tribune office 24 hours before the system-ready deadline in our rate card. PREFERRED STANDARD FORMAT WE ACCEPT ADS CREATED IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRY-STANDARD APPLICATIONS: The Chicago Tribune will accept your Adobe Acrobat files via one of the digital delivery methods indicated here–up to the system-ready deadline for the section your ad is to appear in. • Quark XPress Please Note: this applies to Acrobat files only. Information about delivering files in another format is elsewhere in this documentation under “Non-Standard Format.” We accept PDFs prepared on any Macintosh, Windows or Unix workstation. Non-Bleed: 1-5/8" x 2-11/16" No color available Two 1/2 Page(H) # 18 • Multi-Ad Creator • Illustrator We accept digital ad layout files from the Macintosh system. • Freehand and Corel users should: —Outline all typefaces —Embed all graphic elements —Save in standard EPS format DIGITAL DELIVERY INDUSTRY STANDARDS/LIABILITIES Available through AP Adsend, AdTransit Ad Direct or through a graphic arts/photographic service bureau in your local area. All non-standard files and PDFs must be accompanied by a plain paper copy of the file which represents a complete ad in its proper size. Prints reduced to fit a small page must indicate the print has been reduced for this purpose alone. In addition, non-standard layouts must always be accompanied by all of the required fonts and graphic elements of the layout. If multiple layouts are sent on the same media, the correct file name must appear on each matchprint. Platform If you're providing us with PDFs and have direct internet connection you may upload your materials directly to us by using the Chicago Tribune's own web delivery site by going to and registering as a user or contact our Digital Ad Processing Department at (312)2223321 for details on any of these services. Non-Bleed: 14-1/2" x11" Trim: 14-1/2" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 14-1/2" x 11-3/4" 1/4" Gutter safety All colors must be created with a CMYK color model and all files should be prepared for process color separation. If your are new to the Acrobat format, The Chicago Tribune has prepared a simple guide for your use in properly preparing files for reproduction in our newspaper. Production Contact Advertising Contact Mechanical Requirements Chicago Tribune 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60611 312/222-4603 Fax: 312/222-3935 Chicago Tribune Magazine Sales Coordinator 312/222-2703 Fax: 312/222-3935 The Chicago Tribune Magazine is produced digitally for Rotogravure Printing Process. Contact Herb Bailey at 312/222-2645 or John Wonsil at 312/222-3907 for complete mechanical specifications. For Trib Cards, the color models used must conform to the color printing process used by the printer (i.e. spot or process color). Duotones must be converted to process color before your files are sent to us. Final graphics should appear in your layout files; we cannot be responsible for dropping in hi-res substitutes. Additional information on this or any other topic covered in the docu- mentation is available by calling Digital Ad Processing at (312)222-3321. ACCEPTABLE MEDIA We do not accept TrueType fonts. TrueType fonts will be replaced with a suitable match from our postscript font library when possible. The Chicago Tribune cannot guarantee accuracy in that event. Digital delivery is the Chicago Tribune’s preferred method of delivery. This eliminates the cumbersome use of disks and other media. We will, how­ ever, accept your PDFs on floppy disk, Zip, ZipPlus, Jaz disk or CD at our Chicago office at Tribune Tower. As is the industry standard, it is the sole responsibility of the originator to properly prepare and provide all non-standard files and PDFs. The Chicago Tribune assumes no liability for any work that does not adhere to these guidelines. Supplied Film Separations Only digital files will be accepted. Quark native files and Adobe fonts preferred. 8 26 Issues 18. Chicago Tribune Digital Ad Delivery Guidelines Non-Bleed: 18-1/2" x11" Gutter bleed only Trim: 19" x 11-1/2" Bleed: 19-1/4" x 11-3/4" 1/4" Gutter safety Non-Bleed: 1-5/8" x 5-1/2" No color available 17. Chicago Tribune Magazine (Rotogravure) For additional information, call PRE-PRESS PLANNING at 312/222-3321 9 2. A ll Advertorial advertisements or sections must be pre-approved by Chicago Tribune management before publication deadline. Standard pages will be prepared to 11.5783” x 21”—6 columns per page. Double trucks including gutter will be prepared 23.875” x 21”. Gutters charged as 1/2 column. a. Advertisements cannot be only Advertorial. b. Advertorial must appear below advertisement. e. No writers bylines are allowed in the story. 5. A charge of $60.00 per column will be made for advertisements set and not published within 30 days. One setting and one revision of proofs allowed. Cancellation of orders not accepted after deadline. 6. S ervice charge for use of a newspaper office box number in all display advertisements, regardless of the number of insertions utilizing that particular number—$100.00, noncommissionable and not subject to discounts 7. T he Newspaper will not be responsible for drawings or material left at its offices over 10 days. 8. T he Newspaper reserves the right to lighten heavy black illustrations, borders, bold captions, or reverse type by the use of a screen to 70% of black. This includes heavy type over one pica in width and borders exceeding two points in single column, four points in double column, or six points in larger advertisements. Changes required shall be at the expense of the advertiser. 9. V eloxes made by the Newspaper will be charged for. 10. Finished art cost estimates are available on request. 11. The Newspaper’s liability for an error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. Credit allowed for first insertion only. Contact your sales representative for more details. 12. All orders must state the specific space desired by designating the width in columns and exact depth in inches. The Newspaper will bill the advertiser for the exact space ordered. 13. Key numbers and coupons in advertisements are accepted at the advertiser’s risk. Ad Sizes (in inches) 1 column 2 columns 3 columns 4 columns 5 columns 6 columns Standard Double 1.8260” 3.7764” 5.7269” 7.6774” 9.6278 11.5783” 23.8750” D. TAB MODULAR SIZES Size Dimensions 1/8 page Horizontal 1/4 page Horizontal 1/2 page Horizontal 1/2 page Vertical Full Page Tab Double 5” W x 2.875”D 5” W x 5.75” D 10.125” W x 5.75” D 5” W x 11.5” D 10.125” W x 11.5” D 21” W x 11.5” D 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 x x x x Strip Ads 6 *5 *5 x x x 1. C olor page material sizes are the same as for black and white material. The Chicago Tribune does not include 13-inchdeep ad sizes designed for tabloid newspapers as modular sizes. The Newspaper will float 13-inch material in 14-inch ad space, and bill the advertiser at the modular rate for the entire space. F. SHRINKAGE/CAMERA REDUCTION A broadsheet page will be reduced in depth by approximately 2.3%. G. PRINTING MATERIAL Photocomposition ads having a combination of illustrations and type can be processed without incurring an additional charge provided the illustrations, etc. furnished are at actual size and of 10 1/4"bleedarea 1/4"margin 1/4"bleedarea Open 6-12 times 26+ times Front Wrap $34,650 $27,200 $24,780 $29/M Back Wrap 22,260 18,590 16,070 29/M 36,750 31,500 26,250 37/M 00% 00% 0-0% Front Page Popout Highlight 04% 02% 02% 0-0% *minimum 300,000 Quartertone 20% 14% 14% 0-0% Midtone 33% 28% 28% Shadow 66% 56% 56% -54% Minimum screen: 20% .3125"WHITEGUTTER Part Run* .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA .3125"WHITEGUTTER =.25"Trimmed .3125"WHITEGUTTER .25"TRIMAREA (see diagram on right) Placecoupons =.25"Trimmed =FullPageImageArea 5. A dvertisers should furnish digital files (PDF or native) in accord with CT digital ad delivery guidelines. 6. A d-Litho #81 Blue, #82 Red and #83 Yellow are our stock process inks. All spot colors should be treated as CMYK process colors. All other inks are considered special. Requests for special inks must accompany original order and be cleared for availa­bility. There is an additional charge for special inks. Rates are provided on request. 7 .25"TRIMAREA .75" =FullPageImageArea =Stripbeforetrim .3125"WHITEGUTTER =Stripbeforetrim (see diagram on right) .25"TRIMAREA =.25"Trimmed =FullPageImageArea (see diagram on right) .3125"WHITEGUTTER Placecoupons onbottomhalfofad Placecoupons onbottomhalfofad .3125"WHITEGUTTER =Stripbeforetrim onbottomhalfofad 4.Screen angles to be considered: The black, magenta, and cyan screens are placed 30 degrees apart. This difference in the angles produces the least objection­able moire. Yellow, as the lightest color, is placed between the magenta and cyan. The usual screen angles are Black 45 degrees; Magenta 75 degrees; Yellow 90 degrees; Cyan 105 degrees. The angles can vary depend­­ing on the color separation system used. .3125"WHITEGUTTER Placecoupons ontophalfofad 0% 3. Total color saturation=220% Screening should be at 100 lines per inch. .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA Chicago Tribune/NTVB Glossy Stock TV Magazine advertising rates for September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. .3125"WHITEGUTTER Right page .3125"WHITEGUTTER Non-detail Highlight -4% Placecoupons ontophalfofad Placecoupons ontophalfofad Left page Cyan Magenta Yellow Black .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA 1/4"margin Rates: Tone reproduction aim points: .25"TRIMAREA .3125"WHITEGUTTER .3125"WHITEGUTTER 3.75" x 9.625" 1/4"bleedarea b. Tabloid Page 10.125"x11.5" deep Double-page Spread 21"x11.5" deep 2. G ray balance is essential to four-color printing. The color scanner operator must have accurate gray balance information. That is, the amount, in dot percentage, of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow ink necessary to ensure that neutral areas in the original will be repro­ duced as neutral areas on the printed page. Right page .3125"WHITEGUTTER NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea 3.75" x 8" 1/4"bleedarea 1/4"margin 21.0.........................262.5 18.0.........................225 14.0.........................175 10.5.........................131.25 All advertising will be billed by column inches as ordered (width in columns by depth in inches). Some shrinkage will occur from material to the printed product. NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea a. Standard Page 11.5783"x 21" deep Double-page spread 23.875"x 21" deep Left page All wrap pages except front NonBleed/Safetypeimagearea All wrap pages 3.75" x 9.625" except front Front Wrap only 1/4"margin Right page .25"TRIMAREA specifications Total Inches *Available in Tab Section only. Right page coupons on bottom half Left page 21. Color 3..............................18 3..............................15 2..............................10 Left page coupons on top half 3.75" x 8"only Front Wrap Reproducible Tonal Range for Electronic Scanning TAB Double Trucks 10.5 x 11.5.........................120.75 10.5 x 5.75.........................60.375 DirectorAd forbackwrap 1-3/4"x1-1/4" For Product Information and Mechanical Specification questions — please call our HOT LINE at 312/222-3635. Broadsheet Double Trucks Depth In Columns Inches (Each advertiser gets a 2.53125"x.75" tab as illustrated below) 1-3/4"x1-1/4" Velox material can be supplied if no digital files are available. E. Limited Availabilities DirectorAd forcenterspread 1-3/4"x1-1/4" 7.5"x9.5" .75"x9.5" .25"TRIMAREA 4. T he Newspaper will not be responsible for errors when correct proof does not accompany insertion order or for incorrect material supplied by another newspaper. No. Columns 1-3/4"x1-1/4" The Chicago Tribune requests that all material be supplied in digital format. This applies to color as well as black & white material. Macintosh platform preferred. Image Area Pop-Out Strip .75"WhiteGutter 3. T he Newspaper will not guarantee any positions, but positions may be requested for any page on which advertising is acceptable and will be filled, if possible, depending upon editorial make-up and advertising space demands. The Newspaper will not honor claims for adjustment, refund, or reinsertion because of the position in which an advertisement has been published. C. COLUMN WIDTHS FOR OFFSET MAKE-UP DirectorAd forbackwrap .25"TRIMAREA 2.53125" .25"TRIMAREA .25"TRIMAREA d. Advertorial must be written in Helvetica, or block type only, including headline. No type with serifs. B. STANDARD SIZE PAGES DirectorAd forcenterspread H. MISCELLANEOUS .75"WhiteGutter .75"WhiteGutter c. The word “Advertisement” must appear once for every two columns of ad space between the advertisement and the Advertorial. All advertising billed by column inches as ordered (width in columns by depth in inches). Available in 1/4 inch increments. .75"WhiteGutter .75"WhiteGutter A. STANDARD SIZE SECTIONS 16. TV Week Popout Inserts .75"WhiteGutter 1. A ll advertising having the appearance of Editorial material must include the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ for each two columns of width. The word ‘‘Advertisement’’ must be included within the ad or a charge will be made for the additional space necessary to set the copy. 15. TV Week Front and Back Wraps .25"TRIMAREA Copy & Materials good quality and contrast for pasting in position. Screening for sections should be at 100 lines per inch. Minimum highlight dot size is 4%. Minimum opening for shadow areas should be 90%. .25"TRIMAREA 20. Mechanical Requirements .25"TRIMAREA 19. Regulations .75 .75 8-3/8“ x 10-1/2“ TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ LIVE: 7-1/2“ x 9-3/4“ FULL PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 29.25 TOTAL INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES BLEED PAGE:WIDTH X 4-7/16“ 8-3/8“ x 10-1/2“ 6-9/16“ DEPTH TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ 19.5 LIVE: TOTAL 7-1/2“ xINCHES 9-3/4“ FULL PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 9-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 3/5 PAGEDEPTH VERTICAL 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9.75 TOTAL 9-3/4“ DEPTHINCHES Order Deadline: 29.25 TOTAL INCHES FULL PAGE Wednesday–18 days prior to publication 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 48.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. D 2/5AD PAGENO. A 4-7/16“ BLEED PAGE: WIDTH X 6-9/16“ 8-3/8“DEPTH x 10-1/2“ TRIM: 8-1/4“ x 10-1/4“ 19.5 TOTAL INCHES LIVE: 7-1/2“ x 9-3/4“ 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGEDEPTH VERTICAL 4-3/4“ 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 24.375 TOTAL 9-3/4“ DEPTH INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES 9-3/4“ DEPTH Material Deadline: 48.75 TOTAL INCHES Thursday–17 days prior to publication AD NO. E AD NO. G AD NO. F 1/5 AD PAGE NO. B 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 3/5 PAGE VERTICAL 4-3/4“ DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 9-3/4“ DEPTH 1/2 AD PAGE NO. HORIZONTAL C 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGE VERTICAL 4-3/4“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 24.375 9-3/4“ TOTAL DEPTHINCHES 29.25 TOTAL INCHES 19.5 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. H DEPTH IN INCHES 21" 18" 15.75" 14" 10.5" 9" 7" 5.25" Standard R.O.P. Advertising Units The number of columns in width by the depth in inches is the ad designation. 1x21" 2x21" 3x21" 4x21" 5x21" 6x21" 1x18" 2x18" 3x18" 4x18" 5x18" 6x18" 1x15.75" 2x15.75" 3x15.75" 4x15.75" 5x15.75" 6x15.75" 1x14" 2x14" 3x14" 4x14" 5x14" 6x14" 1x10.5" 2x10.5" 3x10.5" 4x10.5" 5x10.5" 6x10.5" 1x9" 2x9" 3x9"* 1x7" 2x7" 3x7" 4x7" 1x5.25" 2x5.25" 3x5.25" 4x5.25" 3.5" 3" 1x3.5" 2x3.5" 1x3" 2x3" 2" 1.5" 1" 1x2" 1x1.5" 2x2" (See Footnote*) (See Footnote*) PAGE AD NO. I 3/10 ADPAGE NO. D 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 2/5 PAGEDEPTH 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 14.625 TOTAL 6-9/16“ DEPTH INCHES AD NO. E 1/5 PAGE 4-7/16“ 1/5 PAGE WIDTH X 3-3/16“WIDTH DEPTH X 2-15/16“ AD NO. F 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ X 1/2 PAGE WIDTH HORIZONTAL 2-1/4“WIDTH DEPTHX 7-1/2“ 19.5 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 24.375 TOTAL INCHES 4-3/4“ DEPTHINCHES 9.75 TOTAL 4-3/4“ 11.25 DEPTH TOTAL INCHES 6/7 48.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. G AD NO. D 3/10 PAGE 4-7/16“ 2/5 PAGEWIDTH X 4-3/4“ 4-7/16“DEPTH WIDTH X 6-9/16“TOTAL DEPTHINCHES 14.625 19.5 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. H 1/5AD PAGENO. E 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 1/2 PAGE HORIZONTAL 2-1/4“ WIDTH DEPTH X 7-1/2“ 4-3/4“ DEPTH 11.25 TOTAL INCHES 24.375 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. L 14. Week ADTV NO. G TRUCK ROP Advertising AD NO. H DOUBLE WIDTH X 3/10 PAGE&16“ 1/5 PAGE BLACK WHITE RATES 9-3/4“ 4-7/16“ WIDTH X DEPTH 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH 97.5 TOTAL INCHES 3-3/16“ DEPTH Full Page 14.625 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 3/5 AD NO. L AD NO. I AD 1/4 PAGENO. F 4-7/16“ 1/5 PAGEWIDTH X 3-3/16“ DEPTH 2-15/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH 9.75 TOTAL INCHES 9.75 TOTAL INCHES DOUBLE AD NO. G TRUCK AD NO. H 16“ WIDTH X 3/10 PAGE 9-3/4“ DEPTH 1/5 PAGE 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-7/16“ WIDTH X 4-3/4“ DEPTH97.5 TOTAL INCHES 3-3/16“ DEPTH 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X 2-1/4“ DEPTH 14.625 TOTAL INCHES 11.25 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. I AD NO. L 1/4 PAGE 7-1/2“ WIDTH X Open 6 issues 2-1/4“ DEPTH $28,770 $27,960 11.25 TOTAL INCHES 19,290 18,920 DOUBLE TRUCK 16“ WIDTH X 12 issues 9-3/4“ DEPTH $26,780 97.5 TOTAL INCHES 18,440 9.75 TOTAL INCHES AD NO. I 24 issues 48 issues $26,110 $25,220 17,470 17,100 1/2 17,370 17,040 16,560 15,730 15,380 2/5 16,830 16,170 15,700 15,000 14,470 3/10 13,480 12,970 12,570 12,000 11,560 1/4 11,510 11,080 10,720 10,280 9,900 9,660 9,300 8,980 8,650 8,350 8,700 8,520 8,170 8,050 7,650 2,930 2,910 2,720 2,680 1/5 3/4 AD NO. L 1/2 strip 3/4 2,580 DOUBLE TRUCK 4 pages in 116“ WIDTH X 27,620 26,880 25,650 25,050 24,180 9-3/4“ DEPTH Mechanical Specifications Center Spread or Facing Pages—Double Space and Color. 97.5 TOTAL INCHES Color Premiums: Black and 2 or 3 colors $1,430 The Chicago Tribune TV Week Magazine is produced digitally. We would Four color process 3,380 prefer to receive EPS, TIFF and PDF files. The EPS and TIFF files are Position Premiums & Priority usually produced through Quark; the PDF files through Acrobat 4.0 version. Please use a Macintosh-based platform only. Please use 100-line • Back Page: $3,000 if available. Back must carry color. screen for all ads. Native files to be submitted for Spadea Popout. • Standard color priority positioning in effect: Four color moves spot color. Spot color moves black & white. Production Contact Advertising Contact Chicago Tribune 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 200 Chicago, IL 60611 312/222-4603 Fax: 312/222-3935 TV Week Sales Coordinator 312/222-2703 Fax: 312/222-3935 WIDTH IN INCHES 33⁄4" 5x7" 6x7" 53⁄4" 6x3" (See Footnote*) 5x2" 6x2" 711⁄16" 95⁄8" 115⁄8" Strip ads: 6 columns on 3" or 2", 5 columns on 2" (Tab pages only) are only available in selected parts and must be cleared in advance. Double Trucks (when available): 23.875" wide, 121⁄2 columns, available in 21", 18", 14" and 10.5" depths in broadsheet sections; and 21" wide, 101⁄2 columns, available in 11.5", and 5.75" depths in Tab sections. 1 column on 3" (and smaller sizes) not available in Zoned sections. 11 1/3 1/4 *Not a national SAU Size. See below for strip ads. 6 1/2 3/7 1x1" 113⁄16" 2/3 1/6 1/7 13. 22. Regional Closing Schedules/Deadlines Retail Rates REZ* 10. General Advertising Rates 11. Color Rates Acceptable in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes only. Day of Publication Section Order Deadline Complete Material* System-Ready Material** and PDF Digital Files Sunday Arts Thursday 5:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Books Tuesday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Business Wednesday 3:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Q Tuesday 11:00 A.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Home & Garden Wednesday 5:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Main News Thursday 12:00 Noon Thursday 12:00 Noon Friday 12:00 Noon Real Estate Thursday 11:00 A.M. Thursday 4:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Recruitment (Business) Thursday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Friday 12:00 Noon Sports Thursday 12:00 Noon Thursday 12:00 Noon Friday 12:00 Noon Travel Tuesday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Monday Regular Sections Friday 3:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday Regular Sections Friday 3:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 P.M. Column Inch Rate Daily - Full Run Open Rate $755 $300K 690 $600K 660 $900K 630 $1.5M 595 Sunday - Full Run Open Rate $300K $600K $900K $1.5M All rates are subject to availability and prior commitments. Color must be cleared 24 hours in advance of deadline. Color advertisements will be accepted in full pages. Less-than-page units may be accepted based on color availability. Minimum color ad size is 42 inches unless otherwise specified. Add-On and “Other” Rates $455 415 395 380 355 Regular Section Premiums Color premium added to earned Black and White rates. Color premiums are not subject to any further discounts. Full Run $1,135 1,025 1,000 955 900 $645 585 570 545 515 Sunday Daily $8,060 $10,720 Availabilities Color positions are available in most sections. Please consult your sales representative for color availability. Full run Other Rates Include: Special Section / Theme rates, Financial Notices “Tombstones” rates. a. Daily: Main News, Sports, Business, Metro. b. Sunday: Main News, Perspective, Sports, Metro, Business, Travel. Revenue levels reflect annual spending. Wednesday Good Eating Monday 11:00 A.M. Monday 12:00 Noon Monday 6:00 P.M. Add-On rates apply only to Monday through Saturday. Regular Sections Monday 3:00 P.M. Monday 6:00 P.M. Monday 6:00 P.M. Tempo Monday 11:00 A.M. Monday 12:00 Noon Monday 6:00 P.M. Thursday Regular Sections Tuesday 3:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tempo Monday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. At Play Monday 5:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. hen the same size ad with the same ad copy is published on an addi­ W tional weekday (advertising published on the same day as the original order does not qualify for the add-on rates) within a 7-day period (Monday through Sunday or Sunday through Saturday), the additional daily ads will be billed at the “Add-On” rate. Add-on dates must be specified on the original order. Friday On the Town Tuesday 12:00 Noon Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Regular Sections Wednesday 3:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Chicago Tribune Magazine and T.V. Week ads may be repeated in the daily newspaper at the Chicago Tribune SAU size necessary to accommodate the same ad and qualify for the daily add-on rates, providing all require­ ments are met. Your Place Tuesday 4:00 P.M. Tuesday 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 P.M. *Daily add-on rates do not apply to Thanksgiving Day Saturday Regular Sections Thursday 3:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. New Homes Thursday 11:00 A.M. Thursday 4:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 P.M. *At Tribune Tower. Color deadline material must be submitted 24 hours in advance of Complete Material and System-Ready closing schedules. DIGITAL/ELECTRONIC DEADLINES Midweek Shop Local Wrap Deadlines **PDF File Format: Follow system-ready deadlines. The order and complete or system-ready material deadline is Monday by 12 Noon, 9 days prior to in-home date. Any other electronic format—due 24 hours prior to system-ready deadlines. Weekend Shop Local Wrap Deadlines The Chicago Tribune reserves the right to substitute fonts when they are not included with the file. The order and complete or system-ready material deadline is Tuesday by 12 Noon, 11 days prior to in-home date. Call for specifications and acceptable formats. Chicago Theatre Directory Deadlines If a proof of the advertisement is requested, material must be submitted 48 hours in advance of Complete Material closing schedule. Daily: Double Truck: Final approved copy complete with screened velox prints must be received 24 hours in advance of above closing times. All orders are non-cancelable after deadline. Noon, two working days prior to day of issue. Friday Section, 11 A.M. Tuesday. Sunday: Noon, Tuesday for full-run circulation. Minimum size .5 inch, available in .25 inch increments 12. Premium Position Rates Chicago Tribune ROP Premium Positioning A select number of premium positions are available for an incremental charge. Advertisers paying the incremental premium position charge will be placed in some of the newspaper’s most visible positions. A limited number of spaces are available each day. Please note that Main News placement request does not guarantee color availability. Please check with your sales representative for premium position availability. The Chicago Tribune reserves the right to deny placement in premium positions based on ad content or type. The following rates will apply in addition to the space and color charges already being paid for each advertisement: The Financial Notice Rate is applicable to announcements of public and private offerings of securities, notices of redemption, or corporate financing. Qualification for, and application of the Financial Notice Rate is at the newspaper’s discretion. Premium Position*Premium Charge Mon-Fri 2x7 on pages 2-4 $600 The Financial Notice Rate does not apply to announcements of corporate takeover, proxy solicitation, corporate meetings or other notices to securities holders that is of limited interest to the general public. Sunday 2x7 on pages 2-4 Features Sections Back Page A. Tabloid Conversion Guaranteed Main News The Chicago Tribune does not include 13-inch deep ad sizes designed for tabloid newspapers as modular sizes in our newspaper. The Newspaper will float 13-inch material in 14-inch ad space, and bill the advertiser at the modular rate for the entire space. Back of Sunday Main News B. Double Truck Rates Full-depth broadsheet double truck rates are computed by multiplying the number of column inches (262.5) by the column-inch page rate at the appropriate contract level and rounding to the nearest dollar. 900 1,800 5,900 11,800 Back of Daily Main News 9,400 First Daily Color Position 4,700 First Sunday Color Position 7,100 Back Page of Metro 5,900 Premium PositionPremium Space Daily Sports and Weather Strip $7,100 Color Premiums for broadsheet double truck units are twice the standard premium color rate. Sunday Sports and Weather Strip 8,800 Saturday Sports Strip 4,100 Tabloid double truck rates are one-half the broadsheet double truck rate. *Main News positions are not guaranteed for November and December. 13. ROP Innovations Chicago Tribune is currently offering tailored ROP solutions to meet your advertising requests. Customized sizes, shapes and positions are available. Ask your sales representative for details. • Ad must be at least 56 inches • Ad must be full-run only • No supplemental rate card programs or special offers apply • Additional lead times are required *ADMARC IDENTIFICATION *ADMARC IDENTIFICATION 12 5 Fax Credit application to (312) 222-2599 Credit Services Dept A Tribune Publication Tribune Finance Service Center 435 N Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: (312) 222-3634 APPLICATION FOR CREDIT Date: / / Amount of Monthly Credit Requested: $ BUSINESS: Corporate Name: D/B/A (Trade Name): Dun& Bradstreet#: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone #: Mailing Address (if different than above): State: If Company is a .00 ) - ) - City: Zip Code: branch or ( Telephone #: ( subsidiary, list name, address & phone of parent company: Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Corporation Telephone #: ( Partnership Ltd. partnership Date you started business/assumed control: ) - Proprietorship Number of employees: Advertising Agency Nature & type of business: Has Corporation been registered with Secretary of State?: What State: Filing date: Have you previously advertised with the Chicago Tribune?: Under what name: Account No.: Date: Name & address of previous Business or employer: City: State: Zip Code: OFFICERS & PRINCIPALS Home Address: Home Address: Name: Name: Phone: Social Security #: Social Security #: Phone: MEDIA TRADE REFERENCES Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: Name: City/ State: Phone: Account #: BANK REFERENCES C-Checking Name: S-Savings CPD-Charge Plate Deposits M-Mortgage City/ State: Phone: Account #: The information set forth above, together with any information supplied in connection herewith, is provided for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining credit with the Chicago Tribune, is represented and warranted to be true, and you may consider the information as continuing until a written notice of change is given. You or any credit bureau or other investigative agency employed by you are authorized to make all inquiries you deem necessary to investigate the references herein listed and to verify the accuracy of the statements or other data obtained and to otherwise determine the creditworthiness and financial responsibilities of the undersigned. The undersigned agrees to pay for all advertising, services and charges placed by the undersigned in accordance with the credit terms, conditions and general information of the Chicago Tribune, including applicable rate cards, now or hereafter in effect. Advertising Agencies agree to be liable for payments to the Chicago Tribune and its subsidiaries for all advertising placed by and billed to our agency, regardless of whether the identity of our customer is disclosed. This statement renders void any statements to the contrary subsequently appearing on insertion orders or other communications from our agency, and we intend to be bound by the terms hereof upon execution and delivery to you of a copy (including any executed facsimile thereof) of this application. The extension of credit may, in the sole discretion of the Chicago Tribune, be increased or decreased at any time and for any reason. PAYMENT TERMS: NET 15 (DISCOUNTS WILL BE GIVEN PER RATECARD) Office Use Only Account #: Credit Limit/DT/ID#: Signature of Officer/Principal, Title & Date: Date: Sales Rep: Please Print Signed Name Sales Rep's Phone#: 812-48 (10/02) 4 Sales Rep's Fax#: 13 notes TRIBUNE MEDIA NET OFFICES General ADVERTISING RATE CARD Effective September 1, 2006 1. Index General Information Advertising Offices................................................................................... 1 Personnel.................................................................................................. 1 Rate Policy................................................................................................ 2 Contract Regulations................................................................................ 2 Commission and Payment Terms............................................................ 3 Circulation................................................................................................ 3 Classified Rates........................................................................................ 3 Rates Internet Advertising.................................................................................. 3 Regular Section Rates.............................................................................. 5 Color Rates............................................................................................... 5 Premium Position Rates........................................................................... 5 ROP Innovations....................................................................................... 5 Sunday Supplements TV Week.................................................................................................6-7 Chicago Tribune Magazine....................................................................8-9 Digital Ad Delivery................................................................................... 9 Requirements Copy & Materials.................................................................................... 10 Mechanical Requirements..................................................................... 10 Color Specifications................................................................................ 10 Standard Advertising Units..................................................................... 11 Closing Schedules................................................................................. 12 Application for Credit........................................................................... 13 2. Locations Advertising Offices CHICAGO 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611-4041 312/222-4150 FAX 312/222-3935 NORTH/NORTHWEST 1717 N. Penny Lane Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-5601 847/755-7400 FAX 847/755-7970 WEST 2000 S. York Road Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-8820 630/368-4100 FAX 630/368-4194 Atlanta 2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1105 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 770/433-9554 FAX 770/433-1927 Chicago 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200 Chicago, Illinois 60611 312/527-8119 FAX 312/527-8117 Dallas 12900 Preston Road, Suite 615 Dallas, Texas 75230 972/789-6920 FAX 972/789-2737 Detroit 19500 Victor Parkway, Suite 100 Livonia, Michigan 48152 734/464-6500 FAX 734/464-7188 Los Angeles 202 W. First Street, Suite 700 Los Angeles, California 90012 213/237-2135 FAX 213/237-2007 Miami 150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 1100 Miami, Florida 33131 305/329-3140 FAX 305/347-7980 New York 2 Park Ave., 8th Flr. New York, New York 10016 212/448-2600 FAX 212/448-2629 San Francisco 111 Pine Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, California 94111 415/693-5600 FAX 415/391-4992 Mexico Towmar Representaciones Profesionales, S.A. Presa de la Angostura No. 8 Mexico City 11500, D.F. 905/395-5888 3. Personnel Senior Vice President, Advertising, Kenneth J. DePaola 312/222-3126 Co-op Information 630/368-4113 Sunday Magazine Manager 312/222-2703 Director, Preprints 630/368-4046 Production Information 312/222-4666 TV Week Manager 312/222-2703 Tribune Network Advertising 312/222-3754 Manager, Tribune Cross Media Sales 312/222-5560 SOUTH 18450 Crossing Drive, Suite A Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 708/342-5600 FAX 708/342-2780 All orders and ROP materials should be directed to: Digital Ad Processing Department, Chicago Tribune, 435 N. Michigan Avenue, 3rd Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60611 Telephone: Ad Order 312/644-5141 or 312/644-5144. / Material Processing 312/222-3311. / FAX: 312/222-4592 4. Rate Policy 5. Contract Regulations A. T he Advertiser agrees to protect and indemnify the Newspaper against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims for libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practice, infringement of trade names or patents, violation of rights of privacy, and infringe­ment of copyrights and proprietary rights resulting from the publication by the Newspaper of the Advertiser’s ads. B.TheNewspaper will not be liable for failure to furnish advertising space or to publish any advertisement due to strikes, labor dis­putes, government action, act of God, war, fire, breakdown of equip­­­ment, or any other circumstances beyond the Newspaper’s control. C. The Newspaper reserves the right to reject any copy. All contracts and orders are subject in all respects to the Newspaper’s rules and regulations as to contents of advertising matter, makeup, and current demands upon advertising space. D. Agencies and advertisers forwarding orders which contain incorrect rates or conditions are hereby advised that the advertising called for will be inserted and charged at the regular schedule of rates then in force and in accordance with the regulations in this rate card. A failure to make an order correspond in price or rules to the rate card will be regarded only as a clerical error and advertising will be inserted without further notification. E. Rates charged are subject to revision. Advertisers will be informed by letter or notice of any changes in or additions to this rate card. Changes or additions shall be regarded as supplementary to the rate card upon issuance of such letter or notice. Should any gov­ern­ment body levy a tax on any advertising covered by these rates, such tax will become an additional charge to the advertiser, over and above the rates mentioned herein. F. Political or public policy advertising is accepted on a cash-withorder basis only. Copy must be submitted for approval, and all political or public policy ads must have the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ printed above each 2 columns of width. If the ad is a unit size, the word ‘‘Advertisement’’ must be included within the ad or a charge will be made for the additional space necessary to set the copy. Regular General rates apply to public policy advertising and national campaigns. Co-op rates apply to state and local campaigns. G. General Rates apply: 1. To all display advertising of manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers of products or services. 2. To the display advertising of insurance; magazine and newspaper publishers; public policy; public utilities; TV, radio and communi­ cation companies; technology; transportation (Airlines, Land and Airfreight, Bus Lines, Railroads, Transportation Rental Companies); Cruise Lines; Hotels, Resorts and Tour Operators outside of the Midwest Region, and the retail business of manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers of products or services 3. To the display advertising of advertising agencies; clubs and associations; fraternal organizations; trade unions; general contractors and engineers. CALENDAR MONTH VOLUME AND ANNUAL CONTRACT REGULATIONS 1. In order to earn any inch rates, discounts, or allowances shown, other than the Open rates, an advertiser must be signatory to the Newspaper’s advertising contract and spend the applicable minimum advertising revenue or space in the Newspaper during the one-year contract. 2. Advertisers can combine the total revenue/inches used in all sections and editions of the Newspaper toward filling Annual Contract advertising space or revenue requirements, except that when an advertisement utilizing the same size is ordered in two or more regional sections in any issue, the inches will only count one time. 3. Contracts for the Newspaper’s advertising are for one year or more from the effective date. Advertisers signing an Annual Contract may apply accumulated non-contract revenue/inches to Annual Contract requirements as follows: the Newspaper will recognize billed revenue/ inches for a period not to exceed 30 days prior to Annual Contract initiation, and the Annual Contract will commence on the date of the first applicable insertion. All Annual contracts are subject to the Newspaper Management’s approval. The Newspaper does not accept contracts or insertion orders containing special clauses relating to legal liability or circulation guarantees and reserves the right to cancel contracts in which advertising is not inserted within 30 days of contract date. 4. Annual revenue/inch contract advertisers may choose to sign regional frequency contracts and will be billed at the contract rate. Annual revenue/inch contract advertisers without regional frequency contracts may place advertising in regional sections and be billed as follows: 250- to 750-inch contracts earn the 21-inch rate, 1,600- to 3,200inch contracts earn the 24-issue rate and 6,400-inch contracts earn the 96-issue rate. 5. It is expressly understood that frequency agreements are based upon the condition that the Advertiser use the minimum issues agreed upon during the contract term. Advertisers can count the total Retail issues used in all sections of the Newspaper toward fulfilling annual frequency contract requirements. Multiple insertions placed on the same day will count as one issue. 6. 50% of regional frequency contracts must be fulfilled within six months of contract starting date. 7. Advertisers signing regional frequency contracts will be billed at the frequency level signed. If the contract is not fulfilled all ads will be short-rated to reflect rate card rates for the number of issues actually run. 8. Regional frequency contracts can be upgraded by making a written request that is received within two months of starting date of initial contract. 9. Advertisers signing regional frequency contracts cannot earn a higher frequency rate. The contract period will not be extended to permit advertisers to meet the required number of issues. 10. The Newspaper may terminate the contract at any time without notice if the advertiser becomes insolvent; is the subject of a bankruptcy petition or is adjudged a bankrupt; makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or for any other cause considered sufficient by the Newspaper. In addition, if the minimum number of issues agreed upon are not used during any one-year period, the contract will not be renewed. The failure of the Newspaper to exercise any option to terminate the contract shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to do so. 11. The Newspaper reserves the right to reject any copy. All contracts and orders are subject in all respects to the Newspaper rules and regulations as to contents of advertising matter, makeup and current demands upon advertising space. The Newspaper will not be liable for failure to furnish advertising space or to publish an advertisement. 12. The Advertiser agrees to protect and indemnify the Newspaper against any and all liability, loss or expense arising from claims for libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trade names or patents, violation of rights of privacy, and infringement of copyright and other proprietary rights, resulting from the publication by the Newspaper of the advertiser’s ads. 4. To display advertising of Banks, Savings and Loans Associations, Stock Brokers and other Financial Services. H.Ifan ad placed by a tour operator, a travel co-op advertiser or a travel agent includes more that 10 square inches from any single transportation provider, the entire ad will be billed at the general advertising rate. I. ost advertising will be billed by column inches as ordered (width in M columns by depth in inches). Some shrinkage will occur from mate­ rial to the printed product. Regular Section advertising accep­table in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes (See pages 12–13), minimum ad size 1 column by 1 inch. Regional Section advertising available in Chicago Tribune SAU sizes only, minimum ad size 1 column by 3.5 inches. (See pages 13–14 for complete mechanical specifications.) Page rates are based on the number of column inches multiplied by the inch rate and rounded to the nearest dollar. Page to Column Inch Conversions Broadsheet Double Truck = 262.5 Inches Tabloid Double Truck = 120.75 Inches Broadsheet Page = 126 Inches Tabloid Page = 57.5 Inches 2 notes notes 6. Commission and Payment 9. Internet Advertising on Chicago Tribune Web Sites A. T o all Advertising agencies recognized by the Newspaper, a 15% commission will apply to these rates, including color charges, provided payment is made when due. No cash discounts are allowed. Color premiums are commissionable. The Newspaper will require prepayment from advertising agencies using or implying sequential liability or if any kind of payment disclaimer is used or implied on advertising agency insertion orders. B. Payments are due by the fifteenth of the month for space used during the preceding month. Credit privileges will be sus­ pended on accounts not paying by the 25th of the month in which a pay­ment is due. Payments must accompany all orders from accounts which have not established credit with Chicago Tribune Company. C. We reserve the right to cancel any contract and/or alter terms of payment: (a) if any bill is not paid when due; (b) if the advertiser and/or advertising agency becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, is adjudged a bankrupt, or a receiver of the property or business of the advertiser and/or advertising agency is appointed, or if the advertiser and/or advertising agency shall file a petition seeking relief as a debtor under the federal bankruptcy act, or if a petition is filed against the advertiser and/or advertising agency for reorganization under said act, or for adjudication of bankruptcy; (c) for any other cause considered sufficient by us. Chicago Tribune Interactive is the #1 Local News and Information source on-line for Chicago. (Source: Nielsen/NetRatings- June 2006) More Chicagoans get their on-line news from our trusted Chicago Tribune brand than any of the other national or local news and information sites. Chicago Tribune Interactive reaches more than 2.6 Million consumers each month (Source: Nielsen/NetRatings- June 2006). Consumers can find the latest breaking news stories on, in-depth local sports coverage on, and the most comprehensive entertainment guide for Chicago on There are a variety of display advertising opportunities on all three sites. Advertising is sold on a CPM basis against impressions served to the online audience, and can be targeted by Section, Demographic or unique audience Behaviors. Please contact your Chicago Tribune Interactive sales executive for more detailed information. Banner Tile Ad Rates Featured Ad Rates* Targeted Advertising $19 CPM $30 CPM Start at $35 CPM (*Feature ads include Leaderboards, Super Banners, Skyscrapers, Rectangles, and Half Page ads) Chicago Tribune Interactive will also accept most Rich Media ad formats. Please consult your Sales Executive for more information. Requirements and Supported Formats: Leaderboards—728x90 pixels (12k maximum file size) Towers—120x240 pixels (12k maximum file size) Skyscrapers—120x600 pixels (15K maximum file size) Wide Skyscrapers—160x600 pixels (15K maximum file size) Rectangles—300x250 pixels (15k maximum file size) 7. Circulation Please contact your local Chicago Tribune sales representative or the advertising department at the telephone numbers listed on page one for the latest circulation data, as information is updated regularly throughout the year. Animation is restricted. Supported formats include JavaScript, HTML, Streaming Flash and Quicktime 3.0. 8. Classified Rates All rich media formats must be tested by Chicago Tribune Interactive as least one week prior to start of campaign. For more information about Chicago Tribune Interactive advertising, please call 312-222-2583, or toll free at 877-867-4687. Or e-mail For classified rates, please refer to separate rate card. 3 • Full Run • Zoned SUNDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • Perspective •Q • home&Garden • Chicago tribune Magazine • A&e • travel • Books • tVweek • Comics • Real estate • transportation • CareerBuilder • Preprints • Fin de Semana (Sat/Sun) MoNDAY • Main News • Metro • Business tUeSDAY • Sports • tempo • Classified • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo • Classified • Redeye • hoy • ShopLocal (Tues/Wed) • Redeye • hoy weDNeSDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo thURSDAY • Good eating • Classified • Preprints • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • At Play • tempo • Classified • Preprints • Redeye • hoy • ShopLocal (Tues/Wed) FRiDAY • Main News • Metro • Business • Sports • tempo • Redeye • hoy SAtURDAY • on the town • Movies • Your Place • Classified • Preprints • Main News • weekend • Business • Sports • Redeye • hoy • New homes • Auto Mart • Fin de Semana (Sat/Sun) • ShopLocal 2008 CALENDAR S 6 13 20 27 JANUARY M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 S 3 10 17 24 F M 4 11 18 25 S 4 11 18 25 M ay M T W T F S 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 J U ne M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 S 7 14 21 28 S e p tem b er M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 S 5 12 19 26 O cto b er M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 eb T 5 12 19 26 rU W 6 13 20 27 AR T 7 14 21 28 Y F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 M arc h M T W T F S 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 6 13 20 27 J uly M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 N M 3 10 17 24 ov T 4 11 18 25 em b er W T F S 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 S 6 13 20 27 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 7 14 21 28 Apr M T W 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 il T F S 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 A u g ust M T W T 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 D M 1 8 15 22 29 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 ecem b er T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 General 2007 general Rates effective 09/01/06 Chicago Tribune | 435 N. Michigan Ave | Chicago, IL 60611 | 1-800-TRIBUNE |